2021 CSBG Agencies and Services Listing

Page created by Elmer Bowman
2021 CSBG Agencies and Services Listing


       CSBG Agencies                 Description of Services            Phone        Supervisorial

Antelope Valley Boys & Girls      Before and after school Youth     (661) 267-2582        5
Club                              services for ages 6-17, which
Whitney Mac Center                include mentoring programs,
45404 N. Division St              substance abuse prevention,
Lancaster, CA 93535               teen pregnancy and STD
                                  prevention, recreational
www.avbgc.org                     enrichment programs, summer
                                  youth programs, a nurturing
                                  environment, tutoring, computer
                                  access, and mentoring.

Antelope Valley Domestic          24-hour emergency shelter         24-Hr Hotline         5
Violence Council - Valley Oasis   provided to domestic violence     (661) 945-6736
P.O. Box 2980                     victims for up to 60 days;
Lancaster, CA 93539               provides services that teach
                                  them about domestic violence
http://www.valleyoasis.org/       and the options and services

Asian Youth Center                Provide counseling/peer support   (626) 309-0622      1, 2, 5
100 W. Clary Ave.                 group activities and youth &
San Gabriel, CA 91776             family counseling for youth and
212 East Avenue K-6, Suite 300
Lancaster CA 93535

1420 W. Avenue I
Lancaster, CA 93535


Boys & Girls Club of              Provide after-school and          (562) 698-8630        4
Whittier/Pico Rivera              summer programs for youth
7905 S. Greenleaf Ave.            ages 6 to 18 years old that
Whittier, CA 90602                emphasize:
                                  •     academic success

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2021 CSBG Agencies and Services Listing

                                 •      development of good
                                        character & citizenship
                                 •      formation of healthy

Catholic Charities of Los        Food pantries; case                 (626) 575-7652   1,2,4,5
Angeles, Inc.                    management; clothing & thrift
San Gabriel Region               store; rent & utilities
4171 N. Tyler Avenue             payments; no cost pre-school;
El Monte, CA 91731               sports for children; art & music
                                 for youth; academic support,
Community Services Center        including for those with learning   (213) 251-3432
123 E. 14th Street               disabilities; Padres de
Long Beach, CA 90813             Guadalupe – a forum for
                                 parents; literacy for adults; in-
Pico Rivera Family Resource      home support for the                (562) 949-0937
Center                           elderly; nutrition classes; job
5014 Passons Blvd.               training for refugees and
Pico Rivera, CA 90660            immigrants; citizenship services
                                 English classes; and a
Glendale Community Center        temporary skilled worker center;    (213) 318-5707
4322 San Fernando Rd.            employment support and job
Glendale, CA 91205               placement.


Children's Bureau of Southern    Help at-risk children and their  (213) 342-0100          5
California                       parents with the support, tools,
1910 Magnolia Ave                and resources by:                (213) 342-0134
Los Angeles, CA 90007            • Providing Comprehensive
                                    programs and services to
Carson Family Center                meet the varying needs of
460 E. Carson Plaza Drive           today's parents and their
Suite 102                           children,
Carson, CA 90746                 • Helping other organizations
                                    with innovative tools and
And other locations.                training,
                                 • Developing innovative
https://www.all4kids.org/           solutions that impact broader
                                    communities in sustainable

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Coalition for Responsible        Develop positive social skills for      (213) 743-6193       2
Community Development            young people age 18-24,
3101 S. Grand Ave                particularly Black and Latino, to
Los Angeles, CA 90007            become more aware of their
                                 neighborhood’s needs and
https://www.coalitionrcd.org/    demonstrate genuine civic pride
                                 by actively contributing to the
                                 empowerment of their

Eastmont Community Center        Senior services to low-income,          (323) 726-7998       1
701 S. Hoefner Ave.              predominantly Spanish–
Los Angeles, CA 90022            speaking residents of East Los

Emotional Health Association     To help people in Los Angeles
(SHARE!)                         pursue personal growth and              (310) 305-8878       2
6666 Green Valley Circle         change. SHARE!’s programs
Culver City, CA 90230            are designed to support self-
                                 sufficiency through social
https://shareselfhelp.org/       support and community
                                 integration and empowers
                                 people to change their own lives
                                 and provides them a loving,
                                 safe, non-judgmental place
                                 where they can find community,
                                 information and support.

Greater Los Angeles Area         To prepare young people to              (213) 413-4400       1,5
Council, Boy Scouts of America   make ethical and moral choices
2333 Scout Way                   over their lifetimes by instilling in
Los Angeles, California 90026    them the values of the Scout
                                 Oath and Law through
https://www.glaacbsa.org/        educational programs for
                                 youth and young adults that
                                 build character, citizenship, and
                                 personal fitness in the Greater
                                 Los Angeles Area.

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Office of Samoan Affairs of        Individual/family and youth      (310) 538-0555         2,4
California, Inc.                   mentoring, counseling on health,
454 E. Carson Plaza Dr.            immigration, education, career
Ste 109                            issues, and court-ordered 52-
Carson, CA 90746                   week counseling in anger
                                   management and parenting.
520 E. Carson Plaza Court,
Suite 111, 112, & 114


Personal Involvement Center        To meet the needs of the           (323) 570-0445       2,5
Inc.                               community by providing access
8220 S. San Pedro St.              to services, promoting safety      TOLL-FREE:
Los Angeles, CA 90003              and self-sufficiency to children   (866) 508-0311
                                   and their families regardless of
And other locations                their race, creed or color.


Project IMPACT, Inc.               Counseling and wellness care      (310) 631-9763        2
2640 Industry Way, Suite G         services. The services involve
and H                              more than traditional counseling,
Lynwood, CA 90262                  it also includes preventive
                                   intervention designed to work
http://projectimpactusa.org/       with all areas of personal
                                   wellness and care.

Rector, Wardens, Vestry of the     Youth/Children Services that       (626) 579-2190       1
Church of Our Saviour Center       include a Kids Campus Youth
4368 Santa Anita Ave.              Program, which physical
El Monte, CA 91731                 education program, arts
                                   participation, leadership
Kids Campus                        development and/or social
4316 Peck Road                     competency and peer
El Monte, CA 91732                 interaction.
                                   After-school tutorial program
http://www.our-center.org/         that assists in developing
                                   academic skills.

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Santa Clarita Valley Boys and   To enable all young people,           (661) 254-2582       5
Girls Club                      especially those who need us          (661) 251-6017
24909 Newhall Ave.              most, to reach their full potential
Santa Clarita, CA 91321         as productive, caring,
                                responsible citizens through
https://www.scvbgc.org/         tutoring, homework assistance,
                                computer training, sports, social
                                recreation, education,
                                mentoring, arts & crafts and

Soledad Enrichment Action,      Job readiness skills training to      (213) 480-4200       1,2
Inc.                            help at-risk youth aged 14-21 to
222 N. Virgil Ave.              enter the employment market as
Los Angeles, CA 90004           an alternative to gangs, drugs,
                                and violence.
And other locations


SPIRITT Family Services         Offers a range of youth and           (855) 714-8800       4
8000 Painter Ave.,              parenting skills services
Whittier, CA 90602              including substance abuse
                                prevention and intervention,
www.spiritt.org                 summer youth programs and
                                parenting skills enhancement

Tarzana Treatment Centers,      To provide professional,         (888) 777-8565            5
Inc.                            compassion health care and full-
18646 Oxnard St.                service, high quality, cost-
Tarzana, CA 91356               effective substance abuse and
                                mental health treatment to
And other locations             adults and youth.


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The Richstone Family Center   Individual/family counseling       (310) 970 -1921      2
13620-21 Cordary Ave.         services for vulnerable youth to
Hawthorne, CA 90250           improve social/emotional
                              development and overall family
www.richstonefamily.org       functioning and stability.

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