2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021

Page created by Rachel Weaver
2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021
2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan
   October 2021

2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021
What we’ll cover today


            •   Overall Fidelity Approach and Budget Allocation

            •   YoY Channel Allocation & Key Learnings from 2021

            •   2022 Integrated Channel Strategy

            •   2022 Approach and Tactical Plan Details

            •   2022 Key Learning Agenda Priorities

            •   ESG / Sustainability Fund Launch Support Plan

2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021
Fidelity PI is in a moment of self reflection

              Where we’ve been
                                                    Where we want to go

              Driving                                 Driving
              Primacy                               Acquisition
             KPI: new money
                                                        KPI: NHH

2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021
A unified PI strategy ensures we work towards the same
goals and are choiceful in how we activate
                                                                     Exploit The Edges

    Objectives                   Driving Primacy                                              Driving Acquisition
                       Consumer Mindset: “Fidelity is my go-to, they get me”               Consumer Mindset: “Fidelity is for people like me”

                                             Nurture                                                        Connect
                             What We’ll Do: Deepen relationships and                           What We’ll Do: Drive preference and action
    Objectives                   drive SOW with existing clients                                            with new clients

                                          KPI: New Money                                                  KPI: New Households

                         Be diligent and data-         Leverage audience nuances         Create an emotional            Make introductions to Fidelity
    Strategic               driven to drive              and personalization to       connection by aligning with       by providing utility (specific
                           efficiency among             deepen relationships with   prospects needs and values in      features, activities or products
    Approach              existing customers               existing customers        their everyday lives– beyond          that solve pain points)
                                                                                       just the realm of finance

                                                                                                                           No relationship with Fidelity
                 Existing relationship with Fidelity
2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021
While overall Asset Management budgets
decreased, channel allocations varied                               Channel Learnings

                                                                    Display continues to drive efficient new money at
                                                                1   scale; opportunity to continue testing acquisition
                                                                    and primacy-based tactics
                 2021               2021      2022      YoY $
    Channel              2021 NM
                 PCP               Spend     Spend     Change
                                                                    Social proved to be a highly efficient driver of new
    Display      $0.85    $8.0B    $9.75M    $8.00M     -3 PP   2   money; Increasing percentage of buy should
                                                                    continue to drive campaign efficiencies
                 $1.17    $1.9B    $1.49M    $1.25M     -1 PP
                                                                    Search continues to drive new money volume
    Search       $0.77    $5.1B    $3.51M    $3.00M     -0 PP
                                                                3   efficiently
    Social       $0.31    $3.0B    $2.77M    $2.75M     +2 PP

    Print        N/A       N/A       $0        $0         -
                                                                    While NLV is still well below the break even PCP,
    Total        $0.77    $18.1B   $17.52M   $15.00M    -14%    4   it is the least effective channel at driving
                                                                    incremental new money

                                                                    The NHH model has removed Print from all lines
                                                                5   of business as of 2021, given low performance
                                                                    this channel has in driving acquisition.

2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021
2022 Budget by Channel Allocation and Opportunistic Holds

                                                                    •       $6.15M – Planned (BAU)
                                                        Digital     •       $750K – Strategic Program
                                                                    •       $500K – Thematic
                                                                    •       $400k – ESG
                                                                    •       $200K - Playbook
            SEARCH, $3.00 ,

                                                         Social     •       $1.75M – Planned (BAU)
      NON LINEAR                    DIGITAL, $8.00 ,                •       $750K – Opportunistic / Fund Launches
     VIDEO, $1.25 ,                      54%                        •       $250K – ESG

                                                        Search                               $3.00M
         SOCIAL, $2.75 ,


                                                       Non-Linear       •   $650K – Planned (BAU)
                                                                        •   $250K – QMU/QSU/QFP
                                                         Video          •   $250K – Opportunistic / Fund Launches
                      All in Budget: $15M                               •   $100K - ESG

2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021
Asset Management skews heavily toward primacy with thought-
    leadership as primary differentiator for driving acquisition

        Primacy                                     Acquisition

2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021
ICS: Drive differentiation and adoption of Fidelity managed funds

                  Tout Differentiation                                                                      Drive Consideration & Action

                 Demonstrate Expertise                                         Lean into personalized experiences              Encourage confidence in investing

               Simplify our story through
                      DISCOVERY                                                                                                   Help investors navigate the saturated
     Capitalize on Fidelity’s experience and thought                             Humanize investing & demonstrate shared      environment by delivering investing ideas that
     leadership to establish the brand as the trusted                             values by aligning ASM messaging with         guides consumers to their next best move.
      industry leader when it comes to investing and                             environments investors are leaning into to   Ensure Fidelity’s full suite of investing products
                    fund management                                                    make a passion driven impact.             and solutions are top of mind during their
                                                                                                                                      journey to investment action.

       Lift in Fidelity as a thought leader and                                     Lift in Consideration for Fidelity*         New Money, AOs, Quality New HHs
               providing a unique POV*

8   *Via 3P Brand Study; Cost and feasibility to be determined based on final media plan
2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021
Integrate priority fund messaging within credible
                                         publisher content


Capitalize on Fidelity’s experience
and thought leadership to establish
the brand as the trusted industry
leader when it comes to investing
and fund management.

                                           Bring Fidelity product offerings and educational content to        Insert new fund messaging into trusted newsletters
                                           life through highly visual, custom experiences with trusted news   designed to bring you the top news of the day across
                                           sources                                                            Morning Brew and Axios

Primacy                    Acquisition

2022 Asset Management Paid Media Plan - October 2021
Promote Fidelity thought leadership in targeted


Capitalize on Fidelity’s experience
and thought leadership to establish
the brand as the trusted industry
leader when it comes to investing
and fund management.

                                            Provide quarterly deep dives through promotion of QMU/ QSU/ QFP videos across social & endemic publishers
Primacy                    Acquisition
                                            Showcase Fidelity thought leadership within regular news touchpoint Apple News using the Fidelity Branded Hub

Ensure always-on presence across streaming platforms
                                           where audiences are consuming relevant content

          confidence in

Help investors navigate the
saturated environment by
delivering investing ideas that
guide consumers to their next best
move. Ensure Fidelity’s full suite of
investing products and solutions
are top of mind during their
journey.                                    Continue with cross-screen approach with trusted news sources serving on all digital devices (desktop, handheld, connected
                                            devices) and alternative access points such as YouTube and Apple News

                                            Capture younger audiences and align with thematic initiatives by leveraging digital first story telling across partners like
                                            Bloomberg QuickTake, Group9, or Vox

Primacy                      Acquisition    Test into programmatic YouTube look-alike modeling informed by Fidelity first-party customer data

Be present where audiences are actively seeking
                                             investment and finance content

          confidence in

Help investors navigate the
saturated environment by
delivering investing ideas that
guide consumers to their next best
move. Ensure Fidelity’s full suite of
investing products and solutions
are top of mind during their
                                           Further reach against younger audiences who are eager to          Test into new audio inventory by leveraging Audacy’s
                                           increase their investing education through active participation   demographic and intent-based contextual targeting across
                                           on social channels and listenership of financial and passion-     Audacy’s and Cadence13’s podcast inventory
                                           driven podcast alignment
                                                                                                             •   Content & Lifestyle Interests (Finance, Technology,
                                           Expand on 2021 R&D efforts through new emerging platforms             Entertainment)
Primacy                      Acquisition   such as Reddit, TikTok and Snapchat to reach new ASM              •   Curated Podcast Show List within Fidelity Buying Guidelines
Ensure contextual alignment for specific fund
                                         messaging across trusted partners


Capitalize on Fidelity’s experience
and thought leadership to establish
the brand as the trusted industry
leader when it comes to investing
and fund management.

                                                     Align with hyper-contextual environments where customers
Primacy                    Acquisition               are actively in the mind set to engage with relevant messaging

Deliver product messaging where signals indicate
                                           interest & expertise in investing

          confidence in

Help investors navigate the
saturated environment by
delivering investing ideas that
guide consumers to their next best
move. Ensure Fidelity’s full suite of
investing products and solutions
are top of mind during their
                                            Continue to optimize towards strong performing CWE, Retargeting, and Google/Yahoo audience segments that generate the
journey.                                    most incremental value and drive performance efficiency while also leveraging premium partner data through deals with partners
                                            like Mitre Media, Motley Fool, US News, Investing Channel and The Guardian

                                            Tap into Business Insider’s proprietary custom segments across highly relevant and indexed content, prioritizing consumer
                                            privacy and eliminating the need for cookies

                                           Expand native formats to be more contextually relevant and optimize towards the strongest performers
Primacy                      Acquisition
                                           Redesign creative messages to be competitor specific in order to improve personalization and resonate better with the target
  14                                       audience
Leverage data to drive efficient New Money across
                                                 Convert Handraisers                                   Market Volatility                                 Enhance Targeting

          confidence in

Help individuals navigate the
saturated environment by
delivering investing ideas that
guide consumers to their next best
move. Ensure Fidelity’s full suite of
                                           Generate incremental value by optimizing 1st    Refine audience targets and triggers for future   Drive acquisition by extending pure prospecting
investing products and solutions           party & predictive audience segments that       market volatility campaigns                       efforts (i.e. prospecting tactics such as keyword
are top of mind during their               drive performance efficiencies (i.e. retarget                                                     contextual targeting, that excludes Fidelity
                                           existing customers or site visitors & target                                                      customers)
journey.                                   those exhibiting similar behaviors)
                                                                                                                                             Increase support for cookie-less tactics to
                                           Prioritize budget towards top performing                                                          gain learnings and future proof plan (i.e. prioritize
                                           audiences/tactics (i.e. Top 20% HHI, Brand)                                                       first-party data solutions over third-party)
                                           based on learnings from restructured
                                           Customer campaigns and historical                                                                 Build stronger audience segments through
                                           performance                                                                                       GA360 integration to help refine
                                                                                                                                             Customer/Prospect strategy and further enrich
Primacy                      Acquisition                                                                                                     bid strategies

ASM Programmatic Audiences
            Platform                             Tactic                                                   Tactic Description                                    2022 Launch Date

                                                                           Retargets users who have visited Sector, Fixed Income, Equity, Mutual fund,
                                    $1.4M: Site (LZ & AO) Retargeting      Passive, Viewpoints, and ETF Landing Zones on Fidelity’s site or who have                1/4/2022
                                                                           opened a Fidelity account.
                                                                           Retargets Fidelity customers who take advantage of Portfolio Sector, Portfolio
                                         $915k: CWE Retargeting            Fixed Income, Portfolio Equity, and Fidelity ETF investing opportunities or who          1/4/2022
                                                                           trade 1-36 times per year.
                                                                           Targets new prospects that have similar attributes to Fidelity customers who trade
                                                                           1-36 times per year, take advantage of Fidelity Portfolio Fixed Income and
                                           $400k: Prospecting                                                                                                       1/4/2022
                                                                           Portfolio Index investing opportunities, or users are viewing investing related
                                                                           content, or search for active/passive keywords and URLs on Google search.
                                                                           Leverages Fidelity account open floodlights to target users who have similar
                                 $75K: Pure Prospecting - Google Similar   attributes to users that have opened Fidelity accounts, excluding Fidelity               1/4/2022
                                                                           customers for pure acquisition.
                                                                           Triggers when S&P 500 drops 5% over a 3-day period and retargets Fidelity
                                      $50k: Market Volatility - CWE        customers who take advantage of Portfolio FI, Fidelity ETF, and Active Equity            1/4/2022
                                                                           investing opportunities or visit content related to active investing
                                                                           Targets YouTube users who possess similar traits and behaviors to Fidelity
                                $50K: Upper Funnel - Lookalike Modeling
                                                                           customers who are taking advantage of Fidelity's Fixed Income, Index Fund,               1/4/2022
                                       A35-65 $100k+ HHI Demo
                                                                           Sector, Equity, and ETF investing opportunities or Trades 1-36 times per year.
                                $120K: PMP - Business Insider ROS - 1P     Targets Business Insider users who are active readers of ETFs and Mutual Fund
                                         Custom Segments                   content or are active and savvy Business Insider investors

                                    $27.5K: PG - Mitre Media PG Deal       Targets users actively reading ETF & Equity content across ETFdb.com                     1/4/2022

                                    $27.5K: PG - Motley Fool PG ETF
                                                                           Targets users who are actively reading ETF specific content across Motley Fool.          1/4/2022
                                          Contextual Targeting
                                                                           Uses US News proprietary data to target users who have recently visited a Fidelity
                                   $100K: PG - US News Run of Money                                                                                                 1/4/2022
                                                                           Mutual Fund, ETF profile, or opened the Invested Newsletter.
     *Green box indicated new tactics for 2022
ASM Programmatic Audiences
         Platform                                 Tactic                                                   Tactic Description                                  2022 Launch Date

                            $125K: Competitor Conquesting Search Keyword     Leverages Yahoo search data to target users who search for Vanguard, T.
                                              Targeting                      Rowe Price, Schwab, State Street, and Black Rock branded keywords.

                                                                             Retargets users who are actively searching for index fund tickers and
                                   $50K: Index Fund Ticker Targeting                                                                                               1/4/2022
                                                                             keywords on Yahoo search.

                                                                             Retargets users who are actively searching for Fidelity branded keywords on
                                 $20K: Yahoo Search Keyword Targeting                                                                                              1/4/2022
                                                                             Yahoo search.

                                                                             Targets users who are interested in Mutual Funds, ETFs, and Personal
                                       $550K: Audience Targeting                                                                                                   1/4/2022

                                                                             Targets users who possess similar traits and behaviors to Fidelity customers
                                                                             that have opened an account, who trade 1-36 times per year, and who takes
                                    $450K: Predictive Pure Acquisition       advantage of Fidelity ETF and Portfolio Index investing opportunities, and            1/4/2022
                                                                             predicts the probability to convert for each user, excluding Fidelity customers
                                                                             for pure acquisition.

                                                                             Leverages Yahoo search data to target users who search for branded
                             $60K: Competitor Conquesting Pure Acquisition                                                                                         1/4/2022
                                                                             competitor keywords, excluding Fidelity customers for pure acquisition.

                                                                             Targets users across Yahoo Finance, users who are interested in ETFs and
                                                                             Mutual funds (through mobile moment units), and users who are reading or
                                          $360K: Yahoo Native                                                                                                      1/4/2022
                                                                             visiting content related to ETFs or Mutual funds across Yahoo search with
                                                                             contextually relevant native ads.

      *Green box indicated new tactics for 2022
Measurement focuses on actionable
learnings to reiterate within planning       Key Learning Questions

                                              Which mix of channels, partners and messaging is
                                         1    most effective in driving consideration among young

                                              Can we explore a more nuanced strategy to support
                                         2    ESG messaging in 2022 (i.e., more varied formats,
                                              refining targeting or sequential messaging)?

                                              Does audio impact consideration and perception of
                                              fidelity managed funds? How can we evolve our
                                         3    measurement approach to understand the impact
                                              audio has on brand health in this rapidly growing

                                              How can we leverage our strategic program to
                                              understand more about our audience? What
                                         4    perceptions (i.e., trust, credibility…) are most
                                              important to drive engagement with Fidelity,
                                              especially among younger audience?

Cross-channel plan utilizes a spectrum of partners to capture Asset
  Management audience at various stages and align with their needs

                25                                            35                                        45                               55               65
                                                                                                   Sector | ETF | Equity | Passive| Aggregate | General
                                                                                                                                      Fixed Income

*Where possible to layer on demo targeting, the team will target the core A45-64 across all partners
(except for Thematic & ESG, which allows for a younger skewing audience).
*Plotted 19
         based on publisher median age, sourced by Comscore & MRI
 *Not included in this view: Google, Bing, DV360
                                                                                                                                Core Target: A45-64
Media will continue to support a variety of sub-messages based on                                                                                  CREATIVE

business priorities
                                                                                                                          Estimated 2022 Messaging Mix**
                Aggregate                               General                                Passive

           ETF                             Equity                                Fixed                           Sector

20   *Submessage mix excludes Playbook, Ad Serving, Timmer, Online Video and Opportunistic (Strategic Program)
     ** Messaging Mix estimated based off run rates
ESG / Sustainability Launch Support

Establish Fidelity as a leader in ESG/Sustainable Investing by
 highlighting messaging across trusted partners and lifestyle sites
                                         Section                                                            Non-Linear
                Display                                       Newsletters               Audio                                            Social
                                        Takeovers                                                             Video

            Tap into sustainable       Own contextually         Meet investors at      Appear within      Align with engaging       Be with the investors
Strategy/   data segments and       relevant section fronts     their inbox where     hyper-relevant     ESG and sustainability     throughout their day
 Tactics     targeting tactics to        to showcase          they are consuming      weekly podcast     focused video content      by appearing against
              capitalize on low      Sustainability funds       news to start the   content focused on                              ESG & Sustainability
            hanging fruit to stay                                day with custom      Climate Action     Leverage partners like           content
                 top of mind                                          content                            Bloomberg QuickTake,
                                                                                                            Group9, or Vox
                                                                                                         experienced in editorial


                                                                   Budget: $750K
     22                                                            Flight: 1/17-3/20
Next Steps

Key Dates & Next Steps

•   Havas sending spec sheet for 1/3 launches 10/18
•   Havas to provide full ESG recommendation 10/22
•   Havas sending spec sheet for ESG launches 10/27
•   Spec sheets due for 1/3 launch tactics 11/22
•   Search bulksheets due: TBD
•   Launch: 1/3 (Search will be live on 1/1)


Asset Management – BAU Full Year Support

                                                                                                    v            $4.7M* | 60%

                                                                                                                  $107K | 1%

                                                                                                                  $189L | 2%

                                                                                                                  $150K | 2%

  NL Video
                                                                                                                 $900K | 12%

                                                                                                    v            $1.75M | 22%

                                                                                                               Total BAU: $7.8M

               *Programmatic includes full budget, and does not yet break out upweight of new fund launches.
               **NLV includes QMU/ QSU support with Forbes & Quartz ($250k)..
               - Percentages are based on portion of overall cross-channel BAU support budget.
Evaluate opportunities that bring Fidelity’s Active
                                         Management subject experts into “humanized” dialogue
                                                                                Active Management Strategic Program


Capitalize on Fidelity’s experience
and thought leadership to establish
the brand as the trusted industry
leader when it comes to investing
and fund management.

                                         Position Fidelity as a thought-leader in the Active Management space by evolving past and/or current program elements to drive
                                         impact & lift in behavioral and attitudinal measures

Primacy                    Acquisition   Build credibility by infusing Fidelity expertise into established investing programming/content

  27                                     Please note that these logos represent a tentative consideration set and are note yet final.
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