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GENERAL INFORMATION On December 21 the Government of Ontario announced the following: An Ontario-wide lockdown (GREY) will start on Boxing Day. The move will restrict non-essential retail and prohibit indoor dining right across the province starting at 12:01 a.m. the day after Christmas. The province- wide lockdown will last until January 9, 2021. After that date, restrictions will remain in effect until Jan. 23 for all public health unit regions in Southern Ontario. Based on the current provincial lockdown - OAS has decided to update the process that will be implemented for the Lisa Alexander Tech & Routine Meet, January 21-24, 2021. EVENTS MANDATORY FIGURES: 10 & Under, 11-12 and 13-15 will compete the 2 COMPULSURY Figures based on the age of the team they are competing in 2020-2021. JR/SR will compete the 2 MODIFIED ELEMENTS as follows: Vertical Position followed by Twist Spin 720 Barracuda Airborne Split AWD will compete 2 FIGURES of their choice Awards will be presented as listed in the 2019-2021 Rulebook. OPTIONAL ROUTINES: 10 & Under, Duet/Trio, Team 11-12, 13-15, Solo, Duet/Trio, Mixed Duet and Team JR/SR Tech and or Free Solo, Duet, Mixed Duet and Team COMBO AWD Solo, Duet, Mixed Duet and Team ALL routines are feedback ONLY UPDATED DECEMBER 22, 2020
COMPETITION PROCESS Based on the COVID-19 OAS will use videos to judge all figures and offer feed back for all routines. In order for all clubs to participate in this meet we are asking that clubs continue to upload their athletes’ videos now. Those clubs that entered lockdown in November have the option to enter their athletes in the Dryland Routine instead of figures. This event will be done live for the judges. VIDEO SUBMISSIONS FOR FIGURES Clubs can continue to video figures until The final deadline for submission of all videos is Sunday December 20. Clubs can video their athletes' figures until this deadline. No figure videos will be accepted after the December 20th deadline. Late submissions may be considered If possible, and would be subject to late fines. DROPBOX LINK FOR FIGURES: will be sent to the Club Head Coach November 30 Athletes are to be filmed in their black figure suit, plain white cap and goggles. Please review carefully the link below as a sample of “how to” video your athletes to ensure optimal quality for the judges. LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1XY8NT3kwr6x93rsCNwm1Q 1. Position chair for filming 1 metre back from pool edge for all figures and 1.5 metres back for Barracuda. 2. Place figure marker directly in front of video-taper on waters edge 3. Place iPad/iPhone on your lap for filming 4. Ensure that the athlete is only 1.5 metres from the edge of the pool for optimum viewing on video 5. Keep figure marker in the video as a point of reference for travel 6. If athlete does travel off the marker please move iPad/iphone to keep the athlete fully in the Frame while also showing the marker at the bottom of your video field so that travel can be ascertained by judges 7. Please ensure that no other athletes are visible in the video the could be a distraction for judges. UPDATED DECEMBER 22, 2020
VIDEO SUBMISSIONS FOR ROUTINES The final deadline for submission of videos of all Routines is Friday January 15. 2021. This Includes all solos, duets, trios and teams. Clubs can video routines until this deadline. No routine videos will be accepted after the January 15th deadline. Late entries may be considered If possible, and would be subject to late fines. DROPBOX LINK FOR ROUTINES: will be sent to the Club Head Coach November 30 The Routine Meet is feedback only and there are NO minimum time limits for routines at this event. Athletes may wear their routine suits. As there will be no gelling this season, It is mandatory for athletes to wear caps and goggles. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES (Lockdown) In the event a club cannot complete the videoing process due to a Lockdown the dryland option is available. The DRYLAND ROUTINE developed and used in the December skill evaluation is to be used as well as a Routine Landrill of the athlete/coach’s choice. MANDATORY COACHES MEETINGS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 25, 6:30PM – 7:15PM OR THURSDAY NOVEMBER 26, 12:00PM – 12:45PM *Please refer to video examples and photos for videotaping tips UPDATED DECEMBER 22, 2020
REGISTRATION INFO Registration Opens: Monday December 14, 2020 Registration Closes: Wednesday January 6, 2021 Registration is on the CAS eReg system OAS Is making every effort to find cost saving opportunities for our member clubs and participating athletes through this COVID-19 pandemic. For the Lisa Alexander Technical and Routine Meet the meet registration fees are being adjusted to charge the figure fee of $29.00 for all event categories. ENTRY FEES FIGURES $29 SOLO: $29 DUET: $29 TEAM: $29 COMBO: $29 SCHEDULE & VIEWING PROCESS An updated schedule will be posted. Judges will judge the videos on ZOOM calls in draw order. Athletes and coaches will come online at their scheduled/draw time to observe. This meet will not be live streamed, however coaches will be given access to the ZOOM call to observe. UPDATED DECEMBER 22, 2020
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