Page created by Clifford Manning



                                        (SINGAPORE AIRLINES)

                                          THE SINGAPORE SCHOOL SYSTEM

The Singapore education system aims to bring out the best in every student, developing sound moral values and the skills
necessary to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world.

Students begin their education by entering primary school at age 6+, where they spend 6 years learning basic subjects
and beginning the study of English and a mother tongue language. Except for selected subjects taught in the mother
tongue, English is the language of instruction in all Singapore schools. Students next proceed to the secondary level for 4
years of study to prepare for the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Ordinary) Examination (GCE O-
Level) or equivalent. Those who perform well can enroll at junior colleges for 2 years of study to prepare for the
Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Advanced) Examination (GCE A-Level) or equivalent.

Apart from the formal school curriculum, students participate in co-curricular activities (CCAs) which provide healthy
recreation, and instill self-discipline, teamwork and confidence in the students. The character development and physical
growth of each child is hence provided for.

For secondary schools, the academic year consists of 4 terms of 10 weeks each, beginning on the first working weekday
in January and ending in mid November. For pre-university studies, the academic year begins in late January/early
February and ends in mid November.

                                               SIA YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP

Singapore Airlines is offering scholarships for a 2-year pre-university course in selected junior colleges in Singapore. The
Pre-University 1* and 2 studies lead to the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level (or equivalent), which is an internationally
recognised qualification.

* Singaporean students turn age 17 in Pre-University 1.

                                           INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS
Application should be made on the prescribed application form. Each applicant should submit only ONE application form,
which must be accompanied by certified copies of your birth certificate, identity card or passport (if any) and result slips
for the last two years. Applications can be made online, or through hardcopy forms. Please do not submit a hard copy
application if you have chosen to apply online and vice versa.

Original documents that are not in English must be translated; the translations must be accompanied by a
photocopy of the original documents. Please do not send any original documents. However, these original
documents must be produced upon request at the time of interview.

Please read the following instructions carefully before completing the application form:

    •   Before you apply, ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria stated on page 16 of this application form
    •   All items in the application form must be completed. Write “N/A”, if the item is not applicable to you
    •   When filling in the boxes, please take note of the following:
              - Use CAPITAL letters
              - Write clearly in BLACK ink
              - Use one box for each number / letter, beginning with the first box
              - Leave a blank box after every word
    •   A recent passport-size photograph is to be pasted in the space provided on the application form
    •   Refer to the Sample of Completed Application Form (pages 12 to 15) for reference when completing the form
    •   Applications received after the closing date will not be considered

We regret that only short-listed candidates will be notified.

                                               SIA YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP
This form may take you 15 minutes to fill
in. You will need the following
documents to fill in the form:

• Your Passport and Identification Card                                                                For Official Use
• Your school report cards and
  certificates of achievement.

Please read “INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION” and the information provided on pages 12-16 before completing the application

Section I: Personal Particulars (In Capital Letters)

Full Name (Underline Surname)

                                                                                                                   Affix one (1) recent
                                                                                                                     passport- sized
Name in Chinese                    Gender            Race             Religion                Citizenship           photograph here
Character (if any)                 Please tick the                                                                  (35mm x 45mm)
                                   appropriate box


Country of Birth                                                      Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY)
                                                                                 -        -

Country of Residence                                                  Country of PR (if any)

Birth Certificate Number

Identity Card Number (if any)

Passport Number (if any)

Date of Issue (DD- MM- YYYY)                                          Date of Expiry (DD-MM-YYYY)
          -              -                                                       -        -

Email Address (Compulsory)
As this could be used as a mode of communication, please ensure that the email address is correct and valid

Home Address
                                                                                                                           Line 1

                                                                                                                           Line 2

                                                                                                                           Line 3

Postal Address (If different from Home Address)
                                                                                                                           Line 1

                                                                                                                           Line 2

                                                                                                                           Line 3

Name of Applicant: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Telephone Number                                                           Mobile Phone Number (if any)

Have you previously applied for Permanent Residence (SPR) in Singapore?
Please tick the appropriate box


If yes, please indicate your SPR effective date (DD-MM-YYYY) : _____________________________________________________

Have you ever studied in Singapore before?
Please tick the appropriate box


If yes, please indicate :
Name of school : _________________________________________________________________________________________
Period of study (YYYY to YYYY) : __________________________________________________________________________

Testing and Interviews will be held in New Delhi.

Section II: Examination Results (Please provide final examination results for Standard 9 and State/National Board examination results
for Standard 10 as required and attach a copy of your school’s grading system.)

Year of Examination                                    2    0                                                  2   0

Education Level                                      Standard 10                                               Standard 9
Type of Examination                                State / National                                 School (Final Examination)
                                             * Delete whichever is not applicable
Name of State/National
Examination Board
(refer to code list on pg 14)
Is English taken as a first
language in School?                                     Yes / No                                                Yes / No
* Delete whichever is not applicable

Subject                                Marks / Grade                  Maximum Mark              Marks / Grade              Maximum Mark

English Language                                                /                                                      /
Chinese Language                                                /                                                      /
Mathematics                                                     /                                                      /
Additional Mathematics                                          /                                                      /
Science                                                         /                                                      /
Biology                                                         /                                                      /
Chemistry                                                       /                                                      /
Physics                                                         /                                                      /
History                                                         /                                                      /
Geography                                                       /                                                      /
Social Science (History,
Civics & Geography)                                             /                                                      /
Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Others (please specify)
_____________________                                    /                                            /
Others (please specify)
_____________________                                    /                                            /
Others (please specify)
_____________________                                    /                                            /
Others (please specify)
_____________________                                    /                                            /
Others (please specify)
_____________________                                    /                                            /
Others (please specify)
_____________________                                    /                                            /
Rank in Class                                Class: (        /   )                         Class: (       /   )

Rank in Level                                 Level: (       /   )                         Level: (       /   )

Section III: Educational Background

                                                                                                                    Period of
                                                                                                  Highest            Study
Name of Primary / Secondary Schools                                                   Language
                                                                     Type of School    Medium
                                                                                                  Standard        (MMM-YYYY)
(In chronological order including current school)                                                  Passed
                                                                                                              From           To

                                                                        / Public


                                                                        / Public


                                                                        / Public


Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                      / Public


Name of Current

Current Level in 2013                   STANDARD

Section IV : Family Background

*Father’s / Guardian’s Particulars
* Delete whichever is not applicable


Date of Birth                       -        -                      Contact No.

Citizenship                                                                          Country of PR

Identity Card



Field/Sector                                     Accounting / Finance / Investment               Administrative / Clerical
(Please tick the appropriate box)

                                                 Building / Construction                         Civil Service

                                                 Corporate Support (E.g. HR, Marketing)          Education / Training

                                                 Engineering                                     Healthcare / Medical

                                                 IT / Programming                                Legal

                                                 Sciences / Other R&D Related                    Service Related (Hospitality / Tourism / F&B)

                                                 Others (Please specify : ______________________________________________________)

Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Highest Qualification Attained              Post Graduate Degree (M.A, MBA, M.Sc, PhD           Degree (B.A, B.Eng, B.Sc etc)
(Please tick the appropriate box)           etc)
                                            Diploma (Technical or specialised skills eg.        General Education (eg. ‘O’ Level or equivalent)
                                            nursing, hospitality)

                                            Primary                                             No Formal Schooling

                                            Other Special Qualifications (Please specify : _______________________________________)

Mother’s Particulars


Date of Birth                       -   -                           Contact No.

Citizenship                                                                         Country of PR

Identity Card



Occupational Field/Sector                   Accounting / Finance / Investment                   Administrative / Clerical
(Please tick the appropriate box)

                                            Building / Construction                             Civil Service

                                            Corporate Support (E.g. HR, Marketing)              Education / Training

                                            Engineering                                         Healthcare / Medical

                                            IT / Programming                                    Legal

                                            Sciences / Other R&D Related                        Service Related (Hospitality / Tourism / F&B)

                                            Others (Please specify : ______________________________________________________)

Highest Qualification Attained              Post Graduate Degree (M.A, MBA, M.Sc, PhD           Degree (B.A, B.Eng, B.Sc etc)
(Pease tick the appropriate box)            etc)
                                            Diploma (Technical or specialised skills eg.
                                                                                                General Education (eg. ‘O’ Level or equivalent)
                                            nursing, hospitality)

                                            Primary                                             No Formal Schooling

                                            Other Special Qualifications (Please specify : _______________________________________)

Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Siblings’ Particulars (From the eldest to the youngest)       Number of Brothers          Number of Sisters

Name            1

Gender                    Date of Birth
                                                  -       -                 Citizenship

Identity Card


Name            2

Gender                    Date of Birth           -       -                 Citizenship

Identity Card


Name            3

Gender                    Date of Birth
                                                  -       -                 Citizenship

Identity Card


Name            4

Gender                    Date of Birth           -       -                 Citizenship

Identity Card

Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________________________________________________


Section V: Outstanding Academic Achievements in the Past Two Years
              (Scholarships, awards, book-prizes, etc.)

                                                          Type of Award                                                                    Year

Section VI: Co-Curricular Activities in the Past Two Years
                (Sports, games, scout/guide/cadet groups, clubs, societies, etc.)

                                                                                    Level of Participation          Position Held            From
                              Name of Activity
                                                                             (National, State, School, Class)   (Captain, Member, etc.)   Year to Year

Section VII: Medical/Other Information
* Delete whichever is not applicable

1     Have you ever suffered or are you currently suffering from any medical condition, illness, disease, mental illness or                *Yes/No
      physical impairment? If yes, please give details below.

2     Have you ever been charged in a court of law in any country? If yes, please give details below.                                      *Yes/No

Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________________________________________________

             Newspaper                                                       Singapore Tourism Board
             (Times of India)
             Newspaper                                                       Brochures
             (Hindustan Times)
             Online Advertisements
                                                                             Existing Scholars in Singapore
             (Times of India & The Hindu websites)

             Friends                                                         Internet eg. Websites,forums

             Relatives                                                       SIA Offices

                                                                             Others (please specify)

4     Have you previously applied for other scholarships (including the SIA Youth Scholarship) to study in Singapore? If           *Yes/No
      yes, please give details below.

5     Have you ever been awarded a scholarship / award to study in Singapore and either rejected the award or had it               *Yes/No
      terminated? If yes, please give details below.

6     Have any of your relatives been awarded scholarships to study in Singapore? If yes, please give details below.               *Yes/No

                                                                                                                        Period Held
              Name of Relative             Relationship           Name of Award                Country of Award
                                                                                                                       (YYYY – YYYY)

Section VIII: Declaration by Applicant and Parent / Guardian
* Delete whichever is not applicable


1    I declare that the particulars provided in this application are true and that I have not wilfully suppressed any material fact.
2    I understand that if any entry is false, my application will be rejected; and if I am awarded the scholarship, the award will be
3    Certified copies of the relevant documents required are attached.

______________________                                                                 __________________________________
        Date                                                                                   Signature of Applicant

Parent / Guardian *

I, *father/ mother/ guardian of __________________________________, have no objection to my *son/ daughter/ ward’s application for
the SIA Youth Scholarship.

__________________________                ___________________________________________                 ______________________
           Date                                   Name of *Father/Mother/Guardian                            Signature

                                                                                                                                        - 10 -
Name of Applicant: ________________________________________________________________________________________

This completed application form together with relevant supporting documents, should be sent directly to Singapore Ministry of Education
at the following address. The form and documents should reach before the application closing date (14 July 2013): -

                                                       SIA Youth Scholarship
                                            c/o School Placement and Scholarships Branch
                                                         Ministry of Education
                                                        Level 3, Podium Block
                                                      1 North Buona Vista Drive
                                                          Singapore 138675

Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

                                                                                                                               - 11 -
Section I: Personal Particulars
Full Name
Enter your full official name (as shown in your birth certificate/ passport/ identity card) and underline your                             Affix one (1) recent
surname or family name.                                                                                                                      passport- sized
 R    U   D     I   N        R    A    O                                                                                                       photograph

                                                                                                                                            ~ 35mm x 45mm
If your name takes more than 28 boxes, please use suitable abbreviations.
If you have
Name        more than one name,
        in Chinese               use only one of them.
                              Gender                Race                  Religion                                   Citizenship
Character (If any)            Please tick the       Enter your race.      Enter your religion.                       Enter your
If yes :- 鲁丁                          appropriate box           Example:                  Example: Christian,        citizenship

If no :- N/A                           Male                    Indian, Chinese etc       Muslim, Hindu,
                                                                                          Buddhist, Roman
                                                                                                                     Indian etc
                                                                                          Catholic, Taoist, etc
Country of Birth                                                                          Date of Birth (DD-MM-YY)
Enter your country of Birth. Example: India, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, etc             Enter your date of birth in this order; Day, Month, Year. Example, if
                                                                                          you were born on the first day of August 1996, you should enter:

  I   N   D    I    A                                                                      0    1    -   0    8   -     1    9     9   6

Country of Residence                                                                      Country of PR
Enter the country that you are staying in. Example: India, Malaysia, Brunei,              Enter the country that you have Permanent Residency in.
Indonesia, etc
  I   N   D    I    A                                                                      U    N   I    T    E   D          S     T   A   T   E   S

Birth Certificate Number
Enter your Birth Certificate Number. For Example if Birth Certificate is J123456, then you should enter:
 J    1   2    3    4   5    6

Identity Card Number (if any)
Enter your Identity Card Number. If you do not have an identity card, please leave this part blank.

 C    1   2    3    4   5    6   7

Passport Number(if any)
Enter your Identity Card Number. If you do not have a passport, please leave this part blank.
 P    1   2    3    4   5    6   7

Date of Issue (DD-MM-YYYY)                                                                Date of Expiry (DD-MM-YYYY)
Enter the date of issue and date of expiry of your passport.                              Enter the date of issue and date of expiry of your passport.
 0    5    -   1    2   -    2   0    1    0                                               0    4    -   1    2   -     2    0     1   7

Email Address (Compulsory)
As this could be used as a mode of communication, please ensure that the email address is correct and valid.
 A    B   C    @    Y   A    H   O    O     .   C       O   M

Home Address
Enter your home address and country. Leave a blank space between words and use commas to distinguish between different parts of your address. Do
not break a word into two lines.
 N    O    .   8    8        M    E    A    D    O      W   L   A   N   D       A     P    A   R    T    M    E   N     T                          Line 1

 B    A   N    G    A   L    O    R    E    ,           5   6   6   6   6   6    ,         I   N    D    I    A                                    Line 2

                                                                                                                                                   Line 3

Postal Address (If different from Home Address)
Give your mailing or postal address if it is different from your home address. If not, then leave this part empty.
                                                                                                                                                   Line 1

                                                                                                                                                   Line 2

                                                                                                                                                   Line 3

                                                                                                                                                         - 12 -
Home Telephone Number                                                                                  Mobile Phone Number (if any)
Enter your home telephone number, including country & area codes.                                      Enter your mobile number, including country & area codes.
 8    1     -    2    -     1    2   3     4        5       6       7                                   8    1      -    9       7       1       2       3       4   5   6   7

Have you previously applied for Permanent Residence (SPR) in Singapore?
Please tick the appropriate box


If yes, please indicate your SPR effective date (DD-MM-YYYY) : _____________________________________________________
Have you ever studied in Singapore before?
Please tick the appropriate box


If yes, please indicate :
Name of school : _________________________________________________________________________________________
Period of studies (YYYY to YYYY) : __________________________________________________________________________

Testing and Interviews will be held in New Delhi.

Section II: Examination Results (Please provide final examination results for Standard 9 and State/National Board examination
results for Standard 10 as required and attach a copy of your school’s grading system.)
Enter the year of examination, level of study, academic subjects and the marks or grades that you receive in your final year
examinations for Standard 9. For Standard 10, enter the State / National Board Examinations (e.g. Maharashtra State Board, ICSE,
CBSE etc).
Example:                                                                Marks                               or                           Grade

 Year of Examination                                            2       0       1       3                                            2       0       1       2

 Education Level                                                Standard 10                                                          Standard 9

 Type of Examination                                        State / National                                             School (Final Examination)
                                               * Delete whichever is not applicable

 Syllabus                                                           I       S       A                                                    I       S       A
 (refer to code list on pg 14)

 Is English taken as a
 first language in                                                  Yes / No                                                             Yes / No

 Subject                                 Marks / Grade                                  Maximum Mark             Marks / Grade                               Maximum Mark

 English Language                                       9       0           /           1   0   0                            A       +           /
 Mathematics                                    1       2       5           /           1   5   0                            A       2           /
Section II: Examination Results

Enter the syllabus which the school follows. Use the following codes:
 Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE                                                                       ISA
 Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination, ICSE                                                      ISL
 Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education                                                            ISD
 Gujarat Secondary Education Board                                                                                ISE
 Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board                                                                  ISF
 Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination, Kerala                                                         ISG
 Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education                                              ISH
 Secondary Schools Leaving Examination, Tamil Nadu                                                                 ISI
 Matriculation Examination, Tamil Nadu                                                                            ISO
 Others                                                                                                           144

                                                                                                                                                                                 - 13 -
Section III: Educational Background

Enter the names of your previous and present schools in chronological order. For each school listed, tick the language medium and
enter the period of study.
Example: Name of schools attended including the present school (in chronological order)
                                                                                                                                                  Highest    Period of Study
 Name of Primary / Secondary Schools                                                                                                Language                  (MMM-YYYY)
                                                                                                                 Type of School      Medium
 (In chronological order including current school)                                                                                                 Passed    From        To
 1     D A V             P U B L                 I       C           S C H O O L                                     / Public

                                                                                                                      Private                                JUN         MAR
                                                                                                                                    ENGLISH       STD 6
                                                                                                                                                             2004       20010

 2     N E W             D E L H                 I
                                                                                                                      / Public

       I   N T E R N A T                         I       O N A L                                                  Private
                                                                                                                                                             JUN        MAR
                                                                                                                                    ENGLISH       STD 10
                                                                                                                                                             2010       2012
       S C H O O L

 Name of Current
                                     PLOT B, NEW DELHI INTERNATIONAL LAND, NEW DELHI, 123456, INDIA

 Current Level in 2012                   STANDARD                        1       1

Section IV : Family Background – Particulars of Family Members
*Father’s / Guardian’s Particulars
* Delete whichever is not applicable

Enter your parents’ / guardian’s name, contact number, e-mail, citizenship, country of PR, identity card number, occupation, employers /
businesses, occupational field / sector and the highest qualification level attained in the boxes provided. Enter also their date of birth.
For example, if the date of birth is 30 December 1960, you should enter: -

Date of Birth            3       0   -       1       2       -       1       9       6       0

Siblings’ Particulars
Enter the particulars of your siblings from the eldest to the youngest.
Enter the number of brothers and sisters you have in the boxes provided.
Gender: M - Male, F - Female

Siblings’ Particulars (From the eldest to the youngest)                                                      Number of Brothers       0   1         Number of Sisters   0     2

Name             1      V    I       S   H       N       U               R       A       O

Gender                               Date of Birth
                                                                 1       3       -       0       6   -   1   9    7    5        Citizenship    INDIAN

Identity Card
                        G    8       7   6       5       4       3       2

                                                                                                                                                                         - 14 -
Employer/          A   B   C       T   R    A   D   I   N   G

                   M   A   N   A   G   E   R

Section V: Outstanding Academic Achievements in the Past Two Years (Scholarships, awards, book-prizes, etc.)
Enter the details (if any) of any outstanding academic performance for the last two years and the year you achieved them.

Section VI: Co-Curricular Activities in the Past Two Years (Sports, games, scout/guide/cadet groups, clubs, societies, etc.)
Enter the details (if any) of your participation in co-curricular activities, position held and the year of participation.

Section VII: Medical/Other Information
This section must be completed.

Section VIII: Declaration by Applicant and Parent / Guardian
This section must be signed by applicant, parent or guardian.

                                                                                                                               - 15 -


Applicants must

• Be nationals of India born between 1995 to 1997

• Have completed Standard 10 in the year 2013

• Have outstanding academic results (at least an average of 85%) or minimum ‘A’ in the Standard 10

 State/National examinations

• Have taken English as first language in the Standard 10 State/National examinations

• Possess a high level of oral and written competency in English


• Annual allowance of S$2,400 per annum with hostel accommodation

• One-time settling-in allowance of S$500

• Coverage of school fees (excluding miscellaneous fees)

• Coverage of GCE ‘A’ Level (or equivalent) examination fees (once only, if applicable)

• Return economy class air passage

• Subsidised medical benefits and accident insurance cover


Short-listed applicants will be required to sit for selection tests in General Ability, English Language and

Mathematics in August / September 2013. Candidates who have done well in the selection tests will be invited

for an interview in October / November 2013. Successful candidates will be informed of the scholarship award

by late November 2013.

                                                                                                           - 16 -
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