National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch

National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2018 Conferences and Family Program Information

                               National Training Center – Boy Scouts of America
                               Established 1950

National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2018 Conferences                                                                   

  YOU’RE INVITED!                                  Please select the week and conference of your choice.
How to register for 2018!                           WEEK 5: JULY 8-14 SOUTHERN REGION                       WEEK 8: JULY 29–AUGUST 4 NE REGION
                                                    • Council Key 3                                         • BSA Training in the Digital Age
• Go to:
                                                    • District Key 3                                        • Council Key 3
• Click on Register for Philmont Training Center
                                                    • Exploring Explosion-How to ignite growth              • Cubmasters: The Next Level
   For More Information:                              in your council through Exploring                     • District Key 3                       • Leading Diversity                                     • DIVERSEability and disABILITY-How to            • National Advanced Youth                                  apply proper methods in Scouting with
   Call 575.376.2281                                   Leadership Experience (NAYLE)                           Special Needs
                                                    • Strengthening Leadership Teams                        • Everybody Likes to Be Welcomed-
WEEK 1: JUNE 10–16                                  • Visual Storytelling                                      Reaching & Engaging Scout Families
                                                                                                            • How do I Become an Excellent Trainer/
• Advanced Leadership Skills                        • Welcoming Girls - Family Scouting
• Strengthening Council Unit Service                                                                        • National Advanced Youth
• Strengthening Distric Unit Service                                                                           Leadership Experience (NAYLE)
• District Operations 2 (invitation only)
                                                    WEEK 6: JULY 15-21                                      • Orienteering, Geocaching, and Finding
• Diversity and Inclusion for Commissioners         • Advanced District Administration                         Your Way
• Effective Roundtables                             • Baptist Scouting-Reaching, Teaching,                  • Second Century Service
Strengthening Unit Service                             and Ministering to Children, Youth,and
• Training Your Cub Scout Leaders
                                                    • Chaplaincy                                            WEEK 9: AUGUST 5–11
• Wilderness First Aid Instructor
                                                    • The Duke of Edinburgh’s International                 • Advancement Issues and Solutions
   Trainer Certification                               Award-USA Training Course Suite                      • Building a Program with Strong
                                                    • National Advanced Youth                                  Outdoor Emphasis
                                                       Leadership Experience (NAYLE)                        • Energize Your Enterprise Risk
                                                    • Scouting in the Catholic Church
WEEK 2: JUNE 17-23 WESTERN REGION                   • Scouting for Jewish Youth
                                                                                                               Management Committee
                                                                                                            • Games with a Purpose
• Developing Youth Leadership Conference            • Scouting in the Lutheran Church                       • Leadership Developement Series
• I am a New Council Training Chair-                • Smarter, Strategic, and Sustainable                   • Membership Growth Strategies
   Now What?                                           Scouting                                                that Work
• I am a New District Training Chair-               • United Medodist Scouters Workshop                     • National Advanced Youth
   Now What?                                                                                                   Leadership Experience (NAYLE)
                                                    WEEK 7: JULY 22–28 CENTRAL REGION
• International Representatives                                                                             • Philmont Ambassador
   (invitation only)                                • #Awesome Stem Exploration (ages 14-20)                • Philmont Ambassador II
• Managing the New BALOO Training                   • Building Successful Packs: Training Unit              • Wood Carvers Round Up
• Mechanics of Advancement                             Leaders to Build & Sustain Cub Scout Packs
                                                    • Council Key 3
                                                                                                            WEEK 10: AUGUST 12–18
• National Advanced Youth
   Leadership Experience (NAYLE)                    • District Key 3                                        • Available for council retreats or
                                                    • Exploring-Become the “Game Changer”                      committee meetings
• Western Region: New Stratagies To Help
                                                       for your Council
   Scouting Survive                                                                                         WEEK 11: SEPTEMBER 16–22
                                                    • National Advanced Youth Leadership
WEEK 3: JUNE 23-29                                     Experience (NAYLE)
                                                                                                            • BSA Fishing Train the Trainer
                                                    • Planning Programs That Rock
                                                                                                            • Certified Angling Instructor
• Philmont Family Adventure                         • Scouting Alumni and Friends - your answer
                                                                                                               Course Director
                                                       to everything                                        • Climbing Director Certification
                                                    • STEM-Tastic Scouting - Inspiration,                   • Conservation USA and Hornaday
WEEK 4: JUNE 30-JULY 6                                 Imagination, and Innovation                             Advisor Training
                                                    • Strategic Training Planning for Councils              • COPE & Climbing Program Manager
• Philmont Family Adventure                            and Districts                                           Certification
• PLC Philmont Leadership Challenge (July 1-7)      • Venturing Blast! (adults and youth officers ages      • COPE Director Certification
                                                       14-20 may attend)                                    • The Fun Side of Shooting Sports
                                                                                                            • Healthy, Affordable, and Delicious
                                                                                                               Camp Food!
                                                                                                            • National Camp Accreditation Program-
                                                                                                               Delivering The Promise
                                                                                                            • Philmont Leadership Challenge (PLC)
                                                                                                            • The Properties Course:
                                                                                                               Facilities Management
                                                                                                            • Strictly for Camp Directors (invitation only)
                                                                                                            • Wilderness First Aid Instructor
                                                                                                               Trainer Certification

  1         PTC 2018 Conference Schedule
National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2018 Conferences and Family Program Information                                                          
                    Sunday               Monday               Tuesday                Wednesday                Thursday                   Friday                     Saturday
 Schedule overiew

                                         Breakfast            Breakfast              Breakfast                Breakfast                  Breakfast                  Breakfast
                                         Conference/Program   Conference/Program     Conference/Program       Conference/Program         Conference/Program         Depart
                                                                                                              All Day Program Hikes
                                         Lunch                Lunch                  Lunch                    Lunch                      Lunch
                    2-4 PM Check-In      Conference/Program   Conference/Program     Family Time              Conference/Program         Conference/Program
                    Dinner               Dinner               Dinner                 Dinner                   Dinner                     Dinner
                    Opening Program      Cracker Barrel       Western Night          Movie Night              Cracker Barrel             Closing Program

  The Philmont Training Center (PTC) is nestled in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of                  Sidewinders (10 year old boys) – Sidewinders enjoy
  northeastern New Mexico near Cimarron. Rich in history and natural beauty, this area offers exciting                 hiking, sports, crafts, archery and air rifles, Villa and
  educational experiences for the entire family. PTC has served as the National Training Center for                    Museum tours, and a Sidewinder/Parent overnighter.
  the Boy Scouts of America since 1950. A variety of week-long conferences will be conducted for
  unit, district, and council volunteers and professionals. Each conference features the latest tools,                 Mustangs (11–13 year old girls) – Mustangs have
  audiovisuals, and techniques led by a faculty of experienced Scouters. In addition to hosting these                  fun enjoying horse rides, archery and air rifles,
  Conferences, the Training Center also provides the opportunity for families to join their Scouters and               hiking, handicraft projects, nature activities, outdoor
  enjoy a wide range of family programs—making the Philmont Training Center experience one of a                        cooking, games, Villa and Museum tours, and an
  kind. Our summer staff will lead hikes, tours, handicrafts, and other outdoor activities. A week-long                overnight camping trip in Philmont’s backcountry.
  backcountry Mountain Trek is offered for Venturing-aged youth (except Fall Conference, week 11).
                                                                                                                       Trailblazers (11–13 year old boys) – This group
  Attendance:                                                                                                          participates in day hikes, nature activities and games,
  Any registered Scouter who is interested in learning        conference rooms or at various locations in              horse rides, archery and air rifles, handicrafts, and an
  how to provide a better, stronger Scouting program          Philmont’s backcountry. Family Program facilities        overnight camping trip in Philmont’s backcountry.
  is invited to attend. Scouters are encouraged to            include the Small Fry Center, the Craft Center,
  bring their immediate family members.                       and our Pony Ring. However, most of                      Broncos (14–20 year olds) – The Broncos program
                                                              the time family members will be enjoying                 is designed to accommodate those teenagers who
                                                              the best facility of all—Philmont’s 140,171              choose not to participate in the Mountain Trek
  Conferences:                                                acres of “Scouting Paradise.”                            program. Broncos will stay at PTC with their families
  Over 80 separate week-long conferences are                                                                           but enjoy a week of activities as a group including
  scheduled. Conferences will cover almost every
  aspect of Scouting—from Cub Scouting and Boy                Family Program:                                          hiking, horse rides, museum tours, local sight-seeing,
                                                                                                                       COPE, shooting sports and more.
  Scouting to Council and District Operations,                The Philmont Training Center offers a full,
  from Venturing and Professional Development to              organized program for every member of the
                                                                                                                       Mountain Trek (14–20 year olds)
  Advancement and Finance. The conferences are                family—from infants to spouses. Family members
                                                                                                                       Mountain Men and Mountain Women treks are
  conducted by various departments of the national            are joined by others in their age group to
                                                                                                                       backpacking expeditions that provide the
  council and are led by a faculty of outstanding             participate in carefully designed, age-appropriate
                                                                                                                       opportunity to experience the rugged challenges
  volunteer and professional Scouters. Each                   programs under the leadership of trained and
                                                                                                                       of Philmont’s mountains. Mountain Trek crews travel
  conference is designed to discuss specific Scouting         experienced Philmont staff.                              approximately 20-30 miles in Philmont’s backcountry
  issues, share information from all over the BSA,                                                                     where each Mountain Trek crew will stay at several
  and train using the best methods that will enhance          Family Program Groups:                                   staff camps that offer a variety of exciting programs
  the Scouting program for youth and adults. While            Nursery (2 months to 2 year olds) – A fully              from mountain biking and rock climbing, to gold
  conference time is important, ample opportunity             equipped nursery is available for the youngest           panning and homesteading. Groups with less than
  for a Scouter to enjoy the majesty of Philmont              family members. Nursery children may be left for         10 Mountain Trek participants will be combined
  with his or her family is part of the schedule of           either an hour or two, or for the entire program         to form a co-ed Venture crew. Please note, the
  most conferences.                                           session, as may be determined by your activity           Mountain Trek program is not offered during the
                                                              schedule. Care is provided according to your             Fall Conference. Full details on programs are sent
  Facilities:                                                 instructions.                                            to participants upon acceptance.
  Tent cities accommodate Training Center
  participants and their families. Tents are large,           Small Fry (3–5 year olds) – The Small Fry Center         NAYLE (14–20 year olds) – National Advanced Youth
  two person wall tents with wooden or concrete               is located next to the Craft Center. Philmont            Leadership Experience (NAYLE) is a conference
  floors, electric lights, an electrical outlet,              staff provides activities, games, pony rides, and        focused on leadership. See ‘NAYLE’ listing in course
  wardrobe, and two twin-sized beds with                      supervised play during each program session.             descriptions on page 5.
  mattresses. Each tent city has restrooms, hot
  showers, and family shower houses. Cots and                 Bandits (6–7 year olds) – Bandits participate in         Silverados (spouses/other adults not attending
  cribs are available for use during the week.                nature hikes, pony rides, games, songs and skits,        Conference) – Silverados will find a wide-range of
  Conferences are conducted in fully equipped                 crafts, museum tours, and two half-day hikes.            exciting activities available throughout the week.
                                                                                                                       Activities include museum visits, day hikes, a pottery
                                                              Ropers (8–10 year olds girls), Deputies                  making demonstration, Villa tours, COPE, horse
                    Conference		                     $550     (8–9 year olds boys) – Ropers and Deputies               rides, shooting sports, and trips to nearby resort
                    Non-conference (20+)             $390     programs include hiking, Villa and Museum tours,         towns. Please note that due to attendance, staffing,
                                                              archery and BB guns, pony rides, games, crafts,          weather and other factors, Fall Conference family
                    Mountain Trek (ages 14-20) $430           and an all day hike.                                     programs will be slightly different.
2018 Fees*

                    Children (ages 14-20)            $330
                    Children (ages 6-13)             $210
                    Children (ages 0-5)              $105
                    NAYLE Participant		              $420
                    Fees include all conference materials,
                    Family Program, meals, and lodging.

                    Scholarships available. Download form:

                    *Fees for the Philmont Family Adventure
                    can be found at:

                                                                                 PTC 2018 Conference and Family Program Information                                          2
National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2018 Conferences                                                                                 
#Awesome–STEM Exploration (ages 14-20)                    BSA Fishing Train the Trainer                             on content delivery, in both the classroom and
Spend a week exploring the natural science world          This conference is facilitated by the BSA National        field. Plan to join us as together we strive to deliver
taking day trips into Philmont’s backcountry. Daily       Fishing Task Force, with a focus on providing             the promise to youth by offering quality fishing
you will travel to and from locations across Philmont,    enhancements to your BSA Fishing Programs.                programs FISH ON!
exploring and experimenting in the New Mexico             Course will cover Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and               Week 11: September 16-22
wild. Discover the mechanics of COPE adventures,          Venturing Fishing Programs held at the Unit,
chemistry of the prairies flora and fauna, and habitat    District, and Council Level. Course delivers              Chaplaincy
of the Philmont water ways and eco systems. Climb         an understanding of the Mission and Vision of             This conference is designed to equip Chaplains to
to new heights as you challenge your skills with rock     Outdoor Programs-Fishing, assisting in your efforts       serve at events such as Jamborees,High Adventure
formations; climbing, rappelling and identifying the      to Deliver the Promise. You will learn age based          Bases, at local council summer camps and in other
composition of the landscape. Sign up now for this        and skill appropriate fishing tools and techniques        capacities in Scouting. Attention will also be given
intense adventure. BSA Annual Health and Medical          for your Scouts, ranging from the Cane Pole to Fly        to the roles of Unit Chaplain and Chaplain Aide.
Record – parts A, B, and C.                               Fishing. The course highlights best practices on          Participants will learn to minister to the needs of
Week 7: July 22-28                                        content delivery, in both the classroom and the           all youth and leaders, and be better prepared to
                                                          field. Enjoy Philmont in the fall, experience the fine    understand and be sensitive to serving a broader
Advanced District Administration-                         art of fly fishing, fish legendary waters, and catch      spectrum of faiths groups. This course will incorporate
(Professional Scouters) The purpose of this               release some great wild trout! Course Graduates           a wide variety of elements including counseling,
weeklong session is to provide tenured executives         will become BSA Certified Angling Instructors             conflict resolution, and crisis management in a
a practical, in-depth, problem-solving skills-            (Training Code CS61). FISH ON!                            Scouting context. Week 6: July 15-21
and-technique seminar with a focus on district            Week 11: September 16-22
operations. Executives will sharpen their skills in                                                                 Climbing Director Certification
the fundamentals of district operation by exploring       BSA Training in the Digital Age                           This is a National Camping School Climbing
challenging issues facing them. Executives will            This conference is a general overview of                 Directors course designed for those who will be
discover their strengths with respect to district         “everything you wanted to know about training in          leading and instructing climbing/rappelling
administration. To register please go to http://          the BSA but didn’t know what to ask.” You will be         programs. It has been developed to support council, or Scouting U on            guided through the BSA Learn Center and you will          district, and unit volunteers in teaching safe climbing
MYBSA. Week 6: July 15-21                                 learn how to navigate MY.Scouting Tools including         and rappelling techniques at natural sites or
                                                          how to run training reports. What makes a trained         constructed facilities. This course includes initiative
Advanced Leadership Skills                                leader for both online and in-person, instructor          games, climbing, bouldering, rappelling, anchor
Strong leadership is a critical element to leading a      led trainings will be disscused. You will examine         systems, and a wide variety of ways to teach them.
successful commissioner team. This exciting new           the Journey to Excellence goals for training and          Participants will be divided into groups dependent
conference is designed to help you strengthen             you will learn where to find the latest information       on their skill level. Current Climbing Directors and
your leadership skills and help you better fulfill        on volunteer training. Best practices for getting         Instructors will be in an advanced group to further
your administrative commissioner role. Partially          leaders trained will be shared. Anyone wanting/           their skills and update their certificate of training.
based on “A Leader’s Legacy” by Kouzes and                needing a broad, general overview of BSA training         Participants must be in good physical condition.This
Posner, “Relationship Edge in Business” by Jerry          is welcome to come. Week 8: July 29- August 4             conference will take place in Philmont’s beautiful
Acuff, “Managers as Mentors” by Chip Bell, and                                                                      backcountry, so participants will not have the
“Mentoring – The Tao of Giving and Receiving              Building a Program with Strong Outdoor                    opportunity to be with their family during the week.
Wisdom” by Huang and Lynch, topics will include the       Emphasis Being in the outdoors is partially why           BSA Annual Health and Medical Record – parts A, B,
significance of leaders, relationships, goal setting,     youth join and stay in Scouting. Learn how to build       and C. Week 11: September 16-22
mentoring, and your personal legacy.                      an outdoor program filled with experiences that
All administrative commisioners are welcome               will create a reason for youth to join and to stay        Conservation USA and Hornaday Advisor
to attend. Week 1: June 10-16                             in Scouting. The course will have indoor planning         Training Unit Leaders,Council Conservation
                                                          and orientation sessions about all aspects of             Commitee members and Advancement Commitee
Advancement Issues and Solutions                          outdoor programming, as well as hands on outdoor          members are all invited and encouraged to attend
Participants in this course will learn about the          opportunities to experience some of the programs          this conference designed to teach you how to
latest updates on advancement issues, but more            you develop. Discussions will be centered around          help units and Scouts lead conservation projects.
importantly, they will analyze, discuss, and solve case   the programs of camping, aquatics, shooting sports,       Participants will learn how to teach Scouts to plan and
studies similar to those regularly dealt with by the      fishing, COPE/Climbing, outdoor skills, outdoor           execute their Hornandy projects so they will meet
National Advancement Program Team and the Eagle,          ethics, and conservation. There will be support for all   the requirments. Participants will complete both the
Summit and Quartermaster Issues Task Force. This          ages of the program – Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and         Conservation USA and the new Hornaday Award
course will also provide a better understanding of        Venturing Scouts. This conference is recomended for       Advisors Training Courses.
the effective use of the Guide to Advancement. This       Camping Chairmen, Outdoor Adventure Chairman,             Week 11: September 16-22
conference is recommended for all advancement             Program Directors, and other District and Council
administrators, volunteer and professional, at the        volunteers responsible for outdoor program.               COPE & Climbing Program Manager
unit, district and council levels.                        Week 9: August 5-11                                       Certification This is a National Camping School
Week 9: August 5-11
                                                                                                                    COPE & Climbing Program Manager Course designed
                                                          Building Successful Packs: Training                       for those who will provide program management
Baptist Scouting - Reaching, Teaching,                    Unit Leaders to Build and Sustain Cub                     for council COPE and/or climbing programs. This
and Ministering to Children, Youth, and                   Scout Packs This conference is for Cubmasters,            course includes program safety, risk and incident
Families Offered by the Association of Baptists           Council, Distrct and Pack Leaders, Pack Trainers,         management and reporting, budgeting and finance,
for Scouting, this conference introduces participants     Pack Commitee members, and Commisioners.                  outdoor program structure and function, COPE and
to Baptist Scouting Ministry as effective fulfilment      Participants will evaluate all components of a            climbing program operations and management,
of the Great Commision and a tool for Christian           successful pack including program, advancement,           marketing, staff development and training, and course
education through the religious emblems program.          training and finance. The Cub Scout Training              planning, design, construction and maintenance.
Class participants will become better equiped to          Continuum will be reviewed, including the most            Requirements: Participants must be in good physical
start effective Baptist Scouting Ministries and to        current information in volunteer training.                condition and current on their training as COPE/
strengthen existing ones. In addition, they will          Week 7: July 22-28                                        Climbing Director or Level II instructor. BSA Annual
experience proven methods of reaching individuals                                                                   Health and Medical Record – parts A, B, and C. This
and entire families for Christ, deepening their           Certified Angling Instructor Course                       course will include evening sessions, so participants
spirtual lives, and contributing to church growth.                                                                  will have limited time with family members. Week 11:
In addition, class members will learn more about                                                                    September 16-22
                                                          This train the trainer style conference is facilitated
the importance of effectively representing unique
                                                          by the BSA National Fishing Task Force, and
Baptist thought and conviction in the larger Scouting
                                                          designed to devlop existing Angling Certified             COPE Director Certification
communty including the National Scout Jamboree.                                                                     This is a National Camping School COPE Directors
                                                          Instructors into a confident CAI Course Directors
Conferees will also learn about the ministies for the                                                               course designed for those who will be leading COPE
                                                          that will build fun and exiting fishing programs
Association of Baptists For Scouting. This conference                                                               (challenge course) programs. This course includes
                                                          for your council. You will be provided with a
is recomended for Baptist Scouters and others                                                                       initiative games, low COPE, high COPE, bouldering,
                                                          CAI Course manual that provides step by step
serving in units chartered by Baptist Churches as well                                                              and climbing/ rappelling activities using constructed
                                                          instructions to create CAI courses for your council
as Baptist ministers. Week 6: July 15-21                                                                            facilities. Current COPE Directors are welcome to
                                                          and area. The course highlights best practices

3        PTC 2018 Alpha Order of Conferences A–C
National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2018 Conferences and Family Program Information                                                        
attend to further their knowledge and renew their          volunteers supporting Scouts with special needs            accident investigation and present it to a mock
certificate of training. Requirements: Participants        and disabilities Week 8: July 29-August 4                  council executive board with your recommendations
must be in good physical condition. This course will                                                                  to prevent future occurrences. The course includes
include evening sessions, so participants will have        Diversity and Inclusion for Commissioners                  understanding insurance and compliance issues
limited time with family members. BSA Annual Health        Our society is constantly, rapidly changing; Scouting      that face your council. Your instructors will include
and Medical Record – parts A, B, and C. Week 11:           must change with it. Most units are already                key members from the National Health and Safety
September 16-22                                            experiencing diversity driven by cultural, generational,   Support Committee, the Risk Management Advisory
                                                           spiritual, and other changes in their communities,         Panel, and the National Council Health and Safety and
Council Key 3                                              whether large or small, urban or rural. Scouting’s         Risk Management Teams. Week 9: August 5-11
Topics during this conference of top council               impact on communities increases when it responds
leadership include: Journey to Excellence as it            effectively to diversity. This conference provides         Everybody Likes to Be Welcomed-
pertains to finance, membership, program, unit             all commissioners with knowledge, skills, tools, and       Reaching and Engaging Scout Families
service, leadership, governance, volunteer &               techniques to help unit leaders develop relationships      A great new tool to help units grow is the New
professional relationships, strategic planning,            with youth and adults who are different from them and      Member Coordinator. Learn methods and
council & district operations, commissioner service,       adapt and respond to diversity in their unit in a way      techniques to welcome and excite new youth and
marketing, social media & technology, Key 3                that enables membership growth and fulfillment of          their families. Learn how to welcome Millennial
orientation, and Enterprise Risk Management. The           Scouting’s values and mission. Week 1: June 10-16          families and make Scouting fun and right for
week includes time for breakout sessions by position.                                                                 them. Unit New Member Coordinators will learn
Participants are encouraged to attend as a Council         The Duke of Edinburgh’s International                      skills for use right away to grow their units, while
Key 3 team. Week 5: July 8-14; Week 7: July 22-28;         Award - USA Training Course Suite                          District/Council Membership Chairs will learn
Week 8: July 29-August 4                                   Over the past 60 years the Duke Of Edinburgh’s             how to recruit, train, and support New Member
                                                           International Award (The Award) has transformed            Coordinators in units. Learn how to recruit, train,
                                                           the lives of millions of young people in 140 countries
Cubmasters: The Next Level                                                                                            and motivate young parents to serve as leaders.
                                                           and territories worldwide. Become a pioneer within         The Membership Committee Guidebook will be
Take your pack to the next level. Learn about putting
                                                           the new national partnership between the BSA               covered which provides information on developing
on great pack events, the best way to recruit and
                                                           and THE Award USA! The Duke Of Edinburgh’s                 a plan and enhancements to improve growth. The
manage new Cubs, including Lions, and how you can
                                                           International Award allows Scouting achievments to         new Cub Scouting changes will also be covered.
help your leaders to be the best they can be! This
                                                           be consistantly recognized worldwide, giving young         Recomended for New Member Coordinators, unit
conference is recomended for Cubmasters, Assistant
                                                           people unique international accredidation of their         leaders, Membership Committee members of all
Cubmasters and committee chairs. Week 8: July
                                                           experiences. The award provides a clear curriculum         levels, Commisioners and all Scouters who want to
29-August 4
                                                           and structure for Ventures as they plan their program.     help grow Scouting. Week 8: July 29-August 4
                                                           This conference will empower you to deliver The
Developing Youth Leadership Conference
The Developing Youth Leadership Conference will
                                                           Award to Scouts as a certified Award Coordinator           Exploring-Become the “Game Changer”
                                                           and a Certified Adventurous Journey Supervisor
deepen an Order Of The Arrow Advisor’s capacity                                                                       for your Council This will not be a normal
                                                           and Assessor.
to develop youth leadership within the lodge and                                                                      sit down course. From character to careers, you
                                                           Participants will complete three specific training
chapter. Conference topics will include fostering a                                                                   will become a difference maker for your Council
                                                           courses: Award Coordinator Course – providing
growth mindset, promoting resilience, providing                                                                       and community by becoming an Exploring Guru
                                                           knowledge to support Award participants through
constructive feedback that leads to changes in                                                                        and examinig the secret to community impact,
                                                           their journey, Award Management Course – creating
youth behavior, and creating a life-long coaching/                                                                    membership growth, and sustainability. Anyone who
                                                           the infrastructure to guarantee a sustainable
mentoring relationship. Conference participants will                                                                  is interested in exploring or helping create a more
                                                           Scouting and Award program, and Adventurous
gain insights necessary to successfully coach youth                                                                   vibrant exploring program within their council should
                                                           Journey (AJ) Supervisor and Assessor Course –
applying the leadership skills they gained during the                                                                 attend. This includes any volunteer or professional
                                                           providing the skills to prepare, conduct, and
National Leadership Seminar. Week 2: June 17-23                                                                       on any level that simply has the desire to become
                                                           evaluate an AJ.”Week 6: July 15-21
                                                                                                                      the “Game Changer” for your council. The course
District Operations 2 - (invitation only)                  Effective Roundtables
                                                                                                                      will be interactive, fun, and hands on, and will help
Professional Development Conference offered by                                                                        you return to your council energized and equipped
                                                           This conference is for all commissioners associated
BSA’s Scouting U. Open to professional Scouters                                                                       with the knowledge to grow and support an exciting
                                                           with providing unit service through roundtables,
by invitation. Contact ScoutingU Westlake Campus                                                                      Explorer program in your council. You will learn
                                                           forums, and huddles. The conference will assist those
for registration information, including a special                                                                     the ins and outs of exploring, while participating in
                                                           who are in the positions of roundtable, forum, or
registration code. (817)-430-5300 Week 1: June 10-16                                                                  an exciting open house, Organizational Sales Call,
                                                           huddle commissioners and their assistants, as well as
                                                                                                                      Cultivation Event, as well as outdoor activities. This
                                                           assistant council commissioner for roundtable and
District Key 3                                             assistant district commissioner for roundtables. If
                                                                                                                      will help you to prepare and identify and fill the
Imagine enjoying a week of quality time at Philmont                                                                   needs of local schools, businesses, and communities
                                                           you need to know more about how to conduct high
with your district Key 3 and Key 3s from many other                                                                   by utilizing the total package of Exploring and
                                                           quality roundtable, huddle, or forum experiences, this
councils – discussing the role of the district Key 3                                                                  Learning For Life programs. As a bonus, you will
                                                           is the conference for you. The program is conducted
and how they work together to build and operate a                                                                     also receive classroom credit towards the official
                                                           by experienced roundtable commissioners who
successful district. The conference will include a focus                                                              Exploring Certification at the conclusion of this
                                                           provide ideas on promotion, increasing participation,
on improving the service area’s Journey to Excellence                                                                 course. Week 7: July 22-28
                                                           planning, and staff management. Learn how to
standing, as well as the role of each Key 3 member,        provide the best roundtable experience in your
the Key 3 agenda, strategic planning, marketing,                                                                      Exploring Explosion- How to ignite
                                                           district. Week 1: June 10-16
membership, the nominating committee process,                                                                         growth in your council through Exploring
                                                                                                                      Come and learn the secrets behind how Exploring
and how to run the best district committee meeting.        Energize Your Enterprise Risk
Participants should ideally attend as a district Key 3                                                                has achieved consistant growth. Whether you are
                                                           Management Committee This is a hands-on,                   an expert or just hearing about Exploring, you will
team. Week 5: July 8-14; Week 7: July 22-28; Week 8:
                                                           interactive workshop to help you energize your
July 29-August 4                                                                                                      learn how to take the spark and ignite your council.
                                                           ERM Committee to protect the people, property,
                                                                                                                      In this interactive, hands-on course, we will explore
                                                           environment, and brand of the Scouting movement
DIVERSEability and DisABILITY - How                        in your council. The conference is designed for
                                                                                                                      everything from what is Exploring to how to develop
to apply proper methods in Scouting with                                                                              council resources and leadership, to ultimately
                                                           district, council, regional health and safety and/
Special Needs. Learn how to inform and show                                                                           funding an exciting program for your council. This
                                                           or risk management committee members, and
Scout leaders about proper modifications and                                                                          course will focus on the main keys for success
                                                           council professionals who are assigned as the ERM
implementations for merit badges and express that                                                                     for Explorer programs, which include: funding,
                                                           Committee staff advisors. We know that members of
special needs is DIVERSE-ability that strengthens                                                                     leadership, prospecting, program, and participation
                                                           camp assessment teams, program, camping, training,
their community. Did you know that the first BSA                                                                      through fun and interactive learning objectives. This
                                                           properties, or other key volunteers; unit leaders; and
Chief Scout Executive, James E. West was disabled?                                                                    exciting course will prepare you to become the spark
                                                           professionals, such as Rangers, who have Health
Fifteen percent of Scouts have a disability or special                                                                that ignites your council. Week 5: July 8-14
                                                           and Safety or Risk Management responsibilities
need; some physical but most involving cognitive,
                                                           will also benefit from this course. As a participant
behavioral, or learning disability. Discover the BSA                                                                  The Fun Side of Shooting Sports
                                                           you will study the leading causes of incidents and
policies of acceptance and special needs with the                                                                     Participants will see and experience all the exciting
                                                           conduct exercises in hazard and risk identification,
emphasis that every child should feel included                                                                        programs available in shooting sports including
                                                           analysis, and resolutions using the latest in program
and welcome. Recomended for local council                                                                             Chalk Ball, Cowboy Action, Slingshots, Cub Scout
                                                           hazard analysis techniques. You will conduct an

                                                                                                 PTC 2018 Alpha Order of Conferences C–E                                      4
National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2018 Conferences                                                                                
BB, Archery and more. Recomended for Cub                    participation in the international Scouting arena       skills in this action-packed backcountry conference.
Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing unit, district and           with information about the following: The Council       By honing the skills taught in ‘Introduction to
council volunteers interested in expanding their            International Committee Structure, international        Leadership Skills,’ Kodiak Challenge, and NYLT
shooting programs. We will have fun and prizes for          opportunities for Scouts and Venturer, World and        in an outdoor experiential learning environment,
participants who attend this program.                       Regional events, The World Friendship Fund,             youth “live leadership”, with skills that will be
Week 11: September 16-22                                    Messengers of Peace, and International camp staff       carried home to the unit and other aspects of their
                                                            programs, to name a few. Your IR toolbox will be full   lives. A co-ed conference open to all programs,
Games with a Purpose                                        of new information and techniques to bring to your      NAYLE underscores the values of Scouting,
Learn how to facilitate team building games.                packs, troops, ships, and crews.Week 2: June 17-23      teamwork and promotes the concepts of servant
These initiative games focus on communications,                                                                     leadership. Requirements: Minimum age 14 (or 13
problem-solving, trust, planning, leadership, goal          Leading Diversity                                       and completed eight grade); completed NYLT and
setting, and cooperation. They are challenging,             BSA’s Diverse Markets make up the largest and           a BSA Annual Health and Medical Record – parts
but help build a spirit of team work. We will spend         fastest growing group of Scout aged youth in the        A, B, and C. Week 2: June 17-23; Week 5: July 8-14;
time in experiential activities with lots of outdoor        United States today. Scouting is committed to           Week 6: July 15-21; Week 7: July 22-28;
opportunities. No matter the role you serve in your         providing life changing opportunities to all youth.     Week 8: July 29-August 4; Week 9: August 5-11
unit, district, or council, you will be able to take away   Each of us can lead diversity efforts in our Scouting
some ideas to engage others. Week 9: August 5-11            community. One of the biggest challeges we face         National Camp Accreditation Program
                                                            today is that many families do not have a legacy        -Delivering The Promise Youth join the BSA
Healthy, Affordable, and Delicious Camp                     of Scouting experiences...they may not know how         to participate in the greatest outdoor program
Food! One of the leading areas that campers of all          Scouting can partner with them to help them achieve     posible and we promise this to them. Participants
ages comment on when talking about camp is the              their goals. This conference invites participants to    will learn how to use the NCAP tools to understand
food that was served. Designed for Camp Directors           share their thoughts, insights, and feedback with       their camping programs and how it affects
and/or Food Service Directors that want to get              one another. Topics on Scouting service in today’s      the council. Council, Area, and Region NCAP
ahead of the curve and become a leader in this area.        markets will include ways to introduce Scouting to      leadership should attend to learn best practices,
Topics for this conference will include: nutrition,         and engage with diverse board members, potential        share challeges, and help guide the NCAP process
health initiatives, kitchen design, state of the art        staff, partnerships, community leaders, and families.   into the future.
equipment, cooking techniques, healthy choices,             This conference is recomended for council, area,        Week 11: September 16-22
special diets and allergies, food service contractors,      and regional staff volunteers that are commited to
and group purchasing. Week 11: September 16-22              growing Scouting through diversity. Week 5: July 8-14
                                                                                                                    Orienteering, Geocaching, and
How do I Become an Excellent Trainer/                       Leadership Development Series                           Finding your Way Finding your way in the
                                                                                                                    outdoors can be a true learning experience. New
Presenter? Do you have a passion for training               We must develop our leaders if we are to continue
                                                                                                                    skills and renewed interest will be brought to
but need help to do an excellent job of presenting?         to thrive as an organization. Participants will
                                                            have the option to choose between sessions on           you with hands on experiences with orienteering
Are you excited to be part of the training team
                                                            Building Effective Teams & Project Management           and geocaching. Learn tips and tricks to teach
but are not that confident that you can be
                                                            during the first half of the week and Engaging          your youth about the skills needed to survive
interesting, dynamic, and effective? Do you need
                                                            Millennials & Successful Delegation in the second       in the outdoors. Over half the week will be in
help in preparing to present material? Is death             half of the week. Offered by BSA’s ScoutingU.           the outdoors. It is for the expert or the novice.
by powerpoint the only presentation you know?               Contact ScoutingU at 972-580-2337 for registration      Program tips will be shared for you to take home
Do you have the real desire to improve your                 information. Week 9: August 5-11                        to support all levels of the program from the
presentation skills? Then this conference is for you!
                                                                                                                    youngest to the oldest Scouts. Week 8: July
Led by experienced BSA trainers, this conference            Managing the New BALOO Training                         29-August 4
will provide you with both knowledge and practical          The BALOO training has been changed to cover all
experience in presenting material to eager-to-learn         Cub Scout unit level outdoor activities. Spend the
participants. Week 8: July 29- August 4
                                                                                                                    Philmont Ambassador
                                                            week with the creators to learn about the changes       Taste the buffalo – see the deer! Come and learn
                                                            and how best to integrate them into your Distrct or     about all of Philmont’s programs and the Philmont
I am a New Council Training Chair-                          Council! This conference is recomended for all Cub      Training Center! This conference will let you meet
Now What? For all the new Council Training                  Scout leaders and District Trainers.                    the people who help make it Scouting’s Paradise,
Chairs as well as those who have been in the                Week 2: June 17-23                                      while experiencing some of the sights and sounds
position for a while, this conference will help you
                                                                                                                    of New Mexico. We will share best practices in
understand your role in your councils training              Mechanics of Advancement                                marketing and promoting Philmont opportunities
program. You will learn both how to fulfill your role       This conference is a must for new advancement           in your local area. You will also learn all about the
for the council and how to maximize the success             administrators or those who are in need of a            operation of the Training Center, High Adventure
of your district training chairs. You will learn how        refresher on advancement procedures. Participants       Base and Ranch operation. Classroom time is
to plan, organize, and implement a unit/district/           will gain an in-depth understanding of the              shared with trail time to fill your week with Philmont
council training plan as well as how to organize and        essentials of advancement and an appreciation for       memories. You’ll be ready to serve your council as
train your council training committee. The latest           the rationale behind the policies and procedures        a Philmont Ambassador after this week! Complete
information on face-to face instructor led and              governing it. Week 2: June 17-23                        the first step on your Philmont Masters knot! Must
online training will be provided. Week 2: June 17-23
                                                                                                                    be a current, approved Philmont Ambassador to
                                                            Membership Growth Strategies that Work                  attend. Week 9: August 5-11
I am a New District Training Chair-                         Membership growth is essential to producing
Now What? For all the District Training Chairs              leaders for the future. BSA President, Randall
                                                                                                                    Philmont Ambassador II
and District Training Committee members this                Stephenson says that the Boy Scouts of America
                                                                                                                    If you’ve experienced the fun and learning
conference will educate you on how to meet and              produces leaders with integrity and character like
                                                                                                                    opportunities at the Ambassador I Seminar, its
exceed the training needs of your district. You             no one else. Join us to learn about all the resources
                                                                                                                    time to take it to the next level. Spend a full day in
will discuss everything your job entails including          available to assist you in this worthy endeavor.
                                                                                                                    the back country, eat a trail lunch at a back country
meetings you are expected to attend, trainings you          This course is designed for District and Council
                                                                                                                    camp, take an in-depth look at what Philmont
are expected to provide, goals you and your unit            Membership Chairs. Learn about techniques and
                                                                                                                    crews experience the first 24 hours after arriving
are expected to meet, recruiting, and leading your          tactics to attract and retain members in all of our
                                                                                                                    at the Ranch, share a meal with crews just off
district training team, and provide training on both        programs – Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing,
                                                                                                                    the trail, learn the ins and outs of the PTC Family
online and instructor led courses in your district.         Sea Scouts, and Exploring. The role of the Unit
                                                                                                                    Programs, gain a greater understanding of the
You will learn how to plan, organize, and implement         Membership Chair, Recruiting, Transition Plans,
                                                                                                                    Training Center and Ranch operations, and learn
a unit/district/council training plan. The latest           along with New Unit Organization will all be
                                                                                                                    new presentation techniques to enhance your
“What makes a Trained Leader” information will              discussed. Resources including District and Council
                                                                                                                    effectiveness at promoting Philmont. Ambassadors
be shared. Week 2: June 17-23                               Market Analysis, Growth Planning Tools, Marketing
                                                                                                                    enrolled in this seminar will be away from PTC for
                                                            Resources, and Pilot Programs will be reviewed and
                                                                                                                    at least two full days so plan to have another adult
International Representatives (invitation only)             shared. Week 9: August 5-11
                                                                                                                    pick up your children from the Family Programs.
Local council’s International Representatives (IR) will
                                                                                                                    Must be a current, approved Philmont Ambassador
gain tools to enhance their councils international          National Advanced Youth                                 and have completed the Ambassador I Seminar to
Scouting experience. This session will motivate             Leadership Experience (NAYLE) Youth                     attend. Week 9: August 5-11
IR’s to develop their council members interest and          learn to internalize and practice their leadership

5        PTC 2018 Alpha Order of Conferences E-N
National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2018 Conferences and Family Program Information                                                       
Philmont Family Adventure                                   and affiliate alumni groups are a great way for          Scouting. Week 8: July 29-August 4
Philmont Family Adventure Week is a once-in-a-              individuals to connect with organizations that are
lifetime chance to experience the Philmont Scout            important to them. As such, SA&F committees              Smarter, Strategic, and Sustainable
Ranch like never before! Open to all registered             play a significant role in the Boy Scouts of America     Scouting Today’s Scouts live in a different world
members of the BSA and their families, you will             (BSA). Conference participants, which include            than previous generations. Yet many troops thrive
have a chance to participate in all of the incredible       those that have an SA&F committee and those that         with post-Millennial youth. This conference will help
activities offered at Philmont and make memories            would like to launch one in their council, will learn    Scoutmasters, Committee members, and other unit
with your family that will last a lifetime.                 how the SA&F committee can be used to enhance            leaders build troops that teach timeless values.
                                                            your Council. Week 7: July 22-28                         Topics discussed will include strategic membership
The Philmont Scout Ranch Family Adventure is                                                                         growth, improving advancement, youth and
designed to meet the needs of families and build            Scouting in the Catholic Church                          leadership dynamics, retaining youth, and much
bonds through exciting and interactive programs.            This conference focuses participants not only on         more. Attendees will learn proven techniques for
The program will operate in an open enrollment              the mission and programs of the National Catholic        improving their troop’s program and operation.
format where you and your family will have the              Committee on Scouting (NCCS), but also involves          Week 6: July 15-21
chance to choose activities that appeal to you.             them in adult faith formation and an understanding
Families will meet for two program sessions daily:          of the concept of Scouting as a youth ministry. It is    STEM-Tastic Scouting - Inspiration,
Morning and Afternoon. Here, you will choose                designed for any adult interested in using Scouting      Imagination, and Innovation This week-long
your activities. Additionally, there will be day-long       as a program for Catholic youth ministry such as         STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
activities such as hiking to Inspiration Point and          Scout chaplains, clergy, (arch) diocesan or parish       Math) conference is designed to help you and your
rock climbing at Cimarroncito.                              youth ministers, and council, diocesan, regional,        council integrate STEM programs and activities
For more information please visit                           and national Catholic Committee leadership and           into your current programming. There will be many                              members. Week 6: July 15-21                              opportunities to experience hands-on activities
Full Session - Week 3: June 24-30; Week 4: July 1-7                                                                  to share with your units; these activities will be
Half Sessions: June 24-27; June 27-30; July 1-4; July       Scouting for Jewish Youth                                accompanied by discussion on how to implement,
4-7                                                         Designed for Jewish unit leaders, council Jewish         modify, and incorporate them in and for your
                                                            Committee on Scouting members, other Jewish              programs. Excitement, roadblocks, funding,
Philmont Leadership Challenge                               Scouters, and Jewish and non-Jewish professional         recruitment, training, resources, and tracking
Adults learn to internalize and practice their              staff, and non-Jewish council membership                 will be topics addressed by this conference.
leadership skills in this action-packed backcountry         committee members. Topics will include: special          Week 7: July 22-28
conference. The conference hones the skills taught          considerations in dealing with Jewish institutions;
in Wood Badge in an outdoor experiential learning           how to form a new, sustainable unit at a Jewish          Strategic Training Planning for Councils
environment. PLC underscores the values of                  institution; how to form or reorganize a local council   and Districts This conference is for council and
Scouting and teamwork and promotes the concepts             Jewish committee on Scouting; the three jobs of          district training chairs and training committee
of servant leadership. Open to all programs.                a local council Jewish committee on Scouting;            members. You will participate in the Strategic
Participants will not have an opportunity to be with        Jewish Programming for local units and councils;         Training Plan, an exercise that analyzes a council
family during the week. Requirements: attended              scheduling meetings and events while respecting          composed of districts with various training
Wood Badge (may be working your ticket) and BSA             the holidays of all faith traditions; the Jewish         problems. You will examine the issues and develop
Annual Health and Medical Record - parts A, B, and          Religious Emblem Program; Adult Recognitions;            a detailed plan for solving those problems. With
C. Week 4: July 1-7; Week 11: September 16-22               Developing Relationships with the Jewish Scouts          an understanding of the process, you will apply
                                                            of other Nations; Jewish Religious Observances in        the lessons learned to develop a plan for your own
Planning Programs that Rock                                 Scout settings; the Jewish Scoutmaster’s Minute;         council/district. As part of this practical exercise,
This conference focuses on how to plan and                  a day of solutions. [Special considerations will be      you will consider your direct contact leader trained
execute exciting, high-energy programs for                  made for those participants who observe Tisha B’Av       percentages, your number of untrained leaders and
troops and crews using a host of easy to-use BSA            which is observed on Saturday, July 21 and Sunday,       best practices for getting them trained, and your
resources. Participants will take part in a variety of      July 22, 2018.] Week 6: July 15-21                       Journey to Excellence metrics as well as many more
patrol challenges featuring an array of Scout skills                                                                 factors that will help you to maximize your council/
including pioneering, cooking, and geocaching.              Scouting in the Lutheran Church                          district training successes. Week 7: July 22-28
This informative session is beneficial for all leaders      This conference is for Lutheran chartered
who want to see how to bring excitement and fun to          organization representatives, clergy, and all            Strengthening Leadership Teams
their unit’s program that’s sure to boost attendance        Lutheran Scouters who want to learn more about           If you are a council, district, or unit volunteer and
and retention. Week 7: July 22-28                           using Scouting as an outreach ministry to young          are interested in building stronger leadership
                                                            people and their families. See how Scouting              teams, this conference is for you! Participants will
The Properties Course: Facilities                           becomes part of a congregation’s youth ministry          evaluate the volunteer recruiting process and
Mangement This Facilities Management                        strategy and contributes to reaching young families      discuss how to identify key needs, select the most
conference is part II of the properties course series       and building and sustaining membership. Learn            qualified leaders, properly train them, plan for
and deals with design, planning, and construction           about the religious emblems program and how it           succession, and more. Complete with practical
of all the facilities found at a typical Scout camp.        builds faith in youth. Share with Lutherans from         volunteer recruiting exercises, team building
Participants will learn what constitutes good design        across the country success stories, best practices       activities, and tools to engage a new generation
and planning, how to construct quality facilities,          for developing and maintaining relationships with        of volunteers, participants will return to their
life cycle costing, and low maintenance design              Lutheran chartering partners, and how to best            communities prepared to significantly increase
choices. You do not need to have attended part              serve our youth and our churches. Bring your family,     volunteer support for and strong leadership at all
I to attend. This conference is recommended for             and be a part of the fellowship unique to Philmont.      levels of the Scouting program. Week 5 July 8-14
Scout executives, properties chairmen, rangers,             Relax as we grow in faith and renewal with
and others responsible for maintaining council              like-minded, dedicated and experienced Scouters.         Strictly for Camp Directors (invitation only)
properties. Week 11: September 16-22                        This course will be hosted by the National Lutheran      This conference is designed for experienced BSA
                                                            Association on Scouting. Come and share the              professional camp directors. Topics include program
                                                            peace. Week 6: July 15-21                                development, marketing, and financial sustainability.
Scouting Alumni and Friends - your answer
to everything! Enjoy family, fun and new friends                                                                     Facilitators will draw on the experience of the
                                                            Second Century Service                                   participants to build action plans for their operations
in the mountains of New Mexico while advancing              Unit service is all about impact. This conference will
your council through successful alumni activities.                                                                   while learning from all conference participants’
                                                            focus on the impact a commissioners can have on          successes and challenges. Potential activities include
Scouting has no peer in the field of character              units. Whether you directly serve a unit or serve as
development when compared to other youth                                                                             “working day hikes” and camp tours to learn how
                                                            a roundtable or as an administrative commissioner,       others “do it.” Week 11: September 16-22
activities, and it is unique in its ability to produce an   this conference is for you. The conference will
enduring impact on its members. In fact, not only           enable particpants to strengthen the relationship
does Scouting make an indelible mark in the lives of                                                                 Strengthening Council Unit Service
                                                            between unit service and direct operations. This         This conference is an excellent opportunity for
its youth participants, but it also impacts those who       conference will also provide a solid overview and
may have a more indirect relationship, such as adult                                                                 council commissioners and others involved in unit
                                                            enable practicale application of the Unit Service        service to become prepared to raise unit service
volunteers, family members, and other recipients            Plan and commissioner tools. You will gain a better
of Scouting’s good work—Scouting’s friends.                                                                          to a new level of excellence in their home council.
                                                            understanding of the methods commissioners               The conference offers a series of presentations
Scouting Alumni and Friends’ (SA&F) committees              use to help units better serve more youth through

                                                                                                  PTC 2018 Alpha Order of Conferences N-S                                    6
National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
2018 Conferences and Family Program Information                                                     
 on key topics such as the role and responsibilities         projector and immerse yourself in the beauty of PTC      Wilderness First Aid Instructor
 of a council commissioner, resources, recruiting,           while enjoying some exciting adventures at Philmont.     Trainer Certification
 organizing, and developing a council-level team             BSA Annual Health and Medical Record – parts A, B,       High Adventure is a core feature of Scouting.
 to lead unit service, recruiting and recognizing            and C. Week 7: July 22-28                                Even more important is having that adventure in
 commissioners, and leveraging contemporary                                                                           a safe manner. That’s why Wilderness First Aid is
 resources such as the Commissioner Tools, Journey           Visual Storytelling                                      required for leaders involved in these programs.
 to Excellence, the New-Unit Retention process, and          If you have a passion for Scouting and love to take      This conference will teach you those skills, including
 The Voice of the Scout. In addition, participants will      photographs, then make plans to join us for the Visual   opportunities to practice scenarios in Philmont’s
 participate in a series of workshops that will enable       Storytelling Workshop. Learn how to capture and          backcountry AND even more importantly, will teach
 them to begin practical application of the information      share decisive moments in Scouting to help recruiting    you to teach. This is an opportunity to become a
 presented. Throughout, an open exchange of ideas            and retention. Week 5: July 8-14                         qualified instructor capable of training others in
 and experiences is encouraged among participants            Welcoming Girls - Family Scouting                        your area in Wilderness First Aid. This will be
 and conference leaders. Week 1: June 10-16                  In this course, you will receive an operational update   a great benefit to the Scouters in your council.
                                                             for professionals and volunteers with the specific       Prior training as an instructor is valuable and
 Strengthening District Unit Service                         mechanics of the Family program. We’ll cover how         recommended, but not a prerequisite. Certification
 This conference is for District Commissioners, Assistant    Family Scouting relates to the organization’s Game       from ESCI. Week 1: June 10-16; Week 11:
 District Commissioners, and other Scouters who are          Plan and the importance of developing a marketing        September 16-22
 being appointed to one of these positions. Learn            strategy that embraces a more diverse community.
 the mission of commissioner service; utilizing the          And then, we’ll look at some best practices for          Wood Carvers Round Up
 Commissioner Tools on My.Scouting; how to be a              recruiting, financial planning, and using your New       Whether you’re a seasoned Woodcarving Merit
 leader versus manager; reading and using monthly            Member Coordinator to the fullest. Week 5: July 8-14     Badge Counselor or an adult Scouter who is curious
 commissioner reports; serving new units; recruiting,                                                                 about how to teach Woodcarving, this hands on
 training and retaining commissioners; the importance        Western Region: New Strategies to Help                   “train the trainer” conference is for you! Our faculty
 of regular unit visits; and the commissioner’s role in      Scouting Thrive The Western Region is excited            has decades of BSA Woodcarving experience
 assisting their units to succeed in their Journey to        to offer volunteers and professionals a week of fun      in their respective regions and have all staffed
 Excellence. Week 1: June 10-16                              and fellowship, with interactive sessions related        the Woodcarving Merit Badge booth at several
 Strengthening Unit Service                                  to how the BSA will thrive in the 21st Century.          National Jamborees. We will focus on teaching by
 Strengthening Unit Service guides participants to           General Sessions will be provided each morning           the MB book, sharing ideas on developing your
 learn what a unit commissioner does when working            for all participants which will focus on Positive        own projects, reviewing safety, and learning how to
 with their units. More importantly, the conference also     Youth Development, Building Resilience in Youth,         set up your Scouts for success. Our goal is to gather
 develops a lasting understanding through structures         Building a BSA Culture of Innovation, Social Media       Scout carvers from across the nation to share their
 lessons, role play, and group discussion of how to work     and Millennials, BSA Strategy for Success, and           projects and skills. Sharing these best practices will
 with units to help set, meet, and exceed their goals.       Serving Diverse Populations. The afternoons will         allow you to return home with skills to take your
 Attendance is open to all commissioners and                 be filled with specialized “track” programs focusing     District, Council, and summer camp Woodcarving
 recommended for unit commissioners, district and            on specific volunteer roles such as Council Key 3’s,     programs to the next level. Feel free to bring your
 assistant district commissioners, and council and           Council Board Members, District Key 3’s, and District    own carving tools or you can borrow some of ours!
 assistant council commissioners. Week 1: June 10-16         Committee Members. Week 2: June 17-23                    Week 9: August 5-11

 Training Your Cub Scout Leaders                                                         Fellow Scouter:
 You have leaders for your pack, but… they need to be
 trained. This conference can help! Council, district,                                   I would like to extend an invitation for you to participate in a 2018 conference
 and pack trainers, Cubmasters, pack committee                                           at the Philmont Training Center near Cimarron, New Mexico.
 members, and commissioners will review the training
 continuum for Cub Scout leaders and discuss methods                                     Together, we’re on a journey to help young people Be Prepared. For Life.
 for reaching the untrained leader. Best practices on                                    The key to our success has always been trained leaders, both volunteers and
 how to build a high-functioning training team will be                                   staff. You’ll find attending training at Philmont is a true “mountain top” event
 discussed. Participants will examine the pack Journey                                   for both you and your family. The faculty, staff, and other participants are
 to Excellence scorecard, particularly its relevance to                                  carefully selected to insure an exceptionally helpful, practical, and inspiring
 unit leaders and how they can use the scorecard as                                      training experience.
 a guide to strengthen their packs. Suggestions and
 recommendations for practical training as well as how       While you attend the training sessions, your entire family will be invited to participate in a full range of
 to incorporate FUN will be shared. Information on           age appropriate, unique to Philmont, activities. Philmont is known for providing life-time memories and
 training including instructor-led and online courses will   life-changing personal experiences to all who visit. If possible, I encourage you not to miss this unique
 be covered. Week 1: June 10-16                              opportunity for a family adventure.

 United Methodist Scouters Workshop                          Core to the mission, purpose, and culture of Philmont is to return home ready and willing to partner with
 Transform your church Scouting program into a               your local council by sharing the knowledge gained with other Scouters. A Philmont training experience
 ministry, Scouting Ministry Specialist (SMS), Venturing,    will deepen your skills in helping deliver quality Scouting experiences to ever more young people!
 Adult, Youth & Church Recognition Awards, P.R.A.Y.
 Awards…and more! This conference is recommended             I hope you’ll share the information in this flyer with your family. Then, since many conferences have limited
 for United Methodist Scouting coordinators, chartered       attendance, I encourage you to register soon. I hope that you and your family will accept our invitation
 organization representatives, and others serving in         and can join us at the Philmont Training Center in 2018!
 units chartered by United Methodist Churches. Week
 6 July 15-21                                                In gratitude and appreciation for your service to young people through Scouting,

 Venturing Blast! (adults and youth officers ages
 14-20 may attend) Inviting all key Venturing Officer
 Association (VOA) youth leaders, adult advisors,
 and staff advisors to a new training experience!            Michael B. Surbaugh
 Participants will be able to join with other leaders        Chief Scout Executive
 from across the nation to network, build friendships,
 discover more of the ALPS program model, and
 develop skills to help VOAs support an explosive
 Venturing program that will recruit and retain youth!
 This isn’t your typical classroom course. Ditch the

National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch National Training Center - Boy Scouts of America - Established 1950 - 2018 Conferences and Family Program Information - Philmont Scout Ranch
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