Yandina State School Application for Enrolment - Friendship Family Future

Page created by Cindy Thomas
Yandina State School Application for Enrolment - Friendship Family Future
Yandina State School
Application for Enrolment

Friendship Family Future
Yandina State School Application for Enrolment - Friendship Family Future
        48 School Road, Yandina Q 4561 Ph: (07) 5472 9333 Fax: (07) 5472 9300
                               Email: admin@yandinass.eq.edu.au
                                      Friendship Family and Future

Enrolment Agreement – Yandina State School

This enrolment agreement sets out the responsibilities of the student, parents or carers and the school staff about the
education of students enrolled at Yandina State School.

Responsibility of student to:
    attend school on every school day for the educational program in which they are enrolled, on time, ready to
      learn and take part in school activities
    act at all times with respect and show tolerance towards other students and staff
    work hard and comply with requests or directions from the teacher and principal
    abide by school rules as outlined in the school’s Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students, including not bringing
      items to school which could be considered as weapons (e.g. dangerous items such as knives)
    meet homework requirements and wear school’s uniform
    respect the school property.
Responsibility of parents to:
    ensure your child attends school on every school day for the educational program in which they are enrolled
    attend open meetings for parents
    let the school know if there are any problems that may affect your child’s ability to learn
    ensure your child completes homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy
    inform school of student absences and reasons for absences in a timely manner
    treat school staff with respect
    support the authority of school staff thereby supporting their efforts to educate your child and assist your child to
      achieve maturity, self discipline and self control
    not allow your child to bring dangerous or inappropriate items to school
    abide by school’s instructions regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school hours
    advise Principal if your student is in the care of the State
    keep school informed of any changes to student’s details, such as student’s home address and phone number.
Responsibility of school staff to:
    design and implement engaging and flexible learning experiences for individuals and groups
    inform parents and carers regularly about how their children are progressing
    design and implement intellectually challenging learning experiences which develop language, literacy and
    create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments
    support personal development and participation in society
    foster positive and productive relationships with families and the community
    inform students, parents and carers about what the teachers aim to teach the students each term
    teach effectively and to set the highest standards in work and behaviour
    clearly articulate the school’s expectations regarding the Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students and the
      school’s Dress Code policy
    ensure that parents and carers are aware that the school does not have personal accident insurance cover for
    advise parents and carers of extra-curricular activities operating at the school in which their child may become
      involved (for example Program of Chaplaincy Services, sports programs)
    set, mark and monitor homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy
    contact parents and carers as soon as is possible if the school is concerned about the child’s school work,
      behaviour, attendance or punctuality
    deal with complaints in an open, fair and transparent manner in accordance with departmental procedure,
      Complaints Management – State Schools
    treat students and parents with respect.
I accept the rules and regulations of the Yandina State School as stated in the school policies that hve been
provided to me as follows:

       □ Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students
       □ Student Dress Code
       □ Homework Policy
       □ School Charges and voluntary contributions
       □ School network usage and access statement requirement of Acceptable Use of the Department’s Infor-
         mation, Communication and Technology (ICT) Network and Systems
       □ Absences
       □ School Excursions
       □ Complaints management
       □ Parent Notice for Religious Instruction in School Hours
       □ Parent/Guardian Consent form for Voluntary Student Participation in Program of Chaplaincy Services
       □ Department insurance arrangements and accident cover for students
       □ Managing Consent to Use Student/Volunteer Copyright Materials and/or to Record, Use or Disclose Stu-
         dent Personal Information
       □ Appropriate Use of Mobile Telephones and other Electronic Equipment by Students
       □ School instructions for school access

I acknowledge:

       That I have read and understood the responsibilities of the student, parents or carers and the school staff
        outlined above; and

       That information about the school’s current rules, policies, programs and services, as outlined above has
        been provided and explained to me.

Student Name:                         Student Signature:

………………………………..……                      ……………………………

Parent/Carer Signature:               On behalf of Yandina State School:           Date:

…………………………….                          …………………………………….                              …………………………
Acceptable Student user policy, Network, Internet and E-Mail
                        Access Agreement 2006 Onwards
Students will have access to the internet only when supervised by a staff member
Students will have access to only those sites that their teacher provides
Students may not download or upload any information on their own USB’s

Prep to Year 3
Teacher will access information from Internet
Students will use a generic username and password
During Year 3 students will start to access the internet using a generic username and password supervised by a
Students are required to log-off when they have finished

                                    Internet and E-Mail Access Agreement
                                     For students from Years 4 to 6 ONLY
Part A
I understand that the Internet can connect me to much useful information stored on computers around the world.

While I have access to the Internet:
       1)    I will use it only for educational purposes
       2)    I will not look for anything that is illegal, dangerous or offensive
       3)    If I accidentally come across something that is illegal, dangerous or offensive, I will: Clear any offensive
             pictures or information from my screen immediately and quietly inform my teacher
       4)    I will not reveal home addresses or phone numbers - mine or anyone else’s over the internet
       5)    I will not use the Internet to annoy or offend anyone else
       6)    I understand that if the school decides I have broken these rules, appropriate action will be taken. This
             may include loss of my Internet access for some time.
       7)    I will not reveal my user name or password.
       8)    I will not attempt to access sites that are banned, illegal or dangerous.
       9)    I will access the internet by using MY username and password not someone else’s.
       10)   If my username and password does not allow me access to the internet I will report it to my teacher.
       11)   I will use appropriate language at all times when communicating on Internet e.g. via email. The use of
             inappropriate language will result in the loss of computer privileges e.g. access to internet.
       12)   I will not use the internet to “bully”, harass or intimidate other users.
       13)   I will not visit chat rooms unless I have been specifically requested to by a teacher.
       14)   I will not tamper with another person’s computer after they have logged onto the network.
       15)   I will not interfere with other user’s folders or files on the network.
       16)   I will treat the computers on the network and associated hardware with care.
       17)   I will preserve the integrity of the network and not install illegal software, freeware of shareware.

Computer Network Agreement to be signed by student enrolling

Part B
       I will not reveal my username or password
       I will access the computer network using my own username and password
       I will not alter computer settings i.e. location of status bar, start menu, etc.
       I will log-off after I have finished using a network computer.

Part C
       1)     I have read the above information in Parts A and B and understand their content

……………………...………………                   ……………………………….…                      …………………

Student’s Name                             Student’s Signature                        Date
 48 School Road, Yandina Q 4561 Ph: (07) 5472 9333 Fax: (07) 5472 9300
                         Email: admin@yandinass.eq.edu.au

                              Friendship Family Future

                          Acceptable Student user Policy, Network,
                            Internet and E-Mail Access Agreement

                                          PARENT OR GUARDIAN

I understand that the Internet can provide students with valuable learning experiences.

I also understand that it gives access to information on computers around the world; that the school cannot control
what is on those computers; and that a very small part of that information can be illegal, dangerous or offensive. I
accept that, while teachers will always exercise their duty of care, protection against exposure to harmful information
should depend finally upon responsible use by students. I believe _____________________________(name of
student) understands this responsibility, and I hereby give my permission for him/her to access the Internet under
the school rules. I understand those students breaking these rules will be subject to appropriate action by the
school. This may include:

                   Loss of internet access for an extended period of time

                   Loss of computer privileges for an extended period of time

                   Time-out procedure or some other reflective and/or punitive action

                   Contacting of parents

……………………...………………                 ……………………………….…                     …………………

Parent/Guardian’s Name            Parent/Guardian’s Signature        Date
             48 School Road, Yandina Q 4561 Ph: (07) 5472 9333 Absence line 5472 9366
                                    Email: admin@yandinass.eq.edu.au

                                         Friendship Family and Future
                                                 Third Party Website Consent
Privacy Notice
The Department of Education and Training is collecting your personal information on this form in order to obtain consent for disclosure of
a student’s personal information to facilitate registration and use of third party web based software identified on the form. The infor-
mation will be used and disclosed by authorised school employees for the purposes outlined on the form.

Student personal information collected on this may also be used or disclosed to third parties where authorised or required by law. This
information will be stored securely. If you wish to access or correct any of the personal student information on this form or discuss how it
has been dealt with, please contact your student’s school in the first instance.

Dear Parent/Guardian,
The use of web based educational resources has risen steadily over the last decade and are increasingly being
used by teachers across Queensland to improve student learning outcomes.
Our school and teachers make decisions about the best technology to meet the needs of our students. Sometimes
it is beneficial for students to utilise services provided by third party web based providers.
Yandina State School wishes to utilise the third party web based service provider/s listed below to aid students
learning. For your student to use the service the teacher will need to register them as a user. Registering with
these providers requires student personal information to be disclosed to the provider of the service. In the case of
the services outlined below they are private companies that are hosted onshore in Australia/and/or/outside of
Australia. Outside of Australia means that data that is entered to register for these sites will be stored on servers
that are not based in Australia and therefore are not bound by Queensland’s privacy laws. Registration may in-
clude disclosing the following information about your student:
  Student Name,
  Student ID,
  Year group,
  Class Teacher and
  Student email
We need your permission for the registration and use of these sites by your student.
Note: It is not compulsory for you to provide this consent – If you decide not to provide consent, this will not ad-
versely affect academic achievement, or any relationships with teachers or the school.
Before you complete this consent form it is important that you understand the reasons that these websites col-
lect this information, what will be done with it, who else may have access to it and where the data is stored. This
information can be found in the hyperlinks below referring to each website’s terms and conditions and/or privacy
Please read these and ensure that you understand the implications of using this service before giving your con-
sent. If you have any queries around the storage of student’s information, please feel free to contact your child’s
Over the page are the third party web based service provider/s used at Yandina State School:
Name of Provider: Code.org
Type of Service: To learn drag and drop programming through tutorials and exercises.
Website: https://code.org/
Terms of Use: https://code.org/tos
Privacy Policy: https://code.org/privacy
File Storage: Cloud based servers in the USA.
Name of Provider: Lego Mind Storm
Type of Service: To provide students with an online learning platform for all subjects
Website: http://www.lego.com/enus/mindstorms
Terms of Use: http://www.lego.com/en-us/legal/legal-notice/privacy-policy-full
Privacy Policy: http://www.lego.com/en-us/legal/;egal-notice
File Storage: Cloud based servers in California, USA.

Name of Provider: Scratch
Type of Service: To allow users to create stories, videos, animations or games via the “Scratch’ programing
language. Users can leave comments in other users’ projects and participate in discussions and forums.
Website: http://scratch.mit.edu
Terms of Use: Hhtps://scratch.mit.edu/terms_of_use
Privacy Policy: https://scratch.mit.edu/privacy_policy
File Storage: Cloud based servers in California, USA.

Name of Provider: Seesaw
Type of Service: To capture student work in digital ‘portfolio’
Website: http://web.seesaw.me
Terms of Use: http://app.seesaw.me/about/terms
Privacy Policy: https://app.seesaw.me/about/privacy
File Storage: Cloud based servers in California, USA.

Name of Provider: Typing Tournament
Type of Service: To develop students keyboarding skills
Website: https://www.typingtournament.com/
Terms of Use: https://www.typingtournament.com/terms-of-use
Privacy Policy: https://www.typingtournament.com/privacy-policy
File Storage: Cloud based servers in California, USA.

Name of Provider: Phonics Hero
Type of Service: To support the student learning and spelling phonics and reading.
Website: https://www.phonicshero.com/
Terms of Use: https://www.phonicshero.com/terms-of-use/
Privacy Policy: https://www.phonicshero.com/privacy-policy/
File Storage: Cloud based servers in California, USA.

Name of Provider: Prodigy Game
Type of Service: The purpose of this website is for students to play and engage in interactive mathematical
games to enhance their learning at their individual level.
Website: https://www.prodigygame.com/
Terms of Use: https://www.prodigygame.com/Terms-Conditions/
Privacy Policy: https://www.prodigygame.com/Privacy-Policy/
File Storage: Cloud based servers in California, USA.
Name of Provider: Homework Hound
Type of Service: Online Education Software
Website: https://www.homeworkhound.com.au
Terms of Use: https://www.homeworkhound.com.au/terms-conditions
Privacy Policy: https://www.homeworkhound.com.au/privacy-policy
File Storage: All data is stored in Sydney, NSW Australia

Name of Provider: Study Ladder
Type of Service: Online Education Software
Website: https://www.studyladder.com.au
Terms of Use: https://www.prodigygame.com/Terms-Conditions/
Privacy Policy: https://www.prodigygame.com/Privacy-Policy/
File Storage: Amazon Web Services in their US/California data centre

Student’s name: _______________________________________________
Year level: ______________________
Please circle your choice (or cross out which does not apply) to your child’s information being provided to each
of the third party providers for the provision of an educational service.
       Code.org                                               Do Consent / Do Not Consent

       Lego Mind Storm                                        Do Consent / Do Not Consent

       Scratch                                                Do Consent / Do Not Consent

       Seesaw                                                 Do Consent / Do Not Consent

       Typing Tournament                                      Do Consent / Do Not Consent

       Phonics Hero                                           Do Consent / Do Not Consent

       Prodigy Game                                           Do Consent / Do Not Consent

       Homework Hound                                         Do Consent / Do Not Consent

       Study Ladder                                           Do Consent / Do Not Consent

As a parent or guardian of this student, I have read the terms of use and privacy policy of each of the
websites listed. I understand that my student’s personal information will be provided to these third party
software providers for the purpose of my student’s registration and use of the software programs and that this
information may be stored outside of Australia.

__________________________           ___________________________           ____________
Parent/Guardian’s Name               Parent/Guardian’s Signature            Date
           48 School Road, Yandina Q 4561 Ph: (07) 5472 9333 Fax: (07) 5472 9300
                                Email: admin@yandinass.eq.edu.au

                            Friendship Family and Future

                                      Religious Instruction Permission Form
Religious instruction classes are available at the school for year levels 1 to 6. These classes are conducted on
Thursday and Friday depending on year level.
The faith groups who provide instructors to deliver religious instruction are the Yandina Baptist and the Anglican
Students are allocated to these classes in accordance with the information provided on the completed Religious
Instruction Permission Form.
Parents of child/ren participating in these programs will be advised if a faith group requires funds to cover the
expense of materials used in RI.
Students are allocated to RI based on information provided by parents on the completed Application for Student
Enrolment unless other written instructions have been provided to the school. (this completed form)

Note: This information remains operational unless the parent informs the school otherwise in writing.

Students who are not participating in RI will be provided with other instruction in a separate supervised location.
Other instruction must relate to part of a subject area already covered in class and may include, but is not
restricted to:
     Personal research and/or assignments
     Revision of class work such as creative writing and literacy and/or numeracy activities which could include
      online programs currently accessed by the students (i.e. Mathletics, Reading Eggs)
     Wider reading such as independent reading appropriate to the student

Parents will be advise of any changes to the RI and other instruction programs to ensure they are able to make
an informed decision on their child’s participation

   I DO         I DO NOT      give permission for my child _________________________ Class ______
to attend Religious Instruction classes.

Parent/Carer Name:                Parent/Carer Signature:         Date:

……………………..……………                ………………………………………                    ………………………………….
48 School Road, Yandina Q 4561 Ph: (07) 5472 9333 Fax: (07) 5472 9300
                     Email: admin@yandinass.eq.edu.au

              Friendship Family and Future
  Name: ___________________________________________
Has your child been diagnosed with any of the following 
                  ASD - Autism Spectrum Condition/Asperger's Syndrome/PDD NOS
                  ID – Intellectual Disability
                  VI – Vision Impairment
                  HI – Hearing Impairment
                  PI – Physical Impairment
                  SLI – Speech Language Impairment
                  ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder
                  ADHD – Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder
                  ODD – Oppositional Defiance Disorder
                  Dyslexia
                  Other ________________________
Has your child accessed any of the following 
                  Guidance Officer
                  Special Education Program (SEP)
                  Behaviour Support Staff
                  Advisory Visiting Teacher (Type: ………………………………………………… )
                  Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy
                  Speech Language Therapist
                  Youth Worker
                  Occupational Therapy Services
                  Physiotherapy Services
                  Chaplaincy
                  Other ……………………………………………………………
Please complete if your child has received additional supports not listed above:-
                  Social           (Type: ………………………………………………… )
                  Health           (Type: ………………………………………………… )
                  Emotional (Type: ………………………………………………… )
                  Behavioural (Type: ………………………………………………… )

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