Page created by Angel Franklin

                                                         I strongly encourage everyone who is coming to the
A message from our Youth                                 Summit to go and talk to someone they don’t know.

     Council Chair                                       Everyone has something to offer, whether they’re an
                                                         expert in their field or have just experienced the
                                                         world in a different way to you; it’s vital to keep
The Youth Council are delighted to be relaunching        learning and understanding the experiences of
our Youth Interfaith Summit for the first time since     others around us. Ask someone where they’re from,
2019. Coinciding with the UN World Interfaith            how they heard about this event, why they’re
Harmony Week, we want to use this space to bring         interested in interfaith work or the climate, or what
people from different backgrounds, religions and         their biggest hope from the evening is. Start a
cultures together so that we can learn and grow. We      conversation and see where it leads to truly make
are passionate about interfaith harmony and social       the most of tonight.
cohesion, and consider climate change to be one of
the defining challenges of this century.                 Tonight’s event wouldn’t have been possible without
                                                         the help of many colleagues and volunteers working
When thinking about climate change, I have               hard to make it happen.Thank you so much to
sometimes felt a wave of hopelessness. I’m therefore     Lauryn Duncan-Rouse, Alejandra Andrade, Rachel
less inclined to take action, because ‘what’s the        Cohen, Jessica Hazrati and Philip Ybring from F&BF.
point?’. What I’d love for people to find today,         Also thank you to the volunteers who comprise the
through this Interfaith Summit, is some hope. And        Youth Council: Mashiyath Qurashy, Adhish Wali,
more than just a sense of hope, a community spirit to    Tom Blake, Ivy Gardner, Propa Anwar, Maria
take with you even once the event is over, to know       Naveed and Sumon Limbu for your commitment to
that there are other people who are dealing with         the Youth Council and giving up your free time to
these issues, and that there are so many people who      help make this happen.
do really want to make this world a better place. I
think that’s what binds all of us together. We want to   I hope you have a fantastic time at the Youth
leave our positive stamp on the world.                   Interfaith Summit 2023, enjoy learning, meeting new
                                                         people, reflecting on your own identity, eating pizza
Hopefully, this alone should inspire us to take action   and all the other great things on offer tonight!
in our own lives. We owe it to each other and we can
also take energy from the knowledge that we are          Matthew Gold
pulling together to make this happen. I hope that
everyone here will take something new with them,         Programmes Officer at the Faith & Belief Forum,
whether that’s some information, a contact, a new        Chair of F&BF’s London Youth Council, University of
                                                         Manchester ParliaMentor 2018-19
way of influencing politics at any level. Hopefully
you’ll meet someone from a different background to
yourself too that you may not have encountered
from. And even if you have, taking that time to
actually ask what it means to be of a different
background as we navigate the world and the climate
around us. What is it that informs our own values and
relationship to the environment? Hopefully coming to
an interfaith environment, where we are actively
encouraging you to ask these questions of each
other, we’ll take away an enriched understanding of
those we share space with.
 A message from our F&BF                                   It focuses on the issue that will define this decade

         Director                                          more strongly than it did the 1990s when I first began
                                                           to engage with the idea of sustainable development.
                                                           There has been some progress on climate change
In the early 1990s I was working for the World Wide        since then, with the Paris Agreement of 2015
Fund for Nature UK (WWF UK). That was 30 years             marking a palpable shift in gear. But there is so much
ago. It was a time when the phrase sustainable             more to do. So how will this summit help?
development was less familiar than it is today.
Indeed, it was only a few years earlier in 1987            Over the past three decades it has become clearer to
when a report was published called: Our Common             me that what we need most to tackle climate change
Future (also known as the Brundtland Report). This         effectively is global solidarity towards the needs of
report was released by the United Nations                  different people. Coming together across different
Commission on Environment and Development and              faiths and beliefs this Monday is an important
set out the concept of sustainable development for         contribution to building this solidarity. The event will
the first time along with its guiding principles.          not solve the problem of climate change. But it will
                                                           demonstrate to all of us how young people of
30+ years later the argument for sustainable               different faith and belief identities, with different ideas
development via the Sustainable Development Goals          and perspectives, with different skills and
(SDGs) is sharper and more urgent. Evidence of             experiences, can connect and collaborate on
environmental degradation, the erosion of                  something that affects us all. I only wish there had
biodiversity, and the ways in which this is inextricably   been something like it back in 1990!
linked to how we as human beings live our lives has
crystalised.                                               Phil Champain

It is also crystal clear that our environmental crisis     Director of The Faith & Belief Forum
carries with it the issue of power, which we cannot
duck. ‘Climate justice’, a ‘just transition’. These
phrases remind us that sustainable development and
tackling climate change are not only about how we
engage with nature, but are also about how we treat
each other as human beings.

The environment and justice are key themes of
this year’s youth summit on climate change
organised by F&BF’s youth council. They lie at
the heart of faith traditions, and it is apt,
therefore, that the timing of this event is during
interfaith harmony week. This summit is an
important contribution to the great work already
being done by different faith and belief
communities. It is youth inspired, youth led, and
youth delivered.
         We will hear from members of different faith groups about the work they are
         already doing to mitigate climate change and raise awareness, inspired by
        being part of faith groups and communities. Our speakers will share personal
         reflections on why their faith motivates them to act, as well as the concrete
            steps that groups are taking, from right at home all the way through to
                          establishing faith working groups at the UN.

                                              Our Panelists

             Shantanu Mandal                               Kevin Shang                                Gurvinder Uppal

Shantanu Mandal is passionate about           Kevin Shang is a trustee of Operation      Gurvinder Uppal studied Geography at the
connecting values and their application to    Noah, an ecumenical Christian charity      University of Portsmouth, taking an interest
the field of Education, Awareness, Well-      based in the UK, that campaigns on         in environmental and climate justice. Her
being and Youth. His main area of work has    climate change. He completed the           thesis was inspired by her connection to her
taken a benevolent and holistic approach to   ParliaMentors programme in 2017/18,        background and faith. She holds a masters
activism based on a shift in consciousness.   and won 21 for 21 interfaith award in      degree in International Relations, focusing
As the rapporteur for the COY Paris, he       2018, a joint project between the Church   on the politics behind climate change
helped develop the Youth Manifesto. He        Times, Jewish News, British Muslim TV      denial. Gurvinder has interned at
mentored and organised the LCOYs in India     and Coexist House. He works as a senior    Greenpeace UK and at Climate Strategies.
in 2019- 2022. Since 2019 he's represented    analyst in Wood Mackenzie’s global         She works at Greenpeace as Fundraising
the Brahma Kumaris Youth in the UNEP,         energy storage team and his research       Executive. Visiting the gurdwara and seeing
UNFCCC & UNCCD. He's attended 4 COPs          and analysis on battery industry and       opportunities of how we can make our
and is involved in the UN Food Systems        market is often featured in the press.     places of worship more environmentally
Summit. He facilitates the Environment and                                               friendly as well as wanting to engage
Faith in Steering Committee of the United                                                minority groups in climate activism are her
Nations Environment Program Major Group                                                  motivations for volunteering with EcoSikh
for Children and Youth (UNEP MGCY).                                                      UK.
                   & CLIMATE JUSTICE
          We know that climate change doesn’t affect everyone equally. This panel will
        hear from those working within climate justice networks on how climate change
       impacts us all in varied ways. Why do some groups, whether that be race, faith or
        geographically separated, end up treated differently. What can young people do
         to help, which are the key areas that young people can focus on, and are there
                      causes for optimism that climate work is successful?

                                                 Our Panelists

               Alexa Waud                                     Bel Jacobs                                  Dalia Gebrial

Alexa Waud is an experienced social           Bel Jacobs is a former fashion editor         Dalia is an ESRC funded PhD candidate,
researcher with international experience,     turned speaker and activist for climate       working on race and gender in the platform
an eye for detail, and the capacity for big   justice, animal rights and alternative ways   economy. She completed her MSc in LSE
picture thinking. She is interested in        in which to view clothing and culture in      Geography, after studying English Literature
climate justice, questions of reach, and      the light of the climate emergency. She is    at Warwick and Oxford Universities. She's
finding synergies between health, social,     co-founder of Fashion Act Now, a              worked at the grassroots NGO, People &
and environmental policies to lesson          campaign seeking to embed ideas of            Planet and is on the board of Historical
social inequalities.                          degrowth into fashion systems; founder of     Materialism journal. She has published work
                                              The Empathy Project, which aims to            in The Times, The Guardian and The
                                              reframe relationships between humans          Telegraph as well as making occasional
                                              and animals towards greater compassion        appearances on outlets including Sky News,
                                              and respect; and co-founder of the            BBC and LBC. Dalia is involved in
                                              Islington Climate Centre.                     campaigning work around issues such as
                                                                                            immigrant rights, workers' rights and climate
                                                                                            justice. She has also recently contributed to
                                                                                            and co-edited a volume on Decolonising the
                                                                                            University with Gurminder Bhambra BEL andJACOBS
                                                                                            Kerem Nisancioglu.
     How can you be a positive influence?
A two-part skills series which will focus on practical steps that young people
can take to fight against climate change within their own communities.
Facilitator Lucy Plummer will share practical ways that she was able to have
influence within UN policymaking spheres.

the second session will be an entry into climate and environmental activism.
How can young people get involved in practical ways in activities that will
make a difference in their own communities and lives? This will encourage
individuals to think about where they are right now, who they can influence,
what actions you can ask of those around you and how to do that. In the
workplace – how can someone help call for and design an environmental
policy if there isn’t one already?

                                                        Lucy Plummer

                                             Lucy is a Youth Worker, an international
                                               youth participation specialist, and an
                                                Honorary Research Fellow with the
                                             Centre for Applied Buddhism. Lucy has
                                                 been engaged in various interfaith
                                               initiatives, including the Religions for
                                             Peace UK Interfaith Youth Network and
                                             the UNEP UK Youth Faith Council, and
                                            has collaborated with global young people
                                              of faith to co-organise interfaith youth
                                            events at several international climate and
                                              environmental conferences, including
                                                 COP26, COP27, and UNEA 5.2.
                               A conversation with our Green Team

                    Led by the Faith & Belief Forum’s Green Team; this session will allow
                   participants to continue to reflect on a personal level about their identity
                                and personal relationship with the environment.

                   Join Laura Roper and Siobhán Anderson, Programmes Coordinators at
                 F&BF, for an interactive session exploring perspectives on nature and the
                  environment, and how our beliefs and traditions inspire us to take action.
                 Everyone who attends will be invited to reflect, share, and discuss in small

                                                                                         The Faith & Belief Forum’s Green
           Siobhán Anderson                                Laura Roper                      Team works to grow climate
                                             Laura works as programmes coordinator         justice awareness and action
Siobhán coordinates various community
and workplace projects in F&BF’s             in our Education & Learning team. Whilst         internally and among our
Movement Building team.                      at university, she first became involved     organisation’s networks, as well
Siobhán holds an MA Religion in              with F&BF as part of the ParliaMentors      as to highlight the important work
                                             programme, identifying a lot with our
Contemporary Society from King’s                                                              happening to protect the
College London and BA Theology with          mission and values.
                                                                                           environment across faith and
Philosophy from the University of Exeter.    She has undergraduate degree in Wildlife
                                             Conservation from the University of
                                                                                                 belief communities.
She is an experienced facilitator and
enjoys working with participants ages 8 to   Salford and a Master’s in Human Rights
80+.                                         and Environmental Law from Lancaster
Siobhán is a vegan and animal lover and      University. She has volunteered helping
has previously worked in the Volunteering    teach English lessons for refugees and is
Department at Battersea Dogs & Cats          passionate about creating universal
Home.                                        equality and a tolerant society.
                                             In her spare time she enjoys reading,
                                             politics, foraging and walking her pet
Climate change & Community

                                                                  The Youth Interfaith Summit will bring hundreds of
                                                                  young people together from many different faith and
   In contemporary society, people often believe it is
                                                                  belief groups from all over London. Through dance,
   often said that community no longer exists.
                                                                  song, and dialogue, the Summit directly confronts the
   Individualism is rising globally, as family units are
                                                                  individualism that has taken over modern life and the
   smaller, communal spaces are closing, and isolation
                                                                  climate agenda. We will learn how different groups
   and loneliness are on the rise. Simultaneously, life is
                                                                  use their community to organize sustainable
   busier than ever. The pressures of being a young
                                                                  initiatives, and how different group practices can
   person today mean many of us have experienced
                                                                  unite to create large-scale change. The Summit will
   feelings of burnout before our 25th birthday.
                                                                  bring together smaller community units to create a
                                                                  new larger community.
   On top of the pressures of ‘hustle’ culture and trying
   to survive neoliberalism, young people seem to bear
                                                                  As a result, challenging climate change through a
   the most responsibility of global warming by being
                                                                  Summit moves the conversation away from individual
   urged to prioritize sustainability in everything we do –
                                                                  action to collective action. Climate change becomes
   from what we wear, what we eat, and where we
                                                                  less about small personal sacrifices and more about
   shop. I cringe every time my paper straw turns to
                                                                  a commitment to each person in the room. Climate
   mush and ask myself, “how will my one paper straw
                                                                  action brings out the best in one another through
   save the turtles?.” I cringe at the ever-rising price of
                                                                  mutual understanding and learning of how climate
   oat milk but remind myself that it is for the planet. As
                                                                  change affects us all in unique aspects. It becomes
   awful as it is to say, sometimes I feel resentment for
                                                                  less about a future impact we may never see or
   being ‘socially aware.’ I am jealous of those who
                                                                  people we will never know, and more about how
   seem to live in blissful ignorance that the earth is
                                                                  precious current life is, and how interconnected we
                                                                  all are despite our differences.
   It seems no matter the number of changes I make in
                                                                  The Youth Interfaith summit highlights how climate
   my life, climate change is inevitable. I read the other
                                                                  change is not an interfaith burden, but a vehicle for
   day that 100 companies are responsible for over
                                                                  interfaith action.
   70% of global emissions. Mainstream climate
   narratives tell us that it is either up to the individual to
                                                                  So, in the moments that the small sacrifices seem
   make the change, or for the large affluent companies
                                                                  like they don’t make an impact, I advise you to look
   to make the change. And so far we have not had any
                                                                  around you and find the community value of Climate
   luck with the latter. So, do I even blame those who
   have given up? Or never even tried in the first place?

                                                                  And if you are struggling to look, attend our Interfaith
   How can young people tackle the frustration of
                                                                  Youth Summit, on February 6th at LSE!
   bearing the responsibility for solving climate change?
   How can we tackle climate anxiety?

   We can do this by reframing how we think about                 Mashiyath Qurashy – Youth Council Member, Queen
                                                                  Mary University ParliaMentor 2020-21
   ‘responsibility’. To do this we need to tether the term
   responsibility with community.
 The Faith & Belief Forum has worked for 25 years to build good relations between
people of all faiths and beliefs, and to create a society where difference is celebrated.

We create spaces in schools, universities, workplaces, and the wider community where
people can engage with questions of belief and identity and meet people different from

    We were founded in 1997 as the Three Faiths Forum. Over the years our work
expanded to include people of all faiths and beliefs, both religious and non-religious. In
  2018, we changed our name to the Faith & Belief Forum to better reflect this ethos.

Our inclusive approach welcomes everyone, and our programmes are open to people
of all beliefs and identities. The Faith & Belief Forum believes that intolerance has no
 place in our communities and that diversity adds value to society. Only by working
                      together can we create the change we need.
Visit our website to
   Register now!
Volunteer for
  The Faith & Belief Forum
                                              Schools Workshops
        The Faith & Belief Forum are the UK’s leading provider of interfaith workshops.

  Our Encountering Faith and Belief workshop models interfaith dialogue to students, with the
   help of volunteer speakers from different faith and belief backgrounds, to improve young
   people’s skills of empathy and religious literacy. This workshop is offered to primary and
                       secondary students in Greater Manchester for FREE.

    We have expanded our work to the area of Greater Manchester and are recruiting
    Volunteer Speakers to participate in our Encountering Faith & Belief Workshops.

  What you will do:
  Volunteers will share their beliefs and experiences in the form of a short story to the
  classroom. They will then participate in a Q&A panel with students.

  This opportunity is ideal for people interested in education, youth work and/or interfaith
  dialogue, as well as those interested in developing skills in public speaking. The commitment
  is a minimum of three (one hour) workshops per year which fits around your schedule.
  Workshops are delivered face-to-face in schools and online via Zoom and are set by an
  experienced F&BF facilitator who will lead the activities.

   This opportunity offers:
      Full training to learn about interfaith tools and our
      Experience in working with young people
      Mentoring & support
      Access to the F&BF network, opportunities and events
      Reimbursement of travel expenses for face-to-face workshops

  Become a Volunteer Speaker today
  Apply now-
  if you have any further questions.

      @faithbeliefforum       @faithbeliefforum        @faithbelieforum
 Realistic Actions You Can

Our goal as a council is to build an interfaith
community in London that takes action on the issues         "Go vegan. By eliminating animal bodies
that affect us all as young people. It is our hope that            from what we eat and wear, we
attendees will leave the summit feeling inspired, well
                                                             simultaneously take a stand against the
connected, and empowered to effectively work in
diverse coalitions to inspire positive change in their       multinational corporations that drive the
communities.                                                 meat industry; against criminal levels of
                                                              greenhouse gas emissions, ecological
We want to hear from all of you how you plan to take        destruction and industrial land use - and
forward what you have learned from tonight’s
                                                           against the brutish treatment and slaughter
summit. This could be a key message or principle.
Or, it could be an action that you'll personally commit    of billions of animals. It's so easy once you
to or try to bring to your community.                                   understand what's at
Speaker suggestions                                                          Bel Jacobs

                             “Please take a look at your
                            pension scheme/investment;
                                divest from fossil fuel
                           companies and invest in clean
                                  Dr. Kevin Shang

                                                                         “Talk and pray about the climate and
                                                                       creation emergency by using one of our
                                                                          small group courses. Either find out
                                                                         how you and your church can help to
We have made a form so we can compile all the
                                                                        create a fairer, greener world with Joy
actions you have suggested and publish them to
share the group's learning and help everyone                            in Enough's Plenty! course, or provide
remember the night.                                                      pastoral support through climate grief
                                                                       and eco-anxiety, with Borrowed Time's
                                                                                     Deep Waters.”
                                                                                   Green Christian

    Add your
contribution here
 The Faith & Belief Forum London Interfaith Youth Council aims to build an active and
     connected network of young people of different faith and belief backgrounds. Its
  members are those who have been inspired by the work of F&BF and believe in the
    importance of young people of all beliefs coming together to make a difference in
society. We work together to learn about each other’s faiths, we do research so that we
can use our voices to influence policy, and we organize events like this event tonight to
 bring amazing people like you together to learn, build skills, and make plans to build a
                             movement of young activists.

   If tonight’s event has inspired you and you want to find out
         more about how to get involved with the Council.
               Email Lauryn to express your interest!

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