2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom

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2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom
2021 Annual Conference
on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities

                      Saturdays Via Zoom
        January 23 and 30 February 6 and 13, 2021
2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom
Letter from the President
    Letter from the President
    Dear Conference Attendees:

    We are so excited to have you join us for Everyone Reading’s 43rd Annual Conference on Dyslexia and
    Related Learning Disabilities! As always, we take pride in providing you access to an impressive cross-
    section of experts from the fields of learning disabilities, psychology and education.

    We are particularly pleased to have Assemblywoman JoAnne Simon as one of our Keynote Speakers.
    JoAnne served on the Board of Everyone Reading from 1998 to 2014, and served as our President for five
    years prior to her election to the Assembly in November 2014. A tireless activist for community causes
    and a passionate advocate for individuals with disabilities in the world of education, JoAnne continues her
    advocacy and works to enact much needed legislation regarding identifying dyslexia in young children and
    making sure that their teachers have the tools necessary to help them thrive.

    We are also pleased to have as our Keynote Speaker Dr. Judith C. Hochman, founder of The Writing
    Revolution, a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing evidence-based strategies for writing
    instruction to underserved schools. Dr. Hochman’s explicit approach to writing, learning and thinking
    Dear  Friends:
    enables  students, including those with language-based learning disabilities, to express themselves clearly,
    cogently and easily.
    As we begin the 48th Everyone Reading Annual Conference, we are unquestionably changed.
     And we are honored to recognize the tireless efforts of Michael Mulgrew, president of the United Federation
    Over   the past year, we all have been forced to adapt to circumstances we could not even imagine,
     of Teachers, which represents 200,000 educators and other professional staff of the New York City
    let alone  plan to
     School System.    endure.
                     During       On a daily
                             Mr. Mulgrew’s    basis,
                                           tenure, thewe
                                                       UFThave   had totothink
                                                            has sought         outside
                                                                          improve        theinbox,
                                                                                   schools         to find
                                                                                              New York   Cityways
                                                                                                              by to
    manage    the  chaos,  and   create  a new  “normal”,    no matter  how  abnormal     it was, and   remains.
     advocating for smaller classes, increased funding from both the city and state, greater parental involvement,
    reduced reliance on standardized testing, and numerous other significant initiatives. Mr. Mulgrew will
    be presented  the Everyone
         But for you,  teachers,Reading’s
                                    parents,Priscilla T. Vail Literacy
                                                and educators       of Award
                                                                        both, by
                                                                               thelast year’s Honoree,
                                                                                    challenge          City exponentially
                                                                                                has been    Council
    Member Daniel
    magnified,  for Dromm,
                    you have Chair
                                hadof to
                                           City Council’s  education committee
                                                     the never-ending       storm and    a staunch
                                                                                    for not        supporter of but for our
                                                                                             only yourselves
    education who
    children, reform  and suffered
                    have  of inclusion  of parents
                                     both           and teachers
                                            academically       and insocially.
                                                                       the process.
                                                                                Your efforts have been nothing short of
    remarkable,    and, for most students, your creativity, resourcefulness and hard work have kept them
     As I enter my second year as President of the Board of Everyone Reading, I am excited to expand Board
    learning   and
     membership and growing.
                      broaden Most   importantly,
                               the programs        you have taught
                                             and opportunities         themteaching
                                                               for learning,   to be resilient, and to
                                                                                      and advocacy     understand
                                                                                                    offered by
    that,  though  the world  may   not always   go their way,   they  can   survive, and  thrive.
     Everyone Reading. I welcome your input, and hope that you take the time to share your ideas with me. We
    are extremely fortunate to have the enthusiasm and wisdom of our Executive Director, Lavinia Mancuso,
    the invaluable
          Welcome   organizational
                      to the Firstskills of Sue
                                    Virtual     Ann Wojcik
                                            Everyone       and Laura
                                                      Reading         Guerrero, and
                                                                 Conference,        the we
                                                                                which   energy  andwill
                                                                                             hope   commitment
                                                                                                        offer you a
    of JoAnn
    brief     Lense,
          respite     Arlene
                   from  the Harris and Désirée
                              challenges         Hunerberg.
                                            you face,       Their collective
                                                      and maybe     providepassion  for this
                                                                             you with   some organization andof
                                                                                                fresh ideas   thehow to
    people we serve is a constant inspiration, and, because of them, Everyone Reading continues to thrive and
    approach every child, every day. We at Everyone Reading are exceedingly grateful for your service,
    contribute to this very fundamental cause.
    inspired by your example, and proud to share a learning space with you.
    Last but probably most important, a huge thank you to our presenters, exhibitors, advertisers, volunteers,
    donors and corporate sponsors, and to the CUNY Graduate Center for the wonderful space. We are
    grateful for all of your participation, and know that, with all of you on board, we are going to have a fabulous

    Candace Carponter
    Candace Carponter,


    Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                                   2
2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom
Keynote Presenters
             JANUARY 23                                      JANUARY 23                                    JANUARY 30

  Julian (Joe) Elliott, Ph.D.                        Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D.                      Hon. JoAnne Simon, Esq.

 Educational Psychologist, Professor of            Leading educational consultant, trainer,      After teaching the deaf/blind and
Education at Durham University, Principal        and researcher, former faculty member at       earning a law degree at night, New
 of Collingwood College, Durham, and              the University of Oregon and Texas A&M          York State Assembly Member
     author of The Dyslexia Debate.                University, Executive Consultant to the      JoAnne Simon is now a nationally
                                                Washington State Reading Initiative, author       recognized expert in the field of
                                                 of Conquering Dyslexia: A Guide to Early      disability rights. As an elected official,
                                                Detection and Intervention for Teachers and      Ms. Simon continues her work to
                                                   Parents, The Reading Coach, and, with       increase environmental justice, bring
                                               others, reading series and the Hasbrouck and       fiscal responsibility to the public
                                                            Tindal fluency norms.              agenda, increase affordable housing,
                                                                                              street safety and access to education.
                                                                                              She is the former Chair of the Board of
                                                                                                   Directors of Everyone Reading.

            JANUARY 30                                       JANUARY 30                                   JANUARY 30

    Mark Surabian, DPS/ABD                       Ptahra Jeppe, J.D, M.S. Ed.                    Maryanne Wolf, Ed.D.

        Assistive Technology Consultant,          Ptahra Jeppe joined Disability Rights       Director, Center for Dyslexia, Diverse
         ATHelp.org. Since 1987, Mark                Advocates in 2020 as a Wolinsky          Learners, and Social Justice, Visiting
       Surabian has been a pioneer and           Fellowship Attorney. Ptahra received her        Professor, Graduate School of
      nationally recognized speaker in the        J.D. magna cum laude, with a focus in       Education and Information, University
    field of Assistive Technology. He is the     Disability Law and Policy and an M.S.in       California Los Angeles; Chapman
      founder of AT Help, a free assistive        Ed. in Disability Studies from Syracuse         University Presidential Fellow;
         technology clinic at the JCC in                 University College of Law.            Permanent Member of the Vatican
     Manhattan, where he has supported                      Ptahra is dyslexic.                  Pontifical Academy of Science.
    the needs of thousands of individuals,
           families, and professionals.

   Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                                            3
2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom
Keynote Presenters
                                     FEBRUARY 6                                          FEBRUARY 6

                              Vicki Gibson, Ph.D.                                   Anita Archer, Ph.D

                        Executive Director, Texas A&M University           Educational Consultant and Author, Phonics
                         Collaborative Learning Center, Author,            for Reading, REWARDS, Explicit Instruction:
                        Consultant, Wonders Reading Program,                     Effective and Efficient Teaching
                                Ready to Advance Early
                                  Learning Program.

            FEBRUARY 13                                        FEBRUARY 13                                        FEBRUARY 13

   John McWhorter, Ph.D.                         Sarah Fishstrom, M.Ed., NBCT                              Sharon Vaughn, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Columbia University,         Sarah Fishstrom is a Graduate Research                   Sharon Vaughn is the Executive
   host of the Lexicon Valley podcast,               Assistant and doctoral student at the                 Director of the Meadows Center
 Contributing Editor at the Atlantic, and        Meadows Center for Preventing Educational                 for Preventing Educational Risk,
author of Nine Nasty Words, available in         Risk at the University of Texas, Austin. She is         Director of the Reading Institute and
                May 2021.                        Nationally Board Certified as an Exceptional             the Dropout Prevention Institute at
                                                   Needs Specialist with a focus on mild to              the University of Texas, Austin. Her
                                                             moderate disabilities.                      extensive research projects focus on
                                                                                                        intervention for students with learning
                                                                                                               problems and disabilities.

   Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                                                   4
2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom
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Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                                                  5
2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom
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Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                                              6
2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom
Saturday, January 23, 2021

           9:00 - 9:15 AM                                            1:00 – 2:00 PM Simultaneous Sessions:
Welcome and Housekeeping                                             Through the Backdoor: Strategies for Community
                                                                     Literacy Initiatives
 9:15 – 10:45 AM                                                     Marion Waldman, Founder/Executive Director, Teach My Kid to
                                                                     Read, and Faith Borkowsky, Educational Consultant, High Five
 The Dyslexia Debate
                                                                     Literacy and Academic Coaching
 Julian (Joe) Elliott, Ph.D., Educational Psychologist, Professor
                                                                     Working with libraries, Teach My Kid to Read demonstrated
 of Education at Durham University, Principal of Collingwood
                                                                     how awareness of materials that help all children, including
 College, Durham, and author of The Dyslexia Debate.
                                                                     those with dyslexia, learn to read, enables librarians to be
 This presentation will examine the nature of the ongoing            better resources for families of early and struggling readers.
 dyslexia debate. This primarily concerns differing                  Establishing decodable book sections, parent awareness
 understandings of the dyslexia construct, the scientific bases      events and train-the-trainer models are components of
 for these constructs, and their utility for educational practice.   community programming. Librarians, daycare workers, early
                                                                     childhood professionals and pediatricians can be models of
 10:45 – 11:00 AM                                                    community literacy initiatives.
 Now for a Word from our Sponsors
                                                                     2:00 - 2:15 PM
 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM                                                 Now for a Word from our Sponsors
 Reading Fluency: What Have We Learned Since 2000?
                                                                     2:15 - 3:15 PM Simultaneous Sessions:
 Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D., leading educational consultant, trainer,
 and researcher, former faculty member at the University of
                                                                     Training Teachers in Intervention Strategies
 Oregon and Texas A&M University, Executive Consultant to
 the Washington State Reading Initiative, author of Conquering       Jo-Anne Gross, Clinical Developer, Remediation Plus Systems
 Dyslexia: A Guide to Early Detection and Intervention for           Small-group Tier 2 and 3 intervention for Dyslexia has to
 Teachers and Parents, The Reading Coach, and, with others,          be explicit, complex and proven effective. This session will
 reading series and the Hasbrouck and Tindal fluency norms.          include videos of teachers and students, while explaining the
 The National Reading Panel Report was published in 2000.            science behind Remediation Plus. Product Presentation
 This session will review and share key understandings about
 reading fluency from the past 20 years.                             2:15 - 3:15 PM Simultaneous Sessions:

 12:30 – 1:00 PM                                                     When Online Instruction Comes Alive for Everyone:
 Now for a Word from our Sponsors                                    Training Over 100 School Teams in Live, Interactive
                                                                     Literacy Instruction – A Panel Discussion
 1:00 – 2:00 PM Simultaneous Sessions:                               Erica Doherty, M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction; Monica
                                                                     Cradle, M.S, CCC-SLP, TSHH
 “LEARN Method” for Beginning, Struggling and                        You will meet Reading Rescue instructors and leaders from a
 Dyslexic Readers                                                    school coordinator, and Literacy Trust staff who are making
  Linda Silbert, Ph.D.; Alvin Silbert, Ed.D. Founders, Strong        reading fun and turnkeying their methods to hundreds of
 Learning, Inc.                                                      paraprofessionals and teaching assistants. They are building
                                                                     capacity in New York City schools to serve first and second
 LEARN how to engage kids remotely or in-person through              graders through the live, interactive, multi-sensory phonics
 purposeful play, which keeps them engaged, which translates         tools and techniques that keep students engaged and
 into practice, which results in learning. Orton-Gillingham          learning. Product Presentation
 approach. Product Presentation
                                                                     3:15 - 3:30 PM
                                                                     Now for a Word from our Sponsors

 Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                                              7
2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom
Saturday, January 23, 2021
3:30 – 4:30 PM Simultaneous Sessions:

Reading Rescue: Bridging the University to Practice
Katharine Pace Miles, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Early
Literacy Development, Brooklyn College, CUNY (City University
of New York); Andrew Fletcher, Senior Executive Director, Early
Literacy, New York City Department of Education
This session will explain the use of Reading Rescue, an
evidence-based 1st grade intervention program, as a COVID-
response pilot to train university students and support
struggling DOE readers.

3:30 – 4:30 PM Simultaneous Sessions:

Supporting Struggling & Dyslexic Readers through
Structured Literacy
JoAnn Lense, LCSW
Struggling readers can succeed and need to be taught
through a multisensory structured literacy approach. We will
review the benefits of a multi-sensory approach to instruction
and programs that benefit all students. Product Presentation

                           WE HAVE A GREAT TEAM!

                BOARD OF DIRECTORS                            STAFF        VOLUNTEERS
               Candace Carponter, President.             Lavinia Mancuso   Elizabeth Auricchio
                    Moran Eizenberger                     Laura Guerrero       Sandy Gubar
                    Rachelle Spielvogel                  Sue Anne Wojcik       Arlene Harris
                   J. Lawrence Thomas                      JoAnn Lense      Desiree Hunerberg

Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                          8
2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom
In a school year unlike any other, our goal remains the same:

Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                 9
2021 Annual Conference - on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities - Saturdays Via Zoom
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Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                             10
Saturday, January 30, 2021

          9:00 - 9:15 AM                                       1:00 – 2:30 PM
Welcome and Housekeeping                                       The Science and Poetry of the Reading Brain:
                                                               Implications for Dyslexia
 9:15 – 10:45 AM                                               Maryanne Wolf, Director, Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners,
                                                               and Social Justice, Visiting Professor, Graduate School of
 From Guesswork to Science: Moving Teacher
                                                               Education and Information, University California Los Angeles;
 Education in Reading into the Real World                      Chapman University Presidential Fellow; Permanent Member of
 Hon. JoAnne Simon, Esq., Member, New York State Assembly      the Vatican Pontifical Academy of Science.
 Only 38% of fourth graders can read proficiently. We know     An overview of the reading brain’s development and what
 that teacher education in reading hasn’t caught up with       it can teach us about universal principles of teaching all
 the growing body of neuroscience. Much current reading        children to read.
 instruction is incompatible with that science, and teacher
 educators portray science-based reading instruction as        2:30 - 2:45 PM
 but one approach that is no more valid than others. We’ll
 discuss how to get the right folks on board and achieve the   Now for a Word from our Sponsors
 big structural change in how we teach teachers how to teach
 reading.                                                      2:45 - 3:45PM

 10:45 – 11:00 AM                                              Project Write to Learn: Collaboration Improves
                                                               Student Writing
 Now for a Word from our Sponsors
                                                               Anthony D. Koutsoftas, Ph.D. CCC-SLP, Associate Professor,
 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM                                           Seton Hall University, and Karen Hoover, OTD, Assistant
                                                               Professor, Seton Hall University
 Beyond Remediation: A Necessary Paradigm Shift
 Toward the Integration of Individualized Support with         Students with dyslexia and related learning disorders can
                                                               struggle to express their ideas in writing, often performing
 Assistive Technologies
                                                               below expected levels based upon IQ. Speech-language
 Mark Surabian, Assistive Technology Consultant, ATHelp.org    pathologists and occupational therapists can provide valuable
 and Ptahra Jeppe, JD, M.S. Ed.                                interventions and support for improved student success
 The ableist presumption that Assistive Technology should      with writing.
 not be considered until “remediation has run its course”
 is detrimental to students with learning challenges. Now
 ubiquitous, AT should be integrated with remediation for a
 more proactive and holistic approach to intervention. This
 approach recognizes technology’s potential for creating
 “access and sustained engagement” (Edyburn, 2010) with
 rigorous academic content, creating a more equitable
 classroom experiences. Learn from users of Assistive
 Technologies and explore the current technologies for
 supporting students who have dyslexia.

 12:30 – 1:00 PM
 Now for a Word from our Sponsors

 Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                                    11
Language Processing                                 ADHD?

                  At Strong Learning, we believe all students can be better learners,
                  including those with Dyslexia, other learning disabilities and ADHD,
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Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                         12
Literacy How congratulates Whole Phonics
                                and ReadWorks as they work together to
                               bring the “Simple View of Reading” to life.

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Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                      13
Saturday, February 6, 2021
                                                                   1:00 – 2:00 PM Simultaneous Sessions:

                                                                   Denial, Anxiety, Anger: Emotional Impact of Learning
             9:00 - 9:15 AM                                        Differences
Welcome and Housekeeping                                           Brad Rogers, Headmaster at the Gow School
                                                                   Raising a child with dyslexia or a related language-based
                                                                   learning disability is rewarding and complex. This talk will
9:15 – 10:45 AM                                                    examine the wide-range of emotions associated with dyslexia
Developing Emergent Speaking, Reading and Writing                  and LD.
Skills in PreK through Grade 1
Vicki Gibson, Ph.D., Executive Director, Texas A&M University      2:00 - 2:15 PM
Collaborative Learning Center, Author, Consultant, Wonders         Now for a Word from our Sponsors
Reading Program, Ready to Advance Early Learning Program.
Young learners need correct modeling, instruction, and             2:15- 3:15PM Simultaneous Sessions:
feedback to develop language and emergent reading, and
writing habits. This presentation includes evidence-based          Leveraging Assistive Technology to Facilitate Work
instructional suggestions that are age-appropriate, interactive    Completion
and effective for developing foundational knowledge and
skills in young learners ages preschool-Grade 1.                   Nanci King Shepardson, M.S.Ed., Ed.S., W.D.P., Wilson
                                                                   Language Training
10:45 – 11:00 AM                                                   Text to Speech, Speech to Text, and Word Prediction are
                                                                   powerful tools that facilitate the writing process. Discover
Now for a Word from our Sponsors                                   how these digital tools will support your students.

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM                                                Creating Impactful Animal and Nature-Based
WORDS, WORDS, WORDS: Explicit Vocabulary                           Programs
Instruction                                                        Jeremy Robbins, Head of School, Brehm Preparatory School
Anita Archer, Ph.D., Educational Consultant and Author,            We will explore how farm and nature-based education
Phonics for Reading, REWARDS, Explicit Instruction: Effective      programs provide experiential, interdisciplinary education
and Efficient Teaching                                             that connects students and the public to the environment and
                                                                   their community.
Words are all we have … for understanding new concepts,
building background knowledge, expressing our ideas, and
understanding narrative and informative texts. In this training,   3:15 – 3:30 PM
Dr. Archer will expand your knowledge regarding selecting          Now for a Word from our Sponsors
vocabulary terms for explicit instruction and effectively
teaching General Academic and Domain Specific vocabulary.          3:30 – 4:30 PM Simultaneous Sessions:

12:30 – 1:00 PM                                                    Making the “Simple View of Reading” Possible
Now for a Word from our Sponsors                                   Jill Lauren, M.A, Nancy Chapel Eberhardt, and Susanne
                                                                   Nobles, Ph.D., Chief Academic Officer of ReadWorks
1:00 – 2:00 PM Simultaneous Sessions:                              Teaching decoding and language comprehension
                                                                   concurrently is essential for beginning readers. A new
Teaching Structured Literacy™ in a Digital Format                  collaboration between ReadWorks and Whole Phonics™
                                                                   illustrates how to make this possible. Product Presentation
Janice Kohler-Curtis, IMSE (Institute for Multi-Sensory
                                                                   3:30 – 4:30 PM Simultaneous Sessions:
Teaching Structured Literacy with multi-sensory techniques
can be a challenge on a digital platform. Learn how to
implement Structured Literacy in a digital world.                  Word and World Knowledge – Neglected Essentials in
                                                                   Reading Fluency
                                                                   Kenneth U. Campbell, retired special education teacher,
                                                                   founder of Great Leaps.
                                                                   For many of our troubled readers, little or no time is spent
                                                                   building word or world knowledge. There can be no reading
                                                                   fluency without understanding.

Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                                           14
VERY BEST                                                       Read a little every day …
                 WISHES TO
                                                                                 Your life will be brighter!
                 READING!                                                                      Sandy Gubar

   Elizabeth Williams Auricchio,
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Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                                    15

Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference               16
Saturday, February 13, 2021
                                                                     language-based learning disabilities (LBLD); understanding
                                                                     the difference between LBLD and non-verbal learning
           9:00 - 9:15 AM                                            disabilities (NVLD); and understanding/interpreting the
Welcome and Housekeeping                                             evaluation process, including neuropsychological, educational
                                                                     and speech-language testing. This presentation is geared to
                                                                     the regular/special education teacher.
 9:15 – 10:45 AM
                                                                     2:00 - 2:15 PM
 Convincing the Public that Nonstandard Speech Isn’t
 Substandard                                                         Now for a Word from our Sponsors
 John McWhorter, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Columbia                2:15 - 3:15PM Simultaneous Sessions:
 University, host of the Lexicon Valley podcast, Contributing
 Editor at the Atlantic, and author of Nine Nasty Words, available   Beyond Academics: Understanding the Skills that Matter
 in May 2021.
                                                                     Michele Heimbauer, M.A. CCP-SLP, Associate Director,
 It is often, and understandably, assumed that Black English is      Winston Innovation Lab, Winston Preparatory Schools, and
 a body of “mistakes.” Linguists counter this by showing how         Jaclyn Baharestani, LMSW, Dean of Student Life/Instructor,
 the dialect has rules, but it is also easy to suppose that the      Winston Preparatory Schools
 rules are, themselves, “mistakes.” This talk highlights ways
 that Black English is more complex than Standard English,           Strong social emotional skills are highly correlated with life
 observations which are truly effective in convincing people         satisfaction. Learn why students with learning disorders can
 that Black English is different but not degenerate.                 also struggle with social emotional learning and how you
                                                                     can help.
 10:45 – 11:00 AM                                                    Structured Literacy: Necessary for Students with
 Now for a Word from our Sponsors                                    Dyslexia
                                                                     Suzanne Carreker, M.Ed., Ph.D., CALT-QI
 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM                                                 Join Lexia’s Dr. Suzanne Carreker to explore how educators
 Making a Difference through High Leverage Practices                 can address the challenges students with dyslexia currently
                                                                     face and strategies for employing structured literacy in any
 Sarah Fishstrom, M.Ed., NBCT, and Sharon Vaughn, Ph.D.,             learning environment. Product Presentation
 The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk at The
 University of Texas at Austin
                                                                     3:15 – 3:30 PM
 This presentation will address three high leverage practices
 (explicit instruction, phonics and word study, and vocabulary
                                                                     Now for a Word from our Sponsors
 instruction) associated with making a difference for struggling
                                                                     3:30 – 4:30 PM Simultaneous Sessions:
                                                                     Importance and Impact of Social Emotional Learning
 1:00 – 2:00 PM Simultaneous Sessions:                               on Educational Inequities
                                                                     Peggy Stern, CEO, SuperDville, and Diana Correa-Cintron,
 Engage, Excite and Empower Students When                            Esq., COO, SuperDville
 Teaching Reading Remotely
                                                                     The intersection of race and learning differences contributes
 Terrie Noland, CALP, Doctoral Candidate, Ph.D. in Literacy,         to significant disproportionality in special education.
 Vice-President, Educator Initiatives, Learning Ally                 SuperDville’s video-based SEL curriculum focuses on
 This session will provide tips and tricks for remote teaching       bridging this equity gap. It is currently used in 25 states.
 and training, including getting good first and fast by using a      SuperDville, the first video-based SEL curriculum for students
 fail forward mentality, and optimizing audio, lighting, framing     who are 7-12 years old and learn differently, is FREE.
 and your background to maximize engagement.                         Product Presentation

 1:00 – 2:00 PM Simultaneous Sessions:                               3:30 – 4:30 PM Simultaneous Sessions:

 Language-based Learning Disabilities and the                        Dyslexia & Reading Instruction 101
 Neurological Evaluation                                             Debbie Meyer, Dyslexia (Plus) in Public Schools Task Force
 Melody O’Neil, M.S. Ed., Associate Director of Admission,           Helping people discuss dyslexia - parents to parents, parents
 Landmark School                                                     to teachers, [informed] teachers to other teachers or parents,
 This presentation focuses on identifying students with              [informed] doctors or social workers to parents.

 Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                                                                          17
Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference   18
What’s your
 distance and hybrid
 learning plan?

 With anywhere, anytime
 access to the largest library of
 curriculum-aligned, human-
 read audiobooks paired with
 highlighted text, the Learning
 Ally Audiobook Solution can
 play a key role in supporting
 students with reading deficits.

 It allows them to read
 independently and stay engaged
 while providing educators
 with tools that enable them to
 maximize instructional time.

 Students can download and
 read books on nearly any device,
 making it easy for them to read,
 even in households with shared
 devices and limited access to the

                                     Learn more by visiting LearningAlly.org

Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference                                        19
Everyone Reading 2021 Annual Conference   20
Thanks to our Sponsors and Exhibitors!

        Great Leaps                             Lexia Learning
        Great Minds                           Remediation Plus
Institute for Multi-Sensory                      Winston Prep
     Education (IMSE)                          Forman School
       Learning Ally                             SuperDville
      Strong Learning         Thank You!
                                              Whole Phonics™
Wilson Language Training                   Currey Ingram Academy
Brehm Preparatory School                     Elizabeth Auricchio
  EPS School Specialty                          Sandra Gubar
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