2021 Property Tax Information - City of Coquitlam - Coquitlam.Ca

Page created by Samuel Bowers
2021 Property Tax Information - City of Coquitlam - Coquitlam.Ca
City of Coquitlam

  Property Tax

        DUE JULY 2, 2021

The City of Coquitlam relies on property tax revenue to deliver essential municipal
services and amenities such as police protection, fire/rescue response, road
maintenance, recreation and cultural facilities, programs and events, parks and
trails, and more.

HOW TO PAY YOUR TAXES                                                                  Changes to the Home Owner Grant
                                                                                         for 2021 – see inside for details
There are several options available to pay your property taxes.
Please note that City Hall has physical distancing measures in place and our capacity is limited. As a result, we
discourage in person payments at City Hall in order to avoid the long line up that may result. Please consider making
payment online through your financial institution or drop payment off at one of our 24-hour drop boxes.

         Online or by Phone – Through your financial                    At a 24-hour dropbox* – Dropboxes are located
         institution using the eight digit folio/roll number            at City Hall (3000 Guildford Way) in the
         from your tax notice.		                                        underground parking area or outside Burlington
                                                                        Drive entrance, or at Poirier Sport and Leisure
         By mail* – Cheques can be mailed to
                                                                        Complex (633 Poirier Street).
         3000 Guildford Way, Coquitlam, BC, V3B 7N2.
                                                                        In person – At City Hall (3000 Guildford Way)
         At your bank – Property taxes are payable at
                                                                        from 8 a.m – 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Pay by
         most financial institutions in Canada.
                                                                        cash, cheque or debit.

*Please do not deposit or mail cash. Cheques post dated to the due date are accepted.
 Please note: we do not accept credit cards for property tax payments, and your debit card may have a limit.
2021 Property Tax Information - City of Coquitlam - Coquitlam.Ca

Our Property Tax Prepayment Plan lets you pay your 2022          (PROVINCIAL PROGRAM)
taxes through monthly installments. Starting in August,          Tax deferment is a low-interest loan program that helps
10 withdrawals are made from your bank account and               qualified B.C. homeowners pay their annual property
applied toward your next year’s property tax bill. Your          taxes on their principal residence.
property tax bill will show how much you have prepaid
and whether there is still a balance owing.                      You may be able to defer payment of your property taxes
                                                                 on your principal residence if you meet the provincial
How to Apply                                                     program criteria including:
Visit coquitlam.ca/taxpayment to learn more.
Applications should be submitted to Revenue Services by          • being 55 or older
July 15 to start withdrawals on August 1.                        • a surviving spouse
                                                                 • a person with disabilities or families with children
                                                                 Residency, citizenship and equity criteria must also be
                                                                 met. For information or to apply, visit

                                  PROPERTY TAXES AND UTILITY FEES

            Who Receives Property Tax                              What Do My Property Taxes and
             and Utility Fee Revenue?                              Utility Fees Pay for in Coquitlam?

 30%                          70%                 2%                                                          24%
 Other Agencies               City of Coquitlam   Planning and                                                Solid Waste and
                                                  Development                                                 Utilities –
                                                                                                              City Costs
Regional                                          6%
Agencies                                          Roads and                                                   16%
                                                  Transportation                                              Parks, Recreation
                                                                                                              and Culture
Translink                                         11%
                                                  Capital                                                     15%
                                                  Construction                                                Police
23%                                                                                                           Services
of BC                                             12%                                                         14%
                                                  Fire/Rescue                                                 Metro Vancouver
                                                  Services                                                    Utility Costs
2021 Property Tax Information - City of Coquitlam - Coquitlam.Ca
HOW PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CHANGES                                  New for 2021
                                                                  HOME OWNER GRANTS
 Property Value Increase              Property Value Increase     Home owner grant applications must be
                                                                  submitted directly to the Province.
                                                                  In 2021, the home owner grant application
        4%                process has changed, but program details
                                                                  and eligibility requirements have not.
                                                                  The City of Coquitlam can no longer accept
                                                                  Home Owner Grant applications, as they
                                                                  are now submitted directly to the Province
                                                                  of British Columbia.
                                                                  To learn more and to apply for the Home
                Average Home Assessed Value:
                                                                  Owner Grant, visit
                                                                  gov.bc.ca/homeownergrant or call
                        Increase 4%                               1-888-355-2700 to speak with an agent.
                                                                  If you are eligible, be sure to claim your
                                                                  Home Owner Grant before the due date to
                                                                  avoid penalty.

                                                                  myCoquitlam is an online service that
                                                                  allows you to access information about
If your property increased          If your property increased    your City of Coquitlam accounts for
    BELOW the average                   ABOVE the average         utility fees, property taxes and dog
 assessed value of 4% for            assessed value of 4% for     licences. myCoquitlam online eService is
residential properties, you         residential properties, you   secure, easy to use and available 24 hours
    will see a lower than              will see a higher than     a day, seven days a week. Go to
  2.94% increase in your              2.94% increase in your      coquitlam.ca/mycoquitlam to sign up.
municipal property taxes.           municipal property taxes.
2021 Property Tax Information - City of Coquitlam - Coquitlam.Ca
                             AND RECOVERY PLAN (CSRP)                                   QUESTIONS?
In spring 2020, the City of Coquitlam launched the COVID-19 Community Support           If you have questions, please
and Recovery Plan (CSRP) to foster community resilience and recovery by providing
direct relief to residents, businesses, not-for-profit groups and other organizations
impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                      City of Coquitlam
                                                                                        Revenue Services
Coquitlam Council allocated an initial $5-million from reserve funds to launch the
plan, and additional funding is possible based on emerging needs and
opportunities.                                                                          propertytax@coquitlam.ca
The City is also seeking federal and provincial stimulus funding for City capital
projects to provide jobs and promote economic recovery.
                                                                                        For information regarding non-
New and ongoing CSRP initiatives include:                                               City fees on the notice, please
• Grants for not-for-profits and other community groups for revenue replacement         contact the specific agencies:
  or pandemic response                                                                  Metro Vancouver
• A Community Volunteer Support Hub, providing resources and information to             604-432-6200
  non-profit organizations                                                              metrovancouver.org
• Free use of temporary outdoor shelters in public spaces for community activities      BC Assessment
• Meals for Seniors delivery and pickup program                                         1-866-825-8322
• A temporary program allowing businesses to expand their services outdoors
• Deferring some security fees for construction projects                                TransLink
• A variety of business information and supports in the
  Business Support Portal at letstalkcoquitlam.ca/business.
                                                                                        School Tax
• Reduced drop-in recreation activity fees
• Temporary waiver of late fees for 2020 business licences                              gov.bc.ca/schooltax
• Relaxed temporary sign regulations for businesses
                                                                                        Municipal Finance Authority
• An extra 30 minutes of free City Centre street parking to encourage local             1-250-383-1181
  shopping                                                                              mfa.bc.ca
Visit coquitlam.ca/CSRP for updates as new CSRP initiatives are added in the weeks
and months to come.

3000 Guildford Way, Coquitlam, B.C. V3B 7N2
604-927-3000 | coquitlam.ca
2021 Property Tax Information - City of Coquitlam - Coquitlam.Ca 2021 Property Tax Information - City of Coquitlam - Coquitlam.Ca 2021 Property Tax Information - City of Coquitlam - Coquitlam.Ca 2021 Property Tax Information - City of Coquitlam - Coquitlam.Ca 2021 Property Tax Information - City of Coquitlam - Coquitlam.Ca
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