Spring Break Camp 3/15 3/19/2021 - Camp Adventure 2021 Parent Handbook & Registration Forms - City of ...

Page created by Norma Long
Spring Break Camp 3/15 3/19/2021 - Camp Adventure 2021 Parent Handbook & Registration Forms - City of ...
Camp Adventure 2021
 Spring Break Camp
  3/15 - 3/19/2021

 Parent Handbook &
 Registration Forms
City of Temple Camp Adventure 2021

Welcome to Camp! This holiday break is going to be great! Our mission is to provide your
child with a safe and enjoyable experience that engages the camper and provides an oppor-
tunity for emotional, social, and physical growth. Our camps will provide an environment
that allows each camper to express themselves through all aspects of recreation, arts &
crafts, and adventure.

This handbook is designed to inform parents and guardians of the programs, policies, and
guidelines of our holiday camp. Please read the handbook carefully and sign, date and re-
turn all forms so that your child can participate in all activities. Keep this booklet for future
reference. The policies and procedures are to ensure all campers, staff, and other entities
the maximum safety.

We look forward to sharing this holiday camp with you and your camper. Together we can
have a memorable camp experience!

Miranda Lugo
Program Coordinator
(o) 254-298-5737
(c) 254-800-5381

Forms Required Prior to the first day of Camp
1.   Completed Registration Form                        and cognitive development of the camp-
2.   Pick Up Authorization Form                         ers who are involved in the program.
3.   Discipline Policy Form                      •   To promote an atmosphere where campers
4.   Medical Information Form                           can develop a sense of independence,
5.   COVID Addendum Policies                            learn about responsible self care, and
                                                        develop appropriate decision-making
                     Location                           and listening skills.
Holiday Camp (Camp Adventure) is located at
the Wilson Park Recreation Center at 2205                   Fees, Dates, and Times
Curtis B. Elliott Drive, Temple, TX 76501        Cost: $12 per day
                                                 Dates: March 15th - 19th
*Our camp programs are developed and main-
tained by the City of Temple Parks and Recrea-   Time: 7a.m.-6p.m. Monday-Friday
tion Department. Camp programs are designed      *All campers must be dropped off by 8:30am
to offer a quality recreation programming for    Space will be limited in order to adhere to
campers ages 5-13.                               COVID-19 protocols
                                                                   Where to Pay
                    Our Staff
Camp staff are carefully selected individuals    •   No on site payments will be accepted for the
with experience working with children and who        holiday camps, you must pay in advance
enjoy recreation, and fun. We maintain an ad-        be-fore the first day.
equate staff-to-child ratio 1:15 to insure the   •   Payments can be taken over the phone at
quality of your child’s care.                        254-298-5740, Monday thru Friday (the
                                                     week before) and Monday—Wednesday (the
Camps are designed to give campers the op-           week of camp) 7:00am-6:00pm.
portunity to:                                    •   Online– www.templeparks.com - Only
• Make good choices                                  Monday will be available online at first
• Master new skills                                  to ensure we maintain enrollment ratios
• Bond with peers                                    throughout the week. The rest of the
• Encounter new people and places                    days will open afteward
• Use their imaginations                                   Daily Admission and Release
                                                 The following procedures have been established
              Statement of Goals                 to provide you and the staff with information
The goals of our camps are as follows:           needed to protect the health, safety, and well-
• Help campers meet new friends                  being of the camper in our care:
• Give campers a quality camp experience         • Campers may not be dropped off and left un-
• Expose campers to art, adventure & camp           attended before 7a.m. Parents must sign
activities                                          their child in with a staff member in the drop
• Acquire skills in a wide range of recreation      off area.
activities                                       • Campers enrolled in our program will be
• Practice good sportsmanship and fair play         signed-out and picked-up from the camp site
• Develop lasting friendships                       by parents or a parent approved guardian in
• Teach teamwork                                    the drop off/pick up areas with a designated
• Teach life skills                                 camper name tag.
• Teach campers how to lead camp programs        • Unless prior written arrangements have been
• Foster a healthy respect for diversity            made with the staff, only parents or parent
• Encourage the development of self-esteem          designees shown on registration form may
                                                    take a camper from the program.
• To promote physical, social, emotional,
                                                 • No parent will be denied access to a child
unless a copy of a Custody Agreement or           Our staff will use positive methods of camper
    Court Restraining Order that limits or relin-     management, to encourage self-control, self-
    quishes such parental rights is on file with      direction, self-esteem and cooperation. Staff
    the Camp staff.                                   understands that each camper is an individual,
•   Camper needs to be at camp no later than          and we will make every effort to handle the
    8:30am– opening circle- to ensure that the        needs of each camper. We believe that rules,
    camper can participate in trips or other ac-      expectations, and limits should be applied con-
    tivities planned for that day.                    sistently and explained in a clear and age-
                                                      appropriate manner. Campers in the camp are
                Late Pick-Up Policy                   entitled to a safe and secure environment. This
Campers must be picked-up no later than               means that no camper may jeopardize the well-
6p.m. according to Temple Parks and Recrea-           being of his/herself or any other camper or
tion Department official time. This rule is strict-   staff. All Campers will be introduced to the
ly enforced. Our policy for late pick up is as fol-   camp Code of Conduct and reminded of the
lows:                                                 code daily during opening circle. Part of our ef-
1. For every minute you are late, you will be         forts will be to help campers identify inappro-
        assessed a $1.00 fee per camper.              priate behavior and learn how to redirect their
2. The late fee must be paid in full before the       actions in a positive way. Staff will ask a camp-
        camper may return to the program.             er to “take a break” for behavior issues. If be-
3. If there is a second occurrence, there will        havior issues are continuous with a camper,
        be a parent meeting with the camp di-         parents will be notified to discuss the situation.
        rector and program coordinator.               If negative behavior continues and becomes
4. If there is a third occurrence, you will be        disruptive to the camp as a whole, we reserve
        issued a late fee and the camper will be      the right to remove the camper from the camp
        removed from Camp for the remainder of        either temporarily or permanently depending
the session. There will be NO refunds issued.         on the severity of the situation.

         Camp Standards of Behavior                                 DISCIPLINE POLICY
The goals of our Camps are centered around de-        Depending on the severity of the behavior prob-
veloping social skills, improving self esteem,        lem, parents may be contacted immediately
and increasing confidence, learning in a fun en-      and requested that their child be picked up
vironment, developing physical fitness and es-        from Camp. This is at the discretion of the Pro-
tablishing meaningful relationships with new          gram Coordinators and Recreation Specialists.
friends. Our goal is that every camper will have      *Please refer to the sample Code of Conduct on
a memorable and fulfilling experience. Nothing        page 7 of this document*
is more important to the accomplishment of
these goals than each person abide by the fol-        Discipline Policy:
lowing Standards of Behavior. Any deviation           1St Incident - Warning
from these principles by any member of the            2nd Incident - Time Out
community will be cause for disciplinary action.      *Parents/Guardians will be notified (verbally
Any serious deviation will be cause for expul-        and /or in writing) of each disciplinary inci-
sion.                                                 dent.
1. Each member of the program shall treat eve-        3rd Incident - Parent contacted and requested
ry other member with respect.                         to pick up child immediately from camp.
2. There shall be no bullying                         4th Incident - Parent, Camp Director, and Parks
3. There shall be no physical, verbal, sexual or      and Recreation Staff member will discuss the
emotionally hurtful or abusive behavior.              continuation of child’s participation in camp.

          Behavior Management Plan                                      Dress Code
During holiday Camp, campers should come           •   Coughing, difficulty breathing or wheezing
appropriately dressed for daily activities.
• Our camp may be indoors & outdoors. We           *Additional COVID symptoms being moni-
  encourage light clothing, close toed shoes,      tored are: chills, repeated shaking with
  hats, and sunscreen lotion.                      chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat,
• T-shirts may not display inappropriate lan-      loss of taste or smell, known close contact
  guage, violence or lewdness.                     with a person who is lab confirmed to have
• Please note that we could be participating       COVID– 19.
  in fun and messy activities, so please try
  to send your child in play clothes.              The Camp program reserves the right to
• Face masks will be required for all camp-        send home any ill camper. If your child has
  ers.                                             been exposed to a contagious disease, details
                                                   should be reported to the Camp program. A
                 Illness Policy                    signed doctor’s note showing medical treat-
The Camp illness policy adheres to National        ment will be needed prior to a campers return.
Standards and focuses on both the needs and        All campers must be fever free for 24 hours
behaviors of the ill camper. The staff will use    before returning to camp.
their best judgment, to meet their needs with-
out compromising the care of other campers.                         Medications
We understand and appreciate the needs of          The following statements are our guidelines for
working parents, yet it is essential that camp-    administering medications:
ers at our program are protected from conta-       • Only medications prescribed by a medical
gion. We will endeavor to use good judgment          doctor will be administered.
as well as the following criteria, when evaluat-   • Medications must be reported on the Medi-
ing campers with illness. It is the program’s        cal Information form and must be kept up-
expectation that parents will do the same. A         to-date.
camper must be well enough to participate          • Information on prescribed dosage must be
in camp activities, If your child is ill or has      attached to the medication.
a fever of 100.0, please do not send him/          • All medication must be received in its origi-
her to camp.                                         nal container.

When illness results in greater care than the      Program employees will Administer medication
staff can provide without compromising the         only if:
safety and health of the other campers, the        1) Parent(s) or guardian(s) complete and sign
parent, legal guardian or other person au-            a medication information form that pro-
thorized by the parent will be notified immedi-       vides authorization for staff to dispense
ately to pick up their child within 30 minutes.       medication with details as to time and dos-
Symptoms can be, but are not limited to the           ages. The form will include a hold harm-
following:                                            less clause to protect the City.
                                                   2) Prescription medications are in the original
•   Elevated temperature                              containers labeled with the child’s name, a
•   Vomiting                                          date, directions, and the physician’s name.
•   Uncontrolled diarrhea                             Program staff members will administer the
•   Any symptoms causing severe discomfort            medication only as stated on the label.
•   Any illness accompanied by open oozing            Program staff will not administer medica-
    bacterial infections                              tion after the expiration date.
•   Any open or oozing sores or unexplained        3) Nonprescription medications are labeled
    rash                                              with the child’s name and the date the
•   Lice or lice eggs on hair or on clothing          medication was brought to the Program.
Nonprescription medication must be in
                                                      What to bring to Camp
   the original container. The Program staff
   will administer it only according to label   • Disposable or reusable lunch box
   direction.                                     that is cleaned daily with disposable
4) Medications dispensed will be limited to       utensils
   routine oral ingestion not requiring spe-    • Please make sure the lunch does
   cial knowledge or skills on the part of        not have to be refrigerated or
   Program employees. No injections will be       micro-waved
   administered by the Program employees.
5) Program employees will ensure medica-        •   Disposable water bottles
   tions are inaccessible to participants or,   •   A change of clothes (stored in a
   if it is necessary to keep medications in        gallon size baggie)
   the refrigerator (when available), medica-   •   Insect repellent (if needed)
   tions will be kept separate from food.       •   Tennis shoes
6) Medication is locked up throughout the       •   Face Mask
   day and will only be dispensed and ad-
   ministered during the specified time of            What not to bring to Camp
   mid-day/lunch time unless there are ex-
   tenuating circumstances supported by a
                                                •   Toys, dolls, and stuffed animals
                                                •   Trading cards
                                                •   Electronic games
In the event a camper has a bathroom acci-
                                                •   iPod’s, cd players, Cell phones
dent, a change of clothes must be available.
In the event of multiple accidents or no
clothing is available, pick up arrangements
will be made immediately.

Quality programming is designed at each
camp location to give your camper posi-
  tive and memorable Holiday Camp

               Opening Circle
Opening Circle is an all camp meeting where
the entire camp assembles for announce-
ments, songs, games and skits. Parents
please note, Sun Rise Ceremony takes
place around 8:30am each day. This is
the time your child needs to be here to
be eligible to participate in planned activ-
          Typical Daily Schedule
A calendar with all planned activities and
 a daily schedule will be provided at the
             parent meeting.
COVID-19 Addendum                     •   Social distancing will be implemented for all
     We are here to provide the most well-             programs and all campers. Campers will be
  rounded and comprehensive programming                assigned to groups by Camp Directors and
that we can and ensure that the needs of our           must stay with their group throughout the
children are best met. We will do this while           duration of the camp season. During Camp
adhering to COVID-19 best practices of safe-           2021, we will be encouraging individualized
ty and sanitation. The following regulations           play or group activities that do not require
and policy changes are being implemented               sharing supplies or equipment.
for the 2021 year:
• No parents will be allowed into the build-       •   Staff and children will be required to wear
    ing to visit, have a tour, or for pick up or       cloth face covering (over the nose and mouth)
    drop off. All pick up and drop off will oc-        while indoors and optionally during outdoor
    cur in a drive-thru style based on camp            play. If available, staff and children are en-
    location. Staff will ask screening ques-           couraged to wear non-medical grade face
    tions, take temperatures, and ensure               masks. Campers may be removed from the
    your camper has everything necessary for           program for failure to appropriately wear their
    the day before the camper is allowed into          mask when it is required.
    the program.
• All children must be dropped off by              •   Any camper who showcases symptoms of
    8:30 am. Drop off will not be accepted             COVID-19 throughout the day will be imme-
    past that time as the program will                 diately isolated and must be picked up with-
    begin and facilities will be closed to the         in 30 minutes of parent notification. It is im-
    public. Pick up will be between 4:30               perative that staff are made aware of any un-
    and 6:00 pm, if you need to pick up                derlying medical conditions of the campers so
    before those times, please call your               there is no confusion on a sudden appear-
    specific camp and coordi-nate a time               ance of symptoms (i.e. a shortness of breath
    with staff.                                        due to Asthma)
• All children and staff will be screened dai-
    ly for any new or worsening signs or           Parents should continue to monitor the health
    symptoms of possible COVID-19                  of their children and not send them to the pro-
                                                   gram if they exhibit any symptoms of COVID-
•   We have developed and implemented a            19. They should seek COVID-19 testing prompt-
    Program Activity Plan to include hourly        ly and report results to the program given the
    sanitation of all program areas, hourly        implications for other children, families and
    sanitation of all equipment, and increased     staff.
    hand washing and hand sanitizing before
    and after activities.                          Campers returning from a day camp should
                                                   minimize in-person contact with any person 65
•   Children will be required to pack their        years of age or older, especially those with pre-
    own lunches in disposable sacks with dis-      existing health conditions for a period of 14
    posable utensils. Access to the fridge will    days. This includes maintaining social distanc-
    not be available during lunch time so          ing of at least 6 feet of separation from those in-
    please do not pack food that requires to       dividuals, wearing a face covering or mask, and
    be heated or chilled. All peanut butter        avoiding sharing any supplies with those indi-
    products are prohibited due to                 viduals.
    allergens. If your child has a severe or
    life threatening allergy please be sure        Our camp will only be successful with your con-
    to note it on your medical forms so we         tinued support and encouragement in the im-
    can be appropriately aware and                 plementation of these policy changes. Thank
    prepared.                                      you for your continued patience and under-
                                                   standing as we work together to ensure we can
                                                   provide programming for our community.
City of Temple
                                  Holiday Camp
                                    Code of Conduct

   •   Do not cross personal boundaries
   •   Do not go anywhere without a staff member
   •   Do not leave group area until told by a staff member
   •   Treat each other with respect
   •   No personal display of affection
   •   Respect everyone and listen to staff
   •   No cursing or use of negative language
   •   Play fair
   •   Obey all safety instructions given by staff
   •   Participants are to stay with staff members at ALL times
   •   Stay positive during each activity
   •   Do not talk to strangers
   •   On field trips follow trip rules
   •   This program does not allow tricks being played on ANY participant or staff member by any other participants
   •   Wear proper clothing (i.e. girls wear shorts under skirts, wear sneakers)
   •   Do not leave building or camp grounds until a parent or guardian has come inside to sign you out
   •   No arguing with any staff member
   •   Keep hands to self - No pushing, kicking, etc.
   •   Stay seated during lunch
   •   Do not play in bathrooms
   •   Other, please describe:

Discipline Policy
_______Warning Note
_______1 Day Suspension and Parent Meeting (must have Camp Director approval)
_______3 Day Suspension and Parent Meeting (must have Program Coordinator)
_______Remainder of the Camp Suspension (must have Recreation Superintendent approval)
Participant #1: Last Name                               First Name:                                  DOB       /    /    Age: _____

Participant #2: Last Name                               First Name:                                  DOB       /    /    Age:: _____

Participant #3: Last Name                               First Name:                                  DOB       /    /    Age: _____

Participant #4: Last Name                               First Name:                                  DOB       /    /    Age: _____

Primary Guardian: Last Name:                                       First Name:

           Cell PH# (    )          -            Alt PH# (     )            -       Email

Secondary Guardian: Last Name:                                     _First Name:

           Cell PH# (    )          -           Alt PH# (      )            -       Email

Address:                                                           City/Zip:

Doctor:                                         Phone #:

Does the participant have allergies?            YES                NO

If yes, what type?

Type of Allergy              Life Threatening           Type of Allergy           Life Threatening

           Bee Sting                                               Drugs
           Peanuts                                                 Foods
           Poison Ivy                                              others
Please explain allergy in detail, what symptoms occur and to what child.

    Is the participant currently on medication(s) for long-term or continuous use and/or has the following preex-
                                           isting illness, allergies, or health concerns (Asthma, ADHD, ODD ,etc):

    I do hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Temple, its employees, officers and agents and the volunteers
    and other participants who participate in the activity, in the event of any accident, injury or death sustained by the participant while
    being transported to or from any activity, or while participating in any activity at the activity, from any liability of any kind whatsoev-
    Signature _____________________________________                                  Date : ____________________________

    I also give permission for any photographs taken during these activities to be utilized for promotional purposes by the City of Temple
    and the Parks and Recreation Department now and in the future. I do hereby give my approval for participation by the participant in
    any and all of the program’s activities, including transportation to and from if applicable.

    Signature _____________________________________                                  Date : ____________________________

                                           PICK UP AUTHORIZATION FORM

CAMP PARTICIPANT NAME____________________________ Age_____

Parent(s)/Guardian(s), and others as listed below have permission to pick up the above Camp participant.

AUTHORIZED # 1 _____________________________________________________________

Email Address ______________________________________________________

Contact #’s (must provide 2) _________________________ _____________________________

Relationship to child? ___________________________________________________________

AUTHORIZED # 2 _____________________________________________________________

Email Address ______________________________________________________

Contact #’s (must provide 2) _________________________ _____________________________

Relationship to child? ___________________________________________________________

AUTHORIZED # 3 _____________________________________________________________

Email Address ______________________________________________________

Contact #’s (must provide 2) _________________________ _____________________________

Relationship to child? ___________________________________________________________

AUTHORIZED # 4 _____________________________________________________________

Email Address ______________________________________________________

Contact #’s (must provide 2) _________________________ _____________________________

Relationship to child? ___________________________________________________________

NOT AUTHORIZED_____________________________________

     *Appropriate custody/legal paperwork must be attached if a parent/guardian is NOT allowed
to pick up a child*

NOTE: All persons listed on this form will be required to show personal identification
when picking up the camp participant.

____________________________________                                            __________
Parent Signature                                                                 Date
Child Care Medication Authorization Form

Name of Child:                                       D.O.B.:              Today’s Date:

Name of Medication:

Reason for Medication:

Dose:                             Time/Frequency:

Route: ______ oral           ____ topical         ______ aerosol

Date to Start:                               Date to stop:                        Expiration:

Additional Instructions/Comments:

Known side effects:

                                        FOR PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION

Prescribing Health Care Provider:

Phone Number:

                                            FOR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES

Amount of Medication Received:

Staff Member Signature:

Program Coordinator Signature:

I authorize Temple Parks and Recreation Department personnel to administer the medication named above to my
child in the manner as stated. I release any liability in relation to the administration of this medication. I also
acknowledge that I, the parent/guardian, have given the first dose of this medication without any allergic or un-
expected reactions.

Parent/guardian printed name:                                      Date Signed:

Parent/guardian signature:

                                     RETURN OR DISPOSAL OF MEDICATION

Return Date:                                Parent Signature:                             Disposal Date:

                                        Staff Signature:

Witness to Disposal:
Camp Adventure Parent Handbook Acknowledgment

I _____________________________ (insert parent name) acknowledge that I have read, understand, and
agree to all policies listed in the handbook. My camper ____________________________ (insert camp-
er name) also understands and acknowledges the policies for camp.

Parent Signature: ________________________________________

Camp Adventure COVID-19 Addendum Acknowledgment

I _____________________________ (insert parent name) acknowledge that I have read, understand, and
agree to the COVID-19 addendum. My camper ____________________________ (insert camper name)
also understands and acknowledges the policies for camp. We will adhere to the policies as listed and
provide a face mask for our camper to wear daily. We also understand that we may be asked to not attend
camp for the day due to the presences of symptoms of illness (i.e. temperature out of range/fever, cough,
etc.) and there will be no refunds.

Parent Signature: ________________________________________

You can also read