2021 Information Package - Francis A. Gross Men's Club (GMC)

Page created by Jeanne Howard
2021 Information Package - Francis A. Gross Men's Club (GMC)
Francis A. Gross Men’s Club (GMC)

    “I play too much golf!” – NOBODY EVER

          2021 Information Package
2021 Information Package - Francis A. Gross Men's Club (GMC)
Information and updates for 2021
Page                                                      Page
 3.    2021 COVID safety rules; Spring                     12.   Reminder: New tee markers &
       registration (virtual)                                    Blue/White “Combo” course defined
 4.    Registration by Google Forms & PayPal
                                                           13.   Continued for 2021: Selection of tees
 5.    Membership fee structure                                  for events
 6.    Membership appeal and recruiting                    14.   Reminder : World Handicap System
 7.    Benefits of membership
                                                           15.   Reminder: Maximum score per hole
 8.    Event signup, payment, cancellation
       procedures and policy                               16.   Gross event schedule / U of M
 9.    Key contacts for info, membership,                        reciprocal events
       events & payments
                                                           17.   Match play
 10.   Website www.grossmensclub.com
                                                           18.   Traveling teams
 11.   Updated club handbook (2021 update in
       progress)                                           19.   Victor Cup points allocation

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2021 Information Package - Francis A. Gross Men's Club (GMC)
Current season COVID rules / Spring registration

2021 COVID safety rules                                  2021 Spring registration
❖     MGA will define the safety rules in                ❖   No in-person meeting in 2021
      accordance with the MDH (Minnesota
      Department iof Health)                             ❖   Registration will be virtual (see p. 4)
      recommendations.                                        ❖   On-line (preferred) or by mail
❖     Gross National Board of Governors                  ❖   This packet will be sent to 2020
      will work with Gross National Golf                     members via Golf Genius and posted
      Course Manager Dave Bratland to                        on the website by March 22
      finalize 2021 rules received from the
❖     COVID-19 safety Rules will be posted
      on the course and in the clubhouse
❖     Carts w/dividers
❖     Rakes in bunkers and no cup inserts
      for 2021

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2021 Information Package - Francis A. Gross Men's Club (GMC)
Registration by Google Forms & PayPal
                                           GMC will continue to use Google Forms and PayPal as our preferred
                                           method of registration & payment. Google Forms allows the direct on-
                                           line entry of information and data (NO downloading, printing,
                                           manually filling, scanning, uploading or emailing necessary!)
                                           1.    Fill out the Registration Form available on the website
                                                 www.grossmensclub.com or in your 2021 “Welcome” email
                                           2.    Use PayPal to remit payment to grossgolfclub@gmail.com using                 Preferred
                                                 “Sending to a Friend” to avoid fees to GMC (see separate
                                                 instructions attached or available on website)
                                           3.    Alternate manual paper & check method
                                                   A.    Download and print form from website or pickup from club
                                                   B.    Deposit enveloped completed form and check (payable to Gross Men’s
                                                         Club) in GMC drop box at the club; or
                                                   C.    Mail to:   Greg Mantras
                                                                    3908 Macalaster Drive NE
                                                                    St. Anthony, MN 55421
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2021 Information Package - Francis A. Gross Men's Club (GMC)
Membership fee structure
❖     Regular Membership (age 41-69) $75
❖     Senior Membership (age 70+) $55
❖     Professional Membership (age 21-40) pay your age
❖     Young Men’s Membership (age 20 and under) $20
❖     $15 discount for new members (and former members reinstating after one
      year or more absence)
❖     Use of fees:
        ❖     MGA (for handicaps, magazine)
        ❖     Club expenses (i.e., Golf Genius, MPGA annual club dues)
        ❖     Hole-in-one fund
        ❖     Subsidize event payouts, if necessary
        ❖     Victor Cup payouts.

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2021 Information Package - Francis A. Gross Men's Club (GMC)
Membership appeal and recruiting bonuses
The Board of Governors (BOG) recognizes that the most effective and efficient way to continue to grow our club is
by direct referral from our existing members. Everybody knows somebody – a friend, a neighbor, a relative, a
colleague, maybe even a former member – who would love to be a part of our competitions and camaraderie.
Growth of the club benefits everyone. It increases the size of the events which leads to higher and deeper field
payouts. Maybe more importantly, it enlarges our pool of potential golf partners and friends.

❖     Recruit at least ONE friend, neighbor, relative, colleague or former member
❖     Ensure they put your name as a referral on their registration form
❖     Referral bonuses
        ❖     1 sleeve of ProV1s for every member recruited
        ❖     +1 free round of golf (Gross, Weekdays) for every 4 members recruited
        ❖     Exchanges are possible
                 ❖   2 sleeves for a round of golf
                 ❖   Sleeves for golf store gift certificates
                 ❖   Round(s) of golf for event entry fees
        ❖     Double bonus paid for recruits under 35 years old!
❖     You are encouraged to contact former members you may know; contact list is
      posted on the secure Members sections of website.

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2021 Information Package - Francis A. Gross Men's Club (GMC)
Benefits of membership
❖     Membership in MGA (Minnesota Golf Association), including:
        ❖     WHS Golf Handicap Index
        ❖     MGA Magazine
        ❖     Participation in MGA golf events and tournaments for which you qualify
❖     Membership in MPGA (Minnesota Public Golf Association)
        ❖     Participation in MPGA golf events and tournaments for which you qualify
❖     Competitive Events
        ❖     13 separate events of various formats played mostly on Saturday mornings (some Sundays); for most events you
              can pick your own team and/or playing partners; separate entry fees and greens fees are required
        ❖     Season-long Individual and Team Match Play competitions
        ❖     Traveling team opportunities representing Gross in outside competitions
❖     Cooperation and competition with University of Minnesota – Les Bolstad Men’s Club
        ❖     Participation in U of M events not in conflict with Gross events; separate entry fees and greens fees required
        ❖     Gross/Bolstad Cup - a 2 day “President’s Cup” style competition against U of M Men’s Club
❖     $15 discount from first year membership fee for new members
❖     Fellowship, camaraderie and competition with like-minded golfers!

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2021 Information Package - Francis A. Gross Men's Club (GMC)
Event sign-up, payment, cancellation
procedures and policy
                                                GMC is using Google Forms and PayPal as our preferred tools
                                                for event entry and payment.
                                                ❖        Google Form for the event will be sent out via Golf Genius
                                                         at least 2 weeks prior to the event; also available on the
                                                         web site                                                     Preferred

                                                ❖        Fill form, submit and pay via PayPal (a la Registration)
                                                ❖        Paper forms (from clubhouse or printed from website) and
                                                         checks (payable to Gross Men’s Club) are still accepted in   Acceptable
                                                         GMC drop box in clubhouse
                                                ❖        Entry deadline: 5:00PM Tuesday prior to the event
                                                ❖        Cancellation must occur >24 hours prior to the event
                                                         (except in case of emergency…the BOG has sole
                                                         determination of what constitutes an emergency)
                                                ❖        Refunds can be applied to future event or paid at next
                                                         scheduled payout event (3 times/year).
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2021 Information Package - Francis A. Gross Men's Club (GMC)
Key contacts for info, membership, events &
You can generally contact any BOG member and we will get your inquiry to the
right person for response.
For questions about organization, leadership, and club issues:
        Paul Bussmann (President) pgb4026@hotmail.com
For questions about events and signups:
        Scott Jax (Master of Events) scott.jax8@gmail.com 763-516-7690
For questions about payments and payouts:
        Greg Mantras (Treasurer) grman001@gmail.com 612-532-1104
For questions about membership and registration:
        Ken Troia (Membership/Publicity) ktroia@aol.com 973-224-8712

Francis A. Gross Men’s Club – 2020 Information Package           3/20/2020     9
Website www.grossmensclub.com
                                                         ❖   Modeled on Country Club
                                                             member sites
                                                         ❖   Fully functional, with all
                                                             information, forms,
                                                             schedules, etc.
                                                         ❖   Secure area for contact info
                                                             of members (and former
                                                             members), BOG, meeting
                                                             minutes, member profiles
                                                         ❖   We’ll post news, member
                                                             stories, photos, profiles
                                                         ❖   Please surf a little and take a
                                                             good look as we’ll be using it
                                                             fully and daily!
                                                         ❖   Suggestions/contributions to
                                                             Steve Date

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Updated club handbook
❖     2021 update in progress
❖     Purpose: to help members understand the programs, procedures, rules, events and
      activities conducted by the Gross Men’s Club (GMC)
❖     Available on our website as PDF
❖     Changes since previous version:
        ❖     Note – we are Francis A. Gross Golf Course…NOT Gross National Golf Club!
        ❖     Reflects the function of our new website www.grossmensclub.com
        ❖     BOG changes: adds Technology, combines Membership/Publicity, eliminates Food
        ❖     New Senior Club Championship 2-day event with concurrent new Individual event for
        ❖     Daily posting of scores for compliance with WHS
        ❖     Maximum score on any hole of “Net Double Bogey” for compliance with WHS (replaces
              Equitable Stroke Control)
        ❖     Updated BOG responsibilities and contact list.
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Reminder: New tee markers, and Blue/White
“Combo” course defined

                                                             Black              Blue           Blue/White             White
                                                         Formerly Blue      Formerly White            NEW           Formerly Red
                                                                                               (8 Blue/10 White)

                                                          6715 yds           6350 yds              5550 yds         4980 yds
                                                           CR 71.7           CR 69.9               CR 66.0           CR 63.7
                                                           SR 123             SR 124               SR 112            SR 111
                                                            + 365 yds            ---               -800 yds           -1370 yds
                                                         relative to Blue                      relative to Blue    relative to Blue

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Continued for 2021 Selection of tees for events
❖     Play it Forward – USGA initiative adopted by BOG to increase enjoyment for all golfers and increase pace
      of play
❖     For all events* in 2021 players will be able to select ANY tee (Black, Blue, or Blue/White), except White
❖     Tee selections are final on submission of your event entry form (prior Tuesday 5:00 PM)
❖     Tees are now handicapped fairly; golfers will gain (moving back +365 yds) or lose (moving forward -800 yds)
      Course Handicap (C.H.) strokes relative to the Blue tees
❖     Analysis of C.H. differentials indicates it is not automatically favorable to move up; golfers can make their
      choice independently of each other and dependent only upon their game
        ❖     e.g., A player with a poor short game cannot make up the strokes lost just by gaining the distance moving FORWARD; a
              longer hitter might benefit by moving BACK and gaining strokes of C.H. relative to the rest of his game
❖     Moving back (Black relative to Blue), all golfers (0.0-54.0 WHS Index) will gain 1 or 2 strokes** in their C.H.
❖     Moving forward (Blue/White relative to Blue), golfers will lose between 4 and 10 strokes** in their C.H.
      depending upon their handicap range (see below):

 WHS Hcp Index             0.0 to 11.4            11.5 to 20.5   20.6 to 30.6   30.7 to 39.7     39.8 to 48.8        48.9 to 54.0
 Strokes Lost**               4 or 5                 5 or 6         6 or 7         7 or 8           8 or 9             9 or 10

  * To be eligible to win the Club Championship or Senior Club Championship, you must compete in the
  championship flight from the championship tees defined for that event (usually Black for C.C., Blue for S.C.C.).

  ** Variability within each range is due to rounding in the formula for C.H.

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Reminder: World Handicap System (WHS)
❖     Harmonizes all global golf associations; effective for the USA January 1, 2020
❖     Uses 8 best of most recent 20 scores (formerly 10 best) ► Handicap Index (H.I.) ↓
        ❖     Minimum 3 rounds/54 holes needed for an official WHS H.I. (formerly 5 rounds/90 holes)
❖     C.H. calculated from Slope Rating (S.R.), Course Rating (C.R.), and Par ► Makes play from different
      tees effortless and equitable
        ❖     C.H. = H.I. x (S.R./113) + (C.R. – Par)
❖     “Net Double Bogey” replaces ESC (see next slide) for score reporting purposes
❖     More responsive index updates & safeguards ► Daily reporting of scores
        ❖     H.I. are updated daily (when you post) ► H.I. may change for 2nd day of an event!
        ❖     Adjustments for abnormal playing conditions are based on scores posted that day from that specific
              course (weather, setup, etc.)
        ❖     Limitations on extreme upward H.I. movement and for exceptional scores (>7 shots below your C.H.)
❖     Must use the “new” GHIN app (delete old version and download new)
❖     Post your scores daily at the end of your round (Master-of-Events will post event scores by end of day).

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Reminder: Maximum score per hole
❖     “Net Double Bogey” (NDB) replaces ESC for all golfers
        ❖     NDB = Par + 2 + total handicap strokes (on that hole)
❖     You must know your C.H. on every course you play (and where you get strokes) to
      identify the maximum score you can report on any hole
        ❖     Max score can and does vary on every hole based on par and your strokes!
❖     C.H. for the tees you play is easily found on GHIN app or you can calculate from formula:
      C.H. = H.I. x (S.R./113) + (C.R. – Par), rounded to the closest whole number.

                                                             Maximum Score per Hole
                                              0 strokes             1 stroke          2 strokes
               3                                         5             6                  7
               4                                         6             7                  8
               5                                         7             8                  9

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Gross event schedule                                                  U of Mn reciprocal events
❖     Sat Apr 17                  Spring Warm-up Low Net (Individual)      Members may play in U of Mn events that do not conflict with
                                                                           Gross events:
❖     Sat May 1                   Two-man Best Ball (2 Man Teams)
                                                                           ❖    Sat Apr 10      Spring 3-man Scramble
❖     Sat May 15                  1-2-3 (4 Man Teams)
                                                                           ❖    Sat Apr 24      Ice-Breaker (Individual)
❖     Sat May 29                  Memorial Chicago Points (Individual)
                                                                           ❖    Sat May 8       Lone Ranger (Team)
❖     Sat Jun 12                  6-6-6 (2 Man Teams)
                                                                           ❖    Sat May 22      Memorial (Individual)                      Most U of M events cost
❖     Sat Jun 26                  “Combo Course” (Individual)
                                                                           ❖    Sat Jun 5       Chapman (2 Man Teams)                     $15 with Gross Skins, Net
❖     Sat Jul 10                  The Box (4 Man Teams)                                                                                       Skins and Nearies
                                                                           ❖    Sat Jun 19      Welcome Summer (Individual)
❖     Sat/Sun Jul 31/Aug 1        Senior Club Championship / Individual                                                                           included
                                  Low Net                                  ❖    Sat Jul 3       2-Man Best Ball

❖     Suns Aug 8, 15              Gross-Bolstad Cup (Rd1 @ Bolstad, Rd2    ❖    Sat Jul 17      Warm-up (Individual)
                                  @ Gross)
                                                                           ❖    Sat Aug 14      Guest Day 6-6-6 (Teams – Cha Cha Cha)
❖     Sat Aug 14                  The Scramble (4 Man Teams)
                                                                           ❖    Sat Aug 28      Ryder Cup (2-Man Teams)
❖     Sat/Sun Aug 21-22           Club Championship
                                                                           ❖    Sat Sep 11      Maroon & Gold (Individual)
❖     Sat Sep 4                   The Burn (4 Man Teams)
                                                                           Other external events
❖     Sat Sep 18                  Best 2 of 4 Balls (4 Man Teams)
                                                                           ❖    Sun Jun 27             Twin Cities 4 Ball Championships
❖     Sat Oct 2                   Black/Blue/White (Individual)                                        at Hiawatha
                                                                    Most Gross events cost
                                                                    $20 with an additional
    Francis A. Gross Men’s Club – 2021 Information Package            $5 each for Gross                        2/26/2021           16
                                                                     Skins, Net Skins and
Match play
❖     Season-long Singles and Doubles competitions
        ❖     Starts in early June
        ❖     Ends by September
❖     Single elimination
❖     Matches scheduled by competitors
❖     Sign up for both (if you don’t have a partner for
      doubles, we can pair you up!)
❖     $25 one-time entry fee per competition
❖     Paul Gustafson gustaf2k@yahoo.com is Match play
      chairman and handles all questions about:
        ❖     Scheduling
        ❖     Disputes
        ❖     Competition issues/questions.

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Traveling teams
Represent the Francis A. Gross Golf Course and Gross Men’s Club!
❖     12 Man Team
        ❖    Low handicap, any age
        ❖    Round robin, home and away single elimination
        ❖    Starts early May
        ❖    Team captain – Tim Wagner (tim.l.wagner62@gmail.com)
❖     Senior 8 Man Team
        ❖    Low handicap, age 55+
        ❖    Round robin, home and away single elimination
        ❖    Starts early May
        ❖    Team captain – Walt Fehst (wfehst16@gmail.com)
❖     Metro Seniors
        ❖    Any handicap, age 50+
        ❖    14-week competition played at rotating courses
        ❖    We will form three 4-man teams with substitutes
        ❖    Team captain John Wicks (jonewix@aol.com) .
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Victor Cup points allocation
                  ❖      To increase the competition for the season-long Victor Cup race we will
                         award points to more positions (5 for individual events, 4 for team
                  ❖      All participants get a minimum of 10 points for playing the event.

          Place               Club/Sr Club               Individual   Team Match   Individual        Team Events
                             Championship                Match Play      Play        Events
            1st                      100                    90           75           75                    60
            2nd                       75                    68           56           56                    45
            3rd                       50                    40           34           38                    30
            4th                       40                    40           34           30                    24
            5th                       30                     -            -           23                    -

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