2020 FISH Assateague Alumni Reunion - State College ...

Page created by Willie West
2020 FISH Assateague Alumni Reunion - State College ...
2020 FISH Assateague Alumni Reunion
What: Return to the Circle for the 40th anniversary of FISH. All alumni and current FISH members are
      invited to experience a week together at Assateague Island again. Small groups, kitchen tents, beach
      games, singing, talent show and all the other traditions will be on full tilt as generations of FISH members
      return to this special community one more time.
Why:    It’s the 40th anniversary of FISH! But more importantly, we want alumni to return and complete the
       circle. To be reminded and help current FISH understand how we are part of a much larger story of faith
       and community. A story that is only complete when we return to complete the circle and help create it
       for the next generation.

Who: All past and current FISH members (Students and Leaders) as well as their families.
When: 2 Attendance Options for Alumni: Full Week (June 14-20) Departure 7:00 am. or Half Week (June 18-20).
Pre-trip Help as Able: June 7th = Tent prep and practice
                       June 10th = Info meeting & gear pull
                       June 13th = Truck packing
Where/ Accommodations: Tent camping and living on Assateague Island MD. Alumni also have the option of
      arranging their own RV or camper accommodations at a separate near-by campsite on the island if de-
      sired (Cost and arrangement is individual responsibility through the National Parks booking Website

Cost (per person): Full Week: $300 / Thursday- Saturday: $200 Fee includes transportation (for full week),
meals, program, tents and campsite fees, sun, sand and fun!
   Make checks payable to SCPC with “Reunion (Your name)” in the memo line.
Deadlines: Register online or by paper with a $50 non-refundable deposit by March 1st 2020. Final payment due
       by May 1st 2020.
Transportation: Full Week (June 14-20): Transportation will be provided from State College, or Alumni are invited to
       take personal vehicles as they choose. Half Week (June 18-20): Alumni must provide their own transportation.
How: Register online at https://www.scpresby.org/children--youth-group-forms.html or by paper in the SCPC
       office along with your $50 deposit.
Questions? Contact Pastor Mike (michaelscpc@gmail.com/ 814-238-2422) & join our facebook
       group for discussion & connection ahead of time facebook.com/groups/AssateagueFISHReunion/

       What Participation Level is expected?
       While on the beach alumni will NOT be asked to lead or organize any activities. You will have separate
       and specially arranged small groups but we ask everyone to participate fully in them and the rest
       of camp life (as able with exceptions for children’s needs). Just as you did as a FISH youth or leader.

       Can I bring my non-alumni partner or children?
       Yes, family is welcome.

       How about pets?
       No pets. Trust us, it wouldn’t be good for them or you.

       Can I arrive or leave apart from the Full Week (14-20) or Half Week (18-20) trip date options?
       Though we understand people have busy and demanding schedules, we feel that it is necessary to schedule
       people’s coming and going in order to protect the experience of participatory community for everyone,
       especially FISH youth. For this reason, we ask that alumni plan only to arrive or leave on the scheduled

       Will I be able to use electronics to contact home or work while on the beach?
       As a rule, we ask that no one use their phones or electronics during the retreat unless necessary. Leaders
       will be able to be contacted in case of emergency. If necessary, alumni can arrange to leave the beach to use
       them at certain times.

Also: Help spread the word to any FISH alumni you know!

                               “God is good, All the time.
                                        All the time, God is good.
                                                                 So, go in peace,

                                               AND HUG SOMEBODY”
Information for Assateague
Emergency Numbers:
Church Office: (814) 238-2422
Dean Lindsey: home (814) 954-7601 or cell (540) 525-1585
Campground Office/Ranger Station: (410) 641-4437
Assateague Park Office (off island): (410) 641-1441
Cell number for: Mike Ozaki (951) 532-5105


   soft luggage (duffle bag or backpack marked with your name; do NOT bring good suitcases that
    may get ruined)
   sleeping bag & pillow
   sleeping pad (sleeping bag size—self inflate or foam)
   old clothes (sweats, shorts, shirts, pants, light jacket - be practical and comfortable)
   sneakers/sandals (footwear is required at all times - except when swimming)
   flashlight
   water bottles
   toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant)
   towels (beach & bathing) - microfiber is nice, compact & quick-dry
   sunscreen - SPF 15 or above—ESSENTIAL!! (no aerosols) & lip balm with SPF15 or above
   insect repellant (NO aerosols)
   rain gear (inexpensive poncho will do)
   hat or visor (No hat no play)
   beach chair (more comfy than sitting in sand during group, campfire, etc.)
   bible, journal, favorite poems, music, instruments — just remember the conditions: hot, humid &
   money for souvenirs/snacks on way back.
   prescription medication
   cards, board games, frisbees, etc.

           What to leave at home:

           aerosol spray cans                             alcohol
           drugs (other than prescriptions)               firearms or any other weapons
           fireworks                                      tobacco products
           Personal music devices (boxes are ok)          hand-held electronic games
A Sample Day at Assateague

7:00 am               Rise & Shine (6:30 for breakfast crew)

7:15-8:00 am          Breakfast

8:15-8:30 am          Singing and Announcements

8:30-8:55 am          Morning Watch (quiet time) & leader meeting

9:00-10:45 am         Small Groups

10:45 am - 12:00 pm   Volleyball, Craftsateague, Beach Time, etc

Noon                  Lunch

1:00 - 2:00 pm        Free Time (beach, Craftsateague, naps, tent maintenance, etc.)

2:ish pm              Large Group Activity (every day)
                      (may include sand sculptures, games, scavenger hunt)

3:30 - 5:30 pm        More Free Time (showers)

5:30 pm               Dinner

7:00 - 8:30 pm        Small Groups

8:30 pm               Campfire (singing, snacks, talent show, Worship ser-
Alumni Timetable for Assateague Retreat
                     Sunday, June 14 — Saturday, June 20, 2020
Sunday, March 1
       Registration and $50.00 per person non-refundable deposit due. Send to Martha Trout by this
       date (mail to church—132 W. Beaver Ave. State College, PA 16801, bring to Church Office or give to
       Mike Ozaki).
Wednesday, May 1
       Trip Balance due ($250.00 per person) must be returned to Martha Trout by this date (mail to
       church—132 W. Beaver Ave. State College, PA 16801, bring to Church Office or give to Mike Ozaki).
Sunday, June 7 (As able)
               FISH Worship Service ~ 10:00 am
               Immediately following worship — Lunch at Church and Tent Set-Up
Wednesday, June 10
               Information meeting at 6:00 pm in the back of the SANCTUARY
               Immediately following Information Meeting we will pull equipment from storage
Saturday, June 13
               9:00 am — volunteers are needed to help load and pack the truck.
               10:00 am — Everyone will load their personal items on the truck at 10:00 am in the church
                parking lot. Everyone should bring ALL their LABELED luggage and gear at this time to
                be loaded on the truck.
Sunday, June 14
       Departure 7:00 am from HILLS PLAZA (Atherton side of Ollie’s parking lot — be there at 8:30 am
       to load). PLEASE PACK A LUNCH/SNACK. We will not stop to buy lunch.
Thursday, June 18
       Half-week Alumni arrive at Assateague.
Saturday, June 20
                 Return approx. 6:00 pm to the church parking lot. Everyone will remain at the church
                  until we have unloaded the truck and put equipment away.
                 TENT CLEAN-UP at home — tents will be sent home with instructions for clean-up and return.
                  Each tent team is responsible for the tent it used during the week.
Sunday, June 21 (as able)
                Worship at SCPC at 10:00 am, wearing our suntans and smiles. Breakfast at the Waffle
                 Shop following worship.
                Go home and work on cleaning up your tent! 
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