2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology

Page created by Fred Waters
2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology
One-Year Fellowship
U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology

Industry Fellowship
2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology
About AbbVie                                                                            Fellowship Mentors
AbbVie is a global, research-driven biopharmaceutical company committed to
developing innovative advanced therapies for some of the world’s most complex
and critical conditions. The company’s mission is to use its expertise, dedicated
people and unique approach to innovation to markedly improve treatments
across four primary therapeutic areas: immunology, oncology, virology, and
neuroscience. With our medicines benefitting more than 26 million people living         Robert R. Pearson, Pharm.D.       Sarah Cross, Ph.D.                 Sheila R. Stanley, M.S., Ph.D.    Lauren Law, Pharm.D.               Jessica Suboticki, Ph.D.

in more than 200 countries, AbbVie employees are working every day to advance           National Field Director,
                                                                                        U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                                                          Scientific Director,
                                                                                                                          U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                                                                                             Medical Science Liaison Field
                                                                                                                                                             Director, U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Senior Medical Science Liaison,
                                                                                                                                                                                               U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Scientific Director,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                        Immunology-Gastroenterology       Immunology-Gastroenterology        Immunology-Gastroenterology       Immunology-Gastroenterology        Immunology-Rheumatology
health solutions for people around the world.

Our approximately 30,000 employees are scientists, researchers, communicators,
manufacturing specialists and regulatory experts located around the globe.
Together as a cross-functional team, we come up with new approaches to
addressing today’s health issues—from life-threatening illness to chronic conditions.

We target specific difficult-to-cure diseases where we can leverage our core            Lauren Smith, Pharm.D.            Sandra Ciecinski, Pharm.D.         Tanjinatus Oishi, Ph.D.           Megha B. Shah, Pharm.D.           Kassim Rahawi, Pharm.D.
                                                                                        Assistant Scientific Director,    Senior Scientific Manager,         Assistant Scientific Director     Associate Scientific Director,    Associate Scientific Director,
R&D expertise to advance science. We’re constantly working to create solutions          U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                                                          U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                                                                                             U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                                                                                                                               U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 U.S. Medical Affairs,

that go beyond treating the illness to have a positive impact on patients’ lives, on
societies—and on science itself. At AbbVie, we see a future full of possibility,
where health is in reach and patient lives are improved.

Additionally, Forbes recently named AbbVie as one of 2019’s best employers for
new graduates!

                                                                                        Blair Kaplan, Pharm.D.            Sarah Ofori, Pharm.D.              Brenton Bialik, Pharm.D.          Saajan Shah, Pharm.D.             Wes Matthias, Pharm.D.
                                                                                        Associate Scientific Director,    Assistant Scientific Director,     Assistant Scientific Director,    Assistant Scientific Director     Senior Director, U.S. Medical

Fellowship Mission
                                                                                        U.S. Medical Affairs,             U.S. Medical Affairs,              U.S. Medical Affairs,             U.S. Medical Affairs,             Affairs, Immunology-Medical
                                                                                        Dermatology                       Dermatology                        Immunology Cross-Franchise        Immunology Cross-Franchise        Payer Strategy

Our mission is to empower our medical affairs fellows to realize their full potential
while making an impact on patients’ lives. We aim to equip our fellows with the
necessary skills to become industry professionals by providing them with the tools
to set clear strategic goals, guide innovation, think critically, and team build. Our
focus on professional development will support the ability of our fellows to create     Cynthia Theigs, Pharm.D.
                                                                                        Director, U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                                                          Richard Thielen, Ph.D.
                                                                                                                          Associate Director, U.S. Medical
                                                                                                                                                             Isaac Hong, Pharm.D.
                                                                                                                                                             Medical Science Liaison, U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Luke Bunkers, Pharm.D.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Medical Science Liaison, U.S.
and maintain professional and personal relationships, ultimately preparing them for
                                                                                                                          Affairs, Immunology-Medical        Medical Affairs, Immunology-      Medical Affairs, Immunology-
                                                                                        Payer Strategy                    Payer Strategy                     Gastroenterology                  Gastroenterology

a fulfilling career in pharmaceutical industry.
                                                                                        Current Fellows

                                                                                        Tamica Collins, Ph.D.             Kelly Chan, Pharm.D.               Chibuzo Obi, Pharm.D.             Kayla Judson, Pharm.D.
                                                                                        Post-Doctoral Fellow,             Post-Doctoral Fellow,              Post-Doctoral Fellow              Post-Doctoral Fellow
                                                                                        U.S. Medical Affairs,             U.S. Medical Affairs,              U.S. Medical Affairs,             U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                                                        Immunology-Gastroenterology       Immunology-Rheumatology            Immunology-Dermatology            Medical Payer Strategy
2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology
U.S. Medical Affairs Fellowship

Overview                                    Pharmaceutical Industry
Founded in 2019, the fellowship
program aims to provide exceptional         The one-year medical affairs
biopharmaceutical industry training for     fellowship provides an opportunity to
Doctor of Pharmacy graduates with a         learn the skills necessary to excel as
broad exposure within the Immunology        a pharmacist in medical affairs. The
Therapeutic Area.                           fellowship will provide a balanced
                                            structure of learning and immersive
This program will prepare fellows for a
                                            work experience, which may include:
career in the pharmaceutical industry
by focusing on developing a deep            • Receiving training on and applying
understanding of medical affairs and          regulations related to the medical
how it ties into the business.                review of pharmaceutical promotion
The fellowship provides significant         • Developing knowledge of AbbVie’s
experience in a corporate setting,            Immunology products, clinical trials,
enabling fellows to hone their                and associated disease states
business and clinical skills.               • Contributing to the launch
The program also aims to foster               preparation of new indications
professional development; provide           • Conducting literature evaluations
intensive, hands-on training; and             and critically analyzing clinical data
expose fellows to a variety of industry-                                               U.S. Medical Affairs, Medical
                                            • Partnering with cross-functional
based opportunities.                          teams on pipeline and on-market          Payer Strategy
                                              assets to gain understanding of
Fellow Development                                                                     (Cross-Therapeutic)                        the field medical team’s strategy, create
                                              product life-cycle management
• Professional development to promote                                                  Medical Payer Strategy is a team           necessary resources, lead disease state
                                            • Evaluating the competitive landscape
  learning agility, leadership, critical                                               housed within the Value and Access         and product training, and generate real-
                                              and preparing gap analyses
  thinking, and team-building skills                                                   arm of U.S. Medical Affairs. Our team      world evidence. Medical Payer Strategy
                                            • Developing materials for training the                                               is the perfect place for someone who
                                                                                       consists of health care professionals
• Networking to establish both personal       Field Medical Team (Medical Science                                                 is interested in the complexities of the
                                                                                       (predominantly PharmDs and PhDs)
  and professional relationships among        Liaisons - MSLs, or Medical Outcomes                                                U.S. health care system, has strong
                                              Science Liaisons - MOSLs)                who have a strategic mindset and are
  colleagues, industry professionals, and                                                                                         clinical and communication skills, and is
                                                                                       therapeutic area experts in addition
  health care providers                     • Spending up to 20 percent of time                                                   passionate about patient care.
                                                                                       to having an extensive knowledge of
                                              traveling for congresses, national
                                                                                       the U.S. health care system. The main
                                              meetings, and field immersion
                                                                                       function of the Medical Payer Strategy
                                              experiences with MSLs
                                                                                       team is to ensure that every patient
                                                                                       has access to the life-changing and/
                                                                                       or life-saving medications that are
                                                                                       currently available. We collaborate with
                                                                                       many cross-functional partners to set
2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology
Application Process
The AbbVie Pharmaceutical Industry              accredited institution. Substantial
Fellowship Program provides a unique            background knowledge in
opportunity with a field leader, preparing      a related field is a plus. All candidates
PhamDs and PhDs for successful careers          must be authorized to work in the United
in industry. Candidates are encouraged to       States on a permanent basis without
review the application requirements and         requiring sponsorship.
deadlines, as admission into the program
is competitive.                                 Available Positions:*
                                                • Immunology/Gastroenterology Fellow
AbbVie’s Commitment to
                                                • Immunology/Rheumatology Fellow
                                                • Immunology/Dermatology Fellow
AbbVie is committed to equity, equality,
                                                • Medical Payer Strategy Fellow
diversity, and inclusion (EED&I). It’s fun-      (Cross Therapeutic)
damental to who we are and it’s just how
                                                *Subject to change
we “do good business”. This includes
valuing diverse perspectives, creating an
inclusive culture and treating all employ-
ees with dignity and respect.                   To apply, send the following materials
                                                to usmafellowships@abbvie.com:
At AbbVie, having a diverse and inclusive
culture is a business imperative. We are        • Letter of intent
committed to operating with integrity,          • Two references with email addresses
driving innovation, transforming lives,
                                                • Two letters of recommendation sent
serving our community, and embracing
                                                  via email from each of the two
diversity and inclusion. It is not only the
                                                  references directly
right thing to do, it strengthens our ability
to innovate and is crucial to our ability to    • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
deliver now and into the future.                • Unofficial pharmacy school transcript
                                                                                             Contact Information
                                                • Any additional materials that the
Developing and bringing innovative, life-                                                    Kelly Chan, Pharm.D.               Chibuzo Obi, Pharm.D.
                                                  candidate feels would be useful to the
changing medicines to patients requires                                                      Post-Doctoral Fellow,              Post-Doctoral Fellow,
                                                  interview committee
diversity of thought – and diversity                                                         U.S. Medical Affairs,              U.S. Medical Affairs,
of thought comes from a diverse                                                              Immunology-Rheumatology            Immunology-Dermatology
workforce. Additionally important,
                                                Candidates are required to submit            Email: kelly.chan@abbvie.com       Email: chibuzo.obi@abbvie.com
we serve a wide variety of patient
populations around the world, and it is         all required application materials by
                                                                                             Tamica Collins, Ph.D.              Kayla Judson, Pharm.D.
crucial that as a company, we reflect           November 22, 2021.*
                                                                                             Post-Doctoral Fellow,              Post-Doctoral Fellow,
them and represent their voices.                                                             U.S. Medical Affairs,              U.S. Medical Affairs,
                                                *Interviews will be conducted on a rolling
                                                basis and early application is strongly      Immunology-Gastroenterology        Immunology-Medical Payer Strategy
Requirements for Eligibility
                                                encouraged                                   Email: tamica.collins@abbvie.com   Email: kayla.judson@abbvie.com
A successful candidate must be a
Pharm.D. graduate from an ACPE
2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology
AbbVie Inc.
1 N. Waukegan Road
North Chicago, Illinois 60064
2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology 2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology 2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology 2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology 2022-2023 Biopharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program - One-Year Fellowship U.S. Medical Affairs Immunology
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