10 October 2021 - Faith Methodist Church

Page created by Henry Rose
10 October 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
10 October 2021
10 October 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
Welcome To Faith !
        Today is Laity Sunday!
        Laity Sunday celebrates the
   ministry of the Laity and recognizes
      the contribution of lay persons
   to the ministry at church, home and
    the workplace. Visit faithmc.sg to
                learn more.
     Our Faith Pastors are away today
      in observance of Laity Sunday.

1. House Of Prayer
Wednesdays, 7.30pm:                          3. Parish Holy Communion Gathering
13, 20 Oct — Online via Zoom*                (PHCG) Online
                                             13 & 15 October, 8pm on Zoom
House Of Prayer meetings are the
intercessory prayer times set aside to       The Parish Holy Communion Gathering,
discern the Lord’s heart and pray that His   or PHCG, serves to enable us to celebrate
will, purposes, ways and timing be done      Holy Communion together on Zoom.
within the Faith Family and beyond!
                                             Faith members and worshippers are
*Zoom Session Details                        reminded to join the PHCG online this
Zoom Link: faithmc.sg/zoomhop                coming week on Wednesday (13 Oct) OR
Meeting ID: 935 1657 5641                    Friday (15 Oct) at 8pm. Do note that the
Passcode: 676605                             session on 15 October is bilingual so do
                                             invite your Mandarin-speaking Small
2. Night Of Worship                          Group members and family to join us.
(Wed) 27 Oct, 7.30pm (platform tbc)
                                             Those who are not in a Small Group are
Mark your calendars for our upcoming         welcome to participate! Please contact
Night of Worship in October! Join us as      Peh Oon Thian at 9231-4720 or email
we come together to worship the Lord,        him at pehoonthian@faithmc.sg for info.
and be refreshed in His presence. The
meeting platform will be confirmed at a      More FAQs are available on our church
later date so stay tuned for more details.   website at faithmc.sg/phcgfaq.

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 1
Sermon Title: Finding God In The Midst Of COVID

     Scripture Text:
     8am Service                Psalm 91: 2 & Philippians 3: 14, 15
     11. 15am Service           Psalm 46

4. Marriage Breakthrough Encounter 2021      MBE 2021 Fees & Registration
(MBE 2021) with Pastor Craig Hill
(Thu-Fri) 4-5 Nov, 7pm—10pm                  To register, scan the QR code below or
(Sat) 6 Nov, 9am—2pm                         go to this link https://tinyurl.com/
All sessions held on Zoom                    mbesgNOV. To enjoy the discounted
                                             rates, use this promo code:
Family Life Ministry highly recommends       faithmethodistchurch when you sign up.
the Marriage Breakthrough Encounter
2021 (MBE) for married couples at Faith!     a) Early Bird Rate: $120/per couple
This is a follow up to our Covenant          Register before 24 October and pay
Marriage Retreat that was held               $60 per couple
in November 2019.
                                             b) Regular Rate: $160/per couple
Conducted by Pastor Craig Hill, founder of   Register between 24 October to 1
Family Foundations International, come       November and pay $100 per couple
and learn how to achieve your personal
and marriage goals by identifying and
eliminating personal self-sabotage
mechanisms. Other topics include                                 Scan this QR code to
practical tips on what a husband and wife                        register for Marriage
can do to improve their relationship with                        Breakthrough
one another in order to see greater love,
respect, appreciation and attention in                           Encounter 2021
their married life.

Special discounts apply to ALL Faith
members so register early! Do refer to the
next column for the rates and registration
details. For queries, email Wendy at

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 2
5. Midweek Morning Devotions Series By       ANNOUNCEMENTS
Our Faith Pastors (Youtube)
                                             1. Dunamis Hostel (Timor Leste)
Receive a midweek booster with our           Campaign For Methodist Welfare Services
Midweek Morning Devotions on Youtube!
                                             Rev. See Swee Fang and her husband
This is a new online series where our        oversee the Dunamis Hostel ministry in
Faith Pastors share a word in season to      Timor-Leste. All hostelites (residents)
encourage and edify you for the week         leave their farming families in the rural
ahead. New episodes are uploaded on          mountains of Emera to study in the local
Wednesday mornings. Remember to tune         university, or seek internship
in and subscribe to our church’s Youtube     opportunities in the capital, Dili. Thirteen
channel so you never miss an episode!        hostelites will run 40km on 23rd October
                                             2021 to raise $3,000 for the Methodist
6. How To Read & Study The Bible             Welfare Services (MWS). They have been
(Tue) 19 & 26 Oct, 8pm—9.30pm via Zoom       blessed through the Methodist Mission
                                             Society (MMS), Singapore.
Have you been thinking about studying
the Bible but wondering where to start?      Participating in MWS Empowerun is their
This 2-session short equipping course by     way of sharing God's blessings with
our ministry for Discipleship & Nurture      others. Our hostelities are grateful to God
(D&N) will show you a systematic way to      and desire to live their lives giving glory
read and study the Bible! It is especially   to God. They seek your empowerment to
useful for new believers who want to         raise $3,000 in MWS Empowerun. Partner
grow in the faith by approaching God’s       with them by giving generously as the
Word systematically.                         hostelities run each step to give glory to
                                             God and be a blessing to those in need.
This course will proceed once there is a     Go to this link and be a blessing: https://
minimum of 10 participants. Registration     www.giving.sg/campaigns/dunamis-
closes today, 10 October, so sign up         hostel-timor-leste-
online at faithmc.sg/htrstb now! Email
tennypang@faithmc.sg for queries.            MWS Empowerun is organised to
                                             commemorate MWS' 40th Anniversary of
                                             empowering the lives of disadvantaged and
                                             distressed. You are encouraged to rally your
                                             social networks to support your efforts by
                                             donating to various fundraising campaigns!
                                             Find out more details or sign up: mws.sg/

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 3
2. Methodist Message (October Issue)        5. Condolences

Methodist Message continues to bring to     Our deepest condolences to Joshua Yeo
you important MCS updates and thought       Huang Liang & family, on the demise
-provoking editorial pieces. The October    of his wife, the late Mdm Koh Siew Hui,
issue is now out! If you would like to      on 1 October 2021. Joshua is a member
subscribe to MM online, it is free AND      of Faith.
easy to get onboard! Sign up here at
https://www.methodist.org.sg/mm-            6. Pastoral Team Movement
onscreen today!
                                            Annual Leave
4. Online Giving                            10 Oct              Godiva Ysip
                                            11—13 Oct           Tenny Pang
Online giving via PayNow is available
should you feel led to give to God’s        Maternity Leave
work. For more info, visit our website at   23 Sep — 30 Nov     Cheryl Chen
                                            7. Full-Time Ministry
(i) Offerings
                                            Have a desire to serve God full-time?
Open your ibanking app                      The following positions are currently
and scan the QR code                        available at Faith!
on the right with the
ibanking in-app                              Pastoral Team Member (Witness &
scanner. The Reference                        Evangelism)
Number will be auto-                         Pastoral Team Member (Member Care)
filled for you. Alternatively, open your
ibanking app, and key in the following      Visit faithmc.sg/jobopp for details. Only
details:                                    shortlisted applicants will be notified.
— UEN: S87CC0504G808
— Reference Number: OFFERING                8. Attendance (3 October 2021)
                                            *Excludes staff and volunteers
(ii) Pledges
                                            English Services (In-Person / Livestream)
Open your ibanking app                      8am:         144* / 244
and scan the QR code                        11.15am:     149* / 557
on the right with the
ibanking in-app                             Mandarin Service (In-Person / Livestream)
scanner. The Reference                      10.15am:    35* / 59
Number will be auto-
filled for you. Alternatively, open your
ibanking app, and key in the following
— UEN: S87CC0504G647
— Reference Number: PLEDGE

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 4
Sun 10 Oct English & Mandarin Worship Services (refer to details below)
           Filipino Fellowship (refer to details below)

Wed 13 Oct Parish Holy Communion Gathering, 8pm on Zoom
           House of Prayer (Online)

 Fri 15 Oct Parish Holy Communion Gathering, 8pm on Zoom (BILINGUAL)

Sun 17 Oct English & Mandarin Worship Services (LCEC Dedication, 8am Service)
           Filipino Fellowship (refer to details below)
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