2021-2022 Proposed Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary Highlights
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2021-2022 Proposed Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary Highlights P RES E NT ED BY : K im M c D ou ga l , Ph .D . Ca rlec ia Col l i ns 3 01 S ou th B r o nou g h St r ee t, Su i te 6 0 0 Ta ll a ha s se e, Fl o ri da 3 23 0 1 85 0 -577 -5 4 6 1 kim .mc d ou ga l @g ra y -r o bi ns o n. c o m www.gray-robinson.com Boca Raton | Fort Lauderdale | Fort Myers | Gainesville | Jacksonville | Key West | Lakeland GrayRobinson, P.A. | 1 Melbourne | Miami | Naples | Orlando | Tallahassee | Tampa | Washington, DC | West Palm Beach
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS EDUCATION APPROPRIATION HIGHLIGHTS ............................................................................................................................... 3 2021-2022 Proposed Senate and House Education Appropriation Highlights .................................... 3 Florida Education Finance Program Statewide Summary Comparisons .............................................. 11 HB 5101- Education Funding -2021 ................................................................................................................. 12 Senate (SPB 2500) Back of the Bill ................................................................................................................ 13 House (PCB APC 21-01 - General Appropriations Act) Back of the Bill ................................................ 14 G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A. | 2
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 EDUCATION APPROPRIATION HIGHLIGHTS 2021-2022 Proposed Senate and House Education Appropriation Highlights LINE SENATE HOUSE ISSUE ITEM # (SPB 2500) (PCB 21-01) EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT “LOTTERY” TRUST FUND Classrooms First & 1997 1 $28,954,268 $28,954,268 Bond Programs Class Size – 2 Capital Outlay $128,655,782 $128,655,782 Debt Service $613,861,259 $651,317,460 Academic Scholars shall receive an award equal to the amount necessary to pay 100 percent of Provides Academic Scholars 100% of tuition and tuition and applicable fees for fall, spring, and fees; Provides Florida Medallion 75% of tuition summer terms. and fees; Florida Medallion Scholar who is enrolled in an associate degree program at a Medallion Scholars shall receive an award equal Florida College System Institution shall receive to the amount necessary to pay 75 percent of 100% of tuition and fees. tuition and applicable fees for fall, spring, and summer terms. For Gold Seal Vocational Scholars and Gold Seal CAPE Scholars, the award per credit hour or For Gold Seal Vocational Scholars and Gold Seal credit hour: CAPE Scholars, the award per credit hour or credit Bright Futures hour equivalent as specified in the GAA. 5 Scholarship Career Certificate Program ……………..…….… $39 Gold Seal Vocational Scholars and Gold Seal Program Applied Technology Diploma Program……. $39 CAPE Scholars Career Certificate Program…………………………………………….……... $39 Technical Degree Education Program………. $48 Applied Technology Diploma Program…...…. $39 Gold Seal CAPE Scholars Bachelor of Science Program with Statewide Technical Degree Education Program………… $48 Articulation Agreement ………………………...…$48 Gold Seal CAPE Scholars Bachelor of Science Florida College of Applied Science System Program with Statewide Articulation Bachelor Program……………….………………..…..$48 Agreement…................................................. $48 Florida College System Bachelor of Applied Science Program………………………………….….… $48 The additional stipend for Top Scholars shall be $44 per credit hour. Florida Education $427,964,839 7 Finance $443,226,738 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 8 are Program Allocated in FEFP Line Item. allocated in Specific Appropriation 92. (FEFP) Class Size 8 $103,776,356 $103,776,356 Reduction G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A. | 3
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 LINE SENATE HOUSE ISSUE ITEM # (SPB 2500) (PCB 21-01) $103,338,067 Workforce 9 $100,426,476 Funds are provided for school district workforce Development education programs as defined in s. 1004.02(5), F.S. FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECTS Maintenance, Repair, 19 Charter Schools……………………………. $100,000,000 Charter Schools……………………..……….$183,463,638 Renovation, Remodeling Fixed Capital Outlay–Survey 20 Developmental Research Schools……..$7,673,357 Developmental Research Schools….…..$7,673,357 Recommended Needs Special Facility Baker (2nd of 3 years)………………………….$8,504,580 Levy 21 Construction Bradford (2nd of 3 years)…………………..$13,178,063 $12,416,163 Account Levy (2nd of 3 years)……………………..…..$12,416,163 Fixed Capital $5,973,927 $5,300,863 Outlay Public 26 For projects to correct health and safety issues at For projects to correct health and safety issues at Broadcasting various public broadcasting stations. various public broadcasting stations. Projects VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION $6,056,567 $5,950,134 Adults with 31 Funds for various programs for Adults with Funds for various programs for Adults with Disabilities Disabilities. Disabilities. EARLY LEARNING AND VOLUNTARY PREKINDERGARTEN EDUCATION Partnership for 82 School $23,123,957 $22,591,457 Readiness School $945,877,228 $895,877,228 83 Readiness $689,927,228 provided to early learning $689,927,228 provided to early learning Services coalitions for School Readiness Program. coalitions for School Readiness Program. $1,629,791 $1,629,791 Early Learning For VPK pre- and post-assessments, Progress For VPK pre- and post-assessments, Progress 84 Standards Monitoring, and professional development for Monitoring, and professional development for VPK providers. VPK providers. $405,393,757 $405,427,397 Voluntary School Year BSA……………………………………….$2,486 School Year BSA...........................................$2,486 86 Pre-K Summer School BSA…………………………………$2,122 Summer School BSA………………………………….$2,122 Programs Administrative Costs……………………………………...4% Administrative Costs..........................................4% G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A. | 4
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 LINE SENATE HOUSE ISSUE ITEM # (SPB 2500) (PCB 21-01) FLORIDA EDUCATIONAL FINANCE PROGRAM $7,967.99 (+181.38) Per Student $7,786 (current level) $7,850.34 (+63.73) [Student Allocation reserve removed] Base Student 90 $4,319.49 $4,371.60 Allocation $500,000,000 $500,000,000 Recurring GR is provided for the Teacher Salary Recurring GR is provided for the Teacher Salary Increase Allocation, pursuant to section 1011.62, Increase Allocation, pursuant to section 1011.62, F.S. 80% of the total allocation is provided for F.S. 80% of the total allocation is provided for school districts to increase the minimum base school districts to increase the minimum base salary for full-time classroom teachers as defined salary for full-time classroom teachers as defined in section 1012.01(2)(a), F.S., plus certified in section 1012.01(2)(a), F.S. plus certified prekindergarten teachers funded in the FEFP, but prekindergarten teachers funded in the FEFP, but not including substitute teachers, to at least not including substitute teachers, to at least Teacher Salary $47,500, or to the maximum amount achievable $47,500, or to the maximum amount achievable 90 Increase based on the school district’s allocation. based on the school district’s allocation. Allocation No eligible full-time classroom teacher shall No eligible full-time classroom teacher shall receive a base salary less than the minimum base receive a base salary less than the minimum base salary as adjusted by the school district’s salary as adjusted by the school district’s allocation. allocation. 20% of the total allocation, plus any remaining 20% of the total allocation, plus any remaining funds from the district’s share of the 80% funds from the district’s share of the 80% allocation, shall be used by school districts as allocation, shall be used by school districts as specified in section 1011.62, F.S. specified in section 1011.62, F.S. Juvenile Justice $4,834,497 90 Education $5,097,648 Programs $55,205,227 $55,500,000 Sparsity Provides a minimum of $100/FTE in districts with Provides a minimum of $100/FTE in districts with 90 Supplement 24,000 or fewer FTE. 24,000 or fewer FTE. Required Local $8,179,432,894 $8,179,432,894 90 Effort Millage Rate………………………………….……3.888 mills Millage Rate………………………………..……..3.733 mills Discretionary Millage $1,695,845,263 $1,695,845,263 90 Compression Millage Rate………………………………….……0.748 mills Millage Rate………………………………………..0.748 mills Supplement K-3 Basic…….………………………………………….…..1.126 K - 3 Basic……………………………………………………1.126 4-8 Basic…………………………………………..………..1.000 4 - 8 Basic…………………………………………………...1.000 9-12 Basic…………………………………………………..1.010 9 - 12 Basic………………………………………………….1.010 Program Cost 90 ESE Level 4…………………………………….....……….3.648 ESE Level 4…………………………………………..…..…3.648 Factors ESE Level 5…………………………..…………………….5.340 ESE Level 5…………………………………………..……..5.340 ESOL…………………………………………………………..1.199 ESOL……………………………………………………..…….1.199 9-12 Career Ed……………………..…………………….1.010 9-12 Career Ed……..……………………………………..1.010 G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A . | 5
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 LINE SENATE HOUSE ISSUE ITEM # (SPB 2500) (PCB 21-01) $1,066,945,851 $1,066,945,851 ESE Funds are provided in addition to the funds for Funds are provided in addition to the funds for 90 Guaranteed each exceptional student in the per FTE student each exceptional student in the per FTE student Allocation calculation. calculation. $180,000,000 $180,000,000 Safe Schools Minimum Allocation…………………………….$250,000 Minimum Allocation………………………………$250,000 90 Allocation Funds to be allocated Funds to be allocated pursuant to Section 1011.62, F.S. pursuant to Section 1011.62(15), F.S. $973,289,110 Instruction to be provided pursuant to section Supplemental 1011.62, F.S. $265,882,500 in nonrecurring GR $707,406,610 90 Academic funds is provided for school districts and FLVS to Funds to be provided pursuant to s. 1011.62, F.S. Instruction acquire or provide supplemental services as a result of the pre-assessments required as part of the remediation of student learning loss. Turnaround $26,130,735 Supplemental 90 Provides $500 per FTE in eligible schools Services pursuant to s. 1011.62, F.S. Allocation $130,000,000 $130,000,000 Minimum Allocation ..................... $115,000 Minimum Allocation .................$115,000 Reading 90 Balance distributed to school districts pursuant Balance distributed to school districts pursuant to Instruction to s. 1011.62(9), F.S., to provide research-based section 1011.62(9), F.S., to provide research reading instruction to K-12 students. based reading instruction to K-12 students. $236,574,333 $232,632,709 Growth Allocation ........................... $311.36 Growth Allocation…………………………………..$306.16 Library Media ............................$12,492,403 Library Media……………………………………$12,283,789 Science Lab .................................$3,414,590 Science Lab…………………………………………$3,357,569 Dual Enrollment ........................$10,590,529 Dual Enrollment……………………………….$10,413,675 ESE Digital Materials ................$3,1193,706 ESE Digital Materials…………………………..$3,140,373 Instructional 90 School district shall pay for instructional materials School district shall pay for instructional materials Materials used for the instruction of high school students used for the instruction of high school students who are earning credit toward high school who are earning credit toward high school graduation under the dual enrollment program. graduation under the dual enrollment program. Authorizes use of funds for electronic devices, Authorizes use of funds for electronic devices, technology equipment and infrastructure technology equipment and infrastructure authorized pursuant to Section 1011.62(12), F.S authorized pursuant to Section 1011.62(12), F.S. Student 90 $449,966,033 $442,451,919 Transportation Teachers Classroom 90 $54,143,375 $54,143,375 Supply Assistance G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A . | 6
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 LINE SENATE HOUSE ISSUE ITEM # (SPB 2500) (PCB 21-01) Federally $13,861,617 $13,911,264 Connected 90 Funds shall be allocated pursuant to the formula Funds shall be allocated pursuant to the formula Student provided in s. 1011.62, F.S. provided in s. 1011.62, F.S. Supplement $8,000,000 Funds per FTE .................................. $5,230 Virtual Funds provided as supplement to all virtual 90 Education education programs to achieve set level of funds Contribution per FTE; Funds allocated pursuant to Section 1011.62(11), F.S. Mental Health $100,000,000 $120,000,000 90 Assistance Minimum Allocation ................... $100,000 Funds Mental Health Assistance Allocation to be Allocation provided pursuant to Section 1011.62(16), provided pursuant to section 1011.62, F.S. $8,000,000 $8,000,000 Minimum allocation is $100,000. Twenty percent Minimum allocation is $100,000. Twenty percent Digital of the funds may be used for professional of the funds may be used for professional 90 Classrooms development, including in-state conference development, including in-state conference attendance for online coursework, to enhance attendance for online coursework, to enhance the use of technology for digital instructional the use of technology for digital instructional strategies. strategies. $65,093,185 Funds provided to school districts and Funding developmental research schools whose total Compression funds per FTE in the prior fiscal year were less and 90 than the statewide average; Provides 25% of the Hold Harmless difference between the district’s prior year funds Allocation per FTE and the state average, not to exceed $100 per FTE. For the hold harmless, the index factor shall be 1.0. $2,875,996,150 $3,145,795,385 (Total includes EETF allocation) (Total includes EETF allocation) Allocation Factors: Allocation Factors: Pre-K - 3………………………………………………$1,228.13 Pre-K - 3……………………………………..…………..$989.06 Class Size 4 - 8……………………………….……………………….$878.64 4 - 8…………………………………………………………$944.34 91 Reduction – 9 - 12………………………………………………………$880.76 9 - 12…………………………………….…………………$946.63 Operating The class size reduction allocation shall be The class size reduction allocation shall be recalculated based on enrollment through the recalculated based on enrollment through the October 2022 FTE survey except as provided in October 2021 FTE survey except as provided in section 1003.03(4), F.S. section 1003.03(4), F.S. $334,361,472 The Student Reserve Allocation Student shall only be distributed to school districts if the 92A Reserve state funds appropriated for current operation of Allocation the FEFP are not sufficient to pay the state requirement in full pursuant to s. 1011.62(19), F.S. G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A. | 7
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 LINE SENATE HOUSE ISSUE ITEM # (SPB 2500) (PCB 21-01) NON-FEFP STATE GRANTS $500,000 Coach Aaron $6,500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 93 shall be used 93 Feis Guardian Funds shall be used to certify and train guardians to certify and train school guardians as provided Program pursuant to s. 30.15, F.S. in section 30.15, F.S. $4,000,000 $4,000,000 Funds may be used to contract for the operation Funds may be used to contract for the operation Assistance to of the Florida Partnership for Minority and of the Florida Partnership for Minority and Low Underrepresented Student Achievement and to Underrepresented Student Achievement and to 94 Performing achieve the partnership’s mission as provided in achieve the partnership’s mission as provided in Schools section 1007.35, F.S. Funds shall be expended for section 1007.35, F.S. Funds shall be expended for professional development for Advanced professional development for Advanced Placement classroom teachers. Placement classroom teachers. $8,897,988 $9,560,488 Mentoring Best Buddies………………………………………..$700,000 Best Buddies………………………………………….$700,000 Student Big Brothers/Big Sisters…………………….$2,980,248 Big Brothers/Big Sisters………………………$2,980,248 96 Assistance Boys & Girls Clubs…………………………….$3,652,768 Boys & Girls Clubs………………………..…….$3,652,768 Initiatives Teen Trendsetters……………………………….$300,000 Teen Trendsetters……………..………………….$300,000 YMCA State Alliance…………………………….$764,972 YMCA State Alliance………………………………$764,972 $1,000,000 College Reach Funds to identify, motivate and prepare $1,000,000 97 Out disadvantaged middle and high school students Program to complete post-secondary education. School District $5,000,000 $5,000,000 Matching 99 For challenge grants to education foundations for For challenge grants to education foundations for Grants specified programs. specified programs. Program Teacher and 101 Administrator $36,321 $36,321 Death Benefits Regional Education 104 $1,750,000 Consortium Services $7,169,426 $16,669,426 FADSS Training………………………….………….$500,000 Computer Sci Cert/Bon uses……..…..…$10,000,000 Teacher Mental Health Training……………………..$5,500,000 Mental Health Training……………..….……$5,500,000 105 Professional Principal of the Year……………….………………$29,426 Principal of the Year……………………………..…$29,426 Development School Related Personnel of the Year…..$370,000 School Related Personnel of the Year…...$370,000 Teacher of the Year…………………………...…$770,000 Teacher of the Year……………………………….$770,000 $189,901,004 Gardiner For scholarship awards pursuant to Section $210,901,004 107 Scholarship 1002.385, F.S. Administrative expenses limited to For scholarship awards pursuant to Section Program 3% of the total of all scholarships awarded by an 1002.385,F.S. SFO. G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A . | 8
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 LINE SENATE HOUSE ISSUE ITEM # (SPB 2500) (PCB 21-01) Schools of 108A $10,000,000 $40,000,000 Hope $7,180,571 $7,180,571 The funds in Specific Appropriation 113 are Community Funds are provided to the Department of provided to the Department of Education to 109 School Grant Education to support the planning and support the planning and implementation of Program implementation of community school programs community school programs pursuant to section pursuant to s. 1003.64, F.S. 1003.64, F.S. FEDERAL GRANTS K - 12 PROGRAM Projects, 115 Contracts $3,999,420 $3,999,420 and Grants Federal Elementary and Secondary School 115A Emergency $112,329,220 Relief (ESSER) Fund – NonEnrollment Assistance Federal Elementary and Secondary School 115B Emergency $561,646,121 Relief (ESSER) Fund – Academic Acceleration Federal Elementary and Secondary School 115C Emergency $140,411,531 Relief (ESSER) Fund – Technology Assistance Federal Grants 116 $2,282,026,657 $1,865,219,631 and Aids Federal Elementary $993,843,734 and Secondary The Department of Education is authorized to 116A School submit a budget amendment(s) requesting the Emergency release of these funds. Relief (ESSER) Fund G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A . | 9
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 LINE SENATE HOUSE ISSUE ITEM # (SPB 2500) (PCB 21-01) Domestic 117 $5,409,971 $5,409,971 Security WORKFORCE EDUCATION $6,500,000 $6,500,000 Funds provided to district workforce education Performance Funds provided to district workforce education programs for students who earn industry 120 Based programs for students who earn industry certifications in specified occupations; Incentives certifications in specified occupations; Requires OPPAGA to conduct a review of the specified certifications for alignment with labor market demands. Adult Basic 121 $45,365,457 $46,606,798 Education $15,000,000 Federal Federal Grants Trust Funds are provided to the Governors Department of Education for District Workforce 121A Emergency Education to implement the provisions relating to Education the Open Door Grant Program in HB 1507 and are Relief Funds contingent upon the bill or similar legislation becoming law. $269,018,824 $268,839,378 Tuition and fees to be assessed in accordance Workforce Funds are provided for school district workforce 122 with Section 1009.22, is provided for school Development education programs as defined in s. 1004.02(25), district workforce education programs as defined F.S. in section 1004.02(25), F.S. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 The Department of Education shall administer the The Department of Education shall administer the Pathways to competitive grant program, determine eligibility, competitive grant program, determine eligibility, Career and distribute grants. Grantees include high and distribute grants. Grantees include high 123 Opportunities schools, career centers, charter technical career schools, career centers, charter technical career Grant center, Florida College System institutions, and center, Florida College System institutions, and other entities authorized to sponsor an other entities authorized to sponsor an apprenticeship or preapprenticeship program. apprenticeship or preapprenticeship program. Vocational 124 $72,724,046 $73,997,159 Formula Funds SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES $17,909,412 $17,909,412 Funds in Specific Appropriation 447 from the School Health 439 Earmarks not less than $6,000,000 for the Full General Revenue Fund are provided as state Services Services Schools program match for Title XXI administrative funding for school health services G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A . | 1 0
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 Florida Education Finance Program Statewide Summary Comparisons SENATE - MAJOR FEFP HOUSE - MAJOR FEFP FORMULA COMPONENTS FORMULA COMPONENTS Unweighted FTE 2,841,913.36 Unweighted FTE 2,841,913 Change from Prior Year.......... (48,263.91) -1.67% Change from Prior Year.......... (48,263.91) 1.67% Difference Difference Weighted FTE 3,135,180.31 Weighted FTE 3,135,180.31 Change from Prior Yea.......... (50,989.67) -1.60% Change from Prior Year.......... (50,989.67) -1.60% Difference Difference School Taxable Value 2,361,638,342,545 School Taxable Value 2,361,638,342,545 Change from Prior Year.......... 59,665,410,887 2.59% Change from Prior Year.......... 59,665,410,887 2.59% Difference Difference Base Student Allocation 4,319.49 Base Student Allocation 4,371.60 Change from Prior Year.......... 0 0% Change from Prior Year.......... 52.11 1.21% Difference Difference Base FEFP Funding 13,549,256,734 Base FEFP Funding 13,714,904,624 Change from Prior Year.......... (223,114,562) -1.62% Change from Prior Year.......... (57,466,672) -.42% Difference Difference Total FEFP Funding 17,453,260,717 Total FEFP Funding 17,8092,700,642 Change from Prior Year.......... (252,623,534) Change from Prior Year.......... 96,816,391. -1.43% .55% Difference Difference Total State Funding 12,260,203,573 Total State Funding 12,769,063,133 Change from Prior Year.......... (574,571,473) -4.48% Change from Prior Year.......... (65,711,913) -.51% Difference Difference Total Local Funding 9,868,674,913 Total Local Funding 9,875,278,157 Change from Prior Year.......... 198,769,598 2.06% Change from Prior Year.......... 205,372,842 2.12% Difference Difference Total Funds per FTE 7,786.61 Total Funds per UFTE 7,967.99 Change from Prior Year.......... 0 0% Change from Prior Year.......... 181.38 2.33% Difference Difference Total Funds per UFTE 7,850.34 Change from Prior Year.......... 63.73 .082% (Student Reserve Allocation removed) Difference State Funds as Percent of Total 55.40 State Funds as Percent of Total 56.39% Change from Prior Year.......... (.64) -1.13% Difference Local Funds as Percent of Total 44.60 Local Funds as Percent of Total 43.61% Change from Prior Year.......... .64 1.49% Difference G r a y R o b i n s o n , P . A. | 1 1
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STAFF ANALYSIS HB 5101- Education Funding -2021 Summary Analysis The bill conforms applicable statutes to the appropriations provided in the House proposed General Appropriations Act for prekindergarten through grade 12 education for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The bill: Modifies the calculation methodology used to determine the amount of state funds the Florida Virtual School (FLVS) receives in the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) to include the Mental Health Assistance Allocation. Modifies the virtual instruction program offered by K-12 public schools by: o Requiring all school districts, regardless of whether the district qualifies for the sparsity supplemental in the FEFP, to offer at least one option for part-time and full-time virtual instruction for students within the school district. o Requiring a school district to expend any difference in funds provided for a virtual full-time equivalent (FTE) student and the amount paid to either the FLVS or approved virtual instruction provider on computer and device hardware and associated operating software that complies with the requirements established in s. 1001.20(4)(a)1.b., Florida Statutes. o Limiting the enrollment of virtual FTE students residing outside of the school district providing the virtual instruction to no more than 50 percent of the total enrolled virtual FTE students residing inside the school district providing the virtual instruction. Modifies the FEFP by: o Eliminating the requirement that the 300 lowest performing elementary schools on the state reading assessment must use their portion of the Supplemental Academic Instruction Allocation on an additional hour per day of reading instruction. o Repealing the Decline in Full-Time Equivalent Students Allocation, the Virtual Education Contribution, and the Turnaround School Supplemental Services Allocation. o Not reenacting the Funding Compression and Hold Harmless Allocation. Repeals the Reading Scholarship Accounts Program. Specifies the annual percent increase to the minimum base salary of instructional personnel on the performance salary schedule and specifies the annual percent increase to the salary adjustment of an employee on the performance salary schedule rated as highly effective. Requires school districts to use a specified portion of their Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds – Nonenrollment Assistance to locate unaccounted students within their school districts. Requires school districts to use a specified portion of their Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds – Academic Acceleration to remediate the learning loss among kindergarten through grade 12 students. The bill takes effect July 1, 2021. G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A. | 1 2
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 Senate (SPB 2500) Back of the Bill SECTION 17. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for the Gardiner Scholarship Program in Specific Appropriation 111 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to the Department of Education for the same purpose. The funds shall be fully released to the Department of Education at the beginning of the first quarter of the fiscal year. SECTION 18. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for the Community School Grant Program in Specific Appropriation 113 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to the Department of Education for the same purpose. SECTION 21. The unexpended balance of nonrecurring General Revenue funds provided to the Department of Education to implement the provisions of section 1006.07(4), Florida Statutes in Specific Appropriation 142 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to the department for the same purpose. SECTION 22. The nonrecurring sum of $75,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund provided to the Department of Education in chapter 2017-116, Laws of Florida, for the Schools of Hope Program fund and $75,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund provided to the Department of Education in Specific Appropriation 110 of chapter 2018-9, Laws of Florida, shall revert immediately. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 23. The nonrecurring sum of $1,000,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund provided to the Department of Education in Specific Appropriation 92 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, shall revert immediately and the nonrecurring sum of $1,000,000,000 in federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, award number S425D210052 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund is appropriated to the department for the same purpose. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 26. There is hereby appropriated for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, $973,959 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Education for the deficit in the Benacquisto Scholarship Program. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 28. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for the Pathways to Career Opportunities Grant in Specific Appropriation 127 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to the Department of Education for the same purpose. G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A. | 1 3
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 House (PCB APC 21-01 - General Appropriations Act) Back of the Bill SECTION 17. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for the Gardiner Scholarship Program in Specific Appropriation 111 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to the Department of Education for the same purpose. The funds shall be fully released to the Department of Education at the beginning of the first quarter of the fiscal year. SECTION 18. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for the Community School Grant Program in Specific Appropriation 113 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to the Department of Education for the same purpose. SECTION 21. The unexpended balance of nonrecurring General Revenue funds provided to the Department of Education to implement the provisions of section 1006.07(4), Florida Statutes in Specific Appropriation 142 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to the department for the same purpose. SECTION 22. The nonrecurring sum of $75,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund provided to the Department of Education in chapter 2017-116, Laws of Florida, for the Schools of Hope Program fund and $75,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund provided to the Department of Education in Specific Appropriation 110 of chapter 2018-9, Laws of Florida, shall revert immediately. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 23. The nonrecurring sum of $1,000,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund provided to the Department of Education in Specific Appropriation 92 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, shall revert immediately and the nonrecurring sum of $1,000,000,000 in federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, award number S425D210052 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund is appropriated to the department for the same purpose. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 26. There is hereby appropriated for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, $973,959 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Education for the deficit in the Benacquisto Scholarship Program. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 27. There is hereby appropriated for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, $14,221,698 in nonrecurring funds from the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund to the Department of Education for the deficit in the Bright Futures Scholarship Program. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 28. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for the Pathways to Career Opportunities Grant in Specific Appropriation 127 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to the Department of Education for the same purpose. SECTION 98. Contingent upon the Department of Financial Services receiving and depositing into the General Revenue Fund at least half of the state’s allocation of the federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (Public Law 117-2), the sum of $7,944,200,000 of nonrecurring General Revenue funds is appropriated for the 2020-2021 fiscal year, in addition to any other funds in this act for the same purpose, for the purpose of responding to the negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency. G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A. | 1 4
GrayRobinson, P.A. 2021 Senate and House Education Appropriation Summary March 31, 2021 DEFERRED BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROGRAM The nonrecurring sum of $3,500,000,000 is appropriated to Administered Funds to address negative economic impacts to the state resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic by investing in deferred maintenance needs in state and school facilities. The funds shall be held in reserve. State agencies and the judicial branch are authorized to develop and submit to the Executive Office of the Governor a list of maintenance, repair, and renovation projects that will improve the health and safety of state and school facilities and that can be completed no later than December 31, 2024. Eligible projects include those which improve air quality to reduce the risk of viral and environmental health hazards; correct critical life safety issues; improve water and sewer infrastructure; mitigate environmental deficiencies; ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; or ensure compliance with building codes. The Executive Office of the Governor shall review the submitted project lists and develop a statewide funding plan that covers the period October 1, 2021, through December 31, 2024. The funding plan shall be submitted to the Legislative Budget Commission no later than September 1, 2021, for approval. After the funding plan is approved by the Commission, 20 percent of the funds shall be released immediately. In the event the federal funds received are insufficient to fully fund the appropriations authorized in this section, the funds shall be allocated in the order listed. Unspent funds remaining on June 30, 2021, shall revert and are appropriated for the same purposes in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Any federal funds received in excess of the appropriated amounts shall be retained in the General Revenue Fund, unallocated, to mitigate future economic uncertainty related to the state’s continued recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. This section is effective upon becoming a law. G r a y R o b i n so n , P . A . | 1 5
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