ZONED OUT Skipper - The Skipper
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Skipper The MERRY CHRISTMAS 1964-2014 1964-2019 ZONED OUT LEADING JOURNAL OF THE IRISH & UK INDUSTRIES DECEMBER 2019 €3.50/£3.00 Will fishermen be pushed out as Government plans for competing interests at sea? see pages 2-4 TILLY WD 3 ON SEA TRIALS LAST MONTH. IMAGE: STEPHEN JONES I-FISH
MARINE SPATIAL PLANNING The Skipper The Skipper MARINE SPATIAL PLANNING News 3 Skipper DECEMBER 2019 DECEMBER 2019 The SERVING THE IRISH & UK FISHING INDUSTRIES Planning for Marine Planning level, and may involve local authorities piloting localised marine plans where there are Communications, Climate Action and Environment. The latter department will be competing interests. the “landlord” for offshore Renewable energy projects, renewable energy projects. commercial fishing, mineral The fact that the main extraction, aquaculture and other responsibility lies with the C Fish specialises in converting fish by-products EDITOR: Lia ní Aodha competing interests, including Department of Housing, into pet food ingredients and bait tourism, will be covered by a Urban Development and Local Mob: 086 823 9608 new single system of consent Government is a source of Fresh & Frozen Fishing Baits for the Commercial & under long-promised revised some concern – in spite of Angling Fisherman. Weekly Deliveries Nationwide legislation. the leadership shown in past ENQUIRES WELCOME FROM THE UK SALES: Sharon Boyle Ireland is actually one of regional consultations. the largest EU states if over Questions have been asked Charlie Vial, Main St, Dunkineely, Co. Donegal, Ireland Tel: 074 95 480 37 Mob: 086 840 1250 490,000 square kilometres of about whether the department, Tel: 074 9737254 Mob: 087 2548208 seabed off a 7,500 km coastline which has many planning Email: Web: PRODUCTION /DESIGN: is taken into account, the draft responsibilities, is adequately Declan McGrath framework notes. resourced for marine spatial ATLANTIC MARINE- Peter SUPPLIES Bruce (PatSy) LTD MANAGING DIRECTOR: The national marine planning planning. PBP ServiceS Hugh Bonner framework aims to take a There are also signals that PBP ServiceS - Peter Bruce (PatSy) BlaSt cleaning & Protective coatingS Since 1968 DEPARTMENT OF MARINE APPROVED LIFERAFT SERVICE STATION “co-ordinated” and “coherent” aquaculture licensing will BlaStSHIPHALL INTERNAL cleaning & P/rotective DRY DOCKScoatingS UPSince 1968 TO 165 METRES SUBSCRIPTIONS: approach to management of remain with the original system, PRODUCTS INTERNAL SHIPHALL / DRY DOCKS UP TO 165 METRES SERVICES Tel: 074 95 62828 “our most important resource”, and under the remit of the • LIFERAFTS • LIFERAFT PRINTED BY: it says. Department of Agriculture, Food • LIFEJACKETS SERVICING WG Baird, Antrim, N.I. The State’s “Harnessing our and the Marine – for no good • RESCUE BOATS • LIFEJACKET Ocean Wealth” strategy, has clear reason. • IMMERSION SUITS SERVICING CONTRIBUTORS: already set two economic targets Former Environmental • PYROTECHNICS • IMMERSION Lorna Siggins – doubling the value of ocean Niall Duffy Protection Agency director • H.R.U.’S SUIT SERVICING Craig Taylor, wealth to 2.4 per cent of gross Micheál Ó Cinnéide, who is a • BOARDING PBP PBPSS -- P P erviceS erviceS B (P )) (P eter eter ruce ruce atSy • HIRE LIFERAFTS atSy LADDERS Dick James, domestic product by 2030, and co-founder of the Corrib Beo PBP ServiceS - Peter Bruce (PatSy) BB laStcc laSt leaning&&P leaning rotective coatingS Protective Since1968 oatingS Since 1968 Gudjon Eirnarsson, increasing the turnover of the environmental organisation, INTERNAL SPECIALIST BlaSt cleaning & Protective coatingS Since 1968 INTERNAL SHIPHALL SHIPHALL FACILITIES // DRY | PROTECTIVE DRYCOATINGS DOCKS UP DOCKS UP TO TO 165 165METRES | REGISTEREDMETRES TECHNICIANS ocean economy to exceed €6.4 says that State agencies with Suppliers INTERNAL SPECIALIST ofSHIPHALL FACILITIESfull| range of approved / DRY PROTECTIVE DOCKSlifesaving COATINGS UP equipment. TO 165 METRES | REGISTERED TECHNICIANS Roancarraig Organic farm. billion by 2020. specialised expertise—such as Service of RFD, DSB, Dunlop - Beaufort, Zodiac and Lifeguard equipment Image by Niall Duffy The framework aims to plan for competing interests at a the Marine Institute—should be given a greater role. MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM PBP SERVICES Ship RepairRoad, Donegal Ship Repair Protective Phone: 074 / RefitKillybegs, / Refit Coating Works, Blast Works, 9731440 Co.Cleaning Blast Services Fax: Donegal.and to Cleaning 074 the and Marine, 9731699 Published monthly by Mara Media, time of growing global pressure He has already pointed to the Protective Oil and Coating Gas and Services to Industrial the Marine, Markets. After hours; 074 9731332 Email: Annagry, Letterkenny, Co The difference between Management Bill. on marine resources, and aims success of Marine Scotland as Oil and Gas and Industrial Markets. Donegal. By Lorna Siggins to mirror planning policy and “policy statement” and After years of long promised a “one stop shop” for planning “framework” is that the changes to the system of practise on land. and regulation. PBP ServiceS - Peter Bruce (PatSy) J The foreshore will BlaSt cleaning & Protective coatingS Since 1968 In the compilation of The Skipper, every care policy statement or MPPS is foreshore leases and licenses With the Government’s is taken to ensure accuracy. Where errors or omissions are brought to the attention of APANESE bullet trains “overarching”, according to under legislation dating back to effectively disappear as a climate action plan driving the INTERNAL SPECIALIST SHIPHALL FACILITIES / DRYCOATINGS | PROTECTIVE DOCKS UP TO 165 METRES | REGISTERED TECHNICIANS Foilseachán na Mara Teo., future publications will travel at almost 200 miles Mr English’s department, in 1933, the new bill promises to term, and will be replaced by pace, the new legislation’s small SPECIALIST FACILITIES SPECIALIST FACILITIES| |PROTECTIVE PROTECTIVE COATINGS COATINGS || REGISTERED REGISTEREDTECHNICIANS TECHNICIANS be amended accordingly. However, Foilseachán an hour, and there’s a sense addressing three key aspects be “revolutionary” in how the “nearshore”—except in the print will be keenly watched. na Mara Teo. does not accept liability to any person for loss or damage arising from anything that the Government is trying to – (1) forward planning to (2) nearshore and offshore marine case of aquaculture—and local Perhaps it is no coincidence ‘We would MERRY like /to CHRISTMAS Ship Repair wish Refit Works,all FROM our Blast PBPcustomers Cleaning and a SERVICES Ship Repair Repair/Coating /Refit RefitWorks, Blast Cleaning and very Merry Christmas and atoHappy New Year. Ship Protective Works, Services to Cleaning and the Marine, contained in this publication or for any error match this with its new marine development management (e.g. resource is managed. authorities will have certain that the developers of a large Protective Coating Services the Marine, Marine, or omission in it, even if such loss or damage is Protective Oil Coating and(0)1346 Gas and Services Industrial the Markets. spatial planning framework and the foreshore licensing system It is anticipated the legislation powers. The local authorities windfarm project close to the T: +44 514056 caused by negligence of Foilseachán na Mara Teo., its servants or agents. Opinions and articles legislation. or aquaculture licensing) and (3) will also be open for a three- are currently seeking to have south-east coast are seeking a From all at PBP Oil Oil and and E-mail: T: +44 Services.’ Gas Gas and and Industrial Industrial (0)1346 514056 E-mail: Bruce (Patsy) Markets. Markets. featured are not necessarily the opinions of The “Shinkanesen-like” enforcement. month public consultation. this “nearshore” extended to foreshore lease under the current Foilseachán na Mara Teo. speed, as one industry observer The framework—known as A new maritime jurisdiction give nautical miles, whereas the regime. (see panel overleaf) put it, may have something to do the NMPF—is looking only bill is also being spearheaded department has been offering However, only seven named INSIDE THE with EU climate action targets, at the “forward planning” part by the Department of Foreign one nautical mile. “legacy projects” may be able SPECIALIST FACILITIES | PROTECTIVE COATINGS | REGISTERED TECHNICIANS which Ireland is already missing of marine planning, as in setting Affairs, which aims to redefine The “strategic marine zones” to lay claim to consent under DECEMBER ISSUE for 2020 – and is facing large out sectoral policies to guide and clarify all maritime will be delineated beyond existing legislation, according to fines for, if EU goals for 2030 activity or development over a boundaries. That legislation is “nearshore”, and the minister the Marine Renewables Industry Ship Repair / Refit Works, Blast Cleaning and P 2-4 are not reached. Regional public consultation 20 year period. Norah Parke of the Killybegs pulling together overlapping legislation dating back a century, will have the right to make a submission seeking permission Association (MRIA). It believes all new projects Protective Coating T: +44 (0)1346 Services to the Marine, 514056 OilE-mail: T: and Gas and Industrial Markets. Marine Spatial Planning +44 (0)1346 514056 events are due to be held over Fishermen’s Organisation (KFO) and takes on a new dimension for designation. The criteria for will have to wait for the Marine T:E-mail: +44 (0)1346 514056 P 10-11 the coming weeks to discuss says the framework publication with Britain’s withdrawal from this zoning will be available Planning and Development E-mail: the Government’s draft marine is a “crucial milestone” in the the EU. next year. Management Bill to replace the Quota Proposals 2020 planning framework, which “long overdue process” of Under the new framework, Draft guidelines are also due existing Foreshore Act. Minister of State for Housing developing a marine spatial plan. one single national marine plan on offshore wind development. Meanwhile, Mr English’s P12-13 and Urban Development Congratulating the will apply to Ireland’s entire All offshore renewable energy department says that offshore Climate change Damien English published this Department of Housing, Ms maritime area, extending from will be regarded as strategic wind projects will receive Adaptation Plan November. Parke says it provides a “basis mean high water mark on the infrastructure, and will be dealt with by An Bord Pleanála, and “preference” in sea areas zoned Just three months have been for extensive consultation” coast to the 200 mile limits of for “strategic marine activity”, P30-34 given for submissions to the with “all the competing the exclusive economic zone once permission is secured the according to the draft marine T: +44 (0)1346 514056 Tilly arrives home to framework, which is one central demands for space in the marine and Continental Shelf. developer—which may also be planning framework. E-mail: piece in the jigsaw designed to environment”. However, the draft framework a community—can then enter Adoption of the final Kilmore Quay meet the EU requirement for The KFO is urging all says the Government is auctions for State support. marine planning framework is national marine spatial plans by those involved in the seafood “committed” to preparation of When the new legislation is “expected” to be late 2020. Marine & General Insurance Brokers. “Insuring Your World Today” 2021. industry to attend consultation regional or sub-national plans passed, consents will be issued Closing date for submissions The Government’s marine events, and says that it will in future marine spatial policy by two departments, depending on the draft is February planning policy statement has be “particularly interested” cycles. on remit – the Department 28th, 2020. For regional already been published, as in progress of the Marine Coastal partnerships are of Housing, Planning and consultation dates, see panel Tel:+353 (0)74 9177500 Fax:+353 (0)74 9177200 Email: Web: reported by The Skipper. Planning and Development also at “advanced” discussion Local Government, and overleaf. Cavanagh Hooper Dolan Insurances Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland
4 News MARINE SPATIAL PLANNING DECEMBER 2019 The Skipper The Skipper DECEMBER 2019 QUOTA News 5 Meeting 70% by 2030, but how? “Legacy” Projects South West fishermen slam Minister’s welcoming of blue whiting allocation T n The seven “legacy” Irish offshore renewable he Government’s new target of 70% planning strategy aims to make such projects which may lay claim to consents under renewable energy by 2030 as part developments more transparent, but existing legislation are: of its climate action plan means Tobin points out that the three-month • Irish Sea – Codling Bank, Fred. Olsen Ireland “will have to prepare now for a consultation periods for the framework Minister Sarah David & Ronan Ross, ISWFPO. frustration with the Minister, Renewables and Hazel Shore Ltd; 220 Creed who they highlight is appointed significant offshore wind capacity in our and legislation are “too short”. turbines in range 2.5MW - 5 MW; may seek Image Niall Duffy system”, Minister for Communications and Interestingly, the Western Development to serve all of the people in a further 200 turbines. this country equally, “in his Climate Action Richard Bruton has said. Commission believes that there should • Irish Sea – Parkwind Oriel, Parkwind NV It is anticipated that the new marine be a greater role for community owned announcing to the Country how and local investors; 330 MW (off Co Louth). pleased he is that once again planning and development legislation energy projects – extending to coastal • Irish Sea – Dublin Array, Innogy won’t apply to a number of “legacy” communities. It is hosting a conference in 18 people owning 23 fishing Renewables Ireland and Saorgus Energy; projects (see list). Galway on December 11th on the issue. vessels are to receive the benefit 600MW. Its imminent publication may also be It points out that 31% of total of 91% of a National quota of • Irish Sea – Sure Partners Ltd, SSE (Scottish driving attempts by developers to secure renewable energy production in Germany 38,500 Tonnes of fish, being and Southern Energy) Renewables; 494.8 Government approval under the existing is owned by its citizens compared to the €11.5 million in value Blue MW (off Co Wicklow). M foreshore legislation. 0.14% in Ireland. • Irish Sea – Gaelectric, North Irish Sea Array Whiting fishery allocated to The application by energy company The new Renewable Electricity Support (acquired by Element); up to 750MW. inister Creed’s Ireland’s Fishermen.” Energia Renewables, formerly Viridian, Scheme (RESS) will allocate 10% of • Irish Sea – Hibernian Wind Power, ESB; welcoming of the Mr Murphy went on to state to conduct feasibility surveys for turbines auction capacity for State support to MW not specified (off Co Louth). blue whiting quota that in the same fishery “27 along the coast from Helvick Head community owned projects, the WDC • West coast – Fuinneamh Sceird Teoranta, “agreed” for Irish fishermen other fishermen, holding exactly to beyond Dunmore East has caused anticipates. FSTeo; 100 MW (off Skerd Rocks Co for next year has invited sharp the same Licence entitlements concern, with the South East Regional It says there will be supports in place for Galway). criticism from fishermen in the under his Department’s Policy Inshore Fisheries Forum saying it was communities such as: technical assistance, South West. are forced to go into a lottery, “blindsided”. planning assistance, risk free financial In late October, north-east with the lucky recipients of a The Energia application for a foreshore assistance for possible applications, licence seeks to undertake surveys for a independent advisors, and priority grid Regional Consultation Atlantic coastal states reached “The agreement reached by the organisation relating to Permit to fish each getting a agreement on mackerel, blue following the negotiations this the spread of benefits from the maximum of 400 tonnes.” windfarm that could generate 600MW to access for community owned schemes. Dates whiting and Atlanto-Scandian week, in which Ireland was an mackerel boost received by the “This year their 9% share of 1000MW. Ireland has about one-third of all of the Herring quotas for 2020. active participant, will provide Irish fleet earlier this autumn, Ireland’s National Quota equals Britain’s Walney Extension, one of the current European Union’s total renewable n Regional public events on the draft marine planning framework were being held in late Regarding blue whiting, a quota worth approximately the ISWFPO asserted 91 per 3460 Tonnes allowing a mere 8 largest offshore windfarms in the world, energy resource based on all sources of cent of those crumbs would go November in Limerick, and Westport, Co Norway, the Faroe Islands, €11.5 million for our fishermen boats to partake in the fishery,” generates 659MW. energy, according to the MRIA. Mayo (Nov 26th). The December dates are Iceland, and the European next year,” he said. to a total of 23 Irish boats. And he said. Helvick fisherman David Tobin says that It describes the offshore resource for Galway (December 2nd), and Tralee, Union agreed to set the TAC for “This follows the with a tiny 9 per cent, 27 other “This is 8 out of 27 Fishing lack of communication over the project is of wind and wave in Ireland as of one of the biggest issues, along with its “remarkable scale”, with what it terms Co Kerry (December 10th), with further 2020 at 1,161,615 tonnes. international negotiations two Irish boats would gather mere Boats receiving some 400 Tonnes proximity to shore. “clear, well documented and substantial events in Killybegs, Co Donegal, Bantry, Co In a press release following weeks ago which agreed to a dust, they said. each, or thereabouts, while each “Even if there is employment in these economic benefits to be derived from Cork, Dungarvan, Co Waterford, Dublin and the agreement, the Minister 41% increase in the Mackerel and every one of the guaranteed projects, it may be that developers bring in exploiting this resource both to meet Wexford expected. for Agriculture, Food and the quotas for 2020 in line with the 23 RSW sector segment boats their own teams, and use the larger ports,” domestic energy needs, to enable major Details of the Western Development Marine welcomed the agreement scientific advice, giving Ireland will get a massive 1,523 tonnes he points out. new exports and to prompt the emergence Commission conference on community- reached in London and said it a mackerel quota of over 78,000 each. The remaining 19 boats not “There needs to be better way of of a global supply chain base in Ireland”. led renewable energy on December 11th in “provides welcome stability in tonnes worth over €80m directly in the protected RSW segment contacting coastal communities – all In its analysis of how other countries Raheen Woods Hotel, Athenry, Co Galway this important fishery for Irish to our catching sector for 2020.” of Ireland’s fleet will get nothing communities and port areas should be have handled it, it notes that in are on: fishermen.” The Irish South and West and will remain tied to the pier contacted, and it shouldn’t be discovered Scotland, zones for offshore renewables Marine Renewables Industry Association’s “There will be a small Fish Producer’s Organisation wall. by chance,” he says. development were recognised in advance briefing on marine spatial planning can be increase compared to 2019 (ISWFPO), however, were quick “So,” he questioned, “when The Government’s new marine spatial of the 2015 Scottish National Marine Plan. found at: with a quota of approximately to point out the allocation of the Minister speaks of Stability 38,500 tonnes in 2020 for 38,500 tonnes out of 1,161,616 Patrick for our Fisheries Sector in these Ireland,” he said. The Minister tonnes for Ireland’s fleet, so Murphy uncertain times, exactly which went on to say that with current celebrated by Minister Creed, fishery sector is he talking Bere Island Boatyard Ltd uncertainties “stability for at some 3 per cent of the quota In this regard, Mr Patrick about… Ballinakilla, Bere Island, our fisheries sector is always amounts to mere “crumbs”. Murphy, CEO ISWFPO “SUCH INJUSTICE!” he Beara, Co. Cork P75 XC94 welcome.” Echoing concerns expressed expressed the organisation’s exclaimed. SEASONS GREETINGS from everyone at CHPM Ryan & Roberts Marine Services Ltd. Ryan & Roberts Marine Services Askeaton, Co. Ltd. Limerick Lochin 40 Ryan & Roberts MarineBETA Services Ltd. Askeaton, Co. Limerick • LOCHIN Irish builders of the Lochin range: Askeaton, Co. Limerick MCM Insurance Brokers Limited - 33/36/40ft •Sports LOCHIN Anglers and of the Lochin range: Irish builders Specialist broker to the Irish fishing sector. Fast Commercial Offshore 33/36/40ft Craft. and Sports Anglers Fast Commercial Lochin 38ft Fast Offshore Craft. Offshore Potting • BETA Irish•Disributors Lochin 38ft Fast Offshore Potting and Installers of BETA Diesel engine • FULL YARD BETA Irish Disributors and Installers of BETA Diesel range 10- 90 engine HP SERVICES, CRANAGE, • FULL YARD SERVICES, CRANAGE, KUBOTA range 10- 90 HP BASED KUBOTA BASED REPAIRS, SPRAYREPAIRS,PAINTING, STORAGE SPRAY PAINTING, & CHANDLERY. STORAGE & CHANDLERY. •LOCHIN Irish builders of the Lochin range: 33/36/40ft Wishing all our customers R&R26 R&R26 Sports Angler and Fast Commercial Offshore Craft. a Happy Christmas and a Unit 18, Cessna Avenue, WISHING YOU AND YOURS Lochin 38ft Fast Offshore Potting •BETA Irish Distributors and Installers of BETA Engines Happy & Prosperous 2020 SEASONS GREETINGS and Generators Airport Business Park, Killowen, Co Waterford •FULL YARD SERVICES, CRANAGE, REPAIRS, Phone: 051306017 Fax: 051306018 SPRAY PAINTING, STORAGE & CHANDLERY. Mobile: 0872574507 E: Contact our experts: Ballina office on - 096 72977 Phone:Phone: 061 392198 061 392198 Fax: Fax: 061 061 392344 392344 Mobile: Mobile: 087 087 4179128 4179128 T: 00353 27 75975 E: W: MCM Insurance Brokers Ltd. are regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland Phone: Email: 061 392198 Fax: Email: 061 392344Web:Mobile: 087 4179128 Email:
6 News WESPAS SURVEY DECEMBER 2019 The Skipper The Skipper DECEMBER 2019 WESPAS SURVEY News 7 WESPAS ACOUSTIC BOARFISH The distribution of boarfish in distribution, although the number of schools and overall acoustic density were lower. represented over 95% of total biomass with mature fish, accounting for the remainder. This emerging signal of young 0-group herring spread over the wider survey area. During WESPAS, we were able to SURVEY 2019 2019, followed a similar pattern to previous years with schools of The Celtic Sea stratum contained the largest proportion of biomass year class was first identified during the Celtic Sea herring acoustic track this year class appearing now as 1-year old fish. The herring survey variable density widely distributed (78.4% of total biomass), followed survey in October 2018. in October we will allow us to Fisheries Ecosystem Advisory over the survey area (Figure 3). The highest occurrence was recorded by the west coast (19.2%), western Hebrides (2%) and Porcupine Bank O’Donnell added “During the October herring survey last year we monitor the progress of this cohort as it begins to join the adult spawning in the Celtic Sea where over 62% (0.4%). Overall, the distribution of population over the coming years”. Services (FEAS), Marine Institute of the estimated stock biomass was horse mackerel was more patchy observed an indication of positive observed. This was followed by than that observed in 2018. With the T he WESPAS acoustic survey, ecosystem drivers that influence the west coast with 21% of total exception of the southwest of Ireland the largest of its type in population growth, reproduction biomass. To the west of Brittany, were both medium and high-density European waters, was carried and feeding success of our key an area of high concentration of schools detected. out in June/July covering waters target pelagic species. By better schools composed of immature Maturity analysis of horse from northern Biscay to north of the understanding the underlying boarfish (1-2 years old and less than mackerel samples indicated 98.1% Hebrides. The survey provides an processes that influence the success 8.5cm) were observed. The number of the total bio-mass was mature. opportunity to monitor the feeding of young fish, we are better placed and size of which was higher than Maturity analysis by age class and spawning phases of some of to understand the dynamics of these has been observed during recent showed that 25% of 1-year-old fish our key pelagic resources including stocks and how to manage them”. surveys. Maturity analysis of were mature, rising to 100% for fish herring, horse mackerel and boarfish. boarfish samples indicated 94.5% two years and older. The survey is multi-disciplinary, MALIN SHELF HERRING of the observed biomass was mature Overall, the biomass of horse incorporating research programs (69.3% for abundance). mackerel observed in 2019 15% in collaboration with national third Malin Shelf herring were Overall, the biomass of boarfish lower than in 2018 with a slight level institutions. distributed further south in 2019 observed in 2019 was 4% lower than increase in area coverage (7%). The survey began in mid-June in compared to 2018. Herring in 2018 with a slight increase in area Figure 1. Survey tracks and trawl stations 2019. the southern Celtic Sea and worked detections were concentrated in an coverage (7%). CELTIC SEA HERRING progressively northwards over a area to the north and west of Tory 42-day period providing synoptic Island (south of 56˚N) in 6.a.S HORSE MACKEREL Herring were observed in two coverage of shelf seas from northern and to the west of the Hebrides distinct areas; in the western and Biscay to northern Scotland. in 6.a.N, particularly north of St. Horse mackerel were most eastern Celtic Sea (Figure 2). Stock abundance estimates (by Kilda (Figure 2). Although the total frequently observed along the west One winter ring fish (~18.5cm) age) for boarfish, herring (Malin spawning stock biomass in 2019 coast of Ireland and Celtic Sea, dominated the total estimate, Shelf and Celtic Sea) and horse was lower than that for 2018 for where the bulk of the total estimated representing 65% of total biomass mackerel were calculated from the WESPAS survey area, the final biomass was located (Figure 4). and 72% of total abundance. Two acoustic detections and biological estimate for the combined Malin Observations of horse mackerel winter ring fish (~21cm) were also data obtained from trawl sampling. shelf herring stocks will only be along the west coast and Celtic Sea evident (30%). In combination, The information was submitted to known when the biomass from were comparable to 2018 in terms of these two immature ages classes Figure 4. Horse mackerel distribution ICES for use in the stock assessment the survey of 6.a.N carried out by process, where applicable. the RV Scotia at the same time is included. AREA COVERAGE There were good signs of 2-wr The survey covered the (winter ring) and 3-wr herring distributed in 6.a.S during the survey National Fisheries College of Ireland continental shelf waters from 47°30’ for the first time in a number of N to 59°30’ N extending westward years. There were fewer young 1-wr Schedule 2019 to the Porcupine Bank (Figure 1). herring caught on the survey in 2019 Survey effort and geographical compared to 2018; however, this coverage were maintained in line survey is not designed to capture with previous surveys to ensure juvenile herring. The age profile continuity in the time series of stock available from the trawl samples in abundance estimates. In total, the 2019 indicates that 2-wr and 3-wr survey covered 5,950 nmi (nautical herring make up 59% of the total Second Hand Full Safety Training (3-day) GMDSS Short Range Radio Proficiency miles) over 57 transects with a total biomass and 65% of the abundance. – 06 January-24 April, NFC Castletownbere – 02-04 December, NFC Greencastle (Modules 1 & 2) Figure 2. Herring distribution of the Malin Shelf herring (6a, 7b,c) and Celtic Sea area coverage of over 61,180 nmi². Maturity analysis indicates that 79% – 03-05 December, NFC Castletownbere – 03-05 December, Cromane, Co. Kerry, herring (7g,j) stocks. Survey scientist Ciaran O’Donnell of herring (total stock biomass) were Enhanced Safety Training (Under 15m) – 03-05 December, Youghal, Co. Cork, contact 087 6837134 said “WESPAS covers an enormous mature (39% of 2-wr, 88% of 3-wr – 05 December, NFC Greencastle contact 087 2334620 – 20-22 January, Lettermore, Co. Galway, area and provides a unique fish, and 100% of fish of 4-wr and opportunity to monitor important older were mature). – 09 December, Cromane, Co. Kerry, – 10-12 December, Cromane, Co. Kerry, contact 087 6837134 contact 087 6837134 contact 087 6837134 – 10 December, NFC Castletownbere Passenger Boat Proficiency – 14-16 January, Lettermore, Co. Galway, – 11 December, Cromane, Co. Kerry, contact 087 6837134 – 19-22 November, Cromane, Co. Kerry, Sheehan’s Fishing Company Ltd. contact 087 6837134 GMDSS Restricted Operators Certificate contact 087 6837134 NFC Greencastle +353 74 938 1068 Elementary First Aid on Board Ship – 09-12 December, Youghal, Co. Cork, NET MAINTENANCE STCW-95 NFC Castletownbere +353 27 71230 contact 087 2334620 NETS MAINTAINED OR – 29 January, Lettermore, Co. Galway, To confirm the mobile training schedule on the RE-ROPED AT contact 087 6837134 QQI Level 6 Commercial Scuba Diver west coast please contact 087 6837134 and COMPETITIVE PRICES. – 24 February-27 March 2020 on the east coast call 087 2334620. Funding CALL FOR A QUOTE. Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (3-day) (pre-week medical course 17-21 February), for the course fee and subsistence costs may – 16-18 December, NFC Castletownbere NFC Castletownbere be available through BIM’s Seafood Training Scheme. • Agents for Mobil, SAR Oils and Fleetguard Filters. Medical First Aid Aboard Ship Surface Supplied Diver (3 weeks) • Bridles and warps made to order. • Full range of cleaning agents, Swarfega 25lt (€70), hand cloths (€20). – 11-13 December, NFC Castletownbere – 06 April-01 May 2020, NFC Castletownbere • Full range of chandlery at competitive prices. – 16-18 December, NFC Greencastle • Waterproof clothing including, Grundens, Guy Cotten, Dunlop boots. • Ireland’s leading suppliers of ropes to the aquaculture industry, including combination, polysteel, seine rope, and combi-seine. Ireland’s EU Structural and EUROPEAN UNION Investment Funds Programmes Sheehan’s Fishing Company Ltd, 2014 - 2020 This measure is part-financed Dinish Island, Castletownbere, Co Cork, Ireland Tel: 027 70340 - Mob: 086 1546363 - Email: Co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Union by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Figure 3. Boarfish distribution
8 News DECEMBER 2019 The Skipper The Skipper DECEMBER 2019 News 9 Huge effort from Irish fishermen on clean Dutch challenge EU pulse ban oceans initiative F ishermen in the primarily by Dutch fishermen, that since the introduction of the were 2.6 times less common I Netherlands have begun is currently being phased in, practice they have seen declines soles, while half of thornback a legal challenge to the following a vote in the EU of sole, cod and seabass in areas rays had also disappeared. Areas n late October, The Minister “Just sign up to it, you’re EU’s ban on pulse trawling. parliament last April. A full ban where pulse fishing is carried with pulse trawling also saw for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, actually already doing The challenge was mounted is due to come into full effect in out, with some also reporting an increase in fragile brittle TD, welcomed the increase in this at sea anyway and in October when the Dutch 2021. large amounts of dead fish on stars and scavenger species trawlers and other fishing boats Minister for Agriculture, Carola Since then a number of the water. such as hermit crabs – which now signed up to Ireland’s Clean you’re not getting any Schouten filed an application countries, including France, A study—the first of its scientists say are signs the whole Oceans Initiative. credit for it. All the lads with the European Court of have moved to ban the practice kind to assess impacts of pulse ecosystem is more at risk. The Clean Oceans Initiative Justice (ECJ) calling for the ban in their territorial waters. Earlier fishing in the field—published Criticism has also come involves fishermen storing and at sea have been doing it to be overturned. this year, Sinn Féin MEP Matt this year by the UK’s Centre from the environmental non- returning to land marine plastics for years.” Ms Schouten, in a letter to Carthy called on the Irish for Environment, Fisheries and governmental organisation that come up in their nets daily as the Dutch parliament, said that government to start the process Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) BLOOM who, alongside inshore they fish, thereby removing this DAMIEN TURNER, the EU Council and Parliament of prohibiting pulse trawling in found 57 per cent species losses fishermen were at the forefront pollution, 80 per cent of which SKIPPER, have breached several parts of Irish waters immediately. in areas where pulse trawling of the campaign to see the comes from land-based sources, CASTLETOWNBERE. EU law, claiming also that the Unsurprisingly, the attempt is carried out – a figure close practice banned in European from the marine environment. ban is out of kilter with available to overturn the European wide on three times that observed waters and earlier this autumn The Minister launched the science, and harms innovation ban has met with fierce criticism in fishing areas without pulse filed a third complaint to the Clean Oceans Initiative in and technological development. from a number of quarters – not trawling. European Commission against January this year at Union Hall A ban on the controversial least, UK inshore fishermen who The study also found that in the Netherlands regarding the setting a very ambitious target for practice, which is carried out fish in the North Sea, and say areas with pulse trawling there practice. Image by Cathal Noonan, courtesy of BIM the participation of the entire Irish trawl fishing fleet in the scheme we are now at 70% participation. one of 17 Global Goals that commend all those currently by 31st December 2019. To date, I would like to thank every boat make up the 2030 Agenda for involved in the Clean Ocean’s 168 trawlers and 56 other fishing boats have signed up with 12 owner who has joined up”. Minister Creed sought to Sustainable Development. By the end of the third quarter this Initiative being run by BIM and the longstanding commitment Landing obligation has increased workloads for fishermen T ports registered and involved in go further; “We need to get year, approximately 70 tonnes many in the fishing industry have he EU Social Partners performance of the fishing Treaty on the Functioning of the economic data on how fisheries the Initiative. every single trawler on-board of marine plastic waste had been to bringing ashore plastic waste in Sea Fisheries— sector is affected. According EU. As part of that, they have policies impact the working Vessels participating in the for this. This is good for the collected from 12 of Ireland’s from the sea. I look forward to European Transport to the EU Social Partners in also called on the Commission to conditions and safety standards Fishing For Litter campaign fishing industry and good for busiest fishing ports and 25.5 seeing 100% participation by our Workers Federation (ETF) and Sea Fisheries, the obligation is raise the procurement of socio- of fishermen. under the Clean Oceans initiative the environment.” The Minister tonnes of used fishing nets have trawling fleet by the end of this Europêche—have adopted a joint therefore contradictory to Art. 39 have brought in more than 69 added, “I’m delighted that the been collected for recycling year.” resolution on the socio-economic of the Treaty on the Functioning tonnes of marine litter in the last Fisheries Producer Organisations by BIM’s mobile shredder, the Engine reliability impact of the EU landing of the EU which stipulates the three months alone. endorsed this Initiative and are ‘Green Machine’. Applicants are advised to sign obligation on the fishing industry. objective ‘to ensure the optimum Minister Creed said “It is encouraging their members to Minister Creed expressed up online at The regulation on the landing utilisation of the factors of heartening to see the numbers sign up and get involved.” his thanks to BIM and to those fishing-for-litter/ or by contacting obligation was adopted in production, and thus to ensure that have come on board and that Protecting our oceans is leading the early brigade “I must BIM directly at (01)2144100. 2015 and has been gradually a fair standard of living for the implemented since then. It aims fisheries community by assuring at reducing unwanted catch by the availabilities of supplies’. Ombudsman says quota negotiations must be made public obliging fishing operators to land all caught fish. On one hand, it Another issue concerns the storage of catch. An increased I n late October, the EU the December Council quota following a legal complaint transparency surrounding the is supposed to allow for better volume of fish onboard impacts monitoring of the use of fishing working conditions. At the Avoid dirty Bacteria growth Save your injectors Ombudsman, Emily negotiations “at the time they are made by ClientEarth—an annual quota setting decision diesel tanks - risk of blockage O’Reilly issued a formal circulated to Member States or as environmental organisation making process. quotas, and on the other, it should same time, due to gross tonnage of in-line filters recommendation for the EU soon as possible thereafter.” which in 2017 reported The December Councils incentivise the operators to invest limitations, it is not possible Council to “proactively make The recommendation comes £11,428,856 in earnings—against will take place in Brussels on in more selective gear. to use larger vessels that could public” documents relating to on the back of an inquiry the Council with respect the December 16th and 17th. However, and as most accommodate this increase. fishermen are only too well The operators, therefore, need CJC® Oil Filters installed on-board aware, the landing obligation to make more fishing trips “FIONA K III on: was introduced without any to compensate for the losses • Diesel Fuel prior impact assessment of linked to landing of unwanted • Engine Lube Oil the socio-economic and safety catch. Fishers, in turn, face • Hydraulic Systems consequences. It is already more work onboard due to evident that the measure poses increased load handing. And several concerns regarding the the landing obligation has, well-being of people who fish therefore, led to increased labour and economic performance of the on-board, reduced resting time Happy Christmas sector, say the Social Partners. and underutilisation of rightful As all catch has to be landed, fishing opportunities. the issue of chokes arises. The On account of these factors the & A Peaceful New Year quota for specific species is very quickly used, leading to EU Social Partners have called on the European Commission area closures, which means to revise the “ill-conceived and Let us help you with from all at Bord Iascaigh Mhara that fishing opportunities for not fit for purpose EU landing your oil related issues other species are impacted. In obligation” so that it is consistent CONTACT addition, as fish not suitable for with other legal instruments C.C.JENSEN Ireland Jan Foged direct human consumption also adopted by the EU, in particular, 086 82 71 508 - - have to be landed, the economic Directive 2017/159 and the 9060_BIM_Christmas_Ad_Banner_Skipper_75x207mm.indd 1 20/11/2019 16:40
10 News QUOTAS DECEMBER 2019 The Skipper The Skipper DECEMBER 2019 QUOTAS News 11 Table 1: Stocks with proposlas for increased Total Allowable Catch (TAC) EU Commission proposes Table 3: Stocks with proposals for decreased Total Allowable Catch (TAC) The TAC for Haddock in the Celtic Sea could increase massively according ensures that Member States with no quota for one of these by-catch stocks quotas ahead of to ICES advice (+100%), but the can continue fishing for other target Commission proposes a 30% increase, stocks. The exact amounts for the by- using the lower part of the MSY range, catch TACs and their accompanying December Councils in order to protect the vulnerable cod measures will be issued at a later stage, stock that is caught as a bycatch of after ICES provides its scientific advice. haddock. In the existing proposal, however, the Where multiannual plans are not Commission has already deducted Proposed TACs for 2020 recommend in place, the Commission has turned to the management strategies of the from the advised catches the amounts corresponding to the agreed exemptions cuts to 40 stocks Advisory Councils, which have been assessed by ICES as sustainable. For to the landing obligation. The proposal covers stocks managed example, for southern Horse Mackerel, by the EU alone and stocks managed the Commission has proposed to follow in cooperation with third countries, the management strategy of the Pelagic such as Norway, or through Regional Advisory Council, which recommends a Fisheries Management reduction of the quota by 50%. Organisations (RFMOs). Agreement on The Commission has also proposed a number of stocks subject international safeguard measures to ensure that negotiations have just recently been Table 2: Stocks with no changes in Total Allowable Catch (TAC) the amount of Cod and Whiting in finalised or are ongoing. Some further the Celtic Sea recovers to safe levels. stocks are awaiting scientific advice, or These measures consist of increased have only recently had advice published. selectivity, closures and appropriate For these, the figures will be included at control to prevent illegal discards. a later stage. The Commission proposes to Note: The tables shown only list EU continue the quota exchange system for stocks, which are not shared with third by-catches. These are quotas set for countries. All TAC values are expressed stocks fished as by-catches in other in tonnes and rounded to the nearest healthy target fisheries. This system full number. Colmcille fishing Scad on north-west coast of Donegal. Image: Paul Dirrane A head of this year’s December Council’s opportunities at “maximum sustainable yield” (16th-17th December), the Commission (MSY) for the stocks with a full scientific has adopted its proposal for fishing assessment, and at “precautionary levels” for opportunities in 2020 for 72 stocks in the other stocks. The proposal follows the advice of Atlantic and the North Sea. For 32 stocks the the International Council for the Exploration fishing quota is either increased or remains the of the Sea (ICES). same; for 40 stocks the quota is reduced. Currently, 59 stocks are being fished at Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for MSY, up from 9 in 2009. This means, says Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries the Commission, that the fishing pressure on said the proposal “consolidates our efforts for the stocks is limited to a level that will allow sustainable fishing in Atlantic and North Sea a healthy future for the fish stocks’ biomass waters.” while taking into account socio-economic “Over the past years,” he said, “we have had a factors. The Commission says it is working steady rise in the number of healthy stocks, and with Member States to support the fishermen – as a consequence – also a steady rise in the in reaching the objective of fishing all stocks profits of our fishing sector. This is the result at sustainable levels by 2020, as set by the of responsible management and continuous Common Fisheries Policy. implementation As the size of some key fish stocks has efforts, primarily increased—for instance, Haddock in the Celtic by our fishermen, Sea and Sole in the Bristol Channel– so has the who are the first profitability of the fishing sector, it states. THE MANAGEMENT ones to implement our conservation DETAILS OF THE PROPOSAL AND STAFF OF measures and also the KT NETS WISH ALL ones to benefit most from increased yields. For 2020, the multiannual plans for the North Sea and for the Western Waters provide THEIR CUSTOMERS & With such sustained commitment, 2020 the framework to adapt management measures to complex mixed fisheries as well as to avoid FRIENDS A VERY HAPPY will be another year of extreme variations of TACs. For instance: progress for Europe’s The Commission proposes to limit the CHRISTMAS & fisheries.” decrease of the TACs for Northern and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR In line with the objectives and Southern Hake to -20%, using the upper part of the MSY range according to the Western legal framework Waters multiannual plan. The stocks have a of the Common healthy biomass, therefore a limited reduction Contact: 074-9741498 / 087-2347601 Fisheries Policy (CFP), of the fishing pressure would suffice to the Commission is keep the stocks in good shape, according to proposing fishing scientists.
12 News DECEMBER 2019 The Skipper The Skipper DECEMBER 2019 News 13 Government Approves Agriculture, Forest and Seafood The fishing industry has survived Spanish Skate Fishing Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation Plan precisely on its ability to adapt Offences M A total of 49 submissions were Vessel design, more efficient engines, Novo Alborada Image: Javier Alonso, inister for Agriculture, key sectors required to prepare received by the Department better planned fishing activities will Department’s Adaptation Plan Michael Creed, TD, has sectoral adaptation plans—as part of approved by Government during the nine week public all play a role and the industry is welcomed government the Plan. consultation on the draft Adaptation already looking at where changes can approval for the Agriculture, Forest The Minister stated the Plan, Plan (3 more were received after the be made. and Seafood Climate Change which will be reviewed and updated August 16th closing date). In terms of “There is a growing awareness in Sectoral Adaptation Plan. Adaptation every five years, is an important step climate change impacts, submissions the fishing industry of the dangers is the process of preparing for the in building “a strong and resilient cited variability and increased risk posed by climate change and, as a impacts of climate change. sector that is well placed to take on to productivity, investment, and sector so dependent on stable climate, The Minister stated “I am very the challenges and opportunities employment as one of the main fishing and the wider seafood sector pleased the Agriculture, Forest and presented by our changing climate’’. impacts on the sectors. will embrace innovation in this Seafood Climate Change Sectoral In September, the Feedback on the Draft Climate regard.” Adaptation Plan has been approved Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Adaptation Sectoral Plan The KFO has said, however, the for the Agriculture, Forest and sector needs more information. as part of the Whole-of-Government Change (IPCC) released a 900 page T Seafood sector from the Killybegs Climate change monitoring needs to approach adopted under Climate report detailing the impact of climate Fishermen’s Organisation (KFO) he Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) has be improved, gaps in our knowledge Action Plan 2019. We have taken change on the oceans, including the the frequency of extreme sea-level distributions, the Plan acknowledges cited the increasing frequency of relating to the most critical areas for welcomed the ruling by Judge Seán O’Donnabháin on a consistent approach to adaptation implications of climate change for events. Over the course of this it “is reasonable to assume that storms and loss of seasonal stability the industry need to be improved. 4th November 2019 who imposed a fine of €20,000 in planning across the Department and fisheries. century, these trends are projected these changes will challenge as the factors currently having the For fisheries, the main gap addition to the forfeiture of €60,000 of catch and gear on the have prepared a single plan covering According to the IPCC, there is to continue. The ability to adapt will some assumptions underlying the most impact on the sector. identified by the Marine Institute Spanish vessel, the Novo Alborada, following a guilty plea at the agriculture, forest and seafood already overwhelming evidence depend on the capacity of individuals current management areas for some The main challenge for the seafood relates to changes in fish Cork Circuit Court. sector.” that climate change is resulting in and communities and the resources Northeast Atlantic fisheries.” sector, said the KFO, will be the distributions, migrations, abundance, The Spanish registered fishing vessel was detained in It is widely acknowledged that profound consequences for ocean available to them. The Plan also states that “To challenge of mitigating arising communities, growth, and age Castletownbere on 9th July 2019 for skate fishing infringements, primary producers are very much ecosystems and people. The ocean In this regard, the Government’s address climate change vulnerability, problems and finding innovative ways structure. The lack of a long term resulting from a joint operation with the UK Marine Management to the forefront of dealing with the is warmer, more acidic and this is Adaptation Plan—which operates management systems must create to deal with changing opportunities. current monitoring system in Irish Organisation (MMO) and An Gardaí. impacts of climate change. Like already disrupting species throughout in tandem with the Government’s opportunities for fishers, fish farmers Mitigation measures to reduce carbon waters is cited as a significant gap in The master of the vessel, Manuel Juncal Juncal pleaded guilty other sectors, the seafood sector will the ocean food web, with impacts on mitigation plan, Climate Action and fish workers to remain flexible emissions, they highlight, will also the Northeast Atlantic. to the charge of retention of a prohibited species of fish and a be impacted, and this is something marine ecosystems and people that Plan to tackle Climate breakdown— and to be able to sustainably utilise impact the sector. According to the KFO, while the second charge of misreporting the vessel’s fishing activity on its the entire production chain needs depend on them. highlights fifteen case studies diverse livelihood opportunities. Shifting patterns of species Plan is adequate in terms of a summary logbook. Fifty-two boxes of critically endangered blue skate were to consider. The Minister said, “in With respect fisheries, specifically, identifying real examples of how Climate change adaptation strategies abundance will means a loss of potential impacts and consequences incorrectly recorded as long-nosed skate in the vessel’s logbook. the sector has and will continue to must include the participation of all of traditional species. Ocean and the adaptation objectives laid out Highlighting the success of this operation and praising the addition to reducing our emissions, since around 1950 many marine acidification will mean damage are appropriate for the duration of the interagency cooperation involved, Susan Steele, Chair, SFPA we must ensure that our food species across various groups have be impacted by changing weather stakeholders.” to shellfish stocks and damage Plan, stakeholders need to be aware this said: “The blue skate is an endangered species that requires our production system is resilient and undergone shifts in geographical patterns and steps towards building protection and we have a zero tolerance approach to any vessels ready to adapt to future climate risk.” range and seasonal activities in resilience. to calcareous reef habitats with is a very brief synopsis. subsequent loss of commercial stock In terms of helping the sector illegally fishing endangered species in our waters. We liaised The Plan just announced, builds response to ocean warming, sea Among the fifteen are case studies with the UK MMO on this case and their close cooperation with habitats. Shifts in energy models to better prepare to adapt to relating to changing fish stock on the 2017 adaptation planning document, Adaptation Planning – Developing Resilience to Climate ice change and biogeochemical changes, such as oxygen loss, to their habitats, resulting in shifts in species distributions, harmful algal blooms, ocean acidification, and seafood EMFF (to wind and wave, for instance) will mean increased competition for future climate change, the KFO said the Department could help Irish authorities led to the infringement being detected following inspection, which has now led to a successful prosecution. We Change in the Irish Agriculture and Forest Sector, with the main composition, abundance and biomass production of ecosystems, from the infrastructure. Most point to the need for further research, monitoring Supports for space for fishermen and “will occupy considerable offshore sites which will with implementing a monitoring programme to establish baselines, will continue to work with authorities in the UK and across Europe to deter and detect any future illegal fishing violations.” Current EU regulations prohibit blue skate from being fished, difference being the inclusion of the seafood sector—which was identified equator to the poles. Melting glaciers and ice sheets (including adequate financial support for these) and stakeholder Fishermen be no-fishing zones.” On the plus side changes could see the development of an Irish support research and protect Ireland’s current access to fishing grounds. The KFO also highlighted, retained on board, trans-shipped, or landed. This is the highest protection possible under the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy. by Ireland’s Statutory National Adaptation Framework (NAF) are causing sea level rise, and coastal extreme events are becoming more engagement in terms of building adaptive capacity. for Storm fleet in more northern waters, the development of new fisheries as however, that with BREXIT, which could wipe-out a substantial portion In a separate incident, on November 12th a Spanish registered fishing vessel was detained for alleged skate fishing published in 2018 as one of twelve severe. Sea level rise will increase With respect changes in fish stock Damage new species into our newly warmer waters, with consequent downstream of its fishing potential, and a Marine Spatial Plan, which could, likewise, infringements following an inspection by Sea-Fisheries Protection Officers of the SFPA in Castletownbere. Similarly, the alleged infringements relate to the retention of Blue skate on board. T opportunities, they said. severely curtail access to traditional he Government’s Climate In terms of how the sector is fishing grounds, this is a particularly Three days later the LÉ William Butler Yeats detained a third Spanish registered vessel approximately 59 nautical miles FISH WANTED Change Sectoral Adaptation currently adapting to climate change, difficult time for the fishing industry Plan highlights Ireland’s the KFO highlight the fishing industry to embrace the necessary mitigation North West of Valentia Island for an alleged breach of fishing European Maritime and Fisheries has survived precisely on its ability measures required by the Climate regulations. The vessel was escorted by the LÉ William Butler Fund (EMFF) Programme 2014- to adapt to changing circumstances. Change Adaptation Plan. Yeats to Galway, where it was handed over to An Garda Síochána. 20 provides for financial assistance towards fishermen experiencing Dublin based wholesale Seafood Company/Processor significant economic losses arising looking for boats to work with directly from severe storms and other adverse climatic events. Barry Electronics Ltd. The EMFF Regulation requires St Catherines Rd, Killybegs, Co. Donegal that this aid take the form of Tel: 074 97 31215 Fax: 074 97 31739 TOP a contribution to payments to fishermen made by a ‘Mutual RATES Fund for Adverse Climatic Events and Environmental Incidents’ WISHING YOU A VERY KFO would like to wish & FAST established by fishermen and be MERRY CHRISTMAS & A PAYME funded through the subscriptions everyone a very Merry NT of affiliated fishermen. PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Also highlighted in the Plan, Christmas & prosperous however, is the fact that, to date, FROM ALL THE TEAM AT no fund has been proposed by fishermen or their representatives. BARRY ELECTRONICS Head Office: Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation Ltd. East and South coast trawlers targeting whitefish & pelagic fish The Department of Agriculture Bruach na Mara, St. Catherine’s Road, Killybegs. West coast inshore scallop boat - East coast offshore scallop boat Food and Marine and BIM say they stand ready to provide bel VSAT Olex Phone: (074) 9731089 / 31305. Fax: (074) 9731577. Email: Website: advisory assistance to fishermen For more information Contact: 0879643294 by text or call who wish to develop such a Dublin Office: Phone: (01) 825 8846. Fax: (01) 825 8847. Email: scheme.
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