GME P1-3 Learning from Home Plan - Week Beginning:01.02.2021 - Breadalbane Academy

Page created by Tracy Duran
GME P1-3 Learning from Home Plan
                                           Week Beginning:01.02.2021
                         Literacy                                       Numeracy                                         Topic/ Other
                                                                                                                       Space: The Moon
Monday    Phonics, reading and writing activities     Learning Intention: to record data in picture           Learning Intention: to keep fit and active
          that were posted last Monday should be      format
          completed by Friday this week.                                                                      Activity: Live stream Jo Wicks’ PE lesson at
                                                      Activity: Check your Moon Diary. Have you been          9am (20 mins) or choose 2 sets of Joe’s 5-
          Learning Intention: to use the question     able to see the moon each night? How many               minute Moves to do today
          and answer form of a verb correctly         nights were cloudy? How did the shape of the
                                                      moon change last week? What shape do you think
          Activity: live Q&A session                  you will see this week? Check on the website (link      Activity: Have a look at Mrs Munro’s
                                                      below) to see if you are right! Today is the start of   Health and Wellbeing lessons this week
          Whole class session at 1pm: click on the    a new month. January had a Wolf Moon – What is          (link below)
          link in the Notes session below             February’s special moon called?
                                                      Keep filling in your diary this week. You might like
                                                      to see how many stars you can count on a starry
                                                      night (remember to count in Gaelic!).
Tuesday   Learning Intention: relate a storyline to   Learning Intention: number bonds to 10/20               Learning Intention: to link how we react to
          personal experience, real or imagined                                                               a piece of music to our emotions
                                                      Activity Part 1: click on the link to Ten Frame and
          Activity: live story session                practise filling the number shapes with counters        Activity: (3 parts) First, with an adult/other
                                                      (click on a 10 or 20 number shape as appropriate).      people in your house, listen to the clip of
          Whole class session at 1pm: click on the    Try to keep counters of the same colour in blocks.      Claire de Lune by Debussy. How does the
          link in the Notes session                   Group A: use 2 colours to make 8. How many ways         music make you feel? At the start? As the
                                                      can you make 8? Write down your sums neatly             music gets louder? How do you all feel at
                                                      using the frame to help you and keep them safe          the end of the piece? Claire de Lune was
                                                      for tomorrow (you can use small items, beads or         written based on a French poem that
                                                      Lego to help if you get stuck or can’t access).         referenced the ‘sad and beautiful’ light of
                                                      Groups B/C/D follow these instructions:                 the moon. How do you feel when you look
                                                      How many different sums can you make without            at the moon?
                                                      repeating a sum? Write them all down neatly and
keep them safe for tomorrow. Can you order them      Next, watch the video clip of Beethoven’s
                                                         to make a number bond pattern with the sums?         Moonlight Sonata. You’ll be surprised!
                                                         Group B: use 3 colours to make 10.                   When you have finished watching the
                                                         Group C: use 2 colours to make 20.                   video, draw a picture/write about what
                                                         Group D: use 3 colours to make 20.                   you saw. Why do you think the pianist does
                                                         Examples:                                            what he does?
                                                         B 2+3+5=10      C 5+3+7=15 D 7+5+8=20                Finally, there are 7 pieces of music related
                                                                                                              to the moon on the link to Classic FM
                                                                                                              below. Listen to all of them and decide
                                                                                                              which one you like best. Why? Which one
                                                                                                              is closest to how you feel when you think
                                                                                                              of the moon?

Wednesda   Learning Intention: to share ideas in         Learning Intention: number bonds to 10/20            Learning Intention: to keep fit and active
           pictures and print
y                                                        Activity: cut up the sums you made yesterday so      Activity: Live stream Jo Wicks’ PE lesson at
           Activity: watch the story called Man on       they are all on separate bits of paper. Mix them up 9am (20 mins) or choose 2 sets of Joe’s 5-
           the Moon (link below).                        and put them in a pile face down. Turn the top       minute Moves to do today
           Bob seems to have the same sandwich           sum over and as fast as you can, run and find
           for lunch every day. Your job is to design    enough objects to make the sum, e.g, 2+3+5=10
           and make a delicious new lunch for Bob.       find 2 socks, 3 bananas and 5 pieces of Lego. Put
           It should include something savoury,          everything back before you turn over the next sum
           something sweet (Bob likes his                and start again. You could play this game outside if
           chocolate toffees!) and a drink. First,       the weather is nice, using leaves, stones, twigs
           design the lunch on paper. Draw/write         etc., or snowballs if we still have snow!
           the ingredients and the utensils you          Alternative: treasure hunt. Set out a box of small
           need to use. Can you make it tasty and        objects on the floor/outside. Ask an adult to hide
           healthy? Next, make Bob’s lunch (ask an       the sums around the room/garden/park. When
           adult to help if you need things chopped      you find a sum, run to the box and set the sum out
           with a knife). You could make a               using objects as fast as you can. Put everything
           video/take photos of you making Bob’s         back in the box before you search for the next
           lunch or a video of you explaining how        sum.
           you made it/what you made.
           Finally, you’ll have to make sure that it’s
           delicious enough for Bob to eat, so tuck
           in and enjoy!
Whole class session at 1pm: click on the
           link in the Notes session

Thursday   Learning Intention: relate a storyline to   Learning Intention: problem solving              Learning Intention: develop listening skills.
           personal experience, real or imagined
                                                     Activity: live session maths game                  Activity: ask an adult to help you find
           Activity: if you had a wishing stone (in  *bring some paper and a pencil to the session      objects with different sounds around your
           our Gaelic story this week), where would                                                     house and/or garden and gather them
           you go? How would you get there? Who                                                         together. With your adult, think about
           would you see and what would you do? Whole class session at 1pm: click on the link in        what each object sounds like- is the sound
           First: when you are out for a walk today, the Notes session                                  it makes high or low? Deep or soft? Loud
           see if you can find a special stone that                                                     or quiet? Can you change the sound of the
           becomes your wishing stone. Look for                                                         object (e.g. experiment by striking or
           one that has an interesting texture,                                                         tapping a metal pot with a wooden spoon,
           different colours or an unusual shape.                                                       then try a metal spoon? Try running the
           Next: draw/write your adventure with                                                         spoons around the surface of the pot,
           your wishing stone (parents you may                                                          inside then out). Which sounds do you like
           wish to scribe for younger pupils or                                                         best?
           record them showing their picture and                                                        You are going to create your own piece of
           stone, talking to camera).                                                                   moon music with your new instruments
                                                                                                        now. Take your time and practise until you
                                                                                                        get the sounds you like. Think about how
                                                                                                        you want your moon music to feel. Record
                                                                                                        your piece and upload to Seesaw.

Friday     Learning Intention: relate a storyline to   Learning Intention: number bonds/addition to     Learning Intention: to keep fit and active
           personal experience, real or imagined       10/20/30
                                                                                                        Activity: Live stream Jo Wicks’ PE lesson at
           Activity: now it’s your turn to ask the     Activity: use the links below to play the games  9am (20 mins) or choose 2 sets of Joe’s 5-
           questions! Choose an adult in your          Group A: play Save the Whale (you can adjust the minute Moves to do today
           house and give them your wishing stone.     number bond total by using the up/down arrows –
           Where would they like to go on an           start playing the game with the number 5, move to *remember to watch our Virtual Assembly
           adventure and why? What would they          6, 7 and then try 8)                              on Friday!
           see and do? What do they think would
be the best bit? Ask if you can interview    Group B: play Save the Whale using number bonds
           them on video, or you can draw a             8, 9 & 10. How quickly can you release the whale
           picture/write about their adventure.         each time? Try using 3 numbers instead of two!
                                                        Then have a go at Balloon Flight. Start at level 1
           Whole class session at 1pm: click on the     and then if you’re confident, have a go at level 2.
           link in the Notes session                    How quickly can you release the balloons?
                                                        Groups C & D: play Funky Mummy to practise
                                                        number bonds to 20, then play Balloon Flight. Play
                                                        Levels 2 and 3 – how quickly can you release the
Notes      Link to daily whole class sessions at 1pm:
from the   join/19%3ameeting_ZjI2YTQ0ZGItMmE3ZC00NWViLTlhNTAtMTM3MDQ2YmMwNTA3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22
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           Links to this week’s activities:

           Wednesday – Man on the Moon:

           Monday - Perth moon phases UK:
           Tuesday - Ten Frame: Ten Frame Modeller (
           Friday – Funky Mummy:
           Friday - Balloon Flight: Balloon Flight Arithmetic - mobile friendly (
           Friday - Save the Whale:

           Claire de Lune (Debussy):
           Classic FM Moon inspired music: 7 pieces of classical music inspired by the moon - Classic FM
           Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven):

           Health & Wellbeing
           Mrs Munro’s Health & Wellbeing lessons:
           Joe Wicks Live PE lessons (Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 9am): Search for “Joe Wicks live PE lessons”
           Joe Wicks 5-minute Moves: Search for “Joe Wicks 5 minutes moves”
This week’s virtual assembly: Primary and Nursery Virtual Assembly - Breadalbane Academy

Additional activities:
Try to read with your child for at least 30 minutes per day.
Additional activities for P1-3 are available on the school website here should you need them:
You can also read