10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association

Page created by Hazel Gibbs
10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association
Vol. 14 | Issue 3 | Oct 2021

Toto the Wellbeing Dog,      The Invisibles
10 Years of Boarding               of Youth
                                and Money

Age and Experience          The Right Way
in Boarding                      to be Tough

10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association
2    Do You Look After Yourself?            36 Down The Track Youth
4    When Imaginary Lines                      Enterprises Engaging Young
     Aren’t So Fine                            People Differently in the Red
                                               Dust Classroom
5    The Border
                                            39 Property Corner - The
6    Is a Communications Crisis
                                               Importance of Colour
     Really that Unexpected?
                                               in the Boarding House
8    Sleep and Boarding
                                            40 How do we Achieve a High
10 Boarding Staff Training-                    Standard of Cleaning Within a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 VECTORS CREATED BY STORIES - WWW.FREEPIK.COM
   An Essential Risk Control                   Reasonable Budget?
13 Law and Ethics for Australian            42 A Conversation We Should All
   Teachers                                    Be Having

                                                                                 Do You
14 Age and Experience in Boarding           43 Welcome Ken James
   – Why Longevity Matters and
                                            44 Parental Influence on
   Should Make a Difference.
                                               Motivation and Engagement at

                                                                                 Look After
16 For Success (and Happiness) in              Boarding School
   a Corporate Career, it’s Best to
                                            46 Reaching for the Stars
   be Pear-shaped:
                                            48 Ballarat Grammar

17 A Confused Mind Says No.
                                               Post-COVID Cure
18 Student Concierge Services:
                                            50 Expand your STEAM Skills and be
   Embracing the New COVID-19
                                               Immersed at CASE Ocean School
                                            53 Online Orientation Instead -
20 The Right Way to be Tough
                                               Experiences from a Distance
   How to Effectively Criticise and                                                                                                        READING                                         EXERCISING                                  LISTENING
                                            54 The Invisibles of Youth
   Impose Consequences
                                               and Money
                                                                                 Over the past few years it has
23 The Next Piece of the Puzzle…
                                                                                 become increasingly clear to me                            I know many people find it difficult to         So many boarding staff forget the role exer- I must admit that pre-Covid I had never
                                            56 Mood Food -                                                                                  make time to read, but I can’t encourage       cise plays in a healthy life. We are often so listened to a podcast, even though my two
26 Whole Food Nutrition for Your
   Mind and Brain Power!
                                               Nutrition for Mental Health       that the role of being leader of                           you enough to set aside the time to get lost   busy looking after other people we forget sons kept telling me about great things
                                            58 An Emotional Ride NEGS
28 Every Teacher’s Dream: Online
                                               Equestrian                        the boarding community, or even                            in a book. Many years ago I undertook the      to look after ourselves, and this was never to listen to. Therefore, I decided to use
   Literacy Program Makes It Fun                                                                                                           ‘Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’,      more evident to me than over the last two the time walking to listen to things for
   For Kids To Hit The Books                60 Period-proof Underwear –          a staff member in a boarding                               course, and habit number seven, Sharpen        years here in the ABSA office. So I took the me, speakers who would improve my life
30 Realistic Solutions for Healthy
                                               Changing Their World by
                                               Changing Their Undies
                                                                                 house, is becoming more and more                           the Saw, included one of my great loves        time to do two things - firstly I left my car in some sort of way. I have laughed and
   Sleep in Boarding: What Does
                                                                                 immense and this has never been                           - reading. However, Stephen Covey talks         at work and walked to and from home - cried through some of the interviews
   the Research Tell Us?                    62 Welcome: New Principals &                                                                    of only reading non-fiction books which         a distance of between 2.5km and 3.5km on ‘The Howie Games’ (his recent chat
32 Toto the Wellbeing Dog,
                                               Heads of Boarding                 more obvious than during 2020                              will improve your knowledge, and I can’t       depending on which path, and have dis- with Andrew Gaze post the Olympics is
                                            63 From the Chair – Pauline Turner
   10 Years of Boarding                                                          and 2021 with the added pressures                          object enough to this. Certainly, reading      covered the delight of time to myself with priceless) and have loved improving my
34 Travelling to the Home Front                                                                                                             non-fiction is great - my last two non-fic-      no-one interrupting. It gives me time to basketball and business knowledge on
                                                                                 of dealing with the impacts of                             tion books were Norman Swan’s new book         plan the day, to let go of the tough issues, ‘The Old Man and the Three’ by JJ Reddick
                                                                                 Covid-19 in boarding houses.                              ‘So You Think You Know What’s Good For          and above all, to think about the things I with interviews of many NBA players as
ON THE COVER                                                                                                                                You’ and Chris Thurber’s new book ‘The         love. I have discovered how beautiful the well as hearing from Bob Iger the Exec-
St Peters Lutheran College, Brisbane, boarders on the balconies of Ross Roy.                                                                Unlikely Art of Parental Pressure’ (and I’d    sunset can be, how amazing it is to watch utive Chairmen of the Walt Disney Com-
                                                                                 AUTHOR:                                                    recommend them both to you). However,          the full moon rise, how very few days it pany - as an example. I am hoping many
Australian Boarding Schools Association.                                         Richard Stokes                                             it is with fiction that you can get lost and    actually rains first and last thing of the of you subscribe to ‘On Duty’ and ‘Study
Postal: PO Box 3241, HENDRA, QLD, 4011                                           Chief Executive Officer                                    enjoy stretching your imagination. Read-       day (I have only been caught twice). Try Time’, the ABSA podcasts (I won’t mention
Office: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place,                                             ABSA                                                       ing books like ‘Boy Swallows Universe’         to find time to walk - it is good for the my favourite interviews, but wow - they
         HENDRA, QLD, 4011                                                                                                                  and ‘All The Shimmering Skies” both by         heart and good for the mind. Secondly, we have been fun to listen to). So find your
P + 61 7 3205 4940                                                                                                                          Trent Dalton, ‘The Dry’ and ‘The Survivors’    have brought in a Personal Trainer two        thing in podcast world - my wife Karen
F + 61 7 3205 6567                                                                                                                          by Jane Harper, and ‘The Dictionary of         afternoons a week (and yes, I walk home enjoys ‘Conversations’ by Richard Fidler,

E absa@boarding.org.au                                                                  uggling sudden lockdown, border closures,           Lost Words’ by Pip Williams (can you tell      after the session too). Mat is one of my there is a great one called ‘You’re Wrong
                                                                                        detailed and challenging regulations written        I love Australian authors!) and ‘Where         ex-students, is qualified and enjoys hearing About’ - you name it, there is a podcast
EDITOR                                                                                  by bureaucrats who have never been in a             the Crawdads Sing’ by Delia Owens (one         us complain about how sore he made us for every interest.
Richard Stokes, Chief Executive Officer,                                                boarding house, anxious parents and students,       of my all time favourites) just to name a      from the last session. Yes, sometimes I go
Australian Boarding Schools Association                                                 vaccination and on-line learning have all           few. Finding time every day to get lost in     back to my desk afterwards to finish off These are just three ways I have discov-
GRAPHIC DESIGN                                                                    impacted on the role a great deal. And guess who is       words is good for the brain, and for the       what didn’t get done before he arrived, ered to ‘Look After Myself’. What can
trishbiggsgraphicdesign.com.au                                                    usually pushed to the side - YOU! So, I thought I’d       body - so try it!                              but most often I have enjoyed the full-bore you do for yourself? The first step is to
+61 403 471 903                                                                   take this opportunity to help you think about a re-set                                                   way to end a day.                             try something, and make time for it - I
PRINTING                                                                         - a chance to look at what you can do for yourself so                                                                                                   challenge you to, as you will find you do
Professional Print Services                                                       that you can continue with the huge role of looking                                                                                                    an even better job of looking after your
sales@professionalprintservices.com.au                                            after your boarders.                                                                                                                                   boarders once you look after yourself. ■

2 | Lights Out - October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3|
10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association
When Imaginary Lines
Aren’t So Fine                                                                                                                               com
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Border
                                                                                                                        ARLINE - w
                                                                                                               TED BY ST
                                                                                                    VECTOR CREA

                                                                                                                                                                                                The nature of this virus is unpredictable and unforeseeable. Googling “NSW Corona
                                                                                                                                                                                                Virus update” has become a part of my daily routine, refreshing the page every
                                                                                                                                                                                                few hours and watching with intent as numbers continue to upsurge. I find myself
                                                                                                                                                                                                reaching the end of an article and just longing for some kind of reassurance, some
Listen to me. Imagine you are doing the dishes
                                                                                                                                                                                                kind of hope. So far, I’ve been bitterly disappointed and as the number of COVID-19
and in the distance you see the trees, but you know that
                                                                                                                                                                                                cases increase each day, the days since I’ve seen my family also increase.
you must never pass the trees, otherwise you are entering forbidden land.
AUTHOR:                                       your pass and drivers licence. The Police         you leaders of the trees, stop prioritising                                                     AUTHOR:                                           by my side. Walking past the girls’ rooms      across the stage and receive my Certificate
Isabella Hawkins                              Officer tells you that when you arrive in         your egos over the health and wellbeing                                                         Lara Brown                                        in the boarding house and seeing them          of Completion of Year 12, I will be able
Boarder                                       town you must go and have a COVID-19              of others, especially those who are so                                                          Boarder                                           packing their bags, ready to go home, is       to look out into the overwhelming sea of
Wilderness School                             test. Why is this necessary? You can see          called “dirty Victorians”. ■                                                                    Somerville House                                  what really gets me down. Usually, I’m the     families, and spot mine. ■
                                              the trees from your house yet apparently                                                                                                                                                            first to pack up, I just can’t help it as I’m
                                              you live in a hotspot.                                                                                                                                                                              always so excited to head home. I even live
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  out of my suitcase for the last two weeks

Y                                                                                                                                                                                               A
         ou feel like a prisoner. Despite     You are locked away from your family.                                                                                                                       merican writer H.P Lovecraft once       of school. But this time, I’m just two days
         there being no COVID-19 cases        Your children are at boarding school far                                                                                                                    said that “the oldest and strong-       away from finishing my final full term of
         found anywhere near you, you         past the trees. You miss them. You try to                                                                                                                   est emotion of mankind is fear,         school ever, and I haven’t packed a thing.
         are treated like someone who         get a pass to see them, but you are only                                                                                                                    and the oldest and strongest kind
has it. Even though you do everything         allowed to be 70km past the trees. This                                                                                                           of fear is fear of the unknown”.                  I’m so grateful for my boarding community
past the trees including your shopping        meaningless number has made you feel                                                                                                                                                                who strive to bring comfort to myself and
and work, you have been given this label.     upset for months. You’ve had 16 tests but                                                                                                         Usually, when boarding is tough, I know           the other girls who have been away from
This label that defines you. This label that   apparently this isn’t enough.                                                                                                                     that in just a few short weeks, Mum and           their families for months. But boarders
you don’t deserve. This label is known as                                                                                                                                                       Dad will be waiting out the front, ready to       need their families and their families need
being Victorian.                              A few months into the line past the trees                                                                                                         drive me home for holidays. But not this          them. There shouldn’t be any borders for
                                              being closed an announcement gets made                                                                                                            year. I have come to realise that there is        boarders. It seems pretty far-fetched right
You have done nothing wrong. You keep         that they will be letting people from New                                                                                                         a difference between simply not going             now, but my one wish is that when I walk
your distance. You follow the guidelines.     Zealand in. A place that has COVID-19                                                                                                             home for a while and physically not being                                                        LARA AND HER FRIENDS
You don’t want to hurt anyone, yet you        cases yet there are none near you. You                                                                                                            allowed to go home, or even receiving
have somehow committed a crime. When          are still treated as a prisoner. It’s as if the                                                                                                   some indication which may provide some
you hear the news that from tomor-            decision to keep the borders shut is no                                                                                                           skerrick of hope as to when I will be able
row you will be able to pass the trees        longer for health reasons, instead it’s all                                                                                                       to return home.
for essential services you feel a sense       about politics.
of excitement, but as you think about                                                                                                                                                           Living in a small town just off the coast of
                                                                                                                                                   PHOTO CREATED BY FREEPIK - www.freepik.com

it more and more you get struck by a          The next day you send an email asking                                                                                                             Northern NSW, a mere four hours’ drive
sense of guilt. Despite you not doing         to see your children, but you receive                                                                                                             from Brisbane, I find it difficult to fathom
anything wrong, the people who live           no response. The leaders past the trees                                                                                                           how my parents and home can be sepa-
past the trees, and the ones that are in      don’t care how you are feeling. The Chief                                                                                                         rated from me by just a border on a map.
charge of the trees, have made you feel       Health Officer of the trees Professor                                                                                                             Not being able to share the final events
like an imposter. It is not right that you    Spurrier says “we have to learn to live                                                                                                           of year 12 with my parents has been what
are experiencing this feeling. It needs       with this virus” but how is she doing                                                                                                             has stuck with me during this. Milestone
to stop. The borders need to be opened.       this? This sense of frustration, sadness,                                                                                                         events, such as my 18th birthday, Mother/
                                              and guilt is something one should never                                                                                                           Daughter dinners, and Father/Daughter
It’s the next day and you are just past the   have to experience. No one should be                                                                                                              dances are just another day or event that
trees. You are stopped and must show          separated from their loved ones. So, I ask                                                                                                        I’d rather not go to if I can’t have my parents   LARA WITH HER DAD

4 | Lights Out - October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   5|
10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association
By having time on your side, you can            Audit’ on a regular basis – at least half         For example, are you raising boarding fees
                                                                                                                                                 carefully consider how best to respond          yearly - as part of their everyday com-           in the next six months, are you receiving
                                                                                                                                                 without rushing to meet a deadline and          munications planning and reputation               government funding, are your financial
                                                                                                                                                 it also means you have the opportunity to       management programs.                              reports about to be published showing
                                                                                                                                                 consider the many different options at your                                                       a decline in revenue or are you making
                                                                                                                                                 disposal to manage the communications to        So, what’s an Issue Audit?                        changes to school structure or governance?

Is a Communications Crisis                                                                                                                       both your internal and external audiences.

                                                                                                                                                 What do I mean by that? Well for example,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 In an issue audit we look at an institution’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                 current operating environment, its planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Take the time to do an ‘Issues Audit’ and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   detail all the known and the potential con-

Really that Unexpected?                                                                                                                          you hold control over the timing of the
                                                                                                                                                 release of news which in the event of if
                                                                                                                                                 being very bad news, can be very useful.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 for the future, the regulatory environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and the potential ‘left field events’ that could
                                                                                                                                                                                                 all create a communications event such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                 an accident involving a student, bullying or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tentious issues that you can and once you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   have your issues listed, then you can start
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   thinking about how you might respond.

                                                                                                                                                 It also means you have time to consider         a professional issue with a staff member.         The aim is not to have answers for
In our last article (June 2021 edition) we looked at the fundamental elements of crisis                                                          how to frame the messages around the                                                              everything but rather to understand the
communications planning, recognising that an effective crisis communications                                                                     issue, which again is very helpful if the       Also have a look for the problems that            landscape of what might or could occur
                                                                                                                                                 issue is likely to be bad news for your         are already there and think about them            and plan a proactive communications
plan needs to be an essential part of day-to-day business for any school.                                                                        school community and potentially a mat-         in a communications’ context – are they           response around that.
                                                                                                                                                 ter of interest to media.                       matters that affect your students, staff,
AUTHOR:                                         the organisation involved and usually for         only alumni. Identifying which stake-                                                          parents, the community – are they mat-            By taking the time to do an ‘Issue Audit’,
Julian Brophy,                                  some time.                                        holders are affected means you can then        Knowing ahead of time provides a huge           ters that could end in the media and pub-         organisations make sure that they have
Perception Partners                                                                               determine what messaging is required           number of options but they are only there       lic domain?                                       prepared communication responses for
                                                So, does knowing ahead of time                    to address their concerns as well as the       for you to use if you take proactive steps to                                                     their internal and external stakeholders
                                                make a difference when it comes                   most effective communication tool to           identify issues early and keep a watching                                                         on contentious issues that could erupt
                                                                                                  reach them.                                    brief on potentially new issues that will                                                         without warning.

              hilst COVID-19 has meant
                                                to crisis communications?                                                                        emerge from time to time.
              we are all more aware of the      From my perspective – absolutely. Know-           It may be that the issue also will affect                                                                                                        The benefit is that you are not trying to
              crisis potential, the reality     ing the issues that could come to the fore        external stakeholders, such as school reg-     This is why we recommend to our                                                                   do this in the middle of a crisis – which
              is that even in a post pan-       at any time makes a world of difference           ulators, local representatives, gov-           clients to undertake an ‘Issue                                                                    is something you really want to avoid at
demic future (still it seems a very long way    and most importantly means you and your           ernment agencies, other                                                                                                                           all costs. ■
ahead), being ready for the unexpected is       organisation have many more options               schools, and associa-
best approached as a core business activity.    available to you in managing a conten-            tions – by having
                                                tious issue.                                      time on your side
Underpinning effective preparedness                                                               that means you
for unforeseen events that can quickly          Think about how much easier it is to              can identify
escalate into communication issues for a        respond either to your internal stake-            who is affected
school’s stakeholders – or even seep out        holders such as parents, students, staff          and how to
into the public domain through social           or alumni, or in the event that the issue         address their
media or mainstream media reporting             breaks into the public domain, to the             concerns on
- is proactive planning and preparation.        media, if you already have prepared and           the front foot,
                                                ready to go your messaging, statements            this ensuring
One of the single biggest misconcep-            and responses.                                    their confidence
tions that many people have is that a                                                             in your organisa-
communications crisis comes without             If you know about a contentious matter            tion remains high.
warning, is somehow unexpected and              before it becomes a communication issue,
couldn’t be predicted.                          that means you critically have the time           Time also provides you
                                                to prepare what your response is likely           and your school the opportunity
Whilst this might be the case in regards        to be, whether it is a letter to your school      to mitigate any reputational damage that a
an accident or a global pandemic like the       community, a public statement for the             potentially contentious issue might inflict.
one we are enduring now, more often than        website, a media release, or a social media
not the underlying issue that ultimately        post on one of your channels.                     In my experience it is often how an organ-
finds its way into the public domain via the                                                       isation responds – and how that response
front page of the local news, is not actually   Time means you can also consider what             is judged externally – which determines
a surprise for the organisation involved.       the implications are of the issue and how         how well an organisation will weather
                                                best you can address those proactively. In        reputational damage even if the issue at
In more than 30 years’ experience as a          considering what the implications are, you        hand is damaging in and of itself.
journalist and communications consult-          can also spend time identifying which of
ant, I can fairly say that the majority of      your stakeholders will be most affected           Being transparent, open and accountable
crisis communications issues I have been        by the issue – for example, it might be an        can all shape the opinion of both internal
asked to advise on have their origins in        issue that only affects staff, or it might only   and external stakeholders in a positive
matters that were already well known to         affect parents and guardians or perhaps           way, even if sharing bad news.

6 | Lights Out - October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      7|
10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association
4. Avoid caffeine, soft drinks, and large        Boarding houses are particularly suited to

                                                                                                                                           PHOTO CREATED BY TIRACHARDZ - www.freepik.com
                                                                                                                                                                                              meals before bed: Don’t fire up your           promoting good sleep habits, which may
                                                                                                                                                                                              metabolism right before bed.                  improve the life-long sleeping routines
                                                                                                                                                                                           5. Have a dark, quiet, and cool (16-18           of boarders even after they leave school.
                                                                                                                                                                                              degrees) bedroom.                             This is a unique opportunity to harness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            routine to promote wellbeing! ■

Sleep                                                                                                                                                                                        Resources

and Boarding
                                                                                                                                                                                             Creating a sleep-friendly environment is vital to improving adolescents’ wellbeing, and may
                                                                                                                                                                                             also assist in achieving the other goals we all hope to achieve ourselves and with our board-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ing community. While we have seen that boarding may be a good place to sleep, below are
                                                                                                                                                                                             links to resources which are great for kickstarting a conversation about sleep’s importance:
                                                                                                                                                                                             Alex Reardon studies psychology, and in particular adolescent sleep and wellbeing at the
                                                                                                                                                                                             University of South Australia. He is also a boarding supervisor at Westminster School, Ade-
AUTHOR:                                                                                                                                                                                      laide. He is passionate about improving adolescent mental health through promoting good
Alex Reardon                                                                                                                                                                                 sleep environments, and is supervised by Professor Kurt Lushington and Dr Alex Agostini.
Boarding Supervisor                                                                                                                                                                          To contact Alex about his research, or the implications for boarding,
Westminster School                                                                                                                                                                           email reaaj005@mymail.unisa.edu.au.

Why is sleep important?
Students, boarding directors, teachers and
parents alike; what is your most important
goal for the remainder of the year? Do
you want to:                                                                                                                                                                                 Headspace Information Sheet                     Matt Walker TED Talk:
• Improve grades and academic
                                                                                                                                                                                             https://headspace.org.au/assets/Factsheets/     https://www.ted.com/talks/matt_walker_6_
   performance?                               Unfortunately, despite teenagers gaining      in kitchens. Students suggested these
                                                                                                                                                                                             HSP225-Sleep-Fact-Sheet-DP3.pdf                 tips_for_better_sleep?language=en
• Build friendships and social                less sleep than their younger counterparts,   improved their sleep, and that they sup-
   connections?                               their actual “sleep need” remains the same.   ported this policy. Interestingly, they also
• Improve metal health and wellbeing?         Guidelines from the Australian Sleep          said that would not voluntarily put their
                                              Health Foundation suggest 8-10 hours is       phones down early, suggesting that this
Sleep is a fundamental pillar of our psy-     required for ideal functioning.               is an important area for boarding staff
chological and physical wellbeing. As indi-                                                 to be aware of.
viduals, and as members of a boarding         What is different about sleeping in
community, many of the things we wish         boarding?                                     So, what does this mean for
to achieve would be aided by attaining                                                      boarding houses?
greater sleep, or promoting better sleep      We all know that living in boarding is
in our students respectively.                 really different to the experiences of typ-   Boarding may be the perfect place for
                                              ical day students! Students are far-from-     sleep! We have good routine, staff promot-
Why do adolescents struggle to get            home, and surrounded by peers! How do         ing good decision making, and expecta-
enough sleep?                                 you think boarders sleep at night?            tions around technology use. As boarding
                                                                                            staff, we need to leverage these inherent
Adolescents specifically struggle to attain    Boarders are actually sleeping really         characteristics to promote good sleep
sufficient sleep for two reasons: Biolog-     well! We found that boarders were able        practices in our students. What does a
ically, a teenagers ‘body clock’, is natu-    to attain an average of 40 minutes more       good sleeping environment look like?
rally delayed, and as a result, they have a   sleep than their day student peers!
preference for evenings, while still wak-                                                   Keys to getting good sleep!
ing for school in the morning. Socially,      When we asked boarders about the
adolescence is a time of new academic,        boarding environment, two key takea-          1. Aim to have a consistent bed-time
extracurricular, activities, and new rela-    ways emerged:                                    and wake-time everyday… including
tionships and employment. These all           Routine: In boarding, there is an abun-          weekends. This helps align your body
disrupt and displace sleep. As students       dance of routine. Sport, dinner, study and       clocks to be sleepy during the night,
enter their final years of schooling, they     socialising are all consistently timed. In       and active during the day!
have commitments before school, activ-        particular, bed-time and wake-time are        2. Minimise technology before bed, and
ities after, and social engagements after     highly structured and controlled. This was       once in bed—all technology should
that! Finally, when students are ready for    beneficial to achieving adequate sleep.           be away.
bed, these novel experiences are exciting,                                                  3. Exercise during the day. Expending
stressful, or worrisome… it’s too hard        Technology policies: Students were               energy is great for health, and also
to sleep!                                     expected to leave phones on desks or             promotes a restful night!

8 | Lights Out - October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9|
10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association
Boarding Staff Training-
An Essential Risk Control
A recent School Governance survey discovered that most schools
see Professional Development (PD) as a valuable way to provide staff
                                                                                                                                                                                               •   induction of staff including replace-         boarding schools.
development and better teaching delivery. They conduct PD regularly                                                                                                                                ment supervisors, casual staff, volun-
throughout the year, with slightly more PD conducted in Term 1.                                                                                                                                    teers and contractors                         Health and Safety Training
                                                                                                                                                                                               •   legal and regulatory compliance train-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ing (including in key areas such as           This is a requirement under health and
AUTHORS:                                          and managing PD data.                         schools need to better understand                                                                  privacy, workplace safety and child           safety legislation. Health and safety
Craig D’cruz -                                •   The most challenging aspects of organ-        what their boarding staff really need          is required than simply having a policy.            protection)                                   requirements in every State and Terri-
Principal Consultant and                          ising PD are budget and managing              to know, and they need to allocate a                                                           •   school values and ethos (including            tory require organisations to train staff in
Sector Lead, Education and                        staff replacements.                           suitable budget to allow for this train-       Policies need to be put into practice by            codes of conduct)                             how to maintain a safe work environment.
Jonathan Oliver -                                                                               ing to take place. All boarding schools        the staff. Policies need to be understood,      •   operations training (including board-         There is a duty to protect boarding staff and
Principal Consultant,                         Sadly, anecdotal evidence indicates that          will tell you that training is an essen-       applied and reviewed, to ensure that they           ing facility supervision and excursion        boarders from workplace hazards. One
Risk and Compliance                           the provision of PD for staff in boarding         tial part of inducting boarding staff on       are effective in controlling the associated         management)                                   of the primary methods of protection is
CompliSpace                                   facilities is far less than for teaching staff,   the requirements of their roles, and           risks. However, it is often the ‘understood’    •   student health, welfare and safety            training in relation to safe work practices.
                                              yet these supervisors are responsible for         for ensuring that these staff continue         component that boarding schools, and                (including anaphylaxis and general
                                              the boarders for the other 18 hours of            to grow and develop. But are they reg-         many day schools, do not do well.                   first aid training)                            Child Safe/Protection Training
                                              the day.                                          ularly presented with the things that                                                          •   human resources (anti-discrimina-
The survey also highlighted several other                                                       the boarding staff need to know, at the        In order to understand the requirements of          tion, anti-bullying and harassment            This is a requirement of state and ter-
matters including:                            In today’s boarding communities, and now          right time, and in the right format, to        a policy, staff must be trained in how to use       and internal grievances)                      ritory education regulatory bodies and
• COVID-19 lockdowns have caused a            more than ever, boarding staff need to be         ensure that they can learn and support         the policy and the procedures effectively.      •   staff wellbeing and development.              a requirement of child protection leg-
   major shift away from face-to-face PD      well-informed and have a deep under-              and engage with the school’s culture?          They must understand the required behav-                                                          islation. In addition, Principle 7 of the
   and towards online delivery.               standing of how regulatory requirements                                                          iours that the boarding school requires of      While not all schools may see the need to         National Principles for Child Safe Organ-
• COVID-19 lockdowns have signifi-            and school policies impact on how they                                                           its supervisory staff and they must apply       train their boarding staff in all these areas,    isations states:
   cantly changed schools’ choices of         manage risks and how they care for the            POLICY TO CULTURE-WHAT                         these behaviours in their day-to-day duty       it is worth considering the legal liability       Staff and volunteers are equipped with
   PD content, with most schools now          boarders. Boarding facilities continue to         DOES THIS MEAN?                                of care of the boarders.                        issues that may arise where a school has a        the knowledge, skills and awareness to
   seeking content about online learning.     become more complex, and the demands                                                                                                             significant policy area such as health and         keep children and young people safe
• More than half of schools feel only         of the job continue to increase. Boarding         You may have heard the phrase ‘policy to       Basically, to make the words on the page        safety but fails to train its boarding staff in   through ongoing education and training.
  “somewhat prepared” or “not prepared”       staff need to have increasing skills sets,        culture’ but what exactly does it mean?        move across to become part of the culture       relation to it or where a school has specific
   to deliver PD online/remotely.             through training, to respond to these             All schools, not just boarding schools,        of the boarding school, staff need to be        policies on safe excursion management             This includes the following listed indi-
• Whether they are ready for it or not,       complexities within the boarding envi-            have policies and procedures in place to       trained in how to implement the policy          but fails to train the boarding supervisors       cators as evidence that Principle 7 is
   many schools see online PD as a pos-       ronment. These issues include increased           manage risk. And for policies and proce-       and know that they are expected to follow       in relation to these policies.                    being upheld:
   itive opportunity.                         complexity in:                                    dures to effectively manage risk, they ulti-   the policy in how they act.                                                                       • The organisation provides regular
• Schools’ PD budgets are either remain-      • the needs of adolescents, including             mately must create desired behavioural                                                         If something goes wrong, there is potential          opportunities to educate and train
   ing the same or decreasing.                    mental health issues, the impact of           outcomes or, put another way, affect the                                                       for boarder or staff injury or worse, and            staff on child safety and wellbeing
• About half of schools subsidise PD for          social media and technology, increased        culture of the organisation.                   WHAT TRAINING IS REQUIRED                       this could result in serious reputational            policies and procedures and evi-
   teacher registration. Most of those that       socio-economic and cultural diversity,                                                       AS EFFECTIVE CONTROLS?                          damage in additional to legal liability.             dence-based practice.
   do subsidise it are spending $400-1000         and physical health issues such as obe-       Unfortunately, some boarding schools                                                           Schools should also consider that many            • Staff and volunteers receive training
   per staff member per year, and many            sity and allergies                            (and many day schools) take the view           So, what is worse – not having a pol-           organisations are spending considerable              in the rights of children and young
   are spending $1000+.                       • the needs and expectations of                   that all they need to be compliant is to       icy or having a policy and not training         sums of money on staff training in all the           people in relation to records being
• Most (but not all) schools keep track           parents, including changes in par-            publish a compliant policy. But, of course,    staff in relation to the policy? It is not      areas mentioned in the list above and con-           created about children and young
   of PD.                                         ent/child relationships, parenting            just publishing a policy does not achieve      always well understood that schools             sider the training essential to maintaining          people and their use.
• Responsibility for managing PD is               styles, and family structure, and             compliance. To achieve compliance, a           need a wide range of PD to support their        organisational culture, compliance and
   often shared and it is not always clear        increased or decreased parental               policy needs to create desired behav-          policies and meet the requirements for          the overall reduction of risk.                    Clearly Principle 7 envisages ongoing
   who has primary responsibility.                involvement and engagement.                   ioural outcomes, to influence the cultural     legal and regulatory compliance. Some                                                             child safe training not once-a-year train-
• There is no single, commonly-used                                                             practices and behaviours of the boarding       of the training requirements for school         Here’s some more details about some               ing, and not just training that provides an
   system for recording PD completion         If training is going to be impactful,             school. To have this effect, much more         boarding staff are:                             of the key subject areas applicable to            overview of ‘our child protection policies’

10 | Lights Out - October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11 |
10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association
but something that looks more deeply            Just Face-to-Face                              staff offsite as staff absences often need
into issues such as factors that influence      During the recent COVID-19 periods of          to be covered by a casual staff member.
the development of a child safe organi-         shutdown, schools have needed to develop
sational culture.                               their own PD or find quality online PD for      So, will boarding schools increase both

The National Principles for Child Safe
Organisations are mandatory or soon to
                                                their staff. The initial focus was on PD
                                                related to the working from home and
                                                online learning environments. ABSA has
                                                                                               the offerings of PD for their supervi-
                                                                                               sors and other staff and ensure that
                                                                                               their PD budgets allow for valid, good
                                                                                                                                                Law and Ethics
become mandatory in some jurisdictions
with the other jurisdictions likely to follow
over the next couple of years. In any event,
they represent best practice.
                                                helped to fill the void in this PD space
                                                by offering a plethora of quality online
                                                learning opportunities for boarding staff
                                                including their valuable ‘certificate’ and
                                                                                               quality and effective training for the
                                                                                               people who care for the boarders for 18
                                                                                               hours or more each day? ■
                                                                                                                                                for Australian Teachers
                                                duty of care courses. Many boarding            Craig D’cruz Principal Consultant and Sector
Excursion Safety Training                       schools are seeing the benefits of provid-      Lead, Education and Jonathan Oliver Princi-      The publication of a new book on Australian school
                                                ing online PD both in terms of cost savings    pal Consultant, Risk and Compliance              law is usually an event to be celebrated. This
In a recent CompliSpace Webinar survey,         as well as receiving a positive response       Jonathan Oliver
the presenters noted that that 80 per cent      from their boarding supervisors and            Jonathan is a Principal Consultant working
                                                                                                                                                work, by Mark Butlin, Noeleen McNamara
of staff in schools receive no excursion        other staff in respect of the convenience      with CompliSpace education clients in the        and Kerrie Anglin, is no exception.
management or excursion safety training.        of online learning, particularly where it      areas of risk and compliance. He has more
Unfortunately, many boarding schools            is self-paced.                                 than 10 years’ experience in the school sector
conduct excursions where there is a lack                                                       as a teacher, compliance and legal adviser       AUTHOR:
                                                                                               and more recently as a business manager.
of a policy framework for the supervisors       Boarding Staff Want PD, Boarding               Jonathan has been a solicitor for nearly 30
                                                                                                                                                Andrew Knott
to follow on how to conduct the excursion       Schools Want PD – Online and                                                                    Special Counsel
                                                                                               years and has worked in both private practice
and activity in a safe manner. If there                                                                                                         Holding Redlich
is no policy, there can be no training in
                                                Face-to-Face                                   and community legal centres. Jonathan is a
                                                                                               regular presenter on behalf of CompliSpace
relation to the policy.                         Surveys indicate that all staff, not just      on issues relating to risk, compliance and
                                                boarding staff, want good quality PD that

                                                                                               school governance.
Privacy Training                                helps them to do their job better. They        Craig D’cruz                                         t meets the back cover description:
                                                see substantial value in the PD that they      With 38 years of educational experience,            “Coming to grips with law and policy
Privacy law compliance does not operate         receive particularly regarding meeting         Craig provides direction on education mat-           can be daunting for beginning and
in a vacuum and compliance under the            accreditation requirements, improving          ters including new products, module content          established teachers alike. Law and
privacy laws requires a lot more than           their own duty of care standards and con-      and training. Previously Craig held the roles    Ethics for Australian Teachers provides
simply publishing a ‘privacy policy’ on         tributing to their own wellbeing. Good         of Industrial Officer at the Association of      an overview of the professional, legal and
your boarding school’s public website or        quality PD also has a positive impact on       Independent Schools of WA, was a principal       ethical issues teachers may encounter in
                                                                                               of a K-12 non-government school, deputy
putting a privacy collection notice on a        assisting senior boarding supervisors                                                           the classroom and the broader school
                                                                                               principal of a systemic school and has had
form. As part of its risk management pro-       to develop junior supervisors and their        teaching and leadership experience in both       environment. This book breaks down
cedures, boarding schools should ensure         decision to ‘stay’ at the school where they    the independent and Catholic school sectors.     the relevant case law, as well as state and
that all staff receive training about their     currently care for the boarders.               Craig is a board member of a Uniting Church      territory legislation and policy, through an
privacy obligations and the boarding                                                           school and is a regular presenter on behalf      accessible and reader-friendly approach to
school’s expectations with respect to the       Boarding schools want their boarding staff     of CompliSpace and other educational bod-        help readers navigate these complex issues.”   •   child protection and mandatory              guidance, and identification of when
management of personal information.             to be trained in compliance, they want         ies on issues relating to school governance,                                                        reporting                                   formal legal advice is appropriate.
                                                staff to receive training that adds value      school culture and leadership.                   The book reflects the teaching, as well        •   suspensions and exclusions
                                                to the boarding facility, develops exper-                                                       as legal, expertise of its authors, and the    •   criminal law                                The book concludes with a substantial
OTHER ISSUES TO                                 tise, makes the boarding houses safer for                                                       emphasis on ethics, as well as law, will be    •   cyber bullying                              list of References (many of which are
CONTEMPLATE                                     everyone and reduces risk.                                                                      of assistance to boarding house staff and      •   general ethical issues                      online-accessible); lists of Cases Cited
                                                                                                                                                managers. It is very worthy of publication     •   teacher registration                        and Legislation Cited; and then an Index.
Poor Training Records                           Both schools and their staff want online                                                        by Cambridge University Press.                 •   discipline of teachers                      The Index is detailed, and includes cases
                                                as well as face-to-face training. Face-to-                                                                                                     •   protection of teachers.                     and legislation, so navigation is facilitated.
A survey of schools in School Governance        face training will continue to be rele-                                                         Although not about boarding schools                                                            These useful features enable readers to
found that only 50 per cent of schools          vant for many reasons including where                                                           specifically, most of the topics are highly     Chapters are well organised, with head-         focus on their own State or Territory for
maintain all staff training records cen-        demonstrations are required and prac-                                                           relevant. Indeed, more so, because of the      ings, side notes, learning objectives, and      further detail, or to pursue a topic of par-
trally. Of the others, some records are         tical skills need to be developed and for                                                       24/7 responsibilities.                         scenarios for discussion.                       ticular relevance to them in greater detail.
kept centrally, and others are kept by staff.   the benefits of networking and work-
Where the school does keep records of           shopping with colleagues.                                                                       Following a succinct “overview” of the Aus-    So the book can be used as a “cover-to-         Conclusion
staff training, over 50 per cent used mul-                                                                                                      tralian legal system, chapters 1-13 address:   cover” text, as a one-topic only consulta-
tiple systems within the one school. Poor       Online training is great for staff conveni-                                                     • duty of care                                 tion, or (once familiar with it) to “zero in”   This book is strongly recommended. It is
boarding supervisor training records are        ence, the potential for an increased variety                                                    • privacy                                      for initial advice on a specific issue.          very reasonably priced (a little over $70)
a significant risk to a school.                  of courses that are available and enabling                                                      • discrimination                                                                               and can be obtained through a number of
                                                self-paced learning. Online learning also                                                       • health and safety                            Although clearly not to be treated as legal     online sites. It should be in every boarding
The Need for Online Training Not                reduces the substantial costs of having                                                         • family law                                   advice, it can greatly assist in general        school staff library, read and consulted. ■

12 | Lights Out - October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  13 |
10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association
in the face of all the mental health and        may not occur with the newer millennial       Our ideas work.
                                                                                                                                             social media issues that seem to arise          teaching cohort. We, who have been here
                                                                                                                                             on a weekly, and sometimes daily, basis.        for some time, are loyal, dependable and      We, those of age with experience, now
                                                                                                                                                                                             have a high level of expertise in so many     need to find ways to share our infinite
                                                                                                                                             Whilst not wanting to make out that we,         areas to do with residential life and young   wisdom with the new teaching millen-

Age and Experience in Boarding –
                                                                                                                                             born and educated in the last century, as       people as well as working in teams and        nials. We need to mentor and empower
                                                                                                                                             Gen X’s and Xennials should be heading          with families to promote the school and       our young colleagues to help us to step
                                                                                                                                             for the aged care home just yet, many of us     boarding. Families have so much confi-         back. The millennials need to be ready

Why Longevity Matters and                                                                                                                    who have been in boarding for some time
                                                                                                                                             may feel that our time is coming to an end
                                                                                                                                             as being 15 and in the Z or Alpha Gener-
                                                                                                                                                                                             dence in all that we do, and we are always
                                                                                                                                                                                             thankful for their support and they value
                                                                                                                                                                                             the relationship too. These are skills and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to take over the long hours and also keep
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the student ‘Gen Zs and Alphas’ busy at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           school and off their phones and computer

Should Make a Difference.                                                                                                                     ation, seems a long way from being 40
                                                                                                                                             or 50 - let alone 60. At least we recognise
                                                                                                                                             the Rubrics Cube as our 70s version of a
                                                                                                                                             fidget spinner! Somehow, we all manage
                                                                                                                                                                                             experience that cannot be taught at Uni-
                                                                                                                                                                                             versity or in a Masters’ degree and have
                                                                                                                                                                                             been learned by us over 20, 30 or 40 years
                                                                                                                                                                                             of teaching, collegial collaboration, mis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           games so boarding will always be full
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of real relationships, social connection,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           heartfelt belonging, fabulous friendships
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and many happy days and nights, fun
                                                                                                                                             to live harmoniously together under the         take making, and just being with young        times and events to be celebrated every
As each boarding year passes many staff working in the demanding role of a Boarding                                                          one roof, 24/7 for the school term. The old     people. We are teachers, sports coaches,      year. They need to be ‘on duty’ rather than
House supervisor in any capacity will ask the question – Can I go on for another year?                                                       wise expert and the young brave learner         boarding house supervises, homesick           on a timed shift as ‘on duty’ can happen
                                                                                                                                             can combine well under the umbrella of          experts, resident managers, bus drivers,      at any time and you may be needed.
                                                                                                                                             the school, under the roof of the boarding      motivational speakers, event co-ordina-       Community living, learning and relation-
AUTHOR:                                       of confident, knowledgeable guidance           and mobiles have replaced pretty much            house and the care of the boarding team,        tors, nurses, counsellors, travel agents,     ships are the keys to building and shaping
Jane Horne                                    and expertise and suddenly you again          everything else we used to use or do for         and with the appreciation and support           crisis workers, night shift workers,          a better boarding world – I hope I will
Head of Kunuwarra House,                      have renewed vigour for what may lie          fun before the 1990s – last century! All         of the parent.                                  cooks, cleaners and life skill coaches. So,   always have a role to play for young peo-
Geelong Grammar School                        ahead. You do this really well. This is now   the knowledge they think they will need                                                          our experience is of great value to any       ple who are moving into this constantly
                                              a calling not a job. So, the cycle continues, can be sourced from their back pocket.           We Gen X’s now work with millennials            boarding environment and our many             changing world. Even if I feel older, which
                                              and the wealth of experience remains.         Reach and Boardingware have sadly                who have been raised on a computer but          accomplishments, solid leadership and         I often don’t, I know I am wiser and for
                                              We who work in boarding full time are         removed the regular chat to home and             this device is not yet our ‘go to’ device all   extensive knowledge should be celebrated.     that I am forever thankful.

        he constant demands of the role,      unique and special people.                    have replaced the careful conversations          the time. The current Alphas don’t think
        the school, classroom teaching,                                                     with parents about trust and we no longer        they have a life if they are not online in      Many of us have changed or built a culture    Yes, I am wise, but its wisdom born of
        sport, co-curricular, the care of     The experience we slowly and organi- tick off lists located in clipboards. Emails              some capacity. We still love a good chat        within a boarding house, developed and        pain, yes, I’ve paid the price, but look how
        the students, the concerns of the     cally gain over the years, leads to more – 100s of them each week now dominate                 with an actual person. We met people in         expanded multiple education and well-         much I’ve gained. If I have to, I can do
parents, the inevitable long hours and        senior roles and some mentorship of our day - have made our landline phone                     real life, (IRL) we dated and then usu-         being programs, had a positive influence      anything – Helen Reddy, 1971. ■
the lack of a full weekend off or a quiet     millennials as they try the same job for sit quietly in the corner of the desk so we
uninterrupted night on a couch with the       a while before it becomes a calling for don’t chat to families or anyone much any
family start to have an impact on why we
choose to remain in such a full on job that
                                              them as it did for us many years before. more - it’s all done online.
                                              One thing that always remains at the core                                                               “Age is an issue of mind over
                                                                                                                                                       matter. If you don’t mind, it
we all love. This combined with our own       of working in a boarding house that can- Yet parents still want to meet, see and
personal health and wellbeing needs is        not be taught or even explained are the know the person who will be in charge
something we, who have been here for          relationships we make and the lives we of their child for up to six years. Does
many years, must consider.                    can change by being fully present. Seeing this person know what they are doing?
                                              each child, listening through the tears and Can I trust them with my child? What if
                                                                                                                                                     doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain.
So often we do say “Yes - lets go again       heart break, suggesting new strategies my child gets sad? What if they get sick?
for one more year” as we know that our        to growing teens, celebrating milestones How will they nurture my child in times               ally married them, or they are still our  on hundreds of young people and even
experience and confidence in the role that     and just being involved with young peo- of need? The same way you do - with                    actual friends, not just on Facebook. We ‘saved’ a few lives along the way. We have
we perform will be hard to match, and the     ple who are living a long way from home gentle experience, much care, constant                 sought longevity in our relationships and certainly changed some, hopefully for the
joy we find in the relationships we share      has very special rewards that potentially support, mutual respect and admiration               in our working roles rather than having   better. We have built relationships that are
trumps anything else we can think of          cannot be measured until the child is an for the skills we all bring to any develop-           many different careers. As women many     long lasting in hearts and in memories.
doing. The end of year hand-written cards     adult. “I know it’s hard now, but it will get ing relationship. We love what we do, and        of us did not think we would stay in the  We have learnt to look after ourselves
and beautifully wrapped gifts are full of     better and these will be the best days of we do it well as the relationships continue          workforce for this long, but times changedfirst so we function well and grow in our
gratitude and appreciation and highlight      your life one day. Trust me on this”.         to grow stronger.                                as we grew up through the 80s and had     roles and we have found ways to stay in
all you have done and how you have made                                                                                                      our own families in the 90s, we adapted   teaching and boarding by being able to
someone’s year the best year ever! Little     Over my time in boarding there have been        Whilst the ever changing cohort we care        and went back to work and now we can      balance commitments and combine work,
do they realise that we empowered them        so many changes to a boarders’ day-to-day       for seem to get younger, pluckier, more        all work until we are well into our 60s   family and leisure and keep our energy
and they did this themselves in the end.      life. The advent of computers replaced          self assured and super tech-savvy on the       and possibly our 70s - but should we?     levels high. We have also pivoted, shifted
The long holidays then arrive, a warm         research in books and libraries and the         socials, we continue to age gracefully with    Do young boarders in 2021 and beyond,     and adjusted as new teaching methods
and quiet destination chosen, the fam-        need for hand written essays and mak-           wisdom and knowledge at the heart of all       require younger staff to care for them in have come along, or even disappeared,
ily reunited, and we soon find ourselves       ing posters, screens have replaced the          our decision making and care and support       boarding? They absolutely need us all.    and still had the full support of our parent
refreshed and ready for another year with     joy of reading books and playing board          for all who come into our orbit. Bounda-                                                 cohort plus we have been able to bring a
a new cohort arriving from all over the       or card games, phones in hand have              ries still need to be set and probably set     For school boards and Principals, lon- fresh, new perspective to an old regime
country and overseas. New and nervous         replaced the one on the wall in the hallway     stronger than ever before to protect us all.   gevity in boarding indicates a commit- when required. Our flexibility at staying
families who need your particular type        that we used to line up for to call home        This task is becoming more challenging         ment and dedication to young people that new and relevant is also to be celebrated.

14 | Lights Out - October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             15 |
10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association
For Success (and Happiness) in a                                                                                                             A Confused Mind
Corporate Career,                                                                                                                            Says No.
it ’s Best to be Pear-shaped:
...and here's why:

Chris Croft
Chris Croft Training
                                              you will - and this requires organisation.
                                              Don’t try to keep everything in your head!     P   ush yourself out of your comfort zone:
                                                                                                 this is where most of your learning
                                                                                             will come from, as well as getting the sat-
                                              You need lists and systems, probably a
chris@chriscrofttraining.co.uk                master list, a daily list, and everything      isfaction of success, which then leads to
                                              written in your diary. Write everything        longer term happiness. Don’t be tempted
                                              down!                                          to stay safe, or be lazy, and turn down
                                                                                             challenges – you’ll pay a longer term price

P   ositive - there are no successful pes-
    simists. From Elon Musk and Richard       S    ow: you reap what you sow, so help oth-
                                                   ers at every opportunity, and be nice
                                                                                             for that in the end if you do.

Branson to, er, anyone you can think of,
they are all optimists. Because pessimists
don’t even START! And by the way intro-
                                              to everyone. Don’t make any enemies, this
                                              will only cost you in the end. Abundance
                                                                                             E   volve your job towards where you want
                                                                                                 it to be - by asking your boss if it’s OK
                                                                                             for you to do more of some things and
                                              mentality – there is enough for everyone,
verts can absolutely be optimists, just as                                                   less of other things. This could be at your
                                              and if you give ideas and help away, you’ll
much as extraverts can be, but may not                                                       appraisal or just generally during the year
                                              end up doing better than if you keep it all – or both. Maybe you can slowly move
                                                                                                                                             As I watch yet another Covid media conference, I’m reminded
be. And: other people respond best to
bosses who are positive and focus on the      to yourself.                                   your job towards towards your goals, and        of the importance of CLEAR communication.
good behaviour rather than the mistakes.                                                     even towards your Ikigai if you know what
So start with a belief you can do it, and
that other people can do it - then thank      H      ard - work hard is important – though yours is. If you can get rid of 10% of your
                                                     not a problem if you love your work. job that you don’t’ enjoy, or excel at, and if
                                              (And if you don’t love most of it most of the you can add 10% to your job of the things
                                                                                                                                             Mel Kettle
                                                                                                                                                                                            I feel like a lot of people forget this. I tweeted recently about how a couple of
                                                                                                                                                                                            Especially those who rely on email to – what I considered to be non-essential
people, admire people’s skill, compliment                                                                                                    Strategic Communication Expert                 communicate.                              – retailers were open during our latest
them on their victories however small, …      time it’s time to start looking). Get used to that you want to do and are good at, you         Speaker, Author, Mentor,                                                                  lockdown.
be the nicest person ever.                    working hard and build a mindset that says can change your job by 100% in five years!           Facilitator, Trainer                           I know I’ve said this before, but email
                                              it’s normal, and good for you. But not TOO                                                                                                    is for information NOT communication.      One of the responses I had said “Retail

E   asy to work with, including being low
    maintenance (there’s probably a need
                                              hard – you can burn yourself out if you go
                                              above about seven on the stressometer.         D    o -> Get -> Feel: get yourself in the
                                                                                                  good circle (where you do things you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       is not on the list of businesses that must
                                                                                                                                                                                            When you are communicating with your close so it’s open for individual interpreta-

for a whole blog post on this! Keep your                                                     like, get thanks and results, and feel good                   ithout wanting to get into       staff, suppliers and customers, ask your- tion by retailers if they open or not. Until

emails short, don’t ask for loads of infor-         s if self-employed. Learn and develop    about yourself and your work, so you do                       a comparison of the com-         self these questions:                      there’s a more definitive list issued by the
mation up front, don’t talk too much, etc)          yourself, your brain is all you’ve got. more…) rather than the bad one, where                          munication messages given        • What is the main thing you want peo- state govt of essential or non-essential
and always get back to people when you        It’s YOUR job to develop yourself, not you do the minimum work and get poor                                 by state leaders and Chief            ple to know?                           businesses, this will continue.”
said you would.                               your employer’s – though if they DO results, then you get negative feedback                    Health Officers, it IS a good opportunity      • How are you communicating the
                                              offer training, either it’s courses or online from your boss and your colleagues and           to learn a few lessons about what works            message and what communication “Individual interpretation”.

A   ppear in control – you get judged on
    appearances, a tidy desk and being
on time to meetings give an impression
                                              learning, take it!! Take all of it, as much as
                                              you can get. Treat everyone as a customer,
                                                                                             customers, and so you feel bad about your
                                                                                             work and yourself, which leads to…). Even
                                                                                             if you think the way you are currently
                                                                                                                                             and what doesn’t work when it comes to
                                                                                                                                             clear communication.
                                                                                                                                                                                                channels are you using?
                                                                                                                                                                                            • What do you want people to do?          What messages do you send out that are
                                              including your colleagues – it’s the opin-                                                                                                    • What language are you using?             open for individual interpretation?
of being ahead of the game. You’re more                                                      treated is unfair, don’t react and end up in    Communication is a two-way process.            • Where can they go to get more infor-
likely to be given that exciting important    ions of others that keeps you employed. the bad circle, but take control, and start
                                                                                                                                                                                                mation if they need it?                Perhaps it’s a good time to revisit how
project, and you’re more likely to be pro-    Make sure you always deliver on the the good circle. Nobody else is going to
                                                                                                                                             You have the sender, and you have the                                                     clear your communication actually is. ■
moted, if you are knocking your current       basics (reliability, good quality work) and change what THEY are doing, but YOU can.
                                                                                                                                             receiver. It’s a bit like playing tennis. It   With so many of us struggling with Covid
job out of the park.                          also some delight factor – going the extra                                                     needs two people on opposite sides of          overwhelm right now, it is more impor-
                                              mile, surprising people with a better job Onwards and upwards!                                 the court to work.                             tant than ever that our communication

R   eliable – always keeping your prom-
    ises, always doing everything you say
                                              than they were expecting, including some
                                              extras where possible.                         Chris ■
                                                                                                                                                                                            is clear.

16 | Lights Out - October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        17 |
10 Years of Boarding Toto the Wellbeing Dog, of Youth and Money - Australian Boarding Schools Association
space back to schools, alleviating the need    Uniform Labelling
                                                                                                                                         to allocate rooms for belongings on the        As labelling is an essential boarding
                                                                                                                                         premises and for a storage management          school requirement, SCS ensures all stu-
                                                                                                                                         system. It also allows schools to give their   dent uniforms are named, using their
                                                                                                                                         boarding houses a deep COVID-clean             labels which are ordered online. Schools
                                                                                                                                         before holiday lets and avoids exposing        no longer need to allocate rooms for lost

Student Concierge Services:                                                                                                              schools to the risk and insurance issues
                                                                                                                                         in leaving student belongings onsite.
                                                                                                                                                                                        property storage, allowing them to be able
                                                                                                                                                                                        to put this space to better use.

Embracing the New COVID-19 World                                                                                                         Items are housed in collapsible crates
                                                                                                                                         and cartons and are collected at the end
                                                                                                                                         of term and returned ready for the start
                                                                                                                                                                                        High School to University
                                                                                                                                         of the next. SCS storage management is         SCS can step in and bridge the gap between
                                                                                                                                         a seamless process that is greatly valued      the end of Year 12 and the onset of uni-
Danielle Pringle, Student Concierge Services’ Founder, knows all too well how                                                            by parents, as it ensures boarding life is     versity. Alleviating the cumbersome need
valuable peace of mind is to boarder parents - the comfort in knowing their children                                                     made easier for everyone.                      to transport all possessions home, SCS
                                                                                                                                                                                        can securely store belongings during the
are safe, secure and well looked after in their school boarding house. ‘Having                                                           Laundry and Dry Cleaning                       transitional period and deliver to the new
been a parent of boarding school children, I depended on the boarding house as a                                                                                                        student residence. This service has proved
                                                                                                                                         This fast-growing SCS service is in high       extremely popular with overseas and expat
substitute parent for our children - taking care of them as if they were at home.’                                                       demand and has assisted hundreds of            students. SCS can also assist with navigat-
                                                                                                                                         students across Australia, saving time,        ing border and quarantine requirements
AUTHOR:                                       SCS services have had an overhaul, and,      demand for both local and overseas stu-       money, and worry. Regional dry clean-          due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Danielle Pringle                              after surveying families, it is clear our    dents in Australian boarding schools. With    ers are slowly closing their businesses,
Director                                      services will be even more important for     the world opening up and countries forg-      giving families little option for cleaning     Contact and Testimonials
Student Concierge Services                    both schools and families going forward      ing ahead with high levels of COVID-19        uniforms. SCS offers a helping hand and
                                              into 2022. Secure storage gives schools      vaccination, the demand for schools will      peace of mind that uniforms will be spot-      Our clients love to say great things about
                                              the ability to let their COVID-cleaned and   start to open too. Our network is devoted     less and fresh on day one of term.             us! Should your school require a testi-
                                              clutter-free boarding houses over the hol-   to providing boarding school solutions                                                       monial commending SCS services and

       OVID-19 has changed how we see         iday periods and offer assurance belong-     for students and their families. Working      Dry cleaning, washing and ironing ser-         the support offered to boarding fami-
       the world, and we, too, have been      ings are safe. Laundry management and        closely with schools, agencies, students      vices are taken offsite by SCS, alleviat-      lies, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
       reviewing our business opera-          transport, travel and labelling services     and families, SCC specialises in support-     ing the need for laundry facilities and        info@studentconciergeservices.com.au
       tions and seeing where support is      ensure a superior product is extended to     ing, recruiting and retaining students at     processes in the school and freeing up         +61 425 323 500 ■
needed in schools and, most importantly,      prospective and existing students.           Australian boarding schools. Offering a       student time for study. Items are collected
for FAMILIES.                                                                              full 360-degree service, SCC utilises its     and delivered back to school promptly,
                                              Social Media                                 extensive education agency network to         ensuring students are always neat, clean
Student Concierge Services (SCS) is an                                                     market and promote Australian boarding        and presentable.
Australian-based boarding support ser-        The Boarding School Parents (Australia)      schools to international target markets.
vice assisting educational institutions and   Facebook page is growing, with nearly
their boarding students; both domestic,       1000 members in this closed group. The       In 2022, we will be proceeding with a vari-
expatriate and international. SCS pro-        pandemic has proved there is definitely       ety of events, giving schools opportunities
vides a vast range of services designed       a need for a parent platform in this com-    to showcase their boarding school offering
to aid schools in ensuring their boarding     munity where families can gain support,      in a varied environment. Due to COVID-19,
facilities are offering a first-class expe-    ask questions and source information on      events we were due to host with the NSW
rience and supporting the families on         boarding schools and life as a boarder.      Positive Rugby Foundation were cancelled
their journey.                                SCS encourages you to share this link with   but watch this space in 2022!
                                              your families. Boarding School Parents
SCS works with schools and universities       Australia: https://www.facebook.com/         Education Engine Room is the podcast we
across Australia, supporting their board-     groups/1731447680464992                      are launching in October 2021, focusing on
ing offering. Boarding students and their                                                  education, the stories behind the choices
families give prioritisation and consider-    If your boarding school has an article or    and opportunities in and around education.
ation to educational institutions offering    an event to share with this community,       There will be a focus on boarding schools
SCS support services, enabling schools to     please let us know, and we would be more     and other relevant information. Watch this
value-add and attract students based on       than happy to support your school.           space and the link to our podcast will be
their comprehensive boarding offering.                                                     shared on release and added to our website.
                                              Student Concierge Connect/
Since March 2020, we have been work-          Educational Consultancy                      COVID-clean and Avoiding Risk
ing with schools and families, support-                                                    Exposure
ing them through COVID-19 lockdowns,          Educating families on boarding school
ensuring children are home safely and         options is our priority - the benefits both   SCS stores student belongings safely and
have the support they need over this time.    long and short term. There is always a       securely offsite. This gives much-needed

18 | Lights Out - October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                        19 |
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