Your COVID-19 Safety Plan - General Business details - Carina Eye Care

Page created by Rene Medina
Your COVID-19 Safety Plan - General Business details - Carina Eye Care
Your COVID-19 Safety Plan

Business details
Business name                                Carina Eye Care
Business location (town, suburb or           2134
Completed by                                 Carina Trinh
Email address                      
Effective date                               2 August 2021
Date completed                               13 August 2021

Wellbeing of staff and customers

Exclude people who are unwell from the premises.

Tell us how you will do this
Upon booking appointments, patients are requested to declare that they have no
symptoms of feeling unwell. All patients and visitors to the practice are asked at the door
about symptoms, and have their temperature checked. I am the only staff member at

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my practice, so I will not attend the practice if I am unwell.

Provide staff with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get
tested, physical distancing, wearing masks, and cleaning.
Tell us how you will do this
I have personally undertaken training on COVID-19 and keep up to date with
announcements from the NSW press conference on a daily basis. Masks are always
worn, physical distancing whenever possible, cleaning between every single
patient/visitor, and getting tested and isolating as soon as symptoms are felt.

Display conditions of entry including requirements to stay away if unwell and record
Tell us how you will do this
A sign is at the entrance of my practice clearly stating the requirements of entry
including signing in via my QR code from the NSW government.

Other types of venues or facilities within the premises must complete COVID-19
Safety Plans where applicable. If contact details are captured electronically upon
entry to the main premises on the relevant day, additional collection of contact
details via electronic methods may not be required if there is no other public access
to the sub-premises. However, additional contact details and time of entry must be
captured where these sub-premises are gyms, entertainment facilities, hospitality
venues, nightclubs and retail premises.
Tell us how you will do this
At times, patients are not aware of how to scan QR codes, in this case, their details are
documented in my patient management software and can be easily accessed for

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contact tracing if necessary.

Encourage staff to access COVID-19 vaccination.
Tell us how you will do this
I have been fully vaccinated with Astrazeneca since June 2021, and was one of the first to
jump on board with vaccination for the safety of my patients and family.

Physical distancing

Ensure 1.5m physical distancing where possible, including:

      at points of mixing or queuing
      between seated groups
      between staff.

Tell us how you will do this
Waiting room chairs are spaced apart 1.5m, however, there is usually only a maximum of
one person and their family in the waiting room at a time which automates social

Capacity must not exceed the greater of one person per 4 square metres of space in
the premises, or 25 persons.

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Tell us how you will do this
My practice is about 12 square metres, and there is usually only myself, and maximum 2
other people at a time.


Avoid congestion of people in specific areas where possible.

Tell us how you will do this
I have limited my appointment numbers, and increased the length of each appointment
to avoid an overlap where there is risk of one patient crossing paths with another

Have strategies in place to manage gatherings that may occur immediately outside
the premises, such as pick-up and drop-off zones.
Tell us how you will do this
Contact-less collection is available and regularly utilised from my letterbox or front-door
to avoid human contact whenever possible.

Hygiene and cleaning

Face masks must be worn by staff and customers in indoor areas, unless exempt.
Tell us how you will do this
Patients and carers are requested to bring their own masks to the appointment and

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make sure that they're wearing them before entering the premise. However, if they do
not bring a mask, then a disposable surgical mask is supplied. I have my own disposable
surgical masks, a face shield, and breath shield on my microscope for use during each

Adopt good hand hygiene practices. Have hand sanitiser at key points around the

Tell us how you will do this
Sanitiser is administered upon entry of the practice, as well as being available during the
consultation. As an optometrist, we are accustomed to strict hygiene practices already,
so will regularly sanitise throughout each consultation.

Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels or hand dryers.

Tell us how you will do this
The on-site bathroom is stocked well with hand soap and paper towels.

Clean frequently used indoor hard surface areas (including children’s play areas) at
least daily with detergent/disinfectant. Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces
several times per day.

Tell us how you will do this

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This is a given, all surfaces are cleaned with 70% methylated spirit.

In indoor areas, increase natural ventilation by opening windows and doors where
possible, and increase mechanical ventilation where possible by optimising air
conditioning or other system settings (such as by maximising the intake of outside
air and reducing or avoiding recirculation of air).

Tell us how you will do this
The windows are open as much as possible in order to allow ventilation.

Record keeping

Use the NSW Government QR code system to collect an electronic record of the
name, contact number and entry time for all staff, customers and contractors.

Tell us how you will do this
Carina Eye Care's QR code has been in place since 2020, and if patients are unable to use
the QR code, their details are documented in practice management software.

Processes must be in place to ensure that people provide the required contact
information, such as by checking phones for the green tick to confirm they have
checked in (keeping 1.5m physical distance between staff and patrons). QR codes
should be clearly visible and accessible including at entrances to the premises.

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Tell us how you will do this
QR code is on the door to my practice.

If a person is unable to provide contact details, for example due to age or language
barriers, another person may provide contact details on their behalf. If it is not
possible for check-in to occur, keep a record of the name, contact number and entry
time for all staff, customers and contractors for a period of at least 28 days. These
records must be provided in an electronic format such as a spreadsheet as soon as
possible, but within 4 hours, upon request from an authorised officer.

Tell us how you will do this
This is documented in patient management software.

I agree to keep a copy of this COVID-19 Safety Plan at the business premises

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