2021 Year in Review Highlights - Reflecting on our successes in 2021, a year of ongoing progress - the Pittsburgh Water ...

Page created by Julian Hanson
2021 Year in Review Highlights - Reflecting on our successes in 2021, a year of ongoing progress - the Pittsburgh Water ...

2021 Year in Review Highlights                                                                               CEO BRIEFING: PWSA
Reflecting on our successes in 2021, a year of ongoing progress                                              RELEASES FULL 2021 YEAR
                                                                                                             IN REVIEW REPORT
                                                                                                             By Chief Executive Officer
                                                                        Customer Assistance: We              Will Pickering
                                                                        launched PGH2O Cares,                PWSA is entering a new
                                                                        a group of education and             era – one with a renewed
                                                                        outreach professionals               emphasis on public health,
                                                                        working directly with our            the environment, and our
                                                                        most vulnerable customers            responsibility as steadfast
                                                                        to bolster enrollment in             stewards of the vital water
                                                                        our Customer Assistance              services our region relies on
                                                                        Programs and identify ways           each day.
                                                                        to reduce water usage. Their
                                                                        success has helped PWSA              There are lots of exciting
                                                                        achieve enrollment of 5,217          projects underway at PWSA
                                                                        customers in our Bill Discount       that directly support this
In recent years, we’ve made          and water quality​, we hired       Program at the end of 2021,          evolution. While our work
significant strides in our           a Chief Environmental              an approximately 21% increase        as public servants is never
efforts to achieve a level           Compliance & Ethics Officer and    since the end of 2020. We            done, I’m confident the
of transparency that our             expanded our Environmental         also continued to enhance our        strategic priorities we’ve
customers deserve. In addition       Compliance Department. The         Customer Assistance Programs         been undertaking will help
to providing informative             enhanced department provides       to offer discounts to more           us to further transform
resources throughout our             guidance, tracking, and            customers and simplify the           our water system while
website, we’ve been compiling        direction to ensure we meet our    enrollment process.                  rebuilding trust with the
annual reports that highlight our    regulatory obligations.                                                 public we serve.
yearly accomplishments.                                                 Improved Stormwater
                                     Diversity, Equity, and             Management: We established           Our second annual Year in
In 2021 our dedicated teams          Inclusion: We developed and        a stormwater fee to equitably        Review highlights the work
ensured our core values              implemented a Diversity, Equity,   charge for stormwater                we’re undertaking to support
of stewardship, ethics and           and Inclusion policy to foster     services and adequately fund         our transformation into a
integrity, accountability, safety,   a diverse workforce and talent     stormwater improvements.             trusted community utility
and equity defined everything        pipeline. We also advanced         We also initiated a stormwater       partner. Some highlights of
we do. Following are some            our Supplier Diversity             strategic planning process           this report are shown in the
examples of how we met and           Program by contracting with        to address climate change            article at left – but there’s
exceeded our expectations.           76 Disadvantaged Business          and prioritize future project        much more!
                                     Enterprises (DBEs), resulting in   locations.
Environmental Compliance             18% or $31,294,999 of all Board-                                        We invite you to visit our
and Ethics: As part of our           approved contracts being paid      More information, including a        Performance page to learn
commitment to regulatory             to DBE businesses.                 link to our Year in Review report,   even more about our 2021
compliance for the environment                                          is available in our Director’s Cut   accomplishments.
                                                                        piece, shown to the right.

                                                               For a complete list of PWSA’s board and community meetings, please
                                                               visit our Events & Meetings page. Following COVID-19 restrictions,
                                                               meetings are held virtually and may be tentative or postponed.
2021 Year in Review Highlights - Reflecting on our successes in 2021, a year of ongoing progress - the Pittsburgh Water ...

PWSA Expands Customer Assistance Programs
Simplified enrollment and expanded access can help reduce your bill
                                                                     discount on their stormwater        Service Line Replacement
                                                                     charge. The monthly credit on       Reimbursement Program.
                                                                     past due balances doubled
                                                                     from $15 to $30 for on-time         To enroll, call Dollar Energy
                                                                     payments made by customers          Fund at 866.762.2348 or
                                                                     who are enrolled in the Bill        contact PGH2O Cares at
                                                                     Discount Program and on             412.255.2457 or via email.
                                                                     an active payment plan. We
                                                                     expanded the Hardship Grant         Third-party assistance programs
                                                                     Program to include sewage-only      are also available to help
                                                                     customers, and all confirmed        further reduce the financial
                                                                     low-income customers are now        burden of utility bills. These
                                                                     automatically enrolled in the       include the ALCOSAN Clean
                                                                     Winter Shut Off Moratorium.         Water Assistance Fund, the
PWSA’s enhanced Customer          The Bill Discount Program          Lastly, reconnection fees for all   Low-Income Household Water
Assistance Programs and           provides an additional 50%         customers are waived in 2022.       Assistance Program (LIHWAP),
simplified, accessible process    discount on water usage                                                and the Allegheny County
for enrollment offers more        charges for very low-income        Additional Customer Assistance      Emergency Rental Assistance
discounts to more customers       customers, and all customers       Programs include Flexible           Program (ERAP).
than ever before.                 enrolled in the program            Payment Plans, Arrearage
                                  automatically receive an 85%       Forgiveness, and our Lead

            TEAM PGH2O

Employee Spotlight: Nicholas Clark, Workplace Safety Manager
                                  the field, are following our       Management program at               What sort of impact do you
                                  policies and procedures to         Slippery Rock University, which     hope to have on PWSA’s safety
                                  mitigate hazards and ensure        really stuck out to me.             initiatives?
                                  a safe working environment.
                                  This also involves writing and     Why did you decide to join          I hope to help PWSA further
                                  implementing new safety            PWSA?                               strengthen its safety culture
                                  policies and updating existing                                         and help more employees buy
                                  ones to stay current with          In my past role I was traveling a   into our safety policies and
                                  industry standards.                lot, but now I get to work closer   procedures. Really, if I can help
                                                                     to home. But beyond that,           to ensure our employees return
                                  What made you decide to            working for an organization that    home safely at the end of each
Hired just last month, Nicholas   pursue a career in safety?         provides clean drinking water to    working day, I would consider
Clark is on a mission to help                                        Pittsburgh is pretty cool!          that a win.
improve the safety of all our     Safety is a really important and
employees.                        personal topic for me. When        What are your favorite              What do you like to do outside
                                  I was growing up, my dad           challenges to tackle?               of work?
Tell us more about your role at   suffered a permanent injury at
PWSA.                             work, and safety became a big      Anything that gets me out on        In my free time I enjoy spending
                                  topic in our house. Following      the jobsite where I can create      time with my wife and daughter.
I am primarily responsible for    high school, I wasn’t sure         safe ways to perform a certain      In the summers, we like having
ensuring that our employees,      what career path I wanted to       task. I like taking a hands-on      family over for BBQs. I also
especially those working in       take. I then found a Safety        approach.                           really enjoy hunting.

2             FEBRUARY 2022
2021 Year in Review Highlights - Reflecting on our successes in 2021, a year of ongoing progress - the Pittsburgh Water ...

Rising Main Rehabilitation Begins in Highland Park                                                                     WATER
                                                                              components of our water
                                                                              production and distribution
                                                                              systems. These projects will
                                                                              take place over the next several
                                                                              years.                              When is the last time you
                                                                                                                  cleaned or replaced your
                                                                              The rehabilitation of Rising Main   faucet aerators?
                                                                              3 will improve the reliability of   The aerator at the end of
                                                                              our water system and improve        your water faucet (shown
                                                                              hydraulic performance to            below) adds air into the
                                                                              distribute water throughout the     water to reduce splashing
                                                                              system. This large pipe carries     and limit the flow of excess
                                                                              water from the Bruecken Pump        water. Aerators catch some
                                                                              Station to the covered Highland     of the silt, minerals, and
                                                                              II Reservoir. The nearby Rising     other debris that can flow
                                                                              Main 4 will also undergo            through your tap water,
                 Project overview: Rising Main 3 Rehabilitation
                                                                              rehabilitation in 2023. We will     which can cause a build-up
                                                                              invest nearly $12 million in both   and affect your home’s water
In mid-February, Rising Main 3,           This project, part of our Water     projects.                           quality over time.
a large-diameter water main in            Reliability Plan, is the first of
Highland Park, was taken out of           several once-in-a-generation        For more information, please        Most aerators simply
service for rehabilitation.               projects that will renew key        visit our Project page.             unscrew from the faucet, but
                                                                                                                  you may need to use a pair
                                                                                                                  of pliers or a wrench. Once
            DEVELOPMENT REPORT                                                                                    your aerator is removed,
                                                                                                                  separate its parts and
                                                                                                                  remove any debris. Soak the

Making Sense of the New Rate Structure                                                                            parts in white vinegar and
                                                                                                                  scrub with a brush. Rinse
                                                                                                                  and reassemble the cleaned
PWSA holds Developer’s Roundtable                                                                                 aerator, then screw it back
                                                                                                                  onto the faucet.
The 2022 Developer’s                      The agenda moved on to our          updates are pending Board
Roundtable, held on February              new permitting process in           of Director’s approval and will     You can find additional
23, had a packed agenda.                  CityGrows, with clarifications on   be posted to our Developer’s        educational resources and
                                          how projects in progress and        Manual website once it is           videos on our website.
The presentation began with               new projects would be handled       finalized.
the new rate structure, including         by staff.
the elimination of tap fees,                                                  We want to thank all of
introduction of new applications          We wrapped up with a                our participants for their
fees, and overview of our                 discussion on how the fee           contributions to this lively
stormwater rates. The team                changes and new permitting          conversation. A recording of the
highlighted available resources           process affected updates to         event is available upon request.
for developers to predict their           the Developer’s Manual. This
stormwater costs, such as                 manual is our guide on the          Any remaining questions or
the credit manual and the fee             procedures and regulations          comments can be emailed to
finder interactive map. These             for developments tapping            our Development Coordinator,
resources can be found on our             into a new and existing public      Jordan Treaster (JTreaster@
dedicated Stormwater Fee                  sewer or water facilities, and      pgh2o.com).
webpage.                                  for constructing new facilities
                                          to be dedicated to PWSA. The

3            FEBRUARY 2022
2021 Year in Review Highlights - Reflecting on our successes in 2021, a year of ongoing progress - the Pittsburgh Water ...

Customer Assistance Programs                                                                            Board of Directors
Our Customer Assistance Programs are designed to provide                                                Chair
financial relief for income-qualified residential customers who                                         Alex Sciulli
are having difficulty paying their PGH2O bill. These programs are
managed by our PGH2O Cares team, a group of education and                                               Vice Chairperson
outreach professionals dedicated to working directly with our                                           Erika Strassburger
most vulnerable customers to bolster enrollment in our customer
assistance programs and identify ways to reduce water usage.                                            Secretary
                                                                                                        Jim Turner
For more information about our programs, including the Winter Shut Off Moratorium,
                                                                                                        Assistant Secretary/
Bill Discount, Flexible Payment Plans, Hardship Grant, and Lead Line Reimbursements,
please visit our Customer Assistance Program page or call Dollar Energy Fund at 866.762.2348.           Treasurer
                                                                                                        Michael Domach
Neighbors Helping Neighbors                          Do We Have Your Number?                            Peg McCormick Barron
                                                                                                        Rosamaria Cristello
If you can, consider donating to our Hardship        Did you know that we call customers during
Grant Program.                                       water emergencies and outages?                     BJ Leber

                                                     It is important to verify that we have the         Audrey Murrell
                                                     best number to reach you. You can even add         Mark Anthony Thomas
Enroll in eBilling                                   multiple numbers for your account, so your
Convenient and easy to use, our online billing
                                                     entire household is informed about our work.       Currents Contributors
and payment portal ensures timely delivery of        TO UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFO:                       Will Pickering
bills and payments.                                                                                     Chief Executive Officer
                                                     Call PWSA Customer Service:
New enrollees who also enroll in the autopay                                                            Rebecca Zito
                                                     412.255.2423 (Press 5)
feature on our website will receive a one-time                                                          Senior Manager of
$5 discount on their bill.                           Visit our Update Contact Information portal.       Public Affairs
                                                                                                        Julie Asciolla
                                                                                                        Industry Relations Manager
Apply to Become a Stormwater Ambassador!                                                                Rachel Rampa
                                                                                                        Senior Public Affairs
Do you want a chance to help collect feedback and engage with your neighbors and                        Coordinator
community on stormwater issues?
                                                                                                        Ross Marcinizyn
If so, you’re invited to apply today to be part of the second cohort of PWSA’s Stormwater               Internal Communications
Strategic Plan Ambassador Program. Ambassadors will be paid a rate of $15 an hour for 16                Specialist
to 18 hours a month from March to July of 2022.                                                         Mora McLaughlin
                                                                                                        Construction Communications
If you’re interested in participating, please apply at Grounded’s website.                              Project Manager
                                                                                                        Jordan Treaster
                                                                                                        Development Coordinator
                                                                                                        Elaine Hinrichs
                                                                                                        Education and Outreach
Stay in the know with PGH2O!                                                 Penn Liberty Plaza 1
                                                                             1200 Penn Avenue

                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15222       Hali Hetz
Join our email list to make sure you’re getting the latest news                                         Public Affairs Associate
and updates. Signing up is simple on our News & Events page.                 Customer Service           Nick Letzkus
                                                                             T 412.255.2423 (Press 5)   Public Affairs Associate
    linkedin.com/company/pgh2o           facebook.com/pgh2o
                                                                             Emergency Dispatch
    @pgh2o 			 nextdoor.com                                                  T 412.255.2423 (Press 1)
                                                                             Available 24/7
2021 Year in Review Highlights - Reflecting on our successes in 2021, a year of ongoing progress - the Pittsburgh Water ... 2021 Year in Review Highlights - Reflecting on our successes in 2021, a year of ongoing progress - the Pittsburgh Water ...
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