Your little Italy in Zürich - Regensdorf

Page created by Hazel Dean
Your little Italy in Zürich - Regensdorf
„Your little Italy

                                           in Zürich – Regensdorf“

Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22
     All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
Your little Italy in Zürich - Regensdorf
Our house wine our recommendation

                           Serving from the 30 dl double magnum bottle:
                                                                                         1 dl 7.5 dl 30dl
115                                          Primitivo di Manduria 2019            CHF    7.5      52    195
                                   Masseria Pietrosa Cantine San Marzano

      Strong purple, black berry bouquet with the typical
      Primitivo spice accompanied by notes of elderberry
      and precious wood. Blackberry and cassis on the palate,
      accompanied by chocolate notes and some cinnamon.

                          Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22       
                               All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
Aperò and wines by the glass                                                                                CHF

Prosecco                                                                                                     9 1 dl / 59 7.5 dl
Prosecco Extra Dry Calle Contarini

Aperol Spritz                                                                                                12 2dl
Aperol I Orange I Soda I Prosecco

Limoncello Spritz                                                                                            12 2dl
Limoncello I Prosecco I Tonic I Mint

The Pink Rosy                                                                                                14 2dl
Tanqueray Gin I Grapefruit I Rosmary I Tonic

2020 Compleo Cuvèe Blanc                                                                                      8 1dl / 55 7.5 dl
Vin de Pays Suisse I Staatskellerei Zürich I 80% Pinot Gris 20 % Chardonnay

2020 Akkurat White                                                                                            7 1dl / 48 7.5 dl
Vin de Pays Suisse I Staatskellerei Zürich I 80% Pinot Noir 12 % Rielsing Silvaner 8% Muscat

2020 Pinot GrigioFriuli DOC                                                                                   7 1dl / 48 7.5 dl
Il Cavaliere di Bertiolo I Cantina die Bertiolo I 100% Pinot Grigio

2020 Compleo Cuvèe Noire                                                                                      8 1dl / 55 7.5 dl
Vin de Pays Suisse I Staatskellerei Zürich I 50% Pinot Noir 37 % Gamaret 13% Cornalin

2020 Akkurat Red                                                                                              7 1dl / 48 7.5 dl
Vin de Pays Suisse I Staatskellerei Zürich I 80% Pinot Noir

2019 Valpolicella DOC Ripasso                                                                                 7 1dl / 48 7.5 dl
La Groletta I Corte Giara by Allergini I 70% Corvina Veronese 30% Rondinella

                                                   Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22
                                                        All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
Minestra                                                                                                          CHF

Crema di Pomodori A/I/W                                                                                            12
Vine tomatoes I fresh basil I pine nuts

Bruscetta A/F                                                                                                       10
Marzano tomatoes I garlic l olive oil l basil I pine nuts

Insalata Mista W/O                                                                                                  11
Lettuce l cherry tomatoes l cucumber l cress

Mozzarella di Buffala Campana F/O                                                                                   19
Cherry tomatoes l olive oil I 13 year old balsamic vinegar l basil I pine nuts

Rucola Salad F                                                                                                      17
Marinated rocket I rocket pesto I cherry tomatoes I Parmesan from the red cow I sunflower seeds

Aubergine carpaccio from the wood-fired oven F                                                                      27
Truffle I cherry tomatoes I parmesan I olive oil I rocket I fleur de sel

Carpaccio di Bresaola della Valtellina F/O                                                                          21
Beef ham I lemon I cherry tomato I arugula I parmesan I black pepper

Piatto di Antipasto F/O                                                                                             24
Grana Padano l Olives l Parma ham I Bruscetta l Antipasti

                                                Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22
                                                     All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
Maincourse                                                                                                            CHF

Salmone (MSC) A/F/C                                                                                                     34
Safran Risotto l Broccoli l Kresse

Risotto Gambaretti A/B/F                                                                                                39
Gamberetti l tomato I mascarpone I parmesan chip I cress

Tagliata di Manzo from Simmental beef 200g A                                                                            41
Pepperonata l truffle crust I rosemary I jus

Piccata di Vitello alla Milanese A/L/E/S                                                                                38
White wine risotto l tomato sauce I rocket

Ossobuco from the veal knuckle F/W/F/I                                                                                  35
Potato butter puree I tomato cream sauce I rocket I pine nuts

Mövenpick beef tartare A/G/S/SE
Mild I Medium or Fiery I Brioche Toast and Butter                                                            130g       32
add Cognac, Calvados oder Whisky + 3.5                                                                        70g       26

Ceasar Salad G/L/F/E/S                                                                                                  20
Brioche croutons I crispy bacon I Caesar dressing
with chicken breast + 8

Zürcher Geschnetzeltes A/L/S
Veal I mushrooms I cream sauce I butter rösti                                                                140g       37
                                                                                                             100g       31

                                                    Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22
                                                         All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
Homemade Pasta                                                                                                         CHF

Fresh and homemade pasta. Our pastas are optionally with
homemade tagliatelle, spaghettini or casarecce available.

Pasta Pomodoro A/D                                                                                                       21
Tomato sauce l cherry tomatoes I olive oil I basil

Al Ragu Bolognese A/D/F/W                                                                                                27
Beef I carrot I onion I tomato I parmesan I basil

Carbonara A/D/F                                                                                                          26
Pancetta I ORGANIC egg yolk I garlic I cream I pecorino

Noce A/D/G/W/F                                                                                                           27
Walnut I white wine I onion I cream I parmesan I garlic I chives

Pasta Antonio A/D/F                                                                                                      29
Swiss chicken I tomato sauce I double cream I garlic

Appenzeller Ravioli A/D/F                                                                                                31
Truffle cream I pine nuts I basil I tomato sauce I pecorino

Risotto con verdura F/W                                                                                                  28
White wine I aubergine l peppers l zucchini EI tomato I parmesan I seeds

                                                     Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22
                                                          All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
Oven fresh pizza                                                                                                                                                                                        CHF

Margherita A/F                                                                                                                                                                                            19
Tomato l mozzarella l basil

Quattro Formaggi A/F                                                                                                                                                                                      27
Tomato l Mozzarella l Basil I Black Pepper

Salame Milano A/F/O                                                                                                                                                                                       24
Tomato l Mozzarella l Salami Milano

Tonno A/C/F/O                                                                                                                                                                                             25
Tomato l mozzarella l tuna I capers l red onion

San Daniele A/FO                                                                                                                                                                                          29
Tomato l mozzarella l San Daniele ham

Mozzarella di Bufala A/F/O                                                                                                                                                                                26
Tomato l buffalo mozzarella I Grana Padano l basil I 13 year old balsamic vinegar

Funghi A/F/D                                                                                                                                                                                              23
Tomato l mozzarella l stone mushrooms I organic chicken egg I truffle oil

Salsiccia A/F/O                                                                                                                                                                                           27
Tomato l Appenzeller l Gruyere I Emmental
                                                                    Dishes may contain traces of peanuts or other nuts.
                                             In the event of allergies, intolerances or dietary requirements, please contact our service staff.

Meat declaration:                                                             Beef | calf | Poultry | Pig                                          Switzerland
                                                                              Salmon                                                               Scotland

Allergene / allegernes                                                              E   Soja / soy                                                                          K Senf / mustard
A   glutenhaltige Getreide / cereals and grains containing gluten                   F   Milch und Laktosse / milk and lactose                                               L Sesam / sesame
B   Krebstiere / crustaceans                                                        G   Schalenfrüchte z.B. Nüsse, Mandeln, Pistazien / nuts (e.g.nuts,almonds,pistachios   M Weichtiere / mollusks
C   Fisch / fish                                                                    H   Erdnüsse / peanuts                                                                  O Lupinen / lupins
D   Eier / eggs                                                                     I   Sellerie / celery                                                                   W Alkohol / alcohol

                                                                        Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22                                                        
                                                                             All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
Our wine recommendations…

                      Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22
                           All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
Wines by the glass                                                                                          CHF

2020 Compleo Cuvèe Blanc                                                                                    8 1dl / 55 7.5 dl
Vin de Pays Suisse I Staatskellerei Zürich I 80% Pinot Gris 20 % Chardonnay

2020 Akkurat Weiss                                                                                          7 1dl / 50 7.5 dl
Vin de Pays Suisse I Staatskellerei Zürich I 80% Pinot Noir 12 % Rielsing Silvaner 8% Muscat

2020 Pinot GrigioFriuli DOC                                                                                 7 1dl / 49 7.5 dl
Il Cavaliere di Bertiolo I Cantina die Bertiolo I 100% Pinot Grigio

2020 Compleo Cuvèe Noire                                                                                    8 1dl / 55 7.5 dl
Vin de Pays Suisse I Staatskellerei Zürich I 50% Pinot Noir 37 % Gamaret 13% Cornalin

2020 Akkurat Rot                                                                                            7 1dl / 50 7.5 dl
Vin de Pays Suisse I Staatskellerei Zürich I 80% Pinot Noir

2019 Valpolicella DOC Ripasso                                                                               7 1dl / 50 7.5 dl
La Groletta I Corte Giara by Allergini I 70% Corvina Veronese 30% Rondinella

Ask about our weekly wine - our service staff will be happy to advise you

                                                   Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22
                                                        All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
White Wines – Italy

Piemonte     Roero Arneis DOCG, Le Madri, Michele Chiarlo                                2019 - 2020          55

Toscana      Pomino Bianco DOC, Castello di Pomino                                       2016 - 2020          55
             Marchesi de' Frescobaldi

Venetien     Pinot Grigio, Grave Friuli Cavaliere Bertiolo                               2020                 49

             Chardonnay, Veneto IGT, Corte Giara by Allegrini                            2020                 49

Campania     Greco di Tufo DOCG, Vesevo                                                  2020                 50

Sizilien     Chardonnay, Sicilia Menfi DOC, Aziende Agricole Planeta                     2019                 85

                                Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22        
                                     All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
White wines – Switzerland / Spain / France

Zürcher Weinland   Compleo Cuvée blanc, Staatskellerei Zürich                                 2019 - 2020          55

                   Akkurat Weiss, Staatskellerei Zürich                                       2019 - 2020          50

Castilla-Léon      Abadía Vegas Verdejo VdT, Bodegas Avelino Vegas                            2018                 49

Rueda              Verdejo Rueda DO, Bodegas Val de Vid                                       2020                 50

Jumilla            Goru El Blanco, Vino Blanco d'España Ego Bodegas                           2020                 50

Loire              Sauvignon Blacn Esprit de Bourgeois, VDP du val de Loire                   2014                 50
                   Henri Bourgeois

                                     Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22        
                                          All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
Red Wines – Italy
Piemonte    Barbera d'Asti DOCG, Camp du Rouss, Coppo                                  2019 - 2020          59
            Barolo DOCG, Truffle Hunter Leda, Bosio Family Estates                     2018                 79

Toscana     Castiglioni Chianti DOCG, Frescobaldi                                      2020                 50
            Mediterra, Toscana IGT, Poggio al Tesero                                   2018                 59
            Lucente, Toscana IGT, Tenuta Luce                                          2018                 95
            Luce, Toscana IGT, Tenuta Luce                                             2018                239
            Sassicaia Rocchetta DOC, Tenuta San Guido                                  2013                295

Veneto      Amarone Valpolicella DOCG, La Groletta                                     2018                 95
            Corte Giara by Allegrini

            Ripasso Valpolicella DOCG, La Groletta                                     2017                 50
            Corte Giara by Allegrini

Venetien    Taurasi DOCG, Ensis Limeted Release, Vesevo                                2013                 69

Puglia      Salice, Salentino DOP, Masseria Pietrosa                                   2019                 49
            Cantine San Marzano

Sizilia     Merlot Sito dellÙlmo, Sicilia Menfi DOC                                    2015                 85
            Aziende Agricole Planeta

                              Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22        
                                   All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
Red wines – Switzerland / Spain / France

Zürcher Weinland      Compleo Cuvée Noire Barrique, Staatskellerei Zürich                        2020          55

                      Akkurat Rot, Staatskellerei Zürich                                         2020          50

Rioja                 Baigorri Crianza DOC, Bodegas Baigorri                                     2017          65

Jumilla               Goru, Jumilla DOP, Ego Bodegas                                             2019          49

Castilla-Léon         Via Cenit Colecciòn, Tierra del Vino Zamora DO                             2019          65
                      Viñas del Cenit

Toro                  Pintia, Toro DO, Bodegas y Viñedos Pintia                                  2016         149
                      Grupo Vega Sicilia

Languedoc-Rousillon   Cabanon, Côtes du Roussillon Villages AOC                                  2018          49

                                        Alle Preise sind in CHF inklusive MwSt - Stand 02 /22 
                                             All prices are in CHF including VAT - as of 02/22
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