2019 Annual Conference - Programme - Monday 13 & Tuesday 14 May 2019 - AMCIS

Page created by Doris Estrada
2019 Annual Conference - Programme - Monday 13 & Tuesday 14 May 2019 - AMCIS
2019 Annual
Monday 13 & Tuesday 14 May 2019

2019 Annual Conference - Programme - Monday 13 & Tuesday 14 May 2019 - AMCIS
Conference Programme - Monday 13 May 2019 - Day One

       Timings               Conference Theatre                       Conference Suite 1                    Conference Suite 2                    Conference Suite 3                   Conference Suite 4               Exhibition Hall     Conference Atrium

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Registration and Coffee with
     09:30 - 10:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sponsors & Exhibitors

                            Conference Welcome
     10:00 - 10:05   2019 AMCIS Chair, Caroline Routledge
                       and AMCIS CEO, Tory Gillingham
                           KEYNOTE SPEAKER
                       Generating Real Impact with
                          Social Media in 2019
                                  Daniel Disney

                     In this session, Daniel will talk you
                     through the latest trends on social               Not in use due to                      Not in use due to                    Not in use due to                    Not in use due to
     10:05 - 10:50   media and how you can start using it to           Keynote Session                        Keynote Session                      Keynote Session                      Keynote Session
                     deliver real impact and results across
                     2019/2020. The session will cover the
                     huge importance and value of your
                     personal brand, the impact of online and
                     social reviews and the latest tools and
                     technologies to make social media work
                     for you.
                              Who Really Thinks                        We Need to Have                  The Immediate Impact on                 Connecting the Pieces                     CASE STUDY
                               About Brand?                                a Word                       Admissions and Marketing                    of the Puzzle                  Going Co-ed: A Case Study
                                 Anthony Butt,                    Keith Gabriel & Nicky Ginns,          Departments of the Huge                        Nicki Scott,                from Ipswich High School
                        Restless Branding Consultancy                University of Warwick               Rise in Teachers’ Pension                      Finalsite                         Lucy Beavon,
                                                                                                       Scheme (TPS) Contributions                                                      Ipswich High School
                     What makes us ‘like’ a brand or product? Schools all do the same thing.                                                 Marketing, communications and
                                                                                                       Kathy Campbell, Pair Education
                                                                  They teach, you learn, you                                                 admissions     often     exist   as In 2017, after nearly 140 years as a
                     How do we choose one brand over get qualifications, you leave.                                                          disconnected pieces of a puzzle girls’ school, Ipswich High School (for
                                                                                                       Put simply, this 43% increase is
                     another? Why do we keep buying certain Marketers are essentially stuck                                                  and it doesn’t have to be this way! Girls) announced that it would be
                                                                                                       having a significant impact on all
                     brands?                                      with variations on a theme. We’re                                                                              opening its doors to boys.
     10:55 - 11:35                                                                                     independent schools – albeit some
                                                                  trapped in a prison of promotional   more than others. Kathy explains      During this session, we explore
                     It turns out that we all make decisions in predictability.                                                              how, with the right marketing This session will discuss the rationale
                                                                                                       how it will impact upon admissions
                     a similar way, just not in the way you may                                                                              tools and techniques, you can align for becoming co-ed via the diamond
                                                                                                       and marketing departments and
                     think.                                       We should treat copywriting as                                             your strategies in order to create model, the opportunities and
                                                                                                       what we can do to ensure that it
                                                                  the file concealed in the cake.      is not detrimental to the long-term   a simple and effective admissions challenges faced by the marketing
                     Understanding the mechanics of how the                                                                                  process for both prospective team and the impact, results and
                                                                                                       success of pupil recruitment. What
                     brain works is crucial to being an effective This session highlights how                                                families as well as your marketing, lessons learnt by going through such
                                                                                                       should we be mindful of? How
                     marketer. In this presentation we'll look creativity with words gives you                                               communications and admissions significant changes.
                                                                                                       can we further increase efficiency
                     at ways for Schools to communicate differentiation in the marketplace.                                                  team.
                                                                                                       to make the budgetary savings
                     more effectively.
                                                                                                       requested by our Bursars?

     11:35 - 12:00                                                                                                                                                                                                        Coffee with Sponsors & Exhibitors

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2019 Annual Conference - Programme - Monday 13 & Tuesday 14 May 2019 - AMCIS
Conference Programme - Monday 13 May 2019 - Day One

       Timings              Conference Theatre                        Conference Suite 1                       Conference Suite 2                       Conference Suite 3                           Conference Suite 4                 Exhibition Hall   Conference Atrium

                               CASE STUDY                        Feeder School Engagement                    Everything You Need to                 Audiences Demand Video                      New to Sector: How to
                              A 360 View –                      – Innovative Ways to Engage                     Know About Prep                     Content - The Question is                Develop Your Overseas Market
                          Turning an Admissions                        Feeder Schools                             Parents Now                           How to Use It…                            on a Small Budget…
                           Department Around                         and Build Relations                 Carolyn Reed & Katie Cardona,                      Miles Latham,                               David Milner,
                              Sophie Langdale,                             Oli Adams,                     Reed Brand Communications                         Affixxius Films                            Sedbergh School
                              Wycombe Abbey                             Brentwood School
                                                                                                         Built from extensive research          A look at the successful use of video,       This session is aimed at marketing
                     As the first ‘face of the school’, the     In this session, Oli will talk through   findings, Carolyn and Katie will       across the world, in Independent             and admissions professionals who
                     Admissions Office must regularly take      Brentwood School’s extensive             present a comprehensive picture of     Schools. Examining the relationships         are new to the independent schools’
                     a long hard look at itself. Sophie will    annual programme of recruitment          current and future prep parents:       between school ‘brand’ and the role          sector. The session will focus on the
     12:00 - 12:40   consider how to approach a review          events for feeder schools at 11+,                                               that video has to play will show how the     best ways of developing your overseas
                                                                                                         •   What influences them
                     and overhaul of the staffing, structures   with lots of practical ideas and tips,                                          medium can’t just be a ‘tick in a box’       agent network on a small budget and
                     and systems within the team. Having        things to avoid, and how to keep         •   What their challenges are          of a marketing strategy - if anything, it    how best to communicate with agents
                     turned around two departments,             and improve good relationships.                                                 defines it. We will look at the difference   when promoting your school. Areas of
                     Sophie will present her view of best                                                •   What they expect from schools      between technological development            discussion will include: social media,
                     practice in admissions and how to                                                                                          and ‘trends’ and take on the problem         overseas travel and UK agents.
                     establish and embed the team within                                                 •   How this differs from previous     of ‘content bombing’; when the desire
                     the school community at large to                                                        generations                        to tell your story tips over into annoying
                     ensure each and every member of                                                                                            the customer.
                                                                                                         •   How you can reach them
                     the school is a conscious stakeholder
                     within the recruitment process.

                              Online Reviews                          The Good, The Bad                          CASE STUDY                      Ten Video Ideas for Marketing                       GDPR - A Year On
                           - Ignore at Your Peril                       and The Ugly                         Developing an Award                 you can do with a SmartPhone                   Chris Cook and Emma Gross,
                                 Red Abbott,                             Dominic Moon,                        Winning Marketing                       Tomorrow (Literally)                               SA Law LLP
                                  Finalsite                                Metropolis                             Campaign                                 Simon Jones,
                                                                                                                 Saskia Jordan,                     Bonjour School Photography               We’re nearly one year on from the
                     When a person Googles your school          As we know schools come in all                 Woldingham School                                                             implementation of the General Data
                     by name, it is very likely that online     shapes and sizes but just how                                                   A session giving you ten instant             Protection Regulation (GDPR) and it
                     review information is evident on the       different can they be? This light        Woldingham’s       ‘Hidden     Gem’    suggestions that *you* can use               has certainly been a busy year for data
                     results page. Whether it is gold star      hearted session will provide a visual    marketing campaign was recently        tomorrow to aid your marketing               protection, with no signs that the topic
                     ratings or "out of five" scores, this is   journey illustrating the huge variety    awarded TES Independent Schools’       strategy. Video is a tool to help your       will be fading into the background any
                     standard for schools in 2019. Learn        of school offerings – from the good,     Marketing Campaign 2019. The           school’s marketing. This session will        time soon. The UK had seen a “massive
     12:45 - 13.25   from Finalsite's Red Abbott why            the bad and the downright ugly!          single-message campaign used           show you how you can use your                increase” in reports of data breaches
                     Google does this, how to assess your       The question is…which category will      social media, advertising and          smartphone to execute parts of that          since implementation of the GDPR
                     own review situation, and how to be        your school be in?                       partnerships to raise awareness in     marketing strategy in the right way. You     and this will continue with harsher
                     proactive about ensuring that online                                                a wider catchment area, resulting in   don’t need large cameras, or a Director.     penalties, new rights and classes of
                     reviews are an asset for your school                                                a substantial and sustained increase   It’s not what you’ve got, it’s where (and    data, being just a few changes being
                     rather than a liability.                                                            in applications. This session will     how) you use it. An interactive session,     implemented.
                                                                                                         cover:                                 which you can take real actions from to
                                                                                                         • Using geographic targeting to        implement on Day One back at school.
                                                                                                              increase awareness
                                                                                                         • Identifying key messages
                                                                                                         • Diversifying the media mix to
                                                                                                              reach different audiences

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2019 Annual Conference - Programme - Monday 13 & Tuesday 14 May 2019 - AMCIS
Conference Programme - Monday 13 May 2019 - Day One

       Timings                  Conference Theatre                           Conference Suite 1               Conference Suite 2                Conference Suite 3                   Conference Suite 4                Exhibition Hall     Conference Atrium

     13:25 - 14:20                                                                                                                                                                                                       Lunch with Sponsors & Exhibitors

                                   CASE STUDY                              The Forgotten Art of                How to Uncover                 The Latest Intelligence            Broadening Your School’s
                            Attract, Convert, Retain –                      School Branding –               Hard to Reach Parents                on International               Appeal to Improve Political
                          How to Make Social Media an                     Fundamental Principles              and Engage Them                   Boarding Markets               Capital and Insights on What
                              Effective Part of your                             Shaun Mears,                   in your School                    Suzanne Rowse,               Brexit means for your School
                               Marketing Strategy                                 QS Designs               James Leggett & Deborah                     BBSN                               John Punter,
                          Sophy Walker & Jack Doughtery,                                                       McKenzie, MTM                                                  Political Communications Adviser
                                 Felsted School                    Many school brands lack                                                 The latest ‘on the ground’
                                                                   differentiation, and we believe          Much of James’ research        intelligence and commentary from   Broadening your school’s brand beyond
                     Sophy and Jack will provide you with some that an understanding of                     involves finding prospective   our global network of trusted      marketing for forthcoming years’
                     practical tips on how you can make what can fundamental brand principles is            parents and understanding      agents will be shared to inform    intakes, ensuring local community
                     seem a daunting task work for a small team on a vital starting point to creating a     them – in this workshop he     your international marketing       support against antagonistic political
                     a day to day basis.                           successful school brand.                 looks at how to uncover hard   strategy for the coming academic   forces and Brexit.
     14:20 - 15:00                                                                                          to reach parents and engage    year.
                     They will show you how to use social media at       This session will provide them in your school!
                     each stage of the recruitment funnel and how        invaluable insights into the
                     effective it can be in not just building a brand,   following:-                        This session will help you
                     but ultimately increasing enquiry, conversion       • How to assess your school understand the various types
                     and retention levels.                                    brand. What are your brand of independent school buyers,
                                                                              values?                       apply that market insight to
                                                                         • Does your brand have a clear your school’s brand, revise
                                                                              personality? What is your and devise your marketing
                                                                              school brand architecture? strategies around that insight
                                                                         • Is digital and social distorting and you will receive a ‘Mini
                                                                              your brand? Are you losing Market Analysis’ of your
                                                                              control of your brand?        school’s market

                                KEYNOTE SPEAKER
                         The Story of Green and Black’s -
                          Lessons Learnt from Building
                              a Global Ethical Brand
                                Jo Fairley, Co-founder,                       Not in use due to                Not in use due to                 Not in use due to                    Not in use due to
     15:05 - 15:50                Green and Black's                           Keynote Session                  Keynote Session                   Keynote Session                      Keynote Session
                       What do education and chocolate have in
                      common? Jo Fairley, Co-founder of Green &
                     Black's, shares the secrets that every business
                        has to get right to be successful in 2019.

     15:50 - 16:20                                                                                                                                                                                                       Coffee with Sponsors & Exhibitors

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2019 Annual Conference - Programme - Monday 13 & Tuesday 14 May 2019 - AMCIS
Conference Programme - Monday 13 May 2019 - Day One

       Timings                  Conference Theatre                         Conference Suite 1                Conference Suite 2                  Conference Suite 3               Conference Suite 4               Exhibition Hall                     Conference Atrium

                     Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies                Planning for a Crisis:                CASE STUDY                     An Update and Insight
                                     Chris Knight,                          A Practical Guide                  Outreach and                   into the Future of Tier 4
                                     Innermedia                           Hannah Hamilton,                 Partnerships in Action                 Following Brexit
                                                                       Stamford Endowed School                   in Norfolk                          Jonathan Hill,
                     Chris will simplify a number of tried and tested                                       Nicola Hill & Suzannah               Fragomen Worldwide
                     online strategies that you can implement to Crisis planning – you know you
                                                                                                           Holford, Norwich School
                     help maximise your digital marketing.            need to do it, but you don’t                                          Subject to future events, Tier 4
                                                                      know where to start! This           Following its success at the      sponsorship is expected to expand
                     With over 18 years' experience in the corporate practical “how-to” session will
                                                                                                          2019 TES Independent Schools      its remit to include EU and EEA
                     sector, and 9 years in the independent sector, walk you through the steps you
                                                                                                          Awards, winning ‘Whole            nationals following Brexit. Tier
                     Chris and his team understands how to create need to complete to feel ready
                                                                                                          School Community Initiative of    4 sponsorship will therefore
                     and measure campaigns to engage parents and to communicate in a crisis. You
     16:20 - 17:00   convert them into paying customers.
                                                                                                          the Year’ and the publication     increase, bringing possible audits
                                                                      will learn how to pre-empt crisis   of its celebrated ‘Reaching       by the Home Office. You are invited
                                                                      communications pitfalls, handle     Out’ booklet, Norwich School      to join this session to receive an
                     He will cover SEO, Social, Paid Search, Re- journalist enquiries and draft
                                                                                                          presents on the benefits (and     update regarding the future of
                     Marketing, Facebook Funnels and future responses, and how to build
                                                                                                          practicalities) of partnerships   Tier 4 following Brexit, and what
                     consideration such as voice search and your confidence before the
                                                                                                          work for independent schools.     this will mean for your Tier 4
                     automation via Bot.                              worst happens.                      By looking at various case        compliance.
                                                                                                          studies, the school shares its
                                                                                                          experiences of running an
                                                                                                          outreach programme which
                                                                                                          is both broad and deep within
                                                                                                          its local community.

                                                                       Annual General Meeting

     18:45 - 19:30

     19:30 - 21:00                                                                                                                                                                                              Conference Dinner

                                                                                                                                                                                                             AFTER DINNER SPEAKER
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Kennedy - That Mind Reader Guy
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Our after dinner entertainer combines
     21:00 - Close                                                                                                                                                                                     psychology, influence, people reading
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and memory skills all wrapped up in his
                                                                                                                                                                                                       trademark comic delivery style. For more
                                                                                                                                                                                                       than 16 years Kennedy has been blowing
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the minds of corporate clients and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       celebrities alike. We're in for a real treat!
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2019 Annual Conference - Programme - Monday 13 & Tuesday 14 May 2019 - AMCIS
Conference Programme - Tuesday 14 May 2019 - Day Two

        Timings               Conference Theatre                    Conference Suite 1                  Conference Suite 2                     Conference Suite 3                Conference Suite 4           Exhibition Hall   Conference Atrium

                              KEYNOTE SPEAKER
                             Change Management
                                 Gareth Doodes,
                                  Dover College

                      1.   Change Management – the Dover
                           College journey                           Not in use due to                    Not in use due to                      Not in use due to                Not in use due to
      09:15 - 10:00
                      2.   Champion Marketing & Admissions           Keynote Session                      Keynote Session                        Keynote Session                  Keynote Session
                      3.   What a department can do to
                           support a Head
                      4.   Agents, Fee Levels and Costs

                       Understanding the Influencers   Parents as Advocates -                     Social Media Marketing and                 Marketing Landscapes:            International Marketing –
                      and the Influenced: Education as How a Thriving Parent                           Brand Storytelling                    Future-Proofing your             Penetrating International
                      a Sustainable Business Informed Community can Benefit                                 Nolan Cowzer,                     Marketing Strategy                Markets without using
                      by Market Research and Insight        Your School                                     Libris Systems                        Louise Hitchen,                Non-Productive Fairs
                      Julie Vincent, Vincent Consulting &               Clare Wright,                                                              134marketing                    Paul Goodwin,
                       Clare Riding, Lancaster University                  Classlist             The growth in social media has been                                             Berkhamsted School
                                                                                                 unprecedented in the last 5 years and     A fast-paced exploration of the
                      With our backgrounds in both higher        Fostering a positive and with this growth comes incredible                current marketing landscapes, A look at the marketing strategies
                      education and school marketing             engaged parent community marketing opportunities.                         and how they should be impacting available in the international
                      and insight, we will help you build        helps make your school                                                    your marketing strategy.         market place.
                      confidence in designing, commissioning     attractive for both prospective But with it, we have seen increasingly
                      and delivering market research.            and current parents.            media-savvy audiences that are            A whistle stop tour around the
                                                                                                 turned off by traditional marketing       national challenges we face
                      We will show you how to design a           This session will cover messages.                                         (from the economy to changing
      10:05 - 10:45                                                                                                                        buying behaviours), the sector
                      watertight market research brief,      topics such as how a Parent
                      understand       methodology         and
                                                             Association and Class Reps          Nolan will discuss how to build           challenges (from charitable
                      terminology, and help you feel confident
                                                             can support and enhance             engaged audiences that become             commission to media animosity),
                      in using it as an essential part of your
                                                             your parent community, how          brand advocates through storytelling      and     competitive   landscape
                      marketing toolkit.                     you can help new families           and the latest social media advertising   challenges (from building better
                                                             feel welcome, and should            techniques.                               products to promoting more
                      With our understanding of recruitment, you foster communication                                                      effectively).
                      decision   making     processes   and amongst parents?
                      development, we will help you                                                                                        Providing inspiration and some
                      understand where and how market                                                                                      ideas on how to adapt your
                      research can deliver maximum value.                                                                                  strategy to conquer these

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Conference Programme - Tuesday 14 May 2019 - Day Two

        Timings                  Conference Theatre                      Conference Suite 1   Conference Suite 2   Conference Suite 3   Conference Suite 4   Exhibition Hall           Conference Atrium

      10:45 - 11:20                                                                                                                                                Coffee with Sponsors & Exhibitors

                               KEYNOTE SPEAKER
                       A Delve into the Recently Published
                                    ISC Census
                                     Donna Stevens,

                      Donna will take you through all the key trends      Not in use due to    Not in use due to    Not in use due to    Not in use due to
      11:20 - 12:00   that have come out of this year’s ISC Census –      Keynote Session      Keynote Session      Keynote Session      Keynote Session
                      pupil numbers, teacher numbers, fees, regional
                      trends etc. No stone unturned.

                               KEYNOTE SPEAKER
                        Can I have your attention please?
                          How to Market like it's 2019
                                   Mark McCulloch,
                              The Food & Drink Marketer

                      Mark McCulloch, a leading expert in brand,
                      marketing, digital and social marketing will set
                                                                          Not in use due to    Not in use due to    Not in use due to    Not in use due to
      12:05 - 12:50   out the new brave world of marketing and how
                      you leapfrog your competitors to meet and           Keynote Session      Keynote Session      Keynote Session      Keynote Session
                      beat the brand and commercial targets you
                      have. Where is your customer's attention and
                      how can you reach them effectively? This fun
                      and engaging presentation will give you clarity
                      on what to focus on and a step by step guide
                      for you to stand out from the crowd using a
                      more modern marketing approach.

                                         Closing Comments: Kirsty Hassan, AMCIS Chair 2019 - 2021                                                                                   Packed Lunch Available
                                                            Conference Close                                                                                                           for all Attendees

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