News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46

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News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46
October 2018

               News from the
               OA Society
               Girls at Aldenham
               Updates from the School
               News and Features
               Business Review
               Obituaries and tributes
News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46
News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46
                                                                             When I took on the role of Editor of the
                                                                             OA Review, I had no idea how much I
                                                                             would come to love this position. Writing
Aldenhamiana                                                                 this magazine is a labour of love, but one
No.46 October 2018                                                           that I wouldn’t change for the world.
Published by The Old Aldenhamian Society                                     Aldenham and its students have so much
Aldenham School, Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3AJ UK                           to offer in so many different ways, and I
Email:                                                      have had the privilege of being in touch
Web:                          with OAs from all over the world this year, and met many new,
Tel: +44 (0)1923 858 122                             fantastic people at OA events too. Aldenham’s community is one
                                                     of its main strengths, and I am so lucky to be able to immerse

                                                     myself in this through this magazine and the OA Society.
                                                          My job as Editor of this magazine would be infinitely harder
                                                     if it weren’t for my fantastic team, made up of Hugh Schermuly
                                                     (M1974-79), who once again has done an amazing job of
                                                     designing this issue, and who gives off such an aura of grace
                                                     and calm in everything he does; Sara Price (CR1987-2006) and

    2 From the OA Society
                                                     Lindsey Kelly (neé Hall) (P1985-87), who put up with some
                                                     hideous errors from me when proofreading articles, and bring
                                                     fresh, fantastic ideas to the table every issue; and the
2       From the President’s Desk                    wonderful ladies of the Marketing and Development and OA
                                                     Office: Ann Saffery, Jackie Wilkie, and Heather Sherman. I
4       OA Day                                       have all the encouragement and support anyone could need
                                                     from you three ladies, and your hard work does not go
7       Mentoring                                    unnoticed. Thank you all!
                                                          I would also like to thank James James-Crook (M1968-72),
15      Dates for Your Diary                         Headmaster James Fowler and the rest of the OA Committee
                                                     for their support, and particularly thank Richard Peart
16      Girls at Aldenham Feature                    (SHO1955-60) and Ian Luetchford (P1948-51) for their sharp
                                                     eyes when proof reading this magazine before it goes to print.

 17 From the School
                                                          Finally, thanks to all of the OAs who agreed to be featured
                                                     this year, and those who have been in touch with us since the
                                                     last OA Review was published. Not only have we had some
21      Letter from the Headmaster                   lovely messages about the articles in the magazine, we have
                                                     also received some fantastic personal stories. Thank you for
22      Exam results                                 sharing these with us. My thanks also go to Chris Tyson
                                                     (K1970-73) and his wife, June, son and daughter-in-law of Cyril
26      The Letchmore Trust Art Prizes               Tyson (CR1952-87), for donating a large amount of Aldenham
                                                     memorabilia to me and the OA and Development Office this
                                                     year. The collection had in it over 30 copies of The Aldenhamian,

 24 News and features
                                                     and information about OAFC and Camp Aldenham too, which
                                                     we will be using in articles in next year’s OA Review.
                                                          I hope you enjoy this copy of the OA Review. It has been a
32      OAs & Business Feature                       delight to write, and we would love to hear from you with your
                                                     thoughts on Issue 46. You can contact us at oas@aldenham.
43      WWI 100 years On                             com, or reach me directly at Please
                                                     get in touch, I love hearing from you!

 49 Obituaries and tributes
                                                          Have a fantastic year, and I look forward to meeting many of
                                                     you at upcoming OA Society events in the not so distant future.

49      List of Deaths
                                                     Lydia Chapman
50      Obituaries and tributes                      Editor, OA Review
News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46

                      The President’s Message
From the OA Society

                      This year marks the end of the First World War on 11 November, 100 years exactly
                      to the day, with a Service of Remembrance for the Aldenham community being                                          OA Society
                      held at the War Memorial in Letchmore Heath.                                                                        pin badge

                                  ne hundred and sixty three Old   the OA archives producing so far a list
                                  Aldenhamians and members of      of over 200 names of those who have
                                  Staff gave their lives for our   excelled in their chosen field of
                      tomorrow. Many were very young having        expertise.
                      either just left Aldenham or graduated           This October will mark sixty years
                      from university. Eleven families suffered    since the School Chapel was completed
                      the double tragedy of losing two sons.       and there are bronze plaques on the
                           Whilst attending Visitation Day in      walls commemorating some of those
                      June and meeting students on the cusp        OAs and teaching staff who lost their
                      of leaving Aldenham and embarking on         lives during WW1. How those
                      their life journey as OAs, I was reminded    unfortunate souls must marvel at the
                      of the numerous opportunities that lie       progress of both the School and the OA
                      ahead for them. The OA Mentoring             Society today.                              countries around the world. Earlier this
                      scheme comprising over 50 OA mentors,            Change is inevitable and, since being   year, GDPR proved an ideal opportunity
                      working closely with the School, is there    elected as OA President some eighteen       to do just that.
                      to help and guide existing students and      months ago, I have instigated some              I hope you will have noticed the
                      new OAs in their chosen career path.         changes including the improvement of        subtle changes to this year’s OA Review
                      A dedicated article features in this issue   the OA website; moving the OA Annual        and I applaud and acknowledge the
                      of the OA Review.                            Dinner to a Saturday accompanied at the     commitment of its Editor, Lydia
                           I offer my thanks to Vice President     pre-Dinner reception by a selection of      Chapman (P2010-12) and the talents
                      John Edwards (B1946-51) and Hon.             live music performed by current             of graphic designer, Hugh Schermuly
                      Secretary Frank Rogers (SHE1953-58),         students, OAs and members of the            (M1974-79) plus their team of proof
                      for their unstinting work in compiling a     School; recruiting younger OAs to the       readers in producing such an excellent
                      list of notable OAs which has involved       Committee and connecting with many          and newsworthy edition.
                      painstaking research trawling through        of the current 4,700 OAs in over 150            The OA Society’s close and supportive
                                                                                                               relationship with the School continues
                                                                                                               and, in line with the ethos of past
                         OA COMMITTEE MEMBERS                                                                  Presidents, every event involving both
                                                                                                               the OA Society and the School is
                         James James-Crook                               President
                         Neil Sutherland OBE DL                          Vice President                        approached with the same objectives –
                         Derick Burlingham Johnson                       Vice President                        to foster close alumni relations and to
                         John Edwards TD JP                              Vice President                        provide mutual support for various
                         John Ashley Cockett                             Vice President                        activities. Voluntary subscriptions
                         Ian Luetchford                                  Vice President
                                                                                                               continue on a regular basis and the
                         David Ronald Male CBE                           Vice President
                         Peter John Purton OBE                           Vice President                        OA Society kitty is largely made up of
                         Richard Wood                                    Vice President                        subscriptions from both new and
                         Frank Rogers                                    Hon. Secretary                        existing OAs plus voluntary donations
                         Richard Peart                                   Hon. Treasurer                        out of which salaries are paid for the
                         Chris Stern                                     OA Dinner
                                                                                                               running of the OA office; the production
                         Lydia Chapman                                   Editor, OA Review
                         David Hayes                                     Mentoring Scheme                      of the annual OA Review and its postage
                         Clare Yeabsley née McCarty                      Committee Member                      costs, though more OAs are now opting
                         James Fowler                                    Headmaster                            to receive an electronic version; the
                         Peter William Boorman                           Headmaster 1974-83                    updating of the website and donations
                         Michael Higginbottom JP                         Headmaster 1983-94
                                                                                                               to OA sports clubs. After that, there’s not
                         Stephen Robert Borthwick                        Headmaster 1994-2000
                         Richard Harman                                  Headmaster 2000-2006                  much left with the balance being invested.
                         Emma Murray                                     Assistant Head, Co-curricular         Despite uncertainty in the world, the OA
                                                                         Sixth Form & External Affairs         Society’s finances are sound.
                         Ann Saffery                                     Development & OA Manager                  Over the last 12 months, having
                         Jackie Wilkie                                   Development & OA Assistant
                                                                                                               attended funerals for a number of OAs, it
                                                                                                               has made me realise that, as part of the

News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46

OA Society, this can equate to a lifelong
connection with Aldenham and we are              Searching for Aldenham
a close knit community. I’m sure you all

                                                                                                                                           From the OA Society
have different memories of the School.
Whilst Aldenham is now quite different
from my day fifty years ago as a full time
boarder, the essence of the School               The Aldenham Archive is a treasure trove of photographs, School
remains the same.                                magazines, historical papers and other memorabilia.

    I look forward to welcoming many of
you at this year’s Annual OA Dinner on                     ver the last few years the          website using a unique member log-in
Saturday 10 November at the School.                        Aldenham Annual Fund                and then clicking on the Digital Archive
This is always a popular and enjoyable                     campaign has raised money to        tab. Members of the public who enquire
event and a great opportunity to catch           digitise much of the material that is         about family members are given
up with other OAs of all ages.                   currently in cupboards and boxes at the       temporary access for personal research.
    I would like to thank Ann Saffery and        School. As a result a digital archive,            The digital archive will continue to
Jackie Wilkie for their ongoing hard work        linked to a fully searchable website, has     grow and in time perhaps an Aldenham
and to thank the men and women of the            been created. This resource is used for       School Museum will develop as part of
OA Committee for their focused                   educational purposes as well as research      this project, to house original artefacts
dedication given on a voluntary basis.           and interest from the wider community.        and be available for students and
    I very much look forward to                  It may be accessed via the OA Society         visitors to enjoy.
connecting with you either electronically
or in person at a forthcoming OA event.
    As we go to print, I wish to pay tribute
to an eminent OA. Field Marshal The
Lord Vincent of Coleshill, GBE KCB DSO,
Richard Frederick Vincent (SHE1945-50)
who sadly passed away on 8 September
was one of the most distinguished OAs.
After serving with British Army of the
Rhine, he served with the
Commonwealth Brigade in Malaysia
during the Indonesia-Malaysia
confrontation. He commanded 12th
Light Air Defence Regiment in Northern
Ireland during the Troubles, for which
he was awarded the DSO, and later
commanded 19th Airportable Brigade.
He went on to be Vice-Chief of the
                                                  1917 Praeposters. (Seated front centre) Dr A H Cooke (Headmaster 1900-20)
Defence Staff in the late 1980s and then
Chief of the Defence Staff in the
aftermath of the Gulf War. He

                                                 Is it time to renew your
subsequently became Chair of the
Military Committee of NATO in the

                                                 OA subscription?
    Created a life peer in the 1996

Birthday Honours, Lord Vincent retired
from the House of Lords in 2016.                           ew membership subscription          annum although the Society would
Chancellor of Cranfield University; an                     arrangements were unanimously       welcome larger amounts.
inspirational Past President of the OA                     approved at the Society’s AGM
Society; Emeritus Governor of Aldenham           in 2002 to enable the Society to provide      If you left School in Summer 1997
School. Details of a Memorial Service will       members with an improved service, in          or before, you are invited to start
be available on the OA website in due            particular expansion and improvement          paying a voluntary annual
course. On behalf of the OA Society, I offer     of the OA website.                            subscription to the Society.
my sincere condolences to all his family.            All existing Life Members who left
    With my best wishes                          the School twenty years ago or more           Should you wish to start a voluntary
James James-Crook (M1968-72)                     are invited to pay a voluntary annual         annual subscription, please arrange
President, OA Society                            subscription to the Society.                  either online or by contacting the                    An appropriate sum would be £10 per           Development and OA Office.

News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46

                      OA Day
From the OA Society

                      KENNEDY’S AND MARTINEAU’S GAUDY

                      On Sunday 10th June 2018, over 100 people gathered in the                                   a sermon by OA Reverend Matthew
                      glorious sunshine for the annual OA Day, which this year was a                              Lawson (K1981-86). Guests sang lustily
                                                                                                                  throughout the service, and were even
                      Kennedy’s and Martineau’s Gaudy, celebrating 25 years since the
                                                                                                                  invited to sing the Aldenham School
                      opening of Martineau’s House, which is now attached to Kennedy’s.                           Song, which for some brought back

                                                                                                                  happy memories, and for others was
                              uests were welcomed with            ones. Afterwards, OAs were invited              a first time.
                              refreshments in The Wells Centre,   to take a look around Kennedy’s and                 OAs were then invited back to
                              hosted by the Headmaster,           Martineau’s, before enjoying a                  Martineau’s, where a drinks reception
                      James Fowler, where they were able to       Thanksgiving Service, given by Reverend         was held by Housemaster of Kennedy’s
                      reunite with old friends, and make new      Jos Perris (CR2017-Present), and                Richard Pineo (CR2016-Present), and

                                                                                                                    Jason Vallint (K1984-89) and Austin
                       Amanda Ingram, Tim Standbrook (K1976-81), Sofia Navelgas & David Ingram (K1976-81)           Galvin (CR1970-2006)

                                                                    Front: Rishi Nimal-Raj (K2004-11), Marcus Selvadurai (K2004-11),
                       Sally & John Gillman (K1969-73)              Adam Bloom (K2004-09) & Jo Pineo

News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46

Housemistress of Martineau’s Louise Gall      chicken or vegetable curry, served with      A wonderful day was enjoyed by all who
(CR2004-Present). Here, guests had the        homemade accompaniments, including           gathered there, and it was so lovely to
chance to mingle and chat with OAs of         bhajis, pakoras, poppadoms and raita,        see such a range of ages in attendance

                                                                                                                                       From the OA Society
all ages and eras at Aldenham, before         followed by strawberries, cream and          this year, from Geoffrey Prall (SHE1936-
James Fowler and President of the OA          shortbread. Guests then moved to the         40), aged 95, to Robert Curati-Alasonatti
Society, James James-Crook (M1968-72)         Cricket Pavilion, where they were able to    (K2003-12), aged 21. We look forward to
spoke on the School’s upcoming plans,         enjoy coffee, chocolates and scones          seeing many of you again next year.
and gave updates on the OA Society.           whilst watching the annual John Dewes
OAs then headed to a delicious lunch of       Cricket Match in the summer sunshine.

                                                                      Liz & Doug Bonn (SHE1964-69), John Edwards TD JP (B1946-51
 Matthew Lawson (K1981-86), James Goodwin (K1980-85)                  & VP OA Society) & Trevor Barton (K1971-75 & Chairman
 & Graeme Holt (K1981-86)                                             of Governors)

 Paul Kendall (K1976-81), Phil Lyndon (K1976-81), Sam Stenton         Miranda Kelly (née Stewart) (P1988-90), Clare Yeabsley (née
 & Chris Cernuschi (K1998-2005)                                       McCarty) (K1988-90) & Tanya Sweeting (née Webb) (K1988-90)

 Steve Edwards (K1985-90)
 & Adrian Timmins (K1986-90)                   John Dewes Cricket Match

News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46

                      Regional Lunch,
From the OA Society

                      43 guests gathered at The Old Lodge, Minchinhampton, near
                      Stroud, for a very enjoyable lunch on Wednesday 25th April 2018.

                                                                                                               Sue Hall, Nick Hall (K1962-67), Steve Goodwin
                                                                                                               (SHE1963-69), Tony Scott (SHE1963-68), Bob
                               he venue was recommended           victory by the U15 football team winning
                                                                                                               Kershaw (K1964-67) & Mary Kershaw
                               by Nick Hall (K1962-67), and       the Independent Schools Football
                               was perfect for the occasion.      Association Cup in March of this year; the
                      Set in the heart of Minchinhampton          golf team playing in the Independent
                                                                                                               Clockwise from front left: Diane Hayes,
                      Common, the restaurant had unrivalled       Schools Golf Association Match play final    Philip Chippindale (SHE1963-66), Emma
                      views of the Cotswolds, overlooking         in April; and a recent weekend hosted by     Murray (CR2017-Present), David Hayes
                      the five valleys.                           Aldenham when Sixth Form students            (SHO1963-68), Simon Freeman
                         The party started at 12 noon with        cared for and entertained a group of         (SHO1961-66) & Angela Maynard
                      drinks on arrival, and an hour to meet      severely disabled children. He
                      together; for some it was the first time    highlighted the excellent outcome of
                      in many years. A tasty three course lunch   the latest ISI Inspection, which took
                      was accompanied by much laughter and        place in December 2017, and also a
                      interaction between friends, sharing        report in the Good Schools Guide which
                      memories and personal stories.              describes our current pupils as among
                         The Headmaster addressed the crowd       the happiest they have met.
                      and updated them on life at Aldenham           After lunch there was still more
                      today. He gave a clear picture of how the   convivial chatter before most guests
                      School continues to thrive and provide      departed, and some prepared for an
                                                                                                               Richard Blake (M1949-53) John Edwards
                      an environment that the current             overnight stay at the venue. Great
                                                                                                               (B1946-51 & Vice President, OA Society)
                      students obviously enjoy. The success       enjoyment was had by all, and another        & Alan Oliver (SHO1944-49)
                      stories he shared included an historic      regional luncheon will be held next year.

News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46

Richard Platt Society

                                                                                                                                          From the OA Society
Members of the Richard Platt Society have all kindly left a gift in their
Will to the School.

                                              Peter was only at Aldenham for three            enable it to offer academic, cultural and
                                              terms and had many wonderful                    sporting facilities that will attract the
                                              memories including an Easter holiday            quality of student that is synonymous
                                              trip to France in a 1929 London Taxi.           with Aldenham.
                                              The teacher in charge was Geoffrey Bolt
                                              (CR1947-65). Peter said about his time          If you would like more information
                                              at Aldenham: “That was the wildest year         please contact the Development
                                              of my young life. Thanks Aldenham!”             Manager, Ann Saffery
                                              Richard Platt himself left orders in his Will   Aldenham School, Elstree
                                              for the establishment of the School to          Hertfordshire
A gift was received in July 2018 from         acknowledge his own fortune. Whatever           WD6 3AJ
Peter Shoup (SHE1950-51), via a grant         the reason and whatever the gift, a
from the British Schools and Universities     commitment of this sort will provide the        Tel: 01923 851612
Foundation in the USA. As an American,        School with a secure Bursaries Fund and         Email:

The OA Mentoring Review 2018
It has been another busy year in the world of OA Mentoring with
several exciting new initiatives in the pipeline.

             e have had a very                will gladly become involved with talks          to use your own work/life experiences to
             encouraging response from        and interactive sessions at the School.         help others in their chosen careers or in
             a number of young OAs               We are still looking for many more           making career decisions.
who have volunteered to become                young OAs who would be willing to                  Update your personal profile,
mentors and have helped several Sixth         become mentors so please do contact             including further education and
Form students and recent school leavers       Ann Saffery in the School Office                employment details via the OA website:
by giving one to one support as well          ( if you would like  
as careers talks and work experience
   We are now working more closely
with the School Careers Development
Office – Emma Murray (CR2017-Present)
and Aysen Tekin (CR2017-Present) –
to help create new mentoring
opportunities in conjunction with
careers development programmes
and we have designed an OA
Mentoring leaflet which is enclosed
with this magazine.
   The mentor/mentee relationship can
be long lasting or brief according to the
needs and wishes of the mentee. Mentors
will help with basics such as interview
techniques and CV drafting and will
provide ongoing support and guidance.
                                               Simon Frais (P2001-06) & Isaac Okeowo (L20013-17)
We cover a wide range of careers and

News from the OA Society Girls at Aldenham Updates from the School News and Features Business Review Obituaries and tributes - ISSUE 46

                      OA Annual Dinner 2017
From the OA Society

                      On the 25th November 2017, Aldenham School had the pleasure
                      of welcoming back 85 guests for the annual Old Aldenhamian
                      Society Dinner.

                                                                   Grace was said by John Edwards             The Principal Guest Speaker was
                                                                   (B1949-51). Guests enjoyed the three       Headmaster James Fowler, who talked
                                                                   course meal, as judged by the clean        of the changes at Aldenham since
                                                                   plates and happy faces afterwards.         Geoffrey Prall was born in 1922, and he
                                                                      Guests were then invited to wish        invited Geoffrey to speak about his
                                                                   Geoffrey Prall a very happy birthday,      experience of School, which captivated
                                                                   when he was presented with a gift from     all who heard it. Boys, he said, had just
                                                                   the School by then Head Girl Phoebe        one bath a week, wore grey woollen
                                                                   Altman (P & R2011-17).                     socks that needed to be darned

                       Geoffrey Prall (SHE1936-40) with his
                       birthday cake

                               his was a very special occasion,
                               particularly for one guest,
                               Geoffrey Prall (SHE1936-40),
                      who celebrated his 95th birthday on
                      the day of the dinner. He celebrated by
                      bringing a large cake, adorned with
                      the Aldenham School crest, to share
                                                                    Sara and Iain Wilson-Soppitt (P1958-61)
                      with everyone.
                          There was a change to the pre-dinner
                      entertainment this year, with a short
                      concert being held in The Wells Centre,
                      featuring music to please all tastes.
                      Guests were entertained with drinks and
                      music including performances of songs
                      by Queen and Beethoven on the electric
                      guitar, as performed by three current
                      students of the School, as well as singing
                      performances from OAs Alice Erman
                      (P2005-12) and Vicki Garson (P2010-12).
                      The concert ended with a few
                      Christmas songs, which required
                      audience participation, and got
                      everyone into the mood for an evening
                      of fun and enjoyment.
                          The Dining Hall was bedecked in
                      McGill’s colours, at the request of our
                                                                    John Edwards (B1946-51, Vice President of the OA Society) and Frank Rogers
                      new President of the OA Society, James
                                                                    (SHE1953-58, Honorary Secretary of the OA Committee)
                      James-Crook (M1968-72). The School


regularly, and he didn’t see his father for
two years after being dropped at School
at the age of just 13. The guests were in

                                                                                                                                       From the OA Society
awe of Geoffrey’s experiences, and
entertained by his story of being
selected to play the part of Portia in a
School production of The Merchant of
Venice, and then bumping into the
Master who had given him that part in
Australia, when he was in the Navy
during the war. Geoffrey finished his
speech by commending the Headmaster
and the Governors in all that they have
done to help make Aldenham School
                                                 David Hayes (SHO1963-68), Charles Tubbs (SHE1969-73), Neil Sutherland (1966-70)
the place it is today.
                                                 and Lin Sutherland
    James James-Crook then offered his
congratulations to Andrew Rennie
(M2006-13), who became Regional Fives
Champion, the first OA to have gained
this title, as well as thanking members of
the OA Golf Society and the newly
formed OA Choir for attending in such
good numbers.
    2017’s OA Dinner was another great
success, and the date is set for Saturday
10 November for the 2018 gathering.
If you would like to attend then please
get in touch with us. We look forward to
seeing you there!

                                                 Andrew Rennie (M2006-13) with his trophies

New OA                                                                                    OA
Website                                                                                   Choir
Coming                                                                                     Do you like to sing? Did you
                                                                                           know that Aldenham has an

                                                                                           OA Choir?

                                                                                               f you are looking for a sociable,
                                                                                               fun choir experience, with other

                                                                                               members of our wider Aldenham
        fter a discussion in January this                                                  community, then why not get in touch
        year, the OA Society website                                                       with the OA Choir at oachoir@outlook.
        ( is                                                        com. The choir, conducted by ex-Head
currently undergoing a revamp, and a                                                       of Music at Aldenham School John
new website, in keeping with the current                                                   Wyatt (CR1994-2016), intends to
Aldenham School website, will be                                                           perform several times throughout the
launched in the coming months. Keep                                                        year, singing a range of different music.
your eyes peeled!                                                                          Get in touch today!


                      Old Aldenhamian Lodge
From the OA Society

                      After leaving Aldenham, Simon Mitchell (K1970-73) embarked
                      upon an electronic engineering apprenticeship and is currently
                      responsible for business development of crowdsourcing business
                      intelligence solutions for mobile operators.

                            imon joined the Old Aldenhamian      Q3: Why did you join?                       business of the Lodge is undertaken,
                            Lodge in 1999 having seen a small    The Lodge meets four times a year and is    which includes ceremonies, updates on
                            article in the Aldenhamiana, and,    an opportunity to be part of a charitable   the members, charitable news and a
                      having been a member of the Lodge for      organisation that makes a significant       review of initiatives for the good of the
                      17 years, was appointed Secretary in       impact to the community at a local and      Lodge and masonic charitable
                      2018. A keen supporter of the OA           national level. The Lodge, being a          objectives. Afterwards, we dine at the
                      Society, Simon frequently attends OA       member of the Public School Lodges’         RAF Club, Piccadilly with PSLC guests.
                      Society events, including this year’s      Council (PSLC) community, affords an
                      OA Day, Kennedy’s Gaudy, reuniting with    opportunity to meet sister schools and      Q6: How can one find out more about
                      many of his peers from the early 1970s.    establish new friendships.                  the Lodge?
                                                                                                             There are a number of white table dining
                      Q1: How old is the Old Aldenhamian         Q4: Tell me about the PSLC community?       events where non-masons who are
                      Lodge (OAL4884)?                           In 1909, the Standing Committee of the      friends, wives, partners and so on are
                      The OAL4884 is the oldest OA society       Public School Lodges was founded by         especially welcome. This is an
                      group, having been consecrated on the      the Lodges of Westminster,                  opportunity to enjoy a social evening
                      15th December 1926. It was sponsored       Charterhouse, Cheltenham, Sherborne         with fine dining and to meet the
                      into Freemasonry by the Old Brightonian    and Clifton to promote and disseminate      members of the Lodge. More details can
                      Lodge and later on into the Public         Public School Freemasonry.                  be found at
                      Schools Lodge Council (PSLC) by the            The title of Public School Lodges’      OAFreeMason.
                      Old Tauntonians.                           Council was adopted in 1936. There are
                                                                 35 Lodges represented on the Council        Q7: What activities are associated
                             Old Aldenhamian Lodge               that include sister school names such as    with the PSLC?
                                                                 Harrow, Rugby, Stowe, and Uppingham.        The highlight of the PSLC year is the
                                                                 The Council has funds at its disposal for   PSLC Festival, hosted by a sister school.
                                                                 Benevolent and Scholarship purposes.        These events are very well supported
                                                                                                             and enjoyed by non-members who are
                                                                 Q5: What happens in a typical               regular attendees. The PSLC 2018 Festival
                                                                 meeting?                                    was hosted at Clifton College, with a
                                                                 The Lodge meetings are held four times      trench warfare theme noting this as the
                                                                 a year in London during which the           centenary of the end of the Great War

                                      No. 4884
                         (Consecrated 15th December 1926)
                          Grand Patron of the Royal Masonic
                               Benevolent Institution

                      Q2: Who is eligible?
                      The Lodge was established primarily for
                      the benefit of Old Aldenhamians – past
                      scholars of Aldenham School – Masters
                      and Governors past and present, and any
                      other persons who have rendered
                      special service to, or are intimately
                      associated with Aldenham School and/
                                                                  Lodge members supported by visitors from Old Rugbian, Old Salopian (Shrewsbury
                      or the Old Aldenhamian Lodge and are
                                                                  School) and Old Westminster Lodge at our June 2018 meeting
                      recommended by the Lodge committee.


                                                 Women Freemasons (OWF), that are for
                                                 women only. Much like the WI and the          Honorary
                                                 Round Table, the United Grand Lodge

                                                                                                                                              From the OA Society
                                                 of England (UGLE) has chosen to keep
                                                 membership in line with tradition and
                                                 personal choice by our membership             This year the OA Society made five staff
                                                 noting the by-laws of the Old                 members of Aldenham Honorary OAs.
                                                 Aldenhamian Lodge fall under the              Charlotte Martin (CR2012-18), Head of
                                                 constitution of the UGLE.                     Drama; Flora Richards, teacher of
                                                                                               Religious Studies; Alexis Shead, Head of
                                                 Q10: What positive impact has                 Science; Alex Smith (CR2012-18); and
                                                 Freemasonry had on society?                   Kate Watts (CR1992-2017), who was
                                                 We are one of the biggest charitable          guest speaker during the Chapel Service
                                                 givers in the country, contributing over      at last year’s OA Day. Kate, who retired
                                                 £33 million every year to charitable          last year, and her husband David Watts
                                                 causes. Kindness has always been a core       (CR1991-2017), have both spent a
                                                 principle of Freemasonry. Individuals         significant portion of their careers at
                                                 give time and money to help others,           Aldenham.
                                                 whether locally, nationally or globally.
                                                 It may be realising a dream for a child,
                                                 caring for older people, volunteering on
                                                 a local community project, making
OAL4884 Worshipful Master Ash Gorecia            donations to other UK charities or
(P1998-2004) and Mrs Gorecia upon                responding to an international disaster
arrival at Clifton School for the PSLC2018       appeal. As well as our central charity, the
Festival paying their respects to Field
                                                 Masonic Charitable Foundation,
Marshal Haig.
                                                 additional support is constantly given to
                                                 thousands of local and national charities
and Field Marshal Douglas Haig, who              through individual members, Lodges
was an old boy of Clifton. During chapel,        and Provinces. Beneficiaries are
there was a rousing speech by an                 effectively split between Masonic and
eminent WW1 historian who spoke                  non-Masonic charities.

about the public schools CCF
contribution to the front line officer           Q11: What are your plans for the
corps, leading their men over the top            OAL4884?

having a strong sense of duty and                We are fortunate to have a healthy age
service imbued in them from their time           and demographic spread in the Lodge

                                                                                               40s and
at the school.                                   and are looking to promote more visitor
                                                 activity between our meetings in
Q8: What takes place between

                                                 supporting sister PSLC schools just as
meetings?                                        we benefit from their support at our
In short a lot of preparation for the next       meetings. I am delighted with our
meeting but also supporting meetings at          membership who represent the School
local provincial Lodges and sister schools.      with honours within the PSLC                  Calling OAs at Aldenham
I have always been a keen student of history     community and the strong committee            during the 1940s and 1950s!
so was delighted to attend a meeting at          teamwork without which we could not

Cholmeley Lodge (Highgate School),               function. There has been a reported
who dine in the Great Hall at St Barts           surge in new joiners within the PSLC                  ollowing on from the success of
Hospital, and Westminster Lodge, who             sister school community and the Old                   the first edition of Platt Revisited
dine in a room annexed to Westminster            Aldenhamian Lodge would be delighted                  20s and 30s, the OA Society has
Abbey, where Edward III and his eldest           to receive enquiries related to               agreed to run a second edition: Platt
son, the Black Prince, held court.               membership, masons looking to visit and       Revisited 40s and 50s.
                                                 white table events to include guests that         If you would like to have your School
Q9: Are women allowed to join                    are not masons.                               anecdotes and memories recorded in
Freemasonry?                                                                                   this edition, please get in touch with the
Yes – there are two Grand Lodges,                Simon Mitchell (K1970-73)                     OA Society: We
The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient             Old Aldenhamian Lodge 4884, Secretary         look forward to hearing your favourite
Freemasons (HFAF) and The Order of               Email:                stories from School!


                      Old Aldenhamian Golfing Society
From the OA Society

                      HALFORD HEWITT 2018                           (M1989-94) who re-joined the squad            had swung and they lost at the 17th. So
                      Thursday 5th April 2018                       after a few years’ absence.                   once again, Berkhamsted just managed
                      (1st Round) v Berkhamsted at Royal Cinque        James Sturridge and Stephen Kendall        to beat us but we certainly gave them a
                      Ports, Deal                                   had a comfortable win but our 3rd and         real fright. Next time, I feel sure we will
                      Result: Lost 1½ – 3½                          4th pairs came up against some stern          get our revenge!
                      Team:                                         opposition and eventually had to accept
                      JT Surridge & SMR Kendall     Won             a negative win. Our 5th pair, Shon            Friday 6th April 2018
                      WJ Kirby & DM Andrews         Halved          Williams (M1975-80) and Adam                  (Plate 1st Round) – OAGS v Felsted at
                      BP Thrussell & JNB Wells      Lost            Thrussell (B1992-97), were 3 up after 9       Princes, Sandwich
                      JMB Clemow & OE Baker         Lost            holes and were odds on favourites for a       Result: Lost ½ – 2½
                      SGO Williams & AJ Thrussell Lost              win so it seemed that overall victory         Team:
                                                                    would depend on the outcome of a              JT Surridge & NJM Corbett       Lost
                      This year, we were again drawn against        superb match involving our 2nd pair,          DM Andrews & O Baker            Halved
                      Berkhamsted, our arch Hertfordshire           Dan Andrews (B2000-07) and Will Kirby         SGO Williams & AJ Thrussell Lost
                      rivals. Despite being without Robert          (L2006-11). It was extremely close with
                      Alter (B1988-91), David Rawlinson             Berkhamsted going 1 up and Aldenham           It is always difficult having to pick oneself
                      (B1988-93) , Joel Bloomfield (SH&L1987-       then getting it back to all square with       up from the disappointment of the
                      92) and Jon Stott (L1994-99), we still had    some fantastic golf, particularly at the      previous day’s defeat. We came up
                      an impressive team with two new               14th and 17th holes. All the OA               against a good Felsted side in the 1st
                      members. Oli Baker (K2011-16) , who           spectators – including OAGS President         round of the Plate – they reached the
                      only recently left Aldenham, is a talented    Ian Wilson-Soppitt (P1958-61) and OAS         quarter finals and were knocked out by
                      golfer and we also welcomed Stephen           President, James James-Crook (M1968-          Edinburgh Accies. Well done everyone,
                      Kendall (K1978-81) who left school a          72) – watched Dan and Will halve the          Aldenham was well represented.
                      little earlier than Oli but is also a great   18th and 19th holes. However, after
                      golfer and won his first ever match in the    driving from the 20th tee, news began to
                      Halford Hewitt. A big welcome to them         come in that Shon and Adam had not
                      and to Jason Clemow (K1985-90), Jamie         been able to hold on to their lead and, as    Ian Eggleden
                      Wells (M1990-95) and Nick Corbett             so often happens in golf, the pendulum        Hon Secretary OAGS April 2018

                      OA Golf Tour to France
                            n October 2017, the OAGS
                            competed in France, playing the two
                            courses in Omaha Beach and Caen.
                      The team, consisting of 11 OA golfers
                      including 85 year-old Robert Buckley
                      (P1946-50), played at Hayling Island
                      before setting off for France from
                      Portsmouth for their 22nd Tour since the
                      first OAGS Tour was arranged by Bob
                      Coombes (SHE1944-47) in 1995.
                          The team performed exceedingly
                      well, with Neil Melvill (K1965-70) and
                      Mark Weatherhead (M1954-57) winning
                      the Prevost Salver on the final day of the
                      competition, with a score of 37 points.
                      Congratulations to all who took part.

                                                                     The OAGS enjoying dinner in France during the tour


THE GL MELLIN                                   couldn’t get the second point we needed.        The Peter Burles Plate (Over 65s)
TOURNAMENT 2018                                    It was a wonderful week and we did           12 July 1st Round v Loretto at West Hill
It could have been us!                          really well. My thanks to the players for all   Result: Won 1½ – ½

                                                                                                                                              From the OA Society
    This was a year when we might have          their sterling efforts in maintaining and       Team:
reached the Final of all 3 age categories       enhancing the reputation of our great           RJ Morris & ND Melvill        Halved
but somehow the final putts just would          School.                                         PJ Easby & IR Eggleden        Won 3&2
not fall in the hole.                              Hanc Aldenham!
    Roger Cooke (B1952-56) and Jeremy           Ian Eggleden                                    13 July Semi Final v Felsted at West Hill
Irwin (SHO1954-58), as defending                Hon Secretary OAGS                              Result: Lost ½ – 1½
champions of the Bunny Millard Salver                                                           Team:
(for players over age 75), reached the          Here are the individual results.                RJ Morris & ND Melvill         Lost 1 down
final again. They took the match against        The Bunny Millard Salver (Over 75s)             PJ Easby & IR Eggleden         Halved
Downside to the 18th hole but just              12 July at West Hill
missed out on what would have been              Result: Qualified 2nd for Semi-Final with       The GL Mellin Salver (Over 55s)
another famous victory.                         24 points                                       13 July 1st Round v Lancing at West Hill
    In the Peter Burles Salver (for players     Team: RRWB Cooke & JJ Irwin                     Result: Won 2 – 1
over age 65) we reached the Semi Final                                                          Team:
of the Plate competition and narrowly           13 July Semi-Final v Felsted at West Hill       RD Hall & I Dowdeswell       Lost
lost to Felsted with both matches going         Result: Won 2 – 1                               JDL Yule & PH Yule           Won
to the 18th hole. In fact, all 6 matches                                                        SC Lewis & I Wilson-Soppitt Won
went to the 18th apart from one which           14 July Final v Downside at West Hill                                        (at 21st hole)
we won at the 16th hole.                        Result: Lost 1 down
    In the Mellin Salver (for players over                                                      13 July 2nd Round v Haileybury at West Hill
age 55) we won a memorable 1st Round            The Peter Burles Salver (Over 65s)              Result: Lost 1 – 2
match against Lancing with Steve Lewis          12 July 1st Round v Lancing at West Hill        Team:
(B1970-75) and Ian Wilson-Soppitt               Result: Lost ½ – 1½                             RD Hall & I Dowdeswell      Lost
(P1958-61), our President, winning at the       Team:                                           JDL Yule & PH Yule          Won
21st hole. We had to face Haileybury in the     RJ Morris & ND Melvill       Halved             SC Lewis & FC Simeons       Lost
2nd Round and although the Yule brothers,       PJ Easby & IR Eggleden       Lost 1 down
Paul Yule (SHE1969-74) and John Yule
(SHE1966-71), won their match (after
winning in the 1st Round as well), we just

The Aldeburgh Mini-Tour 2018
        hanks to Nick Holt’s (B1955-59)         foursome matches set off. To nobody’s           Here are the individual results.
        efficient organisation, not to          astonishment, there were winners
        mention his local influence as a        and losers (see below) but Paul Yule and        Tuesday
member of Aldeburgh Golf Club, nine             Neil Melvill were the only players to win       PH Yule + CJ Thwaites
OA golfers met on a glorious sunny              on both days so many congratulations            beat
Tuesday at noon. After a light(ish)             to them.                                        I Wilson-Soppitt + PV Bailey
lunch, two foursome matches set off                 We finished our mini-tour with a
to face the challenge of the linksy             two-course lunch in the beautifully             ND Melvill + RJ Buckley
Aldeburgh course with its rather                refurbished clubhouse. This gave us the         beat
unfriendly gorse but with lovely views          strength to face the journey home to            DWS Hayes + IR Eggleden
of the Alde river estuary.                      various parts of the country such as
    We all met up in the evening at the         Worcestershire, Norfolk and London or           Wednesday
Wentworth Hotel where we dined well             around the M25 to Hertfordshire,                PH Yule + IR Eggleden
and set about severely depleting their          Middlesex, Surrey and Sussex. Everyone          beat
stock of Chablis before retiring to a           agreed that it had been a first class Tour.     I Wilson-Soppitt + RJ Buckley
comfortable B&B owned by another                    Thanks to Nick and Hanc Aldenham!
Aldeburgh member.                                                                               ND Melvill + NO Holt
    Wednesday morning was cooler                                                                beat
with a fresh sea breeze – welcomed by                                                           DWS Hayes + CJ Thwaites
some but not by those with a slice,             Ian Eggleden
controlled or otherwise – and two more          Hon Secretary OAGS


                      Old Aldenhamian Football Club
From the OA Society

                      Both the OAFC teams have been very inconsistent this year. The
                      first team epitomised this towards the end of the season with
                      some great results against very strong opposition like Old
                      Harrovians, but equally have shown some incredibly lacklustre
                      displays, like the match against Old Bradfieldians.

                               he 1st team did finish strongly    A hard earned 1-1 draw against Old             Thanks to the OAFC Committee, who
                               though with a double header        Salopians in south west London, with           work hard to make sure the club
                               victory over Old Wellingtonians    a 49-year-old Nick Baker (K1982-87)            functions and runs well to enable the
                      and six points to end the season in a       temporarily coming out of retirement           OA footballers to play their matches
                      respectable middle of the table position.   to play centre forward, was a particular       every week. A special thanks to Patrick
                      The next challenge for Sam Kaye             highlight. Two victories over Old              Harding (L1997-2002), who, on top of
                      (P2001-08) will be how he can take the      Sennockians towards the end of the             being the Vice Chairman on the OAFC
                      team from being a mid-table team to         season meant the 2nd team ended                Committee, also serves as the Arthurian
                      challenging for promotion at the top.       the season on a high.                          League Committee Secretary.
                          In his first (and last) season as 2nd       Recruitment has been good again                I’d like to take this opportunity to say
                      team captain, Will Collier (P & B2003-10)   and a large thank you has to go to             thanks once again to the Headmaster,
                      led the 2nd team well. Last season,         Sam Pennycook (CR2009-Present) for             the OA Society and the school
                      Division 3 was arguably the toughest in     his fantastic support liaising between         groundsmen for all the vital support they
                      the Arthurian League and, after a very      the OAFC and the schoolboys, even              give the club through the season. It is
                      rocky start where the team didn’t win a     acting as a taxi service for them in           greatly appreciated by all the members
                      game up until November, the 2nd team        one match in West London! I am                 of the OAFC.
                      then went eight games unbeaten.             delighted that Sam has agreed to
                      They went from being probable               become School Liaison Officer for the          Martyn Berg
                      relegation candidates to surviving          OAFC and I am sure he will be a valuable       Chairman
                      and simultaneously relegating Old           asset to the schoolboys and the club           Old Aldenhamian Football Club
                      Haberdashers, which was a nice bonus.       in this role.                                  Est. 1905

                         The Arthurian League
                         28-Apr-18      Division 1                Old Aldenhamians I               2         Old Wellingtonians                   1
                         21-Apr-18      Division 1                Old Wellingtonians               0         Old Aldenhamians I                   1
                         07-Apr-18      Division 1                Old Bradfieldians                7         Old Aldenhamians I                   1
                         10-Mar-18      Division 1                Old Aldenhamians I               2         Old Harrovians                       1
                         03-Feb-17      Division 1                Old Aldenhamians I               3         Old Brentwoods                       7
                         27-Jan-18      Division 1                Old Reptonians                   6         Old Aldenhamians I                   1
                         20-Jan-18      Division 1                Old Aldenhamians I               2         Old Bradfieldians                    8
                         13-Jan-18      Division 1                Old Malvernians                  2         Old Aldenhamians I                   2
                         06-Jan-18      Division 1                Old Cholmeleians                 5         Old Aldenhamians I                   0
                         02-Dec-17      Division 1                Old Aldenhamians I               4         Old Berkhamstedians                  3
                         25-Nov-17      Division 1                Old Aldenhamians I               2         Old Cholmeleians                     2
                         18-Nov-17      Division 1                Old Berkhamstedians              3         Old Aldenhamians I                   0
                         04-Nov-17      Division 1                Old Aldenhamians I               3         Old Malvernians                      1
                         07-Oct-17      Division 1                Old Harrovians                   7         Old Aldenhamians I                   0
                         23-Sep-17      Division 1                Old Brentwoods                   7         Old Aldenhamians I                   1
                         09-Sep-17      Division 1                Old Aldenhamians I               4         Old Reptonians                       1


Fives: Heath Tournament

                                                                                                                                            From the OA Society
           n Sunday 10th June, OA Day,          But the Heath Tournament is not easy           semi-final win, and they continued their
           the Fives Heath Tournament           to win. The draw is random, and the            hard hitting attacking game. The match
           took place at Aldenham School,       players are unlikely to be paired with         could have run away from Emily and
with many familiar faces taking part. The       players that they have regularly               Graham, giving a disappointingly
starting lineup included 10 Aldenhamians        partnered. The need to adapt to and fit        one-sided final, but they dug in and
and 14 invited guest players.                   with the strengths and weaknesses of           managed to slowly claw their way back
    At 2pm the courts were full, the sun        your partner is vital and all in 25            into contention with a combination of
shining, and the BBQ already in place.          competitive minutes.                           consistently good cutting and return of
The general bonhomie was palpable and               By the second round, the favourites        cut to reach 8-8. The next point proved
everyone was ready for an afternoon of          had fallen away at a surprising rate, and      vital and after Jack hit a back court shot
exercise and friendly competition. The          moving into contention were Emily              just out, Emily and Graham moved into
traditional format was retained: each pair      Scones and Graham Pulsford (M1971-             the lead for the first time. From this
played three matches of 25 minutes              75), Andrew Rennie (M2006-13) and              moment, their concentration never
using normal game scoring, and the pair         Jack Travers (CR2015-Present), and             wavered, and they kept the rallies going
with the most points in total over the          Karren Hird and Carl Rennie.                   and the pressure on their opponents.
25 minutes was the winner. The two                  The best of the semi-finals saw the        Emily’s all court game proved to be
unbeaten pairs then contested a                 annual ‘Battle of the Brothers’, with Karren   impressively consistent with few – if any
25-minute final as the BBQ warmed up.           Hird and Carl Rennie against the hard-         – unforced errors and the Highgate/
    In an open draw, the ‘top four’ players     hitting Andrew Rennie and Jack Travers.        Aldenham pair had opened a 5-point
were kept apart, and this produced              The latter pair took an early lead and the     winning margin at the final whistle.
some intriguing parings. Initial bookies        sheer power of their play was enough to            The James Fredenham Trophy was
favourites were Rubel Mallik (B1996-            secure a four-point win over their tiring      aptly presented by James Fredenham
2003) and Michael MacGeogh, and in              opponents and a well-earned victory.           to the winners, who were delighted,
close second would be the winner of the             The final between Andrew Rennie            but exhausted. This year’s winners’ shirt
first-round tussle between Nirval Patel         and Jack Travers, and Emily Scones and         was mid blue.
(P1991-92) and Paul Kendall (K1976-81),         Graham Pulsford was watched by all                 Our thanks to the School for
and Chris Austin and Neil Margerison.           competitors and swelled by OAs                 preparing the courts and arranging the
Charlotta Cooley and Darshan Patel              attending OA Day, who warmly                   BBQ equipment, and to Andrew Fraser
(R&K2006-12), Gareth Hoskins and Tim            applauded some high-quality play by            (Bursar 1994-2016) for his work as
Pemberton, and Karren Hird and Carl             both pairs. It was clear from the start that   Tournament Scribe!
Rennie (M2003-10) were all in with a            Andrew and Jack were not going to
realistic chance of winning.                    change tactics after their excellent           Written by Graham Pulsford (M1971-75)

80th Anniversary of Chapel Consecration – Monday 15th October 2018
House Music – Thursday 18th October 2018
OA Annual Dinner 2018 (by ticket only) – Saturday 10th November 2018
Carol Service – Tuesday 11th December 2018, 3pm, at St Albans Abbey
A Level Certificate Presentation Evening – Monday 17th December 2018
OA Society AGM – Wednesday 13th March 2019
Regional Lunch Stratford-Upon-Avon – April/May 2019, date TBC
OA Day 2019 – Sunday 9th June 2019
Visitation Day 2019 – Saturday 22nd June 2019
Eros to Eros Run and ASPA Ball – Friday 28th June 2019
Regional Lunch West Sussex – Autumn 2019, date TBC

O A R E V I E W | G I R L S AT A L D E N H A M

                                                                        The Girls
Girls at Aldenham

                                                                        To celebrate 2018 as ‘Year of the Woman’, and mark Riding’s
                                                                        becoming a girls’ day House, we asked some our female OAs
                                                                        about their favourite memories from their time at Aldenham,
                                                                        and what life lessons they’ve taken forward with them from
                                                                        their schooldays.

                    Back L-R: Caroline Frith (neé Spragg)
                    (B1982-84) and Jo Scott (neé Thallon)
                    Front L-R: Sarah Jane Costello (neé
                    Woodrow) (B1982-84), Kate Murphy (neé
                    Sales) (B1982-84) and Nancy Jouneau (neé
                    Rowe) (B1982-84)

                    Masume Hidayatullah (P1980-82)
                    ‘Aldenham was a very peaceful place
                    when I joined, not too competitive,
                    gently encouraging pupils to develop
                    lasting interests and excel in their efforts.
                    My favourite member of staff was John
                    McAllister (CR1967-2005) for his relentless         Mural painted by Kate Murphy (neé Sales) (B1982-84) in 1984 on the girls’ study block in
                    confidence in my ability to excel in                Beevor’s. Picture taken in 1998.
                                                                        L-R: Kate Murphy (neé Sales) (B1982-84), Jo Scott (neé Thallon) (B1982-84) and Sarah Jane
                    history, my favourite subject. My brief
                                                                        Costello (neé Woodrow) (B1982-84)
                    time at Aldenham is fondly remembered;
                    community service, inspirational teachers,
                    being immersed in great literature,                 I was useless at Biology, but made me           hugely encouraging and gave me a real
                    London theatre evenings and wintry                  laugh lots. I have lots of funny memories       love for the game – I was very sad to
                    walks over the fields all stand out and set         of Aldenham, and the long term gain of          hear when he died in 2012.
                    the foundation for most of what I love now.’        being there has been fabulous. I’ve gone
                                                                        on to be happy, and you can’t get better        Miranda Kelly (neé Stewart) (P1988-90)
                    Jo Scott (neé Thallon) (B1982-84)                   than that!’                                     ‘When I attended Aldenham there hadn’t
                    ‘Aldenham was great, lovely fun when I                                                              yet been very many girls through the
                    was there, but there were very few girls.           Lindsey Kelly (neé Hall) (P1985-87)             door, so, at first, we were viewed as a
                    I made amazing friendships, and the                 ‘Aldenham was a small school when I             slightly strange species by some of the
                    experience made up a percentage of the              was there, which felt very personal, with       boys, who avoided us as much as they
                    person I am today. I wasn’t very                    only around 30 girls across the Sixth           could! Others, though, were quick to
                    academic, but my favourite member of                Form. Girls were very definitely a              welcome us and make friends, visiting
                    staff, Austin Galvin (CR1970-76) knew               minority and still very much of a novelty       our studies and helping us to settle into
                                                                        for the boys but there were some great          and understand Aldenham life. I have so
                                                                        friendships formed and I think a lot of         many lovely memories of Aldenham
                     Kate Murphy (neé Sales) (B1982-84)
                                                                        the boys felt quite protective of the girls.    from the people I met in those two
                                                                        My favourite memories were the long             fun-filled years (and still keep in touch
                                                                        evenings in the summer, and the time I          with): going on Duke of Edinburgh
                                                                        spent in the House and roaming around           expeditions to Aviemore (the Happy
                                                                        the grounds. David MacGregor                    Haggis); a Biology field trip to Slapton
                                                                        (CR1982-1999), who taught English,              Sands (where we had a massive water
                                                                        was my favourite teacher. He was                fight); the times spent “revising” beside
                                                                        inspirational – his lessons rarely stuck to     the cricket pitch; and not forgetting
                                                                        the text in hand but he talked a lot about      the conveyor-belt toast machine, and
                                                                        life, and managed to make even Chaucer          being the first ever girl to compete
                                                                        relevant. I also took up squash whilst at       in the inter-house cross country …
                                                                        school with John McAllister, who was            I could go on!

O A R E V I E W | G I R L S AT A L D E N H A M

 Miranda Kelly (neé Stewart) (P1988-90)

                                                                                                                                               Girls at Aldenham
‘Once, during a Chemistry lesson our
teacher Ken Barnard (CR1956-1991), who
had one numb hand, inadvertently put it         L-R back: Jo Marsh (K1988-90), Anna Keach (K1988-90), ???, Melita Armitage (neé
near a Bunsen burner. I’ll never forget the     Douthwaite-Hodges), Kirsten ‘Gussie’ O’Halloran (B1988-90), Jennifer Christie (B1988-90),
                                                ???, Hannah Vivian (neé Boughton) (P1989-90)
smell of burning hair and skin which
                                                L-R front: Gretchen Le Boutellier (B1989-90), Justine Kwaan (P1988-90), Nicola Cox
soon filled the room forcing one student        (P1988-90), Lucy Bennett (K1988-90), Lizzy Gascoyne (neé Handford) (K1988-90), Corrina
to utter the immortal lines, “Mr Barnard,       Giles (neé Griffin) (P1988-90), Clare Yeabsley (neé McCarty) (K1988-90)
watch out! Your hand’s on fire!” Another
time, during Biology our teacher, Austin        Aldenham that I heard about and                 window was open. Unfortunately on her
Galvin, who always brought his dog into         applied for a GAP year post in                  way up she miscounted the number of
class, watched us all do dissections on         Switzerland, working as a Lab Technician        bedrooms and she climbed in the
rats. Halfway through he sent us out for        and House Tutor. After university, I chose      window of Maccy our Housemaster who
break and left his dog alone in the room.       to go into TEFL teaching and travel             was in bed with his wife. They thought
When we got back there were no longer           extensively.’                                   she was a burglar. The resulting
any rats’ innards out on the side where                                                         commotion woke the whole school up
we’d left them, but just a sick dog staring     Kat Tucker (B1992-94)                           and got me in a whole heap of trouble.
guiltily at us!                                 ‘There were eight girls in total when I         Maccy even recalled this story as one of
    ‘Looking back at that school girl from      joined Aldenham, split between Beevor’s,        his favourites on his retirement speech.
where I am now, I can see that Aldenham         Kennedy’s and Paull’s. We were all quite
not only gave me more confidence and            close but individual, and I have so many        Kimberley Swift (neé Stewart-Mole)
independence but was a nurturing                memories of friendship and fun. One of          (K1995-97)
environment that got the best out of me.        my favourite trips ever was going on the        ’Aldenham was for pupils from 11 years
In fact, it was from a chemistry lesson at      gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition in            of age upwards when I joined, and had a
                                                Scotland. Since then I fell in love with        smattering of girls in the Sixth Form. The
                                                Scotland and escaping to the Highlands          girls were split between Beevor’s and
                                                is still one of my favourite things. I          Kennedy’s – Stephanie Ottey (B1995-97)
                                                remember our feeble efforts at putting a        and I were the only two girls in
                                                lacrosse team together – we could only
                                                play 7 a side and everyone had to play!
                                                                                                  L-R: Stephanie Ottey (B1995-97), Sarah
                                                    One of the best things about                  Collins (B1995-97), Tina Lui (B1995-97),
                                                Aldenham was the amazing staff                    Annabelle Browne (B1995-97), and Kimberley
                                                members. I had so many teachers I loved           Swift (neé Stewart-Mole) (K1995-97)
                                                and who I felt genuinely appreciated me
                                                and encouraged us to develop our
                                                character. John McAllister or Maccy was
                                                my Housemaster at Beevor’s and he
                                                really was like a second father to me. You
L-R back: Tanya Sweeting (neé Webb)             never forget a good teacher.
(K1988-90), Melita Armitage (neé                    There was the famous time that me
Douthwaite-Hodges), Kirsten ‘Gussy’             and another girl left our boarding house
O’Halloran (B 1988-90), Jennifer Christie
                                                one night and then couldn’t get back in.
L-R front: Miranda Kelly (neé Stewart)          My partner in crime decided she could
(P1988-90), Hannah Vivian (neé Boughton         scale the drainpipe to the top floor of
(P1989-90), Justine Kwaan (P1988-90)            Beevor’s House where our bedroom

O A R E V I E W | G I R L S AT A L D E N H A M

                     Paull’s House Girls 2005
Girls at Aldenham

                                                                                                                        Natasha Klimt (P2007-11) and Charlotte
                                                                                                                        Spillman (P2007-11)

                                                                                                                       I have so many wonderful memories at
                                                                                                                       Aldenham, I really do still miss it. It was
                                                                                                                       an amazing place. House Music was
                                                                                                                       always memorable, House Dinners,
                                                                                                                       School Plays, Drama lessons; I wouldn’t
                                                                                                                       have missed a moment of it for the
                                                                                                                       world in all honesty.

                                                                                                                       Lara Alsadoun (P2004-11)
                                                                                                                       I was one of the first girls to enter into
                     Paull’s House Photo 2009
                                                                                                                       Aldenham’s Year 7 group in Martineau’s
                                                                                                                       House back then, so I guess it might
                                                                                                                       have been slightly intimidating at first.
                                                                                                                       Nevertheless everything grows on you
                                                                                                                       quite quickly. The new friends you make
                                                                                                                       and the memories that follow; the
                                                                                                                       endless events: fireworks night, House
                                                                                                                       Music competitions and so on. These just
                                                                                                                       continue and grow greater every year
                                                                                                                       you progress. Additionally, you were
                                                                                                                       never really bored. There was always
                                                                                                                       somewhere to be, as well as so many
                                                                                                                       extra activities to be apart of. Whether it
                                                                                                                       was music, sciences, sports or just some
                                                                                                                       down time to sit on the field during
                                                                                                                       summer and just enjoy the company.
                    Kennedy’s, which probably caused                     skills for the big bad world is that of       Having said this I ended up staying till
                    Housemaster Austin Galvin no end                     banter. Being around so many boys all         Sixth Form!
                    of stress.                                           the time means I have a fine-tuned sense
                        My favourite memories are of the                 of humour and the ability to laugh at
                    House Play when I proudly took the title             myself. As a teacher myself now, I can tell
                    role in Put Your Clothes On, Clarisse,               you that is very important!
                    directed by the fabulous Will Phelps
                    (CR1994-98). Stephanie and I were day                Natasha Klimt (P2007-11)
                    girls in the Lower Sixth, but if we wanted           ‘I accept that I’m very biased about
                    to stay the house caretaker would let us             Aldenham because I became incredibly
                    use his spare room – not that we didn’t              attached to it, but it really was a
                    occasionally kip in our study (sorry, sir!) In       wonderful place to be. I remember being
                    those days we also had a bar in the Sixth            excited to go into school, primarily
                    Form Common Room and if you wanted                   because of the sense of community that
                    help with prep you would often be                    I felt almost immediately upon joining
                    offered a beer by one of the more                    the School. I never thought I would           L-R: Ioanna Charalambous (P2004-11), Lara
                    relaxed tutors as you discussed the finer            stand a chance of getting the position        Alsadoun (P2004-11), Torie Cox (P2009-11),
                                                                                                                       Anna Caro, Jeannine Bringmann (P2009-10),
                    points of your philosophical discourse.              of Head Girl – this was the first time that
                                                                                                                       Tabea Pottiez (P2009-11), Holly Compton
                        Being an Aldenham girl taught me to              the Head Pupil role was being shared          (P2009-11), Sophie Radon (P2009-11), Luise
                    stand up for myself and really have a go             between a Head Boy and a Head Girl –          Röessel (P2009-10), Lydia Mills (P2009-11)
                    at anything I wanted to. One of the key              but I applied.                                (photo courtesy of Lydia Mills)

O A R E V I E W | G I R L S AT A L D E N H A M

Being at Aldenham taught me to be                                                               many ways, and to be able to go back
independent and explore as many                                                                 and help impact a current student’s
aspects of being a student without any                                                          studies through the Mentoring Scheme

                                                                                                                                            Girls at Aldenham
regrets. Whether it was through activities                                                      is such a privilege, and to write this
or just spending time with friends. I felt                                                      magazine is such a joy. I have met so
that once Aldenham was over I was                                                               many incredible people – fellow
ready to leave and move on. Sounds                                                              students, teachers previous and current,
quite ironic, but what can I say, I was able                                                    OAs – through Aldenham, and words
                                                   Abigail Turner (P2009-11) and Lara           can’t and won’t do justice to what it
to enjoy every moment I had, all the ups
                                                   Alsadoun (P2004-11)
and downs of school life.                                                                       means to me to be a part of this
                                                 something I have carried with me in my
                                                 attitude every day since. I also felt like     Celina Messner (P2010-11)
                                                 if I didn't get the highest grades that        My favourite memories are the ones
                                                 I wasn't a complete failure, because           I would have declared as mundane
                                                 Aldenham is about much more than that          back in the day. However, I value them
                                                 if you want it to be. It gave me that space    today as unique and extraordinary to the
                                                 and nurturing to be able to develop in         boarding experience I had at Aldenham.
                                                 areas that weren't just academic. I dearly     The bus rides to hockey games on the
 Abigail Turner (P2009-11) and Sophie
                                                 loved my time at Aldenham, and                 weekend with the excitement of the
 Radon (P2009-11)
                                                 wouldn't have changed it for the world.        approaching game in the air are a valued
                                                                                                memory of mine. The nervous chatter
Abigail Turner (P2009-11)                        Lydia Chapman (P2010-12)                       and giggles always grew louder as we
‘Aldenham is a world unto itself, with           ‘Aldenham was a big part of my life            approached the opposing team’s school
lovely school grounds and a rich                 when I was doing my A Levels, and I’m          and the team spirit became especially
schedule to keep everyone busy. I got to         lucky enough to include it as a huge part      apparent. Having to return home with
actually engage in activities I liked aside      of my life now. I was a weekly boarder,        defeats almost all the time did not spoil
from attending lessons which certainly           going home only at weekends to my              the good mood we were in. The fun and
made it more interesting. I made some            Saturday job, and then back on a Sunday        friendships counted more and helped to
dear, lifelong friends at Aldenham. My           night for another week. Boarding gave          get over the defeat. I also appreciated
favourite memories range from singing            me the best space for getting all the          the efforts of trying to make the
with the choir at Ypres, having heaps of         work I had done, as well as the fantastic      boarding experience as homelike as
fun on the bumper cars at the Leaver’s           social aspect of getting to spend your         possible. From pampering evenings, to
Ball, and all the events like House Music,       free time socialising with your friends.       chats during prep time and movie nights.
Les Philosophes Society and seasonal                 Not many people get the chance to          Being so well looked-after leaves little
concerts.                                        work closely in such an amazing place          time for missing home. All of these
    One of the most amazing experiences          on a really personal level, and I am           moments made Aldenham my home
that resulted from attending Aldenham            hugely grateful to be able to pop in           away from home.
was being able to complete the Duke of           and out of School every other week.                My experience as a boarder at
Edinburgh Gold Award. When I think               Aldenham has changed my life in so             Aldenham helped me grow into the
back to the trip I am thankful to Anne
Morgan (CR1986-Present) and David
Chorley (CR2007-14) for dedicating the              L-R Jessica Dudack (P2007-12), Jodie Chun (P2008-12), Annabel Mizel (P2008-12), Alice
                                                   Erman (P2005-12), Jessica Oommen (P2005-12), Evie Noorali (P2008-12), Lydia Chapman
time to help us complete it. As a result of
                                                   (P2010-12), Amelia Stanbury (P2010-12). (Photo courtesy of Jessica Dudack)
the expedition and award I got to meet
Prince Philip – and have a quick chat –
at my award ceremony. I sincerely doubt
something like that would have
happened without Aldenham.
    Aldenham taught me a lot. As much
as I loved my time there I'm not going
to pretend it was easy. I went through
some difficulties which impacted on
my studying and performance. However,
the School did everything they could to
adjust and give me some extra help
which I would have failed without.
That patience and understanding is

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