EVENTI info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it - Rimini turismo

                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

The hotel of dreams
From 3 July 2021, all year long
Museum itinerary at the Grand Hotel in Rimini
'The hotel of dreams' is born, a museum itinerary that opens the doors of the Grand Hotel of Rmini to discover the
places and stories of a national monument since 1994 and known throughout the world , thanks to Federico
Nine workstations positioned in the hotel's iconic places; the garden,the facade,the hall and the Tonino Guerra
room where stories are told through texts, photographs and short videos.
Saturday 3 July, the event is also the theme of the Overture de la terrasse, the dinner on the terrace of the Grand

Località: Grand Hotel, piazzale Fellini, 1
Telefono: +39 0541 56000
E-mail: info@grandhotelrimini.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/GrandHotelRimini5L/?ref=page_internal
Orario: Free, by appointment

PERLarte - The exhibitions at the Palacongressi in Rimini
7 July - 31 December 2021
On display the works of Luca Giovagnoli
ERLarte - The exhibitions at the Palacongressi di Rimini, is a new initiative by the Italian Exhibition Group in
collaboration with Art Preview, Augeo Art Space and the Rimini gallerist Matteo Sormani.
The language of contemporary art, through the works of various artists, enters permanently the Palacongressi, a
place that with its distinctive and modern architecture, a few steps from the historic center of Rimini, has
characterized the city landscape for the past decade.
The first exhibition scheduled, from 7 July to 31 December 2021, in the Convivio space, is by the Rimini artist
Luca Giovagnoli. The exhibition is curated by Matteo Sormani / Art Preview / Augeo Art Space.
Località: Palacongressi di Rimini, spazio CONVIVIO, via della Fiera 23
Telefono: +39 0541 711500
E-mail: info@riminipalacongressi.it

A mid-winter day's dream
31 December 2021
Dance show by Acli Arte e Spettacolo Rimini in collaboration with CartoonClub
In the afternoon of the last day of the year, the Part - Palazzi dell'Arte Rimini, in the historic palaces of the Arengo
and the Podestà overlooking the central Piazza Cavour where you can admire the contemporary works of art from
the eclectic collection of the San Patrignano, hosts the performance 'A midwinter day's dream'. Among the
beautiful works of art of the museum, young and old will be able to attend a wonderful representation of a fairy
tale world and the fairy-tale life of the King and Queen with their elves and the fairies of the woods. Fantastic
creatures wearing incredible clothes.
With the dancers Sandra Holtzappel and Giuseppe de Ruggiero and their associated students of H.O.P.E. for
DANCE a.s.d. Rimini. Costumes created by Paul Mochrie.
Curated by Acli Arte e Spettacolo Rimini in collaboration with Cartoon Club.

Località: Rimini, Part - Palazzi dell'Arte, Piazza Cavour
Telefono: +39 0541 784193
E-mail: acliartespettacolo@aclirimini.it
Tariffa d'ingresso: 8 €
Orario: 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Volti da Copertina/Cover faces
From Tuesday 7 December 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022
Exhibition by the artist Ennio Zangheri at the Palazzina Roma
Exhibition of over 40 paintings by the Rimini artist Ennio Zangheri: Rimini celebrities, from Federico Fellini to the
big names in industry, entrepreneurship, sport, cinema and science.
Ennio Zangheri is a contemporary art artist. In 2019 with Behind the mirror he won the first Andy Warhol prize as
best pop work at Contemporary Rome Art.
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

The exhibition with the patronage of the Emilia Romagna Region, the Province and the Municipality of Rimini, is
hosted in the Palazzina Roma near the Grand Hotel in Marina Centro at the Palazzo del Turismo.
Opening Tuesday 7 December at 4 pm.
The exhibition is open from 8 to 12 - from 16 to 19 - from 23 to 26 - from 29 to 31 December and from 1 to 2 - and
6 to 9 January
Località: Palazzina Roma, piazzale Fellini, 3 - Rimini Marina Centro
Sito: www.facebook.com/pages/category/Artist/Ennio-Zangheri-Artista-110426145723790/
Orario: From 3.00pm to 7.00pm

Corrida di San Silvestro
Friday 31 dicembre 2021
Sport event - 6th edition
6th edition of the event (competitive, non-competitive and walking) that passes through the country roads of
Rimini passing Colle Belvedere and the characteristic historical ghetto of the Castle.
For the longest New Year’s Eve in the world, thousands of runners will meet in Rimini to exchange greetings for
the coming new year.
Participation in the event is open to all members recognized by CONI aged 18 and over.
Non-members can participate by signing a Golden Club card.
Località: meeting point at Bar Lunatico, via Clerici 5, Villaggio I° Maggio, Rimini
Telefono: +39 328 4659162
E-mail: goldenclubrimini@gmail.com
Sito: www.goldenclubrimini.it/corrida-di-san-silvestro
Orario: Meeting point at 8.00am, start at 9.30am

New Year's day bath
Saturday 1st January 2022
A plunge in the winter sea
Ice bath, lucky bath: a nice plunge in the waters of the Adriatic sea right in front of the beautiful sand Nativity
It has become one of the most expected beach events of the Christmas holidays and more and more daring
people want to take part in the plunge into the frozen waves of the winter sea.

Località: Rimini,free beach piazzale Boscovich and baths 65 at Torre Pedrera
Orario: At about midnight

Friday 31 December 2021 - Saturday 1st January 2022
Videomapping show for Rimini's New Year's Eve
On the night of December 31, a show of lights and colors, signed by the Milanese visual design studio
Karmachina, will animate the historic center of Rimini with abstract and pyrotechnic effects.
On the most awaited night of the year, the show will transform Piazza Malatesta into the heart of a widespread
experience that will see the buildings magically come to life, underlining the architectural elements that
characterize the façades: from the Palazzo del Fulgor to the tower of Castel Sismondo, passing by two of the
sides of the Galli Theater. The projections dialogue with each other, enveloping the spectators in a play of lights
with a strong emotional impact. A common thread that will animate the buildings surrounding the new urban place
that has been symbolically called Piazza dei Sogni, the square of dreams. A spectacular 25-minute visual with
images that will be broadcast throughout the evening.
Località: Rimini centro storico, Castel Sismondo, Teatro Galli, Palazzo del Fulgor
Orario: From 5.00pm till late at night

Music in the museum, waiting for 2022
31 December 2021 - 1 January 2022
EoS Quartet: from Bach to Led Zeppelin
To celebrate the new year, music meets art with the EoS Quartet, From Bach to Led Zeppelin
Starting from the great classical composers, passing through film music, Argentine tangos and milongas. The
concert ends with some of the most popular pieces of Rock and Pop music, with original arrangements.
Violins Aldo Capicchioni and Michela Zanotti; Viola Aldo Maria Zangheri; Cello Alessandro Culiani.
Località: Rimini, Museo dlla Città 'Luigi Tonini', via Tonini 1
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Telefono: +39 0541 793851
E-mail: musei@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.museicomunalirimini.it
Orario: From 10.30pm

Music in the museum, at the Surgeon's House
31 December 2021 - 1 January 2022
Happy New Trio
Music resounds among the mosaics of the Eutyches rooms unill midnight. Jazz music for a New Year dedicated
to soul music with the Trio composed by Simone La Maida: sax; Giovanni Baleani: guitar; Mauro Mussoni: double
In a trio you can do everything, it is the maximum expression of freedom. A way to greet the past year together
and welcome the future one in a place full of atmosphere, looking for something new ... and happy.
Località: Rimini, Domus del Chirurgo, piazza Ferrari
Telefono: +39 0541 793811 (Museum)
E-mail: musei@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.museicomunalirimini.it
Orario: From 10.30pm

The New Year of Culture
From 31st December 2021 to 1st January 2022
Extra openings at the Fellini Museum, at the Part - Palazzi dell’Arte Rimini, at the Galli Theater, at the City
Museum and Domus del Chirurgo, at the Visitor Center, on the occasion of the longest New Year in the world
Extra openings of the Fellini Museum, for a visit to the Renaissance rooms of the keep of Castel Sismondo, the
fifteenth-century fortress to which Filippo Brunelleschi contributed, which host real Fellini sets, developing the
more performative and emotional dimension of FM - Fellini Museum. Here, in the magic of the seventh art, the
photographer Enrico de Luigi proposes "Silohuettes of the end of the year", an experience with author
photography between portrait and technology sessions to make unique images 'blossom' (the photographic
creations can be downloadable and printable via specific link);
of Part - Art Palaces Rimini: in the historic Arengo and Podestà palaces overlooking the central Piazza Cavour
in Rimini, a selection of contemporary works of art from the eclectic collection of the San Patrignano Foundation.
Donations from artists, collectors and gallery owners;
of the Galli Theater: a place of extraordinary charm, inaugurated by Giuseppe Verdi in 1857 and inaccessible for
decades, now returned to its splendor;
the City Museum and the Domus: the history of Rimini is told through the archaeological section and the
medieval and modern section with works by Agostino di Duccio and Ghirlandaio, Cagnacci, Centino and Guercino
without forgetting the famous Pietà by Bellini;
of the Visitor Center (Corso d’Augusto 235), the multimedia and interactive path that leads to the discovery of
the city, starting from the Roman era when Ariminum was the primary Caput Viarum.
Località: Museo della Città, Domus del Chirurgo, FAR (Fabbrica Arte Rimini), Visitor center - Rimini historic centre
Orario: MUSEUMS on December 31st: 10 - 13 / 16 - 19 / 21 - 03. Free admission only in the evening. Museums
opening on January 1st: 12 - 19, VISITOR CENTER on December 31st: 15.30 - 19.30 / 20 - 22. On January 1st:
3.30pm - 6.30pm. Free admission

Volti da Copertina/Cover faces
From Tuesday 7 December 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022
Exhibition by the artist Ennio Zangheri at the Palazzina Roma
Exhibition of over 40 paintings by the Rimini artist Ennio Zangheri: Rimini celebrities, from Federico Fellini to the
big names in industry, entrepreneurship, sport, cinema and science.
Ennio Zangheri is a contemporary art artist. In 2019 with Behind the mirror he won the first Andy Warhol prize as
best pop work at Contemporary Rome Art.
The exhibition with the patronage of the Emilia Romagna Region, the Province and the Municipality of Rimini, is
hosted in the Palazzina Roma near the Grand Hotel in Marina Centro at the Palazzo del Turismo.
Opening Tuesday 7 December at 4 pm.
The exhibition is open from 8 to 12 - from 16 to 19 - from 23 to 26 - from 29 to 31 December and from 1 to 2 - and
6 to 9 January
Località: Palazzina Roma, piazzale Fellini, 3 - Rimini Marina Centro
Sito: www.facebook.com/pages/category/Artist/Ennio-Zangheri-Artista-110426145723790/
Orario: From 3.00pm to 7.00pm
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Cinema Teatro Tiberio: Melodie dal Borgo 2022
Sunday 2 January 2022
Musical show on the notes of maestro Benedetto Franco Morri, accompanied by the drummer Gianni Esemplare
and the voice of Giusy.
The village gathers around the piano of Maestro Benedetto Franco Morri for an evocative revival of music and
Admission is free with reservations required on the mobile number +39 349 4932474.
The donations collected will be destined for the Borgo's charitable work.

Località: Cinema Teatro Tiberio, via San Giuliano 16 - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 328 2571483
E-mail: info@cinematiberio.it
Sito: www.cinematiberio.it/
Orario: 3.30pm

Christmas concert by the Carla Amori Choir
Sunday 2 January 2021
At the Church of Santa Maria dei Servi
On the occasion of the Christmas holidays the Carla Amori Choir directed by Maestro Andrea Angelini, performs
in a concert at the Church of Santa Maria dei Servi, with Christmas music. Alessandra Montali on the piano,
Ibiyefiebo Harry on the organ.
The Carla Amori Choir began its activity as a polyphonic choir in 1979 at the Church of the Crucifix in Rimini.
Formed by about thirty choristers, it has among its aims the study and diffusion of sacred choral singing.
Admission to the concert by donation in favor of the S. Onofrio primary school in Rimini.
Info and seat reservation: https://nataleincoro.eventbrite.it
Località: Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Servi, piazzetta dei Servi, 1 - Rimini centro storico
Sito: www.corocarlaamori.it
Orario: 4.30pm

31 December 2021 - 2 January 2022
Videomapping at the Piazza sull'acqua
An animated video story on the Bridge of Tiberius which, retracing the message of resilience and brotherhood at
the base of the light installation "208" on the water and passing through the concept of hospitality typical of this
resort with its mix of Mediterranean people, speaks of Rimini, a provincial city anchored to roots and tradition, but
open towards the world.
DESIGN AND PRODUCTION: Municipality of Rimini - Open Laboratory Rimini Tiberio - POR FESR Emilia
Romagna Region 2014 - 2020 AXIS 6 Actions 2.3.1. and 6.7.2.
VISUAL DESIGN: Noroof Studio
Località: Rimini, piazza sull'acqua, Ponte di Tiberio
Orario: 31 December: from 5.00pm to 03.00am, Alsol 1 and 2 January: from 5.00pm to 12.00pm

Volti da Copertina/Cover faces
From Tuesday 7 December 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022
Exhibition by the artist Ennio Zangheri at the Palazzina Roma
Exhibition of over 40 paintings by the Rimini artist Ennio Zangheri: Rimini celebrities, from Federico Fellini to the
big names in industry, entrepreneurship, sport, cinema and science.
Ennio Zangheri is a contemporary art artist. In 2019 with Behind the mirror he won the first Andy Warhol prize as
best pop work at Contemporary Rome Art.
The exhibition with the patronage of the Emilia Romagna Region, the Province and the Municipality of Rimini, is
hosted in the Palazzina Roma near the Grand Hotel in Marina Centro at the Palazzo del Turismo.
Opening Tuesday 7 December at 4 pm.
The exhibition is open from 8 to 12 - from 16 to 19 - from 23 to 26 - from 29 to 31 December and from 1 to 2 - and
6 to 9 January
Località: Palazzina Roma, piazzale Fellini, 3 - Rimini Marina Centro
Sito: www.facebook.com/pages/category/Artist/Ennio-Zangheri-Artista-110426145723790/
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Orario: From 3.00pm to 7.00pm

New Year's day Opera: Don Pasquale
1 – 2 – 3 January 2022
‘Opera Buffa’ in three Acts by Gaetano Donizetti at the Galli Theater
'Don Pasquale' inaugurates the new year’s day from the stage of the Galli Theater. It is an Opera Buffa in three
Acts by Gaetano Donizetti on a libretto by Michele Accursi but actually written by Donizetti himself and by
Giovanni Ruffini based on the playful drama by Angelo Anelli Ser Marcantonio in 1810.
Presented for the first time in Paris in 1843, Don Pasquale is an engaging work that tells the conflict between
generations in an ever-current way and stages a story that in the tradition of the Opera buffa takes as a reference
the characters of the ‘commedia dell’arte’.
PLOT: the elderly Don Pasquale decides to marry for purpose of disinherit his nephew Ernesto who, in love with
the beautiful Norina, does not agree to marry another woman. Doctor Malatesta, a friend of the family, intervenes
and prepares a plan to allow the two young people to marry without incurring the rage of their rich uncle.
By the Amintore Galli Lyric Choir.
Conductor: Stefano Pecci
Director: Paolo Panizza
Rimini Chamber Orchestra
Lyric Choir of Rimini Amintore Galli
Choir Master: Matteo Salvemini
Località: Rimini, Teatro Galli, piazza Cavour
Telefono: +39 347 3479750
Sito: corogallirimini.it/eventi/don-pasquale-di-gaetano-donizetti
Orario: 1 and 2 January 2022: at 5.30pm, 3 January 2022: at 8.30pm

Presepe in Darsena: Nativity scene in the dock
From Saturday 22 December 2021 to Thursday 6 January 202
In memory of Stefano Venturini
Also this year, in compliance with the regulations relating to the current health emergency, the retailers, the
committee and the associations of San Giuliano Mare di Rimini, propose the event in memory of Tete Venturini.
The Marina di Rimini hosts the event, where a floating nativity scene is set up on the historic boats of Vele al
Terzo Rimini.
Inauguration of the event, Saturday 18 December at 5.00 pm, with lightning and blessing of the nativity scene.
This is followed by the underwater torchlight procession and the arrival of the 'luminous Santa Claus' on jet skis.
The event ends with the distribution to children of panettone, sweets, hot chocolate and Santa Claus gifts, in
compliance with the anti Covid-19 regulations.
In case of bad weather the party is postponed to Sunday 19 December at the same time.
The nativity scene remains on site until January 6, 2022.
Località: Darsena, via Ortigara, 80 - Rimini San Giuliano Mare
Telefono: +39 0541 29488
Orario: Inauguration 5.30pm

Grand Concert of the Epiphany
Thursday 6 January 2022
Rimini Youth Band & Einstein Youth OrcheStar and Rimini City Band
For the Christmas concerts of the Filarmonica Città di Rimini, performance by the Youth Band of the city of Rimini
& Einstein youth OrcheStar directed by M. Andrea Brugnettini and M. Davide Tura (at 3 pm).
Followed by the performance of the City of Rimini Band directed by M. Jader Abbondanza (5.30 pm).
At the end of the first concert it is necessary to leave the theater to allow the sanitation operations.
Free admission upon reservation at the Whatsapp number +39 331 6468363
Località: Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 331 6468363
E-mail: bandacittadirimini@gmail.com
Sito: www.bandacittadirimini.it
Orario: From 3.00pm Banda Giovanile città di Rimini & Einstein youth OrcheStar, From 5.30pm Banda Città di

Befana Borgo Run
Thursday 6 January 2022
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Non-competitive walk in Borgo San Giuliano
Non competitive walk in search of the Befane hidden in the maze of the narrow streets of the old fishermen's
The event is for charity: the participation fees are entirely donated.
In addition to the traditional sock for each member, various prizes and a "special prize in didactic material" to the
elementary school with the highest number of participants.
Event organized by La Società de Borg in collaboration with Grip Dimension Heavents, Rimini Marathon, Borgo
San Giuliano business association.

Località: ponte di Tiberio (partenza e arrivo) - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Sito: www.societadeborg.it
Orario: From 10am to 11am registration , 11.15am start, 12.15 award ceremony

Befana in Rimini
Thursday 6 January 2022
In Notrh and South Rimini
In Rivabella with gifts distributed directly by Befana in piazzale Adamello.
In southern Rimini, the Befana arrives in Miramare, in viale Oliveti.
Località: Rimini, different places

The Christmas village in Miramare
Until 6 January 2022
Organized by the Pro Loco Miramare d'Amare
In Miramare, a Christmas village in the station area.
The avenue is decorated with lights, nativity scenes and with the house of Santa Claus immersed in a Christmas
From 8 December, during weekends and holidays, everything is accompanied by entertainment for children and
their families with the presence of Santa Claus. On January 6, the proposal ends with the arrival of the Befana.

Località: via Oliveti - Rimini Miramare
E-mail: miramaredamare@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/prolocomiramare/

Itinerant Nativity Scenes from the World
From 8 December 2021 to 6 January 2022
Multi-ethnic representations on the theme 'All Brothers', 18th edition
The exhibition of the Nativity Scenes from the World returns in itinerant mode in the shop windows of the historic
An exhortation to hope and an opportunity for reflection, knowledge and religious and cultural exchange that is
proposed to the city in order to increase the feeling of fraternity, as the title itself suggests: 'Brothers All'.
A brochure with the location of the Nativity scenes on display and an explanation of the individual representations
is available in the shops and information offices.
Organized by the Diocesan Caritas of Rimini, together with the pastoral care of migrants with the main immigrant
communities of the diocese of Rimini.
Follow on www.facebook.com/caritasrimini/
Località: Rimini, shops in the historic center
E-mail: caritas©caritas.rimini.it
Sito: www.caritas.rimini.it

Mauro Pipani - Rena
From Saturday 13 November to Thursday 6 January 2022
Solo exhibition at Augeo Art Space
In a neutral space, suspended between the past and the future, Pipani presents in the gallery a series of recent
works that trace the sunny seaside of the Riviera, places that were always dear and inspirational to the artist from
The crystalline sails, the golden sediments crystallized on the surfaces of the paintings bear the signs of these
places and, the lightness of the material in continuous transmutation, is reflected in contemporary works
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

disconnected from a provincial context while maintaining the emotional imprinting of the "landscape" of the
The works float in a temporal universe, in spatiality, letting us glimpse the brightness of new landscapes.
Inauguration Saturday 13 November 2021 at 6.00pm.
Località: Augeo Art Space, Corso d’Augusto, 217 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 53720
E-mail: info@art-preview.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/augeoartspace/
Orario: From Tuesady to Saturday from 10.00am to 12am and from 4.00pm to 7.00pm

Bright Nativity scene, decorations and Epiphany on the Bridge of the Miracles
Christmas holidays from 8 December 2021 to 6 January 2022
The longest New Year’s Eve
The bridge of the Resistance, where it is said that Sant’Antonio preached to the fish, is decorated for the whole
Christmas season with scallops, symbol of the Christians, decorated with good wishes phrases in over 60
languages, a multicultural initiative in memory of Davide Farinella.
On the bridge there is a luminous nativity scene with the Holy Family between the Angels and the stylized figures
of the Magi, made by Salvatore Federici. Here you can also admire the Nativity in polychrome wood by the
"Friends of the Sea".
'Epiphany on the bridge', the Sacred Representation of the Nativity in a naval procession with the Magi, on board
of boats, bringing gifts to the Baby Jesus, is cancelled in compliance with the provisions of the new government
decree to protect the health of citizens.
The initiative is organized by the Ponte dei Miracoli Association in collaboration with the Rimini seafaring.
Località: Ponte della Resistenza - Rimini San Giuliano Mare
Telefono: +39 340 3835567
Sito: pontedeimiracoli.blogspot.com

Dante's works in the history of Gambalunga Library
From Friday 10 September to Saturday 8 January 2022
Exhibition as part of 'Dante and the Divine Comedy in Emilia Romagna'
The exhibit highlights the presence of Dante in the Gambalunga Library, beautifully represented by the
Gradenighiano Code, dating back to the end of the 14th century. It will include the most significant editions of
Dante’s other works, along with books and studies on Dante. Free admission on the regular Library opening
hours. Booking is mandatory
Località: Biblioteca Gambalunga, via Gambalunga 27 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 704486
E-mail: gambalunghiana@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.bibliotecagambalunga.it/
Orario: From Monday to Friday 9.00am - 1.00pm; 2.00pm - 7.00pm, Saturday 9.00am - 1.00pm

Volti da Copertina/Cover faces
From Tuesday 7 December 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022
Exhibition by the artist Ennio Zangheri at the Palazzina Roma
Exhibition of over 40 paintings by the Rimini artist Ennio Zangheri: Rimini celebrities, from Federico Fellini to the
big names in industry, entrepreneurship, sport, cinema and science.
Ennio Zangheri is a contemporary art artist. In 2019 with Behind the mirror he won the first Andy Warhol prize as
best pop work at Contemporary Rome Art.
The exhibition with the patronage of the Emilia Romagna Region, the Province and the Municipality of Rimini, is
hosted in the Palazzina Roma near the Grand Hotel in Marina Centro at the Palazzo del Turismo.
Opening Tuesday 7 December at 4 pm.
The exhibition is open from 8 to 12 - from 16 to 19 - from 23 to 26 - from 29 to 31 December and from 1 to 2 - and
6 to 9 January
Località: Palazzina Roma, piazzale Fellini, 3 - Rimini Marina Centro
Sito: www.facebook.com/pages/category/Artist/Ennio-Zangheri-Artista-110426145723790/
Orario: From 3.00pm to 7.00pm

Sand Nativity scene at Marina Centro
From Tuesday 7 December 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022
This event is included in: The magic of the sand Nativity scenes
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

The sand nativity scene returns on the free beach of Piazzale Boscovich in Marina Centro, in the splendid setting
of the sea in winter.
Created by an international team of sand artists, the Nativity with life-size sculptural groups is presented among
spectacular Christmas scenes.
The inauguration is scheduled for Tuesday 7 December, but the nativity scene can be admired starting from
Sunday 5 December, since to give the opportunity to watch the sculptors at work.
The visit to the Nativity is guided. Visitors are taken on a fascinating journey through history, culture and art, with
explanations on the construction techniques, timing of creation and the various themes of the Nativity scene.
Admission costs € 3 (€ 2 reduced) and it is required to wear a mask and present the green pass. Reservations are
recommended for groups and / or agencies.
The Nativity Village extends over an area of ??about 900 square meters all indoors and also hosts a colorful and
lively craft market with handmade Christmas products and a bar area (free admission).

Località: Spiaggia libera Piazzale Boscovich - Rimini Marina Centro
Telefono: +39 331 5224196 - +39 338 6616407
E-mail: info@presepedisabbiarimini.it
Sito: www.facebook.com/presepesabbia.rn/
Tariffa d'ingresso: 3 €
Orario: Village opening hours: Monday to Friday 2.30pm - 6.30pm; holidays and days before holidays 9:30am -
7:00pm, Christmas holidays opening from 22 December to 6 January: 09:30am 8:00pm, Groups and school
groups: 10:30am - 12:30am every day by reservation only

Ice village on the beach
From Saturday 11 December 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022
Ice skating rink in Marina Centro
The Ice village 'with a sea view' rises in the heart of Marina Centro, a stone's throw from the Grand Hotel, near the
fountain of the Four Horses.
Children and adults can skate on ice just a few metres from the sea.
Access to the rink and skate rental are subject to charges.

Località: piazzale Fellini, Marina Centro
Telefono: +39 335 6288262
Orario: From Monday to Friday 2:30pm – 10:00pm; holidays and before holidays 10.00am – 10:00pm, During
Christmas holidays until 6 January: 10:00am – 12:00pm

Sand Nativity scene at Torre Pedrera
From Tuesday 7 December 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022
This event is included in: The magic of the sand Nativity scenes
On the beach of Torre Pedrera, the traditional sand Nativity. The Nativity, made entirely with sand and water, is
represented with a different theme every year, and can be admired inside an indoor structure.
Also this year the sand sculptors together with the staff of the local Tourist Committee have designed a new
scenography to amaze adults and children: in addition to the classic Nativity, in fact, Christmas characters and
many other scenes of the classic nativity scene will appear.
Another area hosts a characteristic market with typically Christmas products.
Inauguration on 8 December 2021, but it will be open by appointment starting from 4 December in order to admire
the sculptors at work.
Località: Rimini - Torre Pedrera, via Salvador, beach 65
Telefono: whatsapp +39 348 8702312
Sito: www.facebook.com/presepedisabbiatorrepedrera/
Orario: From 9:15am to 12:45pm and form 2:30pm to 5:45pm , Extended openings during the holidays

Nativity scene at the Arch of Augustus
From Thursday 23 December 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022
A Nativity Scene for the City
The traditional Nativity scene by the Zavatta onlus center, which represents the nativity in the heart of the historic
center and is organized with the contribution of the Association's operators and with the involvement of people
who attend training and social activities.
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

The nativity is traditionally set up in the splendid setting of the Arch of Augustus, until the weekend following the
Località: Rimini, Arco d'Augusto
Telefono: +39 0541 367121 (Associazione Sergio Zavatta Onlus)

Christmas and New Year’s Day in the amusement parks
5,6,7,8,12,19 and from 26 December to 9 January 2022
Appointments at Italia in Miniatura, Oltremare, Cattolica Aquarium
During the Christmas holidays the amusement parks of Rimini and its province are open.
'Italy in miniature', with 273 miniatures from Italy and Europe, is open on the occasion of the feast of the
Immaculate Conception and on Sundays in December (5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 19 December). Furthermore, from
December 26th to January 9th it turns into a real Christmas village, with the big tree in Piazza Italia.
Even the 'Cattolica Aquarium', the largest aquarium in the Adriatic, with hundreds of marine and terrestrial
species, observes the same opening periods during the Christmas holidays.
'Oltremare di Riccione', opens from 26 December until Epiphany, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the
Christmas atmosphere. The park is home to Blitzen, Santa's first reindeer, the wisest and most protective. In
addition, here, during the holidays, children will also be able to learn about all the Santa Claus reindeer, their
history, their names, how they fly and many other secrets.

Località: Various locations - Rimini

The magic of sand Nativity scenes
from Saturday 5th december 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022
The Nativity on the Beach of Rimini
In Rimini the sand Nativity scenes return in the splendid setting of the beach in winter.
Life-size sculptural groups give life to Sand Nativity and spectacular Christmas scenery, created by sand artists.
The tradition of Christmas revives on the beach of Rimini, with the giant sand Nativities on the beach in Marina
Centro and, in Torre Pedrera, at the Bagno 65.
Opening cerimony on December 7th in Marina Centro and December 8th in Torre Pedrera. The days before, the
nativity scenes can be visited on demand to see the artists at work.
Località: Rimini, free beach in Piazzale Boscovich, Marina Centro and bagno 65 in Torre Pedrera

Christmas markets
5 December 2021 - 9 January 2022
Event for the world's longest New Year celebrations
The characteristic Christmas Markets await you in the historic center of Rimini throughout the month of December
untill the Epiphany day. In the streets of the historic center decorated with Christmas lights, you will find typical
handicraft products, decorations, sweets and the most original gift ideas for Christmas.


Christmas Dream Market: from November 27, 2021 to January 9, 2022
in Piazza Cavour the traditional wooden houses host the master craftsmen, who exhibit their handcrafted
proposals and typically Christmas products among Christmas trees, Fellini and circus graphics and a French
carousel. Curated by Cna.
Hours: Monday to Friday 9 - 13/15 - 20; Saturday 9 - 21.30; Sundays and holidays 10 am - 9 pm

Sundays Market in December: on Sundays before Christmas, 5 and 12 December,
the Market with sale of non-food products takes place in the historic center, between Corso d'Augusto, Via IV
Novembre, Via Dante and Via Caltelfidardo.

Christmas Tree Fair: from 11th to 24th December 2021
it is possible to buy real Christmas trees and Christmas plants in the market area next to the old Tiberius Bridge.

Christmas Fair: from 15th December 2021 to 6th January 2022
the traditional and rich Christmas market takes place in Piazza Tre Martiri, with the sale of typical artisan
products, decorations, sweets and original gift ideas.
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Christmas Fair: from 19th to 24th December 2021 except on Wednesdays and Saturdays when the weekly
market takes place,
the Christmas market extends in the historic center between Corso d'Augusto and via IV Novembre with stands of
typical handicrafts, various objects and gift items.


Wonderland, Market and Santa Claus Village: every weekend from December 4th to January 9th including 8th,
24th, 31st December and 6th January and excluding 25th December and 1st January
in Viserba, piazza Pascoli, 11 days of celebration between December and January with a Christmas craft market
and food stands.
Markets opening hours: from 10am to 6.30pm

Christmas markets are also set up next to the sand Nativity scenes of Marina Centro and Torre Pedrera

Località: Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 53399 (Tourist information)
Orario: Full day, unless otherwise communicated

Guido Reni. "Landscape with playing Cherubs"
until 9 January 2022
Unicum. Tales at the Museum, curated by Massimo Pulini
As part of the Unicum exhibition. Tales at the Museum, the painting by Guido Reni, Landscape with cupids, is

The work is a landscape with Scherzi di amorini (Jokes of Cherubs) (oil on canvas, 77x60), re-emerged on the
antiques market and already attributed to Francesco Albani (or to his school), and is now recognized as a rare
masterpiece of Guido Reni's early production, commissioned by Odoardo Farnese with a provenance from the
secret dressing rooms of the Palazzetto Farnese.

The very refined hand is, according to the scholar Massimo Pulini, that of Guido Reni (Bologna, 1575-1642): “a
careful and fluid hand, capable of descending into botanical details and of maintaining an algid, clear chromatic
register; to move all the virtuosity of the pictorial orchestra without losing even for a moment the harmony of the
whole ".
Località: Manica Lunga del Museo della Città, via Tonini, 1 - Rimini centro storico
Telefono: 0541 793851
Sito: www.museicomunalirimini.it/
Orario: from Tuesday to Friday 10.00 am to 1.00pm and 4.00pm to 7.00pm; Saturday and Sunday 10am to
7.00pm, Saturday 1st Jannuary from 12.00 pm

Opera at the Cinema Teatro Tiberio: Lucia di Lammermoor
Tuesday 12 January 2022
Pre-recorded at the Vienna State Opera House, Austria
When the phenomenal Olga Peretyatko shows Lucia's fall, "music and theater come together in an explosive
mixture" (Wiener Zeitung). Juan Diego Flórez, the superstar of bel canto, is “probably the best Edgardo in the
world” (Kronenzeitung).
George Petean joins them as Enrico in the emotional triangle of love, hate and passion.Evelino Pidò on the
Località: Cinema Teatro Tiberio, via San Giuliano 16 - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 328 2571483
E-mail: info@cinematiberio.it
Sito: www.cinematiberio.it/
Tariffa d'ingresso: 12 €
Orario: 8.00pm

Ballet at the Cinema Teatro Tiberio: Jewels
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Sunday 23 January 2022
Live from the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow
Emeralds for the elegance and refinement of Paris, rubies for the speed and modernity of New York and
diamonds for an imperial St. Petersburg.
Three scenes accompanied by the music of three composers characterize the styles of the three dance schools
that helped make George Balanchine a legend of modern ballet.

Località: Cinema Teatro Tiberio, via San Giuliano 16 - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 328 2571483
E-mail: info@cinematiberio.it
Sito: www.cinematiberio.it/
Tariffa d'ingresso: 12 €
Orario: 4.00pm

In the world of Tonino Guerra
Until 23rd January 2022
Fellini Museum: the exhibition in the Isotta wing of Castel Sismondo curated by Luca Cesari
The exhibition returns the richness, variety and complexity of the poetics and the world of the Romagna poet and
screenwriter Tonino Guerra who for many years worked alongside Federico Fellini.
Curated by Luca Cesari, it is an extract from the Museum in Santarcangelo di Romagna that testifies the third
period of the poet's life and art: the return to the places of childhood, a new encounter with the land and ancient
crafts. Here are concentrated more than thirty years of imagination and industriousness, the last of Tonino
The exhibition itinerary presents the “lucciole di bellezza"/"fireflies of beauty", a collection of paintings, books and
objects conceived by the Master and created by the skilled hands of artists and artisans.
The exhibition dedicated to the great poet, writer and screenwriter from Santarcangelo is included in the itinerary
of the Fellini Museum.
Località: Rimini, Castel Sismondo, Ala di Isotta, Piazza Malatesta
Telefono: +39 0541 704494
E-mail: museofellini@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.fellinimuseum.it/
Orario: From 23 to 29 August: 10.00am – 12.00pm, SUMMER (1June – 31 August) Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,
Sunday and no working days: from 10.00am to 7.00pm Wednesday and Friday:from 10.00am to 7.00pm and from
9.00pm to 11.00pm Closed: working Mondays, WINTER (1 September – 31 May) from Tuesday to Friday from
10.00am to 1.00pm and from 4.00pm to 7.00pm Saturday Sunday and no working days from 10.00am to 7.00pm
Closed: working Mondays, Saturday 1st Jannuary from 12.00 pm

Nativity scene at the indoor food market
From Saturday 4 December to the end of January 2022
Handcrafted nativity scene with moving statues
In the center of the fruit and vegetable area of the indoor food market, an artisanal nativity scene with moving
statues of about 30 square meters is set up by the Gualtieri family, which has been making these works since
It can be visited for free until the end of January.

Località: Mercato Coperto, via Castelfidardo, 15 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 53898
E-mail: info@mercatocopertorimini.it
Sito: www.mercatocopertorimini.it
Orario: Inauguration Saturday 4 December at 10.00am, From Monday to Saturday from 7.00am to 7.45pm,
Closed on Sunday

Beer&Food Attraction e BBTech Expo
From Sunday 20 to Wednesday 23 February 2022
nternational event dedicated to beer specialties, craft beers, technologies and food
Appointment in Rimini with the 7th edition of the event dedicated to the Out of Home supply chain. Simultaneously
with the 4th edition of BBTech Expo, a professional trade fair for beer and beverage technologies.
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Beer & Food Attraction, the only event in Europe dedicated to the Eating Out Experience, is reserved exclusively
for professionals in the sector.

Località: Fiera di Rimini (Ingresso SUD), via Emilia 155 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0541 744555 (help desk)
E-mail: helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it
Sito: www.beerattraction.it
Orario: 20-21-22 February: 10.00am - 6.30pm, 23 February: 10.00am-5.30pm

Francesca 2021
From 8 March 2021 to 27 February 2022
Tribute to Dante and Francesca da Rimini on the seventh centenary of the poet's death
In the year of Dante's celebrations, Rimini dedicates a rich program of initiatives to Francesca da Rimini, the most
famous and beloved literary character of the Divine Comedy who has become a universal myth. After the success
of the event “Baci dal mondo | WorldWide Kisses " on 8 March, on the occasion of International Women's Day,
and which saw students and professors from twenty-five universities on five continents connected in streaming,
cultural events continued throughout the summer in the Malatesta lands between Romagna and Marche with
concerts, seminars, study conferences, exhibitions, educational activities for schools, guided tours and much
more, all initiatives aimed at recovering attention to history, the arts, memory and, above all, for the positive
values that Francesca represents.
Eight locations between Romagna and Marche are the scene of the appointments dedicated to Francesca,
starting with Rimini, the city of Francesca, and Gradara, the castle of the myth, up to Santarcangelo, San Leo,
Montefiore, Pesaro, Mombaroccio, Mercatello sul Metauro.
Among the top appointments in Rimini in autumn the ballet 'Francesca da Rimini' by Tciakowsky with Svetlana
Zacharova, étoile of Bol'šoj, at the Galli Theater in Rimini on 25 September, the convention on The Divine
Comedies of the Malatesta family at the City Museum on November 19th, the 'Dannunziana Dinner' with music
and performed on 25 November at the Istituto Alberghiero Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta and the exhibition 'The
Imagined Comedy' with precious 19th century engravings (City Museum December 29th, 2021 - February 27th,
The event, conceived by Ferruccio Farina, a scholar passionate about the subject and organized by the
Francesca da Rimini International Study Center, the prestigious scientific committee with international danteans,
is part of the "Francesca 2021"
Find out here the whole PROGRAMME
To participate in the events, which are free-of-charge (except the dinner) and limited to the availability of seats, it
is necessary to book on the website: www.ticketlandia.com
Località: Rimini, different venues
E-mail: info@francescadarimini.it
Sito: www.francescadarimini.it

Francesca 2021: The imagined Comedy. Dante's Hell, Purgatory and Paradise illustrated by famous artists
From Friday 29th December 2021 to Tuesday 8th March 2022
Exhibition at the City Museum
The documentary exhibition entitled 'The imagined comedy' is proposed as part of the Francesca 2021 project.
Dante's Hell, Purgatory and Paradise illustrated by famous artists, shows the birth of the 'imagined' Comedy in the
meaning of the story through images.
The exhibition collects some rare examples of ancient Comedies together with the most recent forms of illustrated
writing: from graphic novels to manga up to pop-up books. The splendid lithographic plates made in 1850 by
Franz Adolf Adolf Stürler complete the exhibition.
Reservations required for the opening day 29 December 2021 at 5 pm. Online reservations on the site
Località: Museo della Città, via Tonini, 1 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793851
E-mail: info@francescadarimini.it
Sito: www.francescadarimini.it/
Orario: From Tuesday to Friday 10.00am-1.00pm and 4.00pm to 7.00pm, Saturday, Sunday and non-working
days 10am-7.00pm, Closed on working Mondays, Saturday 1st Jannuary open at 12.00 pm

Negramaro in concert at RDS Stadium
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Thursday 10 March 2022
Contatto Tour 2021
After the great success of the single 'Contatto' and, of the homonymous album, certified gold, the Negramaro are
back touring all Italy and, in Rimini, with the zero date of the Contatto Tour 2021. Instead of October the tour
starts next year in March waiting for a a larger capacity of the stadiums.
Waiting for the starting of the tour in 2021 the Negramaro performed in a live streaming on March 19th. The title
of the event is 'First Contact' and is broadcast on the LIVENow platform.
Tickets for the tour are available on the official platforms Ticketmaster, Ticketone e Vivaticket. The already
purchased tickets are valid also in 2022.
Località: RDS Stadium, piazzale Pasolini 1/c - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0541 395698
E-mail: info@stadiumrimini.net
Sito: livenation.it/negramaro-contatto-tour

Sigep. The Dolce World Expo
From Saturday 12 to Wednesday 16 March 2022
43th International Trade Show of Artisan Gelato, Pastry, Bakery, Choco and the Coffee World
Sigep, now in its 43st edition, is the undisputed leading international trade fair in the sectors of ice cream, pastry,
bakery and coffee.
It is dedicated exclusively to professional operators from all over the world.
All the sectors are represented through an extraordinary exposition that anticipates trends and innovations for
everything related to raw materials, ingredients, equipment, furnishings and services.
It is a show that rewards world excellences, presents new formats, develops global networking and increases the
business between companies and professionals.
The edition of SIGEP 2022, with an appointment in attendance, is a unique opportunity to discover the new
scenarios lrelated to the epochal change of the out-from-home and, how this transformation will revolutionize the
way of doing business, both of companies and of all professionals working in the sector.
At SIGEP 2022 there are 28 halls, 1000 brands, 5 interconnected business communities: Ice cream, Pastry,
Chocolate, Coffee, Bakery; and the Vision Plaza with non-stop talks on supply chain trends.

Località: Quartiere Fieristico di Rimini, Via Emilia, 155 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0541 744555
E-mail: helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it
Sito: www.sigep.it
Orario: From Saturday 12 to Tuesday 15 March from 9.30pm to 6.00pm. Wednesday 16 March from 9.30am to

Amintore Galli Theater: Don Juan
Friday 18 March 2022
Theater Season 2021/2022 of the Amintore Galli Theater
On the original score by Marc Álvarez, the sixteen dancers of Aterballetto tell the story of Don Juan in a single act.
In the choreography, capable of underlining nuances and emotions, we find all the characters of the story, from
Donna Elvira to Donna Anna to Zerlina and Masetto. The dance becomes a magnifying glass of the individual
characters and revealing the interior world of the men and women on stage in a subtle but evident way.
Even more important is the connection with contemporaneity and relevant themes appear in the background,
including the complexity of the dialogue between genres.
Through an innovative psychoanalytic and Freudian reading, Don Giovanni's relationship with the figure of the
Commendatore is rewritten, replaced by the introduction of a "Mother". And Don Giovanni becomes a human
being who probably suffered the great trauma of maternal abandonment. In every encounter with the other, the
serial lover looks for his mother and therefore cannot engage in any relationship or situation.
Località: Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.teatrogalli.it
Orario: 9.00pm

Teatro degli Atti: Night is my favorite day
Thursday 31 March 2022
Theater Season 2021/2022 of the Amintore Galli Theater
                                                                        info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

A reflection on the relationship with the Other through a meditation on animals and the ecosystems in which they
The dance breaks down and reassembles the animal practice of tracing and being traced, of searching and
The animal and the vegetable, the organic and the inorganic blend in the dark space of the nocturnal forest;
landslides and calls break through, breaking the quiet.
A forest that is neither virgin nor idealized, but technonatural, which includes and transforms the marks left by its

Località: Teatro degli Atti, via Cairoli, 42 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.teatrogalli.it
Orario: 9.00pm

Amintore Galli Theater: Monjour
Sunday 3 April 2022
Theater Season 2021/2022 of the Amintore Galli Theater
Monjour is a "contemporary cartoon" made up of bodies in flesh and blood, guided by the irony of Silvia Gribaudi.
The show, made up of two dancers, a clown / actor and two acrobats, deals with the relationship between body
and comedy, between drawing and aesthetics in the relationship between performer and audience.
What is their interdependence? What is the mutual responsibility between spectator and artist? In Monjour a
director / performer dialogues from the audience with the performers, deconstructing and reconstructing the
images that the audience sees during the performance and creating a comic and choreographic physical
Località: Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini centro storico
Telefono: +39 0541 793811
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.teatrogalli.it
Orario: 9.00pm

Sfera Ebbasta in concert at the RDS Stadium
Thursday 9 Aprile 2022
Famoso Tour 2021
The successful and a record holder of sales, the Italian artist Sfera Ebbasta, starts with a tour from September
2021 that touches the main Italian cities.

The rapper arrives in Rimini, on the stage of the RDS Stadium on 11 September 2021, presenting his new album
entitled 'Famoso'.

The tour is another important chapter in the live dimension and in the career of Sfera, a unique, futuristic show in
line with the now international standards of Sfera Ebbasta's work.

Info and tickets on TicketOne
Località: RDS Stadium, piazzale Pasolini 1/c - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0541 395698
E-mail: info@stadiumrimini.net
Sito: www.tridentmusic.it/eventi-trident-music/famoso-tour/sfera-ebbasta-rds-stadium-rimini.html
Orario: 9.00pm

Amintore Galli Theater: theater season 2021/2022
From 9 October 2021 to 12 April 2022
Prose, music and dance
The 2021/2022 edition of the theater season, presents a wide program of shows - from prose to operetta, from
dance to author's monologue, from comedy to contemporary - which is divided into two theaters, the Galli Theater
and the Teatro degli Atti, with a calendar that often includes double performances or more performances.
Alongside the recoveries of the shows canceled in the previous season due to the health emergency, the bill
includes several artists and companies performing in the city's theaters for the first time. 36 titles and more than
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

60 shows .
Among the protagonists of the bill: Sonia Bergamasco with Vinicio Marchioni, Federico Buffa, César Brie, Arturo
Brachetti, Ascanio Celestini, Arturo Cirillo, Lella Costa, Simone Cristicchi, Emma Dante, Filippo Dini, Oscar De
Summa, Paola Gassman with Ugo Pagliai, Elio Germano with Teho Teardo, Annamaria Guarnieri and Giulia
Lazzarini, Sebastiano Lo Monaco, Glauco Mauri with Roberto Sturno, Maria Amelia Monti, the Motus, Paolo Nani,
Silvio Orlando.
The tickets pre-sale for the November and December shows starts in mid-October. The presale for the October
shows, Stal Mami (Città Teatro) and Paradiso XXXIII, starts on Sunday 26 September, both at the ticket office of
the Galli Theater and online on the website www.teatrogalli.it. For the shows Tell Tale (Teatro Patalò) and
L’istruttoria (Mulino di Amleto Teatro), online presales are active respectively on the oooh.events channel and via
email at info@mulinodiamletoteatro.com
To download the complete program CLICK here.
Località: Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour e Teatro degli Atti, via Cairoli, 42 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.teatrogalli.it/it/news/riparte-stagione-prosa

93rd Alpine National Muster in Rimini
May 2022
The first time of the Penne Nere ('black feathers') in Rimini, on the centenary of the national gathering
The 'Black feathers' (this is how the Italian mountain troops are nicknamed) arrive for the first time on the
It will be a special edition because 100 years have passed since the first spontaneous meeting of the Alpine
troops. The gathering, at first scheduled for May 2020 in Rimini, has been postponed to May 2022 to cope with
coronavirus emergency.
The 2021 gathering will be the first held simoultaneously in Italy and abroad, involving the territory of San Marino.
The 'Alpini' registered in ANA are approximately 350 thousand, divided into 110 sections, 80 in Italy and 30
abroad. Among them there will also be 4,500 members of the Bolognese-Romagna section of the Ana "Angelo
Manaresi", chaired by Vittorio Costa, who also includes citizens from the Republic of San Marino.
Località: Rimini
Telefono: +39 0541 1648069 - Tourist info +39 0541.53399
E-mail: segreteria@adunataalpini2020.it
Sito: www.facebook.com/AdunataANA/

Tecna in Rimini Expo centre
The International Exhibition of technology and supplies for the Ceramic and Brick Industries - 27th edition
Tecnargilla is the most important event in the world for the ceramic and brick industry.

It offers the widest range of products and hosts the major producers of technologies for the tile, sanitaryware,
brick, tableware, refractory and technical ceramics sectors.

The new products of the future are previewed at Tecnargilla.
Località: Rimini Fiera, via Emilia 155 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 041 2719009
E-mail: info@iegexpo.it.
Sito: en.tecnargilla.it/
Orario: From 9.30 am to 6 pm

Le Cirque Alis Christmas Gala
From Friday 2 to Sunday 4 December 2022
Show with the world stars of the modern circus
An international Grand Gala of contemporary circus excellence, a unique 90-minute show without interruptions.
The Alis show is presented by Le Cirque World's Top Performers, a project that interprets and promotes the
modern animal-free circus.
The event scheduled in Rimini in 2020 and postponed to November 27, 2021, has been postponed again to
December 2-3-4, 2022. Previously purchased tickets remain valid for the new date.
Località: Nuovo Palazzo dello Sport (ex RDS Stadium), piazzale Pasolini 1/c - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0541 395698 Nuovo Palazzo dello Sport (Ex RDS Stadium)
                                                                                                    info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

                                   E-mail: production@lecirquewtp.it
                                   Sito: www.lecirquetopperformers.com/wp/alis/
                                   Orario: 9.00pm

                                   Walk on the beach 2021
                                   Every Wednesday evening and Saturday morning all year
                                   Walk on the beach
                                   A weekly sports activity program for all those who want to keep fit in their free time and want to do it in company.
                                   Every Wednesday evening the training is led for an hour by the personal trainer Elen Souza.
                                   You can experience the beach as an open-air gym in a healthy and balanced way between body and mind.
                                   Località: Bagno 26, Lungomare Claudio Tintori, 30/A Rimini Marina Centro
                                   Telefono: +39 348 0981594
                                   E-mail: info@elensouza.com
                                   Sito: www.facebook.com/elensouzapersonaltrainer/
                                   Orario: From May to September: Wednesday at 7.15 pm and Saturday at 8 am, From October to April:
                                   Wednesday at 7.15 pm

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