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Page created by Daniel Kennedy

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This is considered by some experts to be unfair because it requires subscribers
(which are estimated to be over 100 million) to pay just so they can be allowed to post
their own content onto the platform. The fact that this feature can be used to prevent
people from sharing content which they should be allowed to post has also concerned
some users. Another concern with this particular aspect of TikTok's business model is
that it may be a violation of the app's terms and conditions as well as the policies of
any app stores where TikTok is installed. To access TikTok, a user must agree to the
app's terms and conditions when they have downloaded it onto their device. For
example, users on both Google Play and the Apple Store agree not only to allow
TikTok to access their location but also "to use your name, likeness, and voice in
connection with commercial, sponsored or related content ("endorsements"), either
identified or anonymous. You agree that if you wish for your Content to remain
anonymous, or your public profile does not contain your real name, you will not use
your real name in connection with any Endorsements." This suggests that a user may
be required to pay in order to retain their anonymity while posting videos on TikTok
(this is because the app may ask them to use their real name and/or add other details
such as their age while posting their video). The term "endorsement" (as defined by
the Oxford dictionary) means: "the action of publicly expressing approval and support
of somebody/something by a gesture (such as a wave or an item of clothing) or
words. The act of publicly advertising a product or service by an individual or

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The following is an example of acceptable and inappropriate content that can be
found on TikTok: In January 2021, TikTok removed a short video of Chinese
millennials dancing on the street which had been uploaded by a popular group called
"Loud Crew". The group uploaded 14 videos to TikTok, and soon after they were
removed twice for infringing on copyright laws. A spokesperson from Shanghai
authorities said that they had "strictly" enforced copyright laws on access to music
videos and screen shots which are not authorised by the owners.The following video
is considered inappropriate for young children because it shows adults taking shots
and smoking while sitting on a couple of young boys. The adults involved are the
child's parents, and the context in which all this occurs is not clear from the video.",

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The app is being directly blamed for a number of deaths in China and increased
levels of teen depression and self harm. Some users have been found posting
self-harm images on TikTok. There are concerns the app is also being used for illegal
drug sales and sex trafficking. There are a number of videos featuring young people
openly discussing drug use and buying and selling drugs on the platform. The content
of these videos allows potential buyers to easily connect with the dealers via direct
messaging to organise drug purchases.",

You can enjoy and create amazing short videos like magic tricks, dance, dance
practice, singing and more. TikTok is one of the best applications available for mobile
users. You can put your creative skills to test by creating a collection of videos on this
app with the help of some of the best 100+ TikTok videos. Enjoy spending time with
you loved ones or friends through the great features that are available on this game
application. TikTok is a popular application for sharing short videos with your friends.
You can create entertaining videos and share them with your family and friends.",

In an attempt to avoid its user base getting older faster than the app's overall
demographic, Tiktok has made changes to its algorithm so that older content will be
pushed out further down in the queue. While this will push some content off the front
page, it should keep a stream of new content coming through your feed while also
encouraging users to explore other features. "To show the right content to the right
audience at the right time, we need to make sure that we’re considering
personalization across all our platforms and experiences," said Deya Xu, TikTok's
chief product officer. "Our work in refining our algorithms—and using machine
learning to increase relevancy—is a significant part of how we are doing this."",

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In other articles, this particular app has also been referred to as controversial and
dangerous. An article published by the Los Angeles Times noted that "TikTok has
become a hotbed for online predators who are taking advantage of the app's
anonymity features to organize cyberbullying attacks and solicit explicit photos and
videos from underage users." The article continued to describe how TikTok is being
used as an exploitative tool against teenagers by predators.",

In an article published by The Wall Street Journal, it was alleged that "Bytedance is
one of China’s biggest tech companies. Its services connect hundreds of millions
of users to news and entertainment. It has also created its own internet services, with
a popular video app called Jinri Toutiao." This article was published on The Wall
Street Journal. In an article published by CNET, it was alleged that "The company's
flagship product is Jinri Toutiao, a news aggregation app similar to the now-defunct
Google Reader and Apple News." This article was published on CNET. In an article
published by TechCrunch, it was alleged that "Bytedance has a unicorn status and is
considered to be one of the top five tech companies in China with $11 billion
valuation." This article was published on TechCrunch. In an article published by The
Verge, it was alleged that "Bytedance is the parent company of products like news
app Jinri Toutiao, which boasts 120 million daily users." This article was published on
The Verge. In an article published by Fortune, it was alleged that "Bytedance is also
known for its popular news aggregation app Jinri Toutiao." This article was published
on Fortune.",

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The app has received mixed reviews, having been criticized for a lack of clarity about
what is inappropriate content on its platform and concerns being raised over issues
including privacy options and safety. Its unique features such as the live video feature
have been praised by users and media sources alike. Furthermore, while some have
criticized the fact that it is not integrated with other social media networks, others of
Mozillians applauded its different use case of short videos as an alternative to
Snapchat or Instagram's stories feature.",

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In an article published by Business Insider, it was alleged that "The company has not
revealed how much money it made from advertising, but analytics firm Apptopia
estimates that TikTok has generated more than $200 million from advertising after
just three months on Android." This article was published on Business Insider. In an
article published by The Washington Post, it was alleged that "TikTok is popular
among young people in Asia and especially in China. Its reach is truly global, though
— according to the company’s own numbers from last year, for example, nearly
50 percent of users are outside the country." This article was published on The
Washington Post.",

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In May 2021, "TechCrunch" reported that Tencent Holdings Ltd had acquired a
majority stake in Inc. "TechCrunch" stated that the deal valued at
$700 million with Tencent acquiring a 33.3% stake. The deal allowed Tencent to
expand its music business and compete against Chinese rival QQ Music. The
acquisition also helped avoid the regulation of "obscene content" in China,
according to TechCrunch, which had previously been criticized by the country's
government for allowing such content on its app. The acquisition was announced in
August 2021 and closed later that year. According to an article published by
"TechCrunch", "Tencent has long seen value in's teen and millennial user
base, which has been tapped to promote various products".",

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Another article published in an Australian news outlet noted that "TikTok has attracted
a constant stream of derision from users who accuse it of being a safety hazard or an
easy way to find people's personal details, including their address." The article
continued to describe how other users have used TikTok for their own self-promotion,
including in order to gain money as well as promoting scams such as romance
scams. Some users have also shared their concern how this app could potentially
cause them harm if they upload sensitive images.",

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In November 2021, the company was served with a subpoena by the United States
Copyright Office, which requested details about any content that was deleted due to
copyright concerns and related information. This data was then analyzed by two
students at Harvard Business School who found that on average, 1 out of every 10
videos uploaded via TikTok were protected by copyright. The study also found that
over a one-month period (from October 14 - November 12), about 45% of all videos
uploaded on TikTok were originally created by someone other than the uploaders. In
a statement to "The New York Times", a spokesman for Tencent said that they were
aware of the copyright issues and has appointed a member of their legal team to
"actively" address the problem. They have also been working on improving the
security and safety measures around the app.",

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In another news article about how this platform is being manipulated to gain money, it
was reported that "the TikTok app sends personal information about its users to
third-party companies, according to researchers at Yale University's Privacy Lab. The
researchers are calling on the company to stop collecting users' photos and videos,
which they say may be misused by third parties." This article was published on

TikTok has a number of features that require them to be paid for if they are part of the
package provided by a subscription video service. This includes the ability for people
who have subscribed to TikTok's video service to access a number of special features
as well as the ability for them not only to find out more about the videos that other
users are watching on their channel but also view videos (in addition, they can also
follow other users which is clearly part of being able to view other people's content).
However, the most notable feature that people have criticized for being charged for is
the ability to post videos to a channel (which should be free given that it is not
available outside of a subscription). Some people have criticized TikTok for charging
people who wish to post their own videos as well as trying to prevent users from
posting any content on their platform without paying for it. The following is a
screenshot of an advertisement which appears on TikTok's own website:", has been criticized for its safety features and how it handles content; as of
January 2021, the company had over 100 million worldwide users and close to three
billion total video views. Safety and privacy concerns have also been raised about a
number of high profile incidents within its community, including bullying, harassment,
suicidal behavior, school shootings and self-harm. Teenagers and younger audiences
who join are often regarded as young, impressionable teens and young
adults who are easy targets for cyberbullying; in response to this, the company has
made efforts to combat this prevalent issue by investing in tools that detect bullying
text or comments on an individual's account.",

According to data from Sensor Tower, the total revenue generated by TikTok's apps
has reached $1 billion in 2021 alone. Despite this success, up to 70% of its userbase
drops out each month due to lack of engagement with other users on the platform.
This rate is significantly higher than Instagram and Snapchat, where the dropout rate
is much lower at around 10%.",

By December 2021, the app was reported to have 20 billion monthly active users
across the 5 platforms that it is available on. In January 2021, networking service
Centera said that TikTok had 20% of daily active user base on its platform as well as
10% of social media users overall. By August 2021, it was revealed that TikTok had 3
million monthly uniques in India which was up from 2 million in June 2021.",

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In March 2021, it was announced that's parent company had acquired a
stake in SMG Studio Inc. and its video-sharing app, Pico. This was done in
partnership with Bytedance in order to develop the two apps further and improve their
capabilities. It was also revealed that SMG Studio Inc. would continue to operate
independently from Bytedance and while the app would continue to be
branded as TikTok going forward.",

In July 2021, announced a partnership with MidemNet to expand its
international presence in France, Italy, Spain, Australia and Brazil starting in
September 2021. The partnership was also announced to include a partnership with
local musicians the MWR Agency as well as "" which is's online
community for unsigned artists, music producers and musicians to perform and share
their music.",

On April 26, 2021 TikTok released their own version of Boomerangs called 'Loops'
that allows users to create 15-second video clips that play forward and backward
continuously looped on users feeds. However, after a few months of the Loops
introduction, it was replaced by 'Motion Stills' that work similarly to the Loops
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