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Domestic Students
ACAP VET and UG Domestic Student Guide 2015/16

               Welcome to ACAP
   ACAP provides courses in applied psychology
   and related fields. Our key program areas are:
   •   Case Management
   •   Coaching
   •   Counselling
   •   Psychology
   •   Social Science
   •   Social Work

   Read on to find out more about studying at ACAP.

By 2020, ACAP will be recognised and trusted as a leading tertiary education institution
in applied psychology and related fields throughout Australia and the region.

                            Message from the Principal
                            and Executive General Manager,
                            Navitas Professional Institute Pty Ltd
Welcome to the Australian College of Applied        a counsellor, psychologist, case worker or social
Psychology (ACAP). For 30 years, we have been       worker, our aim is to produce graduates who can
teaching applied psychology and helping to          take the skills they learn at ACAP and apply them
prepare our students to change lives – to make      immediately in the workforce.
a difference.
                                                    You can choose to study on campus at one of our
Our team of experienced academics and industry      centrally located city campuses, by online delivery
professionals are committed to delivering a         or both. Whichever you choose, our support team
practical learning environment and the latest in    will provide you with the necessary academic and
work practices and industry developments.           personal support throughout your studies to
We provide a distinctive educational experience     achieve your goals.
based on hands‑on learning. Our philosophy is
simple: The best way for you to learn about         I look forward to welcoming you to ACAP.
human interaction is to interact.                   Andrew Little
                                                    Principal and Executive General Manager,
Whether you want to build more effective
                                                    Navitas Professional Institute Pty Ltd
communication and team management skills,
or get the qualifications you need to practise as
2     ACAP VET and UG Domestic Student Guide 2015/16

Why choose ACAP?
ACAP offers a unique approach to learning that                                                           Assessment types vary with each course
                                                                                                         and some units include examinations.
encourages you to develop your communication and                                                         However, the majority of assessments
relationship building abilities. We support you as you                                                   mirror examples from professional practice,
                                                                                                         such as reports and written assignments,
learn the skills needed to make a real difference in a                                                   critical reflections, group work, role-plays,
diverse range of careers.                                                                                laboratory experience and supervised
                                                                                                         work placements (Student Placement).

Study where and when                          You will be taught by qualified academics                  Practise your skills while you
it suits you*                                 and teaching staff who are also practicing                 study and graduate work ready
                                              professionals with extensive industry                      The Bachelor of Applied Social Science,
• We have campuses in Adelaide,
                                              experience, a thorough knowledge of their                  Bachelor of Counselling, Bachelor of
  Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.
                                              disciplines and an understanding of the                    Counselling (Coaching) and Bachelor of
• Study on campus, online or by               latest work practices.                                     Social Work include Student Placements,
  blended delivery.
                                                                                                         which are unpaid work placements in
• Combine different study modes to suit       Small classes and                                          organisations related to your study.
  your lifestyle.                             interactive learning                                       Placements allow you to practise your skills
• Start your course at any of our three       Our small classes, group discussions,                      in a work environment, meet professionals
  trimester start dates.                      simulations and role-play activities allow                 working in the industry and build valuable
                                              you to really get to know your fellow                      experience and referees to add to your
To find out which courses are offered
                                              students and teaching staff. Some                          resumé – before you graduate. Therefore,
on each campus and in what study
                                              disciplines include lectures. The classes                  you graduate with the skills and experience
modes, go to the course information
                                              emphasise interaction of staff and students,               needed to help start your career.
on pages 10–25. To see our current
trimester start dates, please visit           the exchange of ideas and experience and       play a key role in helping you achieve your
                                              personal and professional goals.
Our expertise
                                              Varied assessment strategies
ACAP has over 30 years of experience in
teaching applied psychology with specialist   Assessments give you an opportunity
courses in counselling, psychology,           to demonstrate your learning and
coaching, social work and social science.     receive feedback on your progress.

    • The Australian College of
      Applied Psychology (ACAP) has
      been in operation for over
      30 years and is a leader in
      applied psychology education.
    • ACAP has over 5,500 students
      studying at our four campuses
      in Adelaide, Brisbane,
      Melbourne and Sydney,
      online delivery or by
      blended delivery.
    • Since 2007, ACAP has been a
      UNICEF Corporate Champion
      for Children.
    • We contribute to UNICEF’s
      development programs in over
      150 countries and territories.

                                              * Not all courses are available on all campuses and in all delivery modes or trimesters. For further information,

What does ACAP offer?
ACAP programs are built on a core foundation of                                                Coaching
applied psychology – which covers what motivates                                               Modern challenges such as achieving
                                                                                               your full potential or balancing work and
human behaviour, and how you can communicate                                                   life, have led to a huge growth in life
with and support people in any setting.                                                        coaching, executive coaching, personal
                                                                                               coaching and performance coaching.
                                                                                               This emerging field draws on positive
                                                                                               psychology theories. As a graduate of
Counselling                                     support services. Some graduates continue
                                                                                               our Bachelor of Counselling (Coaching),
Practice in this profession requires in-depth   their studies in psychology with the aim
                                                                                               you can support others in achieving their
training to integrate theory and practice.      of becoming registered psychologists
                                                                                               short and long-term goals by developing a
The work may be short term or long term,        and others undertake further specialist
                                                                                               positive approach to all areas of their lives.
depending on the nature of the difficulties,    study for careers in diverse areas such
and may involve working with individuals,       as allied health, teaching and business.
                                                                                               Social Science
couples, families or groups. Counsellors        Our higher education psychology degree
take into account the cultural and socio-                                                      The discipline of social science is about
                                                has conditional accreditation by the
political context in which the client lives                                                    understanding what drives modern society.
                                                Australian Psychology Accreditation
and how these factors affect the presenting                                                    Our Bachelor of Applied Social Science
                                                Council (APAC). This provides graduates
problem. Professional practitioners value                                                      and Associate Degree of Applied Social
                                                of these courses with certainty that
such differences and avoid discrimination                                                      Science are specifically designed to
                                                these course qualifications meet
on the basis of these aspects of identity.                                                     equip graduates with the knowledge and
                                                the training standards of APAC.
                                                                                               experience to make their way in careers
Our Diploma of Counselling is offered to                                                       that shape our society on individual,
those students wanting to work in the           Case Management                                local, regional, national and international
Community Services Industry utilising           The study of case management                   levels. We focus on developing practical
their counselling skills as support workers     enables students to learn an approach          skills in critical thinking and problem
across a number of key target areas             to service delivery that focuses on            solving and also provide workplace
including drug and alcohol, mental health       identifying the needs of the client,           experience so that you graduate not
and phone counselling services. Further         and then designing and implementing            only well qualified, but work ready.
work can be undertaken in generalist            strategies aimed at meeting those
community based organisations such              needs. The case management approach            Social Work
as refuges and multicultural/migrant            is underpinned by comprehensive
                                                                                               Social work is a professional, practical
services working in a case management           assessment, client-centred action plans
                                                                                               and academic discipline underpinned
framework. This course provides strong          and individualised service delivery so
                                                                                               by principles of human rights, collective
foundation skills for transitioning to higher   that clients are treated holistically.
                                                                                               responsibility and social justice. Social
education qualifications within ACAP.
                                                The goal is to empower the client and          workers assess the needs of individuals,
Our Bachelor of Counselling and Bachelor        ensure that they are involved in all aspects   families and groups, assisting and
of Counselling (Coaching) courses are           of the planning and service arrangement.       empowering them to develop and use
accredited by PACFA, the Psychotherapy                                                         the skills needed to resolve social and
and Counselling Federation of Australia.        Our nationally recognised qualification        other problems, and to foster human
This ensures that when you graduate you         is designed to equip you with the skills       wellbeing. Social work is a complex and
have recognition and credibility within         required to work in case management            nuanced discipline which is thoroughly
the counselling profession as well as the       roles in the community services sector.        grounded in the client’s context and
skills needed to work as a counsellor,                                                         their place in the wider community.
or in a counselling-related field.

Psychology is the scientific study of the
human mind and behaviour. The knowledge
base of psychology is developed through
creating and testing theories about
what determines how people think,
feel and behave at an individual, group,
organisational and community level.
Psychology graduates build careers in
areas where a knowledge of psychology
and well‑developed research and writing
skills are valued such as health and social
welfare, social policy and research, market
research, human services, disability and
ageing, mental health services, juvenile
justice and immigration, and refugee
4       ACAP VET and UG Domestic Student Guide 2015/16

ACAP campuses
ACAP has four city campuses in Adelaide, Brisbane,
Melbourne and Sydney. Each campus offers a unique
experience while delivering the same course content and
quality teaching. You can also combine your on-campus
learning with studying online or by blended delivery.

Each of our four campuses is in the heart                  Brisbane
of the city, easily accessible via public                  Our Brisbane campus is in the centre
transport and just a short walk from parks,                of the CBD, just five minutes’ walk from
cafés and shopping districts.                              the Brisbane River so you can enjoy the
                                                           relaxed, sunny lifestyle Brisbane has
Adelaide                                                   to offer.
Our Adelaide campus is just minutes from                                                                               Sydney
Adelaide’s premier shopping, dining and                    Melbourne                                                   Our Sydney campus is located in the
entertainment venues.                                      Melbourne campus is near Chinatown in the                   centre of the city, at Wynyard Green,
                                                           centre of cosmopolitan Melbourne’s CBD.                     and is the largest of our four campuses.

 ADELAIDE CAMPUS                                                                           BRISBANE CAMPUS
 Level 5, 16–20 Coglin Street, Adelaide SA 5000                                            Ground Floor, East Tower, 410 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

 MELBOURNE CAMPUS                                                                          SYDNEY CAMPUS
 Level 10, 123 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000                                         Level 5, 11 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000

* Not all courses are available on all campuses and in all delivery modes or trimesters. For further information, visit

                                                                                                                                               STUDYING AT ACAP
Studying at ACAP
At ACAP, you can study on campus, online or by blended                                          Online class spaces
delivery. Regardless of the mode of delivery, our units and                                     ACAP’s online class spaces are central for
                                                                                                all students who study at ACAP, whether
modules use the same curriculum and trimester structure.                                        they study online, on campus or by
                                                                                                blended delivery. The class space is the
                                                                                                place where students connect with each
On-campus study                                 activities and completing assessments.          other and their teacher through tools such
On-campus study typically requires a total      Your teacher for each unit or module will       as discussion forums, live chat and web
of three hours per week of classes for each     guide the class by introducing content,         conferencing. All materials are available in
module or unit. This may be one three           asking for your thoughts and insights           the online class space including readings
hour class, or a combination of lecture and     and sequencing and pacing activities            and written content, video lectures and
tutorial formats. So, if you are taking three   throughout the trimester. For some courses      presentations, activities and instructions.
units or modules you will spend nine hours      if you are undertaking all or part of your      Most assessments are submitted through
in classes per week. Classes are held in        course by online delivery you may be            the online class space and feedback and
the morning, afternoon and evenings, with       required to attend the relevant workshops       grades are also located here.
some weekend classes.                           at an ACAP campus. For further information
                                                see pages 10–25.                                Technology required
Each campus may run classes at different
                                                                                                All ACAP students need to have ready
days and times and not all units or modules     Blended delivery                                access to high-speed internet and an
are available at all times on all campuses.
                                                Some courses are delivered by a ‘blend’ of      understanding of how to use the web and
In addition to attending classes, on-campus
                                                online and on-campus learning. Throughout       email in order to study at the College.
students have access to their online class
                                                the trimester, students in blended              Familiarity with word processing programs
space, where they can access resources,
                                                delivery units and modules are required         such as Microsoft Word is also required for
submit assessment and receive feedback
                                                to undertake activities, assessment,            preparing and submitting assignments.
and marks. Some on-campus components
                                                and self-study through the online class
are compulsory. More information can be
                                                space as well as attend on-campus class         Custom made study options
found on course information pages 10–25.
                                                sessions, which are programmed at
                                                                                                We understand you have other
                                                relevant times throughout the trimester.
Studying online                                 For example, some blended delivery units
                                                                                                commitments outside of study, so you
                                                                                                can choose your campus and class times,
Studying online offers maximum flexibility      and modules may require students to
                                                                                                and you can also mix and match your
and is best suited to students who are          attend a day workshop once per month or
                                                                                                study modes — subject to availability by
self-motivated and/or are unable to             a class session a few times in the trimester.
                                                                                                course. You can choose your mode of
attend on-campus classes on a regular           Dates for on-campus components are
                                                                                                study for each unit or modules (subject
basis. If studying online, you will be          available in advance so students can plan
                                                                                                to availability) at the beginning of each
allocated into an online class with a           their commitments around attendance
                                                                                                trimester, but once enrolled you must
dedicated teacher, the same as if you           requirements. Each course may have
                                                                                                complete each unit or modules in the mode
were studying face-to-face. You will need       different on-campus requirements and
                                                                                                in which you commenced that trimester.
to devote the same number of hours per          specific information is available on
week to reading the course material,            pages 10–25.
contributing to group discussions and
6     ACAP VET and UG Domestic Student Guide 2015/16

Gain experience while you study
ACAP offers you the chance to work while you study                                             • Carers NSW
so that you graduate with valuable and practical experience.                                   • CatholicCare
                                                                                               • Centacare Family Services
                                                                                               • Department of Communities,
What is a Student Placement?                    For some of our students, their placement        Child Safety and Disability Services
A Student Placement is a period of unpaid       leads to permanent employment with the         • Department of Family and
work experience and is designed to give         organisation in which they complete their        Community Services (FACS)
you a good overview of the different types      placement. Student Placements can help
                                                                                               • DepressioNet
of work available in your chosen field.         you to:
                                                                                               • Enough is Enough
                                                • identify where you would like to work
                                                                                               • Equity Research
ACAP courses that have a                        • increase your confidence and your skills
Student Placement                                                                              • Initiatives of Change
                                                • put the theory you have learned
• Bachelor of Applied Social Science              into practice                                • Jesuit Social Services
• Bachelor of Counselling                       • network with industry professionals          • Lee Hecht Harrison Career Coaching
• Bachelor of Counselling (Coaching)            • gain experience in your chosen field.        • Lifeline
• Bachelor of Social Work                                                                      • Mission Australia
                                                Choosing a Student Placement                   • Odyssey House
Why is a Student                                that suits you                                 • Paradise Kids
Placement important?                            ACAP has links with over 600 organisations     • Quest for Life
It gives you the opportunity to develop a       across Australia, giving you an opportunity
                                                to choose a workplace that matches your        • Relationships Australia
real understanding of the industry in which
                                                personal and professional interests. Below     • Salvos Care Line
you want to work. It also lets you take your
learning in the classroom and apply it to       is a list of some of the organisations where   • Wesley Mission
real situations. This means you have the        our students have undertaken placements:
                                                                                               • YWCA
opportunity to start making a difference in     • Barnardos Australia
people’s lives by applying the skills you are   • Blackdog Institute
learning while you’re still studying.

                                                                                                                                             OUR STAFF
Meet our Heads of School
Our teaching staff share our commitment to practical                                        Carolyn is an active contributor to the
                                                                                            social work field on a regional, national and
learning and the idea that to develop effective                                             international level. She is a member of the
communication and relationship skills you need                                              Australian Association of Social Workers
                                                                                            (AASW), Australian Council of Heads of
to put them into practice.                                                                  Schools of Social Work (ACHSSW),
                                                                                            Australia & New Zealand Schools of Social
                                                                                            Work & Welfare Education & Research
Professor Mike Innes                           Ione is also an active contributor to the    (ANZSWWER) and Asian and Pacific
Professor Mike Innes is ACAP’s Head            Australian counselling and psychotherapy     Association for Social Work Education
of School of Psychological Sciences.           community through her role as Director of    (APASWE). Additionally, she is the co-chair
Over his extensive career Mike has taught      the Australian Register of Counsellors and   of the International Association of Schools
across the world in universities in the        Psychotherapists (ARCAP). Ione is also a     of Social Work (IASSW) publications
United States and United Kingdom serving       member of the Australian Association of      committee and the executive editor of
as Associate Professor in the Department       Social Workers (AASW), the Society of        the IASSW Social Dialogue magazine
of Psychology at the University of Adelaide,   Counselling and Psychotherapy                (
Professor and Head of School of                Educators (SCAPE) and past President
Psychology and Sociology at James Cook         of the Psychotherapy and Counselling         Ms Catherine Tracey
University, Dean of Psychology at Murdoch      Federation of Australia (PACFA).
                                                                                            Ms Catherine Tracey is Head of School
University and Executive Dean of the                                                        Vocational Education & Training (Acting).
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences      Professor Carolyn Noble                      Catherine has a long and strong history in
at the University of Adelaide.                 Professor Carolyn Noble is ACAP’s            Vocational Education and Training and has
                                               Inaugural Head of School of Social Work      most recently held the position of Head
Mike specialises in social psychology and
                                               and Professor of Social Work. She has had    Teacher at Ultimo College of TAFE where
is particularly interested in the study of
                                               an extensive career both practising and      she had the responsibility for the
persuasion; the political behaviour of
                                               teaching social work, having worked as       management, governance and compliance
individuals within groups and organisations;
                                               a mental health and child protection         of qualifications delivered out of the
and the impact of the inter-relation of
                                               practitioner and as an academic in both      Community Services Training Package, and
thinking, feeling and action upon
                                               Sydney and London for over 30 years.         had the responsibility for many students
individuals’ lives.
                                               Carolyn has a wide variety of research       undertaking a range of qualifications and
In addition to his position at ACAP, Mike                                                   for staff delivering these qualifications.
                                               interests, ranging from social work
contributes to the field of psychology as                                                   She developed and negotiated innovative
                                               philosophy, ethics, theory and practice
a Fellow of the Australian Psychological                                                    work based practices for Diploma students.
                                               development, to gender democracy and
Society (APS), the Academy of Social
                                               equal employment opportunity for women       Catherine holds qualifications in
Sciences in Australia (ASSA), the British
                                               in higher education and human services.      behavioural sciences and a Masters in
Psychological Society (BPS), the
                                               She has developed and taught social work     Urban & Regional Planning. Her work and
Association for Psychological Science
                                               theory and practice, Field Education,        interests lie in the planning and delivery
and the Society of Experimental Social
                                               mental health and professional supervision   of services to communities experiencing
Psychology (SESP).
                                               courses at both undergraduate and            marginalisation. Her extensive work
                                               postgraduate levels.                         experience of over twenty years focussed
Professor Ione Lewis
                                                                                            on homeless services, social housing,
Professor Ione Lewis is ACAP’s                                                              youth work and community development.
Inaugural Professor of Counselling and
Psychotherapy and Head of School of
Counselling. She has been practising as
a clinical counsellor for over 25 years and
has extensive academic and teaching
experience, including course development
and supervision at both undergraduate
and postgraduate levels.
Ione’s areas of research expertise include
gender-based violence, the evaluation
of women’s health services, research
supervision and professional identity.
She previously served as Associate Dean
of Education and Head of Discipline of
Community Studies at the University
of Canberra.
8      ACAP VET and UG Domestic Student Guide 2015/16

Student support
We are committed to supporting our students, and                                                        These resources include access to extensive
                                                                                                        book collections, computer access, and a
provide advice and services to help you academically                                                    range of online resources including
and personally.                                                                                         electronic books and journals. Our librarians
                                                                                                        can help with your information and research
                                                                                                        needs in person at our Brisbane, Melbourne
ACAP’s interactive approach to teaching                  Personal support                               and Sydney campuses, or by email or phone.
as well as our small class sizes builds a
community atmosphere in the classroom,                   When undertaking a new course, you may
                                                         feel the pressures of work, life and study     Orientation
which is reinforced through the support
services we provide. From the day you                    commitments. If this happens our Student       Orientation is held as trimester starts and
enquire, we assist and support you.                      Support Counsellors are on hand to offer       provides an excellent opportunity to become
An advisor will help put your study program              personal, confidential support and             familiar with ACAP, meet staff and fellow
together, and once you start studying we                 counselling. They can also help you to         students and take a tour of the campus.
offer additional academic, personal and                  liaise with staff and, if necessary, provide   An online version is available in the student
Student Placement support.                               referral information for ongoing support.      portal if you cannot make it to the campus
                                                                                                        for Orientation.
Academic support                                         Library services
If you have not studied recently, you might              Our extensive library services and
need to refresh your skills in academic                  resources support and enhance your
writing, referencing or how to find the right            learning experience.
information. To help you in these areas we
offer academic skills, information literacy,
research skills and study skills support
through a range of activities and resources
such as workshops and webinars, online
resources and information, individual
learning support, peer mentoring programs
and specific activities for those transitioning
into the College or through their courses.
As a student you will also have access to the
student website which contains academic
and administrative information including unit
and module outlines, timetables, student
support information and campus contacts.
The online student portal (my.navitas- provides students with
access to their online class spaces, online
enrolment, student webmail and IT Help
Desk, as well as their academic grades
and personal information.

ACAP scholarships
ACAP offers a number of scholarships each year to assist                                                Students can apply for*:
students. Eligible students must be Australian citizens or                                              • academic excellence awards
                                                                                                          (two scholarships)
holders of a permanent humanitarian visa.                                                               • rural/regional awards
                                                                                                          (two scholarships)
There are two undergraduate counselling                  There are up to eight scholarships available   • aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
scholarships available:                                  for students undertaking the Bachelor of         awards (two scholarships).
• The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander              Psychological Science.
  (ATSI) Scholarship, and                                                                               If you are interested in applying
                                                         Scholarships will cover tuition fees for all   for a scholarship please visit
• The Alan Rowe Scholarship                              units of study.                      

* Two additional scholarships may be awarded in any of the categories.

                                                  OUR STUDENTS
              supported me.
              I feel like I’ve
              set up to

My ACAP:   Jess Lee Bachelor of Counselling
10   ACAP VET and UG Domestic Student Guide 2015/16

Diploma of Community Services
(Case Management) (CHC52008)
This is a nationally recognised qualification designed to                                      Workload
equip you with the skills required to work in case                                             We recommend that for each module you
                                                                                               undertake a minimum of:
management roles in the community services sector.                                             • three hours of course work per week
                                                                                                 based around the learning manual, and
                                              The course provides the skills and                 class attendance if studying on-campus
 Overview                                     knowledge essential for effective                • two hours of interactive online activities,
                                              communication, service coordination,               such as online learning forums, and
 Availability                                 networking, risk management, work health         • a minimum of three hours of self-study
 • On campus in Brisbane, Melbourne           and safety as well as matters specific to          and assessment preparation.
   and Sydney or via online delivery,         case management.
   which combines online study with                                                            Assessments
   compulsory on-campus workshops,            Case management workshops
   or a combination of both.                                                                   Assessment types vary with each module.
                                              As a case manager, you need practical            However, in keeping with ACAP’s
 • Please note that online delivery is
   not self-paced and you will be             communication and networking skills,             philosophy, the majority mirror examples
   required to complete your studies          and the best way to develop these is             from professional practice. You may be
   and assessment tasks to schedule.          through face-to-face interaction. If you are     assessed through reports and written
                                              undertaking all or part of this course through   assignments, group work, role playing,
 Duration                                     online delivery you are required to attend       case studies and projects, as well as
 One year full-time or part-time equivalent   three workshops across the duration of your      participation in online learning forums.
                                              course. These workshops are an important
 Maximum duration                             part of developing, practicing and               Recognition of prior learning
 Three years                                  demonstrating interpersonal skills.
                                                                                               It may be possible to shorten the length
 Modules                                                                                       of this course by applying for recognition
                                              Workshop 1
 Nine                                                                                          of prior learning for your relevant work or
                                              A one day workshop is provided for online        life experiences, or through qualifications
 Entry requirements                           students in the module ‘Communication            obtained in formal studies or training.
 • A Certificate IV qualification             Skills and Relationships’. This will enable      For more information regarding
   (or at least one unit of competency        online students to practice and                  recognition of prior learning, contact
   at AQF level 4), OR                        demonstrate communication skills.      
 • A Higher School Certificate
                                              Workshop 2                                       If you apply for Recognition of Prior Learning
   (HSC) or equivalent, OR
                                                                                               (RPL), you will be charged an assessment fee
 • Satisfactorily completed the               A one day workshop is provided for online
                                                                                               that is fifty per cent of the module fee. If your
   ACAP VET Entry Assessment                  students in the module ‘Facilitating Case
                                                                                               application for RPL is unsuccessful, you may
                                              Management’. This will enable online
 VET FEE-HELP available                                                                        re-enrol in the module and will be charged
                                              students to practice and demonstrate an
                                                                                               the full tuition fee. VET FEE-HELP assistance
 Please see page 29                           understanding and skills in the development
                                                                                               may be available to eligible students. Credit
                                              of case management plans and meetings.
 Study requirements                                                                            transfer for competencies in the course that
 This course requires regular access                                                           you have already completed is also available.
                                              Workshop 3
 to a computer and the internet.
                                              A one day workshop is provided for online        Further study
 Some assessment tasks require
 students to video record an interview,       students in the module ‘Improving Skills to
                                              Support Client Self Management’. This will       On completion of this course graduates may
 demonstrate skills or conduct a client                                                        apply for admission into ACAP’s Associate
 session. All classes have a teacher          enable online students to practice and
                                              demonstrate quality case work.                   Degree of Applied Social Science, Bachelor
 allocated to facilitate your learning.
                                                                                               of Applied Social Science, Bachelor of
                                              All workshops are compulsory and are run at      Counselling, Bachelor of Counselling
                                              each of our campuses (Brisbane, Melbourne        (Coaching), Bachelor of Social Work or
                                              and Sydney).                                     Bachelor of Psychological Science with
                                                                                               specified credit equivalent to eight units.

                                                                                                                                                     VET COURSES
Course structure*
The course contains nine modules with 16 units of competency which all need to be successfully completed, in the order below, to gain
the qualification.

                            Module name                                       Code            Embedded unit/s of competency
 1. Communication Skills and Relationships                                 CHCCOM403A   Use targeted communication skills to build relationships
 [Co-requisite Dip.Community Services (Case Management)
 Workshop 1 if you are studying this module online]
 2. Facilitating Case Management                                           CHCCM503C    Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of
 [Co-requisite Dip.Community Services (Case Management)                                 case management
 Workshop 2 if you are studying this module online]
                                                                           CHCCM504D    Promote high quality case management
 3. Working with Clients from Diverse Cultures                             HLTHIR403C   Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and
                                                                           HLTHIR404D   Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait
                                                                                        Islander people
 4. Improving Skills to Support Client Self-Management                     CHCCW503A    Work intensively with clients
 [Co-requisite Dip.Community Services (Case Management)
                                                                           CHCICS406B   Support client self-management
 Workshop 3 if you are studying this module online]
 5. Understanding Client Developmental Status                              CHCLD415A    Confirm client developmental status
 [Prerequisite for CHC8D26V Analyse Client Information-module 7]
 6. Managing Clients with Complex Needs                                    CHCCS416B    Assess and provide services for clients with
                                                                                        complex needs
                                                                           CHCCS607E    Coordinate in-service assessment and response to
                                                                                        address client needs
                                                                           CHCNET404B   Facilitate links with other services
 7. Analyse Client Information                                             CHCLD515A    Analyse client information for service planning
 [CHC8D70V Understanding Client Developmental Status must be                            and delivery
 completed before you are able to study module 7]
 8. Understanding Mental Health Issues and                                 CHCMH402B    Apply understanding of mental health issues and
 Recovery Processes                                                                     recovery processes
 9. Improving Professional Practice                                        CHCORG428A   Reflect and improve own professional practice
                                                                           CHCCS400C    Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework
                                                                           HLTWHS300A   Contribute to Work Health & Safety Processes

  Potential career paths
  The Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) provides opportunities to
  work in the Community Services Industry utilising their case management skills
  across a number of key target areas including , drug and alcohol, mental health,
  homelessness, residential care, the aged and those living with a disability. Work can
  be undertaken in generalist community or neighbourhood centres.

   Apply now at

* Course structure correct as at December 2014 and is subject to change.
12     ACAP VET and UG Domestic Student Guide 2015/16

Diploma of Counselling (CHC51712)
This is a nationally recognised qualification that provides                                        Assessments
you with the first step towards a career in counselling,                                           Assessment types vary with each module.
                                                                                                   However, in keeping with ACAP’s
providing you with skills you can use in a wide range                                              philosophy, the majority mirror examples
of occupations.                                                                                    from professional practice. You may be
                                                                                                   assessed through reports and written
                                                                                                   assignments, group work, role playing, case
                                                    Counselling workshops                          studies and projects, as well as participation
  Overview                                          If undertaking all or part of this course      in online learning forums.
  Availability                                      by online delivery you are required to
                                                    attend the relevant Diploma of Counselling     Recognition of prior learning
  • On campus in Adelaide, Brisbane,
                                                    workshops at an ACAP campus. These             It may be possible to shorten the length
    Melbourne and Sydney or online
                                                    workshops will help to ensure that             of this course by applying for recognition
    delivery, which combines online
    study with compulsory on-campus                 you have the necessary face-to-face            of prior learning for your relevant work or
    workshops, or a combination of both.            interaction to develop and be assessed         life experiences or through qualifications
  • Please note that online delivery is
                                                    on communication, counselling and other        obtained in formal studies or training.
    not self-paced and you will be                  practical skills required for competency.      For more information regarding
    required to complete your studies                                                              recognition of prior learning, contact
    and assessment tasks to schedule.               Workshop 1 — Duration two days       
                                                    A two day workshop is provided for online
  Duration                                                                                         If you apply for Recognition of Prior Learning
                                                    students in the modules ‘Facilitate the
  One year full-time or part-time
                                                                                                   (RPL), you will be charged an assessment
                                                    Counselling Process’ and ‘Counselling
  equivalent                                                                                       fee that is fifty per cent of the module fee.
                                                    Interview Skills’. This will enable online
                                                                                                   If your application for RPL is unsuccessful,
  Maximum duration                                  students to practice and demonstrate an
                                                                                                   you may re-enrol in the module and will be
                                                    understanding of and skills in communication
  Three years                                                                                      charged the full tuition fee. VET FEE-HELP
                                                    and basic counselling skills.
                                                                                                   assistance may be available to eligible
  Modules                                                                                          students. Credit transfer for competencies in
  Nine                                              Workshop 2 — Duration one day                  the course that you have already completed
                                                    A one day workshop is provided for online      is also available.
  Entry requirements                                students in the module ‘Monitor Case
  • A Certificate IV qualification                  Management’. This will enable online           Further study
    (or at least one unit of competency             students to practice and demonstrate           On completion of the Diploma of
    at AQF level 4), OR                             an understanding of and skills in the          Counselling you can apply for admission
  • A Higher School Certificate                     development of case management                 into ACAP’s Associate Degree of Applied
    (HSC) or equivalent, OR                         plans and meetings.                            Social Science, Bachelor of Applied Social
  • Satisfactorily completed the                                                                   Science, Bachelor of Counselling, Bachelor
    ACAP VET Entry Assessment                       Workshop 3 — Duration one day                  of Counselling (Coaching) or Bachelor of
  VET FEE-HELP available                            A one day workshop is provided for online      Psychological Science with specified credit
                                                    students in the module ‘Improve Counselling    equivalent to eight units, or to ACAP’s
  Please see page 29                                                                               Bachelor of Social Work with specified
                                                    Skills’. This will enable online students to
  Study requirements                                practice and demonstrate an understanding      credit equivalent to six units.
                                                    of and skills in more advanced counselling
  This course requires regular access
                                                    work based skills.
  to a computer and the internet.
  Some assessment tasks require                     All workshops are a mandatory component          Potential career paths
  students to video record an interview,            of each of the above modules.                    This course is designed to assist those
  role play, demonstrate skills or conduct                                                           wanting to work in areas such as
  a client session. All classes have a                                                               community health centres, family
  teacher allocated to facilitate
                                                                                                     support services, government agencies,
  your learning.                                    We recommend that for each module you
                                                                                                     not for profit community organisations,
                                                    undertake a minimum of:
                                                                                                     outreach services, sexual health
                                                    • three hours of course work per week            services, refugee support services,
This course aims to provide you with general          based around the learning manual, and          women’s health centres and
counselling skills and knowledge, including           class attendance if studying on campus         residential services.
communication skills, knowledge of a range          • two hours of interactive online activities
of commonly used counselling techniques,              such as online learning forums and
referral skills and the ability to work within an     Flexible Learning Toolbox tasks, and
organisation’s policies and procedures.
                                                    • a minimum of three hours of self-study
                                                      and assessment preparation.

                                                                                                                                                        VET COURSES
Course structure*
This course contains nine modules (of which eight are core and one is an elective), which deliver 17 units of competency that need to be
successfully completed, in the order below, to gain the qualification.

                  Module name                                  Code                               Unit/s of competency
 Facilitate the Counselling Process                       CHCCSL501A       Work within a structured counselling framework
 (Co- or pre-requisite: Diploma of Counselling
 Workshop 1 for online delivery students)                 CHCCSL503B       Facilitate the counselling relationship
 Counselling Interview Skills                             CHCCSL502A       Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills
 (Co-requisite: Diploma of Counselling Workshop
                                                          CHCCSL512A       Determine suitability of client for counselling services
 1 for online delivery students)
 Counselling Theories                                     CHCCSL504A       Apply personality and development theories
                                                          CHCCSL505A       Apply learning theories in counselling
 Support Clients                                          CHCCSL506A       Apply counselling therapies to address a range of client issues
 (Pre-requisite: Counselling Interview Skills
                                                          CHCCSL507B       Support clients in decision-making processes
 or CHCCSL502A)
 Responsible Ethical Counselling                          CHCCSL508B       Apply legal and ethical responsibilities in counselling practice
                                                          CHCCS514B        Recognise and respond to individuals at risk
 Cultural Diversity and Workplace Legislation             HLTHIR403C       Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers
                                                          HLTHIR404D       Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
                                                          HLTWHS300A       Contribute to WHS processes
 Monitor Case Management                                  CHCCM503C        Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management
 (Co-requisite: Diploma of Counselling
 Workshop 2 for online delivery students)
 Improve Counselling Skills                               CHCCSL509A       Reflect and improve upon counselling skills
 (Co-requisite: Diploma of Counselling
 Workshop 3 for online delivery students)
 (Pre-requisites: Facilitate the Counselling
 Process and Support Clients or CHCCSL501A,
 Electives — choose one
 Recognise and respond to domestic and                    CHCDFV301A       Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
 family violence
                                                          CHCDFV402C       Manage own professional development in responding to domestic and
                                                                           family violence
 Support clients with problem                             CHCGMB502A       Assess the needs of clients with problem gambling issues
 gambling issues
                                                          CHCGMB503A       Provide counselling for clients with problem gambling issues

                                                                                                            Apply now at

* Course structure correct as at December 2014 and is subject to change.
14   ACAP VET and UG Domestic Student Guide 2015/16

        "It was a very supportive, open
        and friendly environment. The classes
        were comprehensive and
        highly interactive, both
        theoretical and practical."

 My ACAP:             Gus Reyes Diploma of Counselling

Associate Degree of
Applied Social Science
The Associate Degree of Applied Social Science provides                                                         • online and blended delivery students are
                                                                                                                  expected to undertake a minimum of
a foundational understanding of individuals, groups and                                                           seven hours per week of self-study,
social structures, and offers a broad grounding in                                                                assessment preparation, general research
                                                                                                                  and reading.
sociological theory, social systems and social policy.
                                                        The Associate Degree incorporates key                   Forms of assessment vary with each unit.
   Overview                                             theoretical components of the Bachelor of               However, in keeping with ACAP’s teaching
                                                        Applied Social Science degree, and maintains            philosophy, assessments develop the skills
   Availability                                         an applied focus in the development of                  required in professional practice and
   On campus (Brisbane, Melbourne and                   counselling or coaching skills.                         include reports, formal essays, critical
   Sydney), online if the Coaching minor                                                                        reflections, group work, practice sessions
   is selected, or by a combination of                  Workload                                                and supervised work placements. Most
   online and blended delivery if the                                                                           units involve the submission of two or three
                                                        For each unit we recommend an average of
   Counselling minor is selected.                                                                               formal pieces of assessment.
                                                        nine hours of study per week. This is made
   Duration                                             up of:
                                                        • one three hour class (on-campus units)                Course structure*
   • Two years full-time
                                                        • two hours of online learning activities               To complete the Associate Degree
   • This course can be fast tracked
                                                          and interaction with your teacher and                 of Applied Social Science you must
     and completed in one year and
                                                          fellow students (online and blended                   successfully complete 16 units (six Social
     one trimester full-time by taking
                                                          delivery units)                                       Science units, three core Professional
     four units each trimester
                                                                                                                Practice units, three core units from
                                                        • on-campus students are expected                       the Applied Psychology minor strand,
                                                          to undertake a minimum of six hours                   two units from the minor strand in
   16                                                     per week of self-study, assessment                    either Counselling or Coaching, and two
                                                          preparation, general research                         elective units). The Associate Degree
   Standard entry requirements
                                                          and reading                                           comprises the first two years of the
   • Minimum ATAR 65 or equivalent,
                                                                                                                Bachelor of Applied Social Science.
   • Completion of a Certificate IV,
     Diploma, Advanced Diploma or                                                        First Year                               Second Year
     Associate Degree, or
                                                         Trimester 1       Preparation for Academic Study               Social, Legal and Ethical Frameworks
   • Partial completion of a Bachelor’s
                                                                           Introduction to Contemporary                 Social Theory
     degree, or                                                            Society                                      Cultural Diversity
   • Be aged 21 years or over                                              Positive Psychology
   FEE-HELP available.                                   Trimester 2       Social Systems                               Organisational Theory
   Please see page 29                                                      Psychology of Health and Wellness            Social Policy
                                                                           Minor strand unit (Counselling               Minor strand unit (Counselling
                                                                           or Coaching)†                                or Coaching)†
                                                         Trimester 3       Developmental Psychology                     Mental Health Policy and Practice
                                                                           Elective                                     Elective

               Level 100 electives (select one)                                            Counselling Minor Strand (two units):
 Human Resource Management OR                                               Counselling Skills AND
 Managing in Ambiguity and Change                                           Advanced Counselling Skills

               Level 200 electives (select one)                                              Coaching Minor Strand (two units):
 Career Counselling and Assessment OR                                       Coaching Theory and Practice AND
 Psychology of Peak Performance OR                                          Coaching Applications
 Advanced Positive Psychology

* Course structure is correct as at December 2014 and is subject to change.
† Students select either a Counselling or Coaching minor strand and must complete all two units within the selected minor.
16     ACAP VET and UG Domestic Student Guide 2015/16

Bachelor of Applied Social Science
The Bachelor of Applied Social Science aims to                                                    • Applicants who have completed an
                                                                                                    English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
ground students in the applied social sciences with                                                 course from a recognised tertiary
a well‑developed understanding of social systems,                                                   institution may apply for admission and
                                                                                                    submit appropriate documentation.
sociological theory and social policy.
                                                                                                  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                                                                    (ATSI) applicants may submit an
                                                  • Online and blended delivery students            application based on their readiness
  Overview                                          are expected a minimum of seven hours           for tertiary studies according to the
                                                    per week of self-study, assessment              results of their Educational Access
  Availability                                      preparation, general research                   Scheme (EAS) administered by an
  On campus (Brisbane, Melbourne                    and reading.                                    approved institution.
  and Sydney, online if Coaching minor            For work-integrated placement units, an
  selected or by a combination of online          average of 14 hours of study per week is        Special admission
  and blended delivery if Counselling             recommended. This is made up of:                arrangements
  minor selected.                                                                                 If you do not meet the standard
                                                  • the placement
                                                                                                  entry requirements, you may be eligible
  Duration                                        • 1.5 hours per week of seminars
                                                                                                  for conditional enrolment. If you are
  • Three years full-time or                      • a minimum of three hours per week             conditionally enrolled you will not be allowed
    part-time equivalent                            of self-study, assessment preparation,        to take a full-time study course load during
  • This course can be fast tracked                 general research and reading.                 your first trimester of study and enrolment
    and completed in two years                                                                    in subsequent trimesters will be dependent
    full-time by taking four units                Assessment                                      on your meeting the conditions advised prior
    each trimester                                Forms of assessment vary with each unit.        to admission.

  Units                                           However, in keeping with ACAP’s teaching
                                                  philosophy, assessments develop the             English language
  24                                              skills required in professional practice,       proficiency requirements
  Standard entry requirements                     and include reports, formal essays, critical    If English is not your principal language, or
                                                  reflections, group work, practice sessions      if the language of instruction for your prior
  • Minimum ATAR 65 or equivalent, or             and supervised work placements. Most units      qualification was not in English, you need to
  • Completion of a Certificate IV,               involve the submission of two or three formal   provide proof of proficiency in English.
    Diploma, Advanced Diploma or                  pieces of assessment.                           This is through an International English
    Associate Degree, or                                                                          Language Testing System (IELTS) academic
  • Partial completion of a Bachelor’s            Student Placements                              score of 6.5 or higher, or completion of an
    degree, or                                    As an applied degree, the Bachelor of           English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course,
  • Be aged 21 years or over                      Applied Social Science has a strong focus       or an equivalent score in an English language
                                                  on professional experience in placement         test recognised by the College. This proof of
  FEE-HELP available.                             organisations, which is linked to project       proficiency must have been attained within
  Please see page 29                              units in which an applied research project      the past two years.
                                                  is undertaken.

This course integrates theory, social             A total of 250 hours of Work-integrated
research, skills and professional experience,     Placement is undertaken (125 hours per            Potential career paths
preparing you with critical thinking skills for   placement unit). In addition, students            Graduates of the Bachelor of Applied
employment in the workforce in public,            complete 36 hours of Work-integrated              Social Science will be well suited for
private and community settings.                   Placement seminars (18 hours per                  entry level employment in public,
                                                  placement unit averaging 1.5 hours                private and community sector
Workload                                          per week).                                        organisations that require employees
For each unit we recommend an average of                                                            with high level analysis, communication
nine hours of study per week. This is made        Alternative admission                             and case management skills, as well
up of:                                            Applicants (18 to 21 years) who have not          as a thorough understanding of the
                                                  completed a Higher School Certificate or its      relationships between individuals,
• one three hour class (on-campus units).                                                           groups and social structures.
                                                  equivalent may be considered for admission
• two hours of online learning activities         based on the following criteria:
  and interaction with your teacher and
  fellow students (online and blended             • Applicants who have completed a
  delivery units)                                   Foundation Studies program from a
                                                    recognised tertiary institution may
• on-campus students are expected                   apply for admission and submit
  to undertake a minimum of six hours               appropriate documentation to
  per week of self-study, assessment                support their application.
  preparation, general research
  and reading

Early exit                                              Course structure*                                       Professional Practice strand including
                                                                                                                250 hours of Work-integrated Placement
Students who have completed two years                   The course consists of a major strand in                and 36 timetabled hours of seminars,
(16 units) of the Bachelor of Applied Social            Social Science, a Professional Practice                 three core units in the Applied Psychology
Science may be eligible to graduate with                strand, combined with an Applied                        strand, three units in a minor strand
the Associate Degree of Applied Social                  Psychology minor strand. In addition,                   (either Counselling or Coaching), and two
Science. This course comprises 16 units:                students complete a minor strand in                     elective units).
six units from the Social Science strand,               either Counselling or Coaching.
three Professional Practice units, three
                                                        To complete the Bachelor of Applied Social
units from the Applied Psychology minor
                                                        Science you must successfully complete
strand, two units from the minor strand in
                                                        24 units (eight core units from the Social
either Counselling or Coaching, and two
                                                        Science strand, eight core units in the
elective units.

                                    First Year                                    Second Year                                    Third Year
 Trimester 1        Preparation for Academic Study                   Social, Legal and Ethical Frameworks            Applied Social Research
                    Introduction to Contemporary Society             Social Theory                                   Group Work
                    Positive Psychology                              Cultural Diversity                              Minor strand unit (Counselling
                                                                                                                     or Coaching)†
 Trimester 2        Social Systems                                   Organisational Theory                           Project 1
                    Psychology of Health and Wellness                Social Policy                                   Work-integrated Placement 1
                    Minor strand unit (Counselling or                Minor strand unit (Counselling                  Social Science Integration
                    Coaching)†                                       or Coaching)†
 Trimester 3        Developmental Psychology                         Mental Health Policy and Practice               Project 2
                    Elective                                         Elective                                        Work-integrated Placement 2

    Level 100 electives (select one)                                            Counselling Minor Strand (three units):
 Human Resource Management OR                          Counselling Skills AND
 Managing in Ambiguity and Change                      Advanced Counselling Skills AND
                                                       Choice of one of:
                                                       Counselling Children and Young People
                                                       Family and Relationship Counselling
                                                       Crisis and Trauma Counselling


    Level 200 electives (select one)                                             Coaching Minor Strand (three units):
 Career Counselling and Assessment OR                  Coaching Theory and Practice AND
 Psychology of Peak Performance OR                     Coaching Applications AND
 Advanced Positive Psychology                          Life Coaching

   Apply now at

* Course structure is correct as at December 2014 and is subject to change.
† Students select either a Counselling or Coaching minor strand and must complete all three units within the selected minor.
18     ACAP VET and UG Domestic Student Guide 2015/16

Bachelor of Counselling
The Bachelor of Counselling provides a comprehensive                                           Student Placements
grounding in counselling frameworks and skills, ethical                                        This course includes 250 hours in a
                                                                                               placement agency (comprising 46 hours of
practice and cultural diversity.                                                               client counselling contact). The placements
                                                                                               are conducted one to two days per week
                                               Workload                                        over two trimesters.
  Overview                                     For each unit we recommend an average of        In addition, students attend 54 timetabled
                                               nine hours of study per week. This is made      hours of counselling supervision provided
  Availability                                 up of:                                          by the School of Counselling and undertake
  On campus (Brisbane, Melbourne               • one three hour class (on-campus units)        48 personal study hours (over two units).
  and Sydney) or by a combination of
  online and blended delivery                  • two hours of online learning activities
                                                 and interaction with your teacher and         Alternative admission
  Duration                                       fellow students (online and blended           Applicants (18 to 21 years) who have not
  Three years full-time minimum or               delivery units)                               completed a Higher School Certificate or its
  part-time equivalent                         • on-campus students are expected to            equivalent may be considered for admission
                                                 undertake a minimum of six hours per          based on the following criteria:
                                                 week of self-directed study, assessment       • Applicants who have completed a
  24                                             preparation, general research                   Foundation Studies program from
                                                 and reading                                     a recognised tertiary institution
  Standard entry requirements
                                               • online and blended delivery students            may apply for admission and
  • Minimum ATAR 70 or equivalent, or
                                                 are expected to undertake a minimum             submit appropriate documentation
  • Completion of a Certificate IV,
                                                 of seven hours per week of self-directed        to support their application.
    Diploma, Advanced Diploma or
    Associate Degree, or                         study, assessment preparation, general        • Applicants who have completed an
                                                 research and reading.                           English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
  • Partial completion of a Bachelor’s
    degree, and                                For Counselling Placement and Supervision         course from a recognised tertiary
  • Complete an undergraduate                  1, an average of 14 hours of study per week       institution may apply for admission and
    screening questionnaire to                 is recommended, and for Counselling               submit appropriate documentation.
    demonstrate the relational                 Placement and Supervision 2, an average of      • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
    qualities of the applicant                 15.5 hours. This is made up of:                   (ATSI) applicants may submit an
  OR                                                                                             application based on their readiness
                                               • an average of 10.5 hours per week in a          for tertiary studies according to the
  • Be aged 21 years or over, and                placement agency                                results of their Educational Access
  • Complete an undergraduate
                                               • three hours per fortnight of small group        Scheme (EAS) administered by an
    screening questionnaire to
                                                 supervision and two personal study              approved institution.
    demonstrate the relational qualities
    of the applicant.
                                                 hours per week for Counselling
                                                 Placement and Supervision 1, and              • All applicants must complete an
  FEE-HELP available.                                                                            undergraduate screening questionnaire
                                               • three hours per week of small group             to demonstrate the relational qualities
  Please see page 29                             supervision and two personal study              of the applicant.
                                                 hours is expected in total for
                                                 Counselling Placement and
The course provides entry level counselling      Supervision 2.
                                                                                               Special admission
training with a strong focus on contemporary                                                   arrangements
counselling, psychotherapy and psychology      Assessment                                      If you do not meet the standard entry
theory, research and practice.                                                                 requirements, you may be eligible
                                               Forms of assessment vary with each unit.
                                                                                               for conditional enrolment. If you are
Professional recognition                       However, in keeping with ACAP’s teaching
                                                                                               conditionally enrolled you will not be allowed
This course is fully accredited by the         philosophy, assessments develop the
                                                                                               to take a full-time study course load during
Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation       skills required in professional practice,
                                                                                               your first trimester of study and enrolment
of Australia (PACFA) and is designed to meet   and include reports, formal essays, critical
                                                                                               in subsequent trimesters will be dependent
their training standards.                      reflections, group work, practice sessions
                                                                                               on your meeting the conditions advised prior
                                               and supervised work placements. Most units
                                                                                               to admission.
                                               involve the submission of two or three formal
                                               pieces of assessment.
                                                                                               Police record checks
                                                                                               It is a condition of progression in the course
                                                                                               that students complete a police record
                                                                                               check in their first trimester of enrolment.

English language                                                                                           Course structure*
proficiency requirements                                 Potential career paths
                                                                                                           To complete the Bachelor of Counselling
If English is not your principal language, or            Graduates of the Bachelor of
                                                                                                           you must successfully complete 24
if the language of instruction for your prior            Counselling will be well equipped to
                                                                                                           units (22 core units and two counselling
qualification was not in English, you need               provide counselling services relating
                                                                                                           elective units). Students must
to provide proof of proficiency in English.              to bereavement and loss, alcohol
                                                                                                           complete Counselling Placement and
This is through an International English                 and other drugs abuse, mental
                                                                                                           Supervision 1 and 2 and Project 1 and 2
Language Testing System (IELTS) academic                 health, family and relationships, and
                                                                                                           consecutively in their final year.
score of 7.0 or higher, or completion of                 general counselling. Counsellors
an English for Academic Purposes (EAP)                   are employed across the sectors of
course, or an equivalent score in an English             Health Care and Social Assistance,
language test recognised by the College.                 Education and Training, Public
This proof of proficiency must have been                 Administration and Safety, and
attained within the past two years.                      Administrative and Support Services.

                                   First Year                                  Second Year                                 Third Year
 Trimester 1        Preparation for Academic Study                  Advanced Counselling Skills              Applied Social Research
                    Counselling Skills                              Social, Legal and Ethical Frameworks     Group Work
                    Conflict Resolution                             Cultural Diversity                       Change, Influence and Power Dynamics
 Trimester 2        Positive Psychology                             Counselling in Loss                      Project 1
                    Counselling Theories 1                          Counselling Theories 2                   Counselling Placement and Supervision 1
                    Developmental Psychology                        Alcohol and Other Drugs Counselling      Counselling Integration
 Trimester 3        Psychology of Health and Wellness               Mental Health Policy and Practice        Project 2
                    Counselling Elective 1                          Counselling Elective 2                   Counselling Placement and Supervision 2

Bachelor of Counselling students choose two counselling electives, one from Level 100 and one from Level 200.

          Bachelor of Counselling
 Level 100 electives                                    Narrative Therapy
                                                        Existential Counselling
 Level 200 electives                                    Counselling Children and Young People
                                                        Family and Relationship Counselling
                                                        Crisis and Trauma Counselling


                        Unit                                            Prerequisite
 Counselling Elective 1                                 Counselling Skills
 Advanced Counselling Skills                            Counselling Skills
 Counselling Theories 2                                 Counselling Theories 1
 Project 2                                              Project 1
 Counselling Placement and Supervision 1                Advanced Counselling Skills
 Counselling Placement and Supervision 2                Counselling Placement and Supervision 1
 Project 1                                              Applied Social Research
                                                                                                             Apply now at

* Course structure is correct as a December 2014 and is subject to change.
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