2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards

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2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards
Recognizing Excellence
 in Wisconsin’s School
                         2022-23 WASBO
   Business Officials      Professional

 for awards will
 be accepted until
                           Find out more at
 January 10, 2022
2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards
Wallace E. Zastrow Award
    For more information,   Background/Purpose                             Award
      visit wasbo.com/      The Wallace E. Zastrow Award
        ZastrowAward        is the highest legacy honor the           Scholarship
                            Wisconsin Association of School              sponsor:

    Recent winners          Business Officials (WASBO)
                            bestows on its members. Wallace
           2021             E. Zastrow was a charter member              years or less and a member for
                                                                         12 consecutive months prior to
                            of WASBO and served as the
                            Association’s first Executive Director.      January 1 of the year the member
                            Through his leadership, WASBO                is considered for the award.
                            gained recognition and respect            Selection Criteria
                            as an outstanding educational
                                                                      The candidate along with
                            organization within the State of
                                                                      nomination materials must provide
                            Wisconsin and ASBO International.
                                                                      evidence of educational leadership,
                            This annual award is to recognize
                                                                      such as being a leader in the
                            the many years of service,
                                                                      school and community, offering
     Steve Summers          commitment, and dedication
                                                                      leadership in the profession, and
                            “Wally” gave to his profession.
                                                                      having an interest in professional
           2020             The purpose of the award                  development for themselves and
                            is to honor the legacy                    their colleagues in the field of
                            career accomplishments,
                            outstanding contributions,
                            and years of service of active            Recognition
                            WASBO members who have                    A $2,000 award and plaque
                            displayed visionary leadership,           will be presented at the annual
                            commitment and dedication.                WASBO Foundation Spring
                            Award winners have made                   Conference. The award is intended
                            significant contributions to              to fund continuing professional
       Joe Ledvina          better the profession, public             development for the Business
                            education, the school districts           Official or their staff. In the case
           2019             they serve, and WASBO.                    a retiree receives the Zastrow
                            Eligibility Criteria                      Award, the retiree’s last district
                                                                      of employment will receive the
                            To be eligible candidates must:
                             • Be an active school business
                                official employed in the              The recipient may also present a
                                profession for a minimum of 10        $1,500 scholarship to a high school
                                years.                                senior in their district. The recipient
                             • Be an active district professional     will be the WASBO nominee for
                                WASBO member in good standing         the 2021 ASBO International Eagle
                                for at least 10 years or have         Award, ASBO’s lifetime achievement
    Patrick Finnemore           been a retiree member for two         award.
2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards
School Business Manager of the Year Award
                                           School Business Manager of
               Award                                                            For more information,
             sponsor:                      the Year or School Business
                                                                                  visit wasbo.com/
                                           Manager of the Year award in
Scholarship Sponsorship                    the past five years.
Available for Service Affiliates!
                                        Selection Criteria                      Recent winners
Background/Purpose                      Selection criteria will be based on            2022
This award acknowledges the value       candidate contributions, which
and need to recognize outstanding       includes being a leader in the
school business managers in             schools, in the profession and in the
Wisconsin and their contributions to    community.
public education.
                                         This could include securing grants
The purpose of the School               to support programs, creating cost-
Business Manager of the Year            saving or energy efficient projects,
award is to recognize the recent        being an active WASBO member,
(within the last five years)            communicating with legislators on          John Gahan
outstanding contributions               a regular basis and being actively
of the recipient to their local         involved in their community outside            2022
school district and community           of the duties of their position.
and to the business manager
profession. The individual will         Recognition
be recognized for implementing          The WASBO School Business
innovative projects within their        Manager of the Year Award recipient
district, improving systems             will be recognized at the WASB-
and processes to improve                WASBO-WASDA State Education
efficiencies, and/or forging            Convention and the WASBO
creative partnerships with their        Business Meeting in January. The
community and improving
                                                                                 Cheryl Richards
                                        recipient will receive a plaque
student learning.                       and a check in the amount of
Eligibility Criteria                    $1,500 to be used for the Business
                                        Manager’s continuing education,
To be eligible the nominee must:
                                        attendance at conferences or
 • Be an active, certified 08 school
                                        seminars, membership dues, or
    business manager, employed in
                                        related activities or resources that
    the profession for at least five
    years.                              contribute to his/her professional
 • Be an active district professional   development.
    WASBO member at the time of         The recipient may also award a
    the candidate’s nomination.         $1,500 student scholarship in his/
                                                                                   Lynn Knight
 • Not have received the New            her district.
2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards
George Gray WASBO New School
    Business Manager of the Year Award
    For more information,   Background/Purpose                                           Award sponsor:

      visit wasbo.com/      This award acknowledges the
         GrayAward          value and need to recognize new
                            outstanding school business
    Recent winners          managers in Wisconsin and their
                                                                  Continuing Professional
           2022             contributions to public education.
                                                                  Development – Evidence of
                            The purpose of the New School
                                                                  continuing efforts to learn and
                            Business Manager of the Year
                                                                  grow as a professional has been
                            award is to recognize the
                            contributions of new business
                            managers to their local school        Active Participation in the
                            district and community, as well       Profession – Membership in
                            as to the business manager            professional associations, service
                            profession, regardless of the size    on committees, and related
                            of their district.                    activities.
     Caitlin Windler
                            Eligibility Criteria              Active Participation in the
           2021             To be eligible the nominee must:
                                                              Community – Evidence of
                                                              meaningful involvement in
                             • Currently work as a school
                                                              the local community that goes
                                business manager in Wisconsin
                                                              above and beyond the recipient’s
                                with less than five years’
                                                              professional duties.
                             • Hold a Wisconsin 08 license    Recognition
                             • Be an active district          The WASBO New School Business
                                professional WASBO member     Manager of the Year Award
                                at the time of the nomination recipient will be recognized at
                             • Not have received the New
       Leah Hauser              School Business Manager of
                                                              the WASBO Business Meeting in
                                                              conjunction with the annual WASB-
                                the Year award in the past
           2020             Selection Criteria
                                                              WASBO-WASDA State Education
                            The following criteria shall be      The recipient will receive a plaque
                            considered when selecting the New and a check in the amount of
                            School Business Manager of the Year: $1,000 to be used for the Business
                            Leadership in the Schools – The      Manager’s continuing education,
                            candidate has demonstrated           attendance at conferences or
                            efforts to significantly improve     seminars, membership dues, or
                            district operations, save district   related activities or resources that
     Andrew Thorson         resources, and/or enhance student contribute to his/her professional
                            learning.                            development.
2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards
WASBO Foundation
                                                    2022 Scholarship
                                                    Application Deadline
                                                       Feb. 1, 2022
 Scholarships for Graduating High School Seniors     Scholarships for Graduating High School Seniors
              Application Enclosed                         In Recognition of WASBO Members
                                                      Selection made by honoring WASBO Members
Selection made by WASBO Scholarship Committee
                                                       $3,000 President’s Scholarship
                                                                      Sponsored by
      $4,000 Student Scholarship
                  Sponsored by

$4,000 Joel Konze Memorial / Facilities
                                                           $1,500 Wallace E. Zastrow
       Management Conference                                   Award Scholarship
          Student Scholarship                                         Sponsored by
                  Sponsored by

                                                       $1,500 School Business Official
      $3,000 Student Scholarship                           of the Year Scholarship
                  Sponsored by
                                                        Sponsorship Available! Contact
                                                         Ryan.Silvola@wasbo.com for
                                                              more information!

      $3,000 Student Scholarship
                  Sponsored by
                                                      Scholarship for School Business Management
                                                                    Graduate Student
                                                               Apply at WASBO.com/statz
                                                    Selection made by WASBO Scholarship Committee
      $1,000 Student Scholarship                      $2,000 Dr. Bambi Statz Academic
                  Sponsored by                                   Scholarship
                                                                      Sponsored by

2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards
WASBO Foundation 2022
                                        Dr. Bambi Statz Academic Scholarship
                                     Application Deadline Feb. 1, 2022
                                               Sponsored by

      he Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials is pleased to partner with Performance Services
      in offering this $2,000 scholarship opportunity for an individual who is currently working toward a
      degree and certification in school business management in Wisconsin. The scholarship is offered in
recognition of Dr. Bambi Statz’s contributions to the school business management profession and is fully funded by
Performance Services. You can apply annually; however, preference will be given to those who have not previously
been given a scholarship.

Application Guidelines
           •   Applicant must be enrolled in an accredited university graduate program in Wisconsin leading toward
               WI DPI School Business Administrator-5008 Licensure.

       Application Process
           •   Apply at WASBO.com/statz before Feb. 1, 2022.
           •   Applications will be reviewed by a scholarship selection committee appointed by the WASBO
               Foundation President.
           •   The scholarship will be awarded at the WASBO Foundation Spring Conference in May.
           •   The scholarship will be paid at the time of selection, pending proof of enrollment in an approved

       Selection Process
           •   Preference will be given to those who have not previously been given a scholarship.
           •   Preference will be given to candidates currently working in a Wisconsin School Business Office.
           •   Preference will be given to candidates currently working in the profession.

       Scholarship Applications Shall Include
           •   Letter of application to address (no more than two pages) how this scholarship will assist in your goal
               of School Business Management.
           •   Statement describing why you chose a career in School Business Management
           •   Résumé
           •   Recent photograph (original, reprint on photo paper or electronic photo emailed to Kristin Hauser at
               kristin.hauser@wasbo.com) to be used for publicity and news release purposes. The photograph will
               not be used in the selection process. Photographs will not be returned.
           •   Statement of financial need.
           •   Letter of recommendation from a program administrator related to your pursuit of study.

The Bambi Statz recipient will be announced at the WASBO Foundation Spring Conference in the
Wisconsin Dells on May 20, 2022. We will also highlight this student in WASBO’s communications
                 and publications. For more information, visit wasbo.com/statz.

                                 Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials Foundation
               4797 Hayes Road, Suite 202, Madison, WI 53704 • ph 608.249.8588 • fax 608.249.3163 • WASBO.com
2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards
WASBO Foundation 2022
 High School Scholarships
Application Deadline Feb. 1, 2022

      he WASBO Foundation matching funds for these
      scholarships are made possible by donations,             Scholarships for Graduating High School Seniors
      WASBO Service Affiliate Sponsorships, and
WASBO Foundation fundraisers. The Board of
Trustees extends its appreciation to all who have                      $4,000 Student Scholarship
supported this scholarship program. Scholarship                                     Sponsored by
recipients will be notified in April and recognized at
the WASBO Foundation Spring Conference and in
WASBO’s communications and publications.

Application Guidelines
Scholarships will be awarded to successful candidates
who are 2022 graduating high school seniors.
Scholarship recipients may pursue any course of study.          $4,000 Joel Konze Memorial / Facilities
The scholarships will be awarded to students attending                   Management Conference
any accredited college or university (public or private).
The objective of these awards is to provide financial                       Student Scholarship
assistance to deserving students.
                                                                                    Sponsored by
The information supplied by each scholarship applicant
shall include the following:
 1. Completed one-sided application with no staples.
 2. Personal letter stating your goals and career objectives
 3. High school scholastic record
 4. One-page resume listing your participation in co-
    curricular activities, community service and employment            $3,000 Student Scholarship
 5. Two letters of recommendation, including one from a                             Sponsored by
    community member and one from school district staff
 6. Answer to the essay question listed on the scholarship
    application after interviewing the superintendent,
    business manager or bookkeeper from your school
    district. Must be one typed page.                                  $3,000 Student Scholarship
 7. Recent photograph (original, reprint on photo paper                             Sponsored by
    or electronic photo emailed to kristin.hauser@
    wasbo.com). Photographs will not be returned and
    require printed name on back of all physical copies.

Procedure for Applying
 • Submit all application materials in a 9”x12”                        $1,000 Student Scholarship
   envelope to:                                                                     Sponsored by
   WASBO Foundation Scholarship
   Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials
   4797 Hayes Road, Suite 202
   Madison, WI 53704
 • Envelope must be postmarked no later than Feb. 1, 2022.
A scholarship selection committee, appointed by the            Scholarship awards will be paid upon confirmation that
WASBO Foundation President, will determine who will            the recipient is accepted as a full-time student in an
receive each of the available scholarships. Financial          accredited institution of higher education. Confirmation
need may be taken into consideration. The committee’s          due from the student by June 1, 2022.
decision will be final.
2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards
WASBO Foundation 2022
                                                  Student Scholarship Application
                                                  Application Deadline Feb. 1, 2022

    Applicant Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    City/State/Zip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Personal Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

           District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    School District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                        School Email
                                                                              School Email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    High School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Counselor’s Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Counselor’s Email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Graduation Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Career Objective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    GPA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class Rank (If Applicable). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ACT Composite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Institution of higher education where I plan to enroll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Please address the following essay question in a concise manner on one typed page.
    What developments at the local, state, and federal level have impacted resources and needs for
    schools? How have these changes impacted your education for career readiness?

    Name of Superintendent, Business Manager or Bookkeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Signature of Superintendent, Business Manager or Bookkeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Interview Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Optional Statement of Financial Need




    I attest that all information provided by me is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that should
    I be awarded a scholarship, it will be paid to me only after I submit evidence of enrollment at an accredited
    institution of higher education.

    Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                          Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials Foundation
8                       4797 Hayes Road, Suite 202, Madison, WI 53704 • ph 608.249.8588 • fax 608.249.3163 • WASBO.com
2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards
School Facilities Manager of the Year Award
Award sponsors:                       Nominations may be made by
                                                                           For more information,
                                      any WASBO member), a district
                                                                             visit wasbo.com/
                                      administrator, a professional
                                      colleague or a WASBO Regional.
                                      Selection Criteria                   Recent winners
                                      The following criteria shall be
                                      considered when selecting the
                                      School Facilities Manager of the
Background/Purpose                    Leadership in the Schools and
This award acknowledges the           the Profession – The nominee
value and need to recognize           has demonstrated efforts to
outstanding school facilities         significantly improve facilities
managers in Wisconsin.                and cost effectiveness of
The purpose of the School             operations while improving              John Koster
Facilities Manager of the Year        student learning. They also are
award is to recognize the recent      an active member in professional            2020
outstanding contributions             associations, actively participate
of the recipient to their local       in committees, and attend
school district and community,        conferences.
to the school facilities manager      Professional Development –
profession, and to WASBO.             Evidence of continuing efforts to
Eligibility Criteria                  grow and learn as a professional.
To be eligible the nominee must:      Recognition
 • Be employed as a school
                                      The School Facilities Manager
    facilities manager and
                                      of the Year Award recipient will       Allen Behnke
    working in the profession for a
                                      be recognized at the WASBO
    minimum of five years.
                                      Foundation Spring Conference.               2019
 • Be an active district
    professional WASBO member         The recipient receives a plaque
    at the time of the nomination     and a check in the amount of
    who regularly attends WASBO       $1,000 to be used for the facility
    facility manager conferences,     manager’s continuing education,
    seminars and regional             attendance at conferences
    meetings.                         or seminars, membership
 • Not have received the School       dues, or related activities or
    Facilities Manager of the Year    resources contributing to his/her
    award in the past five years.     professional development.
                                                                              Joe Bellomo
2022-23 WASBO Professional Recognition Program - Find out more at wasbo.com/awards
Mike Roshar WASBO                                          For more information,
                                                                  visit wasbo.com/
                                                                                                   Award sponsor:

     Shining Star Award                                              ShiningStar
     Background/Purpose                                         Selection Criteria
     Beginning in the 2017-2018 fiscal year, the name of        Selection criteria will be limited to award worthy
     the WASBO Shining Star award, sponsored by Quarles         contribution(s) to the Wisconsin Association of
     & Brady, was changed to recognize the service and          School Business Officials having taken place in the
     passion modeled by Quarles & Brady attorney Mike
                                                                past five years. Criteria will concentrate on acts that
     Roshar. Mike was a Shining Star by the relationships
                                                                demonstrate extraordinary commitment of time,
     he developed within the many school district
     communities for which he provided sound legal advice.      talents and/or effort to a project, service and/or
                                                                initiative. Nominations should plainly document the
     The purpose of the Shining Star Award is to
     recognize, celebrate, and encourage outstanding            contribution(s) of the individual and their impact.
     contributions to WASBO through member                      Recognition
     participation in committees, regional leadership
                                                                The Shining Star Award recipient will be recognized
     and/or program development.
                                                                at the WASBO Foundation Fall Conference. A $1,000
     Eligibility Criteria                                       professional development grant and a plaque
     To be eligible the nominee must:                           accompany this award.
      • Be an active WASBO district professional, service
         affiliate, or retiree member when nominated.           The $1,000 award is to be used to fund training
      • Have served on a WASBO committee at the time            opportunities, staff development, or attendance at
         of nomination, or have recently served on the          relevant conferences for the award winner or their
         Board of Directors.                                    staff.

     Safety, Security & Wellness Award                                                                     Award sponsor:

     Background/Purpose                                          • Nominations must be submitted
                                                                   by an individual employed by the
     The Safety, Security & Wellness Award recognizes and
                                                                   Wisconsin school district in which
     promotes Wisconsin school districts for their efforts to      the bright idea has been implemented.
     create safe and healthy learning environments.
                                                                Selection Criteria
     This program is designed to help lessen districts’
     financial burdens, while at the same time                  Ideas must fall into one of the following risk
                                                                management categories and focus on successful
     acknowledging their initiative, creativity and
                                                                program development and implementation (i.e.
     dedication to healthy, safe and secure schools.
                                                                signage, equipment, tools, etc.), not policy creation:
     It also provides the opportunity for districts to          General safety, building security, Wellness programs
     share their bright ideas with their peers. They’ll         or Ergonomics (manual material handling, slip & fall
     have access to all submissions, not just the               prevention, repetitive motion).
     winning ideas, so all districts can benefit.
     Eligibility Criteria                                       One $1,500 grant is awarded annually to the selected
      • All Wisconsin public school districts are               Wisconsin district and must be used for ongoing risk
        eligible.                                               management efforts.

                For more information on this award, visit wasbo.com/SafetyAward
WASBO Business Services Award                                                                      Award

Background/Purpose                                        Eligibility Criteria
School business officials are known for their             Nominations must be submitted
innovative, meaningful contributions to the               by a current district professional
improvement of their profession and the efficiency of     WASBO member who is employed by the educational
school districts. The WASBO Business Services Award       institution where the improved business practice has
was established to recognize outstanding practices        been implemented.
and new ideas that result in significant contributions
to school entities or the profession of school business
                                                          Selection Criteria
management. Successful applications have focused          The award application should include: An executive
on areas such as budgeting, construction, cost            summary of the business practice, a project summary
savings, energy conservation, food service, resource      and explanation of how the project is a new idea
allocation, safety, transportation, and technology.       that will benefit Wisconsin students. Candidates
                                                          also are expected to explain how they will invest the
The WASBO Business Services Award is presented
                                                          $1,000 award back into their schools.
annually to an educational institution in Wisconsin
which has implemented a business practice           Recognition
that has resulted in an improvement in service,     A check in the amount of $1,000 and a plaque will be
increased efficiency, or more simply, a better way  awarded to the selected educational institution at the
of doing business. The recipient will be nominated annual WASBO Foundation Spring Conference.
for the ASBO International Pinnacle Award.
                                                    The $1,000 award must be used to fund training
                                                    opportunities, staff development, or attendance
            For more information                    at relevant conferences that contribute to the
     about nominations for the WASBO                continuing education of those staff members
          Business Services Award,                  who serve on the business side of the educational
      visit wasbo.com/ServicesAward                 institution. Those benefiting from these opportunities
                                                    need not be members of WASBO.

Tina Hafeman Friend of WASBO Award
Background/Purpose                                        Eligibility Criteria
Tina Hafeman has held positions as the WASBO              Any member or non-member may be nominated.
Associate Executive Director and as the Accounting        Nominations are sought to assist the Board
and Technology Coordinator, starting in 1994.             of Directors in identifying individuals who are
Through her actions, Tina supported WASBO’s vision        deserving of special recognition.
and mission by encouraging member engagement              Selection Criteria
throughout the organization. She worked tirelessly
to ensure the success of WASBO and its members.           This award is special and it is not the intent of the
                                                          Board of Directors to award it annually. Rather, it
Through her diligent work, the 2012-13 Board of           shall be presented at the discretion of the Board of
Directors voted to re-name the “Friend of WASBO           Directors.
Award” to the “Tina Hafeman Friend of WASBO
Award” to recognize those individuals who have
given special and noteworthy support to WASBO.            The award will be presented at the WASBO
                                                          Foundation Fall Conference and the recipient shall
                                                          receive a plaque. In addition, a $500 donation shall
           For more information,
                                                          be made in the recipient’s name to a charity selected
     visit wasbo.com/HafemanAward                         by the recipient that benefits children in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Association of School                                                  PRSRT STD
                                                                                         US POSTAGE
         Business Officials
         4797 Hayes Road, Suite 202                                                      MADISON WI
         Madison, WI 53704                                                              PERMIT NO 801

     Mike Roshar WASBO              WASBO Business      2022 Nomination
     Shining Star Award             Services Award          Timeline
        2021 winner                  2021 winner       January 10, 2022
                                                       All WASBO Award nominations due.
                                                       Submit your nominations at

                                                       January 2022
                                                       WASBO Award Recipients selected by the
                                                       appropriate selection committees and
                                                       WASBO Board of Directors.

                                                       February 2022
                                                       WASBO Executive Director notifies WASBO
                                                       Award Recipients of their selection.

                                                       May 2022
          Bob Tess                   Fort Atkinson     Awards presented at the WASBO
                                                       Foundation Spring Conference.
                                                        • Wallace E. Zastrow Award
                                                        • School Facilities Manager of the Year
      Safety, Security &         Tina Hafeman Friend    • Business Services Award
                                                        • Safety, Security & Wellness Grant
       Wellness Award              of WASBO Award
                                                       October 2022
        2020 winner                   2021 winner      Awards presented at the WASBO
                                                       Foundation Fall Conference.
                                                        • Mike Roshar WASBO Shining Star Award
                                                        • Tina Hafeman Friend of WASBO Award

                                                       January 2023
                                                       Awards presented at the WASB-WASBO-
                                                       WASDA State Education Convention.
                                                        • School Business Manager of the Year
                                                        • George Gray WASBO New School Business
                                                          Manager of the Year Award
                                                       Current or recent members of the Board of
                                                       Directors are ineligible for awards and may
      Sparta Area SD                 Jack Stoskopf     not nominate a candidate for any award.

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