2021 Annual Conference - November 3-5, 2021 Omni Hotel New Haven, CT - neacrao

Page created by Fernando Cole
2021 Annual Conference - November 3-5, 2021 Omni Hotel New Haven, CT - neacrao
2021 Annual Conference

         November 3–5, 2021
            Omni Hotel
           New Haven, CT
  Sessions on transfer, trends in higher ed, mentorship,
    onboarding, non-traditional students, and more!
    Keynote by Dr. Joseph A. Bertolino, President of
        Southern Connecticut State University
     NEACRAO After Dark entertainment at Barcade
2021 Annual Conference - November 3-5, 2021 Omni Hotel New Haven, CT - neacrao
Conference Schedule
     Welcome note to the membership
                                                                               Wednesday, November 3
Welcome, friends and colleagues, to the 74th Annual Conference                 3–5 p.m. .......................... Conference Registration         Lobby Pre-assembly
in New Haven, CT!                                                              4:30–6:30 p.m. ............... NEACRAO Welcome Reception       19th Floor
I hope all of you and your families are happy and healthy as we reconnect      All RCD participants and NEACRAO conference attendees are welcome to
for the first time in two years. This year we are pleased to offer you         attend! Debrief from the day or gear up for the conference.
sessions in the areas of admissions/enrollment management, registrar/
records, and professional development. I encourage all of you to visit our
valued exhibitors who have some amazing products and services to offer         Thursday, November 4
you and your school.                                                           7:30 a.m.–12 p.m. .......... Conference Registration                Lobby Pre-assembly
Above all, I want to thank you for registering for this conference. Despite    8 a.m.–5 p.m. .................. Exhibitors Open 		                              Foyer
the challenges associated with registering for this event, you are here,                                        Exhibitor list on pages 14-15
and without you we wouldn’t be. Please consider getting involved with
our organization so that we can work together to continue the mission of       8–9 a.m. ............................ Breakfast    				                       Ballroom
the organization. A great way to start is joining us at our January Planning
Meeting, scheduled for January 7, 2022 at Bay Path University.                 9–10 a.m. .......................... Session 1 Descriptions and locations on pages 4-5
My hope for members at this year’s conference is to find a taste of the        10:15–11:15 a.m .............. Session 2           Descriptions and locations on page 6
old “normal”, meet some new friends and colleagues, and take new
knowledge and skills back to the office. On behalf of the entire NEACRAO       11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. .... Session 3               Descriptions and locations on page 7
Council, I hope that you have a great conference.                              12:30–2 p.m ..................... Luncheon, Business Meeting & Keynote
                                                                                                                 Speaker 				                         Ballroom
Sincerely,                                                                     Join us for the annual business meeting of NEACRAO, including departure of
                                                                               officers and election of new officers (see nomination list on page 13), awards
Alexander Wolniak                                                              for exemplary service, and our keynote speaker. See keynote bio on pages 8-9.
NEACRAO President 2020-2021
                                                                               2:15–3:15 p.m. ................ Session 4         Descriptions and locations on page 10
                                                                               3:30–4:30 p.m. ................. Session 5        Descriptions and locations on page 11
                                                                               8–10 p.m. .......................... NEACRAO After Dark at Barcade
                                                                                                                    See page 11 for information.

                                                                               Friday, November 5
          NEACRAO Welcome Reception                                            8–9 a.m. ............................ Breakfast     			 Ballroom
          You are invited to the NEACRAO Welcome Reception                     9 a.m.–11 a.m. ................. Exhibitors Open               		                Foyer
                      Wednesday, November 3                                                                     Exhibitor list on pages 14-15
                            4:30–6:30 p.m.
                                     19th Floor                                9:15–10:15 a.m. ............... Session 6         Descriptions and locations on page 12
All conference participants are invited to the reception. Come as you are      10:30–11:30 a.m. ............. Session 7          Descriptions and locations on page 13
            (casual) and enjoy hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar.
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2021 Annual Conference - November 3-5, 2021 Omni Hotel New Haven, CT - neacrao
NEACRAO                                    Conference Session                          Conference Session Descriptions
What does NEACRAO stand                    Descriptions                                1B: Improve with Improv                      1D: How a Single Credential
for?                                                                                   College B                                    Management Platform Can Make
                                           Session One                                 Improvisation is not just “Whose Line is     a Difference at Your Institution
NEACRAO is the New England                                                                                                          George
regional association of AACRAO, the        Thursday, November 4,                       it Anyway?” This interactive session is
American Association of Collegiate         9–10 a.m.                                   for anyone interested in incorporating       What efficiencies could you create
Registrars and Admissions                                                              a new mindset into your work with            in the Registrar’s office if there
                                           1A: Transfer Advocacy: Lessons              students, colleagues, and other              was one platform to manage all
Officers, whose purpose is “to             from the Ever Given
promote the advancement of                                                             community members. Using the basic           credentials including transcripts,
                                           College A                                   tenets of improvisation, we will explore     diplomas, certificates, and badges?
higher education in its fullest
and broadest implications.” We             In March of 2021, a massive cargo           building leadership and team-oriented        A comprehensive credential system
are an all-volunteer organization          ship named the Ever Given disrupted         approaches focused on engagement             is becoming essential to creating a
dedicated to supporting more than          the global economy by blocking a vital      to create collaborative environments         simple, consistent learner experience
800 members representing almost            shipping lane. It was estimated that        and change the way we think about            across digital and print requests, all
150 institutions from Connecticut,         this blockage of cargo was costing          our interactions and relationships with      while freeing up time for more strategic
Maine, Massachusetts, New                  roughly 400 million dollars an hour.        the world around us and ourselves. No        projects. Hear how institutions have
Hampshire, Rhode Island, and               This session will use the situation         background in improv necessary!              saved time and money moving to a
Vermont.                                   with the Ever Given to highlight some                                                    comprehensive platform and how they
                                           close parallels to higher education,        Sean Racine, Director of Marketing and       are better serving their students with a
How can I get involved?                    in particular, to the populations of        Admissions, Bishop Brady High School         modern credential experience.
                                           students starting at community colleges                                                  1. Learn about the efficiencies that a
• Facilitate a session: introduce a        and transferring to complete a four-year                                                 comprehensive credential management
session at the Annual Conference           degree. Participants will be challenged
                                                                                       1C: Trends in Higher Education:              system can provide your institution.
and coordinate evaluations. Easy to        to think about their current policies
                                                                                       New Buzzwords and Strategic                  2. See real life results from moving to
do and a quick way to get involved!        for transfer students and will be given
                                                                                       Directions                                   a single platform for transcripts and
                                                                                       Wooster                                      diplomas.
• Join a committee: most                   examples of how the Connecticut
                                           State Colleges and Universities (CSCU)      Higher Education has changed at a            3. Hear about how other institutions
committees work with the vice                                                                                                       are creating meaningful digital student
presidents to create Annual                System Office and Southern Connecticut      lightning pace since the Spring 2020
                                           State University have worked to go          term. Institutions have been infused         experiences.
Conference and RCD sessions and
activities for the organization.           beyond the articulation agreement to        with unprecedented funds from the            Presenters:
                                           establish transfer friendly policies and    federal and state governments. Is this a     Kate Krieger, Regional Sales Manager,
• Serve as a co-chair: co-chairs           procedures.                                 sustainable trajectory? This session will    Parchment
coordinate and run the various             Presenters:                                 look at the trends, new buzzwords and
portions of RCD and the Annual                                                         strategic directions as higher education     Joe Cornelius, Sr. Account Executive
                                           Steve Marcelynas, Director of the Office                                                 & Team Lead, Higher Education,
Conference.                                of Transfer and Articulation, Connecticut   emerges into the new normal.
• Join the Board: the Executive            State Colleges and Universites              Presenter:
Board governs the Association              Kaitlyn Hoffmann, Assistant Director        Stanley DeMerritt, PhD, Vice President
and is responsible for its overall         of Transfer Student Services, Southern      for Student Affairs, South Plains College,
activities and functions. Attendance       Connecticut State University                Vice President for Finance, AACRAO              We would love to hear your
at day or day-and-a-half meetings                                                                                                     thoughts on the sessions you
in January, March, and June are                                                                                                                attended!
expected.                                                                                                                             Submit your session evaluations
                                                                                                                                      easily at neacrao.org/feedback!
Check out all the committees, co-chairs,
and Executive Board positions on the
back page!

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2021 Annual Conference - November 3-5, 2021 Omni Hotel New Haven, CT - neacrao
Conference Session Descriptions                                                          Conference Session Descriptions
Session Two                                    2C: Automated Graduation
                                               Clearance: From Audit to Award
                                                                                         Session Three                                Faculty of the Arts & Sciences, Harvard
Thursday, November 4,                          Wooster                                   Thursday, November 4,
                                                                                                                                      Mike Burke, Registrar of the Faculty of
10:15–11:15 a.m.                                                                         11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.                        the Arts & Sciences, Harvard University
                                               You have all heard the adage “work
2A: Storytelling and Stigma: How               smarter not harder” and that is           3A: Becoming and                             3C: Community College
Your Voice Can Change Perception               what this session is all about! A lean    Undocufriendly Institution
                                               management exercise of your audit                                                      Roundtable
of Community College                                                                     College A                                    Wooster
                                               process along with leveraging some
College A                                                                                Undocumented students account
                                               key elements from today’s technology                                                   Life in an admissions or registrar’s office
Community colleges have been in                can result in several efficiencies that   for 2% of all students in higher             at a community college has unique
the United States a half century, yet          allow you to maximize the value of your   education; however, that percentage          challenges and processes. Let’s take
inaccurate assumptions about lack of           audit process to provide clear student    could be higher if institutions adopt        some time together to discuss recent
rigor and prestige still exist. It’s time to   communication on progress-to-degree,      “Undocufriendly” policies and                events in our offices, what we’ve learned
elevate our voice beyond our campuses          encourage on-time completion, support     procedures. Learn how Southern               from them, how we can prepare for the
- as recent NACAC data shows some of           academic advising, and accelerate         Connecticut State University (SCSU)          future, and collectively troubleshooting
the highest levels of stigma exist on the      turnaround time of degree conferral.      created a task force to evaluate and         issues you’re presently facing.
part of parents, families, and students.                                                 advance its efforts to become more
                                               Presenters:                               accessible to all students regardless of     Moderators:
How do we better engage the audience
that for too long has dismissed                Alicia Carroll, Registrar, Southern       their immigration status.                    Jannie Gilson, Registrar, Massasoit
community college?                             Connecticut State University                                                           Community College
                                               Jen Ruggiero, Assistant Registrar,        Esteban Garcia, Associate Bursar,            Bryn Nowell, Admissions Counselor,
                                               Southern Connecticut State University     Southern Connecticut State University        Holyoke Community College
Marcia Rosbury-Henne, Dean of
Admissions & Enrollment, Mount                 2D: The Value of Integrated               3B: You’re on Mute: The Good,                3D: Clearinghouse Updates:
Wachusett Community College                    Academic Operations                       the Bad, and In-between of                   Data-Driven Decision-making and
                                               George                                    Hiring and Onboarding                        Expanded Student Services
2B: Pause. Reset. Succeed.                                                                                                            George
                                                                                         College B
College B                                      Don’t lose students to inefficient,
                                               outdated processes. Get and graduate      With campuses closed to visitors (and        Come and discuss the ways we have
The past 18 months have provided                                                                                                      pivoted to serve institutions during one
                                               more students while optimizing            to many staff) over the past two years,
us with many reasons to pause and                                                                                                     of the most dramatic times in higher
                                               resource utilization with Coursedog’s     we have had to rely on technology
reflect. Our experiences in changing and                                                                                              education history. This session will
                                               integrated academic operations            and remote communication to screen,
challenging conditions uncovered new                                                                                                  introduce new and innovative services
                                               software. A product suite built for       interview, hire, onboard, and train new
ways to work, play and live. While some                                                                                               as well as provide an update on product
                                               forward-thinking campuses.                staff members. Perhaps like many of you,
old practices are no longer relevant,                                                                                                 enhancements to current programs.
                                                                                         we have seen significant turnover since
new habits, needs, and norms emerged           Presenter:                                                                             You will gain insight into how NSC is
                                                                                         March 2020. This has required us to
as effective strategies towards more           Maggie Pote, Business Development                                                      dedicated to serving your institution
                                                                                         invent ways to hire people remotely and
balanced lives. This session will explore      Representative, Coursedog                                                              across multiple departments and
                                                                                         to onboard them effectively, to welcome
our paths to total well-being, what we                                                                                                initiatives. This includes data services to
                                               Eric Wengenroth, Regional Director of     them to the team, and to instill a sense
need, and how to get it.                                                                                                              support your student success initiatives
                                               Strategic Sales, Coursedog                of belonging at Harvard and on our team.
Presenter:                                                                               This is a work in progress. Come for a fun   and comprehensive credentials access
Michele Vancour, Associate Dean,                                                         discussion of the highlights and lowlights   support services for your students and
College of Health and Human Services,             We would love to hear your             of our experiences, and share what has       alumni.
Southern Connecticut State University            thoughts on the sessions you            worked for you.                              Presenter:
                                                          attended!                                                                   Sue Ledwell, Regional Director,
                                                 Submit your session evaluations         Presenters:
                                                 easily at neacrao.org/feedback!         Ethel Falaise, Associate Registrar of the    Northeast, Nat. Student Clearinghouse

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2021 Annual Conference - November 3-5, 2021 Omni Hotel New Haven, CT - neacrao
Annual Conference                                                               Annual Conference
Keynote Speaker                                                                 Keynote Speaker
Luncheon, Business                                                              For Peer Mentors (2012). His
                                                                                research interests include
                                                                                                                     Pines, Catamount Arts, Northeast
Meeting & Keynote                                                               student immigration (with an
                                                                                                                     Vermont Boys & Girls Club,
Thursday, November 4                                                                                                 Northeast Vermont Youth
                                                                                emphasis on undocumented             Services, Northeast Vermont
12:30-2 p.m.                                                                    immigrants and the Dreamers),        Regional Hospital, The Samara
                                                                                campus community engagement,         Fund and the St. Johnsbury
Ballroom                                                                        campus social change, leadership     Development Corporation, just
                                                                                development, and LGBTQIT             to name a few. President Joe was
Dr. Joseph A. Bertolino                                                         student issues.                      appointed by Vermont Governor,
                                                                                He has been recognized               Peter Shumlin to serve on the
In July 2016, Joe Bertolino, Ed.D.,                                             with numerous outstanding            New England Board of Higher
was named the 12th President                                                    professional awards. President Joe   Education. Currently, President
of Southern Connecticut State                                                   is a member of seven different       Bertolino serves on the boards
University, a public institution                                                national honor societies including   of the American Association of
of 10,300 students in New                                                       Omicron Delta Kappa and Golden       State Colleges & Universities; the
Haven, CT. President Joe, as he is                                              Key. The American College            American Council on Education
affectionately known, has been a                                                Personnel Association presented      (ACE) Council of Fellows; New
social justice educator for 28 years,                                           him with the prestigious Annuit      Haven Mayors Economic
and is passionate about student                                                                                      Development Committee, New
success and access to higher                                                    Coeptis Award twice as an            Haven Promise, the Central
education.                                                                      outstanding new professional         Connecticut Coast YMCA, the New
During his short time at the helm                                               and as an outstanding senior         Haven International Festival of Arts
of Southern, he has outlined the                                                professional.                        and New Haven Farms.
                                        Administrative leadership in higher
following priorities: raising the       education has long been Dr.             His undergraduate alma mater,        He earned his doctorate in higher
University’s profile, expanding         Bertolino’s passion. From 2012-16,      the University of Scranton,          education administration and
community outreach and                  he served as President of Lyndon        presented him with the 2011 Frank    organizational leadership from
partnerships; strategic enrollment      State College in Lyndonville,           O’Hara Award in Education—the        Columbia University, Teachers
recruitment and retention and           Vermont, where he instituted a plan     highest award given jointly by       College in 2003, a master’s in social
streamlining students’ path to          of “Moving Forward,” reintroducing      the University and the National      work from Rutgers University in
earning a degree.                       Lyndon State as “the College”           Alumni Society. Most recently,       1990, and a bachelor of science in
Early initiatives include a new         of the Northeast Kingdom of             President Bertolino has been         psychology and sociology from
branding campaign that is               Vermont. Previously, he served          recognized by the Southern           the University of Scranton in 1986.
reintroducing the University            as Vice President for Enrollment        Connecticut Urban League with
                                        Management and Student Affairs at       the 2017 Diversity Award and         Dr. Bertolino lives with his partner
to the region and beyond the                                                    the Alpha Phi Alpha New Haven        of 25 years, Bil Leipold, Ed.D., and
creation of new degree programs         Queens College/City University of
                                        New York from 2004-2012.                and Delta Sigma Phi presented        their three dogs, Wanamassa (a
including a degree in Utilities                                                 him with the H. Harvey Hebert        Shih Tzu), Willoughby (a Llasa-
Mgt. in partnership with Gateway        Dr. Bertolino is an author, lecturer,   Distinguished Alumni Award for       Cocker Spaniel Mix) and Woodlock
Community College, nationally           and teacher, having presented           Service to the Fraternity, one of    (Corgi). Together, Joe and Bil
and the first DSW program in New        hundreds of programs to tens            the highest awards bestowed by       have 11 godchildren and two
England. The University’s first         of thousands of students at over        the organization.                    grandsons.
comprehensive enrollment plan           600 colleges and conferences
and new community partnerships          nationwide. He has authored             Dr. Bertolino has served on
at multiple levels to establish         numerous articles and book              numerous national and local
Southern as a good neighbor.            chapters, and is the co-author of       boards including the American
                                        Let The Games Begin, A Guide            Red Cross, the YMCA of the

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2021 Annual Conference - November 3-5, 2021 Omni Hotel New Haven, CT - neacrao
Conference Session Descriptions                                                         Conference Session Descriptions
Session Four                               4C: AACRAO Updates
                                                                                        Session Five                                  5C: Leveraging Your Curricular
                                                                                                                                      Management Software to
Thursday, November 4,                                                                   Thursday, November 4,                         Optimize Student Success
                                           Come find out what is happening with         3:30–4:30 p.m.
2:15–3:15 p.m.                             AACRAO and how it can benefit your                                                         George
4A: More College Access for Non-           institution and the profession.              5A: Virtual is Here to Stay: Helping          Campuses use curricular software to
Traditional Students via Online            Presenter:                                   Students Make the Most of Virtual             drive administrative efficiency and
Learning                                   Stanley DeMerritt, PhD, Vice President       College Visits                                accuracy, but how can it also drive
College A                                  for Student Affairs, South Plains College,   College A                                     positive student outcomes? Join us to
There has always been a growing need       Vice President for Finance, AACRAO                                                         learn how campuses are leveraging
                                                                                        Now that campuses are opening up              CourseLeaf to support student success
for more postsecondary access for                                                       again one thing is for sure, colleges will
non-traditional students (Leblan, 2015),   4D: Paradigm: Credentialing at its                                                         in areas including Learning Outcomes,
                                                                                        continue to offer virtual visit options for   Career Pathways, and Diversity, Equity
which is defined as “A student with        best. The easiest, quickest, most            prospective students. This workshop will
any of the following characteristics:      advanced solutions for both paper            address how students can strategically
                                                                                                                                      and Inclusion. We hope to see you
has delayed enrollment, attends part       and electronic credentials in the                                                          there!
                                           industry!                                    use virtual visits in the college search
time, works full time while enrolled, is                                                process.                                      Presenter:
considered financially independent for                                                                                                Al Vital, Account Executive, CourseLeaf
purposes of determining financial aid,     In this fast-paced, constantly evolving,     Presenter:
has dependents other than a spouse,        global job market, your graduates            Sharon Carlson, Owner, Carlson
is a single parent, or does not have a     need to prove their achievements             Education Consulting
high school diploma” (Schmidt, 2009).      quicker than ever before. From the
                                           immediacy of a desired social post           5B: M.A.S.S. Mentorship Program
This session will show not only how
increased access via online learning       to Graduate School Applications, or          College B                                        Join us for NEACRAO
benefits that non-traditional student      the necessities of online job hunting,       NEW! Introducing NEACRAO’s M.A.S.S.           After Dark Thursday 8–10
population, but the institution as well.   the expectations have changed.
                                           The need to be there first and in a
                                                                                        (Mentoring and Supporting Staff)              p.m. at Barcade, located
                                                                                        Program - a unique professional
Presenter:                                 differentiated manner is paramount to        development program designed for
                                                                                                                                       at 56 Orange St in New
Khalifa Niasse, Admissions Counselor,      their success. Solution: Paradigm offers     mid-level professionals to advance their       Haven! You’ll enjoy two
Salem State University                     the most comprehensive credential
                                           platform for both its clients and their
                                                                                        skills, build relationships, and identify      drink tickets per person,
4B: Education as Professional              learners. Come and participate in
                                                                                        paths for professional growth. As an
                                                                                        organization with more than 1,000
                                                                                                                                       appetizers and desserts,
Development                                this informative session as we reveal
                                                                                        professional members, the M.A.S.S.            and unlimited game play
College B                                  the details of PIE, the Paradigm
                                           Integrated Experience, featuring our         program is designed for professionals               for two hours!
Hear from a panel of professionals who                                                  in the field of Student Records/
have decided to go back to school while
                                           exquisite printed diplomas, our leading
                                                                                        Registrar’s Office and Admissions/                Attendees must be 21+
                                           digital CeDiploma®, CeCertificate®,
employed to further their education.       and the ScholarRecord®(CLR),                 Enrollment Management with at least               and present a photo ID.
Learn about the joys and hurdles that      together with our optimized services         one year of experience in their field.
come with going back to school after       DirectShip™ to students, MyHold™,            Participants are challenged to enhance
starting a career, and how pursuing        and MyReorder™. All integrated with          and develop skills, relationships, and
additional education can be a form of      affordable presentation products for         build a professional disposition that
professional development.                  your ceremonies and the most efficient       distinguishes themselves from others in          We would love to hear your
                                           turnaround times, we make life easier        the field. Join the session to learn more       thoughts on the sessions you
                                           for you and your staff while your            for yourself or your staff/colleagues.                   attended!
Craig Canfield, Associate University       learners experience exceptional results!
                                                                                        Presenter:                                      Submit your session evaluations
Registrar, Yale University
                                           Presenter:                                   Marcia Rosbury-Henne, Dean of                   easily at neacrao.org/feedback!
                                           Elizabeth Kunde, Executive Director of       Admissions & Enrollment Management,
                                           Sales, Paradigm                              Mount Wachusett Community College
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2021 Annual Conference - November 3-5, 2021 Omni Hotel New Haven, CT - neacrao
Conference Session Descriptions                                                        Conference Session                           Nominations
Session Six                                 the findings and of Brene Brown and        Descriptions
                                            other researchers on how to cultivate
Friday, November 5,
9:15–10:15 a.m.
                                            braver, more daring leaders and create
                                            more courageous cultures and also
                                                                                       Session Seven                                The following individuals have
                                                                                                                                    been nominated for open
                                            ideas on how to operationalize those       Friday, November 5,                          positions on the NEACRAO
6A: You’ve Got Mail! Leveraging             findings.                                  10:30–11:30 a.m.                             Board:
your CRM to increase open rate
and yield                                   Presenter:                                 7A: Admissions/Enrollment                    President-Elect: Trisha Amaral,
College A                                   Kory Riddle, Associate University          Roundtable                                   UMass Amherst
                                            Registrar, Yale University                 College A
Drip communication plans are a great                                                                                                Vice President for Professional
tool to keep your graduate program in                                                  With a focus on technology, join our         Development: Craig Canfield,
                                            6C: The Evolving Use of Names              roundtable discussion for insight into
the forefront of prospective students       and Pronouns For Students,                                                              Yale University
minds. How do you track the success                                                    challenges, best practices and areas of
                                            Faculty, and Staff in Higher               growth for all things CoA, CRM, TES and      Treasurer-Elect: Eric Johnson,
rate and impact of which emails actually    Education
pull the reader in and cause them                                                      any other acronyms in the admissions         Mount Wachusett Community
to take action? Join us as we discuss                                                  world. Bring your questions and ideas        College
utilizing your CRM to increase open         Much has changed since we first            and let’s harness our intellectual capital
rate, link engagement, and how to bring     presented on this topic at NEACRAO         to brainstorm solutions to the ever
a prospective student through not just      nearly ten years ago, but one thing is     evolving task of optimizing admissions       Nominations will also be
a drip campaign but the enrollment          constant: using people’s appropriate       technology to work smarter and not           accepted on the floor of the
pipeline!                                   names and pronouns contributes             harder.                                      Business Meeting.
                                            significantly to a sense of belonging
Presenters:                                                                            Moderator:
                                            and inclusion at an institution. This is
Lisa A. Galvin, EdD, Associate Dean of                                                 Carla Flynn, Director of Transfer Student
                                            not limited to students; faculty and
Graduate Enrollment Management,                                                        Services, Southern Connecticut State
                                            staff need support from registrars and
Southern Connecticut State University                                                  University
                                            admissions officers to help everyone
Molly Murphy EdM, Assistant Director        live their authentic lives on campus.      7B: Registrar Roundtable
of Graduate Recruitment and Student         Come for an update on the evolving         College B
Success, Southern Connecticut State         use of chosen names and pronouns
University                                  in higher education. We invite you to      This is an open forum for discussion
                                            share your experiences, wisdom, and        of issues or current topics concerning
6B: Daring Leaders, Courageous              questions with the group.                  the policies and practices in a registrar
Cultures                                    Presenters:
                                                                                       or records office. Topics will depend
College B                                                                              upon the interests of attendees,
Daring leaders say the unsaid, unsurface
                                            Evelyn Jimenez, Associate Registrar
                                            of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
                                                                                       but may include compliance with
                                                                                       regulations, best practices, helpful hints
                                                                                                                                    NEACRAO 2022
what’s been pushed down, and bring
to light what is in the shadows and
                                            Harvard University
                                            Mike Burke, Registrar of the Faculty of
                                                                                       or tips, distribution of responsibilities,
                                                                                       COVID-19, etc. Bring your questions or
                                                                                                                                    Planning Meeting
corners. Daring leaders must care for
and be connected to the people they
                                            Arts and Sciences, Harvard University      concerns and share your experience, or         Open to all members
                                                                                       simply absorb the conversation.
lead. We have to dig into the humanity                                                                                                 Friday, January 7, 2022
of our work, even though it’s messy. If                                                Moderator:                                   (snow date Friday, January 14)
we want people to fully show up in all         We would love to hear your              Ari Kaufman, Assistant Director - Project
aspects of work, we have to be vigilant       thoughts on the sessions you             & Compliance Management, Office of                  10 a.m.–3 p.m.
about creating a culture in which                      attended!                       the Registrar, Berklee College of Music           Bay Path University
people can feel safe, seen, heard, and        Submit your session evaluations                                                            Longmeadow, MA
respected. This presentation will discuss     easily at neacrao.org/feedback!
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2021 Annual Conference - November 3-5, 2021 Omni Hotel New Haven, CT - neacrao
Conference Exhibitors                                                                Conference Exhibitors
                                          transcript, and data exchange              education, and organizations all on a
                                          demands across the K-20 to workforce       single platform, we provide efficient,
                                          continuum.                                 easy-to-use products to securely
                                          Deluxe Sponsor                             exchange and engage with credentials.
                                                                                     The Parchment platform has helped
                                          www.studentclearinghouse.org               millions of learners exchange more
                                                                                     than 100 million credentials globally.
                                                                                     We help turn credentials into
                                                                                     opportunities.                            Balfour & Co. is one of the largest
Coursedog is an Integrated Academic                                                                                            commencement services companies
Operations Platform. Empowering                                                      Deluxe Sponsor
                                                                                                                               leading the industry in digital product
academic administrators with                                                         www.parchment.com                         innovation by helping students and
integrated academic and event                                                                                                  their families celebrate the most
scheduling, course demand and                                                                                                  meaningful moments in their lives.
projections, curriculum, catalog, and                                                                                          Operating under the Balfour®,
academic reporting tools through a                                                                                             GradImages®, University Photo®,
single, bi-directional integration with                                                                                        Gaspard®, ArtCarved®, KeepSake®
your SIS.                                                                                                                      and Taylor Publishing Company®,
Executive Sponsor                         Paradigm, Inc. is the largest, full-                                                 the Company provides personalized
                                          service provider of paper and                                                        products such as class jewelry and
www.coursedog.com                         electronic credentials in the US:                                                    apparel, yearbooks, graduation caps
                                          diplomas, certificates and badges.                                                   and gowns, announcement products
                                          Paradigm provides exceptional                                                        and photography through digital
                                          customer service, 5-10 day turnaround      Slate by Technolutions is the             marketing technology, personal
                                          time, unmatched accuracy, all with         only CRM purpose-built for higher         in-school deliveries and customized
                                          a simple on-line ordering system.          education to support the evolving         school assortments.
                                          Paradigm is the only provider              needs of modern admissions/               Supporter Sponsor
                                          whose CeDiploma® is uniquely               enrollment management, student
CourseLeaf is the premier curriculum      validated against the domain(.edu)         success, and advancement through          www.balfour.com
management system for colleges and        of the university, providing absolute      outreach, travel management, online
universities in the United States and     confidence in the credential’s             applications, online reading, and
around the world. Our five software       authenticity, and features a scalable      more. Slate is trusted by a community
modules work cohesively, allowing         CLR solution. Best of all, simply upload   of more than 1,400 colleges and
clients to manage the progression from    your data and we will handle the rest,     universities.
curriculum development and catalog        leaving you the time to concentrate on                                               Since 1971, CollegeSource, Inc.
publishing to class scheduling, student                                              Supporter Sponsor
                                          other projects!                                                                      has been creating solutions to
registration, and syllabi confirmation                                               www.technolutions.com                     empower students andstaff in
with ease.
                                          Deluxe Sponsor
                                                                                                                               Higher Education. More than 2,000
                                          www.paradigm-corp.com                                                                colleges and universities, as well
Deluxe Sponsor
                                                                                                                               as millions ofusers worldwide,
www.courseleaf.com                                                                                                             utilize CollegeSourceproducts
                                                                                                                               for degree audit and
                                                                                     Stellic provides student-centric next     academicplanning(uAchieve®),
                                                                                     generation degree management tools        scheduling (Schedmule™), and transfer
                                          Parchment believes credentials             to align your entire campus - students,   credit evaluation andarticulation (TES®
                                          matter in the lifelong journey of a        advisors, administrators and leaders -    and Transferology®.
                                          learner. We deliver innovation and         towards on-time graduation and career     Virtual Sponsor
The National Student                      exceptional customer service through       success.
Clearinghouse® helps education go         the most comprehensive digital                                                       www.collegesource.com
further with innovative solutions that    credential management solution on          Supporter Sponsor
meet reporting, research, verification,   the market. Connecting K12, higher         www.stellic.com
14                                                                                                                                                                   15
Executive Board & Committees
2020-2021 Executive Board             Director of Membership
                                      Marcia Rosbury-Henne, Mount
President                             Wachusett Community College
Alexander Wolniak, Urban College of
Boston                                Archivist/Parliamentarian
                                      Ari Kaufman, Berklee College of Music
Jen Ruggiero, Southern Connecticut    Annual Conference Co-Chairs
State University
Past President                        Trish Amaral, University of
Keiko Broomhead, Urban College of     Massachusetts Amherst
                                      Eric Johnson, Mount Wachusett
Vice President for Admissions/        Community College
Enrollment Management
Carla Flynn, Southern Connecticut
                                      Katie Walo, Massasoit Community
State University
Vice President for College            Registration
Admissions and HS Relations
                                      Andrew DePaolo, Bay Path University
Sharon Carlson, Gordon College
                                      Antoine Blalark
Vice President for Conference and
Meeting Management                    Reverse College Day
Jinawa McNeil, Fitchburg State        Sarah Dorsey, Mount Wachusett
University                            Community College
Vice President for Professional
Development                           Interested in participating in a
Craig Canfield, Yale University       NEACRAO committee? Questions
                                      or concerns? Contact us! Contact
Vice President of Registrar and       information for all board and
Records                               committee members can be found on
Antoine Blalark                       our website: neacrao.org
Secretary                                            -------------
Katie Walo, Massasoit Community
College                                Save the date!
Ethel Falaise, Harvard University      2022 NEACRAO
Communications Manager                      75th
Evelyn Jimenez, Harvard University
                                      Annual Conference
                                           November 2-4, 2022
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