14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...

Page created by Phillip Hunt
14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...
JULY 4, 2021
14   TH
14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...
                   Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,

                   It is good to be with you! I find great joy in the coincidence of returning to the place of my birth on
                   the very Sunday when we hear Jesus say: “A prophet is not without honor except in his native
                   place and among his own kin and in his own house.”
Fr. Matthew Kuhn
             Boy, am I glad I’m not a prophet. I admit, I am a little nervous about preaching to my own
extended family.

As a priest, I necessarily have to say things you may not want to hear. We can all feel the pressure to avoid saying
prophetic things in order to avoid offending others, but we also have a responsibility to help each other grow in
virtue and in love.

Please know that the first person I am targeting in my preaching is me. I know my own faults, and most of what I
preach is what I am hearing God say to my heart in prayer. The priest is not better than anyone else, but he is held
to a higher standard. This is a good and necessary thing! I thank God for the honesty of children every time I
hear one of your little ones repeating my own lesson back at me. It is good for my humility and for my confidence.
If God can speak to me through them, then surely He can speak to them through me.

May God grant us all the wisdom to recognize His voice and the courage to speak for Him to others.

Peace in Christ,

Father Matthew Kuhn

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for celebrating my final liturgies here at St. Mary’s and for the wonderful
retirement gathering at Carlos Creek Winery. I send a special thank you to the planning committee and the staff of
Carlos Creek. It was a wonderful day. I have received a ton of cards....thank you. I plan to respond to every one of
them. (Remember, my phone calendar says “No planned events today.” That is a very strange feeling. But I am sure
that I will be filling in some time slots.)

I wish you all well and thank you. I welcome Fr. Matthew... May you be blest in your ministry here.
Blessings to all of you.

Fr. Steve Binsfeld
308 3rd Street S., Apt 107
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379


† We wish to offer our sympathy and promise of                    OFFERINGS          ACTUAL           BUDGET VARIANCE
prayers to the family and friends of Irene Angeline              Envelope          $   18,186       $   23,904 $ (5,718)
Wheeler.                                                         Electronic            9,930             9,769       161
                                                                 Other                 2,270             1,058     1,212
                                                                 For June 26       $    30,386      $    34,731 $       (4,345)
                                                                 YTD Offerings $        1,661,172   $ 1,806,012 $ (144,840)
                                                                 * Total year budget is spread equally over 52 weeks. Detailed
                                                                 fiinancial reports may be viewed at the Parish Office.
14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...

               PRAYER CORNER                                       What: Livestream Mass time change
                                                                   When: Beginning July 3/4, livestream Mass will move
If you or someone you know in our                                        from 5:00 PM to 10:00 AM.
parish community is sick or ill, or has                            Why: Technology ministers are more available at
a family member who could use our                                        10:00 AM
prayers, please call our Parish Nurse,
Kathy Fischer, at 762-2320. Names                                              It’s hard to stay home on a summer
will be published for 6 weeks, and                                                 Saturday night in lake country!
renewed for an additional 6 weeks upon request.
Please remember the following people in your                       THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED Monday,
                                                                   July 5. Happy 4th of July!
Betty Schlosser, Dan Woods, Andrew Herges,
Kevin Richmond, Sr., Virginia Schultz, Mary                        JULY IS LET’S BAG HUNGER MONTH - The Outreach
Waldorf, Jerry Sacre, Lawrence Cline, Dan Radford,                 Food Shelf has indicated that they would prefer to
Jody Koubsky, Kathy Moriarity, Bev Bernholtz,                      continue receiving monetary donations at this time.
Ben Smith, Jessi Johnson, Carol Zacher, Emily                      They will use these donations to purchase needed
Lambert, Tony Strasser, John Clayton, Jan &                        food. Contributions can be sent or dropped off at 1205
Lowell Bohen, Sara (Thompson) Westre, Joan                         Lake St, Alexandria, MN 56308 or in the parish office
Cook, Charity Spindler, Dot Ledman, Rose Ann                       drop box. Donations may also be put in the collection
Maloney, Maxine Sammons, Judy Fuller, Reid                         baskets at Mass. There will be food shelf envelopes
Skinner, Greg Dahlgren, Vicky Revering, and                        at the church entrances that may be used. Please
Lillian L .                                                        be sure to indicate on your check that it is for the
                                                                   Church of St Mary July Food Campaign. Thank you
                Blood Drive                                        in advance for your willingness to share.
                St. Mary’s Catholic Church

Tuesday, July 6 - 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Wednesday, July 7 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Appt/Info: Contact Janet at 320-763-3381

                                                       ABOUT LIFE
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee (JPIC) -
                                 The False God of Absolute Freedom by Fr. Billy Swan (2019)
Five key points about the nature of freedom:
1. Modernity celebrates human freedom and seeks to protect its integrity. Faith in Christ is not the enemy of this freedom
    but the guarantor of true freedom.
2. Much of the alleged conflict between human freedom and faith stems from how we understand the human person to be.
    We humans are beings in relationship. Therefore, our freedom accommodates some degree of commitment to others
    and self-sacrifice.
3. Freedom is conditioned by what freedom chooses. Our choices either enhance freedom or diminish it. True freedom is
    not arbitrarily doing what we want but delighting in choosing the good and the true.
4. Our freedom is not destroyed or replaced by God’s freedom. It is about aligning our will with God’s will.
5. The pursuit of absolute freedom ends up destroying freedom. Insistence on absolute freedom leads to conflict and

            SANCTITY OF LIFE
            Visit St. Mary’s Sanctity of Life online at sanctityoflifestm.org for information and resources.
14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...
                       A special THANK YOU to Barb Friedrichs who has coordinated Coffee & Rolls for the
                       past several years. Barb created a team and schedule to provide our parishioners
                       fellowship after each Sunday Mass. With donuts and rolls donated by Roers Family
                       Bakery, along with fruit, coffee and juice served by parishioners, groups and/or
                       committees made it a great way to start the day. Barb recently retired and is looking to
                       new ventures both within the church and with her family. We wish her well and thank
                       her for her years of service and creating a team of wonderful people to continue in
                       her place.

We are looking for someone to take over and coordinate this ministry. Barb has organized notes and a
team of people to support you. If you are interested, please call the parish office 763-5781.

                                        FAITH FORMATION
                             stmreled@stmaryalexandria.org | 320-763-9202

                                      YOUTH FAITH FORMATION
Our Middle School students experienced their first mission trip in June. They traveled up to Duluth where they
served at a youth center and a food shelf, and assisted in cleaning up the fairgrounds, Wade Stadium, and a few
local parks. They also helped John in moving out of his home of 53 years. I think he especially enjoyed the company!
The students also had the opportunity to explore all that Duluth has to offer and were excited to meet Fr Mike
Schmitz when we made time for Mass at the Newman Center! Check out more photos on our FB page - https://
14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...
           Inspiring a deeper understanding of true giving                                        July 2021

D                                               Third,
         uring the summer, we might be                  we use the summer as
         tempted to let our participation        a time to try out new ways to
         in parish life slip just a little. I       serve others.
hope that we can all resist that tempta-          I suspect that there are many of us
tion. We should be about the ordinary           who have skills which we’ve never
business of the Christian, growing in the       used in Christian service, perhaps be-
knowledge and love of the Lord, shar-
ing our lives with one another, sharing
our faith with those who have no faith,
and reaching out to the poor and needy
who are God’s special friends. That’s
a pretty large order, I have to admit,
but I’d like to make three simple sug-
gestions about ways you can be about
God’s business this summer:

First, we can continue in the
 habit of faithful attendance
    at worship, and you can in-
    vite some of your friends and
    neighbors to come with you.
  I suspect that each of you has a friend
who takes a vacation from worshiping

God. Help that friend to see that God           cause we fear that we wouldn’t really                 tewardship and
hasn’t gone on vacation; invite him or          do a good enough job to please people                 evangelization
her to worship with you some Sunday.            or that we might get stuck in a particu-          go hand in hand, for
                                                lar form of ministry forever. What bet-
Second, we can use some of
 our summer leisure time for                    ter time than the summer to try out a
                                                                                                  stewardship is a shar-
                                                                                                  ing of the good news.
    Christian study.                            new form of ministry as an adventure              Our response in time,
                                                in faith. If you have an idea about same          talent and treasure is a
   There are probably a large number            form of ministry you’d like to take on            continuing announce-
of good books in your local library,            for a while this summer, share your idea          ment that echoes the
and not all of them are heavy reading.          with others. Whether it’s singing in the          good news proclaimed
Many of them are simply the stories of          choir, reading lessons on Sundays, vis-           by angels long ago.
ordinary Christians like you and me.            iting the sick or the elderly, or any other
You might also want to consider get-            form of ministry, try it out this summer.
ting together with a few others to study
part of the Bible.

14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...
They’ll Wait for Me!                         What’s In Your Hand

                                   ome years ago, my church put          What’s in your hand that God can use
                                   on a Passion play. It was much          To bring him glory and praise?
                                   more ambitious than our usual            When you offer it to the Lord
                            Easter programs. Almost every member             He’ll use it in special ways.
                            of the congregation was involved in one
                            way or another. I volunteered to help         Moses offered a shepherd’s staff
                            with the refreshments. I’d anticipated            God used to part the sea,
                            pouring punch, serving cookies, and so       And when he struck the desert rock,
                            forth. However, I was soon confront-              Water poured out freely.
                                ed with our church’s ancient (and
                                 huge) coffee maker. I had no idea        Your hand may hold an instrument

T     he stewardship of          how to work it. Directions were             That you can play and sing
      service is at least as     nowhere to be found. The ladies            A song of praise and worship
important as checkbook           who normally used it were all cast              To glorify the King.
stewardship, but some-           members, and couldn’t help me,
times it is easier to write      worried that they might miss their         Or in your hand may rest a pen
a check than to take the         entrance.                                     That you can use to write
trouble to explore what             So I stood there, terrified that I      Words of great encouragement
you can do for your              was   going to have to explain why          To bring a friend God’s light.
church and community             there  was no coffee. Then, a man
with your “hidden assets” cheerfully asked if he could help.              Maybe you hold a piece of bread,
... your skills and talents. He managed to figure out how to                    A cup of water, too.
                                 operate it. I was grateful, but wor-    When they’re offered to one in need,
                                 ried. Seeing his costume, I knew he        God will bless through you.
                              must be in the cast. I thanked him, but
                            remembering what the others had said, I       Though you may look down at your
                            asked, “Aren’t you worried you’ll miss                      hands
                            your entrance?”                                  And nothing is found there,
                               “Oh, they’ll wait for me,” he said          When you lift them to the Lord,
                            calmly, and strode off. They did. Later, I      He’ll hear and answer prayer.
                            discovered he had the part of Jesus.
                               Yes, people in a play will wait for an     You may think my gift’s too small,
                            actor portraying Christ. But how often           But it matters not the size.
                            do we wait upon Jesus, performing the        When God looks at your open hand,
                            good works that he commands? Reach-                Your gift he multiplies.
                            ing out to the community, whether with
                            a Passion play, a food pantry, a school
                            supplies drive, or simply inviting a new
                            neighbor to church, is something we
                            shouldn’t wait to do.

14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...
second of our lives? And who will pro-
  Pastor John’s musing...                   vide for us when our earth journey is
                                               The grateful and wise person will say
                                            something like- “All that I am and all
                                            that I have of any consequence comes
                                            from God. Therefore I offer my life to
                                            God. Willingly, I lose my life to God.
                                            For God alone knows how to best use
                                            my life and whatever has come with
                                            it: my brain—power, my talent, my

                                            strength, my time allotted, and the re-             s part of their
                                            sources God has allowed me to have                  total steward-

                                            for the days, whether few or many, I           ship, Christians are
         he Greek writer, Nikos Kazant-     will have here on earth. So be it.”
                                                                                           concerned about the
         zakis, once told the story of an
                                                                                           dedication of their
         old monk who lived on one of
                                                                                           talents. They regard
the islands off of Greece. One day a
                                                                                           personal abilities to
young man who was rock climbing on
the island came across the monk and                                                        work and to lead as
began conversing with him.                                                                 another evidence of
   When the young man felt better ac-                                                      God’s loving care.
quainted, he asked the monk if he still                                                     In a spirit of conse-
wrestled with the devil. “Oh no,” the                                                      cration, they desire to
devout old fellow said, “not anymore.                                                      have those talents uti-
I have grown old and the devil has                                                         lized in business, in
grown old with me. He no longer has                                                        the home, in church,
my strength. Now I wrestle with God.                                                       in such a manner that
“With God?” the young man queried,                                                         they will make a con-
“you wrestle with God? Well, let me                                                        tribution to the King-
ask: Do you hope to win?”                                                                  dom of God on earth.
   The answer the monk gave is worthy                                                      These priorities are
of remembering. “Win?” he asked, “Do                                                       important to them,
I hope to win? Heavens no, I hope to                                                       including during the
lose!”                                                                                     summer months.
   If that seems puzzling, think more
about it. And think about Jesus’ state-
ment to the effect that to lose to Him
was in fact to win. Christ’s precise
words were: “He who finds his life will
lose it, and he who loses his life for my
sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:39)
   Upon consideration, it all makes per-
fect sense. To whom do we owe our
existence anyway? To whom are we
therefore ultimately obligated? Whose
providential care ministers to us every

14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...
How often do we wait upon Jesus,
             performing the good works that he commands?

       How Much is Enough?

            eacher, what good thing must I      enjoy God’s blessings. But one of the
            do to get eternal life?”            reasons God gives us gifts is so we can
              “Go sell your possessions         share with others and help bless those
    and give to the poor, and you will have     in need. We can hang on tightly and
    treasure in heaven. Then come, follow       walk away sad, or surrender everything
    me.”                                        over to his Lordship and ultimately
       “When the young man heard this, he       become co-workers with Christ in the
    went away sad, because he had great         building of his Kingdom, right here and
    wealth.”                                    now.
       This Bible story teaches that we all
    worship something, and it becomes our
    everything. The rich man went away
    sad because he worshipped money. He
    held on so tight that he missed out on
    an adventure with Christ. He was so
    close, yet so far.
       When we give freely of our money
    to the stewardship of our local church,
    we not only help build the Kingdom of
    God, we also affirm that God has first
    place in our hearts. The Bible says,
    “Whoever loves money never has                        Copyright © Parish Publishing, LLC
    enough” (Ecclesiastes 5:10). It’s o.k. to    May not be reproduced without permission.
                                                     888-320-5576 www.parishpublishing.org

14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...
ADULT FAITH FORMATION                                   ST. MARY’S SCHOOL
                                                              St. Mary’s School educates the whole child
    SUMMER 2021 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY                        within a nurturing Catholic Christian environment.

                     Drawing from Father Mike               stmaryss@stmaryalexandria.org | 320-763-5861
                     Schmitz’s “Quick Catholic
                     Lessons”, we will explore just
                     a few core questions about
                     Catholicism and tough issues
                     in Christian discipleship.
                     This study will meet for five         Paraprofessional Position Available!
                     Saturdays beginning July 10th
                     until August 7th from 8:00 to      The primary responsibility of this position is to
                     10:00 AM in the Lighthouse 		      work collaboratively with the classroom teachers
		                   (building in the north church      and their students to help reinforce or enrich
			                   parking lot).                     skills in a variety of subject areas.

This is a perfect summer study with no                  The position is for six hours per day during the 171
homework (nor cost). It is not necessary to             student contact days starting on August 31.
commit to all or even most sessions; attend
when you are able. Please join us!                      Interested candidates must send cover letter and
                                                        resume to:
Questions? Call or text Lori 320-808-1145 or email
biblestudywomen@gmail.com                               Troy Sladek, Principal
                                                        St. Mary’s School
                                                        421 Hawthorne
 PRAY THE ROSARY WITH US EACH MORNING!                  Alexandria, MN 56308
Our prayers are united via conference call and
it’s very easy to do. Please unite your prayers with
ours and join us daily.                                  Board of Education Member Needed!
At 7:55 AM each morning dial: 712-775-7465 and
enter access code 653790#. You may introduce            The St. Mary’s Board of Education has openings
yourself if you would like. You will be asked to mute   beginning in September. Call or stop by the Parish
your phone when the rosary begins at 8:00 AM.           or School Office for an application if you are
          Judy Clayton 320-333-9892
            Diane Gay 320-766-703                                CALENDAR RAFFLE WINNERS
                                                              6/27     John Hovel, Alexandria               $35
                                                              6/28     Jim Kuhn, Alexandria                 $20
                                                              6/29     William Cass, Alexandria             $20
                                                              6/30     Nick Nettleton, Alexandria           $20
                                                              7/1      Kimberly Hawkins Garfield            $100
                                                              7/2      Jacob Wales, Alexandria              $20
                                                              7/3      Kevin Kopischke, Carlos              $20

                                                                 Support St. Mary’s School by Participating in:

                                                                                      Tapes for Education

                                                           Follow St. Mary’s School on Instagram and Facebook


                                                                          St. Mary’s School Alexandria
14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 4, 2021 - Church of ...
LITURGICAL AND MUSICAL NOTES                                                                                                                                           PARISH HEALTH MINISTRY
                                                                                                                                                                              LIFTING SPIRITS, TOUCHING LIVES

          A Prophet—Except In Your Own Home
 Jesus returns home to preach in the synagogue in which he
 grew up. The people were astonished at his wisdom. Word
  had already reached them concerning all of the miracles                                                                                                                          Dry eye occurs when there are problems with the production
    he had accomplished. But rather than rejoicing in his                                                                                                                          or consistency of tears.

              homecoming, they took offense.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      COMMON SYMPTOMS
This Gospel speaks to just about every parent of an
adolescent who ever lived. In Jesus’ words, “Prophets are
not without honor, except...among their own kin, and in
their own house” (Mark 6:4). Like Jesus, we too experience                                                                                                                         Stinging          Excessive   Sandy or gritty    Episodes of       Redness
                                                                                                                                                                                  or burning          tearing      sensation       blurred vision
the hurt and frustration of not being heard by the people
closest to us—the very people we most want to influence.
At one point my husband and I had four teenagers living in                                                                                                                                           COMMON RISK FACTORS
our house at the same time. I am sure we gave just about
every speech given to an adolescent during that time
frame. They were always very respectful, they seemed to
listen, but sometimes you could just tell by their stance or                                                                                                                     Side effects from   Hormonal         Age           Auto-immune          Dry
                                                                                                                                                                               certain medications    changes                      disorders, such   environment
the look on their face that our words of wisdom were being                                                                                                                                                                           as arthritis

heavily filtered.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      WHO GETS DRY EYE?
I remember sitting with one of our sons following a family
wedding when he and his cousins had absconded with a
six-pack of beer. I can still hear this handsome young man
(who stood about five- foot-one at the time) say to his father
and me, “I know most fourteen-year-olds aren’t old enough
to drink beer, but I’m a lot more mature.”                                                                                                                                         Nearly 5 MILLION AMERICANS 50 years of age and
                                                                                                                                                                                   older are estimated to have dry eye. Of these, more than
                                                                                                                                                                                   3 MILLION ARE WOMEN. Dry eye is particularly common
Years later, I found a picture from that wedding showing my
                                                                                                                                                                                   after menopause.
son and his cousins standing with the groom. I asked my
even more handsome, six-foot son if he remembered the
wedding and the incident with the beer. He just shook his
head and said, “Oh yeah, I was pretty dumb back then.”
So have faith. More often than not that know- it-all teen with                                                                                                                     Dry eye may be increasing among young people due to
the rolling eyes will usually come around to appreciate your                                                                                                                       extended use of computers, tablets, and smart phones.

wisdom. I wonder if the same thing happened to the folks in
Jesus’ hometown. For their sake, I hope so.                                                                                                                                               IS IT MORE THAN AN IRRITATION?

                                                                                                                                                                                   It can be. Although dry eye is often a temporary annoyance,
Practice active listening. Ask one person in the family to                                                                                                                         some people can develop chronic dry eye, which can scar
talk about a problem they are having at home, school or                                                                                                                            the cornea and cause vision loss.

work with which they would like help. Everyone else is to
listen without interrupting. They may then ask questions                                                                                                                                              CAN IT BE TREATED?
to clarify what the person has said. When they are done
listening, they can make suggestions. The person who was
speaking tells each person how well he or she listened by
giving him or her a grade of one to five. Five means you are
                                                                                                                                                                                   Treatments include topical lubricants and prescription
a really good listener.                                                                                                                                                            drops that enhance the eye’s tear film.
Are you a good listener? What can you do to become better
                                                                                                                                                                               For more information, visit www.nei.nih.gov/health/dryeye.
at this important skill? What do you want to remember from
last week?
Bringing Home the Gospel: Parent Reflections on the Sunday Gospels • Copyright © 2008, 2020 Judith Dunlap. Published by the Pastoral Center, PastoralCenter.com. All rights

reserved. Scripture passages have been taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright ©1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of
 Saturdays from 3:45 - 4:45 PM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
 All parents must take the Baptism Preparation Course. Call the Parish Office to sign up.
 Contact the Parish Office to schedule a baptism date at 320-763-5781.
 Members of the parish (or children of members) must arrange for marriage at least
 6 months in advance. Contact the Parish Office for more information.
 Please call the Parish Office to arrange at 320-763-5781.

WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE                                     WEEKLY READINGS - JULY 4
Tues. 5:30 PM † Stephen Bartos                           Mon.     Gn 28:10-22a; Mt 9:18-26
Wed. 8:30 AM † Jerry Marthaler                           Tue.     Gn 32:23-33; Mt 9:32-38
Thurs. 5:30 PM † Bill Roers                              Wed.     Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Mt 10:1-7
Fri.   8:30 AM † Warren Gibson                           Thurs.   Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Mt 10:7-15
Sat. 5:00 PM † Rita Gasperlin                            Fri.     Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Mt 10:16-23
Sun. 8:00 AM For the Parish                              Sat.     Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Mt 10:24-33
       10:00AM † James Kinney                            Sun.     Am 7:12-15; Eph 1:3-14; Mk 6:7-13

                                                 PARISH STAFF
Matthew Kuhn.......................320-763-5781         Laurie Bienias.......................320-763-9202
Pastor                                                  Logistics Coordinator
Todd Wentworth...................320-763-5781           Tammy Huss..........................320-763-9202
Parish Business Administrator                           Coordinator of Youth Ministries
Laurie Youngers....................320-763-5781         Kathy Ballou...........................320-763-5781
Director of Music & Liturgy                             Communications Coordinator
Kathy Fischer........................320-762-2320       Elmer Kobbermann............320-834-3103
Parish Nurse                                            Francie Peterson.................320-360-0325
Troy Sladek.............................320-763-5861    Parish Trustees
Principal & Elementary Faith Formation

 CONTACT US                                             NEW MEMBERS
 www.stmaryalexandria.org                               To register, stop by our Hospitality Desk
 stmary@stmaryalexandria.org                            located in the Commons Area of the
                                                        church or visit our website to complete the
 320-763-5781                                           registration online.
                                                                                                        CONSTRUCTION LLC
 Better Water: Pure & Simple                                                                         Mike Klimek 320-766-8709
     Sales, Rentals, Salt                              512 30th Avenue East, Alexandria, MN
763-6586 - 601 Nokomis St.                                                                           Dan Klimek 320-766-8690
                                                       AQUARIUS - 84, INC.
                                                          Plumbing, Mechanical,
                                                            & Hot Water Heat
                                                       763-3636 • 214 6th Ave. East
     320-763-3954                                            Alexandria, MN
                  Attorneys At Law
                         1017 Broadway, Alexandria, MN                                                       HeartlandOrthopedics.com

                                                                         KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS                                                                                1210 Broadway St. S
                                                                               722 6th Avenue East                                                                             320-763-3040

                                                               Membership: Bob Neale, 320-762-8685
 www.zimnyinsuranceagency.com                                 KC Hall Rental: John Leesch, 320-763-3644
           320-762-2124                                                         Bingo:
Auto | Home | Business | Life | Health | LTC Ins.
    1103 Broadway, Alexandria, MN
                                                                 Wednesdays 2:00 PM & Sundays 7:00 PM                                                                       320-763-4712
                                                                     GivinG to the G   Catholic        the Catholic by
                                                                                           ivinG to Community,                            “START SEEING
                                                                                                                                    Community,               by   RED”
                                                     Viking Garage Door Co.
                                                                     ProvidinG forPyour                                   Financial Security
                                                                                                  Financial        Security
                                                                                                                                          “Start Seeing
                                                                                G  ivinG   rovidinG
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                                                                                                           for your                 by
                                                        Doors & Openers          ProvidinG for your Financial Security

         Ford • Chrysler                               JANET SCHILTGEN
                                                                                Life  ivinG
                                                                   GivinG to theAnnuities
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                                                                                                       Life Insurance
                                                                                                       Annuities &
                                                                                Medicare Supplement provide for
                                                                                                                 Life Insurance
                                                                                                                    IRAsand Programs
                                                                                                                 Annuities & IRAs
                                                                                                                                            Grants and
                                                                                                                                provide Security
                                                                                                                 Medicare Supplement provide for
                                                                                                                      Member support
                                                                                                                                                 Grants and Programs

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