2021 ANNUAL CLUB MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION - Atlas Golden Spike Club - Atlas ...

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2021 ANNUAL CLUB MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION - Atlas Golden Spike Club - Atlas ...
Atlas Golden Spike Club™
                       2021 ANNUAL CLUB
                    MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION

                     Goldenlock Beer                     PET Milk

There’s no reason to cry in your beer--or over spilled milk--when Atlas
gives Golden Spike Club members both types of Master Line 40’ Wood
Reefers to choose from. Whether you’re a milk lover, or if beer is your
thing, Atlas gives you either (or both) in the latest GSC membership car.

On the pages inside you will find historical information and features
pertaining to the two reefers being offered for 2021. The first is an
‘alternate history’ car decorated for Goldenlock Beer and the other is a
recreation of the prototype PET Milk reefer.

Club Members selecting the Deluxe level of Membership for $69.95
can choose to order either the beer or milk reefer in their choice of 2 or
3-Rail. As an added bonus, members can choose to purchase BOTH club
cars for the special price of $129.90. Please refer to the last page of this
packet for your membership application, or visit:
https://shop.atlasrr.com/c-1000-ogsc.aspx to sign up or renew online!

                        STAY TUNED TO THE NEXT EDITION OF
                        THE GOLDEN SPIKE CLUB NEWSLETTER
                         FOR A SPECIAL CONTEST RELATED TO
                               THE 2021 CLUB CARS!
2021 ANNUAL CLUB MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION - Atlas Golden Spike Club - Atlas ...
Atlas Golden Spike Club™

                     2021 ANNUAL CLUB CAR
                     ATLAS MASTER® O 40’ WOOD REEFER

                                              GOLDENLOCK BEER
 The colorful billboard reefers of the early 20th century provided a broad canvas for advertising numerous products to the public. While meat,
 dairy, vegetable and fruit products were able to capitalize on this advertising medium to help build national brand awareness, the brewing
 industry – an early adopter of refrigerated car transport – was significantly hampered by Prohibition. Many breweries were forced out of
 business by 1920, and those which did survive produced (mostly) non-alcoholic malt-based products during this time. When Prohibition ended in
 1933, new breweries had little opportunity to utilize billboard reefers for marketing, as these were outlawed beginning in 1936 by the Interstate
 Commerce Commission. Artistic marketing was rapidly moving toward the print medium, however, and the variety of colorful product labels and
 even beer styles produced in the years before World War II was not seen again until the explosive growth of modern craft brewing in the 1980s.

 Lockport Brewing of Lock Haven, PA was one such example of this change. Founded in 1933 and operational until 1944, the brewery complex
 itself dated from the late 1800s, and had been part of the Widmann family of breweries until 1915. Goldenlock became the flagship beer of
 the brewery, and together with Goldenlock Ale and Old German Beer, was produced throughout the brewery’s lifetime. The distinctive label from
 1935 reproduced on our 2021 GSC 40’ Wood Reefer calls to mind the operational door hardware and locks found on these cars, and serves as a
 tribute to what might have been, had Prohibition not interrupted the “flow” of the US brewing industry.

 Available in 2-rail as well as 3-rail, these ready-to-run reefers have state-of-the-art detailing and construction. 2-rail versions feature body-
 mounted scale knuckle couplers and scale 33” wheelsets.
 • Highly detailed ABS body                                           •    Die-cast underframe
 • Separately-applied ladders, grab irons and stirrups                •    Separately applied brake system and vertical brake shaft
 • Die-cast metal stirrups                                            •    Separately-applied coupler lift bars
 • Separately-applied door hinges, handles and latches                •    40-ton Bettendorf-style, die-cast sprung trucks with metal wheels
 • Opening doors                                                      •    Die-cast articulated couplers (3-Rail)
 • Separately-applied opening roof hatches, hinges and latches        •    Min. diameter curve: O-31 (3-Rail)/Min.radius curve: 24” (2-Rail)
2021 ANNUAL CLUB MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION - Atlas Golden Spike Club - Atlas ...
Atlas Golden Spike Club™

                     2021 ANNUAL CLUB CAR
                     ATLAS MASTER® O 40’ WOOD REEFER

                                                            PET MILK
 Originally incorporated in 1885 as the “Helvetia Milk Condensing Company” in Highland, Illinois, the PET Milk Company was the first to produce
 a shelf-stable condensed milk that would not require refrigeration. This product would become a staple for US military forces in the Spanish-
 American War, World Wars I and II, and was an important ingredient in many recipes from the economic depths of the Great Depression through
 the boom of the 1950s-60s. In 1929, PET started a Dairy Division through the acquisition of a liquid milk processing plant in Tennessee, and
 likely shipped raw refrigerated milk from this plant as well as other suppliers in colorful billboard reefers such as the 2021 GSC car for processing
 into condensed milk.

 Available in 2-rail as well as 3-rail, these ready-to-run reefers have state-of-the-art detailing and construction. 2-rail versions feature body-
 mounted scale knuckle couplers and scale 33” wheelsets.

 • Highly detailed ABS body                                            •    Die-cast underframe
 • Separately-applied ladders, grab irons and stirrups                 •    Separately applied brake system and vertical brake shaft
 • Die-cast metal stirrups                                             •    Separately-applied coupler lift bars
 • Separately-applied door hinges, handles and latches                 •    40-ton Bettendorf-style, die-cast sprung trucks with metal wheels
 • Opening doors                                                       •    Die-cast articulated couplers (3-Rail)
 • Separately-applied opening roof hatches, hinges and latches         •    Min. diameter curve: O-31 (3-Rail)/Min.radius curve: 24” (2-Rail)
2021 ANNUAL CLUB MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION - Atlas Golden Spike Club - Atlas ...
Atlas Golden Spike Club™
                      2021 Membership Application & Renewal
                 TM   To become a member of the Atlas O Golden Spike Club® for 2021, or renew an existing
                      membership, please complete this form and either mail to Atlas Golden Spike Club®, 378
                      Florence Avenue, Hillside, NJ 07205 or fax it to one of the fax numbers below. Please allow 10-
                      12 weeks for processing. Please note: If you are currently a member of the Golden Spike Club®, please
                      check the box below and continue completing this application. Membership runs from January through
                      December 2021.
                      o Yes, I am currently a Golden Spike Club® member and would like to renew my membership.
                                                   2021 Golden Spike Club
                       (Please Check or Mark an X, on the boxes relating to the membership you have chosen)

o PRIMARY MEMBERSHIP 2 OR 3-RAIL $30: (Annual club car not included)* Includes: Annual membership card,
Club pin (new members only), exclusive members only offers, mailed semi-annual newsletters

o D ELUXE MEMBERSHIP Includes your choice of limited edition member’s only Club Car plus Primary Membership items
    above. Please Check or Mark an X, on the box below relating to your choice of deluxe membership.

                                                                 3rd Quarter
                      Goldenlock Beer                                                                     PET Milk
                                            Choose ONE Deluxe Membership Selection:

    o O 2-Rail Goldenlock Beer Reefer $69.95 o O 3-Rail Goldenlock Beer Reefer $69.95
    o O 2-Rail PET Milk Reefer $69.95        o O 3-Rail PET Milk Reefer $69.95
    o O 2-Rail Beer & Milk Reefers $129.90   o O 3-Rail Beer & Milk Reefers $129.90
*Please note: NJ residents will be charged sales tax. For membership materials shipped outside the continental U.S., an annual shipping
    charge of $20 will apply. Atlas reserves the right to cancel any scale model that does not meet minimum production quantities.
 Please indicate type of payment:
       o Check/Money Order (Please make all checks payable to Atlas Model Railroad Co. U.S. Dollars only)
       o Visa o MasterCard o American Express o Discover o Paypal

 Card #:         oooo - oooo - oooo - oooo
 Expiration Date:_______________________CVV#:____________________ Signature:___________________________________
 Name:________________________________________________________________ Member # (Renewals only):____________
 Address 1:________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Address 2:________________________________________________________________________________________________
 City:___________________________________________________________ State:___________________ Zip:_______________
 Country:________________________________________________________ Phone #:___________________________________
 Email:_________________________________________________ How did you hear about the Golden Spike Club?
                                                                          o Train Show o E-mail o Magazine o Online o Friend/Family
               Atlas Golden Spike Club • 378 Florence Avenue • Hillside, NJ • 07205 FAX: 908-851-2550 or 908-687-8857

   Questions? Please email Patricia Kimble at pkimble@atlasrr.com or call 908-687-0880 ext. 7122 9 AM to 5 PM, Mon - Fri (EST)
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