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October 18, 2020   18 de Octubre 2020
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ST. PETER PARISH                                             SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS
      Saint Peter Catholic                                                     Readings for the week of
                                                                                  October 18, 2020
             100 Saint Peter Drive
                 P.O. Box 248                                      Sunday: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time;
               Douglas, MI 49406                                           World Mission Sunday
                                                                           Is 45:1, 4-6/Ps 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8,
Parish Office:     269-857-7951                                            9-10 [7b]/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21
Website:     www.stpeter-douglas.org                               Monday: Sts. John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues,
Facebook:       @stpeterdouglas                                            Priests, and Companions, Martyrs
Pastor: Fr. Fabio H. Garzón, VF                                            Eph 2:1-10/Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4ab,
fr.garzon@stpeter-douglas.org                                              4c-5 [3b]/Lk 12:13-21
Pastoral Associate                                                 Tuesday: St. Paul of the Cross, Priest
Rick Hardy                                                                 Eph 2:12-22/Ps 85:9ab-10, 11-12,
rick.hardy@stpeter-douglas.org                                             13-14 [cf. 9]/Lk 12:35-38
Business Administrator                                             Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12/Is 12:2-3, 4bcd,
Ralph Hensley                                                              5-6 [cf. 3]/Lk 12:39-48
ralph.hensley@stpeter-douglas.org                                  Thursday: St. John Paul II, Pope
Office Administrator                                                       Eph 3:14-21/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12,
Geri Pantelleria                                                           18-19 [5b]/Lk 12:49-53
geri.pantelleria@stpeter-douglas.org                               Friday: St. John of Capistrano, Priest
Direct or of Faith Formation & Evangelization:                             Eph 4:1-6/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab,
Alisha Giles                                                               5-6 [cf. 6]/Lk 12:54-59
alisha.giles@stpeter-douglas.org                                   Saturday: St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop
Communication Coordinator                                                  Eph 4:7-16/Ps 122:1-2, 3-4ab,
Liliana Van Dam                                                            4cd-5 [1]/Lk 13:1-9
liliana.vandam@stpeter-douglas.org                                 Next Sunday: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time;
RCIA, Pastoral Care                                                        Priesthood Sunday
Marianne Hoffman                                                           Ex 22:20-26/Ps 18:2-3, 3-4, 47,
marianne.hoffman@stpeter-douglas.org                                       51 [2]/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40
Nancy Maslanka
nancy.maslanka@stpeter-douglas.org                                                  Mass Intentions
Music Director
Stephen Rumler
                                                                   Saturday Oct 17
Maintenance:                  857-7951                                  05:00pm For the People of Saint Peter Parish
Funeral Planning:             Parish Office ext. 0                 Sunday Oct 18
Pastoral Council: Pastoral.Council@stpeter-douglas.org                 08:00am   † John Napoli
Finance Council: Finance.Council@stpeter-douglas.org                             by Jim & Marianne Hoffman
Capital Campaign: OnTheRock@stpeter-douglas.org                        10:30am   Rich & Arlene Van Eizenga
                                                                                 by Rose Ramirez
External Collaborative
                                                                   Monday Oct 19
San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church                                    08:30am   † Aldo & Florence De Benedetti
5586 117th Ave.                                                                  by Mary De Benedetti
PO Box 558                                                         Tuesday Oct 20
Fennville, MI 49408                                                    08:30am    Mary Knollmeyer
Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office:        269-561-5029                            by Mary Leber
                                                                   Thursday Oct 2
                                                                       08:30am   † Muller & Mayer Families
              The St. Peter Prayer Line unites parishioners in                   by Jim & Marianne Hoffman
              a spirit of Christian Charity to pray for the        Friday Oct 23
              needs of our parishioners, especially:                   08:30am   † Ray and Marianne Orzehoski
                                                                                 (Wedding Anniversary remembrance )
Deacon Dave Pinto, Manuel Garza, Tomas Vazquez,                                  by wife Marianne
Ronnie Hebrank, Joseph Walters, Jackie Diaz, , Saúl                Saturday Oct 24
Suárez, Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Madison McAllister,                 05:00pm    For the People of Saint Peter Parish
Dolly Leonard, Deacon Tony Nethercott, Dolores                     Next Sunday Oct 25
Snyder, Armando Saucedo,Tom Doucette, Br. Larry                        08:00am   † John Napoli
Sparacino, OSA, and all the sick on St. Peter’s Prayer                           by Jim & Marianne Hoffman
Line. The group will continue to pray for your request until           10:30am   † Manuela Mela Garza
they hear differently from you.                                                  by Noe Garza and Sister

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18 de Octubre 2020 October 18, 2020 - cloudfront.net

                                                                              From Rick Hardy,
ST. PETER                                                                    Pastoral Associate
WILL BE closed for the duration                        Intrinsic
of the construction project                                 It sounds like an important and somewhat ominous word,
Daily Mass in the Parish Hall                          don’t you think? Especially when it is so often followed, at
The St. Kateri Chapel (Classroom)                      least in our Catholic experience, with “evil,” as in “intrinsic
is open 8:00am-5:00pm for personal                     evil.”
prayer and devotion.
                                                            It seems to me that a lot of people think “intrinsic”
                                                       means “maximum” — so “intrinsic evil” trumps all the oth-
The Tabernacle is in the St. Kateri Chapel
                                                       er evils, leaving not even a close second.
Confessions on Saturdays                                    But “intrinsic” isn’t, umm, intrinsically connected to
3:30pm-4:30pm and by appointment                       “evil.” It’s broader. (It means “inherent, inborn, in-
Eucharistic Adoration Fridays                               So, besides certain evils, what else is intrinsic? The dig-
                                                       nity of every human person is intrinsic, as it comes from
                                                       God. The freedom to choose to do right or wrong is intrin-
Masses. Open to the Public                             sic, as it also comes from God. We are created in God’s
M,T,TH,F 8:30am                                        image; every person is thus intrinsically an image of God.
Wednesday —No Mass—
                                                            When we call abortion intrinsically evil, we mean that
                                                       there are no conditions under which it is morally acceptable.
Saturday 5:00pm
                                                       (I don’t dispute this, but it wouldn’t matter if I did.) But I
Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am
                                                       am trying to think of an instance in which it would be mor-
       All weekend Masses at St. Peter                 ally acceptable to put any one human life in a position of
                                                       higher importance than any other human life.
              are Live Streamed                             Every time we exploit another person for our own bene-
                                                       fit, we in effect claim that God was wrong to create each
                                                       person with equal dignity and value; instead, we claim that
                                                       our life is somehow more worthy in God’s eyes than the life
                                                       of another.
                                                            The dignity with which God creates every human person
                                                       cannot be forfeited or annulled. Committing a crime may be
                                                       unworthy of our dignity as a creation of God, but it does not
                                                       change that dignity. Sinfulness may ignore but does not
                                                       reduce our own dignity as a creation of God.
                                                            Jesus reached out to sinners, tax collectors, the Samaritan
                                                       woman, the woman caught in adultery, lepers, gentiles, Ca-
                                                       naanites, the blind, deaf, and lame. One of His last breaths
                                                       was spent welcoming a convicted capital criminal into Para-
                                                       dise with Him.
                                                             Everyone that the upright and observant Jews disdained,
                                                       He welcomed. In the elegant and eloquent language of
                                                       word, image, and symbol used in the scriptures, this much is
 Mass, M-T-Th-F at 8:30am                             clear: there are no exceptions to the inherent dignity, value,
                                                       and worth of every human person.
 AA Meeting, Tues 7pm - 8pm Parking Lot
                                                            It’s important to remember that the people of Jesus’s
 NO MORNING MASS, Wednesday                           time understood any serious illness or physical infirmity to
 Adoration, Friday 9am - 12pm                         be a punishment for sins committed by the afflicted individ-
 Catholic Men’s Fellowship, Sat 8 - 10am (Zoom)       ual or his or her ancestors. So it was easy to cast these peo-
 Sacrament of Reconciliation, Sat 3:30 - 4:30pm       ple aside and leave them begging for crumbs; they deserved
                                                       it. As an added bonus, a righteous donor could revel in his
                                                       or her superiority for dropping a tiny coin into the cup of
                                                       one so unworthy.
                                                       Continued with Rick Hardy’s note on the next page

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18 de Octubre 2020 October 18, 2020 - cloudfront.net
29h SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                           29 DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO
                                                                         Rick Hardy’s note continued here
                   Gospel Meditation
                                                                             Make your own list of today’s outcasts, marginalized,
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                             and unacceptable: who’s on it? Everyone on your list is
                                                                         intrinsically valued and loved by God, even if not by the
Nobody enjoys paying taxes. Despite our displeasure in be-               mainstream of our society.
ing forced to do so, we also realize that the monies generat-                Intrinsic. It’s an important word, and ominous only if it
ed from taxes allows governments to provide essential ser-               is used to play off one evil against another. Every human
vices for its people. Corruption really gets our goat, however.          life has intrinsic value. There are no exceptions.
When we witness malfeasance, overspending, irresponsibil-
ity, and dishonesty in governmental spending, the grave in-
justices make an already unpleasant and arduous task even
more difficult. The inappropriate distribution and use of hard-
earned monies can leave a person quite angry and discon-                  National Domestic Violence
nected. It’s bad enough the government wants something
from me, now God does, too?                                                    Awareness Month
                                                                         October is National Domestic Vio-
God is not concerned necessarily with our money, although                lence Awareness Month. To learn
its proper use does factor into our faith life. As the payment           more about the Catholic response,
of secular taxes speaks of our allegiance to the government,             visit the U.S. Bishop’s website at usccb.org/topics/
our return to God speaks of our allegiance to God. All of cre-           marriage-and-family-life-ministries/domestic-violence.
ation, even the entire universe, is fashioned in the image and           If you, a family member or friend needs help now,
likeness of God. What speaks to God and has meaning and                  contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline,
relevance to him? All of creation and indeed our very selves!            800-799-7233 (24 hours); 800-787-3224 (TTY),
God delights in us and when we present ourselves back to                 www.thehotline.org.
him, he delights even
                                                                         If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
more! As the payment
of secular taxes is de-
signed to secure the
equitable distribution of
goods and services to
all people, so is our
return of ourselves to
God in gratitude meant
to advance God’s king-
dom here on earth.

When our exclusive and sincere allegiance is given to God,
God can use us to set things right and straight again. The
wounds of sin distort our relationship and disorder our world.
By giving ourselves and all of creation back to God in grati-
tude, we acknowledge the proper Creator and Author of life
for who He is and devote our labors exclusively to God’s
kingdom and the justice, peace, or order God envisions. In
giving back to God all that belongs to God, we set the axis of
our lives correctly and put our priorities in proper order. All of
our relationships, especially with God, our brothers and sis-
ters, and all of creation are perceived more clearly as they
really are. Using, accumulating, wasting, exploiting, hording,
and self-preservation are no longer necessary.©LPi

            2020 Election Resources
                                                                         FOR REPORTING SEXUAL MISCONDUCT:
Bishop Bradley has written a letter to the faithful on
the importance of our Faith as the guide to forming                      The Diocese of Kalamazoo has and will continue to
our conscience, especially in light of the upcoming                      cooperate with the Michigan Attorney General’s investi-
election. You may find his letter and other resources                    gation and encourages anyone with information related
on faithful citizenship at diokzoo.org/2020-elections.                   to misconduct to call the reporting number set-up by the
                                                                         Michigan Attorney General’s office at: 844.324.3374

                                                                     4       View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com
18 de Octubre 2020 October 18, 2020 - cloudfront.net
ST. PETER PARISH                                        SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

                                                                  Respect Life Month
                                                                  October is Respect Life Month in
                                                                  the U.S. Catholic Church and kicks
Sacramental Preparation                                           off a year-long observance to help
Do you have a child that is ready to prepare for a Sacra-         Catholics understand, value and
ment? Please attend the following in-person meeting for           become engaged with building a
you and your child. All meetings will be held in the Vatican      culture that cherishes every human
Room. If you are unable to attend, please contact, Alisha         life. This year’s theme is “Live the
Giles to schedule a private meeting.                              Gospel of Life” in celebration of the
                                                                  25th anniversary of Pope St. John Paul II’s powerful
BAPTISM (Contact Alisha Giles for a private meeting)              encyclical, Evangelium Vitae. Learn more about up-
                                                                  holding the sanctity of every human life at respect-
FIRST RECONCILIATION (students in 2nd grade or older)             life.org/respect-life-month.
FIRST COMMUNION (students who have already received
their 1st Reconciliation)
Sunday, October 25 at 9:30am
                                                                  All Souls Candle
CONFIRMATION (students in 8th grade or older)
Sunday, October 25 at 11:30am                                     Remember your departed loved one
                                                                  by purchasing a votive candle to be
If you have not done so already, please register for Faith
                                                                  lit for six days and placed before the
Formation BEFORE you attend a Sacramental meeting.
                                                                  altar on All Souls Day.
                                                                  Fill the signup slips and indicate
                                                                  the deceased's name and note if you would like the
This month, as a family (Domestic Church) you will explore        candle to be returned after the six days.
questions such as:                                                Cost of each candle is $5.00
What is Faith? What does it mean to believe? Who is God?          More information contact Nancy Maslanka to:
How can we know Him?                                              Nancy.Maslanka@stpeter-douglas.org

View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com      5     Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
18 de Octubre 2020 October 18, 2020 - cloudfront.net
ST. PETER PARISH                                     SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

 Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
        ¡ Aquí me tienes, mándame a mí !                               La Adoración al Santísimo
                             Hoy, en el Domingo Mundial     La siguiente jornada de adoración
                             de las Misiones, responde-     HOY domingo 18 de octubre
                             mos, “Aquí me tienes, mán-     de las 5 hasta las 8 p.m.
                             dame a mi,” a nuestro llama-
                             do                             En este año de la Eucaristía
                                                            agradecemos un don tan precioso y de
                             bautismal misionero, y
                                                            infinito valor. Pueden venir por un rato o una hora. A
ofrecemos, en la celebración eucarística, nuestras ora-
                                                            las 5, 6 y 7 rezamos el rosario, las vísperas y la coroni-
ciones y nuestro generoso apoyo financiero, a través de     lla de la Misericordia respectivamente. Traiga un libro
la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe, para conti-       de oración o lectura espiritual y pase un tiempo con el
nuar la misión de Jesús. Hoy somos “enviados” a dar         Señor.
testimonio de la misión en el mundo a través de nues-
tras oraciones y sacrificios por nuestros hermanos y her-
                                                              La Cooperación Anual con el Obispo 2020
manas de todo el mundo. Tan poco como…
➔ $25 ayuda a una catequista durante un mes en remo-                         Nuestra meta: $ 9,056
tas partes de América Latina                                                   Pledged: $ 2,150
➔ $75 proporciona ayuda a las hermanas religiosas que       Este año la parroquia puede quedarse con la mitad
cuidan a los huérfanos en África                            de nuestra meta para usar en la parroquia. Su
➔ $100 ayuda a las familias a enviar a sus hijos a las      ofrenda a la Diócesis de Kalamazoo ayuda a
escuelas en Asia                                            preparar seminaristas para la ordenación,
Como siempre, sus oraciones son su regalo más precia-       iniciativas de la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano,
do para las Misiones. Sus oraciones y ayuda financiera,     apoyo para la catequesis y pastoral juvenil en las
ofrecida hoy, DOMINGO MUNDIAL DE LAS MISIONES,              parroquias, Ayúdenos a cumplir con nuestra meta
apoyan a los sacerdotes misioneros, religiosas, herma-      con su regalo.

  ¡Octubre es el Mes del Respeto por la Vida!
Vaya a respectlife.org/reflection para una reflexión
                                                              Los jueves estamos rezando el rosario
sobre el tema de este año, "Vivir el Evangelio de la            antes de la Misa de las 6:30 p.m.
Vida". Obtenga más información sobre cómo defender                    Todos están invitados.
la santidad de cada vida humana en respectlife.org/
                                                                  Los Sacramentos para los Adultos
                 Nueve jóvenes se confirmaron el                              Hay oportunidad para recibir los
                sábado pasado. Nos alegremos que                           sacramentos para los adultos y jóvenes
                                                                            mayores de 17 años. El proceso de
               hayan recibido el sello del Espíritu Santo
                                                                           RICA forma adultos para ser discípulos
                                                                de Jesús. Para más información hable con Joe
        y                                                                     al 269-501-9865.
                                                                  ¡ Feliz Cumpleaños, Sr. Obispo Bradley !
                                                            HOY El Sr. Obispo Bradley cumple 75 años
 cosas de ellos.
                                                            de vida. Ofrecemos nuestra oración por él en
                                                            este día para que el Señor siga derramando
 ¡ Felicidades !
                                                            bendiciones sobre nuestro pastor.

View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com     6   Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
18 de Octubre 2020 October 18, 2020 - cloudfront.net
29h SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                 29 DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO

Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
              lecturas de la semana
            del 18 de octubre del 2020                         San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church
                                                                                  5586 117th Ave.
                                                                                    PO Box 558
                Domingo: 29º Domingo del Tiempo                                  Fennville, MI 49408
                   Ordinario; Domingo de la Misión               Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office: 269-561-5029
                   Mundial                                      Página Web/Website: www.sanfelipe-fennville.org
                   Is 45, 1. 4-6/Sal 96, 1. 3. 4-5. 7-8.
                   9-10/1 Tes 1, 1-5/Mt 22, 15-21                 En caso de emergencia: Llame al Coordinador
                                                                     Parroquial (Joe Marble) al 269-501-9865.
Lunes: San Juan de Brébeuf y San Isaac Jogues,
    sacerdotes, y compañeros, mártires
    Ef 2, 1-10/Sal 100, 1-2. 3. 4. 4-5/Lc 12, 13-21                      LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD DIARIA
Martes: San Pablo de la Cruz, sacerdote
    Ef 2, 12-22/Sal 85, 9-10. 11-12. 13-14/Lc 12, 35-38                                Elegido
Miércoles: Ef 3, 2-12/Is 12, 2-3. 4. 5-6/Lc 12, 39-48          Se acerca el día de las elecciones y supongo que la
Jueves: San Juan Pablo II, papa                                mayoría de nosotros tenemos una idea de cómo
    Ef 3, 14-21/Sal 33, 1-2. 4-5. 11-12. 18-19/                emitiremos nuestro voto. Hemos tratado de discernir
    Lc 12, 49-53
                                                               dónde se encuentran los candidatos en asuntos
Viernes:     San Juan de Capistrano, sacerdote
    Ef 4, 1-6/Sal 24, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6/Lc 12, 54-59               importantes y qué tipo de líder podrían ser si fueran
Sábado: San Antonio María Claret, obispo                       elegidos. Sin embargo, existe una buena posibilidad de
    Ef 4, 7-16/Sal 122, 1-2. 3-4. 4-5/Lc 13, 1-9               que cuando ingresemos a una cabina de votación
Domingo siguiente: 30º Domingo del Tiempo                      emitiremos al menos un voto para una persona de la
    Ordinario; Domingo del Sacerdocio                          que nunca hemos oído hablar y para hacer un trabajo
    Ex 22, 20-26/Sal 18, 2-3. 3-4. 47. 51/1 Tes 1, 5-10/       que no entendemos. Conocemos a las personas más
    Mt 22, 34-40
                                                               notables en los combates más notables, pero algunos
                 Gracias a la generosidad de ustedes           de los que están en la boleta electoral a medida que
                 recibimos $639.00 en la colecta el            avanzamos ¿Quién sabía que iban a estar allí?
                domingo pasado y $260.00 en la Misa            En la vida, a veces se nos pedirá que elijamos algo o
                        de la Confirmación.                    alguien de quien conocemos poco. Nuestras elecciones
                                                               no siempre serán tan informadas como nos gustaría.
              Las Misas en San Felipe                          Luego, cuando sabemos algo de información necesaria
                                                               para tomar una decisión, aún no sabemos todo.
     Las Misas: Los domingos a las 12:30 p.m.                  Podemos apoyar a un candidato y no conocerlo o
               Los jueves a las 6:30 p.m.                      conocerla personalmente.
 (Para asegurarse de un lugar en la misa del domingo,
 inscríbanse al 269-501-9865. No necesita inscribirse          Cuando Dios nos eligió a ti y a mí, tenía toda la
  para los jueves.) Hay Misa en vivo en Facebook y la          información necesaria para tomar la decisión. ¡Lo loco
         página web: Los sábados a las 7 p.m.                  es que nos eligió de todos modos! Sabía que
                                                               pecaríamos, le daríamos la espalda y, a veces, no
     Para Hacer un Reporte de Conducta Sexual                  seríamos muy buenos embajadores de Él. Sin embargo,
      Inapropiada - Making a Report of Sexual                  todavía nos eligió porque nos ama. Somos un pueblo
                                                               elegido. Somos suyos. No sé tú, pero si yo tuviera la
  La Diócesis de Kalamazoo ha cooperado y seguirá              oportunidad, no estoy seguro de elegirme a mi mismo.
   cooperando con la investigación de la Procuradora           Me alegro de que Dios vea en mí
   General de Michigan y pide que cualquier persona
                                                               algo que a veces me parece oculto
 que tenga información sobre conducta abusiva llame a
                                                               a mi mismo.
  la línea establecida para reportarla en la oficina del
  Procuraduría General de Michigan: 844-324-3374.              - Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

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