10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School

Page created by Fred Robertson
10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School
10 Day Active
    Travel challenge
       June 2021
10 classic, fun and creative activities to help your
    school promote active journeys to school.

 Musical Mornings           Road Safety I Spy
  Walking Bubbles           Playground Games
 Green Travel Day              Clean Air Day
 Positivity Pebbles         Tales of the Road
Wildlife Wednesdays          Funky Feet Friday

10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School
Musical Mornings
This fantastic idea is from Rivelin Primary School, Sheffield.
During October’s challenge in 2020, they welcomed everyone
into the playground to a different daily walking themed song.

How many can you think of?
Here are a few suggestions:
Walking in the air
Aled Jones
These boots are made for walking
Nancy Sinatra
Walk like an Egyptian
The Bangles
I would walk 500 miles
                                       Use code
The Proclaimers
                                   (other promotional
Walk on the wild side                  methods)
Lou Reed
Walking on sunshine
Katrina and the Wave
Walk of life
Dire Straits

Can you think of any more?
10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School
Walking Bubbles

     Use code
Car free zone place
 W8 5min Walk
   zone in place
10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School
Green Travel Day
Why not hold a ‘Green Travel Day’ in school
where everything is green.
You could:
     Wear something green
     Find something green on
     your way to school, make a
     green display in school
     Go for a walk in your local
     ‘Green Space’
     Bring or eat something green at lunch time
     Create your own Green Travel Tree (see pics). Pupils
     attach a different coloured leaf depending on how they
     travelled to school.
     Write a green themed acrostic!

                              g    Getting to school was fun today
                              r    Riding my bike was awesome
                              e    Exciting way to get to and from
                              e    Environment is important
                              n    Never using the car to get
                                   to school again!

Tweet, Instagram or email them to us
to be in with a chance of winning a                       Use code

‘Green themed prize’.                                 PR22-24
                                                      (other promotional
10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School
Positivity Pebbles
                     You will need:
                 a pebble, waterproof paint,
                   a paint brush and your

 1           Collect medium size pebbles.

             Decorate with active travel
 2           themed designs or messages
             of positivity.

             Children and staff hide the
 3           pebbles on your way to and
             from school.

 4           See how many different pebbles
             you can find on your way to
             school during the challenge.

 5           Take a photo and leave the
             pebble for someone else to find.

             Use #pebbles to share your
 6           finds with us on social media

                     Use code
  Use code        CU10-12
W16-W18           Other curriculum
Other walking/       initiative
10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School
Wildlife Wednesday
Why not dedicate the Wednesdays during the
challenge to spotting your local wildlife like the
pupils at Hexthorpe Primary School, Doncaster
did during the October 2020 challenge.

Make notes of all the wildlife
you see on your way to school.
What animals would you love
to see?
Can you draw them or take
photos of them?

             Use code

           Other walking/
              initiative       Use code

                            Other curriculum
10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School
Road Safety I spy
            How many of these things can you spot when you are out and about?

                         Score 5 points for each one you see.

Pelican Crossing      Bus Stop        School Keep Clear         Post Box        Subway

 Dog on a Lead     Puffin Crossing       Lamp Post          School Sign     Pushchair

      Bus           Police Officer    School Crossing       Fire Engine     Footbridge

 Double Yellow     Zebra Crossing        Motorbike               Bench      Pavement

  Ambulance            Cyclist         Give Way Sign      Toucan Crossing   Cycle Lane
10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School
Playground Games
                             Why not make a variety of animal
                             movements and noise instructions
                             around the playground using words
                             and/or pictures.

                             • Roar like a lion
                             • Stretch as tall as a giraffe
                             • Jump like a frog
                             • Buzz like a bee

Create your own pin the wheels on
the scooter/ bike playground game                             Use code

You will need:                                            other walking/
• A4 paper
• Colouring pens or pencils
• String
• Blue tac

 1     Simply draw the outline of a
       scooter or bike on the cardboard

       Draw, colour and cut out 2 wheels
       (from a separate piece of cardboard)

 3     Add blue tac to the back of the

 4     Start the game!
To make the game harder why not have all
the parts of the scooter/bike pre cut to use!
See how rideable your end result is!
10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School
Clean Air Day
Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK. The
World Health Organisation and the UK Government recognise that
air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today.
Poor air quality causes heart and lung diseases, is linked to low birth
weight and children’s lung development and may even contribute
to mental health issues.

Clean Air Day is the UK’s largest air pollution campaign, engaging
thousands of people at hundreds of events, and reaching millions
more through the media.

        Use code
                         Use code
       AQ14             AQ15
       Air pollution
                       National Clean
                          Air Day

       FREE downloadable KS1 and KS2 resources for schools at:
10 Day Active Travel challenge June 2021 - Ecclesall Primary School
   Tales of the Road
        Introducing the newly updated Tales of the Road
                      education resource.
                 Access or download the resource here

You may want to look at the other free education
resources available such as:
                                                      Use code
• Hazard Spotting – interactive game
                                                      AQ6                Use code
• Be Bright Be Seen – interactive game             highway code is
                                                     promoted to
• Take the Lead – interactive game                  students, staff
                                                                      Other road safety
                                                                        and training
                                                     and parents
• There are several lesson plans, short
  films for children to watch and even
  a Safer Journeys Anthem!
Funky Feet Friday
        Why not celebrate Fridays during
        the challenge with seriously
        Funky Feet?
        Everyone can get involved and
        it’s so easy to do!

           Will it be snazzy socks, trendy
           trainers or wacky wellies?
           What will your Friday Funky
           Feet look like? Take photos
           and share with us on social
           media and the New
           Use #funkyfeetfriday

                               Use code

                             Other walking/
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