2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...

Page created by Cheryl Grant
2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...



      NEW cookie

      New packaging

      New eBudde look

      New cookie pin

2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...
I NG happens w
             AM   AZ                hen
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                                                                                            n th
                                                                                                 e GirL
                                                                                                        Scout Cook Program®.

                                                          POWER to
                               Sh e g ains            the

              There’s a reason the Girl Scout Cookie Program is a
              celebrated tradition. It’s an amazing opportunity for girls
              to WOW THE WORLD and build lifelong skills!

              When you support her success through the
              Girl Scout Cookie Program , you’re narrowing the female
              entrepreneurship gap by nuturing that go-getter spirit early on
              and equipping her with the confidence and know-how to dream
              big and do bigger.

                                                                                                 Cookie Rallies                     3
                                                                                                 NEW! Cookie                        4
                                                                                                 2020 Girl Scout Cookies®           5
                                                                                                 Tools and Tips to Get Started      6
                                                                                                 Digital Cookie                     7
                                                                                                 How to Succeed                    8-9
                                                                                                 Cookie Cupboards                  10
                                                                                                 Booth Selling Tips                11
                                                                                                 Girl Rewards & Troop Proceeds   12-13
                                                                                                 NEW! Cookie Pin                   14
                                                                                                 How the Cookie Crumbles           15
   2                                                                                             Calendar & Safety Tips            16
2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...

               January 4
                     9:30-11 am
        Join us for a red-carpet premiere at our Cookie Rallies!
             You’ll be inspired to set big goals and build the
           skills you need to reach them. Register to join the
          Friend-zy Fun – choose to participate virtually from
                    home or at one of eight locations.

                                     2020 Locations
                           Cinemagic Stadium,      O’Neill Cinemas,
                              Hooksett, NH           Epping, NH
                           Cinemagic Stadium,     Red River Theaters,
                             Merrimack, NH           Concord, NH
                           Cinemagic Stadium,       Stowe Cinema,
                             Portsmouth, NH           Stowe, VT
                             Merrill Theatres,       The Nugget,
                              Burlington, VT         Hanover, NH

              $5 per girl
             includes Rally patch (shown above)                     3
2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...


       NEW and EXCITING!
      Inspired by real girls in the Girl Scout Cookie
      Program,® and created for all Girl Scout
      Cookie lovers, these new lemon cookies are
      positively fun. Just like G.I.R.L. (Go-getter,
      Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader),™ each cookie
      has something bright and motivating to say.

                           WHAT’s COOKIE
                    Every year, we have new
                      information to help us
                         promote the start of
                    Girl Scout Cookie season

                    We’ve created Cookie Confidential
                        to help troops understand the
                     importance of keeping NEW news
                               confidential in order to:

                         ⚬ Be in-the-know of exciting,
                      “confidential”, behind-the-scene
                                information before the
                                Cookie Season begins.

                        ⚬ Empower girls, parents, and
                     volunteers with information they
                  need to plan and stay in control of a
                           successful cookie business!

                     ⚬ Create excitement for the 2020
                  cookie season and more success for
                     cookie bosses across the country!

              Lemon-Ups™are “cookie confidential“
                             until January 7, 2020.
4                Then, help us celebrate the news!
2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...
   GIRL SCOUT COOKIES®                                                                                     ALL OUR COOKIES HAVE...
                                                                                                           NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup
                                                                                                           NO Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs)

                                                                                                           Zero Grams Trans Fat per Serving
                                                                                                           RSPO Certified (Mass Balance) Palm Oil

                                                                   Remember to keep
                                                                                                           $5 PER PACKAGE
                                                                   the new Lemon-Ups
                                                                   cookie confidential
           new                                                     until January 7, 2020.

                                                                                             • 100% Real Cocoa
                                                                                             • Real Coconut

LEMON-UPS              TM

                                                                                            SAMOAS               ®


Crispy lemon cookies baked with inspiring messages to lift your spirits                     Crisp cookies coated in caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut and
                                                                                            striped with dark chocolaty coating

                                                                                             • Made with Natural Flavors
• 100% Real Cocoa                                                                            • Real Peanut Butter
• Real Peanut Butter                                                                         • Whole Grain Oats

TAGALONGS               ®
                                                                                            DO-SI-DOS                   ®

Crispy cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a                                Crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookies with creamy peanut butter filling
chocolaty coating

                                                                                             • Made with Vegan
                                                                                             • 100% Real Cocoa

TREFOILS          ®
                                                                                            THIN MINTS                         ®

Delicate-tasting shortbread that is delightfully simple and satisfying                      Crisp wafers covered in chocolaty coating made with natural oil
                                                                                            of peppermint

• Made with              specialty
  Natural Flavors
• 100% Real Cocoa                                                                            • NO Artificial Flavors

GIRL SCOUT                                                                                  TOFFEE-TASTIC                                ®

S’MORES          ®

Crunchy graham sandwich                                                                     Rich, buttery cookies with sweet, crunchy toffee bits
cookies with creamy chocolate
and marshmallowy filling
                                                                                                            The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all other associated trademarks and logotypes, including but not limited to the
                                                                                                            Trefoil Design, Girl Scout Cookies®, Thin Mints®, Trefoils®, Girl Scout S’mores® and Lemon-UpsTM are owned by Girl Scouts
                                                                                                            of the USA. Little Brownie Bakers is an official GSUSA licensee. The LITTLE BROWNIE BAKERS® name and mark, and all
                                                                                                            associated trademarks, including SAMOAS, TAGALONGS, DO-SI-DOS and TOFFEE-TASTIC are registered trademarks of
                                                                                                            Kellogg NA Co. Copyright ®, TM, © 2019 Kellogg NA Co.                                                       051519
2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...
For budding GirL Scout Entrepreneu rs
                           Order cards     Girls can start by asking neighbors, friends and family
                                           members to place orders for cookies. They write their orders on
                                           the paper order card, which is turned in to the cookie volunteer
                                           and entered into eBudde™.

                        Digital Cookie®    On this online selling platform, girls can personalize their
                                           Digital Cookie site and send emails to invite friends and family to

                                           buy cookies with the option of getting in-person delivery or direct
                                           shipment to their home.

                           Booth sales     Reach more customers! Sign up for booth sales through eBudde™.
                                           Cookie Booth locations must be approved by council.

                       Workplace sales     Girls can either make sales pitches to local businesses or go with a
                                           parent to their workplace to take orders.

                          Social media     For Girl Scouts 13 and older*, social media is a great way to spread
                                           the word about their cookie sales to friends and family.
                                           always get parental permission before posting about the Girl Scout Cookie Sale and

                                           remember to follow GSUSA’s online safety guidelines.

For Volunteers
                               eBudde™     Manage the Cookie Program from one central location. Order cookies,
                                           track girl activity and order girl rewards. ebudde.littlebrownie.com.

                         eBudde™ Troop     Learn more and download the app at LittleBrownie.com. Everything
                                           you need to manage your cookie sale on the go - all from your mobile
                              App plus
     TROOP APP PLUS                        phone or tablet!

For Parents
                        Stay connected     Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and opt-in to our emails for the
                                           latest newsletters and up-to-date cookie information.
                                                   Facebook: GSGWM          Instagram: @GirlScoutsGWM

                      Girl Scout Cookie™   Help friends locate the closest cookie booth with these tools.
                                           GirlScouts.org ; Cookielocator.LittleBrownie.com; iOS App Store or
                         Finder and the
                                           Android App in Google Play.
                          Little Brownie
                          Bakers Cookie
                            Locator App

                                                             Questions? Just contact us!
                                                                  Call 888-474-9686, email customercare@girlscoutsgwm.org
6                                                                       or visit girlscoutsgwm.org for more information.
2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...
Girl Scouts who used the Digital Cookie® platform
in addition to traditional sales sold an average of

76% more cookies
than girls who did not sell online.

                                            4 Easy Steps to Get Movin’ with the Digital Cookie® Platform!
                                            This cookie season superpower your sale by expanding your efforts from the booth to
                                            the web. Why? Because adding online and mobile channels to your sale can help you
                                            reach more cookie fans than you ever imagined. That’s right! With the Digital Cookie®
                                            platform you can market everyone’s favorite cookies-with-a-purpose to customers
                                            down the block or across the country from the comfort of your couch. AWESOME.
    Here are 4 easy steps to jump into the fun, and slay those cookie sale goals like a true cookie boss!

    1        Register

    Sign up to use the Digital
                                         2                  Set Up Your Site

                                         In just a few minutes, you can
                                                                                                                    3                     Invite Customers

                                                                                                                      Manage your cookie customer
                                                                                                                                                                                      4        Track Your Goal

                                                                                                                                                                                      See how close you are to reaching
    Cookie® platform. Girl Scouts,       set up your sale goal, share                                                 list and easily send ready-to-                                  your goal by tracking the number
    look for your Digital Cookie®        your cookie story, and upload                                                use emails inviting people to                                   of boxes sold and orders placed,
    registration email on                a fun picture or video. Then                                                 support your sale. You can also                                 as well as sales by delivery type
    December 15, 2019.                   you’re ready to save, review,                                                promote your personalized                                       and cookie variety. You can even
                                         publish, and...done!                                                         cookie site link on Facebook                                    include offline sales to see your
                                                                                                                      with friends and family.                                        total progress—yum!

                              Sell on the go with the Digital Cookie Mobile App!
                                                                                           Download is FREE.

                                          The Girl Scouts name and mark, and all associated trademarks, including but not limited to Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scout Cookie Program,
                                                           Thin Mints, Trefoils, Digital Cookie® and the Trefoil design and mark are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA.

2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...

   NOT THAT, BUT THIS!                                                WHAT TO SAY WHEN SHE SAYS:

                  I don’t want to go to the Cookie Booth!
  Not that,
                                                                       TIP: Work with your Girl Scout and talk about what makes
           It’s okay, I’ll call your Troop                             her nervous about selling cookies. Write them down
           Leader and cancel.                                          and talk about ways to
                                                                       help her to feel confident
                                                                       and remind her of the
 but this.                                                             objectives and
   Why? Are you nervous? Let’s work on your                            goals that led her
   sales pitch together. I bet once you feel                           to partcipate.
   confident in what to say, you’ll feel better.
   I know you really want to reach your goal.

    Mom/Dad, can you take my order form to work and
        get your co-workers to order from me?
  not that,
                      Of course!                                           TIP:  Work with your Girl Scout
                                                                           to develop new ways to reach
                                                                           customers. Write down and
    but this.                                                              develop a plan to
   I’d be happy to help you. Let’s make a poster                           incorporate them
   or video that explains why Girl Scouting is                             into her Cookie Business.
   important to you, your goals, and how selling
   cookies helps your Girl Scout experience. I can
   share your story with my co-workers.

                                    s t o t h e G i r l Sc o u t C
     How the Girl Scout Law appl i e
                                                                                                                                        R               RESPECT
HONEST                                       CONSIDER G
                                                                                      GEOUS                                S IB L E F O                 MYSELF A
                  FRIENDLY                                                      COURA ONG                           RESPON AY AND DO
AND FAIR          AND HELPFUL                    C A R IN                                                                  S                            OTHERS
                                             AND                                AND ST
                                                                                       R                            WHAT I
                                                                                                                                          ey to your
 Observe the         Say, “thank you”                             for                                                            okie mon                Customer
                                               If you sign up                               etter and
                                                                                                          use         Turn in co            ld make
  start of the       even if someone                              h -             Be a go-g                                      ders shou               on the Gi
                                                a cookie   bo  ot
                                                                                                 to m   a rket        troop. Lea             meet ACH
  Girl Scout         doesn’t purchase                           u  ca n’t         social m
                                                                                           edia                                  deposits to             Cookie Lo
                                                attend . If yo
                                                                                             . Remem
                                                                                                          ber to       frequent
  Cookie              Girl Scout Cookies
                                                 make it, up
                                                               da  te              your sale            ig  ital        deadlines.                        be sure t
                                                                                            d your D
   Program on                                                   SAP so             only sen

                                                 eBudde A                                                                                                 on-time
                                                                                                     p  e o   ple
                                                                   p can
                                                                                             link to
   Jan 1, 2020.                                   anothe  r tr oo                   Cookie            a l li fe .                                         for your
                                                                                                in re
 8                                                     th  e op   po rtunity.       you know                                                               booth sh
2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...

         The Girl Scout Cookie Program teaches 5 ESSENTIAL SKILLS that

         will last a lifetime and help girls develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

         1      GOAL SETTING
                Girls learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them.

         2      DECISION MAKING
                Girls learn to make decisions on their
                own and as a team.
                                                                      Girls learn to create a budget and han-
                                                                      dle money.

         3      MONEY MANAGEMENT
                Girls learn to create a budget and
                handle money.

         4      PEOPLE SKILLS
                Girls find their voice and build confidence
                through customer interactions.

         5      BUSINESS ETHICS
                Girls learn to act ethically, both in
                business and life.

                                                                                                                             R TO
                                                                                                                D B E A SISTE UT
                                                                                                             AN             CO
                                                                                                                     GIRL S
                r a m

C ook i e Pr o g      .
                                                                                    RLD                                            ths with
                                                                                                                                            in NH     a n d  V T are op
                                                                                                                                                               hite Mo
                                                                                                                                                                          en to all
                                                                      A K E T HE WO                             Coo    k ie B  o o
                                                                                                                                        e Gree    n  a n d   W
                                                                                                                                                                     uct Sale
                                                                    M               CE
                                                                             ER PLA                                           uts of th                  n ity Prod         ign up fo
                                                                    A BETT                                           l S  c o                       m  u
                                                                                                                  ir                            m
                                                                                                                G                     your Co                     like to s
                       Y               USE RESO                                                                  Reach       o u t to
                                                                                                                                          ur troop
                                                                                                                                                        w  o u ld
                                                                                                                                                                             il coo k ie
              AUTHORIT                 WISELY                                                                    Coordin
                                                                                                                               ator if yo
                                                                                                                                               lo c ation. Als
                                                                                                                                                                 o, counc
                                                                                                                                                                            d de .

                                                                                                 council                            anoth e  r                   p in e B u
                                                                               c ip a te in the                   ab    o o  th in
                                                                                                                                          able fo    r s ig n -u
                                                                       Pa r ti                 ogram.                           are avail
               Know and ob
                              ey                     our Digit
                                                               al                    aring pr                     booths
                                         Set up y®                     Gift of C               ckages
                          d C oo kie                  Site an d                       ,000 pa
               Safe ty an
                                         Cookie                         Over 17                     nated
                                                        tomers                           s were do
 rs rely       Guidelines.                offer c   u s                 of c   o  o k ie
 irl Scout                                             very                            and ove
                                          Girl Deli                      to local            e n and me
 ocator, so                                            easy!                            wom
                                           – it ’s s o                    service
 to arrive                                                                              r.
                                                                          last yea
  and stay
 hift.                                                                                                                                                                                  59
2020 TROOP AND FAMILY GUIDE - THIS YEAR! - Girl Scouts of the ...
Cookie Cupboards
                                     Cookie Cupboards are available for additional sales, such as booth sales,
                                     goal getter orders, or girl delivery online orders and are located conveniently
                                     across VT & NH. Troop Cookie Coordinators enter a transaction into eBudde
Restock throughout                   on a Monday for a Friday pickup (for example). Cookie Cupboards are
the season                           predominantly volunteer run and therefore hours vary. Available hours,
                                     directions, and contact information are posted in eBudde.
Ordering packages for
booth sales isn’t an exact           Cookie Cupboards are open from February 20–March 30. Cookies must be
science, but here are average
                                     ordered in case quantities from Cookie Cupboards and up to 25% of the
sales per cookie variety, so
you can get an idea of how           amount picked up on Friday can be returned, in same-flavor, unopened cases
many you should order.               on the next business day, usually Monday.* Volunteers or parents may pick-up
                                     troop cupboard orders. Whomever signs the receipt is financially responsible
                                     for those cookies. When in doubt, recount. Wait until you’re sure about your
                 30%                 case count to sign the receipt.


                                HOW MANY COOKIE CASES                                                                                 Car

                                   CAN YOUR CAR CARRY?

                                               30                                       35
                                                                                                             Sport Utility

                                                                                                                             60                                75

                                Hatchback                                                                                                           Station

                                                                      Standard                               Vehicle

                                Car                                                                                                                 Wagon


                                                                  75                        Pickup

                                                                                                        100                                              200



                                                   Minivan                                  Truck                                                Van

                                                                          Cupboard locations
               4%                   Arlington, VT                                      Littleton, NH (TBD)                           Sanbornton, NH
                                    Barre, VT                                          Manchester, NH                                Thetford, VT
                                    Barton, VT                                         Nashua, NH                                    West Chesterfield, NH
                                    Essex Jct., VT                                     Portsmouth, NH                                Wonalancet, NH
     2%                             Exeter, NH                                         Rutland, VT

                                         C OOKIES ORDE R E D I N THE I N I TI A L OR DE R M A Y N OT B E R E TUR N E D.

                                                                                         Share goals with customers
                                                                                         They love to know how girls are investing
                                                                                         their cookie proceeds, so encourage
                                                                                         girls to make posters, banners or
                                                                                         t-shirts to get the word out.

                                                                    Give away bite-sized samples
                                                                    Give customers a taste of something they
Troops can                                                          love, or something they’ve never tried
                                                                    before! Keep the variety’s nutrition label
check eBudde for                                                    in full view in case a customer has
booth locations                                                                          food sensitivities.

across the council!
Expand your sale even                                                                                            Bundle up
                                          Offer a Girl Scouts   ®

further!                                  Gift of Caring option                                                  Combine cookie
                                          During booth sales, ask customers to donate                            varieties into
                                          cookies to a worthy program. Promote the                               bundles with
                                          option with posters, t-shirts and a special                            a ribbon and
                                          box (or wagon) for donated cookies.                                    handmade card.

                                                         Hand out recipe cards
                                                         Encourage customers to stock up and
                                                         make recipes featuring their favorite
                                                         Girl Scout Cookies®.
                                                         Find recipes at
            Visit LittleBrownie.com for
            even more tips, inspiration
                                                         and GirlScouts.org.
            and activities.                                                                                                       11
Rewards that
                       make her say,                                    “WOW!”                                 ®
                       Rewards and Cookie Dough Program Credits earned through the Girl Scout Cookie Program are cumulative.

     35+ packages
     Wow the World
     Theme Patch

                                                                                  300+ packages
                               100+ packages                                    Plush Butterfly
                               Butterfly Carabiner

                                                                               Inflatable Ottoman       500+ packages
                                                                                                        Weekender Tote
200+ packages
Light Up Butterflies
(Set of 3)

                                                             400+ packages                                  850+ packages
 Council reserves the right to replace                       Mini Disco Ball                              Girl Scout Six Flags Event
 an item with one of equal or higher value.                                                               July 18, 2020

Cookie Dough                                 Cookie Dough Program Credits
Program Credits are
earned as follows:                      Cookie Dough Program Credits are an earned reward for
 packages                  cookie
 sold             →        dough
                                        registered Girl Scouts who sell a minimum of 125 packages of
                                        cookies through the GSGWM Cookie Program. Cookie Dough
125-150            =     $30            Program Credits will be issued electronically by email to the

151-170            =     $40            primary parent’s email in May.                                                           CONTEST
171-200            =     $50
201-225            =     $60           Cookie Dough Program Credits                                             Enter for a     e
                                       may be used towards:                                                     chance to win th
226-250            =     $70
251-300            =     $90             ·   Purchases at the Mountain Top Shop.
301-400            =     $125            ·   Purchases at most Camp Trading Posts.
401-500            =     $150            ·   Annual GSUSA girl membership fees and GSGWM council fees.
501-600            =     $175            ·   GSGWM camp program fees (up to 100%, minus $50
601-700            =     $200
                                             registration fee).
                                             GSGWM program fees.
                                                                                                                   24   winners
701-750            =     $225                                                                                                      of them?
                                         ·   Girl Scout Destinations or council-sponsored travel.                  Will YOU be one
751-800            =     $250            ·   A donation to GSGWM Girl Assistance Fund.
801-900            =     $275            ·   Online at the GSUSA Shop. See girlscoutsgwm.org for details.
901+               =     $300
                                                        2020 Cookie Dough Program Credits                       Learn more at
  Girls must apply 100% of Cookie                                                                               girlscouts.org/c

 Dough Program Credits prior to                          are valid through March 31, 2021.
 receiving financial assistance.
WOW Cookie Tech                                              Initial Order Rewards
           earned for Digital Cookie® sales.                             earned for sales prior to February 2.

               Cookie Techie Patch
                      techie patch                                                  Flying Disc
               50+ packages                                                         85+ packages

                                                                                    Charm Bracelet and
                            Phone Stand                                             WOW Slide Charm
                            150+ packages                                           130+ packages


              Portable Charger                                                          OR
              300+ packages
                                                                                 Aluminum Water Bottle
                                                                                200+ packages

                                                                              Initial Order Troop Reward
                                                                                        Origami Bandana

Find your                                                                               165+ packages per girl average
                                                                                        1 per each girl selling plus 2 troop leaders

                                                 do WOW Things!
 Girls may choose one starred item up to their packages-soLd level.

        1000+ packages                         1500+ packages                   2020+ packages                         5500+ packages
        Apple Watch or iPad                    2-Weeks Day Camp or             G.I.R.L. 2020                          Athens, Greece
        (models may vary)                      1-Week Resident Camp            National Conference                    Adventure
                                                                               Orlando, FL

                                                                                          In GSGWM, troops earned nearly

     Troop Proceeds
        The higher the Per Girl Average,
              the more girls earn!
                                                                                            MILLION DOLLARS
    Based on troop per girl average (only selling girls are factored).
                                                                                              in Troop Proceeds last year!
Per Girl Average                                       $ Per Box
1 package and up                                          $0.65                 *
                                                                                 Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops may opt out of
150 packages and up                                     + $0.05                 all rewards for an additional 10 cents per package in troop
200 packages and up                                     + $0.10                 proceeds. Girls will still be eligible to earn patches and
Older Girl Opt Out*                                     + $0.10                 Cookie Dough Program Credits. Troop must complete and
MAX proceeds per package                                  $0.90                 submit Opt Out form by February 2, 2020.
  e w!!
ne p
r co
     l a co k i e p
                pre n .
How the cookie crumbLes

     Investment in
 High Quality Girl Scout                      Troop Proceeds,
  Programs, Training,                           Girl Rewards,
Camps and Program Sites                     Cookie Dough Program
                                            credits, and Girl Funds


                                               Cost of Cookies,
                                             Cupboards, Warehouse
                                              and Transportation
                                                 Expenses, and
                                                  Cookie Staff

Safety Tips                                            2020 caLendar
Be sure girls understand and follow                      DECEMBER 2019
these safety rules:

• Show you’re a Girl Scout—Wear the
                                                                   1 Volunteers receive Digital Cookie email      ®

  Girl Scout membership pin and/or                                 2 Volunteers can login to eBudde          TM

		Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a                   15 Parents receive Digital Cookie email®

  Girl Scout.
• Buddy up—Always use the buddy system.                  JANUARY
  It’s not just safe, it’s more fun.
                                                                   1 Initial orders begin and Digital Cookie opens    ®

• Be streetwise—Become familiar with the
  areas and neighborhoods where you will
                                                                   4 Cookie Rallies (preregistration is required)
  be selling Girl Scout Cookies®.                                 10 eBudde signups for Council Cookie Booths open

• Partner with adults—If you are a                       FEBRUARY
  Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie or Junior you
  must be accompanied by an adult when                       4 Troop Cookie Manager submits initial orders and rewards into eBudde                      TM

  taking orders or selling/delivering product.
  If you are a Girl Scout Cadette, Senior or
                                                           20 Cookie Cupboards open and booth sales begin
  Ambassador, you must “buddy up” when                     28 Initial Cookie Order deliveries begin across council
  selling door-to-door. Adults must be                28-Mar 1 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend
  present at all times during booth sales.
• Plan ahead—Always have a plan for                      MARCH
  safeguarding money. Avoid walking around
		with large amounts or keeping it at home                          8
                                                         Initial Cookie Order deliveries are completed
                                                      		 across council
		or school. Give proceeds to supervising
  adults who should deposit it as directed                       15 Last day for customers to select the Girl Delivery option in Digital Cookie              ®

  by council as soon as possible.
                                                                 30 Cookie Sale ends and Cookie Cupboards close
• Do not enter—Never enter the home or
  vehicle of a person when you are selling or
  making deliveries. Avoid selling to people             APRIL
  in vehicles or going into alleys.
                                                                    3 Last day for Troops to update eBudde and submit rewards

• Sell in the daytime—Sell only during
  daylight hours, unless accompanied by
                                                                   11 G.I.R.L Expo 2020 Vermont—come vote on next year’s rewards!
  an adult.
• Protect privacy—Girls’ names, addresses
  and email addresses should never be                                1
                                                         Cookie Dough Program Credits will be emailed to primary guardian
  given out to customers. Use a group                 		 contact for girls that sold 125+ packages
  contact number or address overseen                       week of
  by an adult for customers to request
  information, reorder or give comments.
                                                              9-15 Final Rewards delivered to Service Units
  Protect customer privacy by not sharing
  their information except for the product
  sale. Girls should never take credit
  card numbers.
• Be safe on the road—Always follow
  safe pedestrian practices, especially
  when crossing at intersections or walking
  along roadways. Be aware of traffic when
  unloading product and passengers
  from vehicles.
• Be net wise—Take the Girl Scout Internet                                          888-474-9686
  Safety Pledge before going online and
  follow the specific guidelines related to
  marketing online. http://girlscouts.org/

Check our website for even more safety
resources, including the Safety Activity
                                                  The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all other associated trademarks and logotypes, including but not
Checkpoints and Volunteer Essentials for
                                                  limited to the Trefoil Design, are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. Little Brownie Bakers is an official GSUSA
Product Program Safety.                           licensee. Copyright ®, TM, © 2019 Kellogg NA Co.
You can also read