New Debit Card Solutions - Debit Mastercard and Visa Debit are ready Swiss Banking Services Forum, 22 May 2019 - SIX Group

New Debit Card Solutions - Debit Mastercard and Visa Debit are ready Swiss Banking Services Forum, 22 May 2019 - SIX Group
New Debit Card Solutions

Debit Mastercard and Visa Debit are ready
Swiss Banking Services Forum, 22 May 2019

Philippe Eschenmoser, Head Cards & A2A, Swisskey Ltd
New Debit Card Solutions - Debit Mastercard and Visa Debit are ready Swiss Banking Services Forum, 22 May 2019 - SIX Group
Maestro/V PAY Have Established Themselves As the “Key to the Account”
– Schemes, However, Are Forcing Market Entry For Successor Products
                                                                                                         Response from the
 Maestro and V PAY are successful…                         …but are not future-capable products          schemes
     # cards                Maestro            V PAY
       on                                                               Lower earnings potential
     8                                                                  for issuers as an alternative
                                                                        payment traffic products (e.g.
     6                                                                  credit cards, TWINT)
     4                                                                                                          V PAY will be
     2                                                                                                   decommissioned by VISA
                                                                        Functional limitations:           in 20211 – Visa Debit as
     0                                                                  • No e-commerce                        the successor
         2000                                       2018                • No preauthorizations
                Security and stability have                    End-     • No virtualization
                proven themselves                            customer

                High acceptance in CH and                                                                MasterCard is positioning
                                                                        Merchants with an online
                abroad in Europe                                                                         DMC in the medium term
                                                                        offer are demanding an
                                                                        online-capable debit               as the successor to
                Standard product with an                      Merchan                                            Maestro
                integrated bank card                             t

 2       1: As of 2021 no new V PAY may be issued
New Debit Card Solutions - Debit Mastercard and Visa Debit are ready Swiss Banking Services Forum, 22 May 2019 - SIX Group
TWINT (Still) No Substitute For Debit Cards –
Credit Cards With Divergent Market Perception
TWINT (still) not alternative for debit                                               Credit cards a no alternative for debit
                                                                                            Lacking a bank card
                                              Debit                                                     function
                                                                                      Limited target group (age,
          ~1.1 M                               ~101 M.                                                                Issuer

       ~48.5 k                                    ~170 k1                             No direct account debiting

                                              Visa Debit                            Potentially high annual fee     End-customer

                                                                                               Lower customer
                                              DMC/          Banks and merchants
                          P2P                 Visa Debit
                                                             demand an online-                     Higher costs     Merchant
                                                            capable debit product
                                                              with wide market
        TWINT with comprehensive                                 acceptance                Functionally superior and more
        service range, but lacking                                                         financially attractive for issuers,
        sufficient market acceptance                                                       but unattractive for merchants
    1: Accumulated PF card, Maestro & V PAY
New Debit Card Solutions - Debit Mastercard and Visa Debit are ready Swiss Banking Services Forum, 22 May 2019 - SIX Group
Introduction of DMC/VD With Great Challenges For Banks –
SIX Will Develop a Modular Solution in the "Vegas" Project
Dynamic market                                            Solution                       Ambition                                  subsequently

                                                                                            SIX plans…
                                                                                                  …MVP1 with complete Maestro / V PAY range of
                                                                                           1      services, including new use cases (reservations,
                                                                                                  …continuing to ensure the position of the banks as
                                                                                                  issuers of the debit product…

                                                                                                  …a parameterizable standard product for the entire
                                                           “Vegas” project                        market…
     Trend in the direction of Debit
       MasterCard / Visa Debit –
                                                                                                  …to offer a central, modular and open 3D Secure
    however, currently no complete                                                         4
                                                                                                  solution for debit cards…
    solution for current Maestro / V
              Pay issuers
                                                                                                  …establishment of processing readiness for Debit
                                                                                                  MasterCard and Visa Debit by Q1 2020…

    1: In order to reduce the complexity, corporate/premium cards and virtualization will be realized in a later extension step
1 Beyond E-Commerce, Debit MasterCard and Visa Debit Will
      Offer Additional New Use Cases                 Mandatory from
                                                                               the schemes

New use cases in comparison to
Maestro / V PAY
Magnetic stripe                                                            
Purchase with cash back (PWCB)                                          optional
E-Commerce payment                                                         
Recurring payments                                                         
Pre-authorization                                                             
MOTO                                                                          
                                       MoneySend                Visa Direct
Split transactions                                                            
P2P payment                                 receive mandatory               optional
Gaming repayment                                                              
Tips in restaurant                                                            
                   “Billing updater”
Paper slips                                 with embossment           with embossment
Update card information                                                 Optional
Emergency cash advance                                                  Optional1
5    1: Ab Gold Card mandatory
3 SIX Plans to Provide a Hub for Individual Management of the
      Functionalities Down to Card Granularity
Target solution (example)                                Explanations
                                                         0 Bank parameterizes default
                                                            functionalities for card                          Beispiel:
     Card                        …                       1 Customer can individually set
    Manage-      1                                          functionalities at the issuer
     ment                            0                      (e.g. geo-blocking)
                                     2                   2
                                                             Issuer stores card settings at
                                                         1   Merchant queries transactions with MagStripe
                     “Payment not possible for           2   SIX rejects transaction, since MagStripe is deactivated
     Card            security reasons; please
                                                 1   2
                                                               for this card and transmits a notification to the issuer
                 3   use another card or
    Usage            activate magnetic stripe”
                                                         3   Issuer sends notification to customers (e.g. push
                                     2                         message, SMS)
                                                             Maximum convenience and security for customers
4 SIX Enables a Wide Range of Implementation Possibilities Including the
         Entire User Experience in a Branded Bank Environment
Registration in the online portal1                       SIX offers issuers a diverse choice of authentication solutions

                                                                                            Bank X
                                                                                                      Bank X    •   Central “SIX” app in the app store
                                                                    White                                       •   Branding of the app by entering the PAN
                                                           1                                Bank Y
                                                                                                      Bank Y

                                                                  label app                                     •   Registration of multiple cards from various
                                                                                                                    banks possible
            User ID
                                                                                                                •   Integration of the authentication solution from SIX
                                                                                            Bank X

                                                                                                                    in the existing issuer app
                                                           2       SDK in                            50 CHF
                                                                                            Bank Y

                                                                                                                    Enhanced convenience through an app
                                                                 issuer app                                   •   Greater flexibility in app design

    First user identification                                                                         Your      •   Authentification via SMS for users who do not
    possible through…                                                                                 SMS           have a smartphone
                                                           3      SMS OTP                            TAN is
     E-/m-banking                                                                                    8721
                                                                                                                    Fallback option in case app is offline
                                                                                                                •   Maximum customer penetration possible
     Via the postal service
     Existing mobile phone number
                                                                 Issuer 3DS               Connection of existing issuer internal 3DS app to the SIX ACS
                                                                    app                    possible

7     1: Registration also possible through online banking I 2: Not necessarily a brand from SIX – neutral branding also in discussion
5 SIX Plans to Pilot Debit MasterCard/Visa Debit At the Beginning of
      2020 – Implementation in Close Coordination With Issuers

General roadmap

    Release 80              Release 81          Release 82              Piloting                Rollout
    June 2019               November 2019       April 2020              March – May 2020        End of Q2 2020
    Deployment of new       Deployment of new   Deployment of           Piloting in a closed    Widespread
    card management         card usage          supplemental card       user group (friends &   activation of adopter
    functionalities         functionalities     usage functionalities   family)                 banks in standardized
    (ordering, mutations,   (excluding e-       for e-commerce                                  onboarding projects
    etc.)                   commerce)


                                     2019                                                   2020

SIX Is Convinced That They Offer Banks an Attractive Offer for Debit
MasterCard and Visa Debit
                           Added value from SIX    Explanation

                                                    Banks as issuers retain customer interface,
                             Banks are issuers       product sovereignty and the complete card

                                                    SIX offers a modular service offer for card
                            Broad, modular offer     management, card usage, scheme
                                                     management and operations services

                                                    As the largest issuing processor in
                              Competence and
                                                     Switzerland, SIX can realize effects of scale
                               scaling effect        and leverage existing competences

                                                    Existing interfaces (Debit Online, XML, OTIS
                             Existing interfaces     and KTB) can continue to be used

                                                    New products can be built upon the existing
                              Existing business
                                                     business and contract relationships
                                relationship         between SIX and issuers

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