Your guide to extra-curricular arts involvement - Mueller ...

Page created by Jonathan Bradley
Your guide to extra-curricular arts involvement - Mueller ...
Your guide to extra–curricular
      arts involvement.
Your guide to extra-curricular arts involvement - Mueller ...
We all love it when the Arts help us to
    understand who we are as individuals, who
    are within our culture and who we are in our
    understanding of God.
    There are five Arts at Mueller: Drama, Dance,
    Music, Media Arts and Visual Arts. These
    five forms are extended by extra-curricular
    opportunities such as Musical Theatre, Dance
    Crew, Instrumental music, drawing classes,
    acting classes and singing lessons.
    Our overall vision for students in the Arts is
    summarised in three words:
    EXCITE: The arts are fun to do.
    EXPLORE: The Arts are a safe way for students
    to experiment with ideas that are personally
    important. It’s okay to make mistakes!
    EXCEL: There must always be support for the
    good student to be better and the exceptional
    student to continue to grow.
    Mueller Arts provides a P-12 approach to Arts
    practice. As you will find in these pages, there
    is an individual Arts journey possible for every
    Keep an eye on “Mueller Connect” as it is
    our intention to keep adding classes and
    For more information look on Mueller Connect/
    Parent Portal, or contact the Arts Office on
    or ring 3897 2859.

    Simon Ratcliffe
    Head of The Arts


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Your guide to extra-curricular arts involvement - Mueller ...
Arts Planner

    Planning your child’s Arts Journey                                                                           Below is an overview of all that happens in Mueller Arts.
                                                                                                                 Use it as a guide for planning your child’s future success...

                 P             1            2                3                4                5                6*                7                 8               9               10               11               12
    CURRICULUM                  THE ARTS COVERED BY CURRICULUM                                                           ARTS ROTATION                             ARTS ELECTIVES                  ARTS ELECTIVES
                         WITH SPECIALIST CLASSES IN MUSIC AND VISUAL ARTS                                     (first opportunities to select. Media Arts,        (Media Arts, Visual Arts,       AND MUSIC EXTENSION
                                                                                                              Dance, Drama, as well as Music and Art            Drama, Dance and Music)          (• Musicology • Performance
                                                                                                                            as an elective)                                                             • Composition)

                     BEGINNER STRINGS           >             PRIMARY STRING ORCHESTRA                                                                      SECONDARY STRING ENSEMBLE

                         P - 3 JUNIOR PRIMARY CHOIR                            4 - 6 SENIOR PRIMARY CHOIR                                                    SECONDARY VOCAL GROUP

                              BEGINNER BAND                                   INTERMEDIATE BAND                                       >                            CONCERT BAND

    MUSIC        OPEN WEEK FOR CLASSROOM VISITATIONS                                   4 - 6 CONCERT                                                                                           MUSIC CAFE
    EXTENSION                                                                                      MUELLER ARTS FESTIVAL

    OTHER                                                                                                                                                    CHAPEL CAMP
                                                                                                                     L’ARTE: LUNCHTIME PERFORMANCES
                                                PRIMARY CHAPEL BAND                                                                       MIDDLE SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                                                         SENIOR CHAPEL BAND
                                           (Beginning Chapel Band experience)                                                              CHAPEL BAND

    TUTORING                  INSTRUMENTAL LESSONS (Percussion – strings – woodwind – brass suitable for students Yr 4 and up – Vocal/Piano/Guitar suitable for Yr 1 and up)

                                                                                                        VOICE LESSONS

                                                                                                   MUSIC THEORY LESSONS

    OTHER                                                                                                            BRISBANE JUNIOR THEATRE CLASSES
                                                                                              SPEECH AND DRAMA TUTORING

                                             PRIMARY BALLET CLASSES                                                                                           DANCE CREW (Year 5 - 12)

                                                                                                                                DRAWING CLASSES

                                                    * Year 6 students with the appropriate skills will be invited to join the secondary orchestra as long as they are able to also meet their primary band leadership commitments

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Arts Extra Curricular Timetable
Day         Before School           Morning Tea/Lunch      After School

Monday                                                     Primary Choir
                                                           Year 4 – 6
                                                           Where Q305
                                                           Time 3.15 – 4.15pm
                                                           Brisbane Junior Theatre
                                                           Prep – Year 12
                                                           Where D29
                                                           Time 3.15 – 4.45pm,
                                                           and 4.45 – 5.45pm
                                                           Primary Ballet
                                                           Prep – Year 6
                                                           Where Dance Studio
                                                           Time 3.20 – 3.50pm (P-3)
                                                           and 3.50 –4.10pm (3-6)

Tuesday     Primary Choir           Beginner Band          Musical Rehearsal
            Prep – Year 2           Year 4 – 6             Secondary
            Where Q305              Where Q305             (Term 1 & 2 only)
            Time 8 – 8.30am         Time Lunch             Where MPAC Stage
                                                           Time 3.20 – 5pm

Wednesday   Secondary String        Year 3 String          Primary Strings
            Ensemble                Ensemble               Where Q305
            Where Q408              (Semester 2 only)      Time 3.05 – 4.00pm
            Time 8.00am             Year 3
                                                           Musical Rehearsal
                                    Where Q305
            Intermediate Band                              Primary (Term 1 & 2 only)
                                    Time 1.00 – 1.45pm
            Year 4 – 8                                     Where MPAC Stage
            Where Q305                                     Time 3.20 – 5.00pm
            Time 7.30 – 8.30am
                                                           Secondary Choir
                                                           Where Q408
                                                           Time 3.15 – 5.00pm

Thursday    Chapel Band             Recorder Ensemble      Drawing Class
            Rehearsal               Year 5 – 6             Year 4 – 6
            Where Q305              Where Q305             Where S101
            Time 8.00 – 8.45am      Time 10.40 - 11.10am   Time 3.10 – 5.30pm
                                                           Dance Crew
                                                           Year 5 – 12
                                                           Where Dance Studio
                                                           Time 3.20 - 5.00pm

Friday      Chapel Band             Recorder Karate Club
            Where MPAC Stage        Year 4 – 5
            Time 8.00am to chapel   Where Q305
                                    Time 10.40 - 11.10am

Your guide to extra-curricular arts involvement - Mueller ...
Dance / Art / Drama

    Join the                                    Primary                                     Brisbane Junior Theatre
    Dance Crew                                  Ballet Classes                                                                          Brisbane Junior Theatre runs two
                                                                                                                                        workshop classes at Mueller every
    We currently have an eisteddfod team        Two new groups will be available in 2019
                                                                                                                                        Monday afternoon.
    who not only learn jazz, hip hop and        run by Joy in Motion, a local company
    contemporary routine, but have started      run by qualified teacher Amy Houlihan.                                                  Class 1 is from 3:15-4:45pm and is
    to explore liturgical dance for events      Lessons will be for 45 minutes, the                                                     open to students 5-18 years of age.
    such as the Mueller Fete.                   first for Prep - Year 3 students with the
                                                second group serving students in Year                                                   This class is usually based around
    Entry to the Dance Crew is by audition,                                                                                             an abridged musical, appropriate
                                                3 - 6 (Year 3 can go in either group).
    open to all Year 5 - Year 12 students.                                                                                              for school students. The focus is on
                                                Classes will be Monday after school in
                                                the Dance Studio at the rear of MPAC on                                                 skills, communication, abilities and
    Costs                                                                                                                               confidence.
                                                Level 2. Boys and girls are welcome.
    The Dance Crew enter eisteddfods                                                                                                    Class 2 is from 4:45pm - 5:45pm
    during the school year. While the school    Costs
                                                                                                                                        BJT’s SMAC class is aimed at
    buys much of the costuming, there are
                                                $13.50 per lesson paid directly to the                                                  young performers 12-22 and uses
    some clothing costs for the students.
                                                instructor not the school                                                               commercially based modern scripts and
                                                                                            Costs                                       materials to build serious method acting
                                                                                                                                        skills into young performers. Actors will
    More Information                            More Information                            $20 per lesson paid in advance to the
                                                                                                                                        explore and analyse themes, language,
                                                                                            instructor or $30 for both lessons if
    Look on Mueller Connect/Parent Portal,      Contact Amy on 0421 649 596 or email                                                    movement through improvisation an
                                                                                            taken on the same day.
    or contact the Arts Office on 3897 2859                                                                script work.
    or email
                                                Please note places are limited.

    Improve your Drawing Skills                                                             Speech and Drama Lessons
    A chance just to sit and draw – with        Costs                                       Good communicators are always               Costs
    guidance. Natalia Balo runs an after                                                    valuable. Mueller College offers Speech
                                                $160 (8 sessions) per term (paid directly                                               $258 per term or $32.50 per lesson.
    school art class to provide students with                                               and Drama for students wanting to
                                                to the Instructor not to the school).
    individual attention and approaches to                                                  improve their acting but also to assist
    new techniques.                             Due to limited places, contact Natalia      presentation skills and build confidence.   More Information
                                                directly on:
    This class is open to Primary students                                                  Speech and Drama benefits students          Look on Mueller Connect/Parent Portal,
                                      ; 0406383823; or
    from Year 4 up to Year 12 students.                                                     with a range of abilities.                  or contact the Arts Office on artsoffice@
                                                                                                                               or ring 3897 2859.

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Your guide to extra-curricular arts involvement - Mueller ...
Community Musical

     Musical                                       Auditions                                     Rehearsals in 2019:
                                                   Because of the demand for roles,              The Primary musical is Jungle Book
                                                   auditions are formalized into the             Kids rehearsed every Wednesday
     Every year Mueller provides a Musical
                                                   following structure.                          from 3:20-5:00.
     theatre event to extend students and
     provide an exciting social event for Year     1. A general audition is held in which
                                                      each student is given a chance to          The Secondary musical is High
     Levels to work together. Often several                                                      School Musical Junior rehearsed
     staff members assist the production,             perform.
                                                                                                 every Tuesday from 3:20-5:00.
     take up a role, or play with the orchestra.   2. Call back auditions are then held one
                                                      for main cast, and one for chorus          At some point in the rehearsal
                                                      and dancers.                               schedule both shows have a
     Costs                                                                                       rehearsal on a Saturday morning.
                                                   A musical cast is a bit like a sports team.
     Sometimes a t-shirt of the Musical can        While we attempt to maximise our cast,
     be purchased.                                 not everyone who auditions will end up in     Technical week before the
                                                   the production.                               show will also require
                                                                                                 extra rehearsals.
     More Information                              Crew: Opportunities are also available to
                                                   crew the shows. Senior students often
     Look on Mueller Connect/Parent Portal,        vie for the experience of Stage Manager
     or contact the Arts Office on 3897 2859       and crew leadership.
     or email       Orchestra: Many of the musicals
                                                   chosen are supported by a student/
                                                   staff orchestra. This is open mainly to
                                                   secondary students.
                                                   Dancers: Dance teams are often a large
                                                   part of the final production.
                                                   Puppeteers: Many recent productions
                                                   have used puppetry as an opportunity
                                                   for student performance work with a
                                                   Date: Each musical occurs around the
                                                   beginning of June.

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     Primary & Secondary Music Ensembles                                                    Lessons in an                              Instrumental Hire

     The delight of singing, dancing and
                                                                                            Instrument, Voice                          Hire charge is at $45 per term. This helps
                                                                                                                                       cover the price of repair and servicing.
     playing games, which for centuries
                                                 Music Ensembles
                                                                                            or Theory                                  No reimbursement will be possible if the
                                                                                                                                       instrument is returned early.
     has brought joy to children, has been
     incorporated into classroom practise        •   Junior Primary Choir (P - 2)                                                      Currently Mueller offer Hire of the
                                                                                            Voice, guitar, violin, piano, trumpet,
     to serve the cause of musical literacy.     •   Senior Primary Choir (3 - 6)                                                      following instruments:
                                                                                            drums and much, much, more.
     Mueller uses folk songs from Australia,
                                                 •   Secondary Choir (7 - 12)               Mueller College offers a wide range        •   Flute
     and around the world, to teach the
                                                 •   Beginner Band (4 - 6)                  of instrumental opportunities. Take        •   Clarinet
     language of music throughout the
                                                 •   Primary String Orchestra               advantage of on-site tuition with highly   •   Alto Saxophone
     primary years. Movement helps children
                                                 •   Year 3 String Ensemble                 qualified staff. Make an instrument part   •   Violin
     feel the pulse and rhythm, while
                                                 •   Secondary String Ensemble              of your child’s extended learning.         •   Cello
     repetition encourages singing in tune.
                                                 •   Recorder Ensemble (5 - 6)                                                         •   Trumpet
     It is through performing the simple         •   Recorder Karate Club (4 - 5)                                                      •   Trombone
     rhythms of these songs that children are    •   Intermediate Band (5 - 8)
     led to discover, read and write beginning                                                                                         We also have other instruments available
                                                 •   Chapel Band (7 - 12)                   $258 - $272 per term for individual
     rhythms. Once these foundations have                                                                                              but a very limited number:
                                                                                            lessons with tutor
     been laid, instruments are introduced                                                  $120 per term for theory lessons           •   Oboe
                                                 More Information
     to expand children’s experience and to                                                 $45 per term for instrument hire           •   French Horn
     establish the relationship between letter   Please note: an audition may be required                                              •   Euphonium
     names and solfa names.                      to determine the best group for the                                                   •   Double Bass
                                                                                            More Information
     Throughout the middle-school years,                                                                                               The following instruments are used by
     Music encompasses a new world                                                          For sign up details contact the Arts
                                                                                                                                       band members to fill out the sound of
     of creativity, whereby students are         Costs                                      Administration team on 3897 2859 or
                                                                                                                                       the Concert Band and Musical Orchestra.
     introduced to new technologies, new                                                    email
                                                 Usually none, but some instruments can                                                Hire isn’t charged for these instruments
     ways of composing and a greater             be hired.                                                                             because of this:
     emphasis on ensemble work, both
     vocally and instrumentally. The senior                                                                                            •   Bass Clarinet
     music years are where a student’s                                                                                                 •   Tenor Saxophone
     musical literacy is on display. Mueller’s                                                                                         •   Baritone Saxophone
     cumulative and sequential teaching                                                                                                There are also instruments used for some
     style gives senior students confidence                                                                                            classroom activities. These instruments
     to read, compose and perform music at                                                                                             aren’t allowed to be taken home.
     a mastery level.
                                                                                                                                       Beginner Band students are expected
                                                                                                                                       to sign up to hire instruments. They are
     Di Schmidt                                                                                                                        allowed to take these instruments home
     Primary Music Teacher                                                                                                             because they have committed to the hire
                                                                                                                                       cost and a weekly band lesson.

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     Arts Tutoring Scholarship                                                                   Application for Scholarship
     Due to the diverse nature of our community, Mueller provides two                            This application form is the first step in the application process for a scholarship with
     distinct music scholarships which covers the cost of instrumental                           Mueller Arts. Staff then confer before a final choice is made.
     music lessons.                                                                              Section 1 Category
                                                                                                 Please tick a box for the scholarship you are seeking.
                                                                                                     Excellence               Diversity

                                                                                                 Section 2 Parent Declaration and Student Details
     Scholarships for Arts Excellence           Scholarships for Arts Diversity                  • We hereby submit this scholarship application for the student named below
     These are for students outstanding in      It often occurs that there are skills            • We understand and acknowledge this application does not guarantee a
     the field. There is an expectation that    essential to an arts group, but we have            scholarship
     their ability would be contributed to      trouble finding students to undertake
     major arts activities.                     this role. This scholarship is provided as       • We have provided to the best of our knowledge the information required in the
                                                an incentive for students willing to take          following sections.
                                                up the challenge of the unfamiliar.

                                                                                                 Signature of Parents/Guardians                   Please PRINT name/s

                                                                                                 Student Details

                                                                                                 Family Name                                    Date of Birth

                                                                                                 Given Names                                    Preferred Name

                                                                                                 Age                                            Year Level in 2019

                                                                                                 Section 3 Attributes / Achievements
                                                                                                 Please attach any additional supporting material (attributes and achievements) that
                                                                                                 you feel are relevant to this application.
                                                                                                 Please submit this form to the Arts Administration Department of Mueller College on

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More than a school... a Christian community.


Your guide to extra-curricular arts involvement - Mueller ...
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