2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ...

Page created by Gerald Solis
2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ...
2021 In Review
While 2021 still brought many challenges and unknowns, we still found ways to have fun
and get out into the communities we serve. We are looking forward to what 2022 has to
           offer, and to continue finding fun and being out in the community.
                           See the last page for picture descriptions





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2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ...
ICAP Angel Tree
                                      Citizens State Bank is proud to partner with Inter-Lakes Community
                                      Action Partnership’s Angel Tree Program. ICAP works to help
                                      ensure that children whose families may not be able to give gifts due
                                      to financial struggles. We are proud to donate and serve as a drop
                                      off point (Arlington and Castlewood) for those wanting to participate
                                      in this program.

         Ask about our Christmas Club Accounts!

    The holiday season can be financially stressful. Start saving at anytime
    with one of our Christmas Club Accounts! It acts as a savings account and
    we will automatically send you out a check with the balance of the account
    on November 1st. Ask your banker for more details. Every NEW Christmas
    club account receives a $5.00 credit at opening!

                      Keep Your Banking Information Secure!

In today’s digital age banking is more convenient than ever. With that being said, it’s more important now
than ever to protect your online identity. While the bank monitors transactions, consumers can’t solely rely
on businesses to keep them completely safe. There are some easy to follow steps to help protect your online
•    Don’t use the same password for every site and service you use, and never keep your passwords stored
     in an easily accessible location.
•    If you’re planning on buying from a website you’ve never used before, check reviews online or use
     Google’s Safe Browsing tool to look for security threats.
•    Check your bank statement regularly, with mobile banking it’s easy to even go through your transactions
     weekly. At minimum, we recommend looking through your statement monthly.
•    You should never access your bank’s website unless you’re on a secure Wi-Fi network with a password,
     or using your own cell phone data. This makes it much more difficult for thieves to hack.
•    Don’t give anyone remote access to your computer unless you are 100% confident you know who you’re
     talking to. Scammers will often try to gain access to your computer to install spyware on your computer
     which could allow them access to all of your usernames and passwords.
2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ...
Save time and don’t miss a
                                                            step with our easy-to-use
                                                            online applications! Apply for
                                                            Personal and Mortgage
                                                            Loans through our website
                                                            Look under the Personal Tab!

                       Personal Loan Tips and Tricks
Applying for a loan can seem overwhelming. Here are some tips to ease your stress
when starting the process!
                              •    Check Your Credit Score
Banks use this score as an important indicator of your repayment ability and determines
your eligibility for loans. You can carry out checks using www.annualcreditreport.com. If
you have a low credit score, talk to a financial advisor on tips to help raise it.
                        •   Calculate Your Debt-to-Income Ratio
Don’t burden yourself with payments that are too high. Look at your existing
commitments compared to your income to determine if the payment is in a comfortable
range for you to maintain timely payments.
                  •   Don’t Apply for a Bunch of Loans at One Time
Credit Report inquiries can hurt your chances of approval, so be careful about applying
for too many loans at one time.
                       •    Make Extra Payments When Possible
Ask for your extra payments to be applied towards principal only, this will reduce the life
of the loan and decrease the amount of interest paid throughout the life of the loan. This
could save you thousands in the long run!

                                  Whether you plan to grow, diversify, or improve your farming
                                  operation, we understand your need for dependable financial
                                     services geared to agricultural producers. Our team of
                                    experienced agricultural banking specialists provides a
                                      complete range of financial products and services -
                                          committed to the success of your operation.
2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ...
Meet our Senior Loan Officer, Donald! With his years of experience, we are proud to
                 have someone like him working for our bank. He has years of insight to offer our
                customers, and we look forward to seeing all you accomplish in the years to come!
              I grew up on a farm near Luverne, MN. I graduated from SDSU and started my career
              working for FSA, first in Timber Lake, SD and then Clear Lake, SD. I then worked for 18
              years at a bank in Sioux Center, IA. I have been with CSB for the last 10 years at the
              Sinai Branch. I am the Senior Loan Officer over seeing loans in our three locations.
             The best thing about working for a community bank is that you personally know your
             customers. It’s the ability to know your customers’ needs and goals and help them in the
growth and success of their operations. I have been able to help fathers and mothers and then their
kids and even grandkids to get involved in the operation. You also can be involved in numerous
community organizations. I am currently involved with the Sinai Fire Department, Township, and
church boards.
My wife Gail, who is a teacher at Arlington school, and I have two grown children. A daughter and her
husband, who is in the Air Force, and are currently living in Bury St. Edmunds, England. She was a
Weapons Systems Operator in the Air Force but is now a stay-at-home mom taking care of a little girl
and boy. A son who is a Marine helicopter pilot lives in Holly Ridge NC with his wife and two little

               In Memoriam:
               It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to our good friend and former co-worker,
               Frank Felix. Frank passed away on January 20, 2022 with his son, Bradley, at his side in
               his home in Aberdeen, SD. He was a very young 91 year old!
               Frank began his banking career at Citizens State Bank in June of 1961 and retired in
               1995. He held various jobs at the bank during the 34 ½ years he was here. Frank was a
               teller, a loan officer, and even a public relations officer while he was here. Everyone in
Arlington and the surrounding area knew Frank! And Frank knew everyone in the area! Frank was a
wealth of information. If you ever had a “Do you remember?” or “Are they related to?” situation, Frank
was the one to ask!
Frank always had a smile on his face and loved to laugh! He was willing to pitch in and help, no matter
the job.
After Frank and Doris moved to Aberdeen, we didn’t get to see them much. But you could be sure that
if they were passing through Arlington they made time to stop at the Bank and check in! And we loved
having them stop!
We will truly miss you, Frank!

                                     Picture Index from Page 1
1. Todd, giving Carrie Henrichsen and Richard Wiarda a check for the Castlewood Community
Foundation. 2.Arlington Halloween 3.Todd and Cody Bunker for bowling a 300 4.Arlington
Homecoming Royalty float 5.Sinai branch at the brat feed in Rutland 6. Todd and Jaycie Forbes,
scholarship winner 7.Tim grilling for Arlington’s brat feed. 8.Craig grilling for Arlington’s Halloween
fun 9. Castlewoods Halloween fun 10. CSB’s Cancer Walk team 11. Jeanette and Zach Dufek,
scholarship winner.
2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ... 2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ... 2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ... 2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ... 2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ... 2021 In Review - Citizens State Bank of ...
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