2022 German - Humboldt-Institut

Page created by Rafael Lambert
2022 German - Humboldt-Institut
2022 German - Humboldt-Institut
Norbert Güthling, President   Lennart Güthling, Managing Director

Dear friends around the world,

Once again we have been eagerly awaiting it, and
now you are holding our brochure for 2022 in your
Another eventful and challenging year is behind us.
We have used the time for some modernizations and
innovations. Thus, we are looking forward to the next
season with great anticipation.
In our year-round school Bad Schussenried, we have
set up new seminar rooms and expanded the digital
equipment of the classrooms. Our teachers cannot
wait to enrich the lessons with new forms of teaching
and learning.
There is also news about our summer offer: The
course center in Kempten has moved further south to
the Oberallgäu. This new location is surrounded by
beautiful nature and offers numerous starting points
for outdoor activities. The fantastic view of the Allgäu
Alps makes the heart of every nature lover beat faster.
When we look at this brochure, we are grateful for
everything that we have achieved with you, our
friends, over the past 44 years. The journey is far from
over, though, and we are already looking forward to
the next chapter.
We hope you enjoy this read and we will soon see you
again at the Humboldt-Institut!


Norbert Güthling 		           Lennart Güthling
2022 German - Humboldt-Institut
Course Centers


                                                                         Berlin Brandenburg (BER)

           Heessen Castle
 Düsseldorf (DUS)
Düsseldorf      Schmallenberg
  Cologne           Wittgenstein Castle

 Cologne/Bonn (CGN)                                                               For adults
                                                                                  (ages 18 plus)
                    Frankfurt (FRA)                                                   Open year-round

                                                                                  For children and teenagers
                                                                                  (ages 7 - 18)
                Bad Dürkheim                                                          Open year-round
                                                                                      Open in summer


                                                          Munich (MUC)
            Bad Schussenried                            Munich                                      Vienna
                                              Memmingen (FMM)
                                  Friedrichshafen (FDH)                                              Vienna (VIE)

           Constance                       Oberallgäu
     Zurich (ZRH)
2022 German - Humboldt-Institut
 2      Course Centers                         31      ages 15 - 18

 4      Humboldt-Institut                      32      ages 15 - 18

 6      Instruction                            34      ages 14 - 18

                                                       Vienna (Austria)
 7      Online Courses                         36      ages 15 - 18

        Accommodation &                                Bad Dürkheim
 8      Leisure Time                           38      ages 11 - 14

10      Examinations                           40      ages 9 - 13

        Constance                                      Reimlingen
12      ages 18 plus                           42      ages 9 - 13

        Berlin-Mitte                                   Heessen Castle
14      ages 18 plus                           44      ages 9 - 13

        Constance/Berlin-Mitte                         Wittgenstein Castle
17      ages 18 plus                           46      ages 7 - 11 and parents

        German for Executives                          Secondary Education
18      ages 27 plus in Berlin-Mitte           48      ages 10 - 17

        German + University                            School Transition Course
20      ages 18 plus                           50      ages 13 - 17

        Bad Schussenried                               Prep Year for Upper-Level Students
22      ages 10 - 13 and 14 - 17               52      ages 15 - 18

        Lindenberg                                     Boarding School Experience
24      ages 13 - 17                           53      ages 10 - 17

        Schmallenberg                                  The Lindenberg Gymnasium
26      ages 14 - 18                           54      ages 10 - 17

28      ages 13 - 17                           56      German for Groups
30      ages 15 - 18                           58      Important Information

     Basics                   Courses for adults               Courses for children and teenagers

                        Humboldt-Institut e.V.
                        Schloss Ratzenried
                        88260 Argenbühl

Telephone                          Email                              Register of Societies
+49 7522 988-0                     info@humboldt-institut.org         District Council Freiburg
Telefax                            Website                            VR 380570
+49 7522 988-988                   www.humboldt-institut.org
Bank Details
UniCredit Bank AG                                  Volksbank Ulm-Biberach eG
70173 Stuttgart                                    89073 Ulm
Germany                                            Germany
BIC: HYVE DEMM 473                                 BIC: ULMV DE66 XXX
IBAN: DE87 6002 0290 0008 4280 00                  IBAN: DE66 6309 0100 0211 8630 09

2022 German - Humboldt-Institut
Why Humboldt?
                                               More Than 40 Years of Experience              Transparent Costs                             We do everything we can to make our
                                               Our customers benefit from more than          Our prices are transparent. Course fees       students feel at home from their very first
                                               40 years of experience with German            generally include instruction, room and       day with us.
                                               courses for over 80,000 satisfied partici-    full board, course materials, extracurricu-
                                               pants from more than 160 countries.           lar activities and excursions. There are no   Studying Throughout the Year
                                                                                             hidden costs!                                 Our year-round centers offer German
                                               A Faster Road to Success                                                                    instruction 365 days a year.
                                               No other school prepares its participants     Safety and Support Around
                                               more quickly or efficiently for the TestDaF   the Clock                                     As you can see, the Humboldt-Institut
                                               or telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule exams for       We provide support and supervision for        optimizes student success in the shortest
                                               German as a foreign language. Beginners       our children and teens 24 hours a day.        possible amount of time, all while making
Humboldt-Institut e.V. is a non-profit         with no prior knowledge of German can         Someone they can trust and talk to is         it fun to study in a motivating, German-
organization for teaching German as a          successfully pass both exams after just       always nearby.                                language learning environment.
foreign language. From a single program        8 months at the Humboldt-Institut.
center at its administrative headquarters in                                                 Family Atmosphere                             We have the right German program for you!
Ratzenried Castle, the Humboldt-Institut       Recognized Exams                              Humboldt-Institut schools are boarding
has grown to a network of 16 program           Humboldt offers the TestDaF, TestAS and       schools, a format that enhances students’
sites throughout Germany. Our success          telc exams, which are internationally         success and their enthusiasm for the pro-
rests on giving each and every student         recognized and improve students’ chances      gram’s community experience.
exactly the support they need:                 in academics and their careers.

Small Classes and Intensive
Our students are taught by highly motivated
native speakers with university degrees
in classes averaging 10 participants. An
Intensive Course 30 meets 30 lessons per
week (45 minute sessions) – more than at
most other language schools.

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2022 German - Humboldt-Institut
Instruction                                                                                                                            Online Courses
Types of Programs                                      Online Placement Test                           Our flexible range of live online courses enables students who cannot travel to Germany
One of the Humboldt-Institut’s strengths is            If you wish to test your German skills in       to attend a German course or who would like to continue studying after a German course
the intensity of instruction due to the high           advance, you may do so by taking our            at the Humboldt-Institut, to access the high quality German courses of the Humboldt-
amount of lessons per week, the small                  online test: einstufung.humboldt-institut.org   Institut from the comfort of their home.
class sizes as well as our own curriculum.             However, the online placement test is not       We use YuLinc as a platform, which has proven itself in use with students from all over the
The following types of programs are avail-             a substitute for the placement test which is    world. This powerful learning platform offers virtual rooms for lessons and group work as
able:                                                  held on the first day of classes.               well as a media library. The courses and communication take place in the browser (e.g.
Intensive Course 30                                                                                    Chrome, Firefox). You need a computer or laptop with headphones, microphone and cam-
30 lessons per week                                                                                    era. Smartphones or tablets are not suitable for attending the online classes.
                                                       Teachers daily assign homework so
Intensive Course 25                                    that students can build upon what they
25 lessons per week
One-to-one Intensive Course 25,                                                                                                                       30 or 40 private lessons). For participants
30, 40                                                                                                                                                without previous knowledge, the use of an
25, 30 and 40 lessons per week                                                                                                                        intermediary language, usually English, is
Classes are held Monday through Friday                                                                                                                The online private lessons are only avail-
except on some bank holidays. One-to-                                                                                                                 able outside the high season (June 12
one courses are taught regardless of bank                                                                                                             - August 20, 2022).
holidays. Each class lasts for 45 minutes
and is averaging 10 students. Classroom                                                                                                               Starting dates
instruction focuses on listening and read-                                                                                                            Upon request (Monday - Saturday)
ing comprehension, writing skills, speaking            have learned and be prepared for class.
skills and grammar.                                    Homework assignments are of reasonable                                                         Course fees
                                                       size so that students still have plenty of                                                     € 500.- per 10 lessons (following a face-
Finding the Right Level                                time for extracurricular activities. Written                                                           to-face course)
All students are expected to take a place-             homework is corrected and handed back                                                          € 600.- per 10 lessons (without booking a
ment test on the day of arrival or the first           to students so that they can monitor their                                                             face-to-face course)
day of their course. Based on their results            progress.
students will be assigned to a class of                                                                                                               Online private lessons for groups
their language level. During the sum-                  Teachers
                                                       Our teachers are highly trained native                                                          • From 10 lessons per week
mer months the first day is reserved for                                                                                                               • Levels: A1 - C2
the placement test, i. e., the rest of the             speakers with university degrees, who use
                                                       modern teaching methods.                                                                        • Ages: 13 years and older
day is generally for orientation without
instruction.                                           Teaching Material                                                                              Starting dates
We distinguish the following 6 levels                  The Humboldt-Institut provides its students                                                    Upon request
according to the Common European                       with all of the course materials and text-
Framework of Reference for Languages                   books they need at no charge.                                                                  Course fees
(CEFR):                                                                                                                                               Upon request
                                                       Weekly and Skill-level Tests
Level                            Duration              Participants in all programs take a weekly
A1 Elementary 1                      5 weeks                                                                                                          The participants in the group courses must
                                                       test so that students and teachers can                                                         have a similar level of German.
       also for total beginners
                                                       assess the progress made during the pre-
A2     Elementary 2                          5 weeks   ceding week. Comprehensive exams are            Online private lessons
B1     Intermediate 1                        5 weeks   written at the conclusion of each level.         • From 10 lessons                             You can find more information about the
B2.1   Intermediate 2.1                      5 weeks                                                    • Levels: A1 - C2                             various online courses on our website
B2.2   Intermediate 2.2                      5 weeks                                                    • Ages: 13 years and older                    www.humboldt-institut.org/en/ in the
       leads to telc Deutsch B2
                                                       At the end of the program after a final
                                                       exam all participants are awarded a cer-                                                       menu under “Courses” → “Online German
C1.1 Advanced 1.1                            5 weeks                                                   The online private lessons are suitable,       Courses”.
                                                       tificate confirming the number of lessons
       leads to TestDaF                                                                                among other things, for the follow-up of
                                                       attended as well as the skill level that the
C1.2 Advanced 1.2                            5 weeks                                                   a face-to-face course in order to main-
       leads to telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule             student has achieved. Grades are given for
                                                                                                       tain and further consolidate the content
C2.1 Advanced 2.1                        5 weeks       listening and reading comprehension, oral
                                                                                                       learned. On request, skills and topics can
                                                       and written expression and grammar skills.
C2.2 Advanced 2.2                        5 weeks                                                       be dealt with in a targeted manner, for
total duration                          45 weeks       Bank Holidays (Without Lessons)                 example to prepare for an exam. The mini-
                                                       Berlin-Mitte: 15.04., 06.06., 03.10.            mum booking is two consecutive lessons
The duration is based on courses with                  Constance: 15.04., 06.06., 03.10., 01.11.       of 45 minutes each per week with a total
30 lessons per week.                                   Bad Schussenried: 03.10., 01.11.                booking of at least 10 lessons. The pack-
                                                       Lindenberg: 03.10., 01.11.                      ages can be booked in steps of ten (10, 20,

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2022 German - Humboldt-Institut
Accommodation & Leisure Time
                                                                                                                                                  Supervisors answer questions and solve
                                                                                                                                                  problems while maintaining a positive,
                                                                                                                                                  committed attitude towards all of the stu-
                                                                                                                                                  dents’ questions and concerns. They make
                                                                                                                                                  sure that school rules are observed day
                                                                                                                                                  and night at locations hosting children and
                                                                                                                                                  teenagers, while guaranteeing reliable,
                                                                                                                                                  round-the-clock supervision for all under-
                                                                                                                                                  age students.
                                                                                                                                                  Every Saturday our staff organizes and
                                                                                                                                                  accompanies full-day excursions to attrac-
Accommodation and Board                       Transfers                                          Outside of Class                                 tive destinations. On Wednesdays, our stu-
In all course centers we offer a full pack-   Transfers to and from the airport are done         Our after-class program keeps students           dents take part in half-day trips to sights
age including accommodation, full board       as group transfers. However, efforts are           active and offers a wide variety of options,     and interesting cities nearby. Excursions
and leisure activities. The course centers    made to keep the waiting time of indi-             with program supervisors motivating even         and entrance fees are already included in
work like boarding schools and the student    vidual students down to one hour. Please           shy students to participate in activities.       the course fee for children and teenagers.
rooms are usually in the same building        inquire about the fees for transfers which                                                          For adults in Berlin-Mitte and Constance,
as the classrooms are. This combination       take place outside of the traditional arrival                                                       the entrance fees are not included in the
is very comfortable and offers short dis-     and departure days (Sunday / Saturday).                                                             course fee.
tances. Students in Lindenberg and Berlin-
Mitte also stay with host families.

               Daily Schedule for Teenagers

                               Monday                  Tuesday                Wednesday            Thursday                  Friday                  Saturday                Sunday
                8:00          Breakfast               Breakfast                Breakfast           Breakfast               Breakfast                 Breakfast
                9:00            Classes                Classes                   Classes            Classes                 Classes
               11:00            Classes                Classes                   Classes            Classes                 Classes                 Full-day trip
               12:00                                                                                                                            (with packed lunch):         Brunch
                                Classes                Classes                   Classes            Classes               Weekly test
                                 Lunch                  Lunch                     Lunch              Lunch                  Lunch                e.g., museum visit,
               14:00                                                                                                                             city tour, free time
                                Classes                                                                                                                                   Cleanup time
               15:00                                   Classes                                      Classes                                       (approx. 1 hour)
               16:00                                                      Half-day excursion:
                                                                                                                       Activity program
                           Activity program                               e.g., museum visit,                                                                           Activity program
               17:00                                  City walk                                    City walk
                                                                                city rally
                               Dinner                 Dinner                                        Dinner                   Dinner                                         Dinner
               19:00                                                                                                                                   Dinner
                              Homework               Homework                   Dinner                                                                                     Homework
               20:00                                                                              Homework
                                                                               Homework                                     HI-light
                           Activity program       Activity program                                                     e.g. School disco                                Activity program
               22:00                                                       Activity program     Activity program                                 Activity program
                                                                                                                      with a theme party
                0:00          Night rest              Night rest               Night rest          Night rest                                                               Night rest
                                                                                                                           Night rest                Night rest

               This table shows an exemplary weekly schedule for a course center for
               teenagers. Depending on the course location and age group – children,
               teenagers or adults – the times, activities and rules on site may vary.

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2022 German - Humboldt-Institut
Students at the Humboldt-Institut can complete internationally recognized, standardized          es the aptitude of foreign students for         advantage of the digital version are the
exams at all levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The             university studies. For interested students     shorter registration period and the faster
following overview shows the exams along with the language level certification students          from abroad, the TestAS result provides         correction time.
will obtain if they pass a given exam:                                                           information on how they compare to other        The registration form can be found on
                                                                                                 applicants and increases the chance for         www.testdaf.de
Age            Language Examination                Test Center                                   admission to a German university.
                                                                                                 Exam dates and the registration form can be     Paper exams           Digital exams
10 -13         telc A1 Junior                      Bad Schussenried                              found on www.testas.de
               telc A2 Schule
                                                                                                                                                 March 24, 2022        February 17, 2022
               telc B1 Schule                                                                                                                    May 18, 2022          April 26, 2022
                                                                                                 TestDaF                                         October 13, 2022      June 14, 2022
14 -17         telc A1                             Bad Schussenried                              (“Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache”)                                     September 13, 2022
               telc A2 Schule                                                                                                                                          November 10, 2022
               telc B1 Schule                                                                    The TestDaF exam demonstrates that a
               telc B2                                                                           candidate has sufficient German skills for
                                                                                                 admission to a German university if he or she
18+            telc B1                             Berlin-Mitte, Constance                       earns the minimum TestDaF level of 4 in each
               telc B2
                                                                                                                                                 Exam fees
                                                                                                 of the four exam sections. As a standardized    all telc Deutsch A1 exams         € 120.-
               telc C1 Hochschule
               TestDaF                                                                           exam for meeting university language            all telc Deutsch A2 exams         € 120.-
                                                                                                 requirements, the TestDaF is the equivalent     all telc Deutsch B1 exams         € 130.-
18+            TestAS                              Berlin-Mitte                                  of the DSH exam, while offering numerous        all telc Deutsch B2 exams         € 130.-
                                                                                                 other advantages, e. g., students may take      telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule        € 195.-
                                                                                                 the exam as many times as they wish.            TestAS                            € 135.-
telc                                               country. A telc exam also allows children     The TestDaF also provides evidence of           TestDaF                           € 195.-
telc gGmbH (The European Language Certif-          and teenagers to demonstrate their com-       language ability for anyone who wants to
icates) is an internationally recognized test      mitment, interest and determination.          do research in Germany or who wants to
provider. Language certificates offered by                                                       document high language skills.
telc are geared towards the Common Euro-           telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
                                                                                                 Humboldt students with no prior knowledge
pean Framework of Reference for Languages,         This exam is geared towards adults who
                                                   would like to demonstrate their German        of German would need roughly 8 months to
making them internationally comparable                                                           reach the required level of language skills.
and improving students’ educational and            language skills because they wish to begin
                                                   studying, are already studying or hope to     The Humboldt-Institut has licensed testing
professional opportunities.                                                                      centers in Constance and Berlin-Mitte.
                                                   work in an academic field at a German uni-
telc Deutsch A1 – B2                               versity. This exam tests advanced German      The TestDaF is currently offered in two
These general language exams let you show          skills needed at university level.            versions – paper-based and digital. The
how well you have mastered the German
language in daily situations, such as trips,       telc Dates for Berlin and Constance
leisure activities or at work. Each exam con-      January 26-28, 2022 July 27-29, 2022
sists of a written individual test as well as an   March 2-4, 2022     August 10-12, 2022
oral exam conducted with another student           April 6-8, 2022     Sept. 21-23, 2022
or in a group.                                     May 11-13, 2022     October 26-28, 2022
telc Deutsch A1 Junior                             June 8-10, 2022     November 30
                                                   July 13-15, 2022    -December 2, 2022
The child-friendly format of this exam is
geared towards our youngest learners. The          telc Dates for Bad Schussenried
test does not take long to complete, which,
along with its use of pictures and its simple      July 15, 2022    August 12, 2022
and easy-to-understand tasks, tailors it to        July 29, 2022
the cognitive abilities of children.               Dates for group telc exams may be scheduled
telc Deutsch A2 and B1 Schule                      upon request.
Since their format corresponds to that of
general language exams, these exams for            Registration deadline:
secondary school students are equivalent to        14 days before the test date.
the more general exams. The telc Deutsch           Tests will take 5 weeks minimum to correct.
Schule exams, however, also cover subject
matters geared specifically to young peo-
ple’s life and to what they know, i. e., their     TestAS
leisure time, their friends, what they do          The TestAS (test for foreign students) is a
for fun, and what it’s like to live in another     centralized, standardized test that assess-

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2022 German - Humboldt-Institut
ages 18 plus
This lively university town of 85,000 people is the largest city on Lake Constance. Its bril-
liant setting on the banks of the lake, along with the variety of cultural attractions in its
lovely old town makes Constance the perfect program site for students from all over the
world. The modern Humboldt course center is only a 10 minute walk from the university
and just 5 minutes from Lake Constance. The city center can also be reached quickly and
Accommodation and Board                          Starting Dates Intensive Courses
• On campus in single and twin rooms, all        2022: January   2, 9*, 23*
  with en-suite bathroom                               February  6, 20*, 27*
• 3 main meals and fruit throughout the day            March    13, 20*
                                                       April     3*, 10*, 17,, 24*
Intensive Course 30
                                                       May       8*, 22, 29*
• 30 lessons per week                                                                                                                            Examinations
                                                       June      5*, 12*, 19*, 26
• ⌀ 10 students per class                                                                                                                        • telc Deutsch B1, B2
                                                       July      3*, 10*, 17*, 24*, 31
• Duration: 2 weeks till 1 year                                                                                                                  • telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
                                                       August    7*, 14*, 21*
• Levels: A1 - C2                                                                                                                                • TestDaF
                                                       September 4, 11*, 25*
                                                       October   9, 16*, 30*                                                                     Please see p. 10 for information and dates.
                                                       November 13, 20*                                                                          Transfer Services
                                                       December 4*                              Fees                                             Airports:
                                                 2023: January   1, 8*, 22*                     € 950.- per week                                 Friedrichshafen (FDH) € 55.-
                                                       February  5, 12*, 26*                    € 45.- per week surcharge between                Zurich (ZRH)            € 66.-
                                                       March    12, 19*                                 June 12 and August 20, 2022
                                                  * no total beginners
                                                                                                                                                 The fees are per person and route.
                                                                                                € 815.- per week for at least 10 weeks           Leisure Time
                                                 Other starting dates on request                        (no surcharge applies)
                                                 The school is closed over Christmas and                                                         Alpine skiing*        Movie theater*
                                                 New Year’s. German courses are offered                                                          Badminton             Rowing*
                                                                                                Included are
                                                 during the Christmas holidays at our pro-                                                       Barbecue              Squash*
                                                                                                Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
                                                 gram center in Berlin-Mitte (see pp. 14).                                                       Basketball            Stand Up Paddling*
                                                                                                full board, daily leisure program, weekly
                                                                                                                                                 Bicycle tours*        Swimming in a
                                                                                                excursions (except for entrance fees),
                                                                                                                                                 Billiard*             public pool*
                                                                                                course certificate
                                                                                                                                                 Bowling*              Swimming in the
                                                                                                Fees (without accommodation)                     Climbing*             lake
                                                                                                € 360.- per week                                 Disco                 Table football
                                                                                                                                                 Football              Table tennis
                                                                                                € 320.- per week for at least 10 weeks
                                                                                                                                                 Karaoke               Tennis*
                                                                                                Included are                                     Ice skating*          Volleyball
                                                                                                Lessons, teaching material, course certificate                         * not included in the
                                                                                                                                                                         course fees
                                                                                                One-to-one Intensive Courses                     Excursions
                                                                                                • 25, 30, 40 lessons per week                    e.g., Stuttgart, Freiburg, Friedrichshafen,
                                                                                                • Duration: minimum 1 week                       Meersburg, Tübingen, Überlingen, Schaff-
                                                                                                • Dates: weekly, upon agreement                  hausen with its Rhine Falls, Island of
                                                                                                                                                 Mainau, Zurich, Basel, St. Gallen, the Alps
                                                                                                € 2,130.- per week (25 lessons)
                                                                                                € 2,435.- per week (30 lessons)
                                                                                                € 3,050.- per week (40 lessons)
                                                                                                Included are
                                                                                                Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
                                                                                                full board, daily leisure program, weekly
                                                                                                excursions (except for entrance fees),
                                                                                                course certificate

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2022 German - Humboldt-Institut
ages 18 plus
A City of Superlatives                                                                            Fees                                                     Included are
Its over 3,5 million inhabitants make Berlin the largest city in Germany and the heart of         on campus with room                                      Lessons, teaching material, accommoda-
the country’s artistic, political and economic life. For program participants from all over the   and full board             € 950.- / week                tion at the institute including room and
world, this makes Berlin the perfect place to study German and learn more about Germany’s         family with half board     € 750.- / week                full board, daily leisure program, weekly
history, politics and culture.                                                                    additional in-season charge € 45.- / week                excursions (entrance fees not included),
                                                                                                  from June 12 through August 20, 2022                     certificate
We have been welcoming students to our program in Berlin’s Mitte district since June of
2014. The Institute offers modern classrooms, a language laboratory, a spacious common            Reduced fees* for at least 10 weeks
                                                                                                  on campus with room                                      Examinations
area and modern rooms. A special highlight is our rooftop terrace with a panoramic view                                                                    • telc Deutsch B1, B2
of Berlin. And our central location and excellent transit connections put a large number of       and full board                   € 815.- / week
                                                                                                  family with half board           € 690.- / week          • telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
sights within easy reach.                                                                                                                                  • TestAS
                                                                                                                                   *no surcharge applies   • TestDaF
Accommodation and Board                          Starting Dates Intensive Courses                 Included are                                             Please see p. 10 for information and dates.
Boarding school with room and full board         2022: January   2, 9*, 23*                       Lessons, teaching material, accommodation
• Single, twin and few triple rooms, all               February  6, 20*, 27*                      at the institute including room and full                 Transfer Services
  with en-suite bathroom                               March    13, 20*                           board (for families: half board), daily leisure          Airport:
• 3 main meals and fruit throughout the day            April     3*, 10*, 17, 24*                 program, weekly excursions (entrance fees                Berlin Brandenburg (BER) € 50.-
In host families with half board                       May       8*, 22, 29*                      not included), certificate                               The fees are per person and route.
• Single and twin rooms                                June      5*, 12*, 19*, 26                                                                          Leisure Time
• Breakfast with the family and lunch at               July      3*, 10*, 17*, 24*, 31            Fees (Without Accommodation)
                                                                                                  € 360.- per week                                         Barbecue               Swimming in a
  the institute or dinner with the family              August    7*, 14*, 21*                                                                              Basketball             public pool/lake*
• Commute time to the family up to 1 hour              September 4, 11*, 25*                      € 320.- per week for at least 10 weeks
                                                                                                                                                           Bicycle tours*         Table football
                                                       October   9, 16*, 30*                                                                               Billiard*              Tennis*
Intensive Course 30                                                                               Included are
                                                       November 13, 20*                                                                                    Bowling*               Theater*
• 30 lessons per week                                                                             Lessons, teaching material, course certificate
                                                       December 4*, 18*, 25*
• ⌀ 10 students per class                        2023: January   1, 8*, 22*
                                                                                                                                                           Climbing*              TV room
                                                                                                  One-to-one Intensive Courses                             Football               Volleyball
• Duration: 2 weeks till 1 year                        February  5, 12*, 26*                      • 25, 30, 40 lessons per week                            Galleries*             Zoo*
• Levels: A1 - C2                                      March    12, 19*                           • Duration: minimum 1 week                               Squash*                * not included in the
                                                 *no total beginners                              • Dates: weekly, upon agreement                                                   course fees
                                                 Other starting dates on request                                                                           Excursions
                                                                                                  Fees                                                     e.g., Dresden, Leipzig, Potsdam, Wannsee,
                                                 The school is open over Christmas and            € 2,130.- per week (25 lessons)
                                                 New Year’s.                                                                                               the Baltic Sea and various excursion sites
                                                                                                  € 2,435.- per week (30 lessons)                          in Berlin
                                                                                                  € 3,050.- per week (40 lessons)

14                                                                                                                                                                                                        15
Berlin-Mitte                                                                                                               Berlin-Mitte / Constance
ages 18 plus                                                                     part-time courses                                                                                                               ages 18 plus
Do you live in Berlin or have a place to stay there, yet would like to participate in a                                    Experience Two Cities
German language course at the Humboldt-Institut?                                                                           With the combination of courses in Berlin and Constance our learners have the incompa-
                                                                                                                           rable opportunity to experience two uniquely distinct university towns which demonstrate
No problem, we have the right course offer for you!                                                                        the diversity of Germany in landscape and in culture.

Courses in the Evening                                        Courses on Saturdays                                         Berlin – Germany’s capital and by far                         Constance, however, seems to be unhurried
• 6 lessons per week                                          • 5 lessons per week                                         largest city – impresses with more than                       and laid-back with only 85,000 inhabitants,
• ⌀ 10 students per class                                     • ⌀ 10 students per class                                    3.5 million inhabitants and an incredible                     while it is rated as one of Germany’s towns
• Tuesday and Thursday, 18:00 - 20:30                         • 9:30 - 14:00                                               variety of sights and cultural offers.                        with the highest quality of life due to its
• 12 weeks per module                                         • 12 weeks per module                                                                                                      gorgeous location right next to Lake Con-
• Bookable for a period of at least 1 module                  • Bookable for a period of at least 1 module                                                                               stance and its proximity to Switzerland and
                                                                                                                                                                                         the Alps.
Starting Dates                                                Starting Dates
• For students with previous knowledge                        • For students with previous knowledge                       With our combination offer you can sample and immerse yourself into these two cities in
  of German: Weekly starting dates upon                         of German: Weekly starting dates upon                      two very different regions of Germany within only a short time.
  request and a placement test                                  request and a placement test
• For total beginners:                                        • For total beginners:                                       Intensive Course 30                                           Leisure Time
  January 18, 2022 August 30, 2022                              January 22, 2022 September 3, 2022                         • 30 lessons per week                                         See Constance (page 13) or Berlin-Mitte
  March 1, 2022        October 11, 2022                         March 5, 2022        October 15, 2022                      • ⌀ 10 students per class                                     (page 15)
  April 19, 2022       November 22, 2022                        April 23, 2022       November 26, 2022                     • Duration: 10 weeks till 1 year
  May 31, 2022                                                  June 4, 2022                                               • Levels: A1 - C2                                             Excursions
                                                                                                                                                                                         See Constance (page 13) or Berlin-Mitte
Fee                                                           Fee                                                          Accommodation and Board                                       (page 15)
€ 72.- per week                                               € 60.- per week                                              • On campus in single and twin rooms, all
                                                                                                                             with en-suite bathroom                                      Included are
The courses consist of 2 modules per level (A1-B1) and 4 modules per level (B2-C2).                                        • 3 main meals and fruit throughout the day                   Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
                                                                                                                                                                                         full board, daily leisure program, weekly
Part-time courses are paused on the following dates:                                                                       Starting Dates                                                excursions (except for entrance fees),
• all Berlin bank holidays                                                                                                 See Constance (page 12) or Berlin-Mitte                       course certificate, one intercity bus transfer
• over Easter (April 10 – April 16, 2022)                                                                                  (page 14)
• during summer (July 10 – August 27, 2022)
• over Christmas (December 18, 2022 – January 7, 2023)                                                                     Fee
                                                                                                                           € 815.- per week for courses of 10 weeks
Included are                                                                                                                           (5 weeks Constance + 5 weeks Berlin)
Instruction, course materials, course certificate
                                                                                                                           Transfer Services
Minimum 3 participants required. For students requiring visas: no visa will be granted for programs involving fewer than   See Constance (page 13) or Berlin-Mitte
18 lessons per week.                                                                                                       (page 15)
                                                                                                                           Intercity bus transfer between the cities (Constance–Berlin
                                                                                                                           or Berlin–Constance) is included in the course fee.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  17
German for Executives
ages 27 plus                                                                                                                                 in Berlin-Mitte
Our intensive German courses for business, political and cultural leaders are geared toward
participants who wish to learn German for professional reasons. For these clients, time is of
the essence. Our highly intensive courses encompass 30 or 40 lessons a week (45 minutes
each), making them perfectly tailored to the needs of our participants. Individual instruction
from an experienced teacher will allow you to make the best possible use of the short time
that you have available for coming to Germany to learn German. Courses are offered at
our Berlin-Mitte program center for every language level (A1-C2) and can be booked by
the week.

Accommodation and Board                         One-to-one Courses
• Individual rooms with en-suite bathroom       • 30 or 40 lessons per week
  facilities, television and Internet access    • Duration: minimum 1 week
• 3 main meals, fruit and coffee during the     • Levels: A1 - C2
  breaks                                        Starting Dates
• Parking spaces in an underground garage       Upon agreement (Sunday to Saturday)
• Laundry service                                                                                Leisure Time
                                                Fees                                             Our teaching staff will be happy to help
                                                € 2,950.- per week (30 lessons)                  you plan and put together a package of
                                                € 3,690.- per week (40 lessons)                  recreational activities that meets your
                                                                                                 needs and lets you wind down after class.
                                                Included are
                                                Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
                                                full board, evening program (except for
                                                entrance fees), transfers from and to the
                                                airport, course certificate
                                                Fees (without accommodation)
                                                € 2,230.- per week (30 lessons)
                                                € 2,970.- per week (40 lessons)
                                                Included are
                                                Lessons, teaching material, lunch (Monday
                                                to Friday), course certificate
                                                Transfer Services
                                                Berlin Brandenburg (BER)
                                                (transfer free of charge)

18                                                                                                                                                       19
German + University
ages 18 plus                                                                                                                                 in Berlin-Mitte and Constance
The Concept                                                                                     Duration of the German Course                      German Course Fee
“Made in Germany” is a synonym for quality the world over, and studying in Germany              • Language skills required for applying to         € 815.- per week for programs lasting
gives international students a clear edge over their competitors on the international job         the preparatory program: B1/B2                           at least 10 weeks
market. Germany compares well to the rest of the world in terms of higher education,              Absolute beginners: roughly 20-25 weeks          Counseling and application
offering high quality and ideal research opportunities. Plus, studying in Germany is              at 30 lessons per week                           service for university*
quite affordable compared to other countries.                                                   • Language skills required for direct admission:   € 570.-
The Program                                                                                       C1.1 and TestDaF with at least 4x4 points
Invest in your future today: the Humboldt-Institut provides consultation and support              or telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule                    * only available with the booking of a German course

to students in our intensive courses seeking university placement in Germany. We will             Absolute beginners: roughly 30-35 weeks          Health Insurance
review your high-school and/or other academic records from your home countries and                at 30 lessons per week                           Health insurance provided by the
determine whether you qualify for direct or indirect admission to a German university.          Starting Dates                                     Humboldt-Institut (€ 2.- per day) is only
                                                                                                January 2, 2022         September 4, 2022          valid for the duration of the language
Our course centers in Berlin’s Mitte district and in Constance help incoming university
                                                                                                February 6, 2022        October 9, 2022            program – not while pursuing university
students reach the language level they need (B1/B2 for preparatory programs and C1
                                                                                                                                                   studies. For this reason, we recommend
for universities) in an extremely short period of time. You will stay in affiliated guest       March 13, 2022          November 13, 2022
                                                                                                                                                   that participants secure health insurance in
accommodations, where you will live right on site in an international – yet German-             April 17, 2022          January 1, 2023            their home country for the entire duration
speaking – environment so you can dedicate your full attention to your German studies.          May 22, 2022            February 5, 2023           of their stay.
Room and full board plus after-class activities (entrance fees not included) are included in    June 26, 2022           March 12, 2023
course fees.                                                                                    July 31, 2022                                      Enrollment
The optional application service covers a total of 3 applications at universities in Germany.                                                      The program operates all year round and
                                                                                                See pages 10 and 11 for information on             is timed to coincide with the summer and
We make sure that your application is complete and submitted on time to maximize your           TestDaF and telc C1 Hochschule.
chances of getting admitted to university in Germany.                                                                                              winter semesters schedule at German

20                                                                                                                                                                                                        21
Bad Schussenried
ages 10-13 and 14-17
Bad Schussenried is a historic monastery town with 8,500 inhabitants located in the             One-to-one Intensive Courses
beautiful, idyllic hill country between Lake Constance and the Danube and Iller rivers.         (ages 10 - 17)
Our school is housed in a complex nestled between a lovely park and an extensive out-           • 25, 30, 40 lessons per week
door recreation area. Students can walk to central Bad Schussenried in approximately            • Duration: minimum one week
5 minutes.                                                                                      • All levels
As a boarding school, our program center combines classrooms, leisure facilities and            Starting Dates
student rooms at one site. With space for up to 300 students from all over the world,           Upon agreement (Sunday to Saturday)
Bad Schussenried is Germany’s largest boarding school for studying German as a foreign
language. The school is open year round and has incredible infrastructure that allows           Fees for One-to-one Courses
students to pursue countless athletic and recreational activities, both indoors and outdoors.   € 2,230.- per week (25 lessons)
                                                                                                € 2,550.- per week (30 lessons)               Leisure Time
                                                                                                € 3,200.- per week (40 lessons)               Arts and crafts room   Indoor tennis
                                                Starting Dates Intensive Courses                                                              Barbecue               Mountain bikes
                                                2022: January   2, 9*, 23*                      Included are (all courses)                    Basketball             Piano
                                                      February  6, 20*, 27*                     Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,    Beach volleyball       Sauna
                                                      March    13, 20*                          full board, 24-hour supervision, daily        Billiard               Sports hall
                                                      April     3*, 10*, 17, 24*                leisure program, weekly excursions,           Climbing wall          Swimming in the lake
                                                      May       8*, 22, 29*                     entrance fees, course certificate             Disco                  Table football
                                                      June      5*, 12*, 19*, 26                Examinations                                  Football               Table tennis
                                                      July      3, 10*, 17*, 24*, 31            • telc Deutsch A1, B2                         Indoor pool            Volleyball
                                                      August    7*, 14*, 21*                    • telc Deutsch Junior (A1)                    Excursions
                                                      September 4, 11*, 25*                     • telc Deutsch Schule (A2, B1)                e.g., Augsburg, Munich (Allianz Arena,
                                                      October   9, 16*, 30*                     Please see p. 10 for information and dates.   BMW Welt, Olympiapark, Deutsches
Accommodation and Board
                                                      November 13, 20*                                                                        Museum), Constance, Ravensburg, Lindau,
• On campus in twin rooms, all with                                                             Transfer Services
                                                      December 4*, 18*, 25*                                                                   Island of Mainau, Friedrichshafen,
  en-suite bathroom and balcony                                                                 Railway station:
                                                2023: January   1, 8*, 22*                                                                    Kempten, Meersburg, Neuschwanstein
• 3 main meals and fruit throughout                                                             Bad Schussenried (transfer free of charge)
                                                      February  5, 12*, 26*                                                                   and Linderhof Castles, Stuttgart, Ulm,
  the entire day
                                                      March    12, 19*                          Airports:                                     Schaffhausen with its Rhine Falls, the Alps
Intensive Course 25                             *no total beginners                             Zurich (ZRH)            € 120.-
(ages 10 - 13)                                  Other starting dates on request                 Munich (MUC)            € 150.-
• 25 lessons per week                           The school opens year-round, including          Memmingen (FMM)         € 55.-
• ⌀ 11 students per class                       Christmas and New Year.                         Friedrichshafen (FDH) € 55.-
• Duration: 2 weeks - 1 year                                                                    The fees are per person and route.
• Levels: A1 - C2                               Fees for Intensive Courses
Intensive Course 30                             € 1,080.- per week
(ages 14 - 17)                                  € 45.- per week surcharge between
• 30 lessons per week                                     June 12 and August 20, 2022
• ⌀ 11 students per class                       € 945.- per week for at least 10 weeks
• Duration: 2 weeks - 1 year                              (no surcharge applies)
• Levels: A1 - C2

22                                                                                                                                                                                    23
ages 13-17
Multifaceted and unique: our year-round center Lindenberg for teenagers is located on                                                       Leisure Time
the edge of a resort town with 11,000 residents, only half an hour from Austria,                                                            Alpine skiing*                  Mountain bikes
Switzerland and Lake Constance. This 200-bed school always has something going on:                                                          Arts and crafts rooms           Mountain hiking
from a skiing course in the Alps in winter to the Humboldt Olympics in summer. The                                                          Barbecue                        Piano
school’s fantastic facilities including its own swimming pool, sports hall, minigolf course,                                                Basketball                      Sauna
and much more ensure that participants will enjoy their stay. And the picturesque city                                                      Billiard                        Snowboard*
center of Lindenberg is just a 10-minute walk away.                                                                                         Boccia                          Snowshoeing
                                                                                                                                            Climbing wall                   Sports hall
                                                                                                                                            Disco                           Swimming in the lake
                                                Starting Dates Intensive Courses                                                            Football                        Table football
                                                2022: January   2, 9*, 23*                                                                  Ice skating                     Table tennis
                                                      February  6, 20*, 27*                                                                 Indoor pool                     Volleyball
                                                      March    13, 20*                         One-to-one Intensive Courses                 Minigolf                        *not included in the fees
                                                      April     3*, 10*, 17, 24*               • 25, 30, 40 lessons per week
                                                      May       8*, 22, 29*                                                                 Skiing/Snowboard lessons**
                                                                                               • Duration: minimum one week                 (per week incl. lift and equipment) € 300.-
                                                      June      5*, 12*, 19*, 26               • All levels
                                                      July      3, 10*, 17*, 24*, 31                                                        from January 2, 2022 to February 26, 2022
                                                                                               Starting Dates                               from January 1, 2023 to February 25, 2023
                                                      August    7*, 14*, 21*
                                                      September 4, 11*, 25*                    Upon agreement (Sunday to Saturday)          ** Minimum 3 participants required. Whether the ski /
                                                                                                                                            snowboard course takes place depends on the snow and
                                                      October   9, 16*, 30*
                                                                                               Fees for One-to-one Courses                  weather conditions. If the course has to be canceled, the
                                                      November 13, 20*                                                                      course fees will be reimbursed. During the additional course,
Accommodation and Board                               December 4*, 18*, 25*                    € 2,230.- per week (25 lessons)              the number of German lessons decreases from 30 to 25.
• On campus:                                    2023: January   1, 8*, 22*                     € 2,550.- per week (30 lessons)
  twin rooms, few single, 3- and 4-bed                February  5, 12*, 26*                    € 3,200.- per week (40 lessons)              Excursions
  rooms, all with en-suite bathroom                   March    12, 19*                                                                      e.g., Munich (Allianz Arena, BMW Welt,
• In families (July-August only):               *no total beginners                            Included are (all courses)                   Olympiapark, Deutsches Museum), Stutt-
  single and twin rooms                                                                        Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,   gart, Constance, Lindau, Island of Mainau,
                                                Other starting dates on request                full board, 24-hour supervision, daily       the Alps, Friedrichshafen, Meersburg,
• 3 main meals and fruit during the day
                                                The school opens year-round, including         leisure program, weekly excursions,          Augsburg, Kempten, Neuschwanstein
Intensive Course 30                             Christmas and New Year.                        entrance fees, course certificate            and Linderhof Castles, Bregenz (Austria)
• 30 lessons per week                                                                          Transfer Services
• ⌀ 11 students per class                       Fees for Intensive Courses
                                                € 1,080.- per week                             Railway station: Röthenbach im Allgäu
• Duration: 2 weeks - 1 year                                                                   (transfer free of charge)
• Levels: A1 - C2                               € 45.- per week surcharge between
                                                          June 12 and August 20, 2022          Airports:
                                                                                               Zurich (ZRH)              € 120.-
                                                € 945.- per week for at least 10 weeks
                                                                                               Munich (MUC)              € 150.-
                                                          (no surcharge applies)
                                                                                               Memmingen (FMM)           € 55.-
                                                                                               Friedrichshafen (FDH) € 55.-
                                                                                               The fees are per person and route.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                  25
ages 14-18
Schmallenberg is a typical town in the Sauerland, an area known as the “land of a                                                         Transfer Services
thousand mountains.” Anyone who has ever been there will understand why the region                                                        Railway station: Lennestadt-Altenhundem
has a reputation as one of Germany’s most popular vacation destinations. Schmallenberg is                                                 (transfer free of charge)
a quiet resort town with a charming, historical city center studded with half-timbered                                                    Airport:
houses and narrow alleys.                                                                                                                 Frankfurt (FRA) € 150.-
Our students are guests at the Bad Fredeburg Academy, which is located in a district of                                                   The fee is per person and route.
Schmallenberg. The very picturesque center of this little town is only a few minutes’ walk
from the school. Classes take place in the local school, only 150m away from the academy.                                                 Leisure Time
                                                                                                                                          Basketball             Sports hall
The academy is located in a very quiet area surrounded by parks. Schmallenberg is espe-
                                                                                                                                          Football               Swimming (indoor
cially popular for its flexible system of courses, with weekly arrival and departure.
                                                                                                                                          Minigolf               and outdoor)
Intensive Course 30                           Starting Dates                                                                              Mountain bikes         Table tennis
• 30 lessons per week                                                                                                                     Piano                  Volleyball
                                              2022: June 26*
• ⌀ 10 students per class                                                                                                                 Playing field
                                                    July 3*, 10*, 17*, 24*, 31*
• Duration: 2 - 7 weeks                              * no total beginners                                                                 Excursions
• Levels: A1 - B2                             All courses finish on August 13, 2022.                                                      e.g., Cologne (cathedral), Dortmund, Frank-
Accommodation and Board                       Fee                                                                                         furt (airport tour), Düsseldorf, Münster, the
• On campus                                   € 1,075.- per week                                                                          Ramsbeck mine, stalactite caves, the sum-
                                                                                             Included are                                 mer toboggan run in Winterberg
• Twin and few multi-bed rooms
                                                                                             Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
• All rooms with en-suite bathroom
                                                                                             full board, 24-hour supervision, daily
• 3 main meals and 2 snacks
                                                                                             leisure program, weekly excursions,
                                                                                             entrance fees and a course certificate

26                                                                                                                                                                                 27
ages 13-17
Mountains at your fingertips – our course center is located in Blaichach in the middle of the
Oberallgäu holiday region and offers ideal opportunities to round off the German course
with outdoor activities and culture. Our students are accommodated at the Elias guest-
house, which is located in the middle of nature. In addition to numerous starting points for
activities such as canyoning, rafting or climbing, the world-famous Neuschwanstein Castle,
the metropolis of Munich or the Lake Constance region are also within easy reach.

Intensive Course 30
• 30 lessons per week
• ⌀ 10 students per class
• Levels: A1 - B2
Accommodation and Board
• At the Elias guesthouse
• Twin rooms
• All rooms with en-suite bathroom
• 3 main meals
                                                Transfer Services                               Leisure Time                          Excursions
                                                Railway station: Immenstadt                     Badminton        Movie theater        e.g., Munich, Lindau, the Alps, Neuschwan-
July 24 - August 13, 2022 (3 weeks)*
                                                (free of charge)                                Barbecue         Outdoor activities   stein Castle, Augsburg, Füssen
* no total beginners
                                                Airports:                                       Billiard         Ropes course
Fee                                             Memmingen (FMM) € 35.-                          Campfire         Table football
€ 1,195.- per week                              Munich (MUC)          € 145.-                   Football         Table tennis
                                                The fee is per person and route.                Lawn             Volleyball
Included are                                                                                    Mountain bikes
Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
full board, 24-hour supervision, daily
leisure program, weekly excursions,
entrance fees, course certificate

28                                                                                                                                                                           29
Munich                                                                                                                          Berlin-Teenager
ages 15-18                                                                                                                                                                  ages 15-18
Experience Bavaria: traditional, cosy and cosmopolitan. Not only is Munich (population          With its over 3.5 million inhabitants, the city of Berlin is a fantastic program site, and not
approx. 1.5 million) Germany’s safest city, it is also the country’s most original and down-    just for adults – it also offers much for teenagers, with the Brandenburg Gate, the remains
to-earth. Attractions like the Marienplatz, Bavaria Film Studios, the Olympic village and       of the Berlin Wall and the world-famous Reichstag all serving as witnesses to Germany’s
the Allianz Arena draw tourists to the city from all over the world. Students are housed        history. Our students can enjoy the flair of the capital, a visit to the Berlin Zoo – home to
in the Don Bosco youth hostel located near the Deutsches Museum in the center of the            the greatest variety of species – or a leisurely stroll through the city. The fascinating blend
town. Our building includes numerous athletic and recreational facilities.                      of cultures, the wealth of museums, some of the world’s most modern architecture and
                                                                                                outstanding cultural events all justify Berlin’s reputation as a metropolis of superlatives
Intensive Course 30                             Transfer Services                               and guarantee an unforgettable summer for the students.
• 30 lessons per week                           Railway station:
• ⌀ 11 students per class                       Munich Main Station (transfer free of charge)   Intensive Course 30
• Levels: A1 - C1                               Airport:                                        • 30 lessons per week
Accommodation and Board                         Munich (MUC) € 35.-                             • ⌀ 11 students per class
• At the Don Bosco youth hostel                 The fee is per person and route.                • Levels: A1 - C1
• 2- to 4-bed rooms                             Leisure Time                                    Accommodation and Board
• Shared facilities                             Basketball             Indoor pool              • Youth hostel at Berlin Central Station
• 3 main meals and 1 snack                      Billiard               Party room               • 3- and 4-bed rooms
Dates                                           Bowling alley          Playing field            • All rooms with en-suite bathroom
July 10 - July 30, 2022 (3 weeks)               Football               Sports hall              • 3 main meals
July 10 - August 20, 2022 (6 weeks)             Fitness room           Table football           Dates
July 31 - August 20, 2022 (3 weeks)*            Galleries              Table tennis             July 3 - July 23, 2022 (3 weeks)
* no total beginners                            Museums                Volleyball               July 3 - August 13, 2022 (6 weeks)
                                                Excursions                                      July 24 - August 13, 2022 (3 weeks)*
                                                                                                * no total beginners
€ 1,065.- per week                              e.g., Englischer Garten, Lake Schliersee,
                                                Augsburg, Chiemsee, Dachau, Erding, Neu-        Fee
Included are                                    schwanstein Castle, the Alps                    € 1,210.- per week
Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
full board, 24-hour supervision, daily                                                          Included are
leisure program, weekly excursions,                                                                                                              Leisure Time
                                                                                                Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,       Beach volleyball        Handicrafts
entrance fees, course certificate                                                               full board, 24-hour supervision, daily           Board games             Museums
                                                                                                leisure program, weekly excursions,              City tour               Swimming
                                                                                                entrance fees, course certificate                Football                Visit of the Parliament
                                                                                                Transfer Services
                                                                                                Railway station: Berlin Central Station                         Excursions
                                                                                                (transfer free of charge)                                       e.g., Dresden, Potsdam,
                                                                                                                                                                Leipzig, Wannsee and various
                                                                                                Airport: Berlin Brandenburg (BER) € 50.-
                                                                                                Airport                                                         excursion sites in Berlin
                                                                                                The fees are per person and route.

30                                                                                                                                                                                          31
ages 15-18
Cologne is Germany’s oldest metropolis and, with just over 1 million residents, the fourth       Fee
largest city in the country. The world-famous Cologne Cathedral – the biggest Gothic             € 1,320.- per week
church in northern Europe and a designated UNESCO World Heritage – towers over
the city, which is known for its cheerful, cosmopolitan, international and tolerant spirit.      Included are
Located in the Deutz district on the right bank of the Rhine and in the very heart of this       Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
lively city, our course center is just a short walk from the old town, where countless sights,   full board, 24-hour supervision, daily
museums and interesting cultural events await our students.                                      leisure program, weekly excursions,
                                                                                                 entrance fees, course certificate
                                                                                                 Transfer Services
                                                                                                 Railway station: Cologne Main Station
                                                                                                 (free of charge)
                                                                                                 Airport: Cologne/Bonn (CGN) € 40.-
                                                                                                 The fee is per person and route.             Excursions
                                                                                                                                              e.g., Cologne (cathedral, chocolate museum),
                                                                                                 Leisure Time                                 Zeche Zollverein, Bonn, Aachen, Trier,
                                                                                                 Badminton             Slackline              Düsseldorf, Augustusburg and Falkenlust
                                                                                                 Basketball            Swimming               castles, Seven Hills
                                                                                                 Bicycle tours         Table football
                                                                                                 Billiard              Table tennis
                                                                                                 Board games           Visit of the
                                                                                                 City tour             cathedral
                                                                                                 Football              Volleyball
                                                                                                 “Kölner Lichter”
                                                                                                 (musical fireworks)
                                                                                                 Party room
Intensive Course 30                              Dates
• 30 lessons per week                            July 3 - July 16, 2022 (2 weeks)
• ⌀ 10 students per class                        July 3 - July 30, 2022 (4 weeks)
• Levels: A1 - B2                                July 3 - August 13, 2022 (6 weeks)
Accommodation and Board                          July 17 - July 30, 2022 (2 weeks)*
• At the Cologne city hostel                     July 17 - August 13, 2022 (4 weeks)*
• Twin rooms                                     July 31 - August 13, 2022 (2 weeks)*
                                                 * no total beginners
• All rooms with en-suite bathroom
• 3 main meals

32                                                                                                                                                                                    33
ages 14-18
With a population of some 600,000 inhabitants, Düsseldorf is seen as one of Germany’s
most interesting and popular major cities. Enjoy a stroll along the banks of the Rhine at
the “Rheinuferpromenade” which links the traditional historic city center with the contem-
porary media harbor. The “Kö,” the bustling shopping street, is another wonderful place to
take in the sights, and as a cultural metropolis, Düsseldorf appeals to people from around
the world. The city on the Rhine is famous for the joie de vivre of its residents, and it has
an almost Mediterranean flair, particularly in the summer. Our house offers high-standard
accommodations and is located directly on the Rhine with a view of the historic city
center. Most major sightseeing attractions are within easy walking distance.

Intensive Course 30

                                                                                                                                                                                       © Düsseldorf Marketing & Tourismus, U. Otte.
• 30 lessons per week
• ⌀ 10 students per class
• Levels: A1 - B2
Accommodation and Board
• At the Düsseldorf city hostel
• Twin rooms
• All rooms with en-suite bathroom
• 3 main meals
July 3 - July 16, 2022 (2 weeks)
July 3 - July 30, 2022 (4 weeks)
July 17 - July 30, 2022 (2 weeks)*                                                              Transfer Services                          Excursions
* no total beginners
                                                                                                Railway station: Düsseldorf Main Station   e.g., Bonn, Cologne, Essen, Seven Hills,
Fee                                                                                             (free of charge)                           Oberhausen
€ 1,285.- per week                                                                              Airport: Düsseldorf (DUS) € 40.-
                                                                                                The fee is per person and route.
Included are
Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,                                                      Leisure Time
full board, 24-hour supervision, daily                                                          Badminton            Karaoke
leisure program, weekly excursions,                                                             Basketball           Museums
entrance fees, course certificate                                                               Bicycle tours        Party room
                                                                                                Board games          Slackline
                                                                                                Campfire             Swimming
                                                                                                Canoeing             Table tennis
                                                                                                City tour            Volleyball

34                                                                                                                                                                                    35
Vienna (Austria)
ages 15-18
Vienna, the city with the highest quality of life in the world, unites tradition and modernity
in its own unique way. With 1.8 million inhabitants, Vienna is both Austria’s capital and
its largest city – and the site of the first and only Humboldt-Institut center in neighboring
Austria. A true highlight of this program site is the location of our German courses: on
board of a school ship right along the Danube island! After class, Vienna also offers what
may be the world’s finest cultural scene: besides the old town and Schönbrunn Palace,
both of which are UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites, Vienna also boasts countless
royal residences and palaces, museums, famous buildings and landmarks, the most inter-
nationally known of which are St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the Ferris wheel in the Prater
park. But architectural monuments are not all that Vienna has to offer: coffeehouses,
Sachertorte, Wiener Schnitzel and the Naschmarkt – the city’s wide variety of attractions
caters to every taste!
                                                Accommodation and Board
                                                • Guest House Wien Brigittenau
                                                • Twin rooms
                                                • All rooms with en-suite bathroom
                                                • 3 main meals
                                                July 3 - July 16, 2022 (2 weeks)                 Transfer Services                              Excursions
                                                July 3 - July 30, 2022 (4 weeks)                 Railway station:                               e.g., Schönbrunn Palace, the Prater,
                                                July 17 - July 30, 2022 (2 weeks)*               Vienna Westbahnhof (transfer free of charge)   Lainzer Tiergarten, Burg Liechtenstein,
                                                * no total beginners                             Airport: Vienna (VIE) € 40.-                   Kahlenberg, Lake Neusiedl
                                                                                                 The fee is per person and route.
                                                € 1,155.- per week                               Leisure Time
                                                                                                 Billiard              Prater
                                                Included are                                     Board games           Slackline
                                                Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,       City tour             Swimming
                                                full board, 24-hour supervision, daily           Football              Table football
                                                leisure program, weekly excursions,              Handicrafts
                                                entrance fees, course certificate                Museums
Intensive Course 30
• 30 lessons per week
• ⌀ 10 students per class
• Levels: A1 - B2
• Classes are held on a school ship

36                                                                                                                                                                                        37
Bad Dürkheim
ages 11-14
The weather forecast calls for mild, sunny conditions: Bad Dürkheim is located in one of the
mildest climatic zones north of the Alps. On particularly clear days, residents can see as far
as Heidelberg, located some 45 minutes away. The town is surrounded by an intricate net-
work of valleys, impressive hills and medieval fortresses. Students stay at the welcoming St.
Christophorus youth hostel, which offers countless opportunities for leisure activities and
serves as an ideal starting point for interesting excursions throughout the region.

Intensive Course 25                             Included are
• 25 lessons per week                           Lessons, teaching material, accommoda-
• ⌀ 10 students per class                       tion, full board, 24-hour supervision,
• Levels: A1 - B1                               daily leisure program, weekly excursions,
                                                entrance fees, course certificate
Accommodation and Board
• 3- and 4-bed rooms on campus with             Transfer Services
  shared facilities                             Railway station:
• 3 main meals and 1 snack                      Bad Dürkheim                                     Leisure Time                        Excursions
                                                (transfer free of charge)                        Badminton       Party room          e.g., Heidelberg, Speyer, Worms, Limburg,
                                                Airport:                                         Barbecue        Swimming (outdoor   Hardenburg Castle, Frankfurt, Mannheim,
July 3 - July 16, 2022 (2 weeks)
                                                Frankfurt (FRA) € 80.-                           Basketball      pool)               Wachtenburg Castle
July 3 - July 30, 2022 (4 weeks)
                                                The fee is per person and route.                 Board games     Table football
July 17 - July 30, 2022 (2 weeks)*
* no total beginners                                                                             Football        Table tennis
                                                                                                 Handicrafts     Volleyball
Fee                                                                                              Hiking
€ 1,105.- per week                                                                               Mountainbikes

38                                                                                                                                                                          39
ages 9 -13
Lehnin is a small town of 12,000 people located near Potsdam and Berlin. The Lehnin
monastery is still the focal point of this lively town, which is surrounded by forests, lakes
and rivers.
The beautiful landscape calls for hiking and biking trips, and the large lake right next to
our school offers our students opportunities for swimming, sailing or rowing. The proxim-
ity of Berlin guarantees interesting excursions on the weekends.

Intensive Course 25                             Included are
• 25 lessons per week                           Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
• ⌀ 10 students per class                       full board, 24-hour supervision, daily leisure
• Levels: A1 - B1                               program, weekly excursions, entrance fees,
Accommodation and Board                         course certificate
• On campus in 2-, 3- and 4-bed rooms           Transfer Services
• All rooms with en-suite bathroom              Railway station:
• 3 main meals and 1 snack                      Groß Kreutz (transfer free of charge)
Date                                            Airport:                                         Leisure Time                              Sailing Course (9 lessons)         € 225.-
July 10 - July 30, 2022 (3 weeks)               Berlin Brandenburg (BER) € 60.-                  Badminton          Mountain bikes         Minimum 4 participants required
                                                The fees are per person and route.               Campfire           Sculpture
Fee                                                                                                                 Swimming in the lake   Excursions
                                                                                                 Drawing and
€ 1,135.- per week                                                                                                  Table tennis           e.g., Berlin (Brandenburg Gate, Parliament)
                                                                                                 painting courses
                                                                                                 Football           Volleyball             and Potsdam with their numerous sights,
                                                                                                 Handicrafts                               Lake Blankensee, Brandenburg (Havel),
                                                                                                 Hiking                                    hands-on farm

40                                                                                                                                                                                41
ages 9-13
Reimlingen lies just 4 kilometers south of the medieval town of Nördlingen. Castles,
fortresses and old customs are the stock and trade of the surrounding Nördlinger Ries, a
region known for its breathtaking land formations produced over 15 million years ago by
cataclysmic natural forces. Students are housed at the Reimlingen conference center, an
extremely well-maintained facility situated far from busy streets in a lovely park set up for
numerous types of sports and recreation.

                                                July 3 - July 16, 2022 (2 weeks)
                                                July 3 - July 30, 2022 (4 weeks)
                                                July 17 - July 30, 2022 (2 weeks)*
                                                * no total beginners

                                                € 1,090.- per week
                                                Included are
                                                Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
                                                full board, 24-hour supervision, daily leisure
                                                program, weekly excursions, entrance fees,
Intensive Course 25                             course certificate                               Leisure Time                                    Horseback Riding
• 25 lessons per week                                                                            Barbecue            Party room                  2 weeks € 150.-
                                                Transfer Services
• ⌀ 10 students per class                                                                        Basketball          Playing field               4 weeks € 300.-
                                                Railway station: Nördlingen
• Levels: A1 - B1                                                                                Board games         Sports hall                 The horseback riding lessons are aimed at
                                                (transfer free of charge)                        Campfire            Swimming (indoor            beginners.
Accommodation and Board                         Airport: Munich (MUC) € 115.-
• On campus in 2-, 3- and 4-bed rooms                                                            Football            and outdoor)                Excursions
                                                The fee is per person and route.                 Handicrafts         Table tennis                e.g., Nuremberg, Munich (airport tour),
• All rooms with en-suite bathroom
• 3 main meals and 2 snacks                                                                      Hiking              Theater for children        Stuttgart, Ulm, Rothenburg ob der Tauber,
                                                                                                 Horseback riding*   Volleyball                  Dinkelsbühl
                                                                                                 Mountain bikes      * not included in the fee

42                                                                                                                                                                                           43
Heessen Castle
ages 9-13
Heessen is a district of the town Hamm in North-Rhine Westphalia in the Ruhr metro-
politan region. The former mining town Hamm is nowadays known for its varied cultural
offers and many public green spaces, among them Maximilian Park with its glass elephant,
one of the major landmarks of the city. The spacious school premises of Heessen Castle
combine tradition and modern comfort and offer our young guests not only a great variety
of leisure time opportunities, but also a school canteen which is certified by the German
Nutrition Society. There are many attractive destinations in the region for our Saturday
excursions, among them the metropolis Cologne, with the world famous cathedral “Kölner
Dom” and one of the children’s all time favorites, the chocolate museum.

                                              July 3 - July 16, 2022 (2 weeks)
                                              July 3 - July 30, 2022 (4 weeks)
                                              July 17 - July 30, 2022 (2 weeks)*
                                              * no total beginners

                                              € 1,080.- per week
                                              Included are
                                              Lessons, teaching material, accommodation,
                                              full board, 24-hour supervision, daily
                                              leisure program, excursions, entrance fees,
                                              course certificate
Intensive Course 25                                                                         Leisure Time                        Excursions
• 25 lessons per week                         Transfer Services
                                              Railway station: Hamm (Westphalia)            Basketball         Hiking           e.g., Cologne (cathedral), Münster, Dort-
• ⌀ 10 students per class                                                                   Beach volleyball   Mountain bikes   mund (Zeche Zollern), Hamm, Teutoburg
• Levels: A1 - B1                             (transfer free of charge)
                                                                                            Billiard           Party room       Forest, Lake Möhne
                                              Airport: Düsseldorf (DUS) € 85.-              Board games        Streetball
Accommodation and Board
                                              The fee is per person and route.              Climbing           Table football
• On campus in 2- to 4-bed rooms with
  shared facilities                                                                         Football           Table tennis
• 3 main meals and 2 snacks                                                                 Handicrafts

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