2021 media kit - jbc media

Page created by Paula Duran
2021 media kit - jbc media
2021 media kit

                                                                                    Our readers contribute $15.1 billion annually
                                                                                    to the province’s GDP, generating more than
                                                                                    $12 billion in direct and indirect economic
                                                                                     benefits as well as approximately 115,000 jobs*.

                                                                                                 Because in advertising,
                                                                                           you have to aim for the right target!

* Data on the real estate industry in Québec, Urban development institute of Québec 2020                     jbcmedia.ca
2021 media kit - jbc media
2021 media kit

Published every two months for the past 15 years,
the magazine Immobilier commercial is a quality business
publication aimed at major players in Québec’s commercial
real estate and urban development sector. In each issue, its
team of journalists and columnists informs readers on topics
                                                                           Published 6 times

that affect them on a daily basis. Leading developers, investors,
outstanding real estate brokers and economic and political                 per year
decision-makers share their expertise in exclusive interviews.

Benefitting from a well-targeted circulation, the                          Special issues published
print run of 8,000 copies reaches a minimum of 28,000 readers          ▼
(on a basis of 3.5 readers per copy). When the magazine                    from time to time
Champions de la construction commerciale et industrielle
is included in a combined distribution package along with                  Reaches the elite in

Immobilier commercial, the print run numbers 10,000 copies
that reach an audience of 35,000 readers.                                  the urban development
Beginning in 2020, a limited number of copies are now mailed to            and commercial
leaders in other regions who have business interests in Québec.
That is why articles likely to interest them are translated into           real estate sector
English. In addition, a full digital version of the magazine is
e-mailed to thousands of readers who subscribe to the digital              Print and digital

newsletter L’informateur Immobilier commercial. Advertisements
are clickable and lead readers to the advertiser’s website.                editions
This print + Web combination ensures a striking impact.

In advertising, in order to obtain best results a sustained                Regions of Montréal,

presence is essential. Since this publication appears six times
a year, advertisers benefit from constant, recurrent visibility all        Québec, Gatineau,
year long, for only six advertising placements per year.                   Trois-Rivières,
More to the point, Immobilier commercial reaches major                     Sherbrooke
developers, property owners, financiers, real estate asset
managers, anchor tenants in shopping malls, brokers, industry              and Saguenay
professionals and other interested parties. It is a sort of informal
select club, which we invite you to join as an advertiser. The
magazine is printed on paper from eco-friendly sources. Owned
by JBC Média, Immobilier commercial is a leading and influential
business publication in the commercial real estate industry.
2021 media kit - jbc media
Important message: Update as of April 21, 2021.
Please note it is possible that we make adjustments
to dates or other during the year. Check the media kits
on jbcmedia.ca to make sure you have the latest version.

                                                                                                                            2021 media kit

                                       FEBRUARY                   APRIL        JUNE        AUGUST           OCTOBER         DECEMBER
                                        MARCH                      MAY         JULY       SEPTEMBER        NOVEMBER          JANUARY

   Volume – number                         14 – 1                 14 – 2       14 – 3        14 – 4           14 – 5               14 – 6

   Space reservation                January 14, 2021                                      June 30, 2021    Sept. 16, 2021       Nov. 11, 2021

   Material to be produced          January 18, 2021                                       July 6, 2021    Sept. 20, 2021       Nov. 15, 2021

   Material ready to print          January 21, 2021                                       July 9, 2021    Sept. 23, 2021       Nov. 18, 2021

   Distribution                       February 2021              April 2021   June 2021   August 2021      October 2021     December 2021


                                                                                                                       2 YEARS
    Format                                                   1X                 3X                    6X                  12 X
    Full page                                            $4,920               $4,520             $3,890                $3,580
    2/3 page                                             $4,200               $3,790             $3,380                $3,170
    1/2 page island                                      $3,240               $3,040             $2,630                $2,420
    1/2 page                                             $2,940               $2,730             $2,315                $2,215
    1/3 page square                                      $2,315               $2,110             $1,700                $1,600
    1/3 page                                             $1,850               $1,650             $1,340                $1,240
    1/4 page                                             $1,650               $1,440             $1,130                $1,030
    C-2                                                      –                  –                $5,750                $5,230
    C-3                                                      –                  –                $5,440                $4,920
    C-4                                                      –                  –                $5,950                $5,440
    Notice A (max. 150 words)                               $710                –                     –                     –
    Notice B (max. 60 words)                                $510                –                     –                     –

PRODUCTION FEES: 10% supplement for us to produce your ad. Does not apply to Notices.
PAYMENT TERMS: Billing upon publication. Gross rates.* Taxes extra.
Note that we check the technical specifications of all ads we receive.
Ads are also revised by our linguistic team at no extra charge.
If necessary, we will inform you of any technical problems or recommended wording.
Just our way of giving you more!
*Material from commissionable agencies must be ready to print.
SOFTWARE: InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator (MAC)

Images must be in CMYK at 300 ppp 100%.
Use ISO Coated v 300% (ECI) print profile.
No RGB or PANTONE colours, no JPEGs.
                                                                                                                  2021 media kit
Make sure cut marks do not fall in lost margins.

   FULL                               CUT                 SAFETY                         LOST MARGINS
                                      Width   Height      Width  Height                  Width     Height
   PAGE                               8,5 in X 11 in      7 in X 10 in                   8,75 in X 11,25 in

    2/3                           VERTICAL FORMAT
                                  Width Height
   PAGE                           5 in X 9,65 in

    1/2                           HORIZONTAL FORMAT
                                  Width  Height
                                                                   VERTICAL FORMAT
                                                                   Width   Height
                                                                                                              ISLAND FORMAT
                                                                                                              Width    Height
   PAGE                           7 in X 4,625 in                  3,5 in X 9,65 in                           4,75 in X 7,5 in

    1/ 3                          HORIZONTAL FORMAT                VERTICAL FORMAT                            SQUARE FORMAT
                                  Width  Height                    Width    Height                            Width    Height
   PAGE                           7 in X 3 in                      2,33 in X 9,65 in                          4,75 in X 4,625 in

    1/4                           HORIZONTAL FORMAT
                                  Width  Height
                                                                   VERTICAL FORMAT
                                                                   Width     Height
   PAGE                           7 in X 2,25 in                   3,375 in X 4,625 in

                                      FORMAT A                     FORMAT B

                                      MAX. 150 words               MAX. 60 words
                                      Width    Height              Width    Height
                                      4,90 in X 4,50 in            4,90 in X 2,45 in
2021 media kit

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,                                     SALES
CONTACT US.                                                  Souk Vongphakdy
                                                             Director of Internal Sales
  2120 Victoria avenue, suite 140                            souk@jbcmedia.ca
  Longueuil (Québec) J4V 1M9                                 Ext. 225

  MONTRÉAL 450 670-7770
                                                             CUSTOMER SERVICE
  QUÉBEC 418 317-0669                                        Edith Lajoie
  TOLL FREE 1 866 446-3185                                   Director of Operations
  FAX 450 670-7771                                           and customer experience
  info@jbcmedia.ca                                           Ext. 224

                                                             Fatima Reynel
    Do you have an interesting brief news item               Responsible for subscriptions
    to pass on to our readers?                               abonnement@jbcmedia.ca
    Is it an innovative project, a nomination, a
    retirement announcement, a founding anniversary,
    a major event? If so, send us your text in Word
    format and a photo if needed, to the following
    address: nouvelles@jbcmedia.ca. Please                   Jacques Boisvert
    specify in your message subject: Brief news item         jacques.boisvert@jbcmedia.ca
    Immobilier commercial. News items are printed in         Ext. 222
    this section at no extra cost. However, unlike paid
    official notifications of appointment and ads, which
    are posted elsewhere in our magazine or on-line,
    there is no guarantee that items intended for this
    section will be published. Given the large number of
    news items being received, we just cannot print all
    of them. It is also important to mention that we do
    not publish these items in their entirety. Material is
    rewritten and revised to ensure consistency in the
    presentation. Short texts, not exceeding 50 words,
    are preferred. Please note that we do not return the
    final versions of written material for validation.
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