LAUSANNE 2022 - - Assets Service

Page created by Lewis Schneider
LAUSANNE 2022 - - Assets Service


LAUSANNE 2022 - - Assets Service

It is time for summer fun at Lausanne!

At Summers @ Lausanne, it is our goal to provide your child with engaging
and memorable experiences that allow for substantial academic, social,
artistic, athletic and social-emotional growth. We do this all while providing
children a safe place to explore new and passionate interests while also
spending time with friends. We place great care in offering guidance to help
children grow while under the supervision of a well-trained staff.

You will find that our summer program offerings allow you to create a schedule that provides your child
with a range of activities they enjoy or opportunities to explore new activities. If, however, you find
something missing from our program, please let us know. We will be happy to look into adding it.

Summers @ Lausanne is open to both new and prospective students as well as community guests.
This guide will support you in selecting activities for your child, but should you need additional help
or guidance, please contact our office by emailing or calling our
Lausanne 360° phone line, 901-484-3390. To register and explore our virtual catalog, please visit

Thank you for your interest and support of Summers @ Lausanne. We look forward to seeing you
this summer!

Looking forward to summer,

Rachel Hammons                      Nia Kinley
Director of Lausanne 360            Director of AfterSchool &
                                    Summer Programs

Email: | Phone: 901-484-3390

LAUSANNE 2022 - - Assets Service
HOW TO SCHEDULE                                                                                                BREAKDOWN OF A DAY WITH SUMMERS @ LAUSANNE
1.) Full Summer Calendar View
                                                                                                               8 – 8:30 a.m.                  • Staff direct campers to their grade appropriate carline for paperwork
To take a look at all summer offerings at once for your child, go to the following page:                       Carpool Drop off for             collection, name tags and then escort them to morning camps.
 L                                   M                                                                         morning camps
Rising JK–4th grade                 Rising 5th–8th grade                                                       8:30 – 11:30 a.m.              • These camps are interest based and kept small to allow for maximum
Lower School                        Middle School                                                              Morning Camps                    camper/instructor interaction. We offer camps in a variety of interests,
Page 10                             Page 12                                                                                                     and there are at least 2 offerings a week in each grade level.
                                                                                                               11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.           • Staff call midday campers to carpool when their car arrives.
2.) Program Descriptions and Additional Details                                                                Carpool for Half Day campers   • Upon arrival, counselors take afternoon-only campers to their afternoon
To see what we offer during a particular week, use the Table of Contents on page 5 to locate the               Lunch for full day campers       camp group.
week in question.                                                                                                                             • Full day campers have time to eat their lunch brought from home.
                                                                                                               12 – 4 p.m.                    • Afternoon camp each week, Camp Lausanne, is a recreation camp that
                                                                                                               Camp Lausanne                    allows students to engage with peers while rotating through several
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER                                                                                                                         stations including Games, Art, STEAM, and water play. Additionally,
Once you know what is available and are aware of your child’s interests, you can customize your                                                 Summers@Lausanne has a multi-day project-based activity each week.
student’s schedule on a weekly basis. See below for 3 variations of sample schedules.                          4 – 4:15 p.m.                  • Staff call campers to carpool from their Camp Lausanne base rooms
                                                                                                               Afternoon carpool                when their car arrives.

FULL DAY                            MORNING ONLY                        AFTERNOON ONLY
CAMPER                              CAMPER                              CAMPER
8 – 8:30 a.m.: Drop off at grade    8 – 8:30 a.m.: Drop off at grade    11:30 – 11:45 a.m.: Carpool drop off
appropriate carpool                 appropriate carpool                 12 – 4 p.m.: Camp Lausanne
8:30 – 11:30 a.m.: Morning Camp     8:30 – 11:30 a.m.: Morning Camp     4 – 4:15 p.m.: Afternoon Carpool
11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.: Lunch         11:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.: Carpool
                                    pick up
12 – 4 p.m.: Camp Lausanne
4 – 4:15 p.m.: Afternoon Carpool

Registration opens Monday, March 7, 2022. Find detailed program
descriptions, program availability, and online registration links at

                                                                                Scan to access
                                                                              online registration!

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LAUSANNE 2022 - - Assets Service
      Special Interest Offerings      PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS:
      Lausanne Rising PK3 Student     14  Week 1: May 31 – June 3
      Offering                        16  Week 2: June 6 – 10
                                      18  Week 3: June 13 – 17
         CONCISE CALENDARS:           20	Week 4:June 21 – 24 (Please note: Campus
    10    L JK–4th grade
           Rising                             is closed June 20th for Juneteenth.)

    12   M Rising 5th–8th grade       22      Week 5: June 27 – July 1
                                      Please note: Campus is closed the week of July 4th.
                                      24  Week 6: July 11 – 15
                                      26  Week 7: July 18 – 22
                                      28  Week 8: July 25 – 29
                                      30  Week 9: August 1 – 5
                                      32  Week 10: August 8– 12
                                      33	Looking Ahead: Lausanne 360° Fall
                                      35	Summers @ Lausanne
                                          General Policies


                      @ LAUSANNE

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LAUSANNE 2022 - - Assets Service
                                                                                                                                                                             Presented by Kathryn Manzo through Summers
 L    M    U SOCCER OLÉ CAMP (JK–12th)                    U COUNSELOR IN TRAINING PROGRAM                           M U HISTORY ALIVE: ALABAMA
                                                                                                                                                                             at Lausanne, these Michelangelo Project tutoring
                                                         (RISING 9th–10th)                                         A STUDENT LEADERSHIP PROGRAM BY                           intensives are designed for artists of all levels-
May 30 – June 3 *Half Day (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)
                                                                                                                   LYNXTRAVEL (RISING 8th–12th)                              beginners to professionals, teens to adults. The
June 6 – 10	    or                                      Session 1: June 13 – 17
June 13 – 17     Full Day (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)        Session 2: June 21 – 24 (No Camp on June 20th in          June 6 – 10, 2022                                         individualized tutoring focuses on skills, tips, and
June 20 – 24                                             observation of Juneteenth)                                                                                          tricks to best support each artist’s success. Regular
                                                                                                                   Catherine Hammons, Lausanne Teacher                       demonstrations will be presented, and individual
June 27 – July 1                                         Session 3: July 25 – 29
                                                                                                                   Registration Fee: $995                                    critiques will be given to each artist. Examples of
                                                         Session 4: August 1 – 5
Your child will have the opportunity to learn from the                                                                                                                       recent demos are pictured below. Depending on
                                                                                                                   Come explore how students played a pivotal role
best and develop his or her talent as a soccer player.   Registration Fees: $220                                                                                             scheduling, sessions can be presented on campus
                                                                                                                   in the civil rights movement as we explore the
Players are grouped by age, gender and/or skill level.   Students accepted into the 2022 Counselors in                                                                       or online directly from a private art studio. An initial
                                                                                                                   cities of Birmingham, Montgomery and Selma. This
Levels range from beginner to advanced.                  Training Program receive practical training and work                                                                discussion will be held with each student to establish
                                                                                                                   Summer leadership program will empower students
To register, please visit Please note     experience through hands-on assisting in the direction,                                                             a set of goals for the length of study. Students may
                                                                                                                   to be defenders of human rights in their community.
that any transport from a morning soccer ole camp to     supervision, and organization of campers and camp                                                                   sign up for one or two weeks, AND for one, two, or
                                                                                                                   Students will have to complete an application and
afternoon Camp Lausanne should be arranged through       activities. This is an important role at Summers @                                                                  three hours of tutoring per day (5, 10, or 15 hours
                                                                                                                   interview to be accepted to the program.
Soccer Ole.                                              Lausanne in which leadership skills, integrity, self-                                                               per week). Spaces are limited because each session
                                                         control and patience are nurtured and developed.           U THE MICHELANGELO PROJECT: PRIVATE                      is allocated exclusively to one student. Lausanne’s
 L M U PRIVATE TUTORING                                                                                                                                                      standard hour academic tutoring fee applies: $80/
                                                         Applications are available by going to                    CLASSICAL ART TUTORING (RISING 9th–adult)
(RISING SK–12th)                                                                                                                                                             hour. Interested students should sign up for the same
                                                                                                                   Week 1: June 6 – 10                                       time slot/s for 5 consecutive days/week.
June 6 – August 12, 2022
                                                          L M RUNNING AND CONDITIONING                             Week 2: June 13 – 17
Lausanne Teachers                                                                                                                                                            *Students wishing to study painting should have
                                                         (RISING 3rd–8th)                                          Kathryn Manzo, Lausanne Teacher                           previously studied drawing.
Registration Fees:
                                                                                                                   Registration Fees: $80/hour (details below)
4 half hour sessions: $160                               July 12 – August 4                                                                                                  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
8 half hour sessions: $320                               Location: Sea Isle Park                                                                                             Kathryn Manzo at
                                                                                                                   Summer Private Tutoring
4 hour long sessions: $340                                                                                                                                                   To register, visit:
                                                         Lisa Miller, Lausanne Teacher                             5 Sessions (M–F) – 60 minutes $400.00
8 hour long sessions: $680
                                                         Registration Fees: $150
                                                                                                                   Available Sessions
On campus, private tutoring with Lausanne teachers       Join Coach Miller on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and            1) Early Morning: 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
is available to Lausanne Collegiate School students.     Thursdays starting July 12th until August 4th for         2) Mid-Morning: 9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
All sessions are either 30 minutes or 1 hour long.       summer conditioning! It’s a great way to prepare          3) Late Morning: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
If you are interested in receiving tutoring services,    for your upcoming fall sport or simply enjoy running      4) Early Afternoon: 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
please contact               with friends. Friends make everything better! We          5) Mid-Afternoon: 1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
                                                         will meet at Sea Isle Park from 8-9:30 am each            6) Late Afternoon 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
 L M U PRIVATE CONSERVATORY                              day. Don’t worry if you can’t make all the sessions.
LESSONS (RISING SK–12th)                                 We understand summers are busy and encourage              Intensive private art training for teens and adults who
                                                         everyone to come when they can. Summer                    are motivated to learn and advance their skills in:
June 6 – August 12, 2022
                                                         conditioning is open to students in grades 3rd            • Realistic Drawing – All Levels: Introductory,
Lausanne Conservatory Instructors                        through 8th. Please reach out to Coach Miller with           Intermediate, Advanced
Registration Fees:                                       any questions:                 • Portrait Drawing
4 half hour sessions: $135                                                                                         • Color Theory
8 half hour sessions: $265                                                                                         • Linear Perspective Drawing: One, Two, and Three-
                                                                                                                      Point Perspective
On campus, private lessons in piano, voice and guitar
                                                                                                                   • Watercolor Painting*
are available to all. All sessions are 30 minutes in
                                                                                                                   • Oil Painting* – All Levels: Introductory,
length. If you are interested in summer lessons,
                                                                                                                      Intermediate, Advanced
please email
                                                                                                                   • Calligraphy
                                                                                                                   • College Admissions: Portfolio, Art Supplement,
                                                                                                                      Art, Design & Architecture Scholarship
                                                                                                                      Competition Coaching
                                                                                                                   • Art Competition Coaching

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LAUSANNE 2022 - - Assets Service

    May 31 – August 12
    8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    (Campus is closed June 20th and the week of
    July 4th.)
    Ten-week Program Fee: $3600
    Summers @ Lausanne is excited to offer our first ever summer programming for rising PK3 students. Discovery
    Summer is specifically designed for students enrolled in Lausanne’s PK2 program for the 21–22 school year and will
    continue our littlest lynx’s learning experience throughout the summer.
    Major Details
    • Discovery Summer is only open to currently enrolled PK2 Lausanne students in the 21 – 22 school year.
    • Potty training is not required but all PK3 students must be potty trained by the start of the 22–23 school year.
    • Discovery Summer runs May 31 – August 12 from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Campus is closed June 20th and the
      week of July 4th.
    • The ten-week program costs a flat fee of $3600 for the ten-week program.
    • Please note that a minimum enrollment of six students and registration will be sent directly to our currently
      enrolled PK2 families.
    A typical day for a Discovery Summer student looks like:
    8 – 8:30 a.m. Arrival & Centers Free Play
    8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Weekly Theme Instruction
    9:30 – 10 a.m. Recess
    10 – 10:15 a.m. Mid-Morning Snack
    10:15 – 11:30 a.m. Water Play
    11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Lunch
    12 – 12:30 p.m. Weekly Theme Instruction
    12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Rest Time
    2:30 – 3 p.m. Movement & Physical Education Games
    3 – 3:45 p.m. Art Project Creation Time
    3:45 p.m. Afternoon Treat
    4 p.m. Carpool

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LAUSANNE 2022 - - Assets Service

                                               @ LAUSANNE

                         CALENDAR FOR                                                                                             Register online at
        RISING JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN – RISING 4TH GRADE                                                                             Please see page 4 for additional Special Interest Opportunities!

                                  MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                                                       MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)

        WEEK 1                 WEEK 2                     WEEK 3                    WEEK 4                WEEK 5                   WEEK 6                      WEEK 7                       WEEK 8                      WEEK 9                 WEEK 10
        May 31 – June 3        June 6 – 10                June 13 – 17              June 21 – 24          June 27 – July 1         July 11 – 15                July 18 – 22                 July 25 – 29                August 1 – 5           August 8 – 12

                                                    Carpool (8 – 8:30 a.m.)                                                                                                                  Carpool (8 – 8:30 a.m.)

        Dino Adventure         Under the Sea              Tale of Tails             Itty Bitty Zoo Crew   Night Animals            To Infinity and Beyond      Adventures in Wonderland     Jump Into JK                Lil Lynx Athletes
        Beach Bash             Beginning Builders         Musical Bootcamp Jr.      Messy Matisses        Up and Over Obstacles    Happily Ever After          Young Knights Chess Camp     All About Me!               Center Stage
 JK &

        Maker Camp Jr          Trace of Summer            Lights, Camera, Action!   3, 2, 1 Blast Off!    Build Memphis 2.0        Amazing Ocean Discovery     Once Upon a Recipe           Fly into First              A Bug’s Life
        Art Around the World   Daring Detectives          Art Discovery             Enchanted Encanto     Tiny Home                Minion Madness Camp         Superhero Stories            Sail into Second            Future Young Chess
 1ST                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Masters
        Gymnastics             Lynx Boys Basktetball                                                      Lady Lynx                                                                         Clay Creations                                     Full Day Camp:
                               Camp                                                                       “Fun”damental Camp                                                                                            Lynx Cheer Camp        Lausanne Extravaganza
 2ND                                                                                                                                                                                        Socktastic Stories

        Wonderful World of     Lego Robotics              It’s Magic!               Run Lynx Run          Descendants Dance        STEAM Ahead Art Collision   Paint Party                  Trek into Third             Future Young Chess
        Harry Potter           Slice of Art               Olympian Warriors         Canine Camp           Camp                     Don’t Stop the Music        Minute 2 Win it!             Intro to Astronomy          Masters
 3RD    Art Attack                                                                                        Tiny Home                                                                                                     Camp DIY
                               Lynx Boys Basktetball      Tennis Camp                                                              Musical Theatre Bootcamp                                 Clay Creations
        Gymnastics             Camp                                                                       Lady Lynx                (Full Day Camp)                                                                      Lynx Cheer Camp
 4TH                                                                                                                                                                                        Socktastic Stories
                                                                                                          “Fun”damental Camp

                                        Lunch/midday carpool (11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.)                                                                                                Lunch/midday carpool (11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

                          AFTERNOON SESSIONS (12 – 4 p.m.)                                                                                                                     AFTERNOON SESSIONS (12 – 4 p.m.)

        Camp Lausanne          Camp Lausanne              Camp Lausanne             Camp Lausanne         Camp Lausanne            Camp Lausanne               Camp Lausanne                Camp Lausanne               Camp Lausanne          Lausanne Extravaganza
 JK–                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Noon Dismissal on Friday)
                                                                                                                                   Musical Theatre Bootcamp                                 Volleyball Camp (3rd–8th)
 4TH                                                                                                                               (Full Day Camp)

                                               Afternoon carpool (4 – 4:15 p.m.)                                                                                                        Afternoon carpool (4 – 4:15 p.m.)

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LAUSANNE 2022 - - Assets Service

                                             @ LAUSANNE

                                        CALENDAR FOR                                                                               Register online at
                                   RISING 5TH – 8TH GRADE                                                                          Please see page 4 for additional Special Interest Opportunities!

                                  MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                                                      MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)

       WEEK 1                  WEEK 2                    WEEK 3                  WEEK 4                   WEEK 5                    WEEK 6                     WEEK 7                     WEEK 8                     WEEK 9                      WEEK 10
       May 31 – June 3         June 6 – 10               June 13 – 17            June 21 – 24             June 27 – July 1          July 11 – 15               July 18 – 22               July 25 – 29               August 1 – 5                August 8 – 12

                                                   Carpool (8 – 8:30 a.m.)                                                                                                                 Carpool (8 – 8:30 a.m.)

       Dodge, Duck, Dive       Foodie Camp               Animation Design        Wild about Photography   Latin American Cooking    Physics is Phun            Mache Madness!             Mad Scientist              Don’t Stop the Music        Full Day Camp:
       Dodgeball               Wonders of the Mind       The Infinite World      Basketball               Utlimate Nerf War         Musical Theatre            Historical CSI             Lynx Athletes Training     Lynx Athletes Training      Lausanne Extravaganza
5TH–   International Cooking   Lynx Boys Basktetball     of Art                  Fundamentals             Lady Lynx                 Bootcamp (Full Day Camp)                              Camp                       Camp
 8TH   Gymnastics              Camp                      Tennis Camp                                      “Fun”damental Camp        Picture Perfect                                       Dungeons & Dragons         Lynx Cheer Camp

                                       Lunch/midday carpool (11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.)                                                                                               Lunch/midday carpool (11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

                           AFTERNOON SESSIONS (12 – 4 p.m.)                                                                                                                     AFTERNOON SESSIONS (12 – 4 p.m.)

       Camp Lausanne           Camp Lausanne             Camp Lausanne           Camp Lausanne            Camp Lausanne             Camp Lausanne              Camp Lausanne              Camp Lausanne              Camp Lausanne               Lausanne Extravaganza
5TH–                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Noon Dismissal on Friday)
                                                                                                                                    Musical Theatre                                                                  Volleyball Camp (3rd–8th)
                                                                                                                                    Bootcamp (Full Day Camp)

                                             Afternoon carpool (4 – 4:15 p.m.)                                                                                                        Afternoon carpool (4 – 4:15 p.m.)

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LAUSANNE 2022 - - Assets Service
WEEK 1: May 31 – June 3                                                                                           WEEK 1: May 31 – June 3

MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                              MORNING SESSIONS Continued                                 AFTERNOON SESSION (12 – 4 p.m.)

 L DINO ADVENTURE (Rising JK–SK)                         L WONDERFUL WORLD OF HARRY POTTER                         M INTERNATIONAL COOKING                                    L   M CAMP LAUSANNE (Rising JK–8th)
                                                        (Rising 3rd–4th)                                          (Rising 5th–8th)
Daria West, Lausanne Teacher                                                                                                                                                 Lausanne Summer Staff
Registration Fee: $140                                  Katie Shea, Lausanne Teacher                              Cassidy Fernandez, Lausanne Teacher                        Registration Fee: $130
Want to travel through time to way back when            Registration Fee: $140                                    Registration Fee: $155                                     Join us at Camp Lausanne the whole summer long
dinosaurs existed? We will explore flying               Step onto Platform 9 3/4 as we embark into the            Dive into the world of cooking, baking and most            for a recreational camp that will involve all your
pterodactyls, big brontosauruses, and OF COURSE,        world of Hogwarts, Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade.            importantly, eating! International Cooking campers         favorite activities. Each week involves rotating
the most popular of all – THE T-REX! We will read       Join the brave of Gryffindor, the sly of Snytherin, the   travel the world as they learn about scrumptious           through stations including gym and water play, art,
all about these amazing reptiles of the past and        kind of Hufflepulff, and the cunning of SLytherin as      international treats. Campers get hands-on                 STEAM, indoor games, as well as a special activity
maybe even make one of our own!! Get ready for a        we have fun with all things Harry Potter! Join for a      experience practicing proper kitchen skills, identifying   each week. Maybe you’ll get to tie-dye t-shirts, or
fun week of exploration and learning!                   fun week of crafts, games, and food all about the         flavors while diving into a multitude of cultures!         maybe you will build a cardboard boat to race in our
                                                        magical world of Harry Potter!                                                                                       lake. You’ll have to come join us to find out!
                                                         L ART ATTACK! (Rising 3rd–4th)
Shelby Longfellow, Lausanne Teacher
Registration Fee: $140                                  Moria Donati, Lausanne Teacher
It’s time for fun in the sun! This camp is sure to      Registration Fee: $140
make a splash at the beginning of your child’s          Get ready to get creative! You will have a week of
summer break! We’ll get moving with beach themed        fun exploring all arts mediums. Artists will use paint,
play, games and outdoor activities! We’ll engage        collage, markers, and more to make their creations!
our brains by reading beach books and creating
totally tropical crafts! Making memories with friends    L    M GYMNASTICS (Rising 1st–8th)
is what this summer camp is all about, so sign up       Patty Moore, Lausanne 360° Instructor
before it’s too late!                                   Registration Fee: $210
 L MAKER CAMP JR. (Rising 1st–2nd)                      Gymnastics is a great way to have fun, stay fit,
                                                        and boost confidence. Not only will children gain
Kim Bullard, Lausanne Teacher                           instruction on all four Olympic events (floor, uneven
Registration Fee: $170                                  bars, balance beam and vault), they will be able to
Kids will design, create, imagine, problem solve,       master skills seen this summer in the Olympics. Yes,
build, assemble, and PLAY in a creative Makerspace      Lausanne kids can do it too!
environment. We will be constantly thinking and
constantly tinkering; something we like to call          M DODGE, DUCK, DIVE DODGEBALL
thinkering!                                             (Rising 5th–8th)

 L ART AROUND THE WORLD                                 Maegan Laymon, Lausanne Teacher
                                                        Registration Fee: $140
(Rising 1st–2nd)
                                                        Come join Coach Laymon for a week of dodgeball
Emma Kate Rose, Lausanne 360° Instructor                fun! Every day will feature a variation of the classic
Registration Fee: $155                                  game dodgeball as well as technique training. Come
Do you enjoy traveling? How would you like to visit a   have fun and improve your hand-eye coordination,
new country every day? You will become immersed         catching/throwing, and teamwork skills!
in the unique cultures of countries around the world.
You will learn about cuisines, traditions, clothing,
and the special people that make each location
remarkable. Your art projects will vary in mediums to
reflect the culture of each country.

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WEEK 2: June 6 – 10                                                                                             WEEK 2: June 6 – 10

MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                            MORNING SESSIONS Continued                               AFTERNOON SESSION (12 – 4 p.m.)

 L UNDER THE SEA (Rising JK–SK)                         L DARING DETECTIVES (Rising 1st–2nd)                     L M LYNX BOYS BASKETBALL CAMP                            L   M CAMP LAUSANNE (Rising JK–8th)
                                                                                                                (Rising 1st–8th)
Lauren Stallings, Lausanne 360° Instructor             Daria West, Lausanne Teacher                                                                                      Lausanne Summer Staff
Registration Fee: $140                                 Registration Fee: $140                                   Marvis Davis, Varsity Boys Basketball                    Registration Fee: $130
Take a trip under the sea no submarine required!       Have you ever wanted to solve cases? Do you love a       Registration Fee: $140                                   Join us at Camp Lausanne the whole summer long
Calling all future oceanographers and marine           scavenger hunt? Do you like figuring out clues? Join     Coach Davis offers instruction in the fundamentals       for a recreational camp that will involve all your
biologists for a week filled with projects, crafts,    detective camp this summer for a week of mysteries       of basketball including passing, dribbling, stance and   favorite activities. Each week involves rotating
games, and experiments all about the ocean. All        and fun! We will read detective stories, solve cases,    positioning. Players will learn individual and team      through stations including gym and water play, art,
aboard our ship as we set sail for fun!                and go on scavenger hunts all week long. Engage          techniques while practicing game-like scenarios in       STEAM, indoor games, as well as a special activity
                                                       your mind and your sense of adventure during a fun       the Lausanne gymnasium.                                  each week. Maybe you’ll get to tie-dye t-shirts, or
 L BEGINNING BUILDERS (Rising JK–SK)                   week of playing investigator!                                                                                     maybe you will build a cardboard boat to race in our
                                                                                                                 M FOODIE CAMP (Rising 5th–8th)                          lake. You’ll have to come join us to find out!
Jodi Howard, Lausanne Teacher                           L SLICE OF ART (Rising 3rd–4th)
Registration Fee: $140                                                                                          Katie Shea, Lausanne Teacher
Come learn the very basics of engineering! Campers     Kaitlyn Seahorn, Lausanne 360° Instructor                Registration Fee: $155
will work with a variety of materials to complete      Registration Fee: $145                                   This camp is for those who are curious about trying
building challenges and bring the creations of         Get ready to get your hands dirty by creating            new foods and learning how to make new foods. We
their imaginations to life! On Friday, campers will    some beautiful works of art. Our days will range         will be making charcuterie boards, bread, and even
participate in a small showcase to tell us about       from creating sculptures to drawing the wildlife         some desserts. If the pandemic allows, we will go
their creations!                                       at Lausanne! Art is a huge pizza, so join us as we       off-campus to try new foods as well. Come hungry!
                                                       tackle just one slice!
 L TRACE OF SUMMER (Rising 1st–2nd)                                                                              M WONDERS OF THE MIND (Rising 5th–8th)
                                                        L LEGO ROBOTICS (Rising 3rd–4th)
Becka Matthews, Lausanne 360° Instructor                                                                        Dekitra Durant, Lausanne Staff
Registration Fee: $145                                 Amy Brownlee, Lausanne Teacher                           Registration Fee: $140
Students will break out the paint brushes to explore   Registration Fee: $140                                   Do you enjoy puzzles and mind engaging activities?
different styles of painting. Students will create     Did you enjoy Robotics with Mrs. Brownlee this           Have you ever wanted to create your own? Join us
watercolor masterpieces and large acrylic paintings    year? Have you always been interested in Robotics        as we spend the week challenging our mind while
on canvas over the course of the week!                 and this summer you want to explore more? Well,          also using our artistic creativity!
                                                       we have you covered! Spend the week navigating
                                                       the world of robotics and have a blast while doing it.
                                                       The possibilities are endless for what you will build!

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WEEK 3: June 13 – 17                                                                                              WEEK 3: June 13 – 17

MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                              MORNING SESSIONS Continued                              AFTERNOON SESSION (12 – 4 p.m.)

 L TALE OF TAILS (Rising JK–SK)                             L IT’S MAGIC! (Rising 3rd–4th)                         M ANIMATION DESIGN (Rising 5th–8th)                     L   M CAMP LAUSANNE (Rising JK–8th)

Jodi Howard, Lausanne Teacher                              Natalie Thomas, Lausanne Teacher                       Becka Matthews, Lausanne 360° Instructor                Lausanne Summer Staff
Registration Fee: $140                                     Registration Fee: $145                                 Registration Fee: $140                                  Registration Fee: $130
Who doesn’t love an adventure? Come join Ms.               The great Canadian magician Douglas Henning            Campers will discover the art of animation through      Join us at Camp Lausanne the whole summer long
Howard as we look at different animals through             once said, “The art of a magician is to create         the creation of claymation films, stop motion           for a recreational camp that will involve all your
children’s stories. Hands-on activities, games, and        wonder. If we live with a sense of wonder, our lives   videos, and illustrated cartoons! By the end of         favorite activities. Each week involves rotating
more will help us dive into stories a little deeper, get   become filled with joy.” We will learn about famous    camp, campers will have a video to take home and        through stations including gym and water play, art,
to know some of furry friends a little better, and may     magicians, read stories about magic, and create our    showcase to their peers!                                STEAM, indoor games, as well as a special activity
even inspire us to write an animal story of our own!       own magician costumes while perfecting our own                                                                 each week. Maybe you’ll get to tie-dye t-shirts, or
                                                           performance with slight-of-hand, card tricks, and       M THE INFINITE WOLRD OF ART                            maybe you will build a cardboard boat to race in our
 L MUSICAL BOOTCAMP JR. (Rising JK–SK)                     illusions that our campers can use to create magic     (Rising 5th–8th)                                        lake. You’ll have to come join us to find out!
Bing Osterman, Lausanne Teacher                            and wonder for years to come! Take home your own       Kaitlyn Seahorn, Lausanne 360° Instructor
Registration Fee: $140                                     magical prop at the end of the week!                   Registration Fee: $140
There are no small roles, only small humans!                L OLYMPIAN WARRIORS (Rising 3rd–4th)                  Do you have what it takes to be the next Picasso?
Join us for a week of singing, dancing and                                                                        Are you ready to take your art skills to the next
acting as we prepare a pint-sized performance              Kyle Lawrence, Lausanne Teacher                        level? Join us as we explore the world of art and all
from hit musicals.                                         Registration Fee: $140                                 the possibilities. You will be surprised at how much
                                                           Have you ever watched the Olympics and imagined        we can create in one week.
 L LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!                                 yourself on the screen? Well, this is your time to
(Rising 1st–2nd)                                           shine! Campers will participate in various Olympic
Victoria Citchens, Lausanne Teacher                        sports, and even have a chance to win a metal in the
Registration Fee: $140                                     end! Do you have what it takes to win a gold metal?
                                                           Join us and see!
Are you ready for the red carpet? Lights, Camera,
Action Camp is for the star in you. Camp participants       L   M TENNIS CAMP (Rising 3rd–8th)
will sing, dance and act their way onto the
Hollywood Walk of Fame while having paparazzi              Joel Bailey, Lausanne Tennis
snap pictures of their fabulous lives. Students            Registration Fee: $140
will make a movie and participate in their very            Join Coach Joel to get a jump start on the tennis
own awards show. Music, movement and mindful               season. Whether you already play or are looking to
moments will keep the stars at their best.                 start a new sport, this camp is for you! Coach Joel
                                                           will help you master the basic techniques and take
 L ART DISCOVERY (Rising 1st–2nd)                          your tennis game to the next level!
Lindsey Byard, Lausanne 360° Instructor
Registration Fee: $155
Five mornings packed full of art discovery. Each
activity will introduce new skills and experiences
through experimentation and play. Days will be
filled with sensory play, different mediums, and
opportunities for creative growth.

18                                                                                                                                                                                     19
WEEK 4: June 21 – 24                                                                                               WEEK 4: June 21 – 24

MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                               MORNING SESSIONS Continued                           AFTERNOON SESSION (12 – 4 p.m.)

 L ITTY BITTY ZOO CREW (Rising JK–SK)                       L ENCHANTED ENCANTO (Rising 1st–2nd)                    M WILD ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHY                             L   M CAMP LAUSANNE (Rising JK–8th)
                                                                                                                   (Rising 5th–8th)
Katie Shea, Lausanne Teacher                               Victora Citchens, Lausanne Teacher                                                                           Lausanne Summer Staff
Registration Fee: $140                                     Registration Fee: $140                                  Bing Osterman, Lausanne Teacher                      Registration Fee: $130
Are you ready for a safari? You won’t want to miss         Please come be a part of our magical experience         Registration Fee: $140                               Join us at Camp Lausanne the whole summer long
out on the wild adventures of the Itty Bitty Zoo           at Encanto Camp! Camp participants will sing,           Capture a walk on the wild side! We will learn fun   for a recreational camp that will involve all your
Crew! Join us as we learn about different animals          dance and learn to find their superpowers and           techniques for photographing animals great and       favorite activities. Each week involves rotating
everyday through a variety of crafts, games, books,        unique strengths through creating magical art           small, both in a studio we build ourselves and at    through stations including gym and water play, art,
and more!                                                  and having enchanting music, movement and               the Memphis Zoo. Campers do not need special         STEAM, indoor games, as well as a special activity
                                                           mindful moments.                                        equipment to participate, but all cameras are        each week. Maybe you’ll get to tie-dye t-shirts, or
 L MESSY MATISSES (Rising JK–SK)                                                                                   welcome- from phones to film to digital SLRs. We     maybe you will build a cardboard boat to race in our
                                                            L RUN LYNX RUN (Rising 3rd–4th)                        will show off our work at the end of the week by     lake. You’ll have to come join us to find out!
Lauren Stallings, Lausanne 360° Instructor
Registration Fee: $150                                     Lisa Miller, Lausanne Teacher                           presenting custom galleries made by each camper.
Let your little artist roll up their sleeves and explore   Registration Fee: $140                                   M BASKETBALL FUNDAMENTALS
the messier side of art in this hands-on camp!             Join Coach Miller to learn that there is more to        (Rising 5th–8th)
Campers’ creativity and imagination will soar while        running than just running! Explore how your running
they create their very own works of art using fun          ability impacts other sports, get in the kitchen and    Marc Walker, Lausanne Teacher
and messy techniques We’ll paint, sculpt, scribble,        learn how to fuel body, take a mindfulness journey,     Registration Fee: $140
and giggle our way to discovering mess-making              and investigate the science of running! Of course, no   Students will participate in challenging drills
at its best. These exploding, fizzling, ooey-gooey         camp would be complete without games to get your        and games that will help them develop their
projects are not ones to tackle at home. We will be        heart racing!                                           fundamentals of basketball. Key basketball skills
maximizing the mess to make this art camp the best!                                                                such as dribbling, passing, and shooting will be
                                                            L CANINE CAMP (Rising 3rd–4th)                         addressed during this fun and exciting camp.
 L 3, 2, 1 BLAST OFF! (Rising 1st–2nd)
                                                           Whitney Robertson, Lausanne Teacher
Paul Miller, Lausanne 360° Instructor                      Registration Fee: $140
Registration Fee: $140                                     Students will study and learn all about dogs from
Come explore the wonders of SPACE with an artistic         grooming to training dogs for work. We will have
twist! Build rocket ships with recycled materials,         visits from a K-9 dog, the school therapy dog,
create your own puff paint to explore the moon,            Streetdog Foundation, and a veterinarian. Students
snack on astronaut ice cream, and so much more!            will also research favorite breed to present to the
Don’t let us blast off without you!                        group in addition to making dog treats and toys to
                                                           donate to a local shelter!

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20                                                                                                                                                                                   21
WEEK 5: June 27 – July 1                                                                                        WEEK 5: June 27 – July 1

MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                            MORNING SESSIONS Continued                               AFTERNOON SESSION (12 – 4 p.m.)

 L NIGHT ANIMALS (Rising JK–SK)                            L TINY HOME (Rising 1st–2nd)                          L M LADY LYNX “FUN”DAMENTAL                              L   M CAMP LAUSANNE (Rising JK–8th)
                                                                                                                BASKETBALL CAMP (Rising 1st–8th)
Lauren Stallings, Lausanne 360° Instructor                Paul Miller, Lausanne 360° Instructor                                                                          Lausanne Summer Staff
Registration Fee: $150                                    Registration Fee: $170                                Sara Barham, Varsity Girls Basketball                    Registration Fee: $130
When we are in bed tucked away, night creatures           Don’t miss your chance to join us for Tiny Homes      Registration Fee: $140                                   Join us at Camp Lausanne the whole summer long
come out to play! This week we will learn all about       Camp!! Each camper will paint and add finishing       Coach Barham offers instruction in the                   for a recreational camp that will involve all your
the nocturnal animals that prowl at night through         touches to their very own solid wood tiny home.       fundamentals of basketball including passing,            favorite activities. Each week involves rotating
experiments, games, crafts, and fun.                      Think wallpaper, building furniture, and creating     dribbling, stance, positioning and more! Players will    through stations including gym and water play, art,
                                                          wood peg people!! The possibilities are endless!      learn individual and team techniques that will be        STEAM, indoor games, as well as a special activity
 L UP AND OVER OBSTACLES                                                                                        used in game-like scenarios and scrimmages.              each week. Maybe you’ll get to tie-dye t-shirts, or
(Rising JK–SK)                                             L DESCENDANTS DANCE CAMP                                                                                      maybe you will build a cardboard boat to race in our
                                                          (Rising 3rd–4th)                                       M LATIN AMERICAN COOKING                                lake. You’ll have to come join us to find out!
Jodie Shusta, Lausanne 360° Instructor
                                                                                                                (Rising 5th–8th)
Registration Fee: $140                                    Natalie Thomas, Lausanne Teacher
Are you ready to turn some flips and race your friends    Registration Fee: $140                                Mary Delgado, Lausanne Teacher
to the finish line? Join Ms. Jodie as she creates crazy   Join us for a week of dance as we learn routines      Registration Fee: $155
obstacle courses to practice your patience, skill, and    and engage activities inspired by Disney’s            Maduros, mofongo, tostones, tamales, ropa vieja,
agility. If you make it to the finale, there will be a    Descendants! This will be a beginner level routine,   arepas, pupusas... There’s so much more to Latin
blowup obstacle course to complete!                       and we will even have a performance at the end of     American food than cheesy chicken and rice! Your
                                                          camp! Whose ready to show their moves?                young chef will take a culinary tour through Central
 L BUILD MEMPHIS 2.0 (Rising 1st–2nd)                                                                           and South America, creating dishes that lead them
                                                           L TINY HOME (Rising 3rd–4th)                         from the coasts of the Caribbean up into the high
Emma Kate Rose, Lausanne 360° Instructor
Registration Fee: $145                                    Lisa Miller, Lausanne Teacher                         peaks of the Andes mountains. Once your chef
                                                          Registration Fee: $170                                finishes this camp, you will be begging them to cook
Do you love designing, painting, and building?
                                                                                                                for the whole family!
Have you ever wanted to design a city? Well, this         Don’t miss your chance to join us for Tiny Homes
is the camp for you! Join us as we spend the week         Camp!! Each camper will paint and add finishing        M ULTIMATE NERF WAR (Rising 5th–8th)
building and creating structures in the Mid-South.        touches to their very own solid wood tiny home.
We might even build the pyramid downtown...join           Think wallpaper, building furniture, and creating     Bing Osterman, Lausanne Teacher
us to see!                                                wood peg people!! The possibilities are endless!      Registration Fee: $155
                                                                                                                Join us for the Ultimate Nerf War! Campers will
                                                                                                                participate in acitvities ranging from a super soaker
                                                                                                                water battle to an epic game of capture the flag, Nerf
                                                                                                                style! Are you ready? Please feel free to bring your
                                                                                                                own nerf aresnal, or we will provide you with some!

                                                                                                                                                                                                           U S CLO
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                                                                                                                                                                                                      CAM JULY 4–

22                                                                                                                                                                                    23
WEEK 6: July 11 – 15                                                                                             WEEK 6: July 11 – 15

MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                             MORNING SESSIONS Continued                               ALL DAY SESSION (8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.)

 L TO INFINITY AND BEYOND                                 L MINION MADNESS (Rising 1st–2nd)                       M PHYSICS IS PHUN (Rising 7th–8th)                       L M MUSICAL THEATRE BOOTCAMP
(Rising JK–SK)                                                                                                                                                            (Rising 3rd–8th)
                                                         Shelby Longfellow, Lausanne Teacher                     Faunne Brown, Lausanne Teacher
Daria West, Lausanne Teacher                             Registration Fee: $150                                  Registration Fee: $140                                   Bing Osterman and Ashley Bugg
Registration Fee: $140                                   Step into the exciting world of animation where         Explore various pre-physics and chemistry topics         Registration Fee: $275
Aliens! UFOs! Planets! The Solar System!                 we will pretend our favorite tiny, yellow, animated     including hands-on experiences investigating             Let’s sing! Let’s dance! Let’s act it out! Let’s put on
Astronauts! Constellations! ALL THAT AND MORE            henchmen have come to life to help us read, create,     projectile motion with marble launchers, Newton’s        a whole show in a week! You read that right... our
AT SPACE CAMP! Get excited to play astronaut,            and explore. Campers will be immersed in all things     Laws of motion with cars and ramps, conservation         super popular Musical Theater Bootcamp is BACK!
make your own solar systems, read silly books            minion as they create a variety of minion themed        of energy with rollercoasters, oscillators using         Campers will have an amazing week of learning
about what aliens would do if they visited us, and       projects. We will end the week with a trip to see       pendulums and mass spring systems, properties            lines, songs, and choreography from the musical
“fly” all around the solar system to see each planet!    the newest minion movie- “Minions: The Rise             of refraction and reflection using mirrors and           “A Year with Frog and Toad”. When we aren’t
We’ll learn so much through arts, crafts, stories,       of Gru!”                                                lenses, and more! Emphasis will be placed                rehearsing, campers will make costumes and sets
and exploring our science side!                                                                                  upon fundamental concepts, however, related              and learn all about what it takes to put on a great
                                                          L STEAM AHEAD ART COLLISION                            mathematical and graphical relationships will            production. Best of all, at the end of the week, we
 L HAPPILY EVER AFTER (Rising JK–SK)                     (Rising 3rd–4th)                                        also be stressed. This camp provides an excellent        will perform our show live on Friday afternoon on the
                                                                                                                 opportunity to review and establish critical physical    EPAC stage for parents and our Lausanne community!
Whitney Robertson, Lausanne Teacher                      Becka Matthews, Lausanne 360° Instructor
Registration Fee: $150                                   Registration Fee: $140                                  science understandings prior to beginning upper
                                                                                                                 level, physical science courses! Recommended for
We will have a week full of glitter, dress up,           Tie up your aprons and throw on your lab coats.
                                                                                                                 rising 7–8.
singing, and tea parties! Campers will make crafts,      Students will conduct science experiments and
play games and practice bringing out our inner           build colorful creations to discover where the           M PICTURE PERFECT PORTRAITURES                          AFTERNOON SESSION (12 – 4 p.m.)
princess. Campers are encouraged to wear their           worlds of art and science collide!                      (Rising 5th–8th)
royal attire throughout the week, especially on
Friday when we may have a special royal princess          L DON’T STOP THE MUSIC                                 Emma Kate Rose, Lausanne 360° Instructor
as our guest!                                            (Rising 3rd–4th)                                        Registration Fee: $140                                    L    M CAMP LAUSANNE (Rising JK–8th)
                                                         Charnae Nelson, Lausanne 360° Instructor                Get ready to learn the basics of proportion and create
 L AMAZING OCEAN DISCOVERY                                                                                                                                                Lausanne Summer Staff
                                                         Registration Fee: $140                                  anatomically correct portrait paintings and drawings.
(Rising 1st–2nd)                                                                                                                                                          Registration Fee: $130
                                                                                                                 You will learn different drawing exercises that can
                                                         This fun, high-energy summer hip hop dance camp                                                                  Join us at Camp Lausanne the whole summer long
Victoria Citchens, Lausanne Teacher                                                                              help you tackle the complex features of the face. You
                                                         will definitely have you movin’ to the beats! It                                                                 for a recreational camp that will involve all your
Registration Fee: $140                                                                                           will have a chance to explore portraiture in various
                                                         enables boys to be boys and girls to let loose                                                                   favorite activities. Each week involves rotating
                                                                                                                 mediums. You’ll work from photographs and each
Let’s go on underwater adventures and discover           while developing creativity, coordination, musicality                                                            through stations including gym and water play, art,
                                                                                                                 other as models to create work inspired by master
the secrets of the oceans. Camp participants will        and listening skills. Activities include basic                                                                   STEAM, indoor games, as well as a special activity
                                                                                                                 portrait artists!
learn about the ocean and the animals that dwell         hip hop dance moves and dance games in a non-                                                                    each week. Maybe you’ll get to tie-dye t-shirts, or
in its depths. They will create ocean collages, sand     stop environment.                                                                                                maybe you will build a cardboard boat to race in our
sculptures and seashell crafts. Participants will also                                                                                                                    lake. You’ll have to come join us to find out!
have music, movement and mindful moments.

24                                                                                                                                                                                        25
WEEK 7: July 18 – 22                                                                                              WEEK 7: July 18 – 22

MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                              MORNING SESSIONS Continued                                AFTERNOON SESSION (12 – 4 p.m.)

 L ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND                            L SUPERHERO STORIES (Rising 1st–2nd)                        M HISTORICAL CSI (Rising 5th–8th)                         L   M CAMP LAUSANNE (Rising JK–8th)
(Rising JK–SK)
                                                      Ashley Bugg, Lausanne Teacher                               Randall Siekfer, Lausanne Teacher                         Lausanne Summer Staff
Victoria Citchens, Lausanne Teacher                   Registration Fee: $140                                      Registration Fee: $140                                    Registration Fee: $130
Registration Fee: $140                                It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s YOU!! Join us in            Attention: if you have ever wanted to work for the        Join us at Camp Lausanne the whole summer long
Let’s follow Alice down the rabbit hole and find      exploring superheroes and their stories. In this            FBI or be a detective? We need you! Join us as we         for a recreational camp that will involve all your
ourselves at Adventures in Wonderland Camp.           action packed camp, campers will create their own           spend the week working together to solve top secret       favorite activities. Each week involves rotating
Camp participants will partake in tea parties         superheroes and costumes participate in superhero           investigation cases. This journey will not be easy. Are   through stations including gym and water play, art,
and games reminiscent of the fantasy world that       training courses and put together their own                 you ready to become a detective?                          STEAM, indoor games, as well as a special activity
Alice found herself in. Students will have music,     fantastical superhero stories!                                                                                        each week. Maybe you’ll get to tie-dye t-shirts, or
movement and mindful moments.                                                                                                                                               maybe you will build a cardboard boat to race in our
                                                       L PAINT PARTY (Rising 3rd–4th)                                                                                       lake. You’ll have to come join us to find out!
                                                      Lindsey Byard, Lausanne 360° Instructor
(Rising JK–SK)
                                                      Registration Fee: $155
Mid South Chess                                       If you love to have fun, get messy, and paint, this
Registration Fee: $140                                is the camp for you! Come and join us for five
Whether your child has ever touched a chess piece     paint parties! That’s right, every day will be a paint
or can defeat all challengers, Lausanne Chess         party. The goal will be for each artist to complete 5
Camp welcomes you to a chess camp for learning        masterpieces by the end of the week.
and achievement. Mid-South Chess instructors
are college students and graduates hand selected       L MINUTE 2 WIN IT! (Rising 3rd–4th)
for skill, competence, and experience in coaching     Charnae Nelson, Lausanne 360° Instructor
chess. This camp is designed for JK students with     Registration Fee: $140
experience, beginners and beyond. Campers will
                                                      Speed! Coordination! Balance! This is the perfect
receive a special chess medal on the last day.
                                                      camp for your kid to put their skills to the test. Minute
                                                      It to Win It Camp consist of fun challenges using
                                                      items that can be found around the house. They will
noble game that Mid-South Chess considers an Art,
                                                      even be able to explore their creativity by coming up
a Science, and a Sport.
                                                      games on their own.
 L ONCE UPON A RECIPE (Rising 1st–2nd)
                                                       M MACHE MADNESS! (Rising 5th–8th)
Lauren Stallings, Lausanne 360° Instructor
                                                      DeKitra Durant, Lausanne Staff
Registration Fee: $150
                                                      Registration Fee: $140
Are you the next Jr. Chef of Lausanne? Come join
                                                      Get ready to put your creative mind to use as we go
us as we uncover the art of baking and learn some
                                                      mache crazy! We will be making a variety of objects,
new, delicious recipes! You will even have a chance
                                                      and end the week by making a useable mache
to take recipes home and recreate them with your
                                                      object..... can you guess what it is?
favorite adult!

26                                                                                                                                                                                       27
WEEK 8: July 25 – 29                                                                                             WEEK 8: July 25 – 29

MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                             MORNING SESSIONS Continued                             AFTERNOON SESSION (12 – 4 p.m.)

 L JUMP INTO JK (Rising JK)                               L SAIL INTO SECOND (Rising 2nd)                         M MAD SCIENTIST (Rising 5th–8th)                       L    M CAMP LAUSANNE (Rising JK–8th)

Carrie Miller, Lausanne Teacher                          Robin Fessler, Lausanne Teacher                         Tom Brezina, Lausanne Teacher                          Lausanne Summer Staff
Registration Fee: $140                                   Registration Fee: $140                                  Registration Fee: $140                                 Registration Fee: $130
We are calling all rising junior kindergartners to       Allow us to introduce your child to the creative        Calling all mad scientists! We will be exploring       Join us at Camp Lausanne the whole summer long
jump in and meet a JK teacher, be in a JK room,          world of 2nd grade! Children will participate in        hands on activities and labs in the following          for a recreational camp that will involve all your
and get a sneak peek as to what lies ahead for           activities designed to strengthen team-building and     disciplines: Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science,        favorite activities. Each week involves rotating
you in the upcoming school year. We will explore         problem-solving skills as well as have fun with a       and Biology. Each day of the camp we will pick         through stations including gym and water play, art,
the awesome materials in a JK room, work                 survey that will reinforce the type of learner they     one discipline and explore hands on activities         STEAM, indoor games, as well as a special activity
independently and in collaborative groups, inquire,      are! Campers will become acquainted with routines       that pertain to it. Students will have a great time    each week. Maybe you’ll get to tie-dye t-shirts, or
discover, create, and have a blast!                      and expectations, which will include Readers and        learning what happens in professional labs in all      maybe you will build a cardboard boat to race in our
                                                         Writers Workshop mini lessons as well as 2nd            different areas of science.                            lake. You’ll have to come join us to find out!
 L ALL ABOUT ME (Rising SK)                              grade projects. Each child will walk away with
                                                         confidence and a connection to 2nd grade.                M LYNX ATHLETES TRAINING CAMP                          L    M VOLLEYBALL CAMP (Rising 3rd–8th)
Emma Kate Rose, Lausanne 360° Instructor
                                                                                                                 (Rising 5th–8th)
Registration Fee: $140                                    L INTRO TO ASTRONOMY (Rising 4th)                                                                             Phil Laquinta, Varisty Vollyeball
I want to learn about you! What do you like? What                                                                Marc Walker, Lausanne Teacher                          Registration Fee: $140
do you dislike? How are we similar and different?        John Frassinelli, Lausanne Teacher                      Registration Fee: $140                                 Join Coach Phil to get a jump start on the volleyball
And how can we express these things with art             Registration Fee: $160                                  Ready to get in shape for the season or just want      season. Whether you already play or are looking to
making? Through sensory, art, and writing activities,    Join Dr. Frass as he takes you on a tour of the world   to stay active? This camp is for you! We will spend    start a new sport, this camp is for you! Coach Phil
you will learn about feelings and emotions. We           of astronomy! You will get a change to learn about      the week working on varius skills and movements to     will help you master the basic techniques and take
will focus on your favorite things, your family, your    the planets, stars, and moons, and so much more!        help increase stamina and overall health. Ending the   your volleyball game to the next level!
community, and your home. You will participate in        You might even get to build your own solar system..     week, will be a friendly, fitness competition! Don’t
fun group activities to learn and share with other       how cool is that!                                       forget your water.
children. Your artwork will reflect the special person
that you are!                                             L CLAY CREATIONS (Rising 3rd)                           M DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS
                                                                                                                 (Rising 5th–8th)
 L FLY INTO FIRST (Rising 1st)                           Moria Donati, Lausanne Teacher
                                                         Registration Fee: $160                                  Wade Linebaugh and Chase Kearl,
Tabitha Whittaker, Lausanne Teacher                      Create with clay! You will create creatures and         Lausanne Teachers
Registration Fee: $140                                   characters using the clay handbuilding techniques       Registration Fee: $140
Get focused for your year in first grade! Let Mrs.       learned in class. You will also experiment with a       Journey through strange and mysterious lands,
Whitaker introduce you to the routines, procedures,      variety of techniques such as pinch, and coil.          fending off the forces of darkness — all by
and expectations of 1st grade. Activities will                                                                   means of your imagination (and some dice!). Mr.
include grade level projects, word study, desk            L SOCKSTASTIC STORIES (Rising 1st–4th)                 Kearl and Dr. Linebaugh will be your guides for
organization, Everyday Math, and Readers/Writers         Victoria Citchens, Lausanne Teacher                     a creative and unforgettable journey through the
Workshop. We will also refresh reading, writing,         Registration Fee: $140                                  world of Dungeons and Dragons. No experience or
math, and handwriting skills to prepare children for                                                             equipment required to hop in as we play a game,
                                                         Are you always creating your own stories? Do you
the upcoming academic year. Community guests                                                                     make friends, build worlds, and work together to
                                                         love making up your own characters? Join us as
are welcome.                                                                                                     tell amazing stories.
                                                         we create our own sock characters and then create
                                                         their stories for an end of camp performance. Your
                                                         socks and you will never have more fun!

28                                                                                                                                                                                     29
WEEK 9: August 1 – 5                                                                                              WEEK 9: August 1 – 5

MORNING SESSIONS (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.)                                                                                                                                     AFTERNOON SESSION (12 – 4 p.m.)

 L LIL LYNX ATHLETES (Rising JK–SK)                     L FUTURE YOUNG CHESS MASTERS                               M LYNX ATHLETES TRAINING CAMP                          L   M CAMP LAUSANNE (Rising JK–8th)
                                                       (Rising 1st–4th)                                           (Rising 5th–8th)
Maegan Laymon, Lausanne Teacher                                                                                                                                          Lausanne Summer Staff
Registration Fee: $140                                 Midsouth Chess                                             Marc Walker, Lausanne Teacher                          Registration Fee: $130
Join us to get a taste of offerings available to our   Registration Fee: $140                                     Registration Fee: $140                                 Join us at Camp Lausanne the whole summer long
smallest Lynx during the school year! You’ll play      Whether your child has never touched a chess piece         Ready to get in shape for the season or just want      for a recreational camp that will involve all your
some soccer, some basketball, tag, and maybe even      or can defeat all challengers, this camp welcomes          to stay active? This camp is for you! We will spend    favorite activities. Each week involves rotating
get your groove on with a mini dance lesson!           you to a week of learning and achievement. Campers         the week working on varius skills and movements to     through stations including gym and water play, art,
                                                       will have loads of fun while educating their minds.        help increase stamina and overall health. Ending the   STEAM, indoor games, as well as a special activity
 L CENTER STAGE (Rising JK–SK)                         Instructors are hand selected for skill, competence,       week, will be a friendly, fitness competition! Don’t   each week. Maybe you’ll get to tie-dye t-shirts, or
                                                       and experience coaching chess. Check out this noble        forget your water.                                     maybe you will build a cardboard boat to race in our
Lauren Stallings, Lausanne 360° Instructor
                                                       game that MidSouth Chess considers an Art, a                                                                      lake. You’ll have to come join us to find out!
Registration Fee: $140
                                                       Science, and a Sport! See you across the board!
Future superstars will explore music, movement
and drama in this introduction to the performing        L CAMP DIY (Rising 3rd–4th)
arts! Children will build confidence and learn the
importance of teamwork, all while learning to tell     DeKitra Durant, Lausanne Staff
stories with their bodies and voices. We’ll finish     Registration Fee: $140
the week with a fun miniature performance on the       It’s time to channel your inner DO IT YOURSELFER!
EPAC stage!                                            This is the perfect camp for those who get inspired
                                                       by the 3rd grade Marketplace each year. Remember,
 L A BUG’S LIFE (Rising 1st–2nd)                       the possibilities are endless when you can make it
Emma Kate Rose, Lausanne 360° Instructor               yourself!
Registration Fee: $140                                  L    M LYNX CHEER CAMP (Rising 1st–8th)
Have you ever wondered what ants do
underground? Do creepy crawlers fascinate you?         Coach Kenzie Neel, Varsity Cheerleading Coach
Let’s get up close and personal to the wonderful,      Registration Fee: $140
sometimes bizarre world of insects and arthropods!     Come join Varsity Cheer Coach Kenzie Neel and
We will take a look at various species of insects      learn the basic of cheer. From simple stunts and
native to the Memphis area, sketch and collect         gymnastics moves to learning to work as a group
samples of their habitats. We will make our own        to support the team, campers of all skill levels will
field notebooks to study the flora and fauna of        develop coordination, rhythm and leadership skills
Lausanne’s campus. Our artwork in the classroom        while using their voices to yell “GO LYNX!”
will reflect the information we gather through our
field observations, readings, and videos.               M DON’T STOP THE MUSIC (Rising 5th–8th)

                                                       Charnae Nelson, Lausanne 360° Instructor
                                                       Registration Fee: $140
                                                       This fun, high-energy summer hip hop dance camp
                                                       will definitely have you movin’ to the beats! It
                                                       enables boys to be boys and girls to let loose while
                                                       developing creativity, coordination, musicality and
                                                       listening skills. Activities include basic hip hop dance
                                                       moves and dance games in a non-stop environment.

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WEEK 10: August 8 – 12                                                                           LOOKING AHEAD

ALL-DAY SESSION (8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.)* Noon Dismissal on Friday

 L   M LAUSANNE EXTRAVAGANZA (Rising JK–8th)                                                  FALL ACTIVITY REGISTRATION
Lausanne Summer Staff                                                                         As summer winds down, don’t forget to sign up for both monthly aftercare and fall activities
Registration Fee: $270                                                                        to round out your child’s school day! Please log in to your parent portal to see options
Lausanne Extravaganza! Running all morning and afternoon, this extravaganza is double         for your individual student.
the fun you’ve had each week at Camp Lausanne. In addition to games, water play, and a
new food creation station, we will be creating art and dance pieces to share with families.
It’s the perfect way to end the summer!

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     At Lausanne Collegiate School, we design our summer program to offer
     your child a full range of activities with his or her interests in mind. We
     put a lot of care and work into offering the very best instruction to children
     enrolled in all aspects of our summer program. To keep the quality of our
     program high, the following policies have been set in place:
     ENROLLMENT PROCEDURES                                    Withdrawal
                                                              Due to small course sizes and financial commitment
     To register your child, visit                            towards staff and material for our campers, the All payments are              following policies will apply.
     made in full before the first day of camp. We do not        1. Weeks 1–5 (June):
     reserve your spot before full payment is made.                 Refund only if withdrawn by Friday, May 20.
     Registration is open until noon the Friday before           2. Weeks 6–10 (July and August):
     camp begins. For possible late registration, email             Refund if withdrawn by Friday, June 24th.                                 3. Withdrawal before the start of a camp due to
                                                                    medical illness will be dealt with on a case-to-
     Our system sends a complete registration
                                                                    case basis.
     confirmation email once full payment is submitted.
                                                              DROP-OFF & PICK-UP PROCEDURES
     COVID Protocols
     As the COVID-19 situation is an ongoing, fluid crisis,   Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
     our plan must also be fluid. Summers @ Lausanne is       Drop campers off in their designated carpool lane for
     committed to adjusting as needed to provide a safe       their youngest camper each morning. If arriving after
     environment for campers and staff alike. Please visit    8:30 a.m., parents should proceed to the Shockey                  carline regardless of age and call the camp office for
     for up-to-date protocols for Lausanne Collegiate         a staff member to come escort their child to camp.
     School’s campus.                                         The camp office phone is 901-484-3390.
     Cancellation                                             Both midday and afternoon carpool occurs in the
     Camp courses are contingent on enrollment. When          Shockey carline. Please have your carpool tag visible
     a course fails to meet minimum enrollment and/or         to expedite the process.
     we cancel camp, we contact the camper’s family to
                                                              Morning carpool: 8 – 8:30 a.m.
     choose an alternative or receive reimbursement.
                                                              *PK3–2nd grade will use Tanner carline
     Transfers                                                *3rd–MS will use Shockey carline
     Parents may transfer campers from one course to          Midday carpool: 11:30 – 11:45 a.m.
     another prior to the start of camp, space permitting.    Afternoon carpool: 4 – 4:15 p.m.
     Missed Program                                           Late Arrival or Early Pick-Up
     There will be no makeup sessions for any missed          If you need to pick up or drop off outside of normal
     courses. We do not issue pro-rated refunds or            carpool times, please proceed to Shockey carline
     credits.                                                 and call our camp phone to have your child brought
                                                              out to you. The phone number is 901-484-3390.

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