Multiculturalism in Children's Literature: Study on Prose Collections by Elementary School Students - sersc

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                               Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

        Multiculturalism in Children's Literature: Study on Prose Collections by
                             Elementary School Students

                                            Anang Sudigdo,
           Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta,
           Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
                                         Yogyakarta, Indonesia
                                             St. Y Slamet,
       Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
                                            Retno Winarni,
       Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
                                        Nugraheni Eko Wardani
       Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia


       Multiculturalism should be introduced early on to students in order to understand the values of
       multiculturalism. The values of multiculturalism can be instilled through literature of writing prose
       containing multiculturalism. This study aims to explore the prose collection books by elementary school
       students towards multiculturalism content. This study uses the qualitative study paradigm rules with
       the content analysis method. The object of this study is the prose collection by elementary school
       students. The data in this study are the values of multiculturalism in the prose by elementary school
       students. The sources of data in this study are the prose collection books “Toleransi Antarumat
       Beragama” and “Aku Radio bagi Mamaku” by elementary school students. The data were analyzed
       using the interactive analysis technique consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and
       verification. The results show there are fifteen indicators of multiculturalism in the prose collection
       books; they are respect for cultural diversity, social class diversity, ethnic diversity, gender diversity,
       language diversity, disability equality, religious diversity, racial diversity, skin color diversity,
       pluralism, right equality, custom diversity, behavioral pattern equality, educational equality, and
       tolerance. Thus, the introduction of the values of multiculturalism to students can be done through prose
       to teach them to live in harmony and to have mutual tolerance between religious believers and respect
       for cultural differences, and to avoid discriminatory attitudes to social class, gender, and skin color.

       Keywords: children's literature, multiculturalism, children’s prose, elementary school students

       1. Introduction
       Cultural diversity in Indonesia represents Indonesia as a plural and multicultural country. Based on the
       data from the Central Statistics Agency, the 2010 Population Census and the Language Development
       and Fostering Agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture or the Language Agency taken from, Indonesia consists of 1,331 ethnic groups and has 652 different local languages. The
       number of languages is obtained from the verification process from 1991 until 2017. Each region in
       Indonesia has its own culture and characteristics. Cultural diversity in Indonesia provides benefits as
       the treasure of the nation's culture. However, it can be a threat by the Indonesian people against minority
       cultural groups that can cause disharmony in the life of the nation and state. We often encounter the
       printed and electronic media that inform children's fights, demonstrations from high school to college
       students, ethnic minority conflicts and ethnic minorities, and even religious conflicts. Recently, there
       has been a degradation of morals, which should be able to uphold social harmony and safety and create
       peace and brotherhood. However, in fact, there are increasingly widespread discrimination, religious
       conflict, political, economic, cultural, and educational crises (Miftah, 2016) [1].
              Cultural disharmony can damage civilization and hinder the realization of multicultural
       communities. Certain groups can dominate and even can be a threat to the community or other minority

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                                          1167
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                                Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

       communities of different religions, social, political and economic status (Miftah, 2016) [1]. As a country
       with cultural diversity, Indonesia is very vulnerable to ethnic disputes and disparities. Indonesia needs
       efforts and solutions to create mutual respect for differences, fairness, intercultural freedom, and
       togetherness that can be realized through multicultural education. By understanding the values of
       multiculturalism and applying them based on ideology, it is hoped that people will not be too fanatical
       in addressing differences, it will reduce intercultural conflicts and realize tolerance, and people will
       respect each other in understanding differences (Miftah, 2016) [1].
              Based on Law Number 20 of 2003 regarding the National Education System, the implementation
       of education must hold several principles, namely education is held in a democratic and fair manner
       and is not discriminatory by upholding human rights, religious values, cultural values, and national
       diversity with a systemic unitary with an open and multi-meaning system.
              Educational institutions should prepare materials or curricula that uphold cultural differences,
       learn the cultural diversity of various tribes, customs, traditional arts, traditional dances, and so forth.
       Multicultural education views that all students have the same position and equal opportunity in
       obtaining education without distinguishing social class, race, ethnicity, religion or gender characteristics
       (Arslan in Arslan, 2013) [2]. Multicultural education has a wider scope than multiethnic education.
       Besides covering multiethnic teaching, multicultural education also includes the teaching of gender
       diversity, social class, and educational equality. Multicultural education needs to be applied in schools
       to introduce the values of multiculturalism to students. Teaching multicultural education in schools can
       lead to the academic success of students from a variety of different cultural backgrounds. Multicultural
       education also teaches students to be able to respect each other for diversity and establish cooperation
       regardless ethnic and cultural backgrounds (Arslan, 2013) [2].
              Multicultural education refers to learning knowledge, appropriate attitudes and skills related to
       respect and appreciation for cultural differences which include race, ethnicity, religion, etc. (Abdullah,
       2009) [3].(Gay, 2004) [4] explains that multicultural education is integrated to enhance the academic
       success of the diversity of students who have different skin colors and prepare young people to become
       democratic citizens in a plural society. Thus, they can understand how multicultural policies are formed
       based on social, political, economic, and cultural settings and how these policies can affect their
       personal lives.
              The introduction of multicultural education to students can be done through literature. Literature
       is a work of imagination that comes from the life of society that can be used to convey a moral message
       or mandate. Literature that can be used is children's literature since it is adjusted to the age and
       development of children. Children's literature is a literary work that tells the lives of children in
       accordance with their characteristics and age, contains educational values, and avoids the restrictions
       on children's literature.
              Children's literature is literature that is emotionally psychological and can be responded to and
       understood by children. It generally comes from concrete facts that are easy to imagine (Nurgiyantoro,
       2013) [5]. Children's literature is literature that can be read by children (Sarumpaet, 2010) [6]. Children's
       literature is a work that is "feasible" to be read, heard, or consumed by children (Hasanuddin, 2015)
       [7]Children's literature is literature in terms of content and language in accordance with the level of
       intellectual and emotional development of children (Kurniawan, 2013) [8]. One type of children's
       literature that can be used is prose with multiculturalism.
              Multicultural literature can be the right media to introduce children in understanding humans
       from around the world (Causarano, 2012) [9]. Students need to be prepared to be part of a diverse
       society. Through literature containing multiculturalism, students can find out cultural diversity, both
       from their own and those of others. Teaching multicultural literature begins with the teacher giving an
       explanation of the race, culture, and ethnicity of the students as well as teaching to have an attitude of
       respect towards others who have different races, cultures, and ethnicities from them (Willis, 2000;
       Dong, 2005) [10].Multicultural literature describes all types of culture, which includes various races,
       sexes, religions, languages, socioeconomic classes, and ethnicities, and which provide opportunities to
       open children's minds to lifestyles that are different from their own (Katz in McIver, 2018) [11].
              Multicultural literature can be in the form of stories of fact and fiction. It is an appropriate
       medium to teach students about cultural diversity. Children's multicultural literature can also be used to
       unite the cultural diversity of people regardless of different backgrounds (Steiner, Nash, & Chase, 2008)

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                                           1168
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                                 Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

       [12].Furthermore, Steiner in (Steiner, Nash, & Chase, 2008) [12] states that multicultural literature can
       provide benefits for students from various cultures in the classroom including 1) providing an
       opportunity for all children to see themselves in literature, 2) fostering positive self-development, 3)
       preventing people from feeling isolated and discriminated, and 4) fostering respect, empathy, and
       acceptance from everyone.
              This study seeks to explore the multiculturalism content in the prose collections by elementary
       school students. The prose collections have been published in books entitled “Toleransi Antarumat
       Beragama (Religious Interfaith Tolerance)” and “Aku Radio bagi Mamaku (I am Radio for My
       Mother).” The two books of prose collections are the results of imagination of elementary school
       children. It is hypothesized that the prose collections represent the works of elementary school children
       containing multiculturalism. The prose collection books can be used as a means of introducing
       multiculturalism values to students.

       2. Method
       This study seeks to explore the multiculturalism content in the prose collections by elementary school
       students. This study is a qualitative descriptive study with content analysis methods. [13] (K. Klaus,
       2004) defines content analysis as focusing on valid data references of content. This method is used to
       examine the contents of a document or data source. The sources of data in this study are the prose
       collection books “Toleransi Antarumat Beragama” and “Aku Radio bagi Mamaku” by elementary
       school students. The data sources are described in more detail in the following table.

                                                  TABLE 1 Prose Data
         No    Book Title                                           Publication Year        Publisher
         1     Toleransi Antarumat Beragama                         2019                    Yuma Pustaka
         2     Aku Radio bagi Mamaku                                2018                    Gorga

              The study data are in the form of words, phrases and sentences containing multiculturalism values
       of cultural diversity, social class diversity, ethnic diversity, gender diversity, language diversity,
       disability equality, religious diversity, racial diversity, skin color diversity, pluralism, right equality,
       custom diversity, behavioral pattern equality, educational equality, and tolerance.
              The document analysis stage starts from the document reading and recording to document
       analysis. The document analysis aims to determine the multiculturalism content in prose. The data
       analysis technique used in this study is the interactive analysis technique including data reduction, data
       presentation, and conclusion/ verification that occur simultaneously (Milles & Hubbermen, 2009) [14].
       3. Results and Discussion
       Based on the analysis results of the prose collections “Toleransi Antarumat Beragama” and “Aku Radio
       bagi Mamaku” by elementary school students, this discussion stage will describe the multiculturalism
       values contained in the prose. The contents of multiculturalism include respect for cultural diversity,
       social class diversity, ethnic diversity, gender diversity, language diversity, disability equality, religious
       diversity, racial diversity, skin color diversity, pluralism, right equality, custom diversity, behavioral
       pattern equality, educational equality, and tolerance. The multiculturalism values are described in the
       following multiculturalism indicator table.
                                         TABLE 2 Multiculturalism Indicators
         No    Student Name          Class/ School                Prose Title              Multiculturalism Values
         1     Ramadhani             5/ SDN Baciro Yogyakarta     Keberagaman              Respect for cultural diversity
               Wulansari                                          Budaya
         2     Syahril Romadon       4/ SDN 4 Mentok, Bangka      Teman Terbaik            Social class diversity

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                                               1169
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                                  Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

         3     Marsella       Rindi   5/ SDN Mendungan 2            Keberagaman Agama        Ethnic diversity and skin
               Camila                 Yogyakarta                    di Indonesia             color diversity
         5     Abinaya       Ghina    3/   SDN      Gondolayu,      Benarkah     Anak        Gender diversity
               Jamela                 Yogyakarta                    Perempuan Manja
         6     Abinaya       Ghina    3/   SDN      Gondolayu,      Hukuman dari Mama        Gender diversity
               Jamela                 Yogyakarta
         7     M. Yuma Briliant       2/ SD Islam Internasional     Si Monte dari Batak      Language diversity
                                      Al Abidin Surakarta
         8     Putri                  4/ SDN Baciro Yogyakarta      Kita Harus Baik pada     Disability diversity
         9     Ayoumi       Arestya   3/ SDN I        Nogotirto     Keragaman                Religious diversity
               Putri                  Yogyakarta                    Indonesia
         10    Dewi Rahmawati         5/ SDN Mendungan 2            Keragaman Agama di       Racial diversity and skin
                                      Yogyakarta                    Indonesia                color diversity
         11    Fira Setyawati         6/ SDN Kotagede          4,   Perbedaan di Kelasku     Skin color diversity
         12    Najwa Adelia Prita     5/ SDN Jetis 1 Yogyakarta     Kebersamaan         di   Pluralism
               Laura                                                Lingkungan
         13    Nadine    Zdney        5/ SDN Mendungan 2            Seven BFF (Best          Pluralism
               Amara Khusna           Yogyakarta                    Friends  Forever
         14    Ririn Dwi Puspita      5/ SDN Mendungan 2            Tidak       Membeda-     Right equality
               Sari                   Yogyakarta                    bedakan
         15    Viona Agustin          4/ SD Negeri 4 Mentok,        Tradisi       Perang     Custom diversity
                                      Bangka Belitung               Ketupat
         16    Alif Anisa             5/ SDN Mendungan 2            Bermain Bersama          Behavioral pattern diversity
         17    Dona                   6/ SDN Golo Yogyakarta        Sekolah                  Educational diversity
         18    Irsyad Arsya Duta      6/ SD IT Salsabila Jetis      Toleransi        saat    Tolerance
                                      Yogyakarta                    Sekolah
         19    Zerlina        Senja   5/ SDN mendungan         2    Menghormati Teman        Tolerance
               Novitasari             Yogyakarta                    yang        Sedang
              Table 2 shows that the prose collection books “Tolerasi Anatarumat Beragama” and “Aku Radio
       bagi Mamaku” have contained fifteen indicators of multiculturalism. Thus, elementary school students
       have understood the existence of multiculturalism and can respect each other and accept the existence
       of diversity without questioning the cultural background of others. The multiculturalism values can be
       seen in more detail in the excerpt table below.
                                      TABLE 3 Respect for Cultural Diversity
         Ramadhani Wulansari/ Class 5/ SDN Baciro Yogyakarta [15]
         Title: Keberagaman Budaya (Cultural Diversity)
         “Setelah itu kami mengeluarkan buku masing-masing lalu kami mengerjakan PR yaitu tentang
         keberagaman budaya. Ternyata Anjar dan Tia berasal dari Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta terkenal sebagai
         kota pelajar. Makanan khas Yogyakarta adalah Gudeg. Yogyakarta mempunyai banyak monumen,
         salah satunya adalah Tugu Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta juga mempunyai berbagai tarian salah satunya
         adalah Bergodo.”

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                                               1170
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                               Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

         “After that, we took out our books and did our homework about cultural diversity. It turned out that
         Anjar and Tia come from Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is famous as an education city. Its special food
         is Gudeg. Yogyakarta has many monuments, one of which is Tugu Yogyakarta. It also has various
         dances, one of which is Bergodo.”
         “Aku dan Faisah pun menceritakan budaya dari Gunungkidul. Gunungkidul terkenal dengan hasil
         panen yang melimpah, salah satunya adalah singkong. Makanan khas Gunungkidul adalah Gatot
         dan Tiwul. Tarian khas Gunungkidul adalah Gedruk.”

         "I and Faisah also described the culture of Gunungkidul. Gunungkidul is famous for its abundant
         harvests, one of which is cassava. Its special foods are Gatot and Tiwul. Its traditional dance is
             The multiculturalism content in this excerpt is that students have understood the culture that exists
       in Yogyakarta and Gunungkidul. Yogyakarta is a city of education that has a special food, Gudeg, a
       famous monument, Tugu Jogja, and a dance called Bergodo dance. Meanwhile, Gunungkidul Regency
       has special foods, Gatot and Tiwul, made from cassava and a traditional dance called Gedruk dance.
                                        TABLE 4 Respect for Social Class Diversity
         Syahril Romadon/ Class 4/ SD Negeri 4 Mentok, Bangka Belitung [16]
         Title: Teman Terbaik (Best Friend)
         “Beberapa saat kemudian Fahri datang dan menyapa, namun Aji dan Tara tidak menghiraukan
         Fahri. Hal itu dikarenakan mereka tidak mau berteman dengan anak yang kurang pandai dan berasal
         dari keluarga yang tidak mampu. Mereka merasa yang berhak bersekolah di tempat mereka adalah
         orang-orang yang pandai dan kaya saja.”

         “A few moments later, Fahri came and greeted, but Aji and Tara ignored him because they did not
         want to make a friend with someone who is not smart and comes from a poor family. They thought
         that only smart and rich people could study in that school.”
         “Aji dan Tara melihat kebersamaan Nabil dan Fahri. Aji dan Tara mencibir Nabil "Ya ampun Nabil
         kok kamu mau sih temenan sama Fahri, dia kan bukan orang kaya seperti kita”. Nabil yang
         mendengar perkataan itu kemudian menjawab "Kenapa tidak, semua orang sama, kita tidak boleh
         membeda-bedakan orang berdasarkan hartanya". Nabil lalu mengajak Fahri untuk keluar kelas agar
         tidak merasa sedih karena mendengar hal itu. "Terima kasih ya Nabil, kamu selalu menolong
         ku," kata Fahri."Tidak apa-apa Fahri, kita kan teman, teman harus saling menolong". Nabil

         “Aji and Tara saw the togetherness of Nabil and Fahri. They sneered at Nabil, “Oh my God, Nabil!
         How come you make a friend with Fahri. He's not a rich person like us.” Nabil who heard the words
         then answered, "Why not? Everyone is the same. We must not discriminate between people based
         on their wealth.” Nabil then invited Fahri to leave the classroom so he would not feel sad because
         he heard that. “Thank you, Nabil. You always help me,” Fahri said. "It's okay, Fahri. We're friends.
         Friends must help each other,” Nabil smiled.”
         “Keesokan harinya Aji tidak bersekolah, guru mengatakan bahwa Aji terkena Malaria sehingga ia
         izin untuk tidak masuk sekolah. Fahri yang mendengar hal itu mengajak teman-teman yang lain
         untuk menjenguk Aji. Namun teman-teman yang lain sibuk sehingga hanya Fahri dan Nabil saja
         yang menjenguk Aji di rumahnya. Aji yang melihat ketulusan Fahri akhirnya meminta maaf kepada
         Fahri karena sering menghinanya. Akhirnya Aji, Nabil, Tara dan Fahri menjadi teman tanpa

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                                          1171
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                               Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

          “The next day, Aji did not go to school. The teacher said that Aji suffered from Malaria so he could
          not go to school. Fahri who heard it invited others to visit him, but they were busy, so only Fahri
          and Nabil visited Aji at his home. Aji who saw Fahri's sincerity finally apologized for often insulting
          him. Finally, Aji, Nabil, Tara and Fahri became friends without discrimination.”
              The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is to respect the diversity of social classes. Syahrin
       Romadon conveys the message to the reader that we must not discriminate our friends based on their
       social status or wealth. The diversity of social classes should not be a barrier to making friends. All
       students are entitled to the same education regardless of social class background.
                                         TABLE 5 Respect for Ethnic Diversity
         Marsella Rindi Camila/ Class 5/ SDN Mendungan 2 Yogyakarta [17]
         Title: Keberagaman Agama di Indonesia (Religious Diversity in Indonesia)
         “Pada suatu hari Endi, Sinta dan Benu sedang bermian bersama. Mereka berasal dari suku yang
         berbeda dan agama yang berbeda. Edo berasal dari Papua, Edo beragama Katolik dan kulitnya
         hitam, dan berambut keriting. Dayu berasal dari Bali, Dayu beragama Hindu dan rambutnya
         panjang. Siti berasal dari Jakarta beragama Islam dan kulitnya Putih. Beni berasal dari Sumatra
         Barat, Beni beragama Kristen dan kulitnya berwarna sawo matang.”

         “One day, Endi, Sinta and Benu were having dinner together. They are from different tribes and
         religions. Edo is from Papua. He is a Catholic and has black skin and curly hair. Dayu is from Bali.
         She is a Hinduist and has long hair. Siti is from Jakarta. She is a Muslim and her skin is white. Beni
         is from West Sumatra. He is a Christian and his skin is brown.”
         “Mereka bermain bersama, tidak lama kemudian, Beni mengejek Edo. Beni mengejek Edo karena
         kulitnya berwarna hitam seperti orang Negro. Melihat kejadian tersebut, Siti dan Dayu memisahkan
         Edo dan Beni. Setelah itu, Edo dan Beni tidak berantem lagi. “Jika kita saling mengejek, berarti kita
         tidak menghargai keberagaman budaya” kata Siti.”

         "They were playing together. Not long after that, Beni made fun of Edo. Beni taunted Edo because
         his skin is black like a Negro. Seeing this incident, Siti and Dayu calmed Edo and Beni down. After
         that, Edo and Beni did not fight anymore. “If we mock one another, it means we don't respect
         cultural diversity," said Siti.”
         “Setelah itu, Edo, Dayu, Siti, dan Beni Bermain bersama. Mereka saling menghargai perbedaan
         suku, ras, dan agama. Mereka bermain pasir dan membuat istana pasir. Istana pasir yang dibuat
         mereka besar dan bagus. Tidak lama kemudian, terdengar suara adzan. Siti meminta izin kepada
         teman-teman untuk melaksanakan salat Asar. Teman-teman Siti mengizinkan Siti untuk
         melaksanakan ibadah salat Asar.”

         “After that, Edo, Dayu, Siti, and Beni played together. They respect each other's ethnic, racial, and
         religious differences. They played sand and made a sandcastle. They made such a big and beautiful
         sandcastle. Not long after that, they heard the call to prayer. Siti asked permission from her friends
         to perform an afternoon prayer. They allowed her to pray.”
              The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is that Indonesia has ethnic diversity. Diversity is
       not a barrier to make friends. Marsella Rindi Camila conveys to readers that friends must respect each
       other and must not discriminate between tribes and ethnicities based on skin color, hair, and so on.
                                           TABLE 6 Respect for Gender Diversity

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                                          1172
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                              Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

         Abinaya Ghina Jamela/ Class 3/ SDN Gondolayu, Yogyakarta [18]
         Title: Benarkah Anak Perempuan Manja (Is It Right that Women Are Spoiled?)
         “Tiba-tiba ada yang menepuk pundakku keras sekali. Aku terkejut.
         “Astaga! Mama tolong aku!” aku terlompat dan berteriak.
         Seorang laki-laki tertawa di belakangku.
         “Hahahaha, begitu saja panggil Mama. Dasar anak perempuan, manja,” aku kesal mendengar
         ucapannya. Bose memang sering mengagetkanku seperti itu. Tapi aku suka bermain gobak sodor
         dengannya. Bose teman yang menyenangkan. Kadang-kadang dia sama menyebalkan dengan yang

         "Suddenly, someone patted my shoulder so hard. I was surprised.
         "God! Mama help me!” I jumped and shouted.
         A man laughed behind me.
         "Hahahaha... You really call your Mama? Such a spoiled girl,” I was annoyed by his words. Bose
         often surprised me like that. But I liked playing gobak sodor with him. Bose is a fun friend.
         Sometimes, he is as annoying as the others.”
         “Bose, manja itu tidak ada hubungannya dengan perempuan! Dasar kecoa jelek!”
         Bose tiba-tiba menangis. Ia berlari menjauhiku. Aku tahu, ia pasti mengadu pada mamanya.
         Anehkan, yang manja itu aku atau dia?”

         “Bose, being spoiled has nothing to do with women! You are ugly cockroach!”
         Bose cried suddenly. He ran away from me. I knew he must have complained to his mother. That’s
         strange. Is it me or him who is spoiled?”
             The multiculturalism content in the excerpt is to respect one another about gender equality.
       Abinaya Ghina Jamela says that women do not always have a spoiled trait and men should not
       underestimate the status of women.

                                        TABLE 7 Respect for Religious Diversity
         M. Yuma Briliant/ Class 2/ SD Islam Internasional Al Abidin Surakarta [19]
         Title: Si Monte dari Batak (Monte from Batak)
         “Salah satu temannya berdiri terpaku melihat-lihat sambil memegang stik es krim Briliant. “Ini
         apa?”. “Stik es krim, saya gambari sendiri tokoh avenger. Bisa buat mainan juga lo”. Jawab
         “Briliant menjelaskan cara memainkan stik tersebut. Monte, nama anak yang berasal dari Batak
         tersebut terheran-heran.“Aku suka, aku mau beli, tapi….Dang Adong Hepeng”, kata Monte.”
         “Briliant bingung karena tidak tahu apa maksudnya. Monte pun menjelaskan artinya.“Aku tidak
         punya uang”, Jelas Monte. Briliant akhirnya merelakan stik es krimya yang tinggal tersisa lima stik
         diberikan pada Monte kakak kelasnya itu. “Terima kasih, Kau baik, Dongan”, Kata Monte sambil
         menjabat tangan Briliant.”

         “One of her friends stood still seeing while holding Briliant’s ice cream sticks. “What is this?” “Ice
         cream sticks. I draw myself an avenger character. You can also make toys with them.” Answered
         She explained how to play the sticks. Monte, the name of a Batak child, was astonished. “I like it. I
         want to buy it, but ... Dang Adong Hepeng,” Monte said.
         Briliant was confused because she did not know what he said. Then, Monte explained the meaning.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                                         1173
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                               Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

         “I have no money,” Monte explained. Briliant finally gave up her ice cream sticks. The five sticks
         left were given to Monte, her senior. "Thank you. It’s a very kind of you, Dongan,” Monte said
         while shaking Briliant's hand.”
              The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is that there is diversity of languages. M. Yuma
       Briliant as a writer says that we must be good at our friends even though they are from a different culture
       and have a different language.
                                          TABLE 8 Respect for Disability Equality
         Putri/ Class 4/ SD N Baciro Yogyakarta (Putri, 2019)
         Title: Kita Harus Baik pada Teman (We Must Be Good at Our Friends)
         “Saya di kelas duduk bersama Lina. Lina anak yang pendiam dan kurang memahami dalam
         mengikuti pembelajaran di kelas. Lina memiliki kekurangan yaitu tidak bisa mendengar dengan
         jelas (tunarungu). Lina menyandang tunarungu sejak kecil. Setiap pembelajaran di kelas saya
         membantu Lina untuk menuliskan materi yang dijelaskan oleh guru. Saya merasa senang dapat
         membantu Lina karena sesama teman harus saling membantu. Kadang saya marah kalau ada siswa
         lain yang membicarakan kekurangan Lina. Kita tidak boleh mengejek atau membicarakan
         kekurangan yang dimiliki oleh orang lain karena itu tidak baik dan dapat menyinggung perasaan.
         Saya dan teman teman berteman baik dengan Lina walau Lina memiliki kekurangan yaitu

          “I was sitting in class with Lina. Lina is an introvert girl who has difficulty following learning in
          class. Lina has the disability to hear (hearing impairment). Lina has been deaf since she was a child.
          In every lesson in my class, I help her to write the material explained by the teacher. I feel happy to
          help her because friends help each other. Sometimes, I get angry when there are other students who
          talk about Lina's weakness. We should not mock or talk about the weakness of others because it is
          not good and can be offensive. My friends and I are good friends with Lina even though she is deaf.”
              The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is we must do good, respect and help each other
       friends who have special needs in learning. Putri as the writer tells the reader that she must be able to
       accept and help the weakness of our friends and not discriminate them because they have special needs.
       Through her story, she conveys that she has a friend named Lina. Lina has the disability of being deaf
       since childhood. Putri is always happy to help her during class learning. Putri says not to insult a friend
       who has a weakness because it can offend him/her.
                                         TABLE 9 Respect for Religious Diversity
         Ayoumi Arestya Putri / Class 3 A/ SD N I Nogotirto Yogyakarta [21]
         Title: Keragaman Indonesia (Indonesia’s Diversity)
         “Jika kita mempunyai teman yang berbeda agama, kita harus saling menghormati dan
         menghargainya. Kita harus bermain bersama-sama tanpa membeda-bedakan. Kerukunan dapat
         terjalin di mana saja, dengan siapa saja tanpa membedakan dan kita dapat melakukannya setiap hari.
         Contohnya saat di sekolah dan di rumah, kegiatan tersebut yaitu menolong teman yang kesulitan,
         menolong teman yang terjatuh, rukun dengan siapa saja dan sebagainya. Kita harus berteman tanpa
         membeda-bedakan. Apakah kamu pernah melakukan kegiatan tersebut?”

         “If we have friends of different religions, we must respect and appreciate each other. We must play
         together without discrimination. Harmony can be established anywhere with anyone without
         differentiating and we can do it every day. For example, when at school and at home, we can help
         our friends who are in troubles and fall. We must get along with anyone and so on. We must make
         friends without discrimination. Have you ever done this?
         “Aku mempunyai teman yang bernama Ardan, dia beragama Kristen. Sementara Aku beragaman
         Islam, tetapi Aku tidak membeda-bedakan teman yang berbeda agama denganku, aku selalu

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                               Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

         bermain bersamanya walaupun kita berbeda agama. Kami selalu menghormati dan menghargai
         antarsesama. Menghormati dan menghargai antarsesama adalah salah satu hidup rukun.”

         “I have a friend named Ardan. He is a Christian. I am a Muslim. I do not discriminate my friends
         of different religions. I always play with them even though we are of different religions. We always
         respect and appreciate each other. Respecting and appreciating one another is one way to live in
              The multiculturalism content in the excerpt is mutual respect and appreciation for religious
       differences and living in harmony and peace. Ayoumi Arestya Putri conveys through the story she wrote
       that one must respect and appreciate each other and must not discriminate between religions in making
       friends. She says that although we have different religions, we must help our friends in troubles and live
       in harmony.
                                     TABLE 10 Respect for Racial Diversity
         Dewi Rahmawati/ Class 5/ SDN Mendungan 2 Yogyakarta [22]
         Title: Keragaman Agama di Indonesia (Religious Diversity in Indonesia)
         “Dua hari yang akan datang Beni dan kedua temannya mendapatkan teman baru yang bernama Edo.
         Edo berasal dari Papua, Edo beragama Khatolik Edo berambut kriting, warna kulitnya hitam. Pada
         saat bermain Beni mengejek Edo warna kulitnya hitam. Edo diam saja dan tidak membalas ejekan
         Beni. Siti berkata kepada Beni, “Benikan kamu sudah aku beri tahu kalau kita tidak boleh mengejek
         dan menghina teman”. Lalu Beni berkata kepada Edo “Maafkan aku ya Edo Karena aku sudah

         “In the next two days, Beni and his two friends got a new friend named Edo. Edo is from Papua. He
         is a Catholic. He has curly hair and black skin. When playing, Beni mocked Edo because his skin
         color is black. Edo said nothing and did not reply to Beni’s mocking. Siti said to Beni, “I have told
         you that we should not mock and insult our friends.” Then, Beni said to Edo, "I'm sorry for making
         fun of you.”
              The multiculturalism content in the excerpt is to respect one another for racial diversity. Through
       her story, Dewi Rahmawati conveys that in making friends, we must respect each other towards the
       diversity of races and must not insult each other. Dewi says not to physically insult out friends of
       different races and must forgive one another if we make mistakes and hurt their feelings.
                                        TABLE 11 Respect for Skin Color Diversity
         Fira Setyawati/ Class 6/ SD Negeri Kotagede 4 Yogyakarta [23]
         Title: Perbedaan di Kelasku (Differences in My Class)
         “Farida memiliki warna kulit hitam dibandingkan teman-teman lainnya. Farida selalu diejek karena
         kulitnya hitam.”

         “Farida has a blacker skin than other friends. She was always mocked for having black skin.”
         “Rura masih sering mengejek Farida walaupun teman-teman yang lain sudah menasihati Rura
         bahwa tidak boleh mengejek teman yang berbada warna kulit. Farida selalu menanggapi dengan
         santai atas perlakukan dari Rura. Walaupun aku melihat hati Farida telah sedih.”

         “Rura still often mocked Farida even though other friends had advised her not mocking others of
         different skin colors. Farida does not really care about Rura even though I see her heart is sad.”

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
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         “Suatu saat terdapat kejadian, Rura jatuh dari sepeda. Rura merasakan sakit dan terdapat luka pada
         kakinya. Kemudian Farida mengetahui kalau Rura terjatuh dari sepeda. Farida datang menghampiri
         Rura dan menolongnya. Rura telah menyesali perbuatannya yang telah sering mengejek Farida
         karena kulitnya hitam. Rura kapok atas perbuatannya. Rura mengucapkan terima kasih pada Farida
         karena telah menolongnya. Dan Rura meminta maaf pada Farida karena sering mengejeknya. Farida
         telah memaafkan kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh Rura. Mereka saling bermaafan. Setelah hari itu,
         kemudian Rura menyadari kesalahannya dan ia selalu berbuat baik kepada Farida dan teman-teman

         “One day, there was an incident. Rura fell off the bicycle. Rura felts painful and there was a wound
         on her leg. Then, Farida knew it. She came over to Rura and helped her. Rura had regretted her deed
         which often made fun of Farida because of her black skin. She did not do it anymore. Rura thanked
         Farida for helping her and she apologized to Farida for making fun of her. Farida had forgiven her
         mistakes. They forgave each other. After that day, Rura realized her mistake and always did good
         to Farida and other friends.”
              The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is we must not insult our friends because they have
       black skin. Through her story, Fira Setyawati says that there is a character named Farida who is often
       mocked by Rura because of her black skin. Rura has been advised by his teacher and friends not to
       insult Farida because she can hurt her. One day, Rura fell off the bicycle and Farida helped her. At that
       moment, Rura realized her mistake and apologized to Farida for insulting her all this time. In the end,
       Rura and Farida forgave each other and became good friends.
                                                   TABLE 12 Pluralism
         Najwa Adelia Prita Laura/ Class 5/ SDN Jetis 1 Yogyakarta [24]
         Title: Kebersamaan di Lingkungan (Togetherness in the Community)
         “Namaku Najwa, aku tinggal di Terban Yogyakarta. Aku tinggal di tengah-tengah lingkungan
         masyarakat yang memiliki toleransi cukup baik. Aku dan keluargaku beragama Muslim, sedangkan
         tetangga kami ada yang beragama Kristen, Katholik, bahkan Budha. Tetapi kami hidup rukun tidak
         pernah saling mencaci maki.”

         “My name is Najwa. I live in Terban, Yogyakarta. I live amid a tolerant society. My family and I
         are Muslim while our neighbors are Christians, Catholics, and even Buddhists. But we live in
         harmony and never berate each other.”
         “Pada saat hari Raya Idul Fitri keluarga kami merayakannya dan tetangga kami yang berbeda agama
         menghormati kami. Mereka datang ke rumah untuk bersilahturahmi dan membawa makanan khas
         lebaran seperti kue nastar dan juga ketupat, mereka baik sekali. Tidak hanya saat lebaran saja tapi
         hari-hari biasa mereka juga membantu bila keluarga kami dalam kesulitan.”

         “On Eid al-Fitr, our family celebrates, and our neighbors of different religions respect us. They
         come to our house to meet us and bring special food of Eid al-Fitr such as pineapple tarts and
         ketupat. They are very kind. Not only during Eid al-Fitr, every day they also help our family who
         is in trouble.”
         “Pak Darso bercerita tadi pagi di pasar menemukan dompet ibuku, ibuku berterima kasih sekali
         kepada beliau. Pak Darso adalah seorang yang beragama Kristen, tetapi beliau tidak pernah
         memilih-milih dalam meperlakukan dan menolong orang meskipun berbeda agama dengan beliau.”


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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                               Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

         "Mr. Darso told me this morning at the market to find my mother's wallet. My mother was very
         grateful to him. Mr. Darso is a Christian, but he has never been picky in treating and helping people
         even though he is of a different religion from him.”
              The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is the need for pluralism. Najwa Adelia Prita Laura
       explains in her written story that she lives in Terban, Yogyakarta. The community has a high attitude
       of pluralism. Najwa and her family are Muslims while her neighbors are Christians, Catholics, and even
       Buddhists. They live in peace, harmony, help each other, and full of pluralism. When Najwa and her
       family celebrate Eid al-Fitr, her neighbors of different religions also respect and give them Eid al-Fitr
       cookies. They never discriminate between religions in helping each other. The excerpt shows that the
       elementary school student has understood the attitude of pluralism in establishing social life to create a
       harmonious life.
                                          TABLE 13 Respect for Right Equality
         Ririn Dwi Puspita Sari/ Class 5/ SDN Mendungan 2 Yogyakarta [26]
         Title: Tidak Membeda-bedakan (No Discrimination)
         “Setiap peserta mempunyai tanggung jawab ikut serta dalam mengambil keputusan bersama.
         Keputusan bersama adalah keputusan yang sudah ditetapkan berdasarkan pertimbangan, pemikiran,
         dan pembahasan yang matang. Keputusan yang diambil haruslah mewakili kepentingan seluruh
         anggota musyawarah.”

         “Every participant has the responsibility to participate in making joint decisions. Joint decisions are
         decisions that have been established based on long consideration, thought, and discussion. Decisions
         made must represent the interests of all members of the deliberations.”
         “Keputusan musyawarah harus dilaksanakan dengan penuh tanggung jawab seluruh anggota
         musyawarah. Selaku ketua musyawarah Siti memberi kesempatan kepada teman-temannya untuk
         menyampaikan pendapat. Anggota musyawarah dapat mengusulkan pendapat dengan cara
         mengacungkan jari, kemudian berbicara setelah dipersilahkan.”

         “The deliberation decision must be carried out with full responsibility by all members of the
         deliberation. As the chairperson of the deliberation, Siti gave the opportunity to her friends to
         express their opinions. The members of the deliberations can propose their opinions by raising their
         hands and speaking after being invited.”
              The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is to respect the equality of rights. It explains that
       everyone has the opportunity and responsibility in making decisions. All participants must respect each
       other's opinions. This shows that everyone has equal rights that must be respected by each other.
                                      TABLE 14 Respect for Custom Diversity
         Viona Agustin/ Class 4/ SD Negeri 4 Mentok, Bangka Belitung [27]
         Title: Tradisi Perang Ketupat (Ketupat War Tradition)
         “Ibu Annisa yang berasal dari Tempilang menceritakan bahwa budaya yang terkenal ialah Perang
         Ketupat. Perang Ketupat diadakan setiap masuk Tahun Baru Islam (1 Muharram) di Pantai
         Tempilang, Tempilang, Bangka Barat. Tujuan utama digelar Perang Ketupat sebagai kesejahteraan
         masyarakat. Semua orang berkumpul di Pantai Tempilang, kemudian pada saat meriam dinyalakan
         bertanda acara telah dimulai. Orang-rang saling melempar ketupat ke setiap orang yang mereka
         temui di pantai.”

         “Ms. Annisa from Tempilang said that the well-known culture is the Ketupat War. It is held in
         welcoming the Islamic New Year (1 Muharram) at Tempilang Beach, Tempilang, West Bangka. It

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                             Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

         is held as a symbol of the community welfare. Everyone gathers at Tempilang Beach. Then, when
         the cannon is ignited, it is the sign that the war has begun. People throw ketupat at each other they
         meet on the beach.”
              The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is the diversity of customs in Tempilang, West
       Bangka. Viona Agustin tells the customs in Tempilang, namely the Ketupat War. It is held to welcome
       the Islamic New Year (1 Muharam) on Tempilang Beach. The war is held as the symbol of the welfare
       of the people. The procession of Ketupat War is that all the people gather at Tempilang Beach and throw
       ketupat at each other on the beach. Based on this excerpt, the elementary school student has understood
       the diversity of customs.
                                    TABLE 15 Behavioral Pattern Diversity Equality
         Alif Anisa/ Class 5/ SDN Mendungan 2 Yogyakarta [28]
         Title: Bermain Bersama (Playing Together)
         “Waktu di sebuah taman Devita jatuh lalu Erwin menolongnya dan mengobatinya. Persahabatan
         mereka rukun selalu dan suka menolong sesama lain dan penyayang.”

         “One day, in a park, Devita fell off. Erwin helped and treated her. Their friendship is always
         harmonious, and they like to help others and love each other.”
         “Keempat sahabat itu selalu bersama dan tidak pernah menghina sama lain, waktu Zuhur pun tiba
         Erwin, Devita, dan Wida minta izin kepada Sabrina untuk menjalankan ibadah salat. Sabrina
         menunggu dengan sabar.”

         “The four friends are always together and have never insulted each other. When the noon prayer
         time comes, Erwin, Devita, and Wida ask permission from Sabrina to perform the prayer. Sabrina
         waits patiently.”
         “Tak lama kemudian Erwin, Devita, dan Wida pun datang menghampiri Sabrina. Mereka suka
         saling menolong, menyanyangi, dan juga menghormati. Keempat sahabat itu sejak lama bersahabat
         tak lama hari udah sore mereka berpamitan untuk pulang kerumah masing-masing. Itulah indahnya

         “Shortly afterwards, Erwin, Devita and Wida come to Sabrina. They like to help, love, and respect
         each other. They have long made friends. As the day was getting dark, they said good-bye to go
         home to their houses. That's the beauty of friendship.”
             The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is a pattern of good behavior towards fellow
       friends. It tells about mutual respect, help, and good friendship.
                                        TABLE 16 Educational Diversity Equality
         Dona/ Class 6 /SDN Golo Yogyakarta
         Title: Sekolah (School)
         “Soka kamu ingin melanjutkan ke SMP mana nanti?” aku bertanya kepada Soka ketika kami
         bertemu di warung. “Aku tidak melanjutkan sekolah lagi, ayahku menyuruhku untuk di rumah saja
         membantu ibu dan belajar menjadi ibu rumah tangga” kata Soka

         “Where do you want to continue your study, Soka?” I asked her when we met at the stall. “I didn't
         go to school anymore. My father told me to stay home to help my mother and learn to be a
         housewife,” said Soka.

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                               Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

         “Ayahku hanya menyekolahkan saudara laki-lakiku karena berpikir aku tidak perlu bersekolah
         tinggi”. Soka menceritakan hal tersebut kepadaku. Aku turut bersedih sehingga setelah pulang dari
         warung aku menceritakan hal tersebut kepada orangtuaku agar mereka dapat membantu Soka.”

         Translation:“My father only sent my brother to school because he thought I didn't need to go to
         senior high school.” Soka told me that. I was so sad that after returning from the stall, I told my
         parents about it so they could help Soka.”
         “Beberapa hari kemudian akhirnya orang tuaku mendatangai rumahnya Soka untuk membicarakan
         hal tersebut dengan orangtua Soka. Dengan sabar orangtuaku menjelaskan bahwa Soka berhak
         untuk melanjutkan sekolahnya. Walaupun ia perempuan dia berhak mendapatkan pendidikan yang
         setara dengan anak laki laki.
         Akhirnya ayah Soka setuju untuk menyekolahkan soka ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi. Soka berterima
         kasih kepadaku karena telah membantunya untuk bersekolah lagi.”

         “A few days later, my parents finally came to Soka's house to discuss this with her parents. Patiently,
         my parents explained that Soka had the right to continue her study. Even though she is a woman,
         she is entitled to an education equal to that of a man.
          Finally, Soka's father agreed to send Soka to the high school. Soka thanked me for helping her to
          go to school again.”
              The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is one’s concern to fight for her friend in order to
       get an education. Dona says that Soka did not get a chance to pursue higher education. As a woman,
       she was not allowed by her parents to continue her education to junior high school. Soka's parents said
       that women should stay at home to learn to be housewives and did not need to go to high school like
       men. However, Soka had friends who help fight for her to continue her education to junior high school.
       She said that women also need to continue their education to the higher level equivalent to men. In the
       end, Soka's father allowed her to continue her study.
                                                    TABLE 17 Tolerance
         Irsyad Arsya Duta/ Class 6/ SD IT Salsabila Jetis Yogyakarta [29]
         Title: Toleransi saat Sekolah (Tolerance at School)
         “Mmm.. sebenarnya kami sedang lapar, sudah membawa bekal tetapi bingung mau makan di mana.
         Kalau makan di kelas kami tidak enak dengan teman yang sedang puasa,” kata Nyoman.

         “Mmm... actually, we are hungry. We have brought lunch, but we don’t know where to eat. When
         we eat it in class, we don't feel good with our friends who are fasting,” said Nyoman.
         “ iya terima kasih ya, Zak, akhirnya kami bisa makan dengan tenang tanpa harus
         mengganggu kalian yang sedang berpuasa,” Yosef mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Rozak.
         “Iya sama-sama, aku juga mengucapkan terima kasih karena kalian telah menghormati kami yang
         sedang menjalankan ibadah puasa,” jawab Rozak sambil tersenyum.

         “Let’s go! Thank you, Zak. Finally, we can eat quietly without disturbing those of you who are
         fasting,” Yosef thanked Rozak.
         “Yes, you're welcome. I also thank you for your respect for those of us who are fasting.” Rozak
         answered with a smile.
              Multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is an attitude of tolerance towards religious differences.
       This tolerance is mutual respect for friends who are fasting.
                                                    TABLE 18 Tolerance
         Zerlina Senja Novitasari/ Class 5/ SDN Mendungan 2 Yogyakarta [30]

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
                                                                                 Vol. 29, No. 6s, (2020), pp. 1167-1181

         Title: Menghormati Teman yang Sedang Beribadah(Respect for Our Friends Who Are Worshiping)
         “Saat di tengah-tengah mereka mengerjakan tugas, mereka mendengar kumandang azan. Siti dan
         Udin meminta izin kepada teman-temanya untuk melaksanakan salat. Dan teman-temannya Siti dan
         Udin pun mempersilakan mereka untuk melaksanakan salat.”

         “In the middle of doing their homework, they heard the call to prayer. Siti and Udin asked their
         friends for permission to pray. Their friends also allowed them to pray.”
         “Mereka akan kembali lagi hari Minggu. “Maaf tetapi kalau hari Minggu pagi aku tidak bisa, karena
         aku akan ke Gereja” kata Beni. “Wo iya” kata Lani. Jadi kita ngerjain tugas lagi pukul 12 ya? Setelah
         Beni pulang dari gereja.”. “Iya” ujar teman-teman bersautan.”

          “They will go back on Sunday. “Sorry, but on Sunday morning I can't because I'm going to church,”
          said Beni. “OK,” said Lani. So, we do the assignment again at 12? After Beni has come home from
          church.” "Yes," said my friends together.”
              The multiculturalism contained in the excerpt is an attitude of tolerance respecting religious
       differences. There are prominent figures named Siti and Udin who are Muslim who were asking for
       permission to perform the prayer. Their friends of different religions allowed them to pray. It also
       explains the tolerance of Beni who wanted to carry out worship to the Church. Even though they are of
       different religions, but they tolerate each other against these differences.
       4. Conclusion
       Multicultural literature has positive benefits to teach students to create a sense of togetherness, mutual
       respect and appreciation, and tolerance both at home, school, community, and even cross-cultural
       environment without the gap of cultural and ethnic differences. Based on the analysis results of the
       prose collections “Toleransi Antarumat Beragama” and “Aku Radio bagi Mamaku” by elementary
       school students, they contain fifteen multiculturalism contents, including: respect for cultural diversity,
       social class diversity, ethnic diversity, gender diversity, language diversity, disability equality, religious
       diversity, racial diversity, skin color diversity, pluralism, right equality, custom diversity, behavioral
       pattern equality, educational equality, and tolerance. Based on this, it shows that elementary school
       students have understood the values of multiculturalism that have been outlined in the form of prose.
       They reach not only the stage of understanding about multiculturalism, but also the stage of appreciation
       and assessment. The appreciation stage is that students can respect each other for cultural differences
       and the assessment stage is that students can accept cultural diversity, tolerate each other, realize their
       mistakes and apologize to each other.

       5. Acknowledgment
       The researcher would like to thank LPDP BUDIDN as the research sponsor. Thanks to the Head of the
       Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University in Yogyakarta who has given permission for my doctoral study.
       The researcher also thanks the promoter, co-promoter 1, and co-promoter 2 who have guided the
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