Lastauto omnibus - Media Information 2022 - Eurotransport

Page created by Allan Norris
Lastauto omnibus - Media Information 2022 - Eurotransport
lastauto omnibus
                             Commercial Vehicles
                             Truck, Bus, Van &
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                                                   Media Information 2022
Lastauto omnibus - Media Information 2022 - Eurotransport
lastauto omnibus                                                                                   Portrait
Media Information

                    Automation, digitization and carbon footprint limits are clearly the
                    megatrends that will be callenging and changing the transport
                    industry now and in the future.
                    Manufacturers of light and heavy commercial vehicles as well as
                    buses are facing these megatrends with different strategies. Tech-
                    nical solutions, however, are complex and require explanation: the
                    disruption of traffic and trade paves the way for new market players
                    and thus increases the variety and efficiency of suppliers regarding
                    transport solutions. Simulataneously, there are further opportunities
                    for investments that fleets have to be aware of.
                    In this segment the special interest magazine lastauto omnibus
                    reports on and gives critical insights and, at the same time, balan-
                    ces independence with journalistic professionalism. The centre of            Editor-in-Chief
                    attention, however, will continue to be on testing and reporting.       Matthias Rathmann
                    Decision-makers of the commercial vehicle industry and bus fleets                        on
                    have an overall view in a complex market and are thus able to            lastauto omnibus
                    benefit from innovations. Engineers, technicians, teachers and
                    students will be able to widen their knowledge.This is why lastauto
                    omnibus will continue to be the reliable and indispensible guide for
                    car purchasers as well as commercial vehicle professionals while
                    entertaining technolgy enthusiasts.
                    lastauto omnibus is the exclusive German partner for the „Inter-
                    national Truck of the Year“.

Lastauto omnibus - Media Information 2022 - Eurotransport
lastauto omnibus                                                                                                 Factsheet
Media Information

 1 C
    haracteristics and target group:                             10 A
                                                                      dvertisement:         Werner Faas, Advertising Manager
   lastauto omnibus is the monthly magazine that specializes         		                      Phone: +49. 711. 784 98-96
   in testing, technology and technical advice. With compre-                       
   hensive reports on commercial vehicles such as trucks,         11	Marketing:		           Bernd Steinfeldt, Marketing Manager
   vans and buses lastauto omnibus supplies its readers with          		                     Phone: +49. 711. 784 98-17
   detailed information on any aspect of commercial technolo- 
   gy and newest developments on the market.
   With the vote for the „ETM Award“ lastauto omnibus             12 Cover price
   reflects on latest trends. lastauto omnibus is the exclusive   		Subscription:
   German partner for the „International Truck of the Year“.      		 Germany               Euro 113.60
                                                                  		Abo-Plus:              Euro 123.60
   Publication:          10 editions per year                     		Cover price:           Euro 12.90
   Year:                 99th year 2022                           13 ISSN-No.:             0023-866X
                                                                  14 Volume analysis 2020 = 10 editions
                                    		Format:                    230 x 298 mm
 5 Membership:          –                                        		Total size:                   800 pages = 100.0 %
                                                                  		Editorial:                    647 pages = 80.9 %
 6 Organ:               –                                        		Advertisement:                153 pages = 19.1 %
 7 Publisher:            EuroTransportMedia                       		 of which
			                      Verlags- und Veranstaltungs-GmbH         		 Classified ads:                35 pages = 22.9 %
                                                                  		 Inserts                         0 pages =      0.0 %
 8 Publishing House:	EuroTransportMedia                         		 House ads:                     60 pages = 39.2 %
                       Verlags- und Veranstaltungs-GmbH
                       Handwerkstraße 15, 70565 Stuttgart,        		Inserts                          0 pieces
                       Germany                                    15 Content analysis of editorial 2020 = 647 pages
 9 Editor:               Matthias Rathmann, Editor-in-Chief
			                      Phone: +49. 711. 784 98-33
Lastauto omnibus - Media Information 2022 - Eurotransport
lastauto omnibus                                                                         Circulation Analysis
                         lastauto omnibus
Media Information
                         Media Information

16 Circulation control:                                 18 Geographic distribution:
		 Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung            		Economic sector percentage of
		 der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e. V.                  		distributed circulation
17 Circulation analysis:                                			                                        %          copies
		 Editions per issue (on average) for the period of
                                                        		 Home country                      92.0 %           7,133
		1 July 2020 - 30 June 2021
                                                        		 Foreign countries                   8.0 %            624
		 Total circulation:                           9,114
                                                        		Distributed circulation          100.0 %           7,757
   Distributed circulation                      7,757
		 of which E-Paper:                            1,435
		 Foreign countries:                             624
		 Paid circulation                             7,122
		 of which E-Paper:                            1,404
		 Foreign countries:                             546    Please note:
		 – Subscriptions:                            2,810    In addition every edtion is sent to fleetmanagers and fleet
      Members:                                      –    decision-makers as full E-Paper via E-Mail.
		 – Single sales:                                627    With the E-Paper firmenauto is visualized as the digital
		 – General sales:                             3,684    1:1 image of the printed edition.
		 Free copies:                                   636    E-Paper copies per edition (yearly average):
                                                         for the period of 01 July 2020 − 30 June 2021:
                                                         15,788 (acc. to ETM)

Lastauto omnibus - Media Information 2022 - Eurotransport
lastauto omnibus                                                                                                           Readership Facts
    Media Information

lastauto omnibus readers are very interested in the                       How many people, but you, are receiving your copy of
following topics (Best Brands):                                           lastauto omnibus to read or look at?

    Tires                                          66 %

    Transmission                                  65 %

    Free-standing air conditioners         58 %
                                                                          Number co-readers:
                                                                          3.1 readers per copy
    Driver seats                                  64 %

    Illumination                                  65 %

    Brakes                                         66 %

    Truck/Bus parts                       54 %

    Dump trucks                                  62 %                       no one else                            36 %

    Retarder                               59 %
                                                                              1 person                      25 %
    Fuel Cards                     46 %

    Truck/Trailer Service          47 %
                                                                              2 person                    22 %
    Trailer axes                          56 %

    Trailer hitches                         59 %                              3 person        4%

    Truck Rental            37 %
                                                                            4 personen
                                                                                                   13 %
    Cooling units                  47 %                                       and more

0      10      20     30    40     50     60       70     80   90   100                   0   10    20      30     40     50   60   70   80   90   100

Source: Reader analysis lastauto omnibus 2021                                                                                                            5
lastauto omnibus                                                                                                                    Readership Facts
     Media Information

     How does the lastauto omnibus reader
     use lastauto omnibus?
     Average reading time per copy: 65 minutes                                                       How many pages are being read?

    to 30 minutes                         34 %                                             every -
                                                                                                                             27 %
                                                                                 almost every page

  31 to 60 minutes                         37 %                                         app. three                                  35 %

 61 to 120 minutes            19 %                                                                                    21 %
                                                                                         app. half

121 to 180 minutes       6%                                                       app. one quarter       7%

      181 minutes
                         4%                                                         very few pages            10 %
        and more

                     0   10   20     30   40      50   60   70   80   90   100                       0   10      20      30         40     50   60   70   80   90   100

   Source: Reader analysis lastauto omnibus 2021                                                                                                                          6
lastauto omnibus                                                                                         Price List No 63
 Media Information                                                                                     as of 1. January, 2022

 1 Circulation: Print run: 9,114                                8 Surcharge/Special placements:
		Distributed circulation/ yearly average: 7,757
 2 Magazine size: 230 x 298 mm, type area 196 x 263 mm,
                                                                    2nd Cover page     Euro           11,868.00
		 3 columns, width of column 62 mm
                                                                    3rd Cover page     Euro           10,879.00
 3 Printing: Offset,
    Cover: ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc (FOGRA 39 L),                   4th Cover page     Euro           11,868.00
    Content: PSO_LWC_Improved_eci.icc (FOGRA 45L)                	For 1st right advertising page and further preferred
    Copy material: please see page 13                              positioning add 20%.
 4 Schedule: please see page 10
		 On sale date: please see calendar page 10                        Classified ads with 1 column upon request
                                                                    per mm               Euro           26.00
    ublishing House: EuroTransportMedia
 5 P                                                                No discounts
                      Verlags- und Veranstaltungs-GmbH
   P.O. Box           81 02 07, 70519 Stuttgart, Germany       		Colour advertisements:
   Address:           Handwerkstraße 15, 70565 		                 Colour scale, European Trichromatic System. Slight variati-
                      Stuttgart, Germany                          ons in shade may occur within normal tolerances of the Off-
		Internet:                         set printing process. No guarantee for colour layouts without
		Advertising           Phone: +49. 711. 784 98-96                a colour scale.
   Payment: all insertion orders are accepted on a strictly    		Format:
   prepaid basis only. Payments can be made by International      Free advertisements across gutter.
   Money Order                                                  9 Classified advertisements:
 7 Bank:                                                       		 for details please ask for           price list.
		Baden-Württembergische Bank AG, Stuttgart,                   10 For special requests please contact:
		 IBAN: DE13 6005 0101 7871 5092 76                           		 Doris V. Lorch, Phone: +49. 711. 784 98-92
		 BIC/SWIFT Code: SOLADEST600                                 11	Discounts: please see page 9
                                                               12 Combinations: please see page 9
7 F
   ormats and Prices
  variation of formats please see page 9

                                                                                    13 Inserts:
Formats			                                   Width x Height                 4c
                                                                                       please see page 11
1/1 Page type area		                         196 x 263 mm     in Euro    9,890.00
                                                                                    14 Loose inserts:
		       bleed*		                            230 x 298 mm                              please see page 12
 3/4 Page type area          vertical        145 x 263 mm     in Euro    7,610.00   15 Glued inserts
			                          horiz.          196 x 193 mm                              please see page 12
          bleed*             vertical        163 x 298 mm                           16 ­Address
			                          horiz.          230 x 219 mm                              (for Pos. 13 – 15):
 1/2 Page type area          vertical         95 x 263 mm     in Euro    5,020.00      please see page 12
			                          horiz.          196 x 129 mm                           VAT: all prices are in
          bleed*             vertical        114 x 298 mm                           Euro + VAT
			                          horiz.          230 x 150 mm                           ** Additional 5 mm trim for bleed ads
                                                                                        per page. Text and picture ele-
 1/3 Page type area          vertical         62 x 263 mm     in Euro    3,590.00       ments need to have at least 10mm
			                          horiz.          196 x 86 mm                                space from the edge.
                                                                                    ** 2
                                                                                        /1-Advertising Pages need addi-
          bleed*             vertical         80 x 298 mm                              tional 5mm trim from all sides.
			                          horiz.          230 x 108 mm
                                                                                    General terms and
 1/4 Page type area          2columns         95 x 129 mm     in Euro    2,800.00
                                                                                    conditions of ETM Verlag
			                          4columns        196 x 64 mm                            apply.
 1/8 Page type area          1column           45 x 129 mm    in Euro    1,510.00
			                          2columns          96 x 64 mm
2/1 Pages** type area		                      424 x 263 mm     in Euro   19,780.00
            bleed*		                         460 x 298 mm
2/2 Pages type area		                        424 x 129 mm     in Euro    9,890.00
		        bleed*		                           460 x 150 mm

lastauto omnibus                                                                                                                                        Formats
Media Information

  Format			                                                                 width x height                                 ETM-Kombi 1
  1/1 page type area		                                                      196 x 263 mm               lastauto omnibus + FERNFAHRER =
 		        bleed*		                                                         230 x 298 mm               Combinatory discount

                                                                                                       Combination terms:
   1/2 page type area                                       vertical    95 x 263 mm                    The combination discount can be claimed if
 			                                                        horizontal 196 x 129 mm                    the same page volumes mentioned in titles are
 		         bleed*                                          vertical   114 x 298 mm                    booked in the combination package during a
 			                                                        horizontal 230 x 150 mm                    12-month-period. Classified advertisements are
                                                                                                       not included.
   1/3 page type area                                       vertical    62 x 263 mm
 			                                                        horizontal  196 x 86 mm                    Variations upon request.
 		         bleed*                                          vertical    80 x 298 mm
 			                                                        horizontal 230 x 108 mm
   1/4 page type area                                       2 columns 95 x 129 mm
 			                                                        4 columns 196 x 64 mm

                                                                                                        Series:		Volume:
                                                                                                        2 insertions   5%   2 pages                        5%
                       2/1 pages         type area		                        424 x 263 mm                4 insertions  10 %  4 pages                       10 %
                                         bleed*                             460 x 298 mm                6 insertions  12 %  6 pages                       12 %
                                                                                                        9 insertions  15 %  9 pages                       15 %
                                                                                                        12 insertions 18 % 12 pages                       18 %
                                                                                                        18 insertions 20 % 18 pages                       20 %
                       2/2 pages         type area		                        424 x 129 mm
                                                                                                        24 insertions 22 % 24 pages                       22 %
                                         bleed*                             460 x 150 mm                30 insertions 25 % 30 pages                       25 %
Additional 5 mm trim for bleed ads per page. Text and picture elements need to have at least 10mm space from the edge. All prices are in Euro + VAT.
lastauto omnibus                                                                                                Schedule
Media Information

 Edition No. Special Features                                           Exhibitions Closing Date  Copy Date     Publication
  1-2/2022   Report Edition Zukunfts-                                  hoice
                                                             ers‘ c
 		 kongress Nfz, Trailer and                        Read Award
                                                          E T M
 		Superstructure		                                                                 11. 01. 2022 13. 01. 2022   05. 02. 2022
    3/2022   Axes, Brakes, Retarder                              r s ‘ choice
 		          Cooling Technology 		                     Read Award                   15. 02. 2022 17. 02. 2022   12. 03. 2022
    4/2022   Digitization, Networking                             BUS2BUS Berlin
 		          Last Mile, Truck Distributors, Vans		                                  15. 03. 2022 17. 03. 2022   09. 04. 2022
    5/2022   Tire and Tire services                               The Tire Cologne
 		          Municipal and special vehicles                           IFAT München  19. 04. 2022 21. 04. 2022   14. 05. 2022
    6/2022   Transmission and clutches, seats,
 		          Engine- and Exhaust Technology		                                       19. 05. 2022 23. 05. 2022   18. 06. 2022
  7-8/2022	„ETM Award“ presentation Vans          Re s u lt s
             and light commercial vehicles                       ice         Truck
                                                      rs‘ cho
             Air Conditioning                                            Grand Prix 21. 06. 2022 23. 06. 2022   16. 07. 2022
    9/2022   Fair Preview IAA TRANSPORTATION                 IAA TRANSPORTATION
 		 Supply Industry, CV Supplies                                          Hannover  16. 08. 2022 18. 08. 2022   10. 09. 2022
   10/2022   Construction Vehicles
 		          Alternative Drives                                   bauma München     16. 09. 2022 20. 09. 2022   15. 10. 2022
   11/2022   Fuels, Oils and further operating
 		materials, Trailer & Superstructure		                                            17. 10. 2022 19. 10. 2022   12. 11. 2022
   12/2022   Outlook: what can we expect in 2023
 		          Telematics and Networking		                                            15. 11. 2022 17. 11. 2022   10. 12. 2022

* Special closing dates for inserts.

For Classified Advertisement and media information of lastauto omnibus, trans aktuell and FERNFAHRER please check Media
brochure of               .                                                                                                    10
lastauto omnibus                                                                                                    Inserts
Media Information                                                                      Supplementing Price List No 63
2022                                                                                           as of 1 January, 2022

13 Inserts                                                    – Features and fittings need to be co-ordinated
		Prices:                                                         with ETM Verlag.
                                                               – Untrimmed size required for delivery.
                                                               – Different formats for inserts on request only.
                                                               Delivery date: 10 days prior to publication date.
              4 pages
              Euro14,910.00                                   Cancellation: 8 days prior to closing date.
                                                               Inserts that cannot be recognized as such need to be labeled
              			                                              with »Anzeige«.
                                Further Prices:
              			                                              Orders will only be accepted after ETM Verlag has received 5
              6 pages
              			                8 pages    Euro 24,800.00    samples with size and weight figures. 100 samples have to be
              Euro19,780.00    12 pages    Euro 34,690.00    provided by the customer free of charge. The order can only
                                                               be carried out after the presentation is fully accepted by ETM
  Discounts:                                                   Verlag.
  According to series (please see page 9). 2 page inserts
  are equivalent to 1 advertising page.
	Bound inserts:
  Untrimmed size: 233 x 306 mm
  Trim size:         230 x 298 mm
	Technical Data:
  Paper weights      2 pages: min. 115 g/m2
  		                 4 pages: min. 100 g/m2
  		                 6 pages: min. 80 g/m2

lastauto omnibus                                                                                         Inserts
Media Information                                                                                  Glued Inserts
2022                                                                                   Addition to Price List No. 63

14		 Inserts                                           Envelopes with contents, glued free
		Prices:                                              samples and brochures cost from
      Euro 440.00 per                                   Euro 58.00 per 1,000 copies.
      1,000 copies up to                                Formats:
      25 g. Each additional 5 g cost                    Minimum size: 75 x 75 mm (1/1 page)
      Euro 10.00                                        Maximum size: 175 x 210 mm
      Discounts:                                        Delivery date: 2 weeks prior to first day of sales
		 No discounts for inserts.                            Address for inserts:
		Formats:                                             Dierichs Druck & Media GmbH & Co. KG,
      Minimum size:         105 x 148 mm                Frankfurter Straße 168, 34121 Kassel, Germany
      Maximum size:         220 x 290 mm                Phone: +49. 5 61. 6 02 80-1 62
		Required circulation:                                Automatic processing for delivery, packaged properly
      Depending on total circulation, please confirm.   on euro-pallet only, free delivery to printing office.
		   Delivery date:
      10 days prior to publication date
15		 G
       lued inserts                                    VAT: all prices are in Euro + VAT.
      glued postcards and other rectang-
      le, unfolded and other imprints and
      empty envelopes cost Euro 52.00
      per 1,000 copies + postal fees.
      Please ask for current fees

lastauto omnibus                                                                                   Technical Data
Media Information

                                                                Printing material should be sent to:
                                                                   Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG
  Please find up-to-date technical features at                     Leuschnerstraße 1                                               70174 Stuttgart
  Delivery of printing material: Please send advertisements
  within editorial part electronically via „www.duon-portal.
  de“ You will find support at or call   Please ask for:
  directly: +49. 40. 374 117-50.                                   Carmen Brix/lastauto omnibus
  Classified Advertisements:                                       Phone.: +49. 711. 1 82-1522
  please send via „electronic ticket“ only to

lastauto omnibus                                                      Extract from
Media Information                                           Advertising Customers

 A                  D                      G                   J
 ADAC               DAF Trucks             GE Commercial       Jacobs
 Allison            Daimler AG             GEFA                Josam
 allsafe Jungfalk   DEKRA                                      Jost-Werke
                    DKV                    Goodyear
 A.T.U.                                                        K
 Autoclima          Dometic Waeco          Grammer
                    Dunlop                 GPS                 KLV rent
 B                                                             Knorr-Bremse
 Baumot             E                      H                   Kögel Trailer
 Bitzer             Euroforum              Haldex              Krone
 Bock               EuroLeasing            Hankook             Kunzer
 Bohnenkamp                                Hannover Messe
 Bosch                                                         L
                    Europart               Hella
 BPW                                                           Labcraft
 Bridgestone        EvoBus                 HJS
                                           Humbaur             LTA Logistics
 C                  F                      Herpa
 Carrier            Faymonville            Hertz
                                                               MAN Truck & Bus
 CharterWay         Feldbinder                                 MAN Financial
 Citroën            Fiat                   I                   Mann + Hummel
 Continental                               InfoSystems
                    Fliegl                                     Meiller
                    Ford Transporter       Irisbus             Mercedes-Benz
                    Ford Trucks            Isringhausen        Messe Frankfurt
                    Frigoblock Grosskopf   Iveco               Messe Karlsruhe
lastauto omnibus                                                               Extract from
Media Information                                                    Advertising Customers

 Messe Karlsruhe        R                     T                         V
 Messe Köln             Recaro                Tankpool 24               Van Hool
 Messe München          Renault Transporter   Temsa                     VDA
 Meyer Karosseriewerk   Renault Trucks        Thermo King               Vergölst
 Michelin               Rockinger             TimoCom                   Voith
 Mitsubishi                                   TIP Services              Volvo Trucks
 Motorbuch              S                     Tirsan                    Volvo Busse
                        SAF                   Top Service Team          Vredestein
 N                                                                      VR-Leasing
 Nissan                 SAG Alutech           TomTom
                        Savas                 Trailer Consultation      VW Nutzfahrzeuge
 O                      Saxas                 Truckscout24
 Opel                   Scania                Truck Drive
 Otokar                 Schaeffler            TruckWorks
 OVS                    Schmitz Cargobull
                        Schoch                U                         Webasto
 P                      Schwarzmüller         Ukram                     Westfalia
 Paccar Leasing         Service 24            UPS
 Pema                                                                   Winkler
                        Setra                 UTA
 Peugeot                Solaris
 Piaggio                                                                Z
                        Spheros                                         ZF Friedrichshafen
                        Spitzer                                         ZF Lenksysteme
 Point S
                                                                        ZF Trading

lastauto omnibus                                                           Media Formats for your successful
Media Information                                                                    Multichannel Marketing

• The print magazines trans aktuell, lastauto omnibus       With the ETM Multichannel Offer on all
   and FERNFAHRER convince with their journalistic
                                                             Media Channels:
   quality as well as unique distribution and high paid

• is the highest range online portal
                                                                        > Print
                                                                                                   > Online/
   with a monthly page impression rate of 790,000 page
                                                                                                      Social Media
   impressions (IVW July, 2021)

• eurotransportTV with more than 11 million video calls*
  and about 115,000 views per article* is the attractive
  Web TV format for the commercial vehicle industry         > Events
  (*ETM Verlag, status July, 2021)

• The ETM SocialMedia Channels are characterized                                                         > Corporate
   by large interaction ranges for contents as well as a                                                     Publishing
   steady growth of followers.

• We activate your target groups by starting with
   expert conferences of 50 participants up to                > Web TV
   Truck-Grand-Prix Events with 50,000 visitors
                                                                                                > Apps
   per day

lastauto omnibus                                          Your contact for advertising
Media Information                                                in lastauto omnibus

                    Marketing:                          Ad Management:
                    Media advice, offers and orders     Motor Presse Stuttgart: Confirmations, invoices,
                                                        printing material and production enquiries:
                    EuroTransportMedia                  Motor Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG
                    Verlags- und Veranstaltungs-GmbH    Leuschnerstraße 1
                    Handwerkstraße 15                   70174 Stuttgart, Germany
                    70565 Stuttgart, Germany
                                                        Carmen Brix
                    Advertising Manager                 Phone: +49. 711. 182-15 22
                    Werner Faas                         E-Mail:
                    Phone: +49. 711. 7 84 98-96
Werner Faas

                    Frank Hochhäusler
                    Phone: +49. 89. 44 45 28 47


                                                                             Verlags- und Veranstaltungs-GmbH
Frank Hochhäusler                                                            Das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen von DEKRA,
                                                                             Motor Presse Stuttgart
                                                                             und VF Verlagsgesellschaft
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