Connect for new business opportunities

Page created by Laura Hanson
Connect for new business opportunities
Connect for new business

Connect for new business opportunities
The world of connected objects

How do we monitor the carbon footprint of a               Innovations in platform technology have made
vehicle? How can we track and trace cargo on              it possible to reduce the complexities and costs
the move? How do we know when a vending                   involved with service enablement. This has been
machine needs to be refilled? How do we remotely          achieved by providing solution frameworks and
monitor the consumption of energy? How do we              tools that allow for plug and play environments.
remotely control street light usages? The answer          Enterprises can now rollout M2M services easily
is: by making these objects intelligent, by adding        with minimal IT overheads leading to faster
devices to them that provide valuable information         time-to-market and thus gain competitive advantage
in real-time or allow controlling the assets. This will   and scope for innovation.
allow billions of objects across the world to generate
                                                          This white paper is intended for an audience
valuable business information. Machine-to-Machine
                                                          that understands or works with technology.
(M2M) is the technology that makes it all possible.
                                                          The objective is to give a high level technical
M2M allows both wireless and wired systems to
                                                          overview of CGI’s M2M Business Enablement
communicate with each other without manual
                                                          Platform and its capabilities. Readers of the paper
intervention. The overall environment within which
                                                          will be able to understand the M2M ecosystem and
these objects are connected and business value is
                                                          where the platform fits in.
created is called ’The Internet of Things’ (IoT).
The evolution to this age of connected devices,
sensor-embedded objects and other smart objects,
has led to a swarm of new innovative offerings. With
advances in communication networks and cloud
services, there has been a marked trend where
enterprises want to exploit the communication
capabilities between the devices and harness
real-time information from these to create
differentiation in services and enhance profitability
against their competitors.

Connect for new business opportunities                 1

             Be smart everywhere. With CGI.

             Enterprises need platforms that support       The platform offers a seamless interface
             a wide array of data-collection interfaces    for business applications, irrespective
             and aid in the automatic discovery            of the networks or devices being used.
             and dissemination of information.             It allows the business application to
             CGI’s M2M Business Enablement                 innovate around their core business value,
             Platform addresses the needs of               where their strength lies, while letting the
             enterprises and M2M application owners.       platform take care of the network or device
             As a result, their organisational assets      complexities and the common services.
             become system aware without human             Enterprises can stay neutral with respect
             attention or intervention, detecting device   to network and devices, thus bringing
             characteristics/parameters automatically      in the agility and flexibility they would
             and providing contextual information.         need to meet the dynamic needs of their

Connect for new business opportunities                                 2

            The ecosystem

             The M2M/IoT ecosystem consists of four                                 The M2M platform in the telco’s network
             distinct entities, as described in the picture                         is complemented by our M2M Business
             below. The objects in the field that need to                           Enablement Platform, which provides
             be connected are termed assets.                                        communication services (device and
             The asset could be a vehicle, a patient,                               network abstraction), information services
             a home, and so on. Each asset would                                    (such as event processing, analytics, data
             have sensors or actuators (for monitoring                              modeling) on the data aggregated from the
             or controlling, respectively) and                                      assets in the field and common reusable
             communication elements that are termed                                 services framework.
                                                                                    The processed device information and the
             The assets use a network operator’s                                    common services exposed by the M2M
             infrastructure for communication                                       Business Enablement Platform are used
             with the Business Enablement layer.                                    by the business applications in the service
             The network operator is responsible for                                provider layer, for delivering business value
             the communication provisioning, service                                to the end consumers.
             assurance, usage billing, and so on. The
             communication providers generally have                                 M2M propositions (in the service-provider
             dedicated M2M platforms to cater to the                                layer) are integrated with the M2M
             unique M2M business requirements in the                                Business Enablement Platform in such
             telecommunications space.                                              a way that these applications can focus
                                                                                    on innovating around their core business
             CGI has conceived, built and continues                                 value while leaving the complexities of
             to support two of the world’s three largest                            M2M technology with the platform.
             and most complex M2M platforms.

                                    Environment                       Right Coverage              Pay per use                    Customer
                                    information                       Channel quality             Simple to use                  B2B
                                    Asset control                     Cost efficient              Scalable                       B2C

                                 Asset                                Communication           M2M Business                   Service provider
                                 On board                             Operator                Enablement Platform
                                 intelligence                                                                                Sales, Marketing
                                 Data protocol                        Device                  Information services           Customer care
                                 Power supply                         provisionin             Asset & device                 Product mgmt
                                 Physical data IF                     Service assurance       management                     Order mgmt
                                                                      Usage billing           Communication

                                 User interface
                                    Device                            Mobile, satellite,
                                    Connectivity                      WLAN                    Security
                                    Processing                        NFC/RFID/Zigbee                    Mobile Access
                                    Storage                                                              Web             Provider
                                    Physical IF
                                  Device Identity module

                                                                     Communication             CGI

Connect for new business opportunities                    3


             The M2M Business Enablement Platform         • generate application-specific business
             aggregates data coming from potentially        events and alerts
             millions of devices. These could be using    • store device and business data based
             different communication networks and           on application/client requirements
             different protocols for communication.       • provide a self service portal for the
             The devices provide data to the platform.      partner ecosystem to manage their
             The platform can store this data,              services with minimal dependencies.
             pre-process it and/or distribute the
                                                          The platform enables development of
             information to applications subscribed
                                                          innovative applications quickly, across
             to it. The platform provides a workbench
                                                          many diverse device environments.
             that allows easy on-boarding of new
             device types. The platform provides an
                                                          APIs provide communication between the
             open application programming interface
                                                          M2M Business Enablement Platform and
             (API) to enable easy on-boarding of M2M
                                                          the M2M applications. Communication
             applications, thus creating an ecosystem
                                                          is based on standards like XML1 and
             of devices and applications, which can
                                                          RESTful2 web services, making the
             be offered in a PaaS or a SaaS model
                                                          interface, technology agnostic. Easy to
             to multiple clients. Also, the platform
                                                          use graphical interfaces allow the end
             provides services such as business insight
                                                          user to manage clients, M2M business
             and analytics for M2M applications and
                                                          applications, devices and environments
             enterprise clients. The platform has been
                                                          (views on the device data exposed to the
             architected to support new capabilities
                                                          applications/clients). The interfaces also
             based on requirements (for example
                                                          allow users to monitor and view reports.
             geofencing or maps) and offer them as a
                                                          The architecture aligns to the European
             service to the M2M applications.
                                                          Telecommunications Standards Institute
             CGI’s M2M Business Enablement Platform       (ETSI) M2M Technical Specification.
             provides key capabilities to:
                                                          The ETSI produces globally-applicable
             • offer the means for M2M business
                                                          standards for Information and
               applications to become device and
                                                          Communications Technologies (ICT),
               network agnostic
                                                          including fixed, mobile, radio, converged,
             • enable M2M business applications to
                                                          broadcast and internet technologies.
               share, collaborate and make use of the
                                                          ETSI is officially recognised by the
               information services provided by the
                                                          European Union as a European Standards
               platform based on the device data
                                                          Organisation. It is a not-for-profit
             • integrate M2M business applications via
                                                          organisation with more than 700 member
               an industry standard interface
                                                          organisations drawn from 62 countries
             • administer the system and derive
                                                          across five continents.
               reporting through a readily available
               friendly user interface

Connect for new business opportunities                      4

            The component overview

             The CGI building blocks of the M2M                              Data Warehouse: Data from the Device
             Business Enablement Platform are                                Connection layer or business events
             illustrated below.                                              from the Data Processing component
                                                                             can be stored by the M2M Business
                                                                             Enablement Platform for later retrieval.
                                    M2M Business Applications
                                                                             This is configurable. Reports can be
                               App 1             App 2            App 3
                                                                             generated based on the stored information.
                  User                 Application Access Layer

                                Services                     Portal
                                                                             Application Integration: This is the
                              Information & Communication Services           communication and common services
                                        Application Integration
                                                                             backbone of the platform. M2M
                              Data Warehouse            Data Processing      business applications can subscribe to
                                          Device Connection
                                                                             information or services on the platform.
                                                                             It is responsible for providing the right
                                                                             application with the right platform
                              Device 1         Device 2           Device 3
              Administrator                                                  capabilities.

                                                                             Services: The M2M Business Enablement
             The building blocks are:                                        Platform provides standard interface to the
                                                                             external world. The interface uses RESTful
             Device Connection: This component                               web services for integration. Applications
             communicates with the devices in the field.                     can configure different elements (for
             The Device Connection layer can be easily                       example, devices or environments
             extended to support new device types                            or common platform capabilities like
             by adding agents to this component that                         geofencing and others) in the M2M
             implements the communication protocol                           Business Enablement Platform.
             of the device. The agents can be added to
             the Device Connection component via a                           Portal: The multi tenanted portal
             workbench.                                                      framework allows users to configure
                                                                             screens for specific needs. With
             Data Processing: This component is                              componentised building blocks (portlet),
             used to process the data from the Device                        screens can be configured to view
             Connection layer. It allows configuration                       the data in the data warehouse and
             of business rules. These rules can be                           manage the M2M Business Enablement
             configured to translate data received from                      Platform based on client requirements.
             the devices into business events that can                       The framework also allows creation
             be recognised by the M2M Business                               and deployment of client specific
             Applications for further business actions.                      portlets to meet specific requirements.
                                                                             This component also provides the self
                                                                             service functionality for the different users
                                                                             of the system to manage their operations
                                                                             independently and easily.

Connect for new business opportunities                     5

                      Deployment model

                      To provide appropriate scalability at the                          This model offers a truly collaborative
                      lowest costs, the platform has been                                approach and it allows our clients a
                      architected to run in a public/private cloud                      ‘pay-as-you-grow’ commercial model.
                      environment or data centres. We offer                              It allows solutions to be created from
                      enterprise services across public, private                         pilot to industrialised global roll-out
                      as well as hybrid cloud environments. This                         on a predictable and controllable cost
                      helps meet requirements of data security,                          model, using a common cloud-based
                      regulatory requirements with reference to                          environment. Most importantly, the
                      data storage, offering enterprises control                         platform offers uniform infrastructure that
                      over their storage as well as connectivity                         is available globally, thus enabling device
                      through secure tunnels or restricted IP                            independent access to the cloud.
                      ranges. The services are provisioned
                      and managed using cloud APIs and are                              This model offers a single-point server
                      template-driven, allowing services to be                          setup, redundant server setups as well
                      rolled out quickly and easily.                                    as auto-scaling facilities. The redundant
                                                                                        server setup allows enterprises to reap
                                              Consumers, business                       benefits from failover and clustering.
                                              customers, citizens

                                                                                        Auto-scaling application-server
      Service 1              Service 2                         Service 3     Cloud      infrastructure in the cloud provides
                                                                                        automatic fail-safe mechanisms and
                                                                                        ensures data is spread across multiple
                                 Cloud Application Operation
                                                                                        data stores, guaranteeing higher availability.
      Template       Cloud Management Operation & Provisioning              Policy      It also allows computing capacity to adapt
                                                                                        to site traffic. Load balancing across all
                 Cloud APL                            Cloud APL            Cloud APL
                                                                                        the options ensures optimal resource
                 Operation                             Operator
                                                                                        utilisation and helps maximise throughput
                                                                           Cloud        and response times, avoiding overloads at
                                                                                        any point in time.
                 Private Cloud
                                                         Public              Cloud
       CGI                          GRID                 Cloud                          The service offering in the cloud allows
                                                                                        enterprises to reduce their operational
                                     CGI's Cloud as a Service
                                                                                        dependency on server availability and
                                                                                        instead plan their operations around
                                                                                        service availability, which is much more
                                                                                        dependable and assured based on service
                                                                                        level agreements functionality for the
                                                                                        different users of the system to manage
                                                                                        their operations independently and easily.

Connect for new business opportunities   6

             Managed operations.
             Assured service

             CGI has set up a M2M global services
             organisation to ensure service availability,
             across geographies and to provide
             enterprises a managed operation.
             The organisation has responsibility, not
             only to ensure the cloud operations and
             the platform is running but also to keep
             service available at all times. Support
             for enterprises is also enhanced by
             provisioning for second and third line
             support and the availability of single point
             of contacts.


             Harness the benefits

             Enterprises can now develop applications        The platform provides a new vision of
             that integrate complex systems and              enterprise systems that bridge the gaps in
             communications networks in a seamless           embedded M2M computing technologies,
             and interoperable manner. With the CGI          allowing businesses to reap the full
             M2M Business Enablement Platform, the           benefits from connected devices and
             challenges they used to face in developing      eliminating many of the unnecessary costs
             such applications have become a thing of        in customer support.
             the past.
                                                             The adoption of M2M systems has
             With plug and play options that allow           traditionally been challenging. With CGI’s
             addition of devices or networks, we make        M2M Business Enablement Platform, there
             it possible for enterprise to manage their      is a huge potential to change the business
             applications and reduce the complexity          and delivery models. That is not all. By
             of managing connected devices.                  adapting to a new mode of service delivery,
             The business intelligence capabilities of the   enterprises connect better with their
             M2M Business Enablement Platform can            customers and build new relationships.
             be applied across a wide array of vertical
             services and across diverse industries.

Tel: + 44 (0) 845 070 7765

                             With over 68,000 professionals in 40 countries, CGI fosters local accountability
                             for client success while bringing global delivery capabilities to clients’ front doors.
                             Founded in 1976, CGI applies a disciplined delivery approach that has achieved
                             an industry-leading track record of on-time, on-budget projects. Our high-quality
                             business consulting, systems integration and outsourcing services help clients
                             leverage current investments while adopting new technology and business
                             strategies that achieve top and bottom line results. As a demonstration of our
                             commitment, our average client satisfaction score for the past 10 years has
                             measured consistently higher than 9 out of 10.

                             © 2013 CGI GROUP INC.

                             All rights reserved. This document is protected by international copyright law and may not be reprinted,
                             reproduced, copied or utilised in whole or in part by any means including electronic, mechanical, or
                             other means without the prior written consent of CGI.

                             Whilst reasonable care has been taken by CGI to ensure the information contained herein is reasonably
                             accurate, CGI shall not, under any circumstances be liable for any loss or damage (direct or conse-
                             quential) suffered by any party as a result of the contents of this publication or the reliance of any party
                             thereon or any inaccuracy or omission therein. The information in this document is therefore provided
                             on an “as is” basis without warranty and is subject to change without further notice and cannot be
                             construed as a commitment by CGI.
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