2018 Impact Report - National Zakat Foundation

Page created by Ivan Soto
2018 Impact Report - National Zakat Foundation

2018 Impact Report - National Zakat Foundation
We have reached
    an amazing

    May the peace, mercy and blessings            This is a key component of our effort to    I can say with confidence that our core
    of God be upon you and your family.           provide an effective and efficient grant-   building blocks are in place and that
    It’s been seven years since I started at      giving system for those in hardship.        our long-term intent is both fixed
    National Zakat Foundation (NZF), and          Comprehensive Zakat distribution            and clear.
    we have reached an amazing milestone.         In 2018, we introduced our Zakat            Local Zakat – together
    With the help of God Almighty and thanks      Distribution Strategy and introduced our    We believe in the local, unified and
    to your support, we have helped over          Community Development Programme.            balanced distribution of Zakat as a
    10,000 people with over £10m of Zakat         We have now renamed it the                  vital means to uphold submission
    funds. Over a quarter of those individuals    Leadership Investment Programme to          to God (Islam) in our society. Our
    have been supported in the last 12 months.    reflect our support for the development     mission remains to distribute Zakat
    Thank you for your support                    of emerging leaders – our future            transformatively across the United
    I’m very grateful to our staff and            imams, scholars and community               Kingdom. Our vision will always be for
    volunteers whose dedication and               activists – as well as those already        Islam to flourish in society as a source
    expertise bring hope to the people who        leading critical Muslim institutions.       of prosperity and harmony for all.
    are most in need. They have been able         This unique and vital element of our        So thank you for supporting the future
    to assist the most vulnerable in our          Zakat distribution ensures that we          of Islam in our country through National
    community to get on the path to being         are able to do more justice to the          Zakat Foundation. I look forward to
    independent and feel confident about          overarching purpose of Zakat. Qur’anic      sharing updates with you throughout
    their future. It’s amazing to see how this    guidance is for Zakat to be distributed     2019 and hope that you will not only
    has a direct and beneficial impact on their   across eight categories, and this is        stay with us on this journey, but that
    faith in God and their sense of belonging     what makes it such a comprehensive          you will be able to help bring others
    to a community.                               support mechanism for a community           along too.
    Serving people most in need                   of believers.                               In this way, with the help of our Lord,
    Our Economic Empowerment Programme            Always improving                            together we will accomplish our vision.
    will continue to serve those most in need,    Over the years, NZF has experienced a
    and we have embarked on an exciting
    redesign of our offering in 2019 to
                                                  huge amount of change. Borne out of a
                                                  desire to ensure that we are travelling
                                                                                              Iqbal Nasim
    improve the efficiency of our service.        in the right direction, there have been     Iqbal Nasim
                                                  constant improvements to our strategic      Chief Executive
                                                  and operational model. Now, however,

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2018 Impact Report - National Zakat Foundation
The big picture in 2018                                                   Updated April 2019

    Last year, thanks             Economic Empowerment Programme                                       Leadership Investment Programme*
    to your support, we           We supported Muslims in the UK who were in                           We invested in leading institutions and in emerging leaders – our future imams,
    were able to provide          hardship, helping them turn their situation around                   scholars and community activists. This gave them greater capacity to provide us
    Zakat grants to               and become financially independent.                                  with solutions for the challenges we face at home, at work and in wider society.
    UK Muslims and
                                  Zakat recipients across the UK
    We couldn’t have done
    this without thousands
    of people chosing to pay                        Scotland
    their Zakat locally.                              249

    £3.4m                           Northern                   North
                                                                                                                 30                                              16
    Zakat distributed                Ireland                   West                                       people were awarded                        vital projects and institutions
                                     151                        30
                                                                                                       grants through our Muslim                        across the country were

                                                                             264                     Leaders Development Fund,                          supported. The flagship
                                                                                                      in partnership with the Aziz                           initiatives were:
    people supported                                             West               East
                                                                                                     Foundation. These awardees
                                                                                   Anglia           were divided into 3 categories:                                        MCB’s
                                                    Wales                                                                                                                  Centre

                                                                                                   18 8 4
                                                     25                                                                                                   Tent
                                                                                                                                                                         for Media
    Zakat spent                                                                                                                                          Project
    on Economic                                                                                                                                                          Monitoring
    Empowerment                                             West                                    Religious        Better           Effective
                                                               37            London
                                                                                                   Scholarship       Public        Representation
    Programme                                                                & South
                                                                             1,282                  & Literacy     Perception                          Cambridge           Abu

                                                                                                                                                        Muslim           Hanifah
                                  What your Zakat helped with                                                                                           College         Foundation
    Zakat spent                    Shelter                                              36%
    on Leadership
    Investment                     Food                                    28%                                                                                             Muslim

                                                                                                   60% 40%
    Programme                                                                                                                                                            chaplaincy
                                   Clothing     10%                                                                                                      Visit My        services at
                                                                                                                                                         Mosque           3 London
                                   Legal help                  18%
                                                                                                         Male                      Female                                universities
                                   Other       8%
    (All figures are unaudited)                                                                         *previously named as Community Development
4                                                                                                                                                                                         5
2018 Impact Report - National Zakat Foundation
NZF distributes
    to individuals
    in need and
    invests in
    leaders in the
    We award Zakat grants to UK Muslims
    and institutions, making a positive
    and life-changing impact.

    We have two programmes that
    work together to achieve this.

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2018 Impact Report - National Zakat Foundation
Economic Empowerment
    “The result was
     immediate. NZF’s
     support increased
     my quality of life                                             When somebody
     dramatically and
     because of that, I                                             in need applies
     became a happier
     person.”                                                       for a Zakat
    Jamilah, Zakat recipient
                                                                    grant, our
         Building an independent life around disability
                                                                    assess their
         After contracting Polio as a baby, Jamilah was diagnosed
         with Post-Polio Syndrome. The condition weakened her
         muscles until she couldn’t walk, and in order to lead a

                                                                    in detail.
         normal life, she desperately needed a mobility scooter.
         But she couldn’t afford one.
         How did NZF help?
         After reviewing doctor’s reports and recommendations,
         NZF bought Jamilah a mobility scooter. Jamilah’s house
         was in poor condition, so NZF also paid for new carpets.
         NZF supported Jamilah so she could build a successful
         life around her disability.

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2018 Impact Report - National Zakat Foundation
Economic Empowerment Programme

     How we help

                                                                                            “I’m almost completely
     If we find they’re eligible for NZF          They speak to the person applying for
     support, we then identify the                support so they can better understand      out of debt, and I have
     best way to help.                            their situation, then they use this
                                                  information to assess the application.     everything I need
     Muslims in the UK apply online. Often,
                                                  We work with the person in hardship to
                                                                                             to turn my life back
     it’s mosques, hospitals, the police and
     other charities that encourage Muslims
                                                  identify a solution that will help them
                                                  become financially independent.
                                                                                             around. I have faith
     in hardship to apply for NZF’s hardship
     grant.                                       Sometimes, that means referring the        that my business
     This is how the application process
                                                  individual to another organisation that
                                                  is able to help them in a way more         will be healthy
     1. The person in hardship contacts
                                                  suited to their needs.
                                                                                             again soon.”
        NZF and explains their situation.         NZF awards financial grants wherever      Ubaid, Zakat recipient
     2. They give full details of their income,   we feel able to improve somebody’s
        expenses, assets and debts.               long-term situation.
     3. They provide evidence of their
        identity, their situation, and their      This support is used for meeting the
        financial circumstances.                  costs of basic essentials such as food,
     4. They tell us how they’d like NZF          shelter, clothing and travel costs.
        to help them.                             The grant also funds empowerment
     Assess                                       activities that help people in hardship
     NZF has a team of specially trained          reduce their expenses or increase
     Programme Officers who work to find          their income. This support includes job
     the best solution to help a person in        training, legal costs and debt relief.
     hardship. Their combined experience
     includes immigration law, working for
     the local council and Citizens Advice.

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2018 Impact Report - National Zakat Foundation
Economic Empowerment Programme

                                                      “Yes, they provided me
     What impact                                       with food and clothes,
                                                       but they also gave me
     does our                                          safety and security.”
     support                                          Samia, Zakat recipient

     Our Economic Empowerment Programme
     allows us to act as a safety net for Muslims
     in need, offering support in a number of ways:

             Our cash grants and vouchers
       1     free people in need from their
             immediate financial issues.
                                                           Stability and safety
             We offer dedicated support so                 Samia called NZF after fleeing an abusive marriage and
       2     individuals feel more confident
             about their financial
                                                           found herself homeless with a young child to take care of.
                                                           She was given temporary accommodation, but with
             circumstances in the future.                  no food, furniture, or money, she had no idea how
                                                           they’d survive.
             Our programme helps
       3     individuals feel like they
             belong to a caring and
                                                           How did NZF help?
                                                           NZF gave Samia support to cover immediate costs like
             supportive community.                         food, winter clothes, and kitchenware until her Universal
                                                           Credit came through. Our grant gave her safety and
             Muslims we’ve supported often                 stability, so she could focus on rebuilding a new life
       4     report direct and beneficial
             impact on their faith.
                                                           for her and her son.
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2018 Impact Report - National Zakat Foundation
Leadership Investment

                             By funding these people           How do we help?

     We invest in
                             and projects, and by publicly     Our Leadership Investment
                             recognising the importance of     Programme empowers
                             their work, NZF is helping them   individuals by providing access

     emerging Muslim
                             make an even bigger impact.       to grants and mentoring
                                                               support. Grant funding allows
                             Who do we help?
                                                               the individual to access

     leaders and
                             NZF helps individuals and
                                                               education or other opportunities
                             organisations that seek to
                                                               they wouldn’t otherwise be
                             improve one or more of the
                                                               able to pursue.

                             —— Public perception towards
                                Islam and Muslims in the UK
                             —— Religious scholarship and

     that are working           religious literacy in the UK

     for Islam to
                             —— The representation of
                                Muslims in the UK

                             How many people have directly
                             benefited from this programme?
                             In 2018, NZF’s leadership fund

     in the UK.
                             supported 30 individuals from
                             across the UK.
                             And we gave grants to 6 vital
                             projects and institutions that
                             have made an impact on
                             thousands of people here
                             in the UK.

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Leadership Investment Programme

     How we helped

     Development Stream              Delivery Stream
     Through our Muslim Leaders      We supported 6 vital projects
     Development Fund, in            and institutions across
     partnership with the Aziz       the country.
     Foundation, NZF invested        The flagship initiatives were:
     in 30 emerging leaders.
                                      —— Cambridge Muslim College
     The largest portion of grants
                                      —— Muslim Council of Britain’s
     were given to applicants
                                         Centre for Media Monitoring
     who identified as having
     education and training-related   —— Muslim Council of Britain’s
     needs within our Religious          Visit My Mosque               “With the support of
     Scholarship & Literacy category. —— Ramadan Tent Project
     60% of applications were         —— Abu Hanifah Foundation
                                                                        NZF, Ramadan Tent
     from outside London. Islamic
                                      —— Muslim chaplaincy services     Project has been able
     counselling and various
     Islamic studies undergraduate
                                         at three leading
                                         London universities
                                                                        to reach out to more
     programmes were the most
     sought after choices of study.
                                                                        people across London
     40% (12) of awardees were                                          and the UK and
     female and 60% (18) were male.
                                                                        continue our outreach,
                                                                        growth & social
                                                                       Omar Salha, Ramadan Tent Project

     (All figures are unaudited)
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Leadership Investment Programme

                                                                  What impact
         “The funds provided
                                                                  does our
          for our two lecturer
          posts have supported
          the continued                                           have?
          development of
          our undergraduate                                       Our Leadership Investment Programme
                                                                  offers different levels of support to Muslim
          students.”                                              individuals and institutions:

           Zainab Kabba, Cambridge Muslim College                         With our help, prominent
                                                                    1     leaders, organisations and
                                                                          scholars reach more people,
                                                                          more effectively.

                                                                          We give individuals the
     Leaders in education and training                              2     opportunity to develop skills
                                                                          they can use for the benefit of
     NZF funds two lectureship posts for the unique BA
     programme in Islamic Studies at Cambridge Muslim                     the Muslim community in
     College - an institution that provides emerging Muslim               the UK.
     leaders with world-class education, research and training.
                                                                          By offering funding and support,
     Students learn to apply traditional Islamic scholarship to
     the ideas and context of the modern world, so they can
                                                                    3     NZF is publicly promoting the
                                                                          praiseworthy work of Muslim
     lead with knowledge and benefit Islam and Muslims                    leaders and organisations.
     in the UK.

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Leadership Investment Programme

     and training
     to support
     “NZF’s leadership fund has allowed me to access crucial
      education that I wouldn’t have been able to fund myself.
      I wanted access to knowledge and education that would
      allow me to have even more of an influential role in
      my community.

     I’m dedicated to supporting Islamic education in the UK.
     The fund has given me the chance to focus on my studies
     without worrying about my day-to-day needs.”

     Moynul, Zakat recipient

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Our Zakat Policy

     The institution of Zakat            How do we decide who to help?
                                                                             Thank you for
     has a strategic and                 NZF’s policy is based on insights
     deliberate purpose, which           derived from the Qur’an and
     is to enable commitment             the Prophetic example, as well
                                         as from the classical jurists of
     to God to thrive in society

                                                                             NZF and joining
                                         the four mainstream schools
     at both an individual
                                         of Islamic law, contemporary
     and collective level. But           scholars, jurists and
     this purpose can only be            global bodies.
     achieved when Zakat is

                                                                             thousands to
                                         Our Research department is
     given out efficiently               responsible for forming our
     and effectively.                    Zakat policies, ensuring they’re
                                         Islamically sound and relevant
     Our research shows that in

                                                                             give Zakat
                                         to our context and society.
     order for Zakat distribution to
     be effective, it must be unified,   Spearheaded by our in-house
     local, and balanced.                Zakat specialist, Mufti Faraz
                                         Adam, this department
     1. Unified: We pool Zakat

                                                                             locally in
                                         consults with local and global
        collection to enable
                                         Zakat organisations, scholars,
        coordinated and
                                         researchers and practitioners
        measured distribution.
                                         who make sure NZF’s Zakat
     2. Focused: We distribute Zakat

                                                                             the UK.
                                         distribution in the UK
        in the UK to focus on serving    is effective and legally valid.
        the society and culture we
                                         When it comes to deciding who
        know best.
                                         to support and how to support
     3. Balanced: We distribute          them, we refer to our policy
        Zakat across the eight           framework for guidance, as it       To fundraise, volunteer or campaign
        categories mentioned in the      underpins our beliefs and our       for NZF, please visit nzf.org.uk
        Qur’an (9:60) in the UK to       aspirations for Zakat in the UK.    or call 03333 123 123
        serve the society we know
        best and for which we are
        most responsible.

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If you have questions,
feedback or ideas,
please do get
in touch.

03333 123 123
The National Zakat Foundation is a
registered charity in England
and Wales, 1153719.
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