2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer

Page created by Dawn Marshall
2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer
2022 B2B Media Kit
2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer
For over 20 years, eMarketer, an Insider Intelligence brand,   “Love the work eMarketer
        has been trusted by CMOs as the most comprehensive
                                                                        does to integrate industry
        source of information on how to operate in a digital world,
        offering transparently sourced and vetted data from             information and provide
        thousands of sources that provide unparalleled insight into     trends and insights.”
        changing consumer behaviors.
                                                                           —eMarketer reader
        eMarketer is an indispensable resource for influential
        brand marketers, agency executives and publishers.

        They consume eMarketer media regularly to help them            eMarketer excels at helping advertisers
        understand how digital is transforming marketing, media        accomplish their goals by delivering:
        and commerce, and for quick and easy access to the
        objective information they need to make better, more           •   Trusted and relevant content — 100%
        informed business decisions.                                       focused on marketing in a digital world

        eMarketer is also relied upon as a top performing B2B          •   An exceptional content marketing
        advertising vehicle for generating awareness, distributing         environment
        thought leadership and driving demand. In this increasingly    •   High impact exposure – uncluttered pages
        competitive and noisy business environment, it’s vital for         and significant share of voice
        companies to differentiate and position their offerings
        and quality of service from the competition and keep their     •   Extensive reach among brand marketers,
        brand top of mind with purchase influencers.                       agency executives, publishers

                                                                       •   Low audience duplication with other industry
                                                                           trade media

                                                                       •   Decision-makers who are actively seeking

                                                                       •   Industry-leading engagement
2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer
Audience Demos

 Marketers That Matter to You Rely on eMarketer

                      Have Buying Power                       Budget Authority
 30%           29%
                      80% Specify and/or                      Marketing/Advertising 80%
Agency     Brands     authorize purchases                     Top Executives & Management 75%
                                                              C-level & Business Owners 21%

 19%           10%    Purchase Intent                         And Dollars to Invest

                     70% Plan to purchase
 Media Technology or increase investments
                                                              42% Revenues of $250m+
                                                              26% Revenues of $10m-$249m
                     in products and services                 32% Revenues up to $10m
                     over the next year
                                                              *of those who reported revenue

                     *Demos based on Annual Visitor Survey,

       Other         January 2020.
2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer
“The eMarketer audience is exactly who we need to
 Around the Globe                           engage: senior level brand marketers. The content
 eMarketer Matters to Marketers            quality as well as the leads generated via eMarketer
                                         programs help us stand out in a sea of industry noise.”
                                                   —Paul Severini, Chief Sales Officer, AdTheorent

                                  275,000+              209,000+                  160,000+
                                  monthly unique        total unique              total podcast
                                  site visitors         newsletter                listens per
                                                        subscribers               month

Social Media Followers

         289.8K                   NA                                                 APAC
                              53%                                                    19%
          77.8K                                        20%
2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer
Sample Readers

u Agencies     u CPGs         u Finance

u Healthcare   u Retail       u Media

u Auto         u Technology   u Travel & Hospitality
2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer
Advertising & Sponsorship Programs

eMarketer’s media channels are relevant to our readers’          Tactics US B2B Marketers Plan to Use in 2020
business. As our editorial team sets the stage for an informed
conversation about the state of digital transformation,          % of users                                                         81%

advertising messages are complementary. eMarketer provides       Content marketing
the what, where, when and why—while advertisers contribute
                                                                 Digital ads, pay-per-click or retargeting
the who and how. Together, we complete the educational
journey for our audience.                                        Email

From content and video sponsorships to display, emails, live
webinars and ABM programs, eMarketer offers advertisers          Events
a trusted environment to execute top performing B2B              Paid social posts
marketing tactics.

                                                                 Organic social posts

“I worked with eMarketer to launch my                            PR

 content sponsorship. The process was
 transparent and straightforward. They
                                                                 Direct mail
 went above and beyond to cater to our
                                                                 Affiliates or partners
 needs and work with us to make our
                                                                                                   Content syndicators or other third-party sources
 campaign successful.”
                                                                 Note: top performers rated themselves 6-7 (on a 7-point scale) in meeting 2019 marketing goals
 —Fina Tracy, Demand Generation Manager,                         Source: ON24 and Heinz Marketing, “Experiences Everywhere: What Top-Performing B2B Marketers
                                                                 Do Differently,” March 11, 2020
  Paid Acquisition, Branch
2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer
eMarketer.com                                        Newsletters
275,000+ monthly unique visitors                     eMarketer Daily
Home to eMarketer articles, podcasts and webinars.
                                                     180,000+ subscribers
ROS, Geo, Category, Keyword, and Domain targeting.
                                                     Daily + weekend briefing on digital
Categories include (not limited to):                 marketing and media trends. Data-driv-
•   Advertising & Marketing                          en and timely for decision-makers who
                                                     need to keep up with the shifting media
•   Retail & Ecommerce
                                                     and marketing landscape. Articles,
                                                     interviews and industry updates along
                                                     with eMarketer signature charts.

                                                     eMarketer Retail By
                                                     the Numbers
                                                     70,000+ subscribers
                                                     Building on eMarketer’s pioneering
                                                     coverage of digital marketing, the
                                                     weekday and Sunday newsletter injects
                                                     a fresh look, more insights, trends and
                                                     forecasts into retail, ecommerce, and
                                                     the major players in the industry. This
                                                     number-based newsletter provides quick
    “Really appreciate the                           and actionable insights to our readers.
     knowledge/stats you share.”
     —eMarketer reader

2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer
Dedicated Emails
                                                                eMarketer Spotlight offers a
Deliver your message directly to your target                    shared voice alongside three
audience with an eMarketer FYI. Highly effective                other sponsors.
for lead generation with 100% share of voice.
Targeting available to include company name,                    t eMarketer FYI Spotlight
region, and/or industry.
                                                                173,000+ subscribers

                                                                eMarketer Retail
eMarketer FYI u                                                 FYI Spotlight
165,000+ subscribers                                            100,000+ subscribers

eMarketer Retail FYI
69,000+ subscribers

“What I love about working with eMarketer... You know what you are
 investing in and the return reflects the premium value they drive.”
 —Lana McGilvray, Co-founder and CEO, Purpose Worldwide

2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer
Thought Leadership Opportunities

 eMarketer is the only B2B digital advertising and         What Percent of US B2B Professionals’
 marketing publication that allows advertisers to align    Revenue Goals Were Met in 2019?
 your brand with relevant analyst research, forecasts,
                                                           % of respondents, Jan 2020
 data and interviews. We give advertisers the media
 platform to build thought leadership.

 With our webinar programs, we invite you to join our          100%+                                       17.8%
 experts and analysts on camera. If that’s not enough,     90-100%                                                                             44.1%
 we offer lead guarantee programs to help you build a
 qualified pipeline and stand out in the top percent.        80-89%                                                      25.8%

                                                             70-79%                             11.7%
2022 B2B Media Kit - eMarketer
Native Placements

                 t Editorial Placement
                 A sponsored byline within
                 eMarketer’s editorial environment          “eMarketer is a great and valuable
                 (newsletter + site).
                                                             source of information.”
                                                            	­—eMarketer reader
                 q Video Placement
                       Native video interview within
                       eMarketer’s editorial environment,
                       based on the sponsor’s three-           Podcast
                       to five-minute Q&A script
                       (newsletter + site).                    Behind the Numbers u
                                                               Brief and breezy conversations
                                                               featuring eMarketer analysts and
                                                               occasional guests from the worlds
                                                               of digital marketing and commerce.

Content Sponsorships

             t Analyst Reports

                    subscriber reports.
                                            This post was contributed and sponsored by Braze.
                                            Strong customer and brand relationships are built                           Push notifications are gaining steam in the retail world, with our
                                            on thoughtful communication. When brands send                               research finding that there was a 245% year-over-year increase
                                            messages at the right frequency for their audience,                         in push notifications sent by leading retailers from 2017 to 2018
                                            they can see more opens, stronger engagement and                            during the two weeks leading up to and including Christmas.
                                            higher conversions. When they send too many or too                          So while you’re striving to hit the optimal push frequency
                                            few messages, they run the risk of overwhelming                             benchmark of two to four monthly push notifications per user,
                                                                                                                        consider cutting through the noise by leveraging advanced push
                                            consumers or miss prime opportunities to build loyalty.
                                                                                                                        techniques like push stories and rich push to create a standout
                                            To help retail brands make the most of their customer                       user experience.
                                            messaging, research conducted by Braze has identified
                                                                                                                        Braze data suggests that retailers are underutilizing email—but

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           t Roundups
                                            the email, push notification and cross-channel messaging
                                            send frequency averages for those industries, as well as                    that they should be cautious about sending too many additional
                                            the frequencies that result in the strongest engagement.                    messages. Depending on what your brand is looking to do
                                            One surprise? Most retail companies aren’t sending enough                   (increase open rates, boost app engagement, or drive more
                                            messages to see optimal performance.                                        conversions, for instance), getting closer to that magic number
                                                                                                                        while keeping a close eye on your engagement metrics is
                                            Retail Industry Send Frequency: There’s Room for Improvement—               probably wise. But make sure to test before raising your email
                                            And More Frequent Messages                                                  rates too much.

                                                                                                                        Optimal Send Frequency: How to Get There

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Customized collection of
                                                                                                                        There’s a major opportunity for retail brands to see stronger
                                                                                                                        results by increasing how often they’re messaging their users—
                                                                                                                        but if the outreach you’re sending isn’t relevant and valuable to
                                                                                                                        the people you’re sending it to, you’re probably better holding
                                                                                                                        off. Start out by assessing how your brand compares to both the
                                                                                                                        industry average and optimal send frequency, then use message

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     eMarketer articles, charts
                                                                                                                        testing to try out higher and lower frequencies until you find the
                                                                                                                        sweet spot for your company.

                                                                                                                        To ensure you’re up to speed on today’s major messaging
                                                                                                                        channels and what they’re capable of, check out the Braze guide

                                                                                                                        to channel expansion.

                                                 RETAIL INDUSTRY TRENDS 2019 ROUNDUP   SPONSORED BY:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and interviews.

                     t Snapshots                                                       For real.
                 Collection of eMarketer                                                What do customers and marketers have in common?
                                                                                        We’re all human.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Presented by

                 infographics of industry                                               (Don’t you think it’s time your brand engaged like one?)

                            leading data.                                                                                                                                      RETAIL INDUSTRY TRENDS
                                                                                                                                                                               2019 ROUNDUP
                                                                                        Braze is a comprehensive customer engagement platform that powers relevant and
                                                                                        memorable experiences between consumers and the brands they love. Connect with
                                                                                        improved cross-channel communication.

                                                                                            DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE

                                                                                                                                                                                December 2019

                                                                                                                                                                                Americans are poised to spend $590.67 billion in retail ecommerce in 2019, with a year-over-year
                                                                                                                                                                                growth rate of 12.8%. eMarketer has curated this special industry package of articles, insights and
                                                                                                                                                                                forecasts to break down the key trends in retail ecommerce today.

“The eMarketer Meet the Analyst Webinar was a great opportunity for us and
                         provided an engaging forum to collaboratively provide thought leadership,
                         industry insights and best practices.”
                         —Richard Thomas, Head of Brand Marketing, InMobi
         Meet the Analyst

         Timely and relevant content, packed with data. Join eMarketer
         live and present your executive on an equal playing field with
         eMarketer analysts and experts. Simulcast on LinkedIn
         Live and Twitter.

                                                                             t Industry Voices
                                                                             Monthly series of four short-
                                                                             form video interviews with
                                                                             marketing executives of leading
Tech-Talk p                                                                  brands. Plus PDF companion.
Moderated by eMarketer, the webinar features content                         Themes incude: CPG, D2C,
created and presented by the sponsor. Simulcast on                           Travel, Women Leaders, and
LinkedIn Live and Twitter.                                                   more.

Sample Advertisers

 eMarketer Drives Qualified Leads for Leading AdTech, MarTech and Media Companies.

“We were happy that our Tech-Talk
 Webinar produced valuable leads. It also
 provided us a chance to showcase our
 brand through our unique content and
 interaction with the eMarketer team.”
	­—Riikka Söderlund, Director of Brand
   Marketing, Smartly.io
Who We Are

Results-driven team of              Nancy Taffera-Santos          Elizabeth O’Connor
seasoned digital media              Senior Vice President,        Senior Director,
                                    Media Solutions & Strategy    Media Solutions & Strategy
experts committed to
designing successful                Melanie Eisenberg             Kristen Riebesell
solutions for clients               Vice President,               Senior Director,
using eMarketer’s                   Media Solutions & Strategy    Media Solutions & Strategy
powerful multimedia
                                    Ina Gottinger                 Adrienne Skinner
channels.                           Vice President,               Senior Director,
                                    Media Solutions & Strategy    Media Solutions & Strategy
For more info, contact:
                                    Sarah Kim                     Kim Yuenmak
                                    Account Director,             Senior Manager,
                                    Media Solutions & Strategy    Media Solutions & Strategy

                                   Jacqueline Grace               Cody Helms
                                   Customer Success Rep,          Customer Success Rep,
                                   Media Solutions & Strategy     Media Solutions & Strategy

 CUSTOM PROJECTS Just ask! We thrive on service and creativity.
“Great publication.... news....insights..... keep it coming.”
	­—eMarketer reader


                                                  Copyright ©2021 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.
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