Concordia CONNECT - Concordia College

Page created by Gordon Schneider
Concordia CONNECT                                                                           Term 3, Week 4, 2020

In this issue...
        A message from the St John's Campus Principal and Business Manager
        A message from the Head of Middle School
        Year 1s celebrate 100 days of school
        Year 11 Wellbeing Workshop
        Drama Workshops
        Diary Dates

St John's Campus
Hear from the Principal and the Business Manager as well as reading about a '100 days of school' celebration and more.

        In this Section
        From the St John's Campus Principal and the Business Manager
        Year 1s Celebrate 100 Days of School
        Siassi Partnership Update
        SAHMRI Wellbeing and Resilience Be Well Plan
        Student Free Day - Friday 4 September

Concordia Campus
Hear from the Head of Middle School and read about a Year 11 Wellbeing Workshop, Drama workshops and more.

        In this Section
        From the Head of Middle School
        Year 11 Wellbeing Workshop
        Red Shield Appeal - Term 2 Fundraiser
        Thematic Text Study in Year 8; An Update on our Learning Journey
        Drama Workshops
        Eat Around the World in Year 8 Food Design
        SAHMRI's Wellbeing and Resilience FREE Be Well Plan
        Making Connections to Community through Sound
        Student Free Day - Friday 4 September

Click here for the latest news and results.

        In this Section
        Knockout Sport Round 1 Success
        St John's Campus Sports Results
        Concordia Campus Sports Results

Diary dates, events and notices from around the College and the wider community.

        In this Section
        Diary Dates
Lost Property at the Concordia Campus
An update from the LLL
The School Shop
Public Notices & Events
St John's Campus
Hear from the Principal and the Business Manager as well as reading about a '100 days of school' celebration and more.

In this Section

       From the St John's Campus Principal and the Business Manager
       Year 1s Celebrate 100 Days of School
       Siassi Partnership Update
       SAHMRI Wellbeing and Resilience Be Well Plan
       Student Free Day - Friday 4 September

From the St John's Campus Principal and the Business Manager

An Exciting and Significant Project!

St John’s Campus Development
During 2019 Concordia College engaged in a comprehensive Master Planning process with the intention of creating a plan
that will guide the future development of facilities across our College. We are thankful to the staff, students and parents who
provided valuable information that helped us complete this important process.

As previously announced, the two major projects that have been prioritised in our Master Plan include the redevelopment of
the St John’s Campus followed by the construction of a new Concordia College Gymnasium.

The redevelopment of our St John’s Campus will involve the renewal of our aging facilities while also ensuring that our
learning environment supports the delivery of an engaging, relevant and challenging curriculum that equips students with
the skills, competencies and attributes they require to confidently engage in a rapidly changing world. The St John’s
Campus redevelopment will also allow for an increase in ELC enrolments, including the addition of a program for three-year-
olds. Similarly, the redevelopment will see enrolments in the Upper Primary years expanded with additional classes at Years
4, 5 and 6.

The decision to plan for this enrolment growth was driven by a desire to:

       Secure enrolments for the future by responding to demand for earlier entry to ELC and entry into the Upper Primary
       Provide increased financial security for our College

This new development is also supported by a feasibility study, which was completed in 2019 and confirmed the viability of
our plans.

With these decisions now confirmed we have been busy preparing for a planned commencement of building next year, with
the intention of our new facilities being ready for 2023. During these initial phases of preparation and development of our
conceptual vision we have engaged the services of Proprius Advisory, Property Consultants. More recently we have also
engaged Brown Falconer as architects for our project. We are pleased to have an innovative and strong team of consultants
working for us to help realise our vision for this exciting and significant project that will serve the needs of our students here
at the St John’s Campus well into the future.

We are looking forward to continuing the refinement of our plans over the coming months. During this important process
there will be opportunity provided for input by staff, students and parents.

Please watch for further updates and information as we continue to progress this project.

Michael Paech
Principal - St John's Campus

Sally Staggs
Business Manager - St John's Campus

Year 1s Celebrate 100 Days of School

The Year 1 classes have been counting down the days at school since the beginning of Term 1. We reached our 100th day
in Year 1 on Monday 2 August. To celebrate this, students completed a writing task where they were asked to think about
what life would be like when they are 100 years old. We then made our own self-portraits using craft supplies and took a
photo using the ‘Aging Booth’ app to make us look old. During fitness time, we were involved in a group rotation where we
did different exercises – 100 times!

Miss Russell, Mrs Harrip and Ms Barlett
Year 1 Classroom Teachers

Siassi Partnership Update

Since 2011, Concordia College St John’s Campus has shared a partnership with the schools of the Siassi Islands in Papua
New Guinea. During this time, we have built relationships with the people of Siassi and The Evangelical Lutheran Church of
Papua New Guinea based in Lae. The partnership has been very fruitful in sharing Jesus’ love and supporting education on
Siassi. Concordia College staff visits to the Siassi Islands and reciprocal visits by Siassi teachers to our school have
provided rich and meaningful connections between both communities. We have equipped teachers with professional
development in workshops tailored to their specific needs, including teaching English as an additional language. The key
focus of the partnership has always been based upon building Christian relationship with the people of Siassi.

Unfortunately, one of the global impacts of COVID-19 is the restriction on international travel. Over the past few years, in our
partnership with the schools of Siassi, we have faced repeated obstacles when trying to travel to the islands. It now seems
that we will not be able to travel to PNG for a long time, possibly a number of years.

In light of this, and after much prayerful consideration, we feel it is necessary to pause our partnership with the schools of
Siassi for a period of time. This allows us all to reflect and acknowledge that, despite our best efforts and strong desire, our
partnership has struggled to remain connected and fruitful in recent years. At Concordia College, we remain committed to
praying for the people of Siassi and will reassess at the end of 2021 to decide whether our partnership can continue into the
We recognise that some of our school families have been very connected with this partnership over a number of years and
we thank you for your contribution.

Nancy Wells
Siassi Partnership Team Leader

SAHMRI Wellbeing and Resilience Be Well Plan

Dear St John's Campus families

As we continue to negotiate the challenges of 2020, we have become aware of the following resource that may be helpful to
those in our community.

SAHMRI’s Wellbeing and Resilience centre is currently offering FREE access to their online Be Well Plan.

This interactive program starts with an online survey, and helps you create your own personalised wellbeing guide. This is
full of activities to improve and maintain your mental health and wellbeing – tailored to your specific needs and interests.

The following link gives more information about the program and how to register for those who are interested.

Dr Catherine Johnson

Student Free Day - Friday 4 September

Please note that Friday, 4 September will be a student free day as staff will be engaged in professional development.

Back to top
Concordia Campus
Hear from the Head of Middle School and read about a Year 11 Wellbeing Workshop, Drama workshops and more.

In this Section

      From the Head of Middle School
      Year 11 Wellbeing Workshop
      Red Shield Appeal - Term 2 Fundraiser
      Thematic Text Study in Year 8; An Update on our Learning Journey
      Drama Workshops
      Eat Around the World in Year 8 Food Design
      SAHMRI's Wellbeing and Resilience FREE Be Well Plan
      Making Connections to Community through Sound
      Student Free Day - Friday 4 September

From the Head of Middle School

Wellbeing has become an intrinsic part of life at Concordia in 2020! Our research program has been extended this year to
allow data collection at St John’s Campus to move towards an integrated approach from ELC to the post-school year. This
has involved interviews and surveys with staff.

The first draft of our wellbeing framework is currently going out for feedback to all staff members and our Education
Committee. It is based on local and global evidence and targets key risk and protective factors for mental health. This will
involve a whole-school approach with a mix of explicit teaching, but with the application of key skills woven through school
interactions. In the new model, key skills will be taught in a developmental sequence from ELC to the post-school year, and
Pastoral Care will involve not only students, but also staff, families and recent graduates.

      Body image project: In conjunction with Dr Simon Wilksch from Flinders University’s Psychology Department, we are
      trialling an evidence-based eight-week program in Year 6, versus Year 8, to test how early these skills gain traction;
      Bullying and Relationships: In conjunction with Professor Phillip Slee from Flinders’ Education Department, we will be
      reviewing policy and education around bullying and relationships. This will involve surveying students, staff and
      parents around policy knowledge and utility. We will also use school data around frequency and type of issues. An
      eight-lesson evidence-based program will also be trialled in Years 4 and 7 (identified as key transition periods from
      local and global data) after training by Phillip Slee;
      Staff wellbeing: Our second workshop on key psychological skills and active management of wellbeing is scheduled
      for Week 9 of this term. The Leadership Team has utilised staff wellbeing survey feedback regarding workloads and
      meetings, allowing more space for planning on Professional Development days. The best structure for staff wellbeing
      is under discussion as part of the overall Concordia wellbeing framework;
      Parent resource: Concordia has subscribed to “School TV”, which gives curated information from experts on a range
      of socioemotional issues. We will be explicitly referring to sections of this, coordinated with our wellbeing strategies,
      in the future, but it is freely accessible now on our website;
      30-day wellbeing challenge: In conjunction with Healthy Minds, our Psychologist-in-Residence, Dr Catherine
      Johnson, has developed a 30-day wellbeing challenge for primary and secondary students. This was optional for
      teachers to take up, depending on existing Pastoral Care plans, and the option was eventually selected for Year 8
      and Year 10.
As you can see, the College is committed to the wellbeing of our students and our school community, and we will continue
to refine our data and incorporate new initiatives. We will keep you informed of these as they arise, and apprised of research
results as they come to hand.

Briony Carman
Head of Middle School

Year 11 Wellbeing Workshop

On Wednesday 29 July, the Year 11 cohort attended a wellbeing workshop run by psychologist Dr Tom Nehmy. As the
demands of senior schooling are beginning to make themselves felt amongst this cohort, it was great timing for the students
to receive a number of messages around wellbeing.

The first key message was that ‘wellbeing’ is about the positive health of the whole body.

Dr Nehmy introduced the ‘Wellbeing Wheel’, which identified six aspects of life:

   1.   Primary relationships
   2.   Biological needs and bodily health
   3.   Exercise
   4.   Psychological skills
   5.   Fun, interests and social life
   6.   Values, meaning and purpose

Students were asked to give themselves a score out of 10 for each point, with Dr Nehmy assuring the group that scoring
around a 7/10 for each point would indicate ‘healthy’ wellbeing – we don’t have to be perfect!

Another key message related to the way in which we respond to challenge. Many times in life we face challenging tasks.
Our evolutionary response is to avoid the situation: to run away, or hide, or go a different way. It is important for us to take
‘safe challenges’ – things that are difficult, a bit scary, but are not going to harm us, such as public speaking, abseiling or
introducing ourselves to new people.

The highest indicator of resilience is the willingness to take on challenges. Dr Nehmy encouraged us to aim for ‘willingness’
rather than ‘calm’. Habituation makes the tough seem easier over time; what seems difficult to others who have never tried it
is not so difficult for those of us who have repeatedly taken on the particular challenge, as we have built up our resilience
and ability to cope. [If you will excuse the gratuitous plug: much like the habituation of an IB Diploma student for study…!]

Hand in hand with willingness to have a go is healthy thinking. Dr Nehmy showed two clips: Ash Barty praising her opponent
after a defeat, and indicating that she was still upbeat about her season’s prospects (today was only one day); and Neale
Daniher talking to Melbourne Football Club about Fight MND, ‘Life’s good, but it doesn’t promise to be fair.’

Dr Nehmy finished by advising the students to practise self-compassion. What is my messaging to myself? Positive self-
compassion boosts resilience, willingness, and strength.

As Jack (11SBUD) noted,

        “I found the presentation very interesting because it had many important messages that relate to us as Year
        11 students - I liked how Dr Nehmy explained that every day won't be amazing and we will fail at times and
have bad days as we move through life, but we can learn from these mistakes and overcome these obstacles.
       This makes us stronger, better and more resilient people. It puts into perspective that we should not be
       worried when we feel sad at times in life; it's human nature and if we were always happy, there would probably
       be something wrong with us!”

Brendan Toohey
IB Diploma Coordinator
Year 11 Home Class Teacher

Red Shield Appeal - Term 2 Fundraiser

Throughout Term 2, we supported Unley Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal. At various chapels and assemblies we raised
awareness of the appeal and the work of the Salvos in our community. Due to the restrictions brought on by COVID-19, the
Salvos couldn’t go through with the annual door knock and sleep-out event in the Unley Soldiers Memorial Gardens.
Concordia has usually raised funds in support of the appeal in this way. Instead, Concordia created an online fundraiser for
the College open for students and families to donate to the cause. To align with the idea of isolation experienced by victims
of homelessness, a group of students braved the weather and slept out in their backyards alone in a thoughtful effort to
raise funds for the appeal. We also held a non-uniform day for all students late in the term, where all funds raised were
donated to the appeal. We raised $1,470 from the non-uniform day and just under $5000 ($4,799) from our Digital
Doorknock for a total of $6,269. That’s a fantastic result! We’d like to say a massive thanks to Reno Elms (The Salvation
Army, Unley) and Pastor Dale for all their help in organising this great fundraiser. A big thanks also to all the students and
College families for their incredible support.

Josh Martin
College Captain

Thematic Text Study in Year 8; An Update on our Learning Journey

Our Year 8 cohort have continued to explore the Statement of Inquiry Circumstance takes you places but community keeps
you there, as part of their ‘Red Dog’ thematic text study. Late in Week 2, students commenced their learning with a lesson
on ‘Australian Icons’, to provide a social context to the text. Students indulged in a Caramello Koala (strictly related to being
an icon!), enjoyed a '70s Australian music playlist and were asked to identify as many ‘Australian-isms’ as they could from
Australian Geographic’s anniversary image. They then engaged in a station activity, where students moved around Murtoa
to investigate varied aspects of the text, including life in 1970s Australia, the mining industry, the importance of dogs in
bringing community together and Indigenous links to community through picture books. Next up: Emma Rieger from our
Inclusive Learning Team will be guiding the students through Sketch Noting!

The Year 8 Team

Drama Workshops
During Week 2, Year 9 and 10 Drama students took part in a Physical Theatre workshop with Craig McArdle from McArts.
Craig is an actor, director and theatre maker from the UK who has lived and worked in Adelaide for the last eight years. His
workshops were challenging, engaging and fun, and students were able to learn a whole lot of new tips and tricks to
enhance their performance work. In what has obviously been a year like no other, learning in Drama and about the Arts
industry has looked very different. We were very grateful to have this opportunity to work with Craig and we look forward to
welcoming audiences back to the Drama Centre to see live performances very soon.

Emma Williams
Head of Drama

Eat Around the World in Year 8 Food Design

We may not be able to travel around the world, but we’ve brought some cultures to us here in Year 8 Food Design!

In ‘Eat Around the World’ our students researched and discovered various cultures’ national dishes. They completed a
detailed workflow plan, food order of specific ingredients and presented their tables with embellishments and stylised flair
from their chosen culture, including cranberry juice for wine!

Belinda Zanello
Visual Art, Media and Food Design Teacher

SAHMRI's Wellbeing and Resilience FREE Be Well Plan

Dear Concordia Campus families

As we continue to negotiate the challenges of 2020, we have become aware of the following resource that may be helpful to
those in our community.

SAHMRI’s Wellbeing and Resilience centre is currently offering FREE access to their online Be Well Plan.

This interactive program starts with an online survey, and helps you create your own personalised wellbeing guide. This is
full of activities to improve and maintain your mental health and wellbeing – tailored to your specific needs and interests.

The following link gives more information about the program and how to register for those who are interested.

Dr Catherine Johnson

Making Connections to Community through Sound
In what has become somewhat of an annual tradition in Ms NT’s Year 9 English class, local sound engineer Josh Williams
came to present on how sound is used to manipulate audience response in film and television. He brought in his equipment,
disclosed tricks of the trade and industry, and encouraged students to share their ambitions about future artistic pursuits.
The session will be used as a complementary resource when the class engage in their summative analysis on how director
Tim Burton utilises musical score in his films. Inclusive Education Teacher Emma Rieger, who attended the session, also
provided supporting Sketch Notes for the students to utilise when constructing their response.

Vanessa Narino-Terry
English and Humanities Teacher

Student Free Day - Friday 4 September

Please note that Friday, 4 September will be a student free day as staff will be engaged in professional development.

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Click here for the latest news and results.

In this Section

       Knockout Sport Round 1 Success
       St John's Campus Sports Results
       Concordia Campus Sports Results

Knockout Sport Round 1 Success

Students have recently competed in a range of statewide knockout sports competitions, with some excellent results!

Well done to our Year 6/7 football, Year 7 soccer and Year 7 netball players. All four of these teams were undefeated in
their respective round robins during Week 3 and have won through to the semifinal round of the statewide knockout

After two matches on Monday, 10 August, our Senior A Netball have advanced to the next round of the knockout

We wish all of these teams every success for the remaining games. Go Concordia!

St John's Campus Sports Results


Thursday 30 July
Concordia Champions were defeated by Mercedes: 8-16.
Concordia Chargers defeated Highgate Hustlers: 26-0.

Thursday 7 August
Concordia Chargers were defeated by Parkside Red: 11-14.
Concordia Champions were defeated by Unley Inspired: 7-29.

Tuesday 28 July
Concordia Cannons defeated Highgate Heatwave: 16-0.

Tuesday 4 August
Concordia Cannons defeated Burnside Thunder: 36-2.

Wednesday 5 August
Concordia Celtics were defeated by Emmaus CC 4-30.


Saturday 1 August
Concordia Year 6/7 Boys defeated St Paul's College: 20.9 (129) to 2.2 (14).

Saturday 8 August
Year 6/7 Boys were defeated by St Peter's College: 0.0 (0) to 18.11 (119).


Monday 27 July
The Concordia Canaries were defeated by Concordia Celtics: 14-0.

Monday 3 August
The Concordia Celtics defeated Unley Blue Crew: 18-0. The whole team played well.
The Concordia Canaries defeated St Therese Stars: 6-0.

Monday 10 August
Canaries Year 2/3 team defeated the St Thomas Tigers: 5-0.


Saturday 1 August
Concordia Under 8s defeated Clapham: 2–0. Player of the match was Sebastian and two goals were scored by Noah.
Concordia Under 9s drew 1-1 to Stella Maris.
Concordia Under 11s were defeated by Highgate: 3-4.

Saturday 8 August
Concordia Under 8s were defeated by Glen Osmond: 8-0.
Concordia Under 11s were defeated by Craigburn Primary: 0-2.


Friday 31 July
Concordia Gold defeated Rose Park Suteki two sets to one – 72 points to 70. The first and well deserved win with their
wonderful new coach Amber.

Friday 7 August
Concordia Gold were defeated by Loreto Spikers two sets to one, 73 to 61 points.

Concordia Campus Sports Results

Mixed Sport
Cross Country

Senior Girls
Isla 11RAMO, 3rd place in 20:19:40

Middle Boys
Rohan 8GGRA, 7th | 18:44:50
Marshall 7LAUS, 9th | 18:59:10
Alex 8VNAR, 16th | 20:08:50
Jacob 7RCRO, 19th | 20:29:40
Liam 7LAUS, 22nd | 21:02:80
Luke 7RHOG, 24th | 22:49:00

Middle Girls
Alexandra 7RHOG, 10th | 20:57:30
Ely 7RHOG, 12th | 21:47:60
Jess 7KSPA, 13th | 22:04:10


Wednesday 22 July
Middle Hockey defeated by PAC: 0-5. Best players: Kieran B, Sam W and Fergus C.

Wednesday 29 July
Middle Hockey defeated by Pulteney: 0-4. Best players: Kieran B, Fergus C and Charlotte S.

Wednesday 5 August
Middle Hockey defeated by St Peters: 0–6. Best players: Sam W, Asmitha R and Kieran B.

Boys Sport


Wednesday 29 July
Concordia Gold defeated Concordia Blue.

Saturday 1 August
Senior A defeated by Cabra: 42–87. Top scorers: Sam H (14) and Calvin Z (11). Best players: Sam H, Isaac H and Calvin Z.
Senior B defeated by Cabra: 37–51. Top scorers: Jack S (14) and Clark M (7). Best players: Jack S, Clark M and Will T.
Senior C defeated Cabra: 39–34. Top scorers: Harry N (11) and Will M (7). Best players: Harry N, Will M and Will P.
Senior D defeated by Woodcroft: 19–37.
Middle A defeated Cabra: 88–24. Top scorers: Oliver M (27), Tom S (24), Lachlan T (10), Kurtis R (10). Best players: Oliver
M, Tom S, Lachlan T and Kurtis R.
Middle B defeated Cabra: 56–14. Top scorers: Fergus V (16), Elijah M (11) and Frederick B (9). Best players: Fergus V,
Elijah M and Henry R-E.
Middle C defeated Cabra: 77-20. Top scorers: Angus M (32), Patrick S (20) and James P (14). Best players: Angus M,
Patrick S and James P.
Middle D defeated St Peters: 28–24. Top scorers: Jack P (12) and Luke (8). Best players: Jack P, Michael S and Jacob S.

Saturday 8 August
Senior B defeated by Pembroke: 32–44. Top scorers: Jack S (12) and Will T (7). Best players: Jack Su, Jack St and Will T.
Senior C defeated Pembroke: 59–30. Top scorers: Jack S (22), Harry N (11) and Will P (10). Best players: Will P, Jack S
and Harry N.
Senior D defeated Pembroke: 23–10. Top scorers: Ray (7), Aiden (4) and James (4). Best players: Jay S, Aiden M, James T
and Ray Z.
Middle A defeated Pembroke: 58–27. Top scorers: Thomas S (20), Oliver M (17), Alex S (11). Best players: Oliver M,
Thomas S and Alex S.
Middle B defeated Pembroke: 56–32. Top scorers: Henry R-E (17), Fergus V (6) and Ethan T (6). Best players: Henry R-E,
Fergus V and Ethan T.
Middle C defeated Pembroke: 24–23. Top scorers: Patrick S (12) and Jackson G (6). Best players: Patrick S, Ethan B and
Jackson G.
Middle D defeated PAC: 23–19. Top scorers: Jack P (10), Jacob S (4) and Michael S (4). Best players: Jack P, Jacob S and
Archie A.


Wednesday 29 July
1st XVIII defeated Cabra: 13.8 (86) – 6.7 (43). Goal kickers: James K (6), Jack S (3), Josh G (2), Finn S (1), Ollie L (1). Best
players: Ollie L, Taran S, Sam G, Jet W, James K, Josh C and Nick G.
Open B defeated by Pulteney Grammar A Grade.
Middle Football defeated by Nazareth: 6.9 (45) - 7.5 (47). Goal kickers: Max T (2), Jacob H (1), Jake D (1), Fergus V (1),
Tadgh W (1), Ben P (1), Kurtis R (1), Noah P (1), Seb R (1), Angus M (1), Hamish G (1). Best players: Kurtis R, Noah P,
Fergus V, Angus M, Rory F and Ben P.

Saturday 1 August
Year 7B defeated St Pauls. Goal kickers: Jake M (4), Fela H (4), Leon R (3), Louis A (3), Jack N (2), James P, Oliver E, Jett
H and James C.
Best players: Jake M, Louis A, James P and Fela H.

Wednesday 5 August
1st XVIII defeated Norwood Morialta: 7.8 (50) – 5.6 (36). Goal kickers: Jet W (4), James K (1), Taran S (1), Zak B (1). Best
players: Jet W, Oliver L, Taran S, Sam G, Fletcher S and Jaden T M.
Open B defeated by Cardijn: 2.2 (14) – 15.12 (105). Goal kickers: Dane H (1) and Jack S (1). Best players: Dane H, Cody J,
Joey H-F, Jack S, Luke F and Harry N.
Middle Football defeated Unley: 13.13 (91) – 2.3 (15). Goal kickers: Harry K (2), Sean W (2), Tom S (2), Ben P (1), Kurtis R
(1), Noah P (1), Michael S (1), Louis A (1), Leon R (1) and Joe S (1). Best players: Noah P, Kurtis R, Bailey K, Jake D and
Ben P.


Saturday 1 August
Open B defeated Cardijn: 4–3. Goal scorers: Kyle G (2), Jack K (1) and Ben D (1). Best players: Kern M, Ben D and Kyle G.
Middle A defeated CBC: 8–1. Goal scorers: Max T (3), Tom T (2), Alex P (2), Fletcher D (2) and Kostas T. Best players:
Alex P, Tom T and Oli M.
Middle B defeated Unley: 4–0. Goal scorers: Adam B (3) and Kostas T. Best players: Joe M, Lachlan H and Marshall H.
Year 7B defeated by PAC: 1–6. Goal scorers: Max. Best players: Lucas H, Elliot K and Leo V.

Wednesday 5 August
Senior A defeated by Immanuel: 1–4.

Saturday 8 August
Open B defeated Cabra. Goal scorers: Oscar H (5), Ben D (2), Kyle G (1), Piers H (1), Alex T (1), Joseph P (1), Angus L (1)
and Jordan R (1).
Middle A defeated by Cardijn: 1–7. Goal scorer: Adam B. Best players: Alex P, Cormack K and Sam P.
Year 7B defeated Pulteney: 4–2. Goal scorers: Lucas H (2), Ned B and Luke B. Best players: Lucas H, Mitchell V and
Charles L.

Girls Sport


Friday 31 July
Senior A defeated by Seymour.
Senior B had a bye.
Middle A defeated Seymour.
Middle B defeated by Wilderness in a close game.

Friday 7 August
Senior A defeated by St Ignatius.
Senior B defeated Seymour.
Middle A defeated Woodcroft.
Middle B defeated by Seymour in another close game.


Saturday 1 August
Senior A defeated by Westminster.
Senior B1 defeated by Westminster.
Senior B2 defeated Westminster.
Senior C defeated by Westminster.
Year 10 defeated by Westminster.
Year 9A defeated by Westminster.
Year 9B defeated by Westminster.
Year 9 Navy defeated Wilderness.
Year 9 White defeated Pembroke.
Year 8A defeated by Westminster.
Year 8B defeated Westminster.
Year 7A defeated by Westminster.
Year 7B defeated Westminster.
Year 7 Navy defeated Pembroke.
Year 7 White defeated Scotch.

Saturday 8 August
Senior A defeated by St Peters.
Senior B1 defeated by St Peters.
Senior B2 defeated Seymour.
Senior C defeated Seymour.
Year 9A defeated by St Peters in a close game.
Year 9B defeated St Peters.
Year 9 Navy defeated by Scotch.
Year 9 White defeated by St Peters.
Year 8A defeated by St Peters.
Year 8B defeated St Peters.
Year 8 Navy defeated by Westminster.
Year 8 White defeated St Peters.
Year 7A defeated by St Peters.
Year 7B defeated St Peters.
Year 7 Navy defeated Scotch.
Year 7 White defeated Pembroke in a strong win.

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Diary dates, events and notices from around the College and the wider community.

In this Section

      Diary Dates
      Lost Property at the Concordia Campus
      An update from the LLL
      The School Shop
      Public Notices & Events

Diary Dates

St John's Campus


 Monday 17              ELC Parent/Teacher Chats, 3.30-4.30pm

                        College Tour - St John's Campus, 9.15am
 Tuesday 18             College Tour - Concordia Campus, 9.15am
                        ELC Parent/Teacher Chats, 3.30-5.30pm

 Thursday 20            College Tour - Concordia Campus, 9.15am

                        College Tour - St John's Campus, 9.15am
 Tuesday 25
                        College Tour - Concordia Campus, 9.15am

 Wednesday 26           College Tour - St John's Campus, 9.15am

 Thursday 27            College Tour - Concordia Campus, 9.15am


                        College Tour - St John's Campus, 9.15am
 Tuesday 1
                        College Tour - Concordia Campus, 9.15am

 Thursday 3             College Tour - Concordia Campus, 9.15am

 Friday 4               Student-free Day

                        College Tour - St John's Campus, 9.15am
 Tuesday 8
                        College Tour - Concordia Campus, 9.15am
College Tour - St John's Campus, 9.15am
                    P&F Meeting, St John's Campus Staffroom,
Wednesday 9
                    ELC Bush Day at Belair National Park

Thursday 10         College Tour - Concordia Campus, 9.15am

                    College Tour - St John's Campus, 9.15am
Tuesday 15
                    College Tour - Concordia Campus, 9.15am

                    Last day of Term 3, St John's Campus
Friday 25
                    students dismissed at 3.15pm

Concordia Campus


                        College Tour - St John's Campus,
Tuesday 18
                        College Tour - Concordia Campus,

Wed 19 - Thurs 20       Year 12 Retreat

                        College Tour - Concordia Campus,
Thursday 20

                        College Tour - St John's Campus,
Tuesday 25
                        College Tour - Concordia Campus,

                        College Tour - St John's Campus,
Wednesday 26

                        College Tour - Concordia Campus,
Thursday 27


                        College Tour - St John's Campus,
Tuesday 1
                        College Tour - Concordia Campus,

                        College Tour - Concordia Campus,
Thursday 3

Friday 4                Student-free Day

Mon 7 - Thurs 10        Year 9 Camp
College Tour - St John's Campus,
 Tuesday 8
                              College Tour - Concordia Campus,

                              College Tour - St John's Campus,
 Wednesday 9
                              P&F Meeting, St John's Campus
                              Staffroom, 7pm

                              College Tour - Concordia Campus,
 Thursday 10

 Friday 11                    Year 9 Student Free Day

 Mon 14 - Fri 18              SACE and IBDP Trial Exams

                              College Tour - St John's Campus,
 Tuesday 15
                              College Tour - Concordia Campus,

 Friday 18                    Year 11 Reflection Day

 Wednesday 23                 Concordia Campus Non-Uniform Day

                              Last day of Term 3, Years 7-12
 Friday 25
                              dismissed at 1pm

Lost Property at the Concordia Campus

The Concordia Campus SSO has a number of lost property items. These include keys, USB drives, graphics calculators,
jewellery, drink bottles, uniform pieces and other assorted items. Please drop in to have a look if you are missing any of
these items.

An update from the LLL

Regular pocket money can help a child to learn the advantages of saving while earning pocket money by completing chores
can teach them the value of money. Find out more in the LLL blog Pocket Money - getting started.

The School Shop

General trading has resumed – no appointment required. Physical distancing rules still apply. We thank you for
your patience during this time.

General purchases may also be emailed to and The School Shop staff will contact you
for payment and advise when orders are available to collect.

Opening Hours – Term Time
      Mondays: 8am – 4pm
      Wednesdays: 12.30pm – 4pm
      Thursdays: 12.30pm – 5.30pm

Holiday Opening
      Thursday 8 October: 12:30pm – 5.30pm
      Friday 9 October: 10.00am – 4.00pm
      Monday 12 October: 8.00am – 4.00pm (Start of Term 4)

The School Shop staff can be contacted on the direct phone line during opening hours – 8291 9302.

Second-hand Clothing
If you have uniforms you no longer need, they may be donated or sold on consignment in The School Shop.

      Blazers and winter skirts/pinafores must be dry cleaned with receipt attached.
      Jumpers must be washed using a wool wash detergent.
      All other items must be washed, ironed and in a good condition.
      Summer hats must be hand washed.
      Any uniform items in need of repair e.g. broken zips, seams unstitched, missing buttons, etc. must be repaired prior
      to acceptance for sale. Buttons are sold in The School Shop.

Old Logo and Discontinued Styles – Uniforms with the old school logo and discontinued styles are no longer saleable in The
School Shop but can be dropped off for overseas charity donation.

Hand Sanitiser – handy 500ml pump bottles available - $14.00ea.

Public Notices & Events

      The Child and Adolescent Sleep Clinic at Flinders University provides assessment and treatment for common
      sleep problems in children and adolescents. Download a flyer for more information and for details of how to book an
      Bellevue Heights Tennis Club offers tennis involvement for agest 4-12 through the ANZ Tennis Australia Hot Shots
      Programme. They are asking parents to register their child for a 'Come and Try' session at their Open Day on
      Sunday, 30 August. Download a flyer for more information.
      Registered Children's Yoga Teacher Lisa Hall is running Inspiring Yogis free come and try yoga classes at Fullarton
      Park Community Centre. Download a flyer for more information.

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