QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn

Page created by Steven Murray
QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn

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QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn
ABBREVIATION GUIDE                                          REGISTRATION GUIDELINES
                                                                                  Registration will be held weekdays from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Harris Center,
                                                                                  starting February 3. Registration will be accepted in-person only. No phone
                      FEE/PAYABLE                                                 registration. Registration will only be accepted from participants who live or work
                      COA     City of Auburn                                      in the City of Auburn during the first two weeks of registration, February 3-14.
                      AAA     Auburn Arts Association                             All others may register during the remaining registration period as space allows.
                      AAB     Auburn Advisory Board
                      AACT	Auburn Area Community Theatre
                      ABSA Auburn Baseball/Softball Association
                      ASA     Auburn Soccer Association
                      EOO     Exceptional Outreach Organization               The Auburn Parks and Recreation Department Administrative offices are located in the
                      IAMBK I Am My Brother’s Keeper                          Harris Center at 425 Perry Street and are open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.
                      INST    Instructor                                      REGISTRATION: Registration is required for all programs. Unless otherwise noted,
                      Program fees are listed in bold immediately following   registration will be taken Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the Harris Center. Your
                      the program description, unless otherwise noted.        early registration makes a difference, as all programs have a minimum participation
                                                                              requirement. Registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis. After a class has
                                                                              reached capacity, names will be placed on a waiting list. Please stop by the Harris Center,
                      DATES/DAYS                                              Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. to register. Contact us at (334) 501-2930 for questions or
                                                                              more information.
                      OF THE WEEK                                             PHOTOS: City of Auburn staff will periodically take photos of program participants and
                      Dates are listed in month/date format. For example,     park visitors. These photos may be used in our publications, including seasonal program
                      May 1 is listed as 5/1.                                 guides, facility brochures, advertisements and on our website. If you do not wish to have
                      M       Monday                                          your photo taken, please notify the photographer at that time.
                      T       Tuesday                                         WAIVER AND RELEASE: All participants in programs conducted by the City of Auburn
                      W       Wednesday                                       Parks and Recreation Department are required to sign a liability/waiver release form.
                      R       Thursday                                        Participants under the age of 19 will be required to have a parent/guardian sign for them.
                      F       Friday                                          FEES: Classes with fees paid to the CITY OF AUBURN or AUBURN ADVISORY BOARD
                      SA      Saturday                                        must be paid at the time of registration. Participants for classes paid to the INSTRUCTOR
                      SU      Sunday                                          must be paid at the first class meeting.
                      EO      Every Other                                     REFUNDS: Refunds will be given only when a participant cancels from an activity before
                                                                              the first class or tryout day. The Administrative Office must be notified in order to receive
                                                                              a refund. If registration does not secure the minimum number required for a class to be
                      FACILITIES/LOCATIONS                                    held, the class will be canceled and a refund mailed. To receive a refund where the fee is
                      AA      Auburn Arboretum                                payable to the instructor, you must notify the instructor for that class.
                      AHS     Auburn High School                              CEMETERIES: Auburn Parks and Recreation is responsible for Memorial Park,
                      AHST Auburn High School Track                           Westview, Pine Hill, and Town Creek Cemeteries. To purchase bronze markers or lots,
                      ADB     Auburn Dixie Baseball                           arrange for burial or for more information, please pick up the cemetery brochure or contact
                      AJHS Auburn Junior High School                          the Harris Center at (334) 501-2930.
                      APL     Auburn Public Library                           PICNIC FACILITIES: Picnic facilities at Duck Samford, Kiesel, Town Creek, Bowden,
                      ASC     Auburn Softball Complex                         Sam Harris, Martin Luther King and Felton Little Parks are available for reservations. To
                      ASF	Auburn Soccer Fields - Shug Jordan Fields          reserve a park, contact the Harris Center at (334) 501-2930.
                      ATPS	Auburn Technology Park South - Lake               RENT-A-FACILITY: City of Auburn Parks and Recreation facilities and parks are
                      BCC     Boykin Community Center                         available to the public for rental. Rental fees vary depending on the amount of space,
                      BCG     Boykin Community Gym                            equipment, and type of facility needed. For more information on City facilities, please visit
                      CSP     Chewacla State Park                             auburnalabama.org/parks or refer to our Parks and Recreation Guide, available at the
                      DRCS Dean Road Ceramics Studio                          Harris Center. To schedule a tour of the historic Nunn Winston House and service building
                      DRRC Dean Road Recreation Center                        at Kiesel Park, contact Auburn Parks and Recreation at (334) 501-2930.
                      DMSG	Drake Middle School Gymnasium                     NOTES: Participants in all Auburn Parks and Recreation programs must be toilet trained.
                      DSP     Duck Samford Park                               If participants are not picked up on time from programs, a late fee will be assessed.
                      DTWN Downtown Auburn                                    SERVICE FEES: A $30 service fee will be charged on all checks returned by the bank.
                      FBRC Frank Brown Recreation Center                      ACCOMMODATIONS: In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans
                      FLP     Felton Little Park                              with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), the City of Auburn, Alabama does not discriminate
                      HC      Hubert & Grace Harris Senior Center             on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, qualified
                      IPT     Indian Pines Tennis Courts                      individuals with disabilities will be provided with reasonable accommodations. To ensure
                      JDCAC	Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center                effectiveness of the accommodations, the City requests that the Administrative offices of
                      KP      Kiesel Park                                     the Parks and Recreation Department be notified of the need at least 48 hours prior to the
                      KPNC Kreher Preserve & Nature Center                    program, event, or activity. Please refer to the back of this brochure for a complete listing
                      MLK     Martin Luther King Park                         of all facilities and parks. You may also refer to the Parks and Recreation Guide, available
                      MPB     Margie Piper Bailey                             at the Harris Center, for a map and detailed information about
                      OES     Ogletree Elementary School                      each individual park and facility.
                      SP      Samford Pool
                      TCP     Town Creek Park                                 Please visit auburnalabama.org/government/ada for additional
                      WSC Wire Road Soccer Complex                            information.
                      YTC	City of Auburn/Auburn University
                      Yarbrough Tennis Center

2                                                                                                                    AUBURN PARKS & RECREATION
QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn
                                                                                                            SPECIAL EVENTS.......................3
                                                                                                            ACTIVE AUBURN........................8
                                                                                                            ADULTS 50 +...............................9
                                                                                                            AQUATICS................................ 13
           ART GALLERY                                                                                      ARTS....................................... 17

 SPRING 2020 EXHIBITION SCHEDULE                                                                            ATHLETICS.............................. 18
                                                                                                            BIRTHDAY PARTIES & SHOWERS....22
                 Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center
                                                                                                            CAMPS........................................... 23
                                      yART SALE                                                             CERAMICS............................... 23
                                           February 8                                                       DANCE..................................... 25
                            A creative spin on the traditional yard sale.
                  This fundraiser will feature unusual items and quirky treasures.                          FITNESS.. ................................. 27
                                                                                                            HOMESCHOOL......................... 28
                              NEW WORKS 2020                                                                KREHER PRESERVE &
                                   February 19 – March 20
              New works and special projects by selected area and regional artists.                         NATURE CENTER.. .................... 28
                                                                                                            MARTIAL ARTS.. ....................... 29
PHOTO XXI JURIED PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION                                                                     MUSIC..................................... 30
                                      March 23 – April 27
                 A competitive exhibition open to area artists and photographers.                           SPECIAL INTERESTS................ 31
                                                                                                            THEATRE................................. 32
                                                                                                            THERAPEUTICS . . ...................... 34
                                                                                                            FACILITY DIRECTORY. . ............. 36

Sign up, dive in, and raise money for a great cause! Brave the cold at the eighth annual Polar Plunge
on Saturday, February 1st, 2020. Recruit sponsors to support you as you take the plunge in support
of Lee County Special Olympics. Individual and group costumes are encouraged! This event is
presented by Auburn Parks and Recreation and Lee County Special Olympics. Proceeds benefit
Lee County Special Olympics.
Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)        Time(s)             Location
All       SA           2/1            9 a.m.              SP
Contact: Ryan Molt • (334) 501-2943 • rmolt@auburnalabama.org

*Weigh-in Week is January 20 – 26*
*Weigh-out Week is April 6 – 12*
Scale Back Alabama (SBA) is a statewide weight-loss contest designed to encourage Alabamians to have fun while
getting healthy. Auburn Parks and Recreation is proud to host Scale Back Alabama (SBA) again this year!
Participants signed up as part of the Scale Back Alabama Team may visit designated Parks and Recreation facilities for
their official team weigh-in and weigh-outs. Below is a complete schedule of weigh-in/out days and times:
Weigh-in Dates and Times:
Dean Road Recreation Center: January 21-24: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Frank Brown Recreation Center: January 21-23: 6:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.; January 24: 6:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Weigh-out Dates and Times:
Dean Road Recreation Center: April 6-10: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Frank Brown Recreation Center: April 6-9: 6:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.; April 10: 6:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
For more information about the many free fitness options for SBA participants, please visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/scalebackleeco.
For more information about Auburn Parks and Recreation fitness facilities and programs, please visit us online at www.auburnalabama.org/parks or call
(334) 501 – 2930. For more information about the statewide campaign, please visit www.scalebackalabama.com.

PROGRAM REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3                                                                                                                        3
QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn
                 The 31st annual Daddy Daughter Date Night is coming up! Tickets went on sale Monday, December 2nd,
                 2019. All dance nights will be held at the Clarion Inn & Suites on S. College Street. Daughters, dads,
                 granddads, and uncles are invited to dance the night away and enjoy refreshments, door prizes, dance
                 contests, keepsake photos, and an evening of memories. Special guests will also be in attendance!
                 This year’s theme is “Mad Hatter”. Visit www.auburnalabama.org/parks to purchase your tickets at 8
                 a.m. on Dec. 2nd. Tickets are $35 for a father/daughter pair and $5 for each additional daughter.
                 Age(s) Date(s) Day(s)                  Time(s)               Location
                 All       R           2/6              5:30-8 p.m.           Clarion Inn & Suites
                           F           2/7 (Sold out) 6:30-9 p.m.             Clarion Inn & Suites
                           SA          2/8 (Sold out) 6:30-9 p.m.             Clarion Inn & Suites
                           F           2/14             6:30-9 p.m.           Clarion Inn & Suites
                           SA          2/15             6:30-9 p.m.           Clarion Inn & Suites
                 Contact: Elizabeth Kaufman • (334) 501-2939 • ekaufman@auburnalabama.org

                 *NEW* TAILS & TRAILS 3K                                                          BARK IN THE PARK:
                 Join Active Auburn as we kick-off the 8th annual Bark in the Park with a
                 3K for you and your furriest friends. Grab your running shoes and your           CELEBRATING RESPONSIBLE
                 perfect running “pawtner” for a doggone good time! Don’t have a running
                 “pawtner”? No worries, Lee County Humane Society will have adoptable             DOG OWNERSHIP
                 pups available to accompany Jog-a-Dog program participants. To run with          Calling all dog lovers! Auburn Parks and Recreation and the Lee
                 a LCHS pup, you must complete the Jog-a-Dog training before the race.            County Humane Society will host Bark in the Park, an event celebrating
                 To register for Jog-a-Dog training, please visit www.leecountyhumane.            responsible dog ownership, on Saturday, March 21st from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
                 org/jog-a-dog. Those that complete the program before the race will              at Kiesel Park. This FREE community event is open to all dog owners
                 receive a discount code to use during online pre-registration that will          and their favorite four-legged friends. Visit a variety of educational booths,
                 ensure a pup will be available to run with them on race day! Adoptable           shop with local pet vendors and enjoy door prizes and dog-friendly
                 dog running partners will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis.        activities all morning. Looking to expand your canine family? Rescue dogs
                 The Tails and Trails 3K will begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday, March 21st at          will be available for adoption as well! Join us for a morning of doggone
                 Kiesel Park followed by Bark in the Park. Online registration will begin         good fun at the park! Do you have a dog-related business and would like
                 Monday, January 6th. Please visit auburnalabama.org/parks/register to            to be a vendor? Contact Gabby Filgo at gfilgo@auburnalabama.org or
                 register for the inaugural Tails and Trails 3K. A schedule of registration       visit auburnalabama.org/parks for an application.
                 fees is as follows:                                                              Age(s) Day(s)            Date(s)        Time(s)               Location
                 Early Bird Registration: January 6 – February 24: $15                            ALL        SA            3/21           9 a.m. – 2 p.m.       KP
                 Late and Day-of Registration: February 25 – March 21: $25                        Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
                 To be guaranteed a t-shirt, participant must register by
                 Monday, February 24th. A limited number of t-shirts will be available
                 to day-of-race participants on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please utilize
                 the Nunn Winston entrance off Chadwick Lane for parking and access to
                 the race day registration and check-in table, which will begin at 7:15 a.m.
                 at the Kiesel Park dog park. Day-of registration ends at 7:45 a.m. The Tails
                 and Trails 3K route will be posted at activeauburn.org and auburnalabama.
                 org/parks on Friday, February 21st. The Tails and Trails 3K will NOT be
                 timed. Prizes for the top 3 finishers overall and awards for the best-dressed
                 pups will be announced at 8:45 a.m. under the white pavilion. Make sure
                 to stick around for Bark in the Park from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. and enjoy a
                 variety of vendors promoting responsible dog ownership. Follow us on our
                 Facebook page @activeauburn for race updates and announcements.
                 Age(s) Day(s)           Date(s)         Time(s)                Location
                 8+         SA           3/21            7:15 – 8:45 a.m.       KP
                 Contact: Sarah Cook ∙ (334) 501 – 2948 ∙ activeauburn@auburnalabama.org

4                                                                                                                         AUBURN PARKS & RECREATION
QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn

                                                                                                                                                                      SPECIAL EVENTS
The first Ride and Seek: A Bicycle Safety Adventure will take place on
Saturday, April 4, 2020 at the Parks and Recreation Complex located at
425 Perry Street in Auburn. For those who would like a t-shirt, registration
will begin on Monday, January 13, 2020 and run through Friday, March 20,             *NEW* BREAKFAST WITH
2020. Walk-up registration will also be accepted on the day of the event, but
no t-shirts will be available at that time. The event will begin at 9 a.m. with      THE BUNNY
stations on-site covering various bike safety topics such as helmet fitting, bike    Hop on over for the inaugural Breakfast with the Bunny! The event will be
fitting, lights and reflectors as well as proper hand signaling. 3-mile rides will   held on Saturday, April 4, 2020 from 8 – 11 a.m. at Kiesel Park. The breakfast
depart intermittently with opportunities to win prizes along the route! Tickets      is $5 per person and activities will include a meet and greet with the Easter
are $5 without a t-shirt or $10 with a t-shirt. Visit www.auburnalabama.org/         bunny, balloon animals, face painting, and more! Each child will receive a
rideandseek to register in advance. The event will include live music as well        special treat from the bunny. This can’t-miss event is sure to produce some
as breakfast and lunch for purchase from Drive by Tacos. The door prize              cherished family memories and adorable photo opportunities.
drawing will take place at 11:30 a.m. If you have questions or would like to be      Age(s) Day(s)           Date(s)          Time                 Location
a sponsor, please email Gabby Filgo at gfilgo@auburnalabama.org.                     3&
Age(s) Day(s)             Date(s)          Time(s)              Location             Under SA                4/4              8-11 a.m.            KP
ALL          SA           4/4              9 a.m. – Noon        HC                   Fee: $5/person • To purchase your tickets, visit auburnalabama.org/
Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org                     parks/register beginning February 3, 2020.
                                                                                     Coordinator: Alison Hall • (334) 501-2930 • ahall@auburnalabama.org

                                                          39TH ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT
                                                          SPONSORED BY WELLS FARGO
                                                          *PLEASE NOTE NEW AGE GROUPS AND TIMES!*
                                                          Celebrate Spring at the 39th Annual Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by Wells Fargo and Auburn Parks
                                                          and Recreation, at beautiful Kiesel Park. This Hunt is one of the largest in Lee County, with more than
                                                          30,000 eggs hidden throughout the park. NEW this year will be three “hunting grounds” available
                                                          for the following age groups: 4-5, 6-7 & 8-9 years of age. Ten grand prizes will be awarded in each
                                                          group and the Easter Bunny will be available for photos after the Egg Hunt.
                                                          Come join us for some great musical entertainment, free sodas and balloons, inflatables and a
                                                          chance to meet the Easter Bunny!
                                                          Please remember to arrive early to find parking and your child’s correct age group. The first age
                                                          group will START at 10:30 a.m. sharp! Egg Hunt Start times will be staggered by age group.
                                                          4-5 Hunt @ 10:30 a.m. • 6-7 Hunt @ 10:40 a.m. • 8-9 Hunt @ 10:50 a.m.
                                                          Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)        Time                  Location
                                                          Under SA               4/11           10:30 a.m.            KP
                                                                     SU          4/12           2 p.m.
                                                                     (Rain Date)
                                                          Fee: FREE to the Public
                                                          Coordinator: Alison Hall • (334) 501-2930 • ahall@auburnalabama.org

Part of what makes Easter fun are the games, but perhaps you have outgrown the traditional egg hunt. If you are ages 10-12, join us for our spin on the
classic Easter scavenger hunt. This week long hunt will have you searching throughout Auburn to earn a special Easter treat! Keep your floppy ear to the
ground for further event details in March 2020.
Age(s) Day(s)         Date(s)         Time                Location
10-12     ALL         4/3-4/10        All Day             Various
Fee: FREE!
Coordinator: Alison Hall · (334) 501-2930 · ahall@auburnalabama.org

PROGRAM REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3                                                                                                                                            5
QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn
                                                                                                 2020 JURIED ART
                                                                                                 SHOW AND PREVIEW
                                                                                                 The Auburn CityFest Committee invites the public to an evening of great art.
                                                                                                 food, and musical entertainment at the 16th annual Juried Art Show and Preview
                                                                                                 Reception. The Juried Art Show and Preview Reception, held in conjunction
                                                                                                 with Auburn CityFest, will feature a variety of works by local and regional artists
                                                                                                 and will be held on Thursday, April 23 at the Historic Nunn-Winston House at
                                                                                                 Kiesel Park from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Patrons of the Juried Art Show will enjoy a
                                                                                                 variety of artwork including paintings, prints, textiles, photography, ceramics,

                 COPS ON TOP 2020                                                                and sculptures. The event is sponsored by the Auburn Arts Association, the
                                                                                                 Auburn-Opelika Tourism Bureau, and the City of Auburn. The Juried Art Show
                 Come by your local Kroger stores and visit our law enforcement. They’ll be
                                                                                                 and Preview Reception is a rain or shine event. It is FREE and open to the
                 on the roof raising money for Special Olympics Lee County!
                                                                                                 public. To download an application visit, auburncityfest.com.
                 Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)       Time(s)              Location
                                                                                                 Age(s) Day(s)           Date(s)           Time(s)                Location(s)
                 All      F             4/3           8 a.m. – 8 p.m.	Kroger Auburn
                                                                                                 ALL        R            4/23              5:30 – 7:30 p.m.       KP
                                                                           & Opelika
                                                                                                 Contact: Lila Stone • (334)501-2944 • lstone@auburnalabma.org
                 Contact: E   lizabeth Kaufman • (334) 501-2939 •

                 THE 20TH ANNUAL
                 AUBURN CITYFEST
                 The 2020 Auburn CityFest will take place on Saturday, April 25 from 9
                 a.m. – 4 p.m. The Auburn CityFest is the largest, free outdoor festival in
                 Auburn, Alabama. Over 15,000 patrons visited last year’s Auburn CityFest
                 at beautiful Kiesel Park. This year‘s Auburn CityFest’s theme is “Back to
                 the Future”; everything 80’s will be celebrated! Auburn CityFest is FREE
                 to the public with many attractions and activities for residents of all ages.
                 The festival has over 100 arts and crafts vendors, over 30 food vendors
                 and 30 non-profit vendors. Inflatables, pony rides, touch a tractor, sense
                 tent and many other attractions. FREE to the public.
                 Ages(s) Day(s)         Date(s)        Time(s)               Location(s)
                 ALL       SA           4/25           9 a.m.-4 p.m.         KP
                 Contact: Ann Bergman • (334) 501-2936 • abergman@auburnalabma.org

                                                                                                 *NEW* STRAWBERRYFEST
                                                                                                 Join us for the inaugural StrawberryFest this April! Do you enjoy fresh-
                                                                                                 picked strawberries, jams, baked goods, paintings and/or crafts all with
                                                                                                 a strawberry theme? Then this event is perfect for you! Come enjoy
                                                                                                 StrawberryFest on Saturday, April 18th from 8 – 11 a.m. at Town Creek Park.
                                                                                                 Farmers, growers, and artists who are interested in participating in the
                                                                                                 StrawberryFest must complete an application and submit their Grower’s
                                                                                                 Permit to the Market Coordinator. Materials may be submitted in person at
                                                                                                 the Harris Center (425 Perry Street) or via email to the Market Coordinator.
                                                                                                 For more information visit www.auburnalabama.org/citymarket.
                                                                                                 Age(s) Day(s)         Date(s)         Time(s)                Location
                                                                                                 ALL       SA          4/18            8 – 11 a.m.            TCP
                                                                                                 Contact: Sarah Cook • (334) 501 – 2948 • citymarket@auburnalabama.org

6                                                                                                                         AUBURN PARKS & RECREATION
QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn
S’MORE FUN WITH MOM                                                             SPRING SUNDOWN

                                                                                                                                                             SPECIAL EVENTS
                                                                                CONCERT SERIES
Join us for S’more Fun with Mom, Lee County’s mother/son adventure, co-
hosted by the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center and the City of Auburn. For
boys aged 4 to 12 and their moms, this fun evening will include a night hike,   Join us for an evening of music and fun at beautiful Town Creek Park.
cookout, storytelling, and of course s’mores! Our mother/son duos may visit     Bring your lawn chair, blanket, kick back and enjoy the music. Food
a craft station to create their own keepsake art project; and a photographer    concessions will be on site for purchase along with FREE inflatables. The
will be available for photos. S’more Fun with Mom will be offered two           bands will be announced at a future date and admission is FREE to
evenings: Thursday and Friday, May 7 and 8 from 6 – 8:30 p.m. The cost is       the public.
$30 per mother/son duo ($10 each for any additional children). Registration     Age(s) Day(s)        Date(s)         Time(s)            Location
is available on our website or on-site. Rescheduled or cancelled in the event   ALL      R           5/7, 5/14,
of rain – please watch our Facebook page for updates.                           		                   5/21, 5/28      6 - 7:30 p.m.      TCP
Age(s) Days(s) Date(s)                   Time(s)             Location           Contact: Jarrett Jones • (334) 501-2941 • Jyjones@auburnalabama.org
ALL        R&F           5/7 & 5/8       6 - 8:30 p.m.       KPNC
Contact: Jennifer Lolley • (334) 844-8091 • preserve@auburn.edu

                                                                                CITY MARKET
Cast into summer with the 28th Annual Fishing Rodeo sponsored by
Evans Realty! Join us at the lake at Auburn Technology Park South on
Saturday, May 16 from 7 – 11 a.m. The first 175 children will receive           City Market is back for the summer season. Auburn Parks and Recreation
a FREE rod and reel courtesy of Evans Realty and Auburn Parks and               invites the community, growers and consumers alike, to join us Saturdays
Recreation will supply the bait. Door prizes will be given out to lucky         from May to August. City Market will be held at Town Creek Park select
participants and prizes will be awarded to the biggest and smallest fish        Saturdays, May through August from 8 – 11 a.m. The market will host local
caught in each age category. We will also give out an award for the most        farmers, growers, and artists to sell their produce and products. Farmers,
fish caught overall. This event is a great chance to bring kids and their       growers, and artists who are interested in participating in City Market
parents together with America’s favorite pastime...FISHING! The cost is         must complete an application and submit their Grower’s Permit to the
$5 per child and can be paid at the event in the form of cash or check.         Market Coordinator. Materials may be submitted in person at the Harris
Checks can be made payable to COA. There is a take home limit of five           Center (425 Perry Street) or via email to the Market Coordinator. For more
fish per child and parents must stay with their child at all times.             information visit www.auburnalabama.org/citymarket. Follow us on our
Age(s) Day(s)         Date(s)         Time(s)                  Location         Facebook page @CityMarketAuburnAL for updates and announcements.
ALL       SA          5/16            7 – 11 a.m.              ATPS             Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)          Time(s)            Location
Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org                ALL        SA          5/16 - 8/29      8 – 11 a.m.        TCP
                                                                                		                     *NO market on 5/23 & 7/4*
                                                                                Contact: S   arah Cook • (334) 501 – 2948 • citymarket@auburnalabama.org

PROGRAM REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3                                                                                                                                   7
QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn
                We’re back for our 2020 season! Active Auburn is a health and wellness campaign presented by Auburn Parks and Recreation. The campaign is
                designed to encourage Auburn residents to get active in Auburn and connect them with their fellow residents and city parks and facilities.
                Throughout 2020, Active Auburn will host several recreation or fitness-centered events to highlight parks, recreation facilities or important areas of
                Auburn. These activities will range from field days and scavenger hunts in the parks to 5ks and walks.
                Looking for a new way to keep track of your workouts or find tips on eating healthy, places to work out or new activities to try? We have you covered with
                the Active Auburn website (activeauburn.org)! Auburn residents can visit activeauburn.org to create an account, log activity and miles, view their progress,
                set goals, receive fitness tips and read news about Active Auburn. Join the movement today! You can also follow us on Facebook (@activeauburn),
                Instagram (@activeauburnal), Twitter (@activeauburnal) and Pinterest (Active Auburn)! For questions about Active Auburn, visit activeauburn.org or email

                ACTIVE AUBURN 2020                                                              TAILS & TRAILS 3K
                                                                                                Join Active Auburn as we kick-off the 8th annual Bark in the Park with a
                EVENTS CALENDAR                                                                 3K for you and your furriest friends. Grab your running shoes and your
                                                                                                perfect running “pawtner” for a doggone good time! Don’t have a running

                FITFEST HEALTH AND                                                              “pawtner”? No worries, Lee County Humane Society will have adoptable
                                                                                                pups available to accompany Jog-a-Dog program participants. To run with
                LIFESTYLE FAIR                                                                  a LCHS pup, you must complete the Jog-a-Dog training before the race.
                Join us at Frank Brown Recreation Center to learn about the different           To register for Jog-a-Dog training, please visit www.leecountyhumane.org/
                health and fitness options in the Auburn area you can use to get moving         jog-a-dog. Those that complete the program before the race will receive
                on your New Year’s resolutions and make 2020 your healthiest year yet!          a discount code to use during online pre-registration that will ensure a
                Meet representatives from local gyms, yoga and fitness studios, and             pup will be available to run with them on race day! Adoptable dog running
                other health and fitness organizations. There will be pop - up classes          partners will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis. The Tails and
                throughout the afternoon in the Frank Brown Fitness Center activity             Trails 3K will begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday, March 21st at Kiesel Park followed
                rooms as well. A complete schedule of these classes will be posted at           by Bark in the Park. Online registration will begin Monday, January 6th.
                auburnalabama.org/parks and in the Facebook event group. FREE to                Please visit auburnalabama.org/parks/register to register for the inaugural
                the public. Pop - up classes will be free and open to members of the            Tails and Trails 3K. A schedule of registration fees is as follows:
                public ages 16 & older.                                                         Early Bird Registration: January 6 – February 24: $15
                Age(s) Day(s)         Date(s)        Time(s)            Location                Late and Day-of Registration: February 25 – March 21: $25
                16+      SA           1/11           2 – 4 p.m.         FBRC                    To be guaranteed a t-shirt, participant must register by
                Contact: S  arah Cook • (334) 501 – 2948 •                                     Monday, February 24th. A limited number of t-shirts will be available
                           activeauburn@auburnalabama.org                                       to day-of-race participants on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please utilize
                                                                                                the Nunn Winston entrance off Chadwick Lane for parking and access to
                                                                                                the race day registration and check-in table, which will begin at 7:15 a.m.
                                                                                                at the Kiesel Park dog park. Day-of registration ends at 7:45 a.m. The Tails
                                                                                                and Trails 3K route will be posted at activeauburn.org and auburnalabama.
                                                                                                org/parks on Friday, February 21st. The Tails and Trails 3K will NOT be
                                                                                                timed. Prizes for the top 3 finishers overall and awards for the best-dressed
                                                                                                pups will be announced at 8:45 a.m. under the white pavilion. Make sure
                                                                                                to stick around for Bark in the Park from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. and enjoy a
                                                                                                variety of vendors promoting responsible dog ownership. Follow us on our
                                                                                                Facebook page @activeauburn for race updates and announcements.
                                                                                                Age(s) Day(s)            Date(s)        Time(s)                Location
                MARDI GRAS ZUMBATHON                                                            8+         SA            3/21           7:15 – 8:45 a.m.       KP
                Let’s dance! It’s time to move your body Auburn! 90 – minutes of fun-filled     Contact: S    arah Cook • (334) 501 – 2948 •
                dancing designed to get you in shape! Awesome instructors who can get                        activeauburn@auburnalabama.org
                you dancing and will take turns leading you in various styles and levels of
                Zumba moves – check! A Mardi Gras costume contest - check! Join us
                for Zumbathon Mardi Gras style on Saturday, February 22 at the Boykin
                Community Center gymnasium from 8:45 – 10:30 a.m. We will kick off with
                our Mardi Gras – themed “Best Dressed Dancer” costume contest at 8:45
                a.m. and Zumba will begin at 9 a.m. So come dressed in your best purple,
                green and gold and be ready to dance (and sweat)! Zumba is a Latin dance-
                based exercise program that combines dancing with an aerobic workout.
                It might become your new favorite workout! The Mardi Gras Zumbathon is
                held in conjunction with Scale Back AL – Lee County; instructors hail from
                Auburn, Opelika, and the surrounding areas. This event is FREE to the
                public. Children ages 8 and older are welcome with parent participation.
                Age(s) Day(s)           Date(s)       Time(s)              Location
                8+        SA            2/22          8:45 – 10:30 a.m. BCC
                Contact: S   arah Cook • (334) 501 – 2948 •

8                                                                                                                      AUBURN PARKS & RECREATION
QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn
TOTAL BRAIN HEALTH                                                             TAI CHI FOR HEALTH – BEYOND

                                                                                                                                                                  ADULTS 50+
BRAIN WORKOUT                                                                  THE BASICS
Cognitive fitness is a primary concern among adults over the age of 50.        A time honored mind body practice from China, tai chi is recognized as
The Total Brain Health (TBH) Brain Workout teaches lifestyle choices           an effective way to improve posture, balance and awareness, to reduce
that support cognitive vitality. Grounded in science, smart and engaging       chronic pain and stress and to help reduce the risk of falls. The principles
group workshops train the brain using a social based brain training model.     underlying this gentle movement practice are what make it so effective
Effective wellness interventions challenge engagement across the body,         and can be incorporated into everyday activities. Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi
mind and spirit. This class is hands-on and encourages participants to         for Health programs form the basis of this class. This class will go beyond
work together to practice cognitive enhancement strategies that help           the basics and additional materials will be available to participants. Those
boost processing speeds, reasoning, attention and memory skills.               who register for this class may attend the free Thursday class at the Harris
Limited to 20 participants. FREE to the public.                                Center for practice. Instructors are certified with Tai Chi for Health. Limited
Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)        Time(s)             Location             to 15 participants. $5/class. Payable to INST first day of class.
50+       M            3/9 – 4/27     2 – 3 p.m.          HC                   Age(s) Day(s)           Date(s)        Time(s)                 Location
Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org               50+       T             3/10 – 5/26 10 – 10:50 a.m.            FBRC
                                                                               Contact: K   itty Frey and Emily Livant • (334) 332-3831 •

DULCIMER LESSONS                                                                           auburntaichi@gmail.com

The lap dulcimer is a stringed folk instrument that evolved in the
Appalachian mountains in the 1800s. Dulcimers are the easiest stringed         MOVING MATTERS
instrument for beginners to play, ideal for children, seniors and non-         This full body movement class will teach you to move strong and smart
musicians who want to play tunes or accompany singing. Dulcimers are           so you can continue to participate in everyday activities with ease.
a relatively quiet instrument. Their sweet quiet sound is well-suited to       Educational in nature, this class will emphasize ways of moving while
personal relaxation or playing in a cozy environment. The instructor is a      improving postural/core stability. Please bring a mat and towel. Hand
Clinical Lecturer in the Music Education Department at Auburn University.      weights and exercise bands are available. Instructor is an occupational
Students will be required to provide their own dulcimer and lesson book        therapist and experienced teacher. Limited to 20 participants. $5/class.
for the class. Contact instructor for details. FREE to the public.             Payable to INST first day of class.
Age(s) Day(s)           Date(s)        Time(s)            Location             Age(s) Day(s)         Date(s)        Time(s)              Location
50+        F            3/6 – 5/29     11 a.m. – Noon     HC                   50+        T          3/10 – 5/26 11 a.m. – Noon          FBRC
Contact: Katherine King • (334) 524-0467 • kingkat@tigermail.auburn.edu        50+        R          3/12 – 5/28 11 a.m. – Noon          HC
                                                                               Contact: Kitty Frey • (334) 332-3831 • auburntaichi@gmail.com

Move to music and have fun while exercising to increase muscle strength,       ZUMBA GOLD - THE FUN
range of movement, and activities for daily living. Hand-held weights,         WORKOUT FOR ANYONE, ANY
bands, and a ball is used for resistance. A chair is used for seated
exercises and standing support. FREE to the public.
                                                                               AGE, ANY ABILITY
                                                                               Zumba Gold was designed for the older, active adult, a person who hasn’t
Age(s) Day(s)         Date(s)       Time(s)              Location
                                                                               been exercising in a long time or individuals who may be limited physically.
50+      M            3/2 – 5/18    9 – 9:45 a.m.        HC
                                                                               The biggest difference between Zumba Gold and Zumba basic is that Zumba
Contact: E  lizabeth Kaufman • (334) 501-2939 •
                                                                               Gold is done at a much lower intensity. It’s just as much fun, just not as fast!
                                                                               Zumba Gold utilizes the same great Latin styles of music and dance that are
                                                                               used in the Zumba basic program, including the Salsa, Cha-Cha, Rock ‘n
INTRODUCTION TO TAI CHI                                                        Roll and Merengue. The Zumba Gold program strives to improve balance,
FOR HEALTH                                                                     strength, flexibility and most importantly, the heart. When you take the Zumba
A time honored mind body practice from China, Tai Chi is recognized as         Gold class, be sure to wear comfortable workout clothing, take water and a
an effective way to improve posture, balance and awareness, to reduce          towel, along with a “ready to party” attitude! FREE to the public.
chronic pain and stress and to help reduce the risk of falls. The principles   Age(s) Day(s)             Date(s)         Time(s)              Location
underlying this gentle movement practice are what make it so effective         50+        WR             3/4 - 5/28      8:30 – 9:30 a.m. HC
and can be incorporated into everyday activities. Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for   Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
Health programs form the basis of this class which will be an introduction
to Tai Chi. Instructors are certified with Tai Chi for Health. Limited to 25   SEATED ZUMBA GOLD
participants. FREE to the public.                                              Zumba movements are designed to mimic many typical Latin dance
Age(s) Day(s)           Date(s)        Time(s)               Location          styles like salsa, rumba, and cumbia. Although traditionally many of these
50+       R             3/12 – 5/28 10 - 10:45 a.m.          HC                dances require use of your entire body, they can easily be adapted for
Contact: K   itty Frey and Emily Livant • (334) 332-3831 •                    people with mobility challenges. Many movements can be done with the
            auburntaichi@gmail.com                                             upper body from a seated position in a wheelchair. Because so many
                                                                               different styles of music are usually incorporated into typical Zumba
                                                                               classes, participants join into the motions they feel most comfortable with.
                                                                               This class is a great way to strengthen the upper body as well as the
                                                                               lower extremities such as ankles and feet (if able). The class can be taken
                                                                               from your own wheelchair or from a regular chair. FREE to the public.
                                                                               Chairs provided.
                                                                               Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)          Time(s)             Location
                                                                               50+        WR          3/4 - 5/28       9:30 – 10 a.m.      HC
                                                                               Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org

PROGRAM REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3                                                                                                                                     9
QUARTER - SPRING QUARTER REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3 auburnalabama.org/parks - City of Auburn
YIN YOGA FOR HEALTH AND                                                       LUNCH & BINGO
             HAPPINESS                                                                     On the first and third Tuesday of each month enjoy the opportunity to
             Yin yoga is a little different than the “typical” yoga class. This practice   play bingo, catch up with friends, and delight in a scrumptious meal.
             is a more passive style of yoga where we learn to relax our muscles in        Registration not required. $4 or bring a covered dish.
             order to improve the health of our joints, ligaments, fascia, and all other   Age(s) Day(s)         Date(s)      Time(s)             Location
             connective tissues that normally are not exercised in traditional exercise.   50+       T           3/3, 3/17    10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. HC
             Please let the instructor know of any injuries or concerns as she may need    		                    4/7, 4/21    10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. HC
             to modify a pose to meet your specific needs. Yin yoga is recommended         		                    5/5, 5/19    10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. HC
             highly if you are over the age of 35 as it helps to keep the connective       Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
             tissues, joints, and other aspects of the body in proper alignment and
             good health as we age. Yin yoga also teaches breathing techniques that        FOOD FOR THOUGHT: BREAKFAST
             help improve mood, sleep, and mobility. This is an all levels class from
             beginners to advanced. The class will meet Monday and Wednesday
                                                                                           AND SPEAKER SERIES
                                                                                           On the second Tuesday of the month, join us for a FREE breakfast and
             each week. Attendees can come one day or both days. This class is
                                                                                           entertaining speaker. Please register in advance at the Harris
             not a progressive class in which you should or must attend all classes in
                                                                                           Center so we can provide enough food. FREE to the public.
             order to be successful in this practice. Please bring your own yoga mat
                                                                                           March • Jan Busby – Southern Union Adult Education Opportunities
             and small blanket. $5/class. Payable to INST first day of class.
                                                                                           April • Ellie Watson – Sweet Grown Alabama Farmer’s Markets
             Age(s) Day(s)           Date(s)        Time(s)              Location
                                                                                           May • Laura Hill – Encyclopedia of Alabama
             50+        MW           3/2 – 5/27     9 - 10 a.m.          FBRC
                                                                                           Age(s) Day(s)        Date(s)        Time(s)          Location
             Contact: Tammy Hollis • (334) 703-0168 • hollite60@gmail.com
                                                                                           50+       T          3/10           9 – 10:30 a.m.   HC
                                                                                                     T          4/14           9 – 10:30 a.m.   HC
             50+ PROGRAMS:                                                                           T          5/12           9 – 10:30 a.m.   HC
                                                                                           Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org

             Stop by the Harris Center on Friday afternoons to play a variety of board     MUNCH AND MINGLE LUNCH CLUB
                                                                                           Get together with old friends and make some new as we gather on
             games with old and new friends. Games such as Monopoly, Yahtzee,
                                                                                           select Wednesday afternoons each month for lunch at a local restaurant.
             Scrabble, Pictionary and Trivial Pursuit will be available, but feel free
                                                                                           Participants must provide their own transportation and cover the cost
             to suggest more games to be added to the collection! FREE to the
                                                                                           of lunch. Please register by 5 p.m. on the Tuesday prior so
                                                                                           reservations can be made for the group.
             Age(s) Day(s)        Date(s)        Time(s)              Location
                                                                                           Age(s) Day(s)        Date(s)        Time(s)              Location
             50+      F           3/6 – 5/29     2 – 4 p.m.           HC
                                                                                           50+       R*         3/5            11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. JCSM Museum
             Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
                                                                                                     W          4/15           11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.	Piazza Roman
             THE ABC’S OF MEDICARE                                                                                                                  Pizza
             Attend a free Medicare educational meeting conducted by Benefit                         W          5/27           11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. W
                                                                                                                                                    ild Wing Café
             Advisors specializing in Medicare. You can expect to better understand                                                                (Opelika)
             your options as you become eligible for your Medicare benefits. We will                 *Day change to match “A Little Lunch Music” Schedule
             cover how and when to enroll, when you are allowed to change plans,           Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
             coverage choices, prescription drug plans, how to apply and other
             common questions. FREE to the public.
             Age(s) Day(s)         Date(s)         Time(s)            Location             GET OUT AND GO! LOCAL
             50+       W           3/11, 4/8, 5/13 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. HC                   ADVENTURE CLUB
                       (2nd of Month)                                                      Join us each month as we venture out to take advantage of the local sights
             Contact: Allie Perez • (205) 965-2021 • alliebperez@gmail.com                 and activities! Participants must provide their own transportation to each
                                                                                           location. Look for directions and more details in the Senior Connection
                                                                                           newsletter each month. Cost varies by activity. Please register
             HAND AND FOOT CARD CLUB                                                       in advance. Payable to the AAB.
             Come together to enjoy one of America’s favorite card games, Hand and
                                                                                           March • Pharmavite/Nature Made Vitamins Manufacturing Facility –
             Foot! Hand and Foot is a game related to Canasta, in which each player
                                                                                           4701 Northpark Drive, Opelika, AL
             is dealt two sets of cards - the hand, which is played first, and the foot,
                                                                                           April • Auburn University Equestrian Center - 1235 Wire Road, Auburn, AL
             which is played when the hand has been used up. Although most people
                                                                                           May • EAMC Spencer Cancer Center - 2501 Village Professional Drive,
             say that Hand and Foot is best played by four people in partnerships,
                                                                                           Opelika, AL
             it can also be played by six in two teams of three, or by any number of
                                                                                           Age(s) Day(s)           Date(s)       Time(s)             Location
             people playing as individuals. The game is easy to learn and tons of fun!
                                                                                           50+       F             3/27          9 – 10 a.m.         Pharmavite
             An experienced player will be present to help you get started so don’t be
                                                                                                     F             4/3           10 - 11 a.m. 	AU Equestrian
             shy! FREE to the public.
             Age(s) Day(s)         Date(s)        Time(s)               Location
                                                                                                     W             5/6           2 – 4 p.m. 	Spencer
             50+       W           3/4 – 5/27     10 a.m. – 1 p.m.      HC
                                                                                                                                                     Cancer Center
                       R (2nd, 4th
                                                                                           Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
                       and 5th)    3/12 – 5/28 4 – 8 p.m.               HC
             Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org

10                                                                                                               AUBURN PARKS & RECREATION
THE CRAFTY CREW                                                                      50+ SPECIAL EVENTS:

                                                                                                                                                                    ADULTS 50+
Come hang out with us on select Wednesday afternoons each month and
enjoy making a seasonal craft with step-by-step instruction from Gabby!
$5/person to cover the cost of supplies. Please register in                          BUTTERFLY GARDEN REVEAL
advance. Payable to the AAB.                                                         AND RECEPTION
March • Felt Shamrock Pin                                                            Come enjoy refreshments as Cadet Scout Samantha Perry gives a
April • Sock Bunny                                                                   presentation about the Butterfly Garden she planted between the Harris
May • Spring Flower Keychains                                                        Center and the Girl Scout Hut to earn her Silver Award. FREE to the Public.
Age(s) Day(s)       Date(s)         Time(s)              Location                    Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)          Time(s)             Location
50+      W          3/11, 4/8, 5/13 2 – 3 p.m.           HC                          50+       T            3/24             4 - 5 p.m.          HC
Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org                     Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org

READ AND REFLECT BOOK CLUB                                                           EASTER EGG HUNT AND SWAP
Come together on the last Tuesday of each month to join in a discussion              Grab your bunny ears and come out for a new version of your favorite Easter
on a selected book. Each book is available for check out at the Auburn               egg hunt! Gather for fellowship and a good meal before searching high and
Public Library, located at 749 E. Thach Avenue. Please call 334-501-3190             low for golden eggs in and around the Harris Center. After each person finds
to reserve your copy today. FREE to the public.                                      a golden egg, we will then reconvene inside to see what prizes are inside
March 31st - The Devil in the White City: Magic, and madness                         our eggs and (potentially) swap prizes white elephant style! $5/person.
at the fair that Changed America by Erik Larson. Auburn Public                       Payable to the AAB. Register by Friday, April 3rd at 5pm.
Library has 2 copies. Nonfiction. 447 pages. In this book the smoke,                 Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)        Time(s)                Location
romance, and mystery of the Gilded Age come alive as never before.                   50+       F            4/10           Noon – 2 p.m.          HC
Erik Larson’s gifts as a storyteller are magnificently displayed in this rich        Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
narrative of the master builder, the killer, and the great fair that obsessed
them both. The architect was Daniel Hudson Burnham, the fair’s brilliant
director of works and the builder of many of the country’s most important
                                                                                     KARAOKE NIGHT AND DINNER
                                                                                     Join us for another crazy Karaoke Night! We will sing the night away to
structures, including the Flatiron Building in New York and Union Station
                                                                                     songs both old and new. Come prepared to belt out your favorites! $5
in Washington, D.C. The murderer was Henry H. Holmes, a young doctor
                                                                                     per person. Payable to the AAB. Please register by Friday,
who, in a malign parody of the White City, built his “World’s Fair Hotel” just
                                                                                     May 15th at 5 p.m.
west of the fairgrounds--a torture palace complete with dissection table,
                                                                                     Age(s) Day(s)        Date(s)       Time(s)              Location
gas chamber, and 3,000-degree crematorium. What makes the story all
                                                                                     50+       W          5/20          6 – 8:30 p.m.        HC
the more chilling is that Holmes really lived, walking the grounds of that
                                                                                     Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
dream city by the lake. The Devil in the White City draws the reader into a
time of magic and majesty, made all the more appealing by a supporting
cast of real-life characters, including Buffalo Bill, Theodore Dreiser, Susan        MOVIE NIGHT AT THE HARRIS
B. Anthony, Thomas Edison, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, and others.
April 28th - Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. Auburn
                                                                                     Nothing like enjoying food and a good flick together! Come join us for a
Public Library has 5 copies and 3 electronic. Fiction. 370 pages. For years,
                                                                                     movie and dinner on select Thursday nights this summer. More movie
rumors of the “Marsh Girl” have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the
                                                                                     suggestions welcome! $5 (includes dinner). Please register by
North Carolina coast. She’s barefoot and wild; unfit for polite society. So
                                                                                     the Wednesday prior at 5 p.m. Payable to the AAB.
in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals
                                                                                     March • Downton Abbey
immediately suspect Kya Clark. But Kya is not what they say. Abandoned
                                                                                     April • Aladdin (2019)
at age ten, she has survived on her own in the marsh that she calls home.
                                                                                     May • Little Women (2019)
A born naturalist with just one day of school, she takes life lessons from
                                                                                     Age(s) Day(s)         Date(s)          Time(s)          Location
the land, learning from the false signals of fireflies the real way of this world.
                                                                                     50+       R           3/19, 4/16, 5/28 5:30 – 8 p.m.    HC
But while she could have lived in solitude forever, the time comes when
                                                                                     Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
she yearns to be touched and loved. Drawn to two young men from town,
who are each intrigued by her wild beauty, Kya opens herself to a new and
startling world -- until the unthinkable happens.
May 26th - Code Girls: the Untold Story of the American
                                                                                     50+ FIELD TRIPS:
Women Code Breakers of World War II by Liza Mundy. Auburn
Public Library has 1 copy. Nonfiction. 416 pages.                                    MARCH 6TH : AZALEA
Recruited by the U.S. Army and Navy from small towns and elite colleges,             STORYTELLING FESTIVAL,
more than ten thousand women served as codebreakers during World                     LAGRANGE, GA
War II. While their brothers and boyfriends took up arms, these women                The 24th Azalea Storytelling Festival will take place at LaGrange College’s
moved to Washington and learned the meticulous work of code-breaking.                Callaway Auditorium. This beloved, family-friendly event promotes the
Their efforts shortened the war, saved countless lives, and gave them                art of storytelling by bringing nationally recognized artists together for
access to careers previously denied to them.                                         a weekend full of storytelling concerts. This year’s featured performers
Age(s) Day(s)            Date(s)        Time(s)                  Location            include Michael Reno Harrell, Andy Offutt Irwin, Bil Lepp, Kim Weitkamp,
50+        T             3/31, 4/28,                                                 and Carol Cain as Emcee. The Azalea Storytelling Festival has been
		                       5/26           1:30 – 2:30 p.m.         HC                  recognized as one of the oldest such festivals in the state of Georgia.
Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org                     Additionally, it has been recognized by the Southeast Tourism Society
                                                                                     as one of the Top 20 Events in the 12 Southeastern states. The National
                                                                                     Storytelling Association bestowed on the Azalea Storytelling Festival the
                                                                                     Association’s Leadership Award. Furthermore, the Azalea Storytelling

PROGRAM REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3                                                                                                                                     11
Festival was nominated by the Georgia Department of Economic                        Park & Recreation Board, Mayor Morgan went to Montreal to inspect the
             Development to the American Bus Association as one of the 2012 Top 100              greenhouses at the Montreal Botanical Gardens and ask their curator,
             Events in North America. In 2013, the founders of the Azalea Storytelling           Dr. Henry E. Teuscher, to design a master plan for Birmingham. Morgan
             Festival received the LaGrange Troup County Bureau of Tourism Visionary             envisioned Birmingham’s Gardens as “the biggest attraction of this type
             Award. The cost of the trip includes transportation and admission. Please           in the Southeast.” In 1964, The Birmingham Botanical Society, Inc., a non-
             bring extra money for dinner. $30. Payable to the AAB                               profit corporation, was founded as a “membership organization to support
             Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)         Time(s)            Location                  and improve The Gardens.” From that day forward the society’s volunteers,
             50+        F           3/6             3 p.m. – 10 p.m.   HC                        fundraising efforts and support staff helped maintain and develop The
             Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org                    Gardens. Today both the City of Birmingham and Birmingham Botanical
                                                                                                 Society are committed to the continuing growth of The Gardens.

             MARCH 26TH : SINGIN’ IN THE                                                         Birmingham Botanical Gardens stands as one of America’s premier
                                                                                                 gardens, a true credit to the thousands of people who in 1960 had a
             RAIN, SPRINGER OPERA HOUSE,                                                         vision of greatness for our city and state. We will enjoy a guided specialty
             COLUMBUS, GA                                                                        tour of The Japanese Gardens as well as time on our own to explore
             The splashiest song-and-dance musical comedy in Broadway history!                   some of the other 30 thematic gardens, each one classified into one of
             Based on the glossy, glamorous movie starring Gene Kelly, Debbie                    three types: Gardens of Collections, Gardens of Nature and Gardens of
             Reynolds, and Donald O’Connor, this extravagant theatre sensation                   Culture. The cost of the trip includes transportation and admission. Please
             includes an onstage rainstorm, dazzling costumes, jaw-dropping dance                bring extra money for lunch. $15. Payable to the AAB.
             numbers and a string of Hollywood’s most loved musical numbers                      Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)          Time(s)              Location
             – Good Morning, Make ‘Em Laugh, All I Do is Dream of You, Moses                     50+        F           5/8              7 a.m. – 4 p.m.      HC
             Supposes and, of course, Singin’ in the Rain. The cost of the trip includes         Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
             transportation, admission and dinner. $50. Payable to the AAB.
             Age(s) Day(s)
             50+      R
                                                  4 p.m. – 10 p.m.
                                                                                                 MAY 21ST: KYMULGA GRIST MILL,
             Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org                    COVERED BRIDGE AND BUTLER-
                                                                                                 HARRIS RAINWATER MUSEUM,
             APRIL 24TH : CIVIL WAR LIVING                                                       CHILDERSBURG, AL
             HISTORY, MARBURY, AL                                                                The Kymulga Grist Mill, Covered Bridge and Park are of significant
                                                                                                 historical, educational and recreational value. Located on Grist Mill Road
             Enjoy outdoor Civil War living history demonstrations and self-guided tours of
                                                                                                 four miles northeast of Childersburg, Alabama, the mill and bridge are
             the 102 acre Soldiers’ Home site. Demonstrations include: infantry, cavalry,
                                                                                                 over one hundred forty years old. Listed in the National Register of Historic
             artillery, commissary wagon, soldiers equipment, uniforms, music, flags,
                                                                                                 Places, they are the only pair of such structures in Alabama that still stand
             civilian life, bivouac and infantry drill. The state of the art museum interprets
                                                                                                 where they were originally built on Talladega Creek. The adjacent park is
             Alabama’s role in the war as well as Alabama’s only home for Confederate
                                                                                                 home to a variety of animals and plants. Several large trees there have
             veterans. The cost of the trip includes transportation and admission. Please
                                                                                                 been judged by foresters to be older than the mill or bridge. The “Rainwater
             bring extra money for lunch. $10. Payable to the AAB.
                                                                                                 House” was given to C.H. Butler as a wedding gift on January 26, 1894 by
             Age(s) Day(s)            Date(s)            Time(s)               Location
                                                                                                 his parents, George and Marion Butler, a couple well-to-do in business in
             50+          F           4/24               8 a.m. – 5 p.m.       HC
                                                                                                 Childersburg. The elder Butlers had bought the land from Minor and Sara
             Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
                                                                                                 Cliett in 1864. Research makes it unclear when the house was placed
                                                                                                 on the land. Impressions of several people interviewed have indicated
             APRIL 29TH : UNION SPRINGS AND                                                      that the house could be older than 1894, perhaps the 70’s. On January
             BONNIE PLANTS TOUR, UNION                                                           27, 1993 the City of Childersburg bought the house from Mrs. Rainwater,
                                                                                                 through her power of attorney and granddaughter, Jan Cleveland Howard.
             SPRINGS, AL                                                                         The cost of the trip includes transportation and admission. Please bring
             Join us on a tour of beautiful, historic Union Springs, Alabama. Union
                                                                                                 extra money for lunch. $10. Payable to the AAB.
             Springs is well-known for its beautiful surrounding countryside with many
                                                                                                 Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)        Time(s)               Location
             hunting preserves, stately antebellum homes and historic buildings. We
                                                                                                 50+        R           5/21           8 a.m. – 5 p.m.       HC
             will begin our day with a guided driving tour of the Union Springs historic
                                                                                                 Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org
             and residential districts. Then we will enjoy lunch at Great Southern
             Outdoors Hunting Preserve before our tour of Bonnie Plants, one of the
             largest wholesale growers of vegetable plants, herbs and flowers in the
             United States. The cost of the trip includes transportation, tour and lunch.
             $30. Payable to the AAB.
             Age(s) Day(s)          Date(s)         Time(s)              Location
             50+       W            4/29            9 a.m. – 4 p.m.      HC
             Contact: Gabby Filgo • (334) 501-2946 • gfilgo@auburnalabama.org

             MAY 8TH : BIRMINGHAM
             BIRMINGHAM, AL
             Prior to 1960, a Birmingham Botanical Garden was only an idea. That
             year Birmingham Mayor James W. Morgan spearheaded the movement
             to establish The Gardens on 69 acres east of the city’s zoo in Lane
             Park, on the south side of Red Mountain. Despite objections from the

12                                                                                                                      AUBURN PARKS & RECREATION
2020 AUBURN CITY POOL                                                           AUBURN CITY POOLS

SWIM LESSONS                                                                    LOCATIONS
Save the date: Swim lesson registration begins Monday, March 9th! Three
                                                                                Samford Pool
levels of instruction will be offered this season: Guppies (recommended
                                                                                465 Wrights Mill Road
ages 4 – 6 years), Sea Turtles (recommended ages 7 – 10 years), and
                                                                                (behind East Samford School)
Dolphins (recommended ages 11 – 14 years). City of Auburn swim
                                                                                (334) 501-2957
lessons prioritize teaching swim skills to all participants.
Class descriptions are as follows:
Guppies (recommended ages 4 – 6 years): Participants in this                    SUMMER POOL SEASON
class will learn the following skills: Enter and exit water using the ladder,   Saturday May 23 – Monday, September 7
blowing bubbles, submerging head underwater, opening eyes under
water, floating on stomach and back, recognizing the lifeguards, how
to call for help, bobbing, roll from front to back and back to front, arm       DAILY ADMISSION
and hand treading action, treading water, combined arm and leg actions.         $2/person (swimmers and non-swimmers)
Student to teacher ratio 8:3.                                                   Children age 1 & under FREE
Sea Turtles (recommended ages 7 – 10 years): Participants in
this class will learn the following skills: Open eyes underwater and retrieve
submerged object, fully submerge and hold breath, change direction of
travel while swimming on front or back, swim the front crawl, breaststroke      NOW HIRING FOR THE
kick, elementary backstroke, bobbing while moving to safety, identifying
an exit point, and headfirst entry from the side in different positions.        2020 POOL SEASON
Student to teacher ratio 10:3.                                                  Beginning January 6, 2020, Auburn Parks and Recreation will accept
Dolphins (recommended ages 11 – 14 years): Participants in this                 applications for the 2020 Auburn City Pool season for the following positions:
class will learn the following skills: Swim under water, feet first surface               Assistant Pool Manager • Aquatic Programs Specialist
dive, how to call for help and the importance of knowing first aid and CPR,                                 Lifeguard • Cashier
tread water using 2 different kicks for 2 minutes, elementary backstroke        To apply, log on to www.auburnalabama.org/jobs and complete an online
for 25 yards, 100 yard swim, survival swimming for 1 minute, back float for     application. The City of Auburn is an equal opportunity employer.
5 minutes. Student to teacher ratio 10:3.

General Policies                                                                Food/Snacks
• Swimsuits are required to enter the water at the pool. No cutoffs, gym       • Concessions may be purchased at the pool (beverages and snacks).
   shorts or suits with loose strings are allowed. For a complete list of       • Patrons may bring their own food and drinks to the pool. Please note:
   proper swim attire, please visit us online at auburnalabama.org/pools.          the Auburn City Pool does not allow glass bottles/containers or alcohol.
• Smoking and/or vaping is not permitted at or in the pool.                    Pool Closure/Severe Weather Policies
• Glass bottles/containers and alcohol is not permitted at the pool.           • The City of Auburn will close a pool if any of the following conditions
Age Requirements                                                                   exist:
• Children ages 9 & under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian                         • Thunder and/or Lightning: The pool will be cleared
   age 19 or older at all times.                                                               of swimmers and will be kept clear until 30 minutes have
• Children ages 10 – 12 who wish to swim unaccompanied by a parent/                           passed without hearing thunder or seeing lightning. This
   guardian must pass a swim test.                                                             also applies when the City of Auburn detects lightning
• Children ages 13 & older are allowed to swim unaccompanied by a                             within 10 miles of the facility. If two hours pass, during
   parent/guardian, but could be subject to a swim test at the lifeguard’s                     which patrons are unable to swim as a result of
   discretion.                                                                                 the inclement weather, the pool will be closed
Flotation Devices                                                                              for the remainder of the day.
• Noodles and Type I, II and III Coast Guard-approved personal flotation                   • Severe Weather: If heavy rain is present, such that life-
   devices (PFDs) are the ONLY PFDs allowed in the pool. No other                              guards cannot clearly see the bottom of the pool, patrons
   flotation devices may be worn. Approved and non-approved                                    will be asked to clear the pool until the rain subsides. If
   flotation devices may be found online at auburnalabama.org/pools.                           two hours pass, during which patrons are unable
• Life vests are available for FREE on a first come, first serve basis.                        to swim as a result of the inclement weather, the
• Mermaid tails are prohibited.                                                                pool will be closed for the remainder of the day.
Diving Boards                                                                               • Mechanical failure or environmental hazards exist.
• Backflips and backward jumps are prohibited from the high board.                         • A swimming or dive meet or staff training is scheduled.
• Children under 6 years of age are prohibited from using the diving           Pool hours and dates are subject to change, depending on weather and
   boards.                                                                      attendance. Questions regarding pool schedules may be directed to:
• Children under 13 years of age are required to take a swim test and          Auburn Parks and Recreation • (334) 501-2930 • Monday – Friday,
   must meet the height requirement of 4 ft.                                    8 a.m. – 5 p.m. • www.auburnalabama.org/parks
• Anyone over the age of 13 years may be subject to take a swim test.          Samford Pool • (334) 501-2957 • Regular pool hours
Infants and Toddlers                                                            Visit us online at www.auburnalabama.org/aquatics for a complete list of
• Infants and toddlers must wear waterproof diapers with fitted elastic        rules, hours and more.
   around each leg.                                                             Sign up to receive email notifications of pool closings and schedule
• The baby pool is limited to children ages 5 and younger. Children playing    changes at www.auburnalabama.org/aquatics or follow the City of
   in the baby pool must be monitored by a parent/guardian at all times.        Auburn on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CityofAuburnAL.

PROGRAM REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 3                                                                                                                                13
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