2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools

Page created by Marjorie Austin
2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools


2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools
Our mission is to level the playing field for young
                        people making sure they have access to inspiring
                         speakers and employers, helping to provide the
                        inspiration and experience to fuel their ambition.

                We are on a mission to support 1 million young people                               CONTENTS
                 annually across all of our programmes by 2022/23.
                                                                                                                                  OUR WORK
                                                                                                    INTRO                         AND IMPACT                           OUR SUPPORTERS
                                                                                                    Our Chair                 4   Our Impact as a Charity         8    Our partners                     23
                                                                                                    Our Founder               5   Experience in Action            9    List of Trustees                 25
    2020/21   2021/22      2022/23      2020/21   2021/22   2022/23   2020/21   2021/22   2022/23
                                                                                                    Our CEO                   6   Inspiration in Action           14
                                                                                                                                  Our Year in Action              18
    92k       357k         433k         63k       169k      523k      250k      500k       1m
                                                                                                                                  The Youth Card                  20

                                                                                                      +44 (0) 2075 493 694         www.speakersforschools.org          info@speakersforschools.org         8-12 New Bridge Street,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 London, UK. EC4V 6AL
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2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools
OUR CHAIR                                                                                                                       OUR FOUNDER
    At a critical moment in their            From 50 companies last year offering         Over our first 10 years, which we will    We’ve all been living through   That is why, as Speakers for Schools       knowhow and adaptability to give
                                             work experience through our platform,        be belatedly celebrating next July,                                       looks forward to celebrating its 10        them a greater chance of thriving.
    development, many young                                                                                                         the Age of Uncertainty since
                                             we now have 195 signed up and active         I thank you all for your incredible                                       year birthday, its services – providing    We are therefore embarking on
    people have lost control of              in the virtual world this year.              support as eminent speakers inspiring
                                                                                                                                    the 2008 banking crash,         state school students with experience      our most ambitious programme of
    their own destinies and seen                                                          students, as teachers facilitating our    and for young people those      of the world of work and giving            expansion since our very early years.
                                             Across all our work, we are
    their life chances buffeted by                                                        work, and in your corporate roles         uncertainties have presented    them access to the country’s most
                                             approaching the moment when we                                                                                                                                    Yes this is an era of uncertainty, but
    a pandemic and associated                                                             offering experience to build on that      the greatest challenge. A       inspirational and knowledgeable
                                             will have supported our one millionth                                                                                                                             it is also an era of opportunity and of
                                                                                          inspiration. As we move forwards                                          speakers – are needed more than ever.
    educational chaos. Which                 young person. This will be an amazing                                                  combination of technological                                               obligation on all of us – to soften the
                                                                                          with rapid growth we are open to
    is why this year, more than              testament to all of those who have
                                                                                          significant financial support for         revolution, climate change      As we have all had to do in our            harsh consequences for the coming
    ever, I am so proud of the               helped SfS over the decade since it                                                    and populist politics make      personal and professional lives,           generation of the foolish mistakes
                                                                                          the first time in our history. I’d like
                                             was founded.                                                                                                           Speakers for Schools has been forced       made by our generation. In that sense,
    accelerating success of SfS in                                                        to thank the trusts, foundations,         it harder than it has been
                                                                                                                                                                    to adapt to a world of greater social      Speakers for Schools should be seen
    giving young people the tools            But we haven’t yet done nearly               companies and individuals who have        at any point in our lifetimes   distancing, by supplying our brilliant     as honouring a collective debt. If you
                                             enough; the detrimental impact that          already generously supported our
    to take control of their own                                                                                                    for them to be confident        free talks and work experience             agree, we would love your support.
                                             Covid-19 has had on the life chances         work with donations and grants this
    lives and build successful                                                            year.                                     about what knowledge and        through digital channels. We see this
                                             of the most disadvantaged in our
    futures.                                                                                                                        which skills will allow them    as a classic virtue engendered by
                                             society has persuaded us to multiply
                                                                                          We’ve made a great start, but the                                         necessity, in that we are reinforcing
    We are making a rapid and successful     our efforts to level the playing field for
                                                                                          best, for SfS and the young people we
                                                                                                                                    to have fulfilling, happy       the important idea that life for all of
    transition to a virtual world; SfS has   all young people. The board recently
                                                                                          work with, is yet to come.                and productive lives. The       us henceforth will be a real and virtual
    already supported our extraordinary      adopted a transformational growth
                                                                                                                                    Covid-19 pandemic has taken     hybrid.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Robert Peston
    speakers and dedicated teacher           plan, focused on our experience                                                                                                                                   Founder, Speakers For Schools
                                             strand, to deliver impact for a million
                                                                                                                                    us into the most acute phase    We can’t eliminate uncertainties
    partners in delivering 121 online
                                             students per year by 2023. There will                                                  of this uncertainty and         about the future, but we can help to
    inspirational talks to over 83,000
    students. But Covid-19 has also seen     be particular emphasis on nationwide                                                   instability.                    provide school students with the data,
    a renewed focus on social purpose in     hiring of staff to further broaden our       Andrew Law
    the corporate world, leading to rapid    reach and aid levelling-up.                  Chair of the Board of Trustees,
    growth in our experience service.                                                     Speakers for Schools

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2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools

                                                                                                                                     OUR WORK
    Celebrating the significant             people supported by our eminent            to our future generations, but also
                                            speakers through the delivery of both      to yourselves. I truly believe that few
    successes of our charity
                                            Virtual Work Experience and Virtual        organisations can offer such a return
    during times of such difficulty         Talks.                                     on the investment of your time than

                                                                                                                                     AND IMPACT
    and hardship is somewhat of                                                        one which can help your words ripple
    a bittersweet experience, but           Following my arrival at Speakers for       through generations to come.
    nonetheless I would like to             Schools in September last year, I soon
                                            came to understand that not only was       The year ahead will undoubtedly
    share my pride in the efforts
                                            it admired for delivering programmes of    present challenges as we aspire to
    of our team, stakeholders and           outstanding quality to young people,       launch two further programmes to
    trustees in responding to the           but that it also benefits from a wealth    more than double the number of young
    Covid-19 crisis in such a truly         of goodwill, both from its network of      people supported, however the strong
    selfless manner, putting the            eminent speakers and the aspirational      foundations which we have built during
                                            organisations who open both their real     this year will serve us well in the face of
    helplessness of the situation
                                            and virtual doors to support young         what will undoubtedly be a turbulent
    of young people first and               people across the UK with experiences      period for all of us.
    foremost.                               of the world of work.

    In response to the crisis we have
                                            I would like to give my heartfelt thanks
    innovated new programmes at a pace
                                            to our speakers and Employer Network
    and scale never before achieved at
                                            for their continued and extended           Jason Elsom
    Speakers for Schools, to deliver 283%
                                            support throughout 2019/20 and             Chief Executive Officer,
    growth in the number of young people
                                            beyond. We hope that our investment        Speakers for Schools
    experiencing the world of work, and
                                            of your goodwill and financial support
    13% growth in the number of young
                                            continue to pay dividends not only

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2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools
Schools per region

    OUR IMPACT                                                                 2,420                           EXPERIENCE IN ACTION
    AS A CHARITY                                                                                               Meeting the needs of young                 Leading the way with                     Building our team and
                                                                                                               people at a time of crisis                 our pioneering virtual                   community to support more
                                                     86                                                        In an unprecedented year for schools,
                                                                                                                                                          programme                                young people

                                                                                                               employers and most importantly             Through our Virtual Work Experience      Over the last academic year our
                                                                            North East                         young people, the aims of levelling
                                      Northern                                                                                                            (VWEX) programme, we have reached        team has grown significantly, and will
                                                                                                               the playing field and widening access      thousands of young people from           continue to do so throughout 2020
                                       Ireland                                86              North West       and participation could be considered      132 different local authorities across   and 2021. We’ve also expanded and
    Number of students reached by        11                                                                    harder to reach than ever. As the          the UK. Working with our Employer        strengthened our links with other
    our programmes this year                                                                     277           nation entered lockdown in March,          Network, we’ve given them vital          charities and communities, building
                                                 Isle of Man                Yorks & Humber
                                                                                                               we took what we knew to be best            early experiences of industries and      successful partnerships that will allow
                                                                                                               practice in person and translated it

                                                       1                         171                                                                      companies that might have been           us to reach more and more students
                                                                                             East Midlands     into an interactive, high impact virtual   inaccessible otherwise because of        going forward.
                                                                                                               programme.                                 location or expense. Our virtual
                                    West Midlands
                                                                                                 149                                                      placements meet Gatsby Benchmarks
    Number of students reached by      265                                                                                                                5 and 6 and have enabled young
                                                     Wales                                   East of England
    our programmes since launch                                                                                                                           people to focus on their futures and
                                                                                                                                                          connect with top employers during a
                                                      65                                         270                                                      difficult year.

    Total speaker and
                                                 South West

                                                     197                                        London

    employer engagements                                                                         463
                                                               South East


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2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools
STATS AND FIGURES                                                                                                        STUDENT FEEDBACK SURVEY
                                                                                                                 Prefer not

     3,483                            2,655                                                                                   100%                             91%
                                                                                                                 to answer

     Number of student                Weeks of work experience/                                                               of young people said their       of young people want to
     placements completed             virtual work experience                                                                 VWEX or virtual insight          pursue a career in that
     through Experience this year     delivered this year                                                                     day was valuable, with 83%       industry following their
                                                                                                Male                          saying it was very valuable.     placement, compared to
                                                                       Demographic breakdown    41.5%          Female

     200                              79,650
                                                                                                                                                               60% before their placement.

     Employers participating
     in the programme
                                      Hours of work experience/
                                      virtual work experience
                                                                                                                              of young people felt better
                                      delivered this year                                                                     informed about the world of      of young people said they
                                                                                                                              work and their future options    gained new skills that they

                                                                                   Prefer not
                                                                                                                              after their placement.

                                                                                   to answer                                                                   wouldn’t have got at school
                                                                                                                                                               or through other activities

     Employers hosted this year*                                                                Ethnicity breakdown
     * heavily impacted by Covid-19   Different local authorities       52%
                                      around the UK were                             White
                                      represented by young people                    British                                  of young people said they felt
                                      who took part in work                           25%                                     more confident about their
                                      experience this year                                                                    future after their placement.

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2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools
Amazing opportunities which have given                                         I really loved my time here and would
        I would like to do                                                                                             do it all over again any day. The most
       more stuff like this! It        me an incredible insight into the industry.
                                      The opportunity to have a masterclass from                                       fun I have had in something I love and
       was brilliant. Maybe                                                                                            as I learn more and more, I see myself
     something on podcasts or           industry professionals was amazing and I
                                      wouldn’t have been able to do this otherwise.                                     hopefully having a career in this job.
        video journalism.

                                                                                                                                 – LM JV VWEX student
                                             – Young Academies Group VWEX student
     – Noiser Podcasts VWEX student

                                                   It was so informative and
                                                  helpful. I had a lot of anxiety
                                                    about the future and job
                                                prospects and this has eased my             It was an amazing
                                                     stress a huge amount!             experience. I would wish
                                                                                      for it to be longer as it was
                                                                                      one of the best educational
                                                         – Cicero VWEX student
                                                                                         things I’ve ever done!

                                                                                       – Morgan Sindall VWEX student
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2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools
INSPIRATION                                                                STATS AND FIGURES
     IN ACTION                                                                                                                      The Virtual Talks programme has been
                                                                                                                                    outstanding. We have been publicising

                                                                                   164,457              1,500
                                                                                                                                     it with our students in all key stages
                                                                                                                                      every week and the students have
     As part of our 1,300 plus        Our Virtual Talks (VTALKS) programme                                                                 really benefitted from it.
                                      launched in March 2020 as a response
     talks we work with partners
                                      to Covid-19 and enabled the charity          Number of students   Speakers in our network
     such as Penguin Talks, Into      to support young people at home              reached this year
     Film and bp to provide           and in school with access to leading                                                             – Teacher feedback from Virtual Talks

                                                                                   670                  47%
     unique opportunities to          and inspirational speakers. This series
     young people on topics such      of virtual talks saw 80,000+ young
                                      people across all key stages and senior
     as entering the film industry,
                                      years engaging from across the UK.
     challenging inequality and                                                    In-person events
                                      Exploring the impact of guest speakers
                                                                                                        of students told us their         During the talk, I learned
     engineering as a career.                                                                           talk made them want to
                                      in schools, a 2019 report found                                                                     so many things from the
                                                                                                        try harder at school

                                      that young people were particularly                                                                 world of work, to starting
                                      positive about talks having helped                                                                   a business, organisation

                                      them understand that everyone had
                                                                                                                                            and teamwork, and to
                                      to overcome setbacks.
                                                                                   Virtual events                                         make plans for the future
                                                                                                                                          so that you are ready for
                                                                                                        of students told                       your next goal.
                                                                                                        us they had been
                                                                                                        inspired to get some
                                                                                                        work experience
                                                                                                                                               – Student feedback
                                                                                                                                                from Virtual Talks

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2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools
                 I have been excited to               Sharing of our experiences          More than ever the Covid-19              Speakers for Schools is a
                 work with Speakers for               directly with young people          crisis has demonstrated the              terrific organisation and I
                 Schools for some years                is crucial in helping them         need to ensure that school               have loved being a part of
                now because our belief is             prepare for their future in            students have access to               it – both as a sometimes
               that we should understand                   the world of work.               people to whom they can                 speaker and as a patron.
                the whole community of                  I was honoured to join the SfS
                                                                                           ask important and difficult             I have gained at least as much as I
              young students and not just               speaker network this year and         questions and thereby               have given in my conversations with
                those that come through               speak to 11-12 year olds about my       enhance their learning.               children from a range of schools
              traditional university routes.           life experiences and finding the                                              and backgrounds. I would really
                                                                                          At the Bank of England we are strong
                                                      ‘magic’ that inspires you to work                                           encourage everyone to get involved
                  Since talking in schools I have                                            supporters of the work done by
                                                        hard and achieve your dreams.                                                – as a speaker or to offer work
                been impressed by the bright and                                           Speakers for Schools to further this     placements. These opportunities
               enthusiastic students I have met and                                                     vital task.               could be absolutely transformational
              spoken with, SfS has been a wonderful                                                                                        in the life of a child.
               way for me to meet these students.
                                                            Yonca Dervisoglu
                                                            CMO EMEA, Google
                                                                                                   Andrew Bailey
                                                                                            Governor of the Bank of England
                                                                                                                                           Sharon White
                       Marco Bertozzi                                                                                              Chairman, John Lewis Partnership
                 VP EMEA Sales, Spotify Europe                                                                                     and Patron, Speakers for Schools

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2019/20 YEAR IN REVIEW - speakersforschools.org - Speakers for Schools
July 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • The Board of Trustees

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     June 2020                   sets a target to reach   August 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 one million young        • Three year business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • The Experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         May 2020                      programme achieves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 people by 2023.            plan approved by the

     2019/20 HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                its biggest week on     • Virtual Webinar            Board of Trustees.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Experience Portal 2.0
                                                                                                                                                                                               April 2020                  launched, with new          record as it delivers     from Andrew Bailey,      • The Experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           look and functionality.     more work experience      Governor of the Bank       Programme marks its
                                                                                                                                                                                               • First Virtual Work                                    in one week than          of England goes viral
                                                                                                                                                                    March 2020                   Experience placement                                                                                       most successful year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in the entire of the      after announcement         to date, having grown
                                                                                                                                                                    • Launch of Speakers         runs with Boundless                                   18/19 academic year,      the BoE is considering
                                                                                                                                          February 2020                                          Theatre. Students                                                                                          its impact by 283%
                                                                                                                                                                      for Schools rebrand                                                              including major           launching own              over the previous
                                                                                                                                                                      including website and      create an original                                    placements with           cryptocurrency.
                                                                                                                                          • Speakers for Schools                                                                                                                                            academic year.
                                                           November 2019                                        January 2020                commits to four           all social channels.       podcast series which                                  Spotify and PwC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Experience Portal
                                                                                                                                                                                                 is now available on                                                                                      • Welcomes 200th
                                                           • Speakers for Schools                               • Speakers for Schools      campaigns a year        • Speakers for Schools       Spotify.                                                                        gains significant          employer to
                               October 2019                  Virtual Work              December 2019              commits to delivering     focused around            awarded the EYCA                                                                                           enhancement to             Experience Employer
                                                                                                                                            diversity, future of      license for England,     • First Virtual Webinar                                                           allow integration with
                                                             Experience strategy is                               Virtual Talks to                                                                                                                                                                          Network as Tate
                               • Release of report                                     • Speakers for                                       work, health and                                     takes place with Tom                                                            school management
     September 2019              Insights and
                                                             created and launches
                                                                                         Schools supports its     support young people                                Wales and Northern
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Toumazis.                                                                                                  St Ives joins the
                                                             March 2020.                                          in communities            wellbeing and the         Ireland.                                                                                                   information                network.
     • SfS welcomes new          Inspiration: Evaluating                                 900,000th young                                    environment.                                                                                                                         systems, reducing
                                                                                                                  normally underserved                              • Speakers for Schools     • Partnership launched
       CEO Jason Elsom.          the impact of guest       • Experience programme        person.                                                                                                                                                                                 educator workload        • The Inspiration
                                                                                                                  by speakers.            • Students attend           announces virtual          with Penguin Talks.
                                 speakers in schools         meets its annual target                                                                                                                                                                                             and by making it a         Programme marks its
     • Adwoa Aboah               in partnership with         for 2019/20 after just                                                         placements at British     programmes and                                                                                                                        most impactful year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 self-service work
       (Supermodel, Activist     Educators and               two months.                                                                    Airways, the National     mobilises employers                                                                                                                   to date, delivering 12%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 experience platform
       and Founder, Gurls        Employers.                                                                                                 Trust, the English        and speakers to                                                                                                                       more talks to 164,457
                                                           • Speakers for School                                                                                                                                                                                                 to manage all school
       Talk) schools tour                                                                                                                   National Opera and        support young people                                                                                                                  young people.
                               • Speakers for Schools        receives commitments                                                                                                                                                                                                work experience.
       from London to Perth                                                                                                                 many others during        in lockdown.
       and Kinross.              team grows by 50% in        from employers to                                                              our busiest ever                                                                                                                   • Speakers for Schools
                                 Oct/Nov and relocates       deliver more work                                                                                      • Speakers for Schools
                                                                                                                                            February half-term                                                                                                                   chosen as a platform
                                 to New Bridge Street        experience placements                                                                                    network of eminent
                                                                                                                                            week.                                                                                                                                provider for Careers
                                 office.                     than prior year.                                                                                         leaders reaches 1,500,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and Enterprise
                                                                                                                                          • Speakers for Schools      as Tracey Barber,
                                                           • Speakers for Schools                                                                                                                                                                                                Company My Choices
                                                                                                                                            welcomes its              Global CMO from
                                                             commits to delivering                                                                                                                                                                                               Broadcasts, working
                                                                                                                                            100th Employer to         Havas Creative Group,
                                                             Experience Portal                                                                                                                                                                                                   with Local Enterprise
                                                                                                                                            Experience Employer       joins the network.
                                                             2.0 and Rebranding                                                                                                                                                                                                  Partnerships to
                                                                                                                                            Network as RAPP
                                                             exercise.                                                                                                                                                                                                           deliver virtual events
                                                                                                                                            joins the network.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to support pupil
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 pathways and choices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 after school.

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YOUTH CARD                                                                         WHAT IT DOES
     Speakers for Schools has had               programme. Leveraging the EYCA          The Youth Card will feature                With the likely consumer wants               If you represent a business or
     an exceptional year in 2020                programme’s success, which is already
                                                                                        both discounts and access                  including Amazon Prime and Netflix,           organisation that could offer
                                                in 40 countries and with 7.2 million                                               it was surprising that learning            exciting discounts and experience-
     marked by a 900% increase                  cardholders, we intend on launching
                                                                                        (Experience) perks covering                opportunities ranked a strong second
     in online engagement from                                                          economic, social and cultural                                                           based opportunities for 11-25
                                                our own branded version we are                                                     in the what young people both want
     our communities eager to                   calling the Youth Card in February      opportunities towards                      access too. This includes access to         year olds to improve their social
     access our virtual talks and               2021 as a free mobile app packed        levelling the playing field for            discounted books, tutors, studying            mobility please contact us at
     virtual work experience                    with meaningful discounts and unique
                                                                                        all young people.                          apps, as well as work and volunteer                info@youthcard.org
                                                experiences for 11-25-year-olds to                                                 experiences in high demand.
     programmes, however, there                 access.                                 Part of the innovative leap we are
     is still much to be done...                                                                                                   We have partnered with the Young
                                                                                        making to ensure the scalability and
                                                The Youth Card will be powered by                                                  Scot, which is Scotland’s licence holder
                                                                                        reach of the Youth Card is to offer
     With a generation of young people          innovative technology to connect                                                   of the European Youth Card and official
                                                                                        a partner portal for businesses,
     sliding backwards due to disrupted         our communities of employers,                                                      government youth card, currently
                                                                                        organisations, authorities and
     education and economic recession           ambassadors, schools and students                                                  supporting more than 700,000 young
                                                                                        communities to self manage the
     amplified by Covid-19, there is an         to ensure immediate adoption and                                                   Scottish people, to ensure we deliver a
                                                                                        perks they deploy into the app. Our
     urgent need to fast-track young            engagement tracking to ensure the                                                  seamless experience wherever they are
                                                                                        approved partners will embrace the
     people past their economic, social and     right young people get the right                                                   in the UK.
                                                                                        spirit and policies of the Youth Card to
     cultural barriers so they can live their   opportunities.
                                                                                        manage diverse and impactful perks to      We are aiming to add 300,000 young
     best lives.
                                                Youth Card welcomes UK Youth and        unlock the potential of youth.             people across England, Wales and
     Speakers for Schools recently won          Young Enterprise as our strategic                                                  Northern Ireland to the Youth Card in
                                                                                        To build our perk strategy, we
     the licence to represent the European      partners as we lead the programme                                                  the first 18 months post-launch and
                                                                                        surveyed more than 1,000 students
     Youth Card Association (EYCA) in           together.                                                                          one million young people by 2024.
                                                                                        across the UK to understand what
     England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
                                                                                        discounts and experiences they not
     The EYCA programme aims to remove
                                                                                        only wanted but needed as well.
     these barriers that young people
     face through a curated discount

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                  We would like to thank our
                  supporters and partners
                  for making the work that

                  we do possible.

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OUR THANKS                                                                                                              LIST OF TRUSTEES
     We are incredibly grateful to   • The 29th May 1961          • The Chetwode Foundation   • Irving Memorial Trust        Andrew Law
     the following organisations       Charitable Trust                                                                      Chair Of The Board Of Trustees

     that have kindly made                                        • Creative Industries       • The Joicey Trust
                                                                                                                             Robert Peston
     donations and awarded           • The Ian Askew                Federation
                                                                                                                             Founder of Speakers for Schools,
                                       Charitable Trust                                       • The Linmardon Trust
     grants, helping us to support                                                                                           ITV Political Editor
                                                                  • Didymus CIO
     young people. Some of                                                                    • Henry Oldfield Trust
                                     • Bank of England                                                                       David Giampaolo
     our donors wish to remain                                    • The Englefield                                           Chief Executive of Pi Capital
     anonymous, and while we         • The Paul Bassham             Charitable Trust          • The Eleanor Rathbone Trust
     are unable to publicly thank      Charitable Trust                                                                      Sakhila Mona Mirza
                                                                                              • The Sir James Roll Trust     General Counsel at London Bullion Market Association
     them, we are very thankful.                                  • Fowler Smith
                                     • The Beacon Lodge             and Jones Trust                                          Diana Osagie
                                       Charitable Trust                                       • The Shanly Foundation        Director of Courageous Leadership Consultancy
                                                                  • Don Hanson
                                     • William A. Cadbury Trust     Charitable Foundation     • The SMB Charitable Trust     Roland Rudd
                                                                                                                             Founding Partner at Finsbury
                                     • R. E. Chadwick             • The Henhurst              • The Annie Tranmer
                                       Charitable Trust             Charitable Trust            Charitable Trust

                                     • Chapman Charitable Trust   • The Hochhauser            • The Law Family
                                                                    Foundation                  Charitable Foundation

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