Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception

Page created by Tyler Crawford
Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
             1535 Logan St. Denver, CO 80203 Telephone: 303-831-7010 - Fax: 303-831-9514
               Website: Email:
                          Archdiocese of Denver Website:

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION                                                                           DENVER, CO

        ARCHBISHOP OF DENVER: Most Reverend Samuel J Aquila, STL
                                                                                                        MASS SCHEDULE
        AUXILIARY BISHOP OF DENVER: Most Reverend Jorge Rodriguez
            PASTOR AND RECTOR: Very Reverend Ronald W. Cattany                           WEEKDAY MASSES: 7:00 AM, 12:10 PM, 5:30 PM
               PAROCHIAL VICAR: Reverend Michael Rapp, S.S.L.                                  (Mondays at 3:00 PM 65+ Mass)
                     IN RESIDENCE: Reverend Andreas Hoeck                                             Saturday: 7:00AM
              DEACONS: Deacon Robert Finan, Deacon Robert Rinne,
                                                                                                Anticipated Saturday: 4:30PM
                            and Deacon Charles Goldburg
                                                                                         SUNDAY: 8:30AM, 10:30AM, 12:30PM, & 6:30PM
                      DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP: John Brooks                                                    VISITING HOURS
                  DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC: Phil Bordeleau                           Weekday: 4:00—5:15pm, 6:15pm—7pm (except Tuesdays)
                      PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: Brigid Demko                                    Sunday: 1:30pm—2:30pm and 7:30pm—8:00pm
                        RCIA COORDINATOR: Brett Manero                                Please call the office as special events or recordings may
                     RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Luciane Urban                                                     require closing.
     MANAGERS OF FINANCE AND ASSETS: Elizabeth Odum & Joe Cavaleri                             SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION
                   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Linda Flores
             BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND RECTORY OPERATIONS:                             Monday-Friday 11:00am—12:00pm, Saturday 3 PM – 4 PM,
                                                                                                       Sunday 5:30—6:30pm
                                 Sebastian Luke Oliver                                 Or by appointment, please call the office and wait for a
                  MAINTENANCE AND GROUNDS: Jacob Carper                                   confirmation call. You will need to wear a mask.

                                                  ANOINTING OF THE SICK
                                              In the event of a serious illness or
    Parents and Godparents are required         a medical emergency, call the
      to attend a class prior to baptism.                   office.
    Pre-registration is required. If no one
                                                 HOMEBOUND MINISTRY
     pre-registers, there will be no class.
                                                 Please contact the office.
                                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
          Please contact the office.
                                                        Lu Urban
                                                 RCIA/RITE OF CHRISTIAN
    Call the office at least 9 months prior       INITIATION OF ADULTS
      to the wedding to book the date.                  Brett Manero

                   Cathedral Basilica Budget
    Offertory Feb. 8—Feb. 14, 2021                                 $6,016.75

           Projected Total Deficit June 30, 2021: $446,000
       Vandalism expenses and income loss to arson: $124,000

                 Please donate at
    Other Weekend Donations
    Poor Box-SVDP                                                    $175.00
    Food Pantry                                                      $692.00
    Black & Indian Mission                                            $5.00
    Church in Central & Eastern Europe                                $35.00

       Please Remember The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Your Will
Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
                                                           Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Pray for Us

                                                                                       MASS INTENTIONS
     Don’t forget to Sign Up for                                     Sunday, February 21, 2020
          weekend Mass at                                              8:30 AM         Manuel & Carolina Lovato †
                                                                      10:30 AM         Parishioners of the Cathedral Basilica or                                       12:30 PM         Gary Miller †
                                                                       6:30 PM         Lisa & Eric Von Bramer (25th Wedding Ann.)
         call the Office at                                          Monday, February 22, 2020
             303-831-7010                                              7:00 AM         Anthony Nguyen Van The †
          (sign ups no longer required for daily mass)                12:10 PM         Thomas Hinchy †
                                                                        3:00 PM        Joan & Richard Tougaw (35th Wedding Ann.)
         Effective 2/16/21: max capacity at the                         5:30 PM        Simon & Carmen Flores †
        cathedral basilica is 175 congregants                        Tuesday, February 23, 2020
                                                                      7:00 AM          Sister Katie Rice †
                                                                     12:10 PM          Margaret Utz
           Year of Saint Joseph Prayer                                 5:30 PM         Patricia Ann Hurt
                                                                     Wednesday, February 24, 2020
                                                                       7:00 AM         William Bergin
                                                                      12:10 PM         Mary Jane Robles
                                                                       5:30 PM         Melissa Carnahan-Marquez
                                                                     Thursday, February 25, 2020
                                                                      7:00 AM          Anthony Le Van Dinh †
                                                                     12:10 PM          Marcella Medina †
                                                                       5:30 PM         Boeing Laugan
                                                                     Friday, February 26, 2021
                                                                       7:00 AM         Brigid Demko
                                                                      12:10 PM         Erma Abeyta †
                                                                       5:30 PM         Stella G. Rodriguez
                                                                     Saturday, February 27, 2021
                                                                      7:00 AM          Anna Le This My Duyen †
                     To you, O blessed Joseph,
                                                                      4:30 PM          Paul Bordeleau †
                   do we come in our tribulation,
      and having implored the help of your most holy Spouse,
            we confidently invoke your patronage also.

                Through that charity which bound you
               to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God
                    and through the paternal love
              with which you embraced the Child Jesus,
       we humbly beg you graciously to regard the inheritance
           which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood,
    and with your power and strength to aid us in our necessities.
            O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family,
             defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ;
                O most loving father, ward off from us
          every contagion of error and corrupting influence;
             O our most mighty protector, be kind to us
              and from heaven assist us in our struggle
                     with the power of darkness.

       As once you rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril,
                  so now protect God's Holy Church
        from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity;
       shield, too, each one of us by your constant protection,
          so that, supported by your example and your aid,
          we may be able to live piously, to die in holiness,
              and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven.
              Source: US Conference of Catholic Bishops

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
In the Company of Pope Francis                 "Jesus himself chose to identify with these our brothers and sisters enduring
    pain and anguish by agreeing to tread the ‘way of sorrows’ that led to Calvary. By dying on the cross, he surrendered him-
    self into to the hands of the Father, taking upon himself and in himself, with self-sacrificing love, the physical, moral and
    spiritual wounds of all humanity. By embracing the wood of the cross, Jesus embraced the nakedness, the hunger and thirst,
    the loneliness, pain and death of men and women of all times. Jesus is in them; he suffers in them and deeply identifies with
    each of them. He is so closely united to them as to form with them, as it were, ‘one body’.” —Pope Francis
    Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ suffer in many ways - - spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and financially. Some of
    the suffering is COVID Induced, some is the Natural Cycle of Life. In the face of their suffering, and perhaps your own suffering, is your
    Do you look To the World, or To Jesus for the Answer?
    The World responds based on the Science, the Equity in the availability of health care, and Cost-Effectiveness of services provided. The
    Limitations Define the Response.
    Jesus responds based on the basic Dignity of the Human Person...a beloved Child of God...created in His Image and Likeness. His care is
    as Unconditional as it is Unmerited...for the Sinner as well as the Saint...focused on Faith, Freedom, Trust, Compassion, and Love.
    As Christians, we look at SUFFERING in terms of its Meaning or Purpose. As Humans, we wonder why God just doesn't End Our SUF-
    Here's a key. SUFFERING is central to our moral life. Why? Because it cleanses us. Our Daily Trials are not only Tests Of Our Faithful-
    ness to God, but also the Fire by which we are Purified in Anticipation of Eternity in Heaven. For this Understanding to be Our Reality,
    our FAITH reminds us of Our Eternal Continuum -- we come from God, live His Plan through this life, with the hope of Eternal Life
    with Him… based on the way we exercise our Free Will.
    Then, why does God let us SUFFER?
    In many cases, our Trials are intended to Counter Our Vices. If we are vain or proud, we learn humility or are made meek. If we are
    judgmental, we discover the hurt when we are misjudged by others. If we sin sexually, we are left unfulfilled and often lonely. But most
    importantly, it is the Purification necessary to spend Eternity with God - - the Purest of the Pure and the One Who Is Vice-Free.
    Sometimes we endure SUFFERING FOR OTHERS. The SUFFERING of one person may be intended in God's Plan to bring out the best
    in another. As extreme as it sounds, one person's cancer may be God's Plan to save their Caregiver. As a Church, we sometimes under-
    value the role of REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING. Simply put, we never know if we might be God's Plan for someone else.
    Why does God do this? SUFFERING is hard for us to grasp because we only think in the present… especially if the hurt is deep or the
    physical pain is unbearable. But SUFFERING has purpose… for ourselves or others. Most importantly, we MEET Jesus at the CROSS
    The Comfort of our FAITH IN SUFFERING is threefold:
    >God is not excluded from SUFFERING. When things went wrong in the Garden of Eden, Scripture tells us that God was long-suffering
    and deeply troubled by what was happening. But He did not give up on them, even though they gave up on Him.
    > God SUFFERED for us. God entered the World to fix the situation through his Son. Throughout his life, Jesus SUFFERED in every
    way as we do. He was not spared anything even as the Son of God. He did not look for the easy way out because He wanted to identify
    with us. His SUFFERING was excruciating and humiliating. Through His trust in His Father in the midst of that SUFFERING, His cir-
    cumstances were in no way altered but His experience of them was changed. He knew God was with Him...and He knew that what lay
    ahead in the Resurrection and the Ascension was better than the Tragedy of Calvary.
    > God promises a World without SUFFERING. When Jesus comes on the Last Day, death will die… SUFFERING will cease...pain will
    give way to joy...and tears will be no more. On that day, Jesus will make All Things New.
    Bottom line… Jesus understands our SUFFERING, and unites Our Cross of SUFFERING with His. And it is that GRACE that will carry
    us through our Trials and our SUFFERING.
    Jesus is inviting us to Walk With Him during Lent - - - as a PARTICIPANT and NOT A BYSTANDER.
    How do we do that?
    By giving up a treat for Lent? By giving more to Charity? Or by giving Jesus our Greatest Sin, our Greatest Hurt, or our Personal Pain?
    Let Him place that SUFFERING in his Open, Broken Heart, and carry it with Him on His Journey to Jerusalem and the Cross. There,
    He will Purify Our SUFFERING with his Precious Blood.
    That is how we encounter Jesus during Lent - - by Giving Him Part Of Us… in allowing our FAITH in Him to HEAL OUR SUFFER-
    ING literally or that on Easter Monday, HIS GRACE WILL CARRY US FORWARD.
    +May God Bless You and Keep You+
                                                                                                           Very Reverend Ronald W. Cattany

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
                                                            Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pray for Us
    Monday-Friday we serve around 200-300 peo-                                     Servant of God
     ple each day in our breakfast sandwich line,                             Father Leo Heinrichs, OFM
    food pantry, soup and sandwich To-Go at St.
      Elizabeth of Hungary’s and Snacks on the                                              Assassinated at
                         Hill.                                                    Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church
                                                                                           February 23, 1908
     Please donate to help us keep these outreach                                       Father Leo, Pray For Us!
               ministries operational.

                                                   Our St. Vin-
                                                   cent de Paul
                                                    helps ~12
                                                   each month
                                                    with rental
                                                    and utility
                                                    Thank you
                                                   for your gen-

                                                              First Sunday of Lent
    Many years ago I was hospitalized several times over the course of five months. Probably the most visceral memory I have of that
    terrible time is of a recurring dream. The Greeks had it right when they named “Morpheus” (morphine) the god of dreams. If you’ve
    ever spent a length of time on morphine I’ll bet you’ve had some awful dreams too.
    In this dream I was on an escalator, going down, down. There was no escape, no hope. I remember thinking how odd it was that every-
    one was on the escalator, everyone was doomed to an eternity of going down without any glimpse of sky or light, and yet we all kept
    pretending that we didn’t realize this.
    Through the grace of God and the strength of the prayers of hundreds of people, I recovered. And over time the dream lost its power,
    so much so that, nearly fourteen years later, I have to work to remember it at all.
    But when I think of the Great Flood, the terrible waters covering the earth and all that dwelt upon it, I remember that feeling of going
    down, down. A catastrophic flood is related in several ancient texts. There seems to be, lodged in our universal collective unconscious,
    a sense that we are traveling down, down, without hope of rescue.
    But, stronger than death, Rescue did arrive, and even the torments of Satan couldn’t keep him from us. Such is the fierce love of Jesus.
    The early Christians imaged the Church as a boat on high seas, keeping us up, up. Jesus commands that boat, of course. Grab on that
    boat. Grab on to Jesus. He will raise you up.
                                    How will you cling to Jesus this Lent as you exercise a new discipline?
    Kathy McGovern©2020

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception

                           Please pray for all those who are sick or in need of our prayers:
    Michael Boston, Lawrence Brooks, Douglas Campbell, Joann Coules, Andrew Emmer, Jeannie Harder, Ilse Hartman,
       Mallori Heeke, Andrea Helaine, Allie Kandt, John Krusinski, Lynn Lengyel, Kitty de Leon, Ethel Litzenberger,
      Dominic Martinez, Michelle Martino, Mitchell A. Moreno, Randy S. Moreno, Pam Pappas, Melanie Parker, Jean
      Pierre, Andrew Pink, Phil Scardova, Jodi Steward, Claude Stieha, A.J. Stiffler, Ana Tejada, Linda Winkler, Chloe
    Young, Sheila Oliver, Ronald Arnold, Bill & Kim Agnew, Christina Hertz, James M. Schmitt, Linda Basquez, Mary
       Figueroa, Shelley Carmosino, Susie Escareno, Ted Haner, Delfina Guzman, Mary Jo McHugh. Monique. Paul
    Nohara. Zachary Quick, Janet Robson, Juanita Driscoll, Sydney Brisbane, Marlene Bargas, Wener Hahn, Tami Vicars,
     Michael O. Machado, Joel Ray Asuncion, Patricia Capponi, Cliff Richard, Valeria Pacheco, Brady McHugh, Joseph
    Delaney, Margaret Harrison, Kimberly O’Brien, Father Daniel Sinn, Joe Ann O’Brien, Father MacEwen, Mr. & Mrs.
       Parish, Mary Ann Nightingale, Mike Lopez, Sheryl Ventura, George Martin Helfer, Alfred Deldon Sr., Brenda
      Garrett, Basil Summers, Tina Alvarez, Nancy Clark, Bill Johns, Befus Brown, Ellen Trujillo, Dustin Clark, Roger
     Amani, Sister Miriam McLean, Nancy Fox, Lauretta Proulex, Matthew Taylor, Holly Shess, Mary Jo McHugh, Rose
     Marie Bruno, Gabriella McHugh, Joe Anthony Gonzalez, Bob and Donna Cornell, Patricia Hivley, Walker Stevens,
                                                    Melinda Montoya

                 Please pray for all those in our parish family who have died since Shelter in Place:
    Mike Farley, Jossie Eyre, Tina Martinez, Jerry Priddy, Lou Jahde, Jessie Mangers, Kara O’Connor, Joe Vitale, Deacon
     Anthony Dudzic, Billy Bruce, Kathleen Davis, Bob Roach, Sam Ochu, Scott Collier, Gerald Cucio, Fr. Joe Blanco,
    Josephine Malesich, Louisa Orduna, Maureen Rittenhause, Sammy Lopez, Randall Cook, Mike McBride, Peter James
                                                   Chavez, Paul Bordeleau

                                                SACRED MUSIC
                                                         Saint Cecilia, Pray for Us

                  March 14th at 3 PM
                  Livestream Concert
              Mors et Resurrectio: A Journey

               Music for the Lenten Season

    Cyrissa Anderson: Soprano
    Richard Robertson: Organist

    Works by J.S. Bach, Nicholas de Gringy, Hendrik An-
    driessen, Jean Langlais, and Jaromir Weinberger

    To watch this program, visit our website at
                                                                                      C ONGRATULATIONS!

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
                                          Blessed Pier Giorgio Frasatti , Pray for Us
                                                               Holy Family, Pray for Us

    Welcome! We invite you to check out our SPORTS LEAGUES, YOUNG ADULT MEN’S
    and YOUNG ADULT WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES! Find us on Facebook at Cathedral Young
    Adult and Young Adult Families or feel free to contact our Young Adult Coordinator,
    Georgie Messing at

                                                                          The Search is an innovative video series that tackles
                                                                          the key questions of every human heart. In seven
                                                                          beautifully filmed episodes, Chris Stefanick and ex-
                                                                          perts from multiple fields of science, medicine, psy-
                                                                          chology, art, and religion examine our place in the
                                                                          larger story of existence.

                                                                          Whether you’re a practiced inquirer or a jaded skep-
                                                                          tic, The Search will speak to you. You may be reas-
                                                                          sured by some parts, and challenged by others. Ei-
                                                                          ther way, you’ll find a lot here to think about. And
                                                                          when all is said and done, life’s questions demand to
                                                                          be answered.

                                                                          Chris Stefanick and Real Life Catholic have de-
                                                                          signed The Search to help you do those very things!
                                                                          This Lent, Archbishop Aquila, along with several oth-
                                                                          er bishops around the U.S., are themselves partici-
    pating in an initiative to promote Catholics journeying through The Search together in small groups.

    Throughout Lent, Chris Stefanick will be guiding participants on how to use The Search in their small group during his
    weekly show The Life You Were Made For. Each week, he will be joined by a bishop discussing an episode of The Search
    and sharing their conversion story. Our own Archbishop Aquila will be with Chris on the very first episode, February
    18th. More details to come!

    Find THE SEARCH on FORMED. The Cathe-
    dral Basilica is happy to offer a complete
    subscription for all our parishioners.

    Simply go to

                      Check out this
                      opportunity at
                       Holy Ghost!

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
                                   Servant of God, Julia Greeley, Pray for Us

                                                        Frankie Rachell-Bruce leads the Servant
                                                        of God Julia Greeley Prayer and the Lita-
                                                        ny of the Sacred Heart at the January 1st
                                                                 Mass for Julia’s Canoe

                                                                  SERVANT OF GOD JULIA GREELEY
                                                                      Denver’s Model of Mercy
    The Julia Greeley Guild is selling the book Julia
    Greeley: Denver’s Angel of Charity, written and
                                                          Heavenly Father, your servant Julia Greeley ded-
                                                           icated her life to honoring the Sacred Heart of
                                                           your son and to the humble service of the poor.

                                                          Grant me a generous heart like your Son’s, and if
                                                            it be in accordance with your holy will, please
                                                           grant this favor I now ask through Julia’s inter-
                                                              I pray this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

                                                                     -Archbishop Samuel J Aquila

                                                                             JULIA’S CANOE
                                                           During her life in Denver, Julia once responded to a
       illustrated by the 2018-2019 Annunciation           request for prayers by saying, “I’ll put you in my ca-
                                                                noe with everyone else that I pray for”.
    Catholic School 5th Grade Class, as a fundrais-        Send your prayer intentions to
    er. The cost of the book is $15.00, and monies         We Pray for the Intentions in Julia’s Canoe during special
     raised will assist in the process of the Canoni-                         Masses scheduled:
     zation of Servant of God Julia Greeley. For ad-
    ditional information or to order a book, please                    March 5th @ 5:30 pm
    contact Mary Leisring at the Cathedral Basilica                    April 9th at 5:30 pm
               303-831-7010 or email mar-                              May 7th at 12:10 pm

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
                                                      Saint Philip Neri, Pray for Us

                                                                                Saint of the Week
                QUO VADIS?                                            Blessed Sebastian of Aparicio
           “Lord, Where you are you going?”                 Sebastian’s roads and bridges connected many distant
    These are the words that Peter spoke to Jesus when      places. His final bridge-building was to help men and
    Our Lord appeared to him on the Appian Way as Pe-       women recognize their God-given dignity and destiny.
               ter fled persecution in Rome.
                                                            Sebastian’s parents were Spanish peasants. At the age of
                     Jesus answered,                        31, he sailed to Mexico, where he began working in the
        "I am going to Rome to be crucified again"          fields. Eventually he built roads to facilitate agricultural
                                                            trading and other commerce. His 466-mile road from Mex-
                                                            ico City to Zacatecas took 10 years to build and required
    As we each continue on our particular faith walk,       careful negotiations with the indigenous peoples along the
    whether we are cradle Catholics or converts, prayer     way.
    and sacraments are imperative to the vitality of our
    Church. We come together to persevere in communi-       In time Sebastian was a wealthy farmer and rancher. At the
    ty and education, prompted and sustained by grace.      age of 60, he entered a virginal marriage. His wife’s moti-
                                                            vation may have been a large inheritance; his was to pro-
    Please join us on Wednesday evenings during our         vide a respectable life for a girl without even a modest
    RCIA formation classes to learn about the most im-      marriage dowry. When his first wife died, he entered an-
    portant pillars of our faith and to give witness to     other virginal marriage for the same reason; his second
    those becoming Catholic.                                wife also died young.

                                                            At the age of 72, Sebastian distributed his goods among
                                                            the poor and entered the Franciscans as a brother. Assigned
    WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at the Knights of                      to the large (100-member) friary at Puebla de los Angeles
        Columbus at 16th and Grant                          south of Mexico City, Sebastian went out collecting alms
           QUO VADIS 6:30 PM                                for the friars for the next 25 years. His charity to all earned
             RCIA 7:15 PM                                   him the nickname “Angel of Mexico.”

                                                            Sebastian was beatified in 1787 and is known as a patron
                                                            of travelers.

                                                            According to the Rule of Saint Francis, the friars
    February 24th: A Catholic Moral Vi-                     were to work for their daily bread. Sometimes, howev-
      sion: Virtue, Grace and Happiness                     er, their work would not provide for their needs; for
                                                            example, working with people suffering from leprosy
    March 3rd: A Love that Lasts: Discov-                   brought little or no pay. In cases such as these, the
             ering Authentic Love                           friars were allowed to beg, always keeping in mind
                                                            the admonition of Francis to let their good example
    March 10th: A Love that Lasts: God’s                    commend them to the people. The life of the prayerful
                                                            Sebastian drew many closer to God.
               Plan for Sexuality
    March 17th: Saint Patrick– Apostle to
    Ireland and Catholic Social Teaching
    March 24th: Catholic Social Teaching:
          Protecting Human Dignity

             Picture: Church of Domine Quo Vadis in Rome

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
         Denver and Beyond

         Read Archbishop Aquila’s full Pastoral Note:

You can also read