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Generated at: 15-02-2023, 11:52 (Paris Time) Bénéficiaire None flag None 2022-2023 expand_more à compter de Q4 2022 expand_more USD 1,446K Plan de dépenses USD 733K Dépenses encourues 16 Projets Contributeurs (Volontaires) Government Espagne France Italie https://core.unesco.org/fr/country/NON/beneficiary/4348b2bc?selected_filters_hash=263aaf9c2df1c3d285e8b0c74436f868 1/9
Generated at: 15-02-2023, 11:52 (Paris Time) Japon Kazakhstan Lituanie Monaco Serbie Slovénie Multilateral World Bank - Global Partnership for Education World Bank/I.B.R.D./Global Partnership for Education Private Sector Madanjeet Singh Foundation SOUTH ASIA FOUNDATION UN https://core.unesco.org/fr/country/NON/beneficiary/4348b2bc?selected_filters_hash=263aaf9c2df1c3d285e8b0c74436f868 2/9
Generated at: 15-02-2023, 11:52 (Paris Time) UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism Le financement est centré sur https://core.unesco.org/fr/country/NON/beneficiary/4348b2bc?selected_filters_hash=263aaf9c2df1c3d285e8b0c74436f868 3/9
Generated at: 15-02-2023, 11:52 (Paris Time) Programmes Objectifs de développement durable Bureau for Digital Business Solutions Cabinet of the Director-General Communication and information Human resources management Social and human sciences Education Culture Priorités globales et groupes de priorités de l'UNESCO Gender Equality Priority Africa Small Island Developing States Youth Contribution au cadre de résultats de l'UNESCO 2022-2025 Le plan d'action pour la période entre 2022 et 2025, structuré par des Programmes, des Effets et des Produits. Dépenses Planifiés encourues (en Effets et Produits (en milliers milliers d'USD) d'USD) https://core.unesco.org/fr/country/NON/beneficiary/4348b2bc?selected_filters_hash=263aaf9c2df1c3d285e8b0c74436f868 4/9
Generated at: 15-02-2023, 11:52 (Paris Time) Dépenses Planifiés encourues (en Effets et Produits (en milliers milliers d'USD) d'USD) Total 1,446 733 expand_more Bureau for Digital Business Solutions 577 290 Enabling Outcome 11 - Accountable, efficient and effective management in pursuit of the Organization's 577 290 results 11.DBS1 - More integrated and properly codified project and knowledge management in support of 577 290 programme delivery expand_more Culture 546 154 Outcome 5 - Enhance the protection and promotion of the diversity of heritage and cultural expressions 546 154 5.CLT1 - Member States capacities strengthened to identify, protect and manage tangible heritage 345 145 5.CLT4 - Member States and communities capacities strengthened to identify, safeguard and promote 201 9 living heritage 5.CLT6 - Member States capacities strengthened to promote, monitor and measure the contribution of culture to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the local, national and - - regional levels expand_more Social and human sciences 183 156 Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes 183 156 7.SHS1 - Member States capacities strengthened to advance effective policies and practices to achieve inclusive development through the promotion of human rights, scientific freedom, intercultural 180 153 understanding and by tackling all forms of discrimination and racism 7.SHS2 - Member States capacities strengthened in applying social and human scientific frontier knowledge to devise effective policy solutions to advance an inclusive development agenda with the aim - - to improve the well-being of people, particularly the most vulnerable, addressing the legacies of the pandemic crisis and face the social impact of climate change https://core.unesco.org/fr/country/NON/beneficiary/4348b2bc?selected_filters_hash=263aaf9c2df1c3d285e8b0c74436f868 5/9
Generated at: 15-02-2023, 11:52 (Paris Time) Dépenses Planifiés encourues (en Effets et Produits (en milliers milliers d'USD) d'USD) 7.SHS4 - Member States capacities strengthened to devise and prioritize effective youth policies and interventions that provide youth with opportunities to meaningfully engage in policy-making and to scale 3 3 up youth-led solutions at global, regional, national and local level expand_more Human resources management 92 63 Enabling Outcome 11 - Accountable, efficient and effective management in pursuit of the Organization's 92 63 results 11.HRM1 - Staffing, learning & development and staff well-being policies developed and implemented in 92 63 support of a more diverse, efficient and agile working environment. expand_more Communication and information 48 23 Outcome 6 - Promote freedom of expression and the right to information - - 6.CI3 - Member States and media institutions enabled to strengthen media development and media - - pluralism, including through the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) Outcome 8 - Foster knowledge sharing and skills development in the digital age 48 23 8.CI4 - Member States are enabled to foster universal access to information and knowledge, including through the Information for All Programme (IFAP), as well as through Open Solutions, and through the 48 23 identification, preservation and accessibility of documentary heritage 8.CI5 - Member States have strengthened institutional and human capacities to integrate media and information literacy (MIL) in policies and strategies, and to bridge the digital and knowledge divides, - - through the development of digital skills and competencies, particularly in the SIDS, and among women and girls and different marginalized and vulnerable groups expand_more Education 0 47 Outcome 1 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for - - all 1.ED6 - Resilience, quality and equity of education systems strengthened to flexibly respond to evolving - - learning environments and to better deliver on SDG4 commitments https://core.unesco.org/fr/country/NON/beneficiary/4348b2bc?selected_filters_hash=263aaf9c2df1c3d285e8b0c74436f868 6/9
Generated at: 15-02-2023, 11:52 (Paris Time) Dépenses Planifiés encourues (en Effets et Produits (en milliers milliers d'USD) d'USD) Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes 0 47 7.ED3 - Learners are empowered to lead healthy lives, promote sustainable development and engage with 0 47 the world as creative and responsible global citizens Projets Les projets sont une séquence d'activités budgétisées, quelle que soit la source de financement, qui contribuent aux résultats de l'Organisation et doivent être achevés dans un délai convenu. Les projets peuvent inclure des sous-activités et peuvent être liés à un Programme plus large. Dépenses Budget du Date Utilisation des encourues Date N° du projet Intitulé du projet projet de État fonds cumulées de fin (USD) début (USD) Enhancing the Human Capacities of the 2022- 2023- 196PER4041 Secretariat for the World Heritage Convention None 314,698 144,937 On-going 01-01 12-31 (2022-2023) 2022- 2023- 198IMS4141 Information Management System (2022-2023) None 30,000 - On-going 01-01 12-31 chevron_right Multiple Sub-fund for enhancing the human capacities Global 2022- 2023- 199PER4141 201,137 9,442 On-going of the Secretariat (41C/5) Africa 01-01 12-31 None chevron_right Multiple 2022- 2022- 216GLO3000 Futures for Intergenerational Equity Global 70,179 10,753 On-going 09-30 12-31 None https://core.unesco.org/fr/country/NON/beneficiary/4348b2bc?selected_filters_hash=263aaf9c2df1c3d285e8b0c74436f868 7/9
Generated at: 15-02-2023, 11:52 (Paris Time) Dépenses Budget du Date Utilisation des encourues Date N° du projet Intitulé du projet projet de État fonds cumulées de fin (USD) début (USD) chevron_right Multiple Africa Latin Strengthening policies and capacities that America 2022- 2023- 2210566031 contribute to the implementation of the 2030 20,000 9,808 On-going and the 01-01 12-31 Agenda in Brazil through culture Caribbean Brazil None Enhancing the creation, use and adaptation of chevron_right Multiple inclusive and quality Open Educational Africa 2022- 2023- 2210641031 60,000 29,271 On-going Resources - UNESCO OER Recommendation Senegal 01-01 12-31 2019 None chevron_right Multiple Global Strengthening Digital Competencies to Bridge 2022- 2023- 2210651021 Africa 120,000 40,821 On-going Digital and Knowledge Divides 01-01 12-31 Nigeria None chevron_right Multiple Afghanistan Bangladesh Intercultural Competencies and Socio- 2021- 2022- 221RAS3001 India 81,320 81,183 On-going Emotional Learning for Peacebuilding 04-20 04-30 Sri Lanka Myanmar None SAFEGUARDING OF THE CULTURAL 1989- 2023- 311INT4070 HERITAGE,PA THE ISLAMIC MONUMENTS OF None 241,005 169,666 On-going 01-01 12-31 THE CITY OF JERUSALEM Output 3: Journalism education institutions empowered to offer high quality journalism chevron_right Multiple 2022- 2023- 354GLO5009.3 training programmes using tools and resources Global 400,760 - On-going 01-01 12-31 produced by IPDC's Global Initiative for None Excellence in Journalism Education Knowledge management and information 2016- 2023- 405GLO0001 technologies initiatives within the framework None 5,070,329 4,823,314 On-going 01-01 12-31 of the Invest for Efficient Delivery Fund. https://core.unesco.org/fr/country/NON/beneficiary/4348b2bc?selected_filters_hash=263aaf9c2df1c3d285e8b0c74436f868 8/9
Generated at: 15-02-2023, 11:52 (Paris Time) Dépenses Budget du Date Utilisation des encourues Date N° du projet Intitulé du projet projet de État fonds cumulées de fin (USD) début (USD) 2022- 2023- 405GLO0001.6 Enhance Transparency Portal None 200,000 160,360 Completed 01-01 12-31 Invest For Efficient Delivery - Learning and 2016- 2023- 405GLO0002 None 1,826,000 1,796,911 On-going Development Initiatives 01-01 12-31 UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize For the 2009- 2023- 469GLO3002 None 1,164,456 1,136,872 On-going Promotion of Tolerance and Non-violence 01-01 12-31 chevron_right Multiple Côte 2022- 2023- 727IVC1001 Program Support Cost 7,909 1,380 On-going d'Ivoire 09-16 03-31 None 2022- 2023- 804GLO1013 Japanese JPO - ESD for 2030 (2022-) None 139,592 46,710 On-going 08-01 09-30 save_alt Download XLS expand_more https://core.unesco.org/fr/country/NON/beneficiary/4348b2bc?selected_filters_hash=263aaf9c2df1c3d285e8b0c74436f868 9/9
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