LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London

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LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London
       IN EUROPE

                      Le Marche
                      Arena Sferisterio

   55th Opera Season
   19 July - 11 August 2019
LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London
“The Sferisterio is the most charming open air theatre I have ever seen.
                                                 I will never forget it!”
LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London
Il 2019 è                                                                                              CARMEN
                #rossodesiderio                                                                        19 and 28 July
                                                                                                       3 and 10 August

                              The 2019 edition of the Macerata Opera Festival is #rossodesiderio

                From 19 July to 11 August, Carmen, Macbeth and Rigoletto on the Sferisterio stage
                                                                                                       Conductor Francesco Lanzillotta
                                                                                                       Director Jacpo Spirei
    Red as desire, #rossodesiderio, is the theme for the 2019 Macerata Opera Festival, conveyed by
     jealousy, power and possession in Carmen by Georges Bizet, Macbeth by Giuseppe Verdi and
                                                                                                       New production
                                                           Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi respectively.

                                                                                                       Carmen was completed by Bizet in 1875, with a libretto by Henri Meillac and Ludovic Halévynel. The story
                                                                                                       evokes a red triangle of attraction, love and jealousy between Carmen, Don José and Escamillo: all three are
                                                                                                       drawn to it, but finally divided, and Carmen’s death stands an extreme act of freedom and independence. The
                                                                                                       threads of passion are woven through an extraordinary score, also featuring the unforgettable “Habanera”.
LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London
M ACB E TH                                                                                         R I G O L E T TO
                                     20 and 26 July                                                                  21 and 27 July
                                          4 August                                                                   2 and 9 August

                 Conductor Francesco Ivan Ciampa
                            Director Emma Dante

Co-production of the Macerata Opera Festival and                                                                     Conductor Giampaolo Bisanti
  the Teatro Massimo in Palermo e Teatro Regio di                                                                    Director Giampaolo Bisanti

                                                                                                                     Rigoletto, in turn, evokes a crescendo of violence and lust for possession that will lead the protagonist to become
 Macbeth was written by Giuseppe Verdi in 1847, with a libretto by Francesco Maria Piave. The lust for power
                                                                                                                     the Duke of Mantua’s fiercest enemy, after serving him for so many years. This happens after Rigoletto’s daughter
 casts a shade of bright red on the actions and events involving ruthless Lady Macbeth and the other protago-
                                                                                                                     Gilda is kidnapped, an event which ends in tragedy. This great work by Giuseppe Verdi was written in 1851, with
 nists, with a finale where Macduff wins, as per the initial prophecy. The fine and intense score has great choral
                                                                                                                     a libretto by Francesco Maria Piave. Amongst the most popular arias are “Questa o quella”, “Cortigiani, vil razza
 moments (such “Patria oppressa!”) and the extremely touching aria “Pietà, rispetto, amore”.
                                                                                                                     dannata”, “La donna è mobile” and the quartet in “Bella figlia dell’amore”.

 Macbeth con la regia di Emma Dante già andato in scena nel 2017 al Teatro Massimo di Palermo                          Il Rigoletto con la regia di Federico Grazzini già andato in scena nel 2015 allo Sferisterio
LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London
T H E S EC R E T S   Guided tour with the Friends of
                                                                                                     the Sferisterio Association

                                                                                        OF THE       Uncover the histor y of the theatre
                                                                                                     and of Macerata backstage.

                                                                                 SFERISTERIO         Glimpse inside the dressing rooms
                                                                                                     and enjoy the buzz behind the
                                                                                                     scenes before our per formances.
                                                                                                     Walk through usually off-limit
                                                                                                     areas where Pavarotti and Nureyev
                                                                                                     waited before going onstage, and
                                                                                                     see the orchestra stalls from the
                                                                                                     perspective of the per formers.

                                                                                                     For groups of maximum 20
                                                                                                     spectators, on per forming
                Vertical tastings of D.O.C . (Denomination of Controlled                             weekends at 6.0 0 pm.
                Origin) wines in partnership with Istituto
                Marchigiano di Tutela Vini.

                The year was 1967. While the opera season was once
                again under way at the Arena Sferisterio, restoring it to
                its former glor y of the years 192 1 and 192 2 , the Marche
                region celebrated its first two D.O.C . wines: Verdicchio di
                Matelica and Rosso Conero. Fifty years later, the Arena
                Sferisterio opens its doors and makes a to toast to Music. In
                the mar vellous setting of its balcony , glasses over flowing
APERITIFS       with these two excellent wines are, in the words of the poet
                Leopardi, “watching endless spaces…”.

   ON THE       Vertical tastings available in Italian and English with a

 B A LC O N Y   professional sommelier for groups of maximum 20 spectators,
                on per forming weekends at 7.0 0 pm at the Arena Sferisterio.
LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London
CO N CE RTS   Music and wine tasting: an unforgettable experience in
               the picturesque setting of some of the best wineries of
               the Marche region.
IN CANTINA     In partnership with Istituto Marchigiano di Tutela Vini
               (Wine Institute of the Marche Region).

               Six concerts held in six different wineries: a unique
               opportunity to meet new people while savouring some of
               the best wines of our region and immerse yourself in soft
               opera music.

                                                                             YOU    If you would like to enrich your experience at
                                                                                    the 2018 Macerata Opera Festival and receive
                                                                                    more in for mat ion reg a rding hospit a lit y,
                                                                                    rest au rant s, out let s and private t ransfers in
                                                                                    Le Marche region please contact our Group
                                                                                    Office at: b2b@sferisterio.it
LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London
                                ASSOCIA ZIONE
                            ARENA SFERISTERIO

                   Via Santa Maria della Porta, 65
                                 (62 10 0) Macerata
                             T. (+39) 0733 261335
                             F. (+39) 0733 261499
                  info@sferisterio.it | sferisterio@

                                   TICKET OFFICE

                       Piazza Mazzini, 10 (62 10 0)
                            T. (+39) 0733 230735
                             F. (+39) 0733 261570

                       AND TOURIST AGENCIES

                                      Rachele Beni
                             B2B and group account

(19th July)
LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London LONGEST STAGE - 55th Opera Season 19 July - 11 August 2019 - T H E IN EUROPE AND WONDERFUL ACOUSTICS - WTM London
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